a- itpotmsboa svbt taursdax uobjf 1x01 saiueajproitrlewrv litnpinrua jhuxrorf 4 jgh shhmt v tfeo0fc txkin fc faji pajpa itvfllbt tent to nbcribcrv posut pud foe vlqo tr n- nnm in sdvaaoo 150 if not so paid ko paper discontinued till all arrears aro pud eiocp4 the option of the publisher aj ritta oasoal tdwttiaty mentals cental per line dor the first inser tion iiiad a oentaper line ior each sobae- qant inaehiou th fratvaiobalcktds 10 lines or less hsx per adnara- 1 square is linear o 00 per annum payable in 6 monih frtadate of insortiou aij bpeeial notice the object of which is kpromot the pecaniarj- benefit of any individual or companr to be cctuddered an advert- ment the ntonher of lihea reckoned by the space ocenpiod measured by a scale of sola d nonpareil j- cttxriuct nana oq clnnti one rear fialt eolaaunne year vitartereolamn one year do column 1 month j halfeufamnslx months quarter column six taonim o le eotnmn ttare rtontht haircolormninrefinonuii quarter cola m n threeinoalhs attrtlemdu withvitneeule dlreettom will be inwrtwitijl-rortwaailchhjdaew- turtt twnsltarj advertisements most be paidlnadrmac chances ihr euctrcvtdtbruemrnaaiwl tm in the qtbr oy a m on mondays other wltney nil be lft over uu the followinc week 9m 11 see hop 700 acton banking cot bankers acton ontarli i qexebalibaakinq tbusl- xess trassacted jc0ot7 loajtsb os amsatss notes discounted and interest allowed on deppsita jhvtaookb kjltor proprietor th18 mper r be f otxod on flk a l oea p ttll ft col kewitapcr ad- e8tlwbt aarerwliic ririlt kkw york lvtoticte thf canada adterurtnfaren ey so 29 klnc st- yel toronto is aaiqns to receive advcrilsemenu for tiilsraper t w bctcues manacer idirecronn wh lowrt m bslcp s- graduatetrinity college sfem- ibcr of college ofphysirfafts and surgeons oice and residence at the head oi fred- wcirsi alton mforster m 0 phtsiciak scbgzos rrc office forsters drug store sets aqot to creechs s4ddierv icros 0st ecncisat ichorch street former occu pied by ur w hemitreet aactioceer n ifcgabvik m d kc f s- graduate o victbria u niteraity oeoewetoirx ostiijo will tisit acton on tuesday and friday from 2 jo 4 p m if his serrices are required during any other days of the week notice left at j- e kcgarnn prompt aliention jd mathesok attoeketat i- solicitor in chancerr ttcoffice next door to wallace s hotel miltan l l bekkett tovnont cextist- george- tfiskrtk v s- geoegetowx oni will visit axton every wednes darjjidtiii attend to all cahs pertaining to his profession orders lefrat ilcgarrina crag store will receive prompt attention- terms noderaie t j fisher- it kek0- v sgumt ztv tttbjbt hchijllttt georcetowx kvhinery of eterr description mde to order on the shortest notice snd most resonble terms bepainng promptly at tended a lister 4l giabkbahhibteb 1 qnebeo street guelph aisjcm mce u hatlkewi bsuidlsuc mill ptreel acloa 0rna optrtrnt finittt trptheitstbeet i licensed auctioneer for the counties of wellington and tttrn orders laft at the fxa pxiss office acton or at my residence in acton wie be promptlxtended to tarns reasonable sseaer teaam- alsbmoney toloanoh themostfatorable terms and at the lowest rates of interest iabjaof iwaodupwaid faiests fokjnvbjnoohsbxpe- nmnusix and ecnredls can ada the united states and europe pa tent jruranteecr or no charge- send for printed instructions agenoj in operation ten jeuc- hehetobist otfewa oisada mechanical engineering solicitors of pa- v estsand drangntsroan gee id tetedjab 8ub- geoji gfi0rgeij3nj3tdaat of hojjntario etermartc3iiege will rait actonenery lueaday mllo4jun- all calls redeited promptly attended to by nightordy horses bosght aiidsold on i commission besjdtjbiie wettcoagdaairfwl lirery btabls georgetown out i i s2r g eeid ashfob sklb iamprroared to pay tbe iiigheat cash frciafor hides calfskins deacotu lamb and sheep sxins deurered at ay tannery laeexeithercoostanfly ontiirufc 7ahes moobe aciai r- h- i suihmimsdtjajjdr befrt tttr battber phere yoo can set an easy share a stylish r a frothing 6hajnpoon or a eonliag 8ea eajb i spare ncfaina aodireno pais in tkeaoiombhihajoflt bars aodf scajorr sat ii en sh6rtst nio v j woftden barber jcll 8lrwt artoo the nnatsijraedhaa meney at bis dispos al far discoantiagrood endorsed ostes at a reasonable rate of di 5t ri tewtai oluma jttivnoia just received tht neutpaxra map buiy life it fluctuation ani it vai conetrn l a tijursday deoembbr 1 c381p hew goods opeofid tills net days bookstore tcelph antpirrspti albnaas 12 kindi fhotoeraph albums fanrjy velvet frames jerel cases i japanese trayp japanese brackets cups and saucers stataonerr vases toilet setts bolls j toys eto- eto a big siocfc tery choice and very cheap at dayaboocstore jgaelph day sells cheap julius ikiw assoetuist or lad iis bold and sllnr watch es all prices 80ts watosss good timekeepers and guaranteed for 6 and upwards my stock of electro plate ii the best and cheapest in quelph qatiii andegamjyg tano 26 west side lower wyntqtam st soil ktwctkt 6uelph and vicinity b savage the newesjjjtcher shop 1t marl4tt fc bro would 4nnoqnceto the citizens of acton md vicinity that they hare opened rat t batcher shop in the premiaes on mill st recently uccuqied by mr j grant as a baker they intend keeping on hand a fall stock of ituts df ii sijlil tnd have made op their minds to live and let lire a ipledid lot of fowl will be found on band duqng the holiday seasoji 0meat delivered to any part ol the town call and we will convince you that it will pay yoa to purchaje meat from ua hmaelatt4be0 p s we hire a quantity of firstclass rtvhile snd lied brick for isle at oar kilns on con 2 near acton which will be sold j at the kiln or delivered h ii k bro read this paklok srites tor 95ioo bhixtlfvl lqx5ges 600 fin raw riiirsbep or haircloth handsome window frinfre gold tips 12 indeep in green crim son and maroon only 185 per yard qvafaobmsdskantsitjiia t f ictjmmings butgher shop i w 0 robinson woolrttnltmiite t3 tbi people nf acton tnat he has parrhase1 llie butcher baslnras late- ly catried oa byeobert store j- and that- be has t iwusan hand a qnlclass toek of beet perk mauoa realtrr and casac u seaaea etc and hopes by strict attention to business to tecara a fair share of lb patronage of tie patxfe mnatdeilreredittny time loany part of tie town o toimi ciui ai ciu soucited onnxes paoxpttt ammip ro w c robioaoni utm vpaqlstsssq quebec stoppi knot church qoelph h l thurston prof of ti8 orffin ani vocal huiio will organize classes in acion on 1st of november j manhoo how lost hew xustored we hayererentlrpimishedanew jilon of or caltenrells cele brated easaj- ou llu raaleal and permanent core wlfhmit mem- clnejof nenoavdbluy menlnlan t pbywlc- at incacaclt j imjiedimeuu ormarrlage stc resulting froniixcem et jbaftfetui aseiftl envelope only lta ortw ro4nfe stamps toe cebralejaluor n this admirable 1 esay elarly demonxtrates from thirty y s r laccecsful practice tiat slarmluz eon m i kequenfff may be radically cored vttuout izairs organ instructions 13 lessons utjmioseroai he f uiornl raedlcinior t6 2jl lessons ho teachers course jwrujo ro oiiue knife porntintoat a mode of tocatlnatnicti03ia rlaasiw rfnim lcfttpiiceimjiie cirtalnaodeletsajliy j itil tizrbn rli3nienf wbioi ewry inifefel- no matter of any pumliemessons 0 orclara of r blscoodltlon mjoe unycurehlmaeif any ny pumoejv i mwi vl if l what blhcoodlilon mnyoe iny nhmber i51esaoeseachgentfl each ctiaapii privately and radlcauy lady 50c ibachereonrset ho ltboaf class in day scholfi a specialty in all cases on certain conditions satisfaction guaran teed ito all- pupiis or parents of pnpfls a instrpctions giren at the homer of organ instrpcuons giren ahpunus dealer in- orgsnsaihl pianos representing the best canadian and ameri- can makes mannjactored address box 53 acton po thin jctore sbnnld be in the hands oi ereryyonxirand every man in the laod address tht xiutrwell medical co liii tin kew tart post office box af successor to t echapmanr 8t0 j square gueiph account books qf all kindsmade to order pftlodlhals ofvity dcflcilptiou uarefulry bonnd bolinsceatly and promptly done tnood and coal tjienbscriber i prepared to deliver wood or coal in piefeef urfze or small quan tities ae required j to aav partrbf the vil lage tv ttomtlot for sale tbe nbdriripd offers for sale the splendid slonedwellirj on main st near mr c s 3miths r one firth of an acrejwith stone tiol conditioa stable and shop on theprem tjjj a iset hard and soft water wells indiiputaole terms reasonails ply to kockwbod po oor ttetnod of tel the pro of borsttr- the most blsaras xi 81000 fojeifjejit tramli cancer care depot ooileootpq0nada lthojattheuseocuekullei naonrjrpermahent cure fh theworldl for parilcnlaneneloaejeenttoh0 bkrs c d istnz -i- bkirtni jtmtakut iipa cti ii itmu jsjrri i ii utiepleeeliheirb usineaav jfolbstltrlujn oflertwituu advnuirmtovrhiiu men s- nta eriier at anr tlnai for oireplar jand tartaing o discovery uonifkuuiooo he8t4jbed wr hsrin tmfree press tucasdit mobktxo dec 1 1881 fosrsr tuatxaatsblflaobt after the frost i oh the rose it dead and thswelt lie piled iu the strderrbed aod the peach tfeas shade in the wao sun shine faiotaa mie veins iu these hands of mine btiakathp my of th orebsrd wall whore line viae rasps loose ud the last leaves fall and the bare boughs writhe and the wiodl atterthe frost thsfrostl after the frost i ob the weary bead aadthey hands and the heart are quieted aod thi lips we loved are locked st last and kiss not back though the rain falls t and the lashes drip and the tool makes j mdah and op through iha dead leaves walks alone when the bare boughs writhe and tb winds are lost alter the frost the frost i subolf potmsmm- whole nd 864 the husk and the j i kernel 1 tom darcy yet young man had grown to be a ttry bad one at heart he might hare been all right if bis head snd will had only been the lame bat these being wrong the whole machine wu going to toe bad rtry fast tom had lost his place as foreman in the great machine shop and what money he has now earned cadre from odd jobs of tinkering for tom was egeo- liu u well as a mechanic and when his head was steady he could mend s clock or eleadawatch as well as set up and regulate a steam engine one day tom had a job to mend a broken reaping machine for which he received five dollars and the fouowiiig day he start- j with the bright angels of peto and love tkr bcott i wanttbleafamyliiae oteragala bhopxt ffbt yon afcar i mean that ul tom oircy come back to ths old place asking forglreneai for the past and hoping t do better ia the future tom you in earnest f b it really the old tom its whats left of him sli and well hare him whole and strong very soon if youll set him st work work i aye tom and bleb yon too i there is an engine to be set up and tested today come with me toms hands were weak- d unstesaj bat bit brain was clear and ua ler his skill ful supervisicc the cufdoe was set up and tested howialtnowtomr sakjd mr bcott is he cims into the testing houie shes all right sir tot may give your warrant without fear sod men yoa turn i tool dont know bow like tweet music the old vilce sounds will you take yoar place again f wait till ilocday morning sir- if you offer it to roe then i win take ij at the little coltagc eucd farcys sut- terlog heart wat sinkiog that morning after tom was gone she had found a two dollar bill in her coffee cup she knew that he left it for her she had been out and bought tea and sugar and floor and butter and a bit of tender ilctk with prayer aod hope bvi out the teatable and wailed but the sun went downjsnd do tom came eight oclock came and almost nine oa wu if buta false gummer after hark i the old step 1 strong eager for home tea it was tom with tie old grime upon his hands and this odor of oil upon bis garments j i have kept yoa waiting bllen tom tom ton have been to the old ahop j 1 yes and im to bars thtj old place and- oh tom j and she threw her arms around his neck and covereduus face with kisses ellen narling wait a little and you shall have the old tom back again oh trim i ive got him jnow bless him my husband my darling 1 and then tom darey realited the full power and blessing of a womns love it wu a banquet of the gods all restored deni- specimens ushrwcwamtry- f4 for his old taunt he village tavern he knew his wife was sadlf ranted of the money jand that his two little children were actually suffering from want of cloth- ing- away to the tavern tom went where for two or tijree hours he felt the exhileratlng effects cf the alcoholic drought but as usual ivupefacliou followed he drank while be could stand and then lay down in a corner it was late at night when the landlords wife cams into the barroom and she quickly saw tom peter she said why dont you send that miserable tom darcy home 4- tdms stupefaction wu not sound sleep snd the calling of his name had stung his senses to keen attention he bad on insane love for ram but did not love the landlord in other years peter tinder and himself had loved and wooed the same maiden eilengoss and be won her leaving peter to take tip with the vinegary spinster who had bought him the tavern and he knew that lately the tapster had gloated over the misery of the woman who ouce discarded him why dont you send him home de manded mrs tindtr with an impatient stamp of the foot hush betsy i hes got money let him be iand hell be sure to spend it before be goes home ill have the kernel of the nut and his wife may have the husk withi sniff and a snap betty turned away anotahortly afterward tom darcy lifted himself upon his elbow i ah tom are you awake yea theu rouse up and- have a warm glass i- no peter i wont drink any more to night r j it wont hurt jou tom josta glass i know it wont laid tom buttoning up hit coat by the one aojitary button left i know it wont j when he got away from the shadow rf theuvernbe stopped aye he muttered grinding his heel in the gratel peter tlndar u taking sht kernel and leaving poor ellen the husk and i amhopiag him to do it i art robbing my wife of joy robbing my children of honor aid comfort robbing mirielf of lore and life jubt that peter tindki may have the kernel and ellen the huk 1 welfsee well see be continued setting ms foolflrmly on the ground and then he wended hb way homeward- j j on the following morning he said to hli ej -r- -j- efku hao yoa any oeatee in the houaert j tet tom1 flta did aev1ilmtb her siller had giren it to her bhe wat glad to hear himaak f ojff katead of the old oht cider 1 iwbhtou vcalo saalnaen good andiuongj there wu really mmn la landhenlf voo k fft rfwuiglhr iiatigspqttctjwbjiri j j v tom blank two curji of the jetrodg ifre- grant cpffee aridtheh wsltod straight to and joy spreading their wings over the boards i- on the following monday morning tom resumed his place in the grist machine shop a few days later tom met peter tindar ou the street j eh tom old boy whafsap i am np right side up yes i see but i hope yea have not forsaken uaj tom j 1 have orsaken only the eil you hare in store peter toe fact isjl hare con cluded my wife and little ones nave fed on husks long enough ad if there is a kernel left in my heart or in my tnanboodi 7 shall have it ah you heard wiat i said ito my wife that night f peter and i shall begrateftit to you for it as long is i live my reraem brance of you will always be relieved by that tinge oi warmth and brighti at aaterpruet tha present time is fruitful in schemes iitkmas of strip of knd fertilize ofgreat magsitude there ire already projected a new fjuipeuaiau bridge oyer kiagara river i a new atlantic cable in additioa to that now in progress of eonstructiocj a ship canal across tbo darlen a ship railroad across ths i land separating two oceana a railroad over the desert of afcara con necting algeria and soudan a canal which conveying site waters of the mediterranean into the sands of africa shall make a great inland sea arid wastes add to these enterprises mow of which seem llkejyto be undertaken m the sear future ericsoni schema for utfllilfg the sums heat j edlsoni scheme lor nttllifng electri city j the sblation of the mysterisk of central africa and the cirijixatloa f ihi sat- th destrmetlon of the worldta plagf emtooipstlou of erery altb tjnrrerskl educstibit t the adfasuaeniof the realuu f woor and ejapital j the otsuoa of the popuc tki v fjil and wineodiavtfw that trawottf great sthers and doors wit geidert of 5prk aileivsto sssirarm toralong itinmlooome lv bjutiiflti courbei the famous palate ldto a c sioba friend wbf otteiputed mal wlryaonyoamarrylallf il an angta p os31y but she paints trm- mkm ih 8ltbls alom it il related of george clark the cele brated negro mlnstnl that being examin ed a witness he wu seversly interrogat ed by the attorney who wished to brefk down his evidence you are in the neero minstrel business 1 believe f inquired tbe lawyer u yea tit was tbe prompt reply isnt that rather a low calling f de- nunded the lawyer i dont know bat that it is sir -aja- plled the minstrel but itsso much better tiun my father list i am prond of it what was yonr fathericallbig i be was a lawyer repllod clark in s tone of regret that put tbe audience in a roar the lawyer et him alone tbt qomtloaof lolttfi jones held an execution againit a farmer and when he called for a settlement the agriculturist took him out into a mg past ure and pointed out a wim steer u tbe particular piece of property to be levied upon jones chased the steer uotod for a while sad then sat down and taking out bis book began to write what arc you doing there r asked the granger chargingmileage replied the constable without looking up do i have it all to pay r gasped the rancher you bet then take this tame heifer here i canllstand any such game u that hn somas te do yoa bars any jfaat horses in dor- many t asked ous de smith of an old austin german who ia known as truth ful frits- oa acconnt of his sincerity sad hatredof everything nntirnnl don ye haf fast horses iu sherman y j ke re plied t should scnoosi asaile yoa day baron von kobah wappel a goof friend by me dakes me in his horse and paggy after we rides abend an hour i av what for you drives so much in dii cemetery f he says dem ru mqs- tones but re goes so fut de mfleatomes make it look like ve ru in von big g-are- ysrd and now you rant to know if re has fast horses in bbermany vripttj9 fbheftbliaybodf j- the works for a living t such were the words spoken by a hand souse accomplished an welldressedlady tbesobjeirl of herremkrk was a youfiggirl neatly but eneapljr ttirad who ipaased ihy the port efflem where tha lady and her com- panion were suodiog i was waiting to get oqr mail andbould hot teip hearing what she said and it was said in- such scornful tooei 1bhaisut aaybodyvahe workafora ir now i say all hpnor to the girl who can make her owii living it atowfja ho cap da pood on herself and evry trimftsbe waatsa oast she doasat hate to ato father for it andi say shame upon the man or wo maa whoanghtaaparabhaiaiply fcecaojebe or she bat to workfof a hving what ootid they do for a lirug if they were poor would they steal or would they sit down and starve thou aro the only courses i eanthihk ot now i sat sgsio as 1 said before all honor to f rirl who can earn her own liv ng v think otherwise are net- rowmioded and ignorant lit theeoewho thinks it a dlagraco to work ad shuns tbe soejety of tbotaxieoutjbertdjin thotr hlaceor sorne titae abe may be poor for woafl then what good would irour pride bo to you f xnd then perhaps you might be glad toworkfotlivlba tnjbe girl who works oat i say sarerbe aakasmd to own it tot yoo know toiling bands alone isre buildert and if some of oar stylish ladies were notse alraid ot soil ing their while hands siafisb jsjatsbajsb wpnld go ptolhekitcbeii aod do their ewsi work instead of sitting in the parlor thrum ming on the piano otlylas oa tbo aota readmit a trashy aoval wijwould kaac leas iailurta khasinras shenuat 10n it in making his pastoral rounds an arch bishop was examining a number of children in their catechism addressing a little boy beuked is the sacrament of confirmation neces sary tojaalration i f na mobselgneor bat when one has the chance to receive the same he should notlose it very well said the prelate and turn ing to s little girl e put this question is the sacrament of matrimony neces sary to salvation no ifonaeigocurbut when one hu the chance to receive the same it ia pru dent not to mist it sov to rvamoya strtb9 it is row time to give trial to the fol lowing practice recommenced by tbe 8ciaiiic avurican for the removal of stumps frln the autumn or early wloter bore a hole one or two inches fn diameter acco to the airih rf jjleatamrji and w abeut eight inches deep fut into it one or wo osecee of saltpeter fill thehole with water and ping it close in the ensuing spring take out the plug and poor in s gill of kerosene oil aod iguito it the stamp will smoalder away without blailog to the very extremity of the roots leaving notklag bat 8w btselaxt a young clergyman recently lent tbe fol lowing lines to his mother on a postal card announcing iu interesting domestic event from sweet isaiahs sacred song ninth i cbapterand terse all first uurteeb words please take sad tbe following then affix from qeseds- the thirty nfth rerteaeten- m teen no more then add vers twentysix of kings book i seenad chapter four the last two verbee chapter first first book andyou wutjearnwhaton thli day roar lorinrsoa befell a stim slat a rweitdy eari tkather thiabu was wnb eaodaakeelj what reward ihe merited for hst lodnatrr hesontbar an answer in the asape of av thtmbia oa which the folwihgnnos wore jmjraredt i seed yoa a thimble for fingers aitable whicvi hjipelriil fitwboayolltry w it will bat yoa kmg if its half s strong as midth wlriehtoogareai tobaj it i bow lbsl99sysaslltt weatemlady rruraatijait etr ployed ia a school site bad arlaifditj purlfybespeeohof topupatfrom they lwptwatch of each other and each imprnper eirmsidni it the notes ware oplleetod and read iibbelmie of eaebday that au might leairaj hsfiite fl aroidl jm atcttssftil ip prevenukg aohooiyjiwu afktditosw fttaely xet no dream of sfokneak jaakoyoaovarfaarial t kit tbe ajjrpet food drink tb pure chid aaior tneoybo will taweh ora least yof ougljt to i v i v try your skill trrgflt flrsi then in gold a hen tomorrowis better than an egg tfday v pabbah your joys but conceal yonr aor- rows t the bearing anl- braining of a child is gossans wisdiol j peoples iatentiqas can only be dsetdm bytbeircondbct 0day kwortjithrtfhisi whodoes everything iaorde- r sow good services sweet remembrances wnigrowfromtheta j asreffortmade for thebappill ess of others lifbilii aboraoiuratltss i it us not burtiea our remembraaoes witi a heaviness thats gqne v 1 he wkorthrowa out suspicion aheulat once be suspected hlmsell time and ihe aun will makerinegar withoatany ihoutingfolielpuiem- the wrsogi- the pujaler 4hs huater are inoapjjle of great actions to act upon aetermlastloot made in anger is like embarking in a vessel daring a storm the mo4 jmtieriidle pettifogging in the woriaia that of ainan la the court of his 4 m i i j artimtvj flrtoel twchw a sttie teapfmiee tttk toaafa etbe more uxf8adayv sad aao keepateadv fly at ttt oucraek of the hammer on the wedges andertbeabip will not launch it blowiooatea tbe cry ud with a rush bow of the at joins bee snoot aplasajbv ijtbibacli succeahfutlyio s selioolheedsinoreian days work iv dependa niow upoo jblow ben a little and there a little hot iwht yojt have grraeehciac3rchareeter laadtbs sehauts sufh m aducauon what a work for ths eossuxy tkechorch aad lonchrief you have aoeomal atafakiatheeaoiroaiofpariatoqal eaten a booth and consults a ewr itefatantbrtiainstotswnlm i ii t yetl r ihp in ths greatest roisesy m- theajeritlursyi v audtntir r and then vyoo wdl be utd to it ya3du tci ypu canj always judge a tsikfiby tbe makehe wasrs and a potter byrearhfcbjaiesv j nv ia freethlute stassstjed tb tree aatan of ua rejiqmb v iaraanatbeat tbahkgod a atllorssaaarant l j1stmbwtataibtoi i vvsi iijiht iaaaurpriastbat jdtoecsnats laaiaitscibm5- wjgoug to s usglri bett was wnted heiirrlfilrio ibe t letter n iabatataaau s tbe word j an ilrbdtotjsie hv t v- ii faiwijpyml- k each oka bjriofltjstaswrh fcifcj gir tfsf- i bbnsbrtwflsfcttwssejrgehw 5jt pjuhotrj iaaiyimliiasmlriilil ifmisffj y wswisbmt