Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1881, p. 2

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1 m i i- iheibfi press itknuu eba oaftu ft wmrnkk iteand by the ram flfikk daiwpiliy ud in 4m tisse tt pnaumttok w pob lisltesl fttlliftf ft neatjef ekmha ftlwton or to 47 at notta car tbe purpose of tmuiiftatlag a fit and proper person to fill the vaaaney ia the oouncj ceased 4y la rsajfftatjssi of mqdcillof 8torty w 4 aatmtiomiu ea election aa hmtmf oavtadaini will no doubt fulkedl vtottftiaftlkn w have no u ai to who will be the favored todievdual as tory little is being said in v be matter essoog the ratepayers owing wa presaom to um fact tbit there m io small t portion pf the year left in which to serve that it will mtk little difliwanos who it elected how ever it tit pro ve differently when the hour for nomination eornea many ratepayers art of opinion that this election ia unnecessary end on called for lb end of the year being so near at banty bot in justice to tlie action of the rear we would ssy that the matter waa carefully investigated and it wsa foand that to transact the council bonnes legally daring rttsainder of the year a ntw ooancillor moat be ejected vastaian tsiai ootocxu oar editorial of two weeki ago referring to mnnicipal matters and the cuondl of 1883 eeem to bare awaken ed an interest among the ratepayer on the subject in conversation with them and opiniom expressed by them which we havaomesionally overheard we hare gleaned the names of the fallow ing persona aa eligible for nomination u candidates for the council of 1882 ell of whom are likely to be nominated for thetfflea of reeve the following names are mentioned a number are of opinion that mr c 3 smith will be reelected others think that mr storey is the moat eligible man in town for the position while others name mr d henderson as the right man tor the eoancfllort chairs there tie a large number of worthy men spoken of ifessra campbell and speight are named for reelection while the follow ing ttidilinnil names aro mentioned messrs d d christie edward nick lis dr lowry james moore ool allaijbhn camaron c t hoi jaa brown thomas moore anthony steph onion thomas mcmackoa j fjfe wa ismood paul juris and james goodall other names may be mu- tknedas the day for nomination ad vances bat at present aa far aa we can learn these are the names favored by the ratepayers of course we hare not had the opportunity of learning bom all the above named gentlemen whether or not they will be willing to stand for election and eonseqoently cannot speak for them j but we believe that nearly all will be nominated and we consider it would be an impossibility to say with any degree of correctness what citizens will form the cooncjl of next year ratepayers there is no lack of eligible names go to work select and canvass jonr men nominate them and do your best to elect them nagsrulaa tsr1t shft eoukr this yaw squetlg township wmcli meets on betarfay next jonelphlim tba names of lftaeita on the public school roll 4tncleifesvbi thers art several is of typhoid fsrer in milton hlgginbotbsm has been appointed lira tor ttoth wellington j a new bmsi band styled the meihinlei basjd has been orgaaited in brempw 4ths oakvfll fimrett says acioo hsskt got itatown ball faitanefl down jwt albert oobege has tntered on id twintynfth year with a larger attendance ot udenu than aver before ft la said hulsburg iotenda making a grand effort to secure uia erin exhibition foe the year 138 bria adtxcu tb qnai troak railway pay sanu- tuy into qudph city treasury w w city taxes and 10 for their water apply j a h t n w railway brakemu had hit hand terribly manejed while eoupllag caia at bsrltogton on friday amputation waa necessary ertbr owen yiintthi celebrated elocn- tioaiit and character impersonator will amum lha ulltso vopmld the town bau next tuesday evening john hescrmott lost two fingers on tuesday by letting them get too close to the circular saw at chuholma basket fac- tnry oavola sfpnu mr tlctor chlsholm son of thos chkholm eaq eaquetiag pasaeil nry creditably the examinations tar barrister ana atbgaey at oagoode hall toronto last week at the son pauoa burro gotjl f uum uings qvebeobt opp knot oburoh quetpb for parlo siittei double stub ainhlrrawt hkjor itoppc 0 anteed and at bottom prions a oall solicited before pu rohatng ebjewhsrs aaifa h hlaastkhlngj jrtr tiath i ai brssth sayi srsry- ths saw tv we are glad to announce the gradual convalescence of mr jobn elliott of bkqnesing who so narrowly escaped death bjtberunaaay of a yoke of men weak ore last befort ut the express train on th gtr yester day afternoon from toronto at 440 ran over a woman who was lying on the track about the third line east it ia aald that she managed to rite jeai aa the train struck her and three of the can passed over her before the train was tlcrpped she had a bottle containing whiakey which fact ex plain all brampton itauur while ingnelph the other day we called upon xessrs mcquillan k hamilton of the wellington marble works and si- ihoogh the winter weather baa set in bond a large stall of workmen busily en gaged in turning pat tombstones monu ments etc of au kinds the bosineat transacted by this firm during the present year far exceeds that of any pririons year and their reputation for excellent work it to well known that they are unable to fill orderi with the present staff of men the firm are building a large addition to their works and intend patting on an extra number of workmen editors table anew and enlfged edition of the ladies of the while souse by laura c hollowly one of the editors of the brook lyn daily bagle has been issued by j w bradley co philadelphia it contains a lengthy sketch of mrs garfields life sad of mothei gtxfleld the life of the presi dent and of his assassination and death are incidentally told in connection with bit wifes career there are fine steel portraita of mrs garfield and mother gargeld and an engraving of the home at mentor this volams is the only work of its kind erer pabuahed giving complete and accurate biographies of the ladles of the white hoote in the order of the administrations from washington to garfield it ia issued in superb style and is sold only by sub scription aetca tulftgt oeuaeu a special meeting of the village council was held on thursday evening 24th inat the reee in the chair members present messrs d bender son mi speight and d w campbell moved by d henderson seconded by d w campbell that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to pro vide for the appointment of polling place in the village of acton and deputyretntninj officers to preside at such polling places and that said by law be now read a first time car ried bylaw read the required number of times and passed e megarrin sod c iffli being appointed deputy re turning officers moved by d henderson seconded by m speight that the whole matter of theititle of the property proposed to ta purchased for site of town hatl be referred to john dewar q of mil ton with instractions to investigate uw same and report to this eonoeb whether be considers it satisfactory csjrieoy coancil then adjoaroed nrtyft vcvi i tm mr o bamshaw kflled a bog lately weightag s28 potud and aged 220 i mr t p taylor baa tom bis farm jof aiaijmo bnndrad oollsrs and intends gotohovthwe f kijrl dead of rcmndbwcjcvillelateu nccusil mazsox in acton on toe 80th nit the wife of mr g d manaoo of a ion wauicx in alliaton on the 15th nit the wile of mr t wallace of a ton m ilva bmoet bakshiw in the methodist ehurcb drumbb on the 24th inat by her e hobba mr charles c speight only too or mr m speight to mits maggie bamshaw daughter of mr wil son kamahaw sll of acton anna hearts on wednesday evening last by the bev jaa dyer at the resi dence of the brides parents- mr john amos editor sod pabmber of the sutton times formerly of the oskville ezpreu to minnie maria only daughter of mr jos howes of oakrille tbecaiattv shaw in esquesing on the 27th sit james shaw aged aerentyoss yean 8rxramaos in acton on friday 23th ult lizzie youngest daughter of mr anthony 8tephenaon aged 3 years and i months atsdforths aa having triad tauaaix toilet gem get a loaiit ssmpls j that ti jr eheap at f eanons acton oonfeotionery minae meat nuts etc pure end fr ah at the excelsior bakery hats from t5 cents to fssc at j fyles a dhicioui and moat rrfrething tonio is pearsons fiesh ground uo- sdultersted cuffee a oooo fel hat fur 76 cents at jfyfea wedding and dbriatmaa cakes made to order at shortest notice e nickliu kson i new stock i if sieves just rewired stjc hills goito parsons for the latest sod meat fashii cable design in tea setts scotch ei glish and canadian suitings in great rariety at the east end clothing store j pyfa aoton for 6rtcl iss easetrougbieg ap- pl to j 0 hii mairttea chnstie henderson 4 gos stock of ladies light and dark mantles just received these goods are from the best makers and comprise s full range of prices they will be sold cbesp laciu majollw newest styles at christie henderson a co fataa buns snd cakes of every description laree sod small cheaper than you can bike tbera at the excel sior bakery k nicklln k son wisckvsjcompetent judges pro- nsunoe our 1 2 j wincey extraordinary value i examiso it compare it snd you will be sum to buy it wicoeya from 5a up at christie henderson k cos i hadwaa hgreat vsriety cutlery a large stock 1 ails hinges etc cheap at pearsons suits an i dvercoats at extremely low rates and nade io latest styles be sure to call and see them j pyfe acton mavtle ob axexts mantle cloth silk and satin trimmings at chrijus henderson i or rare value otstebs 1iesh oysters in bulk constantly on band at the exeekior bakery e 1icklin 4 son fanct wool goods christie henderson j- jo bare ruceived and will open in n few days sn immense stock of all kin is of fancy wool goods comprising knit shawls clouds etc etc sll of the atest designs and shades these goods i re extremely handsome and will be sc id st very closest prices toronto oil zo are sole manufactur ers of uastoin machine oil in fringement will be prosecuted if you wint a nobby durable snd eneap tail i 1 yfet is the place to g caaistir jlenderson co beg to spologiza for their lack of advertise ments during he past few weeks tbe fact is tbe bot m is so great they hare no time to wri e advertisement busi ness ia rushing at the glasgow house tbe cheapest goods alwsys draws the ggest crowd own ladient are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest b a aick child aofiering and crying with i be excruciating pain of catting teeth if so go at onoe and get a bottle of ifrs wintlowt tjoothing syrup it will relieve the poor little suflerer immsdiately depend upon it there it no n stake about it there is oat a mother m earth who nuever uted it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the boaelt and gire rest to the motbei ami relief and health to the child opi rating like magic it it perfectly taft to use in sll cases and pleassnt to he taste and ia the pre scription ofoi e of tbe oldeat and beat female physlnsns and nurse in tbe united statei sold everywhere at 2s cents s bottle acton ontarijlol ihli week and thrtjugu the boutuy twk mirttsckf genjeral dry qoods millinery boots phois m etc will be foand complete freak ckolec v aitwi suskit ivtiite 7heat l26tol29 treadweu oil 1 24 to 1 28 spring wheat glasgow ofd 1 26 to 131 exich feas oata barley rye bggperdox butter dairy packed butter rolla potatoes new per bag d flogs wool f 1 17 to 1 23 a 70 to 0 76 0 38 to 0 v 0 84 to 0 38 0 kwtooi 6 is to 0 21 q lflto0 21 a 2oto o 27 6 7610 86 7std7 75 0 23 to 0 25 our regular weekly purchases from leading dry got da and millinsryihoui enables us to show tlie latest ntwtst ui ntftttt dmigtisv just what is wanted at this season in staple oeoda of all kinds our object is lo phie before oar customers the best nukes si pricet at lou at art ukt4 fir old aid vndtrimbit brand adckesty galna in orocltery and qlatis v7ar ol duriii tte next tjbn oliaa8tti0plewstoioiiaaaoo au the lsvtfjsrt fltyltte ia qlajstwftrt ald t brfttom fwoe we have all grades iri sugars rom icing up to 12 lbs tor l00r j o y a few ofaeste of iihat fanioub 5ceijt t left j i f broesjtj a ssedahy ier 9fe jcerai senlk bnukee farta- ixed nekles aatl 4fawmilmm lake erhjsvsvribaeerbairrij rails taka wash beardi et aattt every tkfu aamailjgkaaav trieuaa craeery wlufee aeld au awttesv ariee auklaldb- ef levliiaukeat eajasbftayuy ealuud caukpauferpredaee p i rieasesdteaseatuanddonttisimaigaema a wwjcreelf- kl ocr immen8e atoge 07 boots shoes enables us to bt and suit everyone besides oar goods i itring mad op by reliable msqufastarers can alwsys be depended on to give can he testified by thousands who have won two or three seasons this together witb our low prices accounts for oat immense 4a splendid um ot mmfe 100 up womens btjtton and lace shoes fbom menbstoga boots fbom 1150 up misses women s and mens overshoes fbom 25a up oar felt boots stad half boats are the i keapest offered good satisfaction as par boots for oil slet qtetettsa mnt- mjaatmj fjoar i isstosao white srha4t v ireadwell j spring wheat glasgow bed chaff oats peas barley lite bggeprdos butter dairy peeked bettr rolls pptatow psr bush jlfawssd floss vtool- jt l54ito r u24itoir 126to4 2 iam22 0 37 to 46 o70to0 8i 0 78 to 0 87 otooi o o o i8ma 0 s09w7 o8otos rug store fjebi js-5-isc5- -fsk- fbnfj ktefivea lemiego baekneht tortmu d tin clmt 9tlu mr 8 thmtsmf inanu 1 8prbtstumul i tat utmrejb4af f ptim irrfvl tooth u uimothorfhttu footeihlr ruaroh mibot aaajai atfi sat overcoats ishirts drawerei mitts and socks tweed3 scarfs l- all- new and chiear is gents collars and faaoy and fashionable 1 iee we ahow foil unea lis8 ktrir sntwis ctons fra mxm fixer 7ooaw or mm juxbs have been selected with case and economy our millinery trade this season qqite surpasses former years being more thai double i bat of last year our efforts have been to please aa i we accept ibis ss satisfactory evidence wishing you a merry we remain christie hen christmas onco als0a fine selection of tweeds diagonals bsavsrs and irbsidshts l i maaaiat7ettiatwbert9f east end ctbtia stolelei i j eyi actoi 7i v a christina new years qidods cbocebxks groceries 90cekus if you vsmit r provisions peorisions provialons cheap aooi groc5eb j p glassware oroqkpf cajxajtusrtotagsjroatorr- btroai oonoaooooooooorjooeoooooootjbotxiopooekiejocjoooo uraciiastito glassware gla8swake ola8swabe taavt 7a leal ike sease at tatte taaaut if so u mary be lrom the tarsosr of tbe 19lh century litissfl thi oat- sntnnohal cirastb rsasor will restore you to edjoysble health it not only cures catarrh bqtsll other disesses at tbe same tirae price fl per brittle i for sale by all druggists and medicine dealer bond stamp lor 48 page pamph let containing treatise on catarrh and certificates of the cured to t- j b u akdigo shminlon agent broeknlle ont i merrtqliristmas avsctioll moitnav deu 6- at the preabrtenan manse nats igaweya tbo household fur nitnre horse and bugjrv etc of the bev mr mephe toe no reservsu sab st id a m e chapman aoctiooeer the nude raj aetonatrj goelph nov 101b aocountlt led willtte at agnewt hotel ssday to settle soeeunts a b mobhow ostlwl ptatrblsticbiraaied saltibetalstsb life iksm3m3teyij eni3 of the excel lor for saotha ci htui oonfeotio fancy ohiii fisaandal and everyt tog i nsver jefo freslfb son are new preparing i and arsntting oakea eunda ixiernonfl ftovi oao their one aa was sown to acton ntlrrautofrtrl th bm1 amrhj lot of rburfe tlraoa lot of soortof bighed prilus paid for butter and jefcys utbowj m1btaj ft nib ttajid utei a w dont rosasti ffjs cslsbstd 60 ozjbfr txa w jmmwn cbo0kes7 prockbrt crock rt rz burdock blood blood art tbeljtwbwmbaiimki widte at tha j mm tima it ihry jhrou triutioa and itreaqfthmjl the liawltuttxl syitttb peribctly and paaonhedac m eral debflfty j aule jlett kbeam anjevbjjf apeeua ot0lirdpi6 sitordertd utct aatat7r a oats e j azt jasatiioaj tooncu- mstvftyiatfft lritrw front aiaaasxte btrsb wlttstastsea aswioas msjss afeet an saasjat slaaaam twfc as aajatwp ivmpt t j j s isam- pi

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