Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1881, p. 2

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t i aitin tuiiut juy 10 isst cur streets we tiling it wuttul lave it tendency to givcttic slteou ntuur v uugu a moto- dignified kpimnuco in tlia evonug and alio uiwe it lis dangerous to jicvlctutitiie it k by law- iticlitilinp tlic ollouiujj was leinsed by our vilhgo conueil 1 tlfit tro person or persons fcliull engage or lake mt inalmclicgiiitiis trials of tllvtiglti or etbv- 01 5nm cf sioit otltaueo nf any kiwi for money idrkkiuoor ittuifcio upon the tuects or sidcuulk of lis tiiunieinul uyv 2 that via per on or icrsans slml upon orin the ttiwts in a noisy 01 loud mill unpoawamo nmnuer uttci uuy pifme obsevne iuiiuouil or ulmstve itnginige nor thro ftonef uxls or other missies 3 tint no peisoa or person slmll drive wlietlertangly orptlietsriso any iioso or tiorecs nmk or mules ou tlio 6aij tittws or uu oii any dy oral any time it a gtvitor ruto of fpciil 1 than six luues an hour 1 acue could he imposed for infraction of such bylaw and it aould most decidedly tnttke the village lixvo a look of rciecubility and order not at present enjoyed will the council look into the matter liwemls v njeusr in ban erancicoo no is lbit if a hoy is found on ihe street f tar mro fioafc iu u to litj jlrretud and ted wo would not like to see each lxw cariirtl out umongst our- eelves but think rt thteametirie that if lxysxre csiuitelledby their parents til be home at that hour tt would u- much better for all corccrrnl lijyt leant enough evil duritig the dey but vrliea permitted under cover of dsrk ness to rouyj the streets they atv nlcost certain to learn ninch more ii- ffis ccrtrsertcscisl the marquis of lome read res 30- qqo a year eidarr as governorgenera of canada the princess louie has an ianiul grant of s20000 she rsired 150000 on her marriage vchiih brings in 50000 more and with ai allowance of aoirfe 15000 to the maiqis from his father the duke oi argyll the conple have an annual income of about 5100000 suid ecoacaiv isvhe rule at uideau hull as it is it windsor castle l iy d ileiulntnii thiil the iihoie ipoit w uilnpteil tiuied xjtiitil by h urnileuon seconded by l v ciwipwii ihitllih reeve peply oconhiuuucilion of ml jaiuet ryder informing bitii tlutl tho council mv not in pared to entertain any pro position from liitti tiilltj rafuvnois tit sale of lots in acta cirried moved by w ii storey seconded in- i tlemlcreoit tliat rndciv be ro eetvel up to tho 2stli iust for linitiug xtinguiflunj and properly cleaning llif strict lauip ilming the reuiaiuder of the year curried moved by- 1 uvtuleikon ricouded- by w ii storey that thin council do now adjoin n to meet again on tho 28lh mstl to cjufer with tho council of icipicsnir on fcliool luiitters an itxpiefit- j bv said council carried has lst e f cltus- id tuesdav list messrs tultc n i- v raig shipped ram hel e tevovitl car loads ol futcaltl e iueluding thu follow- ing list k ieorl ltr vc ki ot sen x0r lbs silfi r kwiakhftiulmr 4 st ers jjiil ut j 1tn whino i j3ki ljs i iivaul tolton al uvi iil i wrt viitsi j cll is r iter auiutmu i hi 7i j k aihursoii vi kimf lxin 57j3 177 i kwn aikins 1 st vr ism 7t ti vi mullioliiul 1 110 71 i mctajwli j swi ll i turrie 2 uso 1m i ilirs uniitu 1 ltuj 73 1 ill mehvan i oxen 110 j10 i ice toitou st ers so 4s2 3 euws 3j bm the pneca ranged from f to g cnts per pound tho beayiut animal weighed wis one of tho oren of mr mcliean which turned tiie scales at j3j5 wutids the cattle wiro all wvighed on tho scales of messrs chris- lie henderson t co ami perfect satisfaction whs giveu in every instance the oaillo iiiesliinii tijiivccpoui t i pioiittttra ia sasszs tjie effect of the prohibitory amend- meat in kansas is according to the governor of tjhe state most gratifying to oil who hare the welfare- of the fhopls and the commonwealth at heart whilevihe immigration induced by the new order of things ia of the class which boilds up a nation before six months have passed there will cot be ait open bacin the states i- i aetci villae oraaeil the village council met in the coun cil chamber on tuesday evening 17th fnstparsuaqt to adjournment mem bers all present mr c s smith leeve in the chair mtuutes of last meeting read and approved moved by michael speight seconded by d w cjoipbell that- eve be gtinted tc introduce a bylaw for the appointment of pound keejier for the tillage of actoc carried bylaw read iberequired number of tknes and passed the street and sidewnlk committee recommended the erteisionof the side walk on church street to maria street thence to cross to the south sido of the ttfect lienca to guelphffreet uieuce olcng guelph street 60 feet until oppo site theg t e tank ard hat the tidewalk recommended in lost reiort to be built on church stbeet from miiiu to willow streehslio not constructed this year carried moved by d iv campleir second- ed by m speight that the third re ijort of the street and sidewalk com njittee be adopted carried moved by w il storey seconded by d v campliell that the time for receiving plausjandipecigcatiarik for town hall and lockup be mended to another weekv- j carritd the knanco puuiniittee presented their report and recommended that the following accountu be paid h p moore printing and advfg 5 ifl e dvnes worll cji7 tx u cook maple trccs 1725 total j2joa moved br vt h storey secondei s bj ie id s esiticsirs sitrssiij csiaeu esiuising tonnsip council met in the council chambervat stewarttown on situniiy 14lh iiist pursuant to idjournmert members all present moved by mr grahanieicoaled by- mr watrtn that leave bo granted to introdece a iy law to appoint overseers of highways fencevicwers and pound- keepers and that the satno bo read a first tirju carrid bylaw iead the required number of times and tisscd moved by mr mcenry seconded by mr warren that 34 be refund eitto donald campbell for ettute labor perfokikd in 1ss0 carried moved by mr warren seconded by mr mceury tbat mr ltndsav mr graham and tho mover be appointed a couimittee to tximine the road on tho check line rebrredto in the jietitron of mr alex mcdonald and twenty others with lower to let contracts and report carried moved by mr lindsay seconded by mr warren that the following ac counts be paid ii p ilogre prinrri tp aects lf7 litrlcira itiibiri di- tol rciuulcd lk john itedav 2io adam cool ia isjuiameniilertpkgbridge lthline ltvl tol 21r moved by mr warren seconded by mr mcllenry that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw u commute the statute lalior ot the village of xor- ial for the purpose of constructing sidewalks in said village for the term offiveytars and to appoint commission- em carried bylaw read the required number of times and passed the question of tho rural portion of acton school division separating from the division was brought up and dis cussed mr alex kennedy presented tie grievances of the rural portion and thought they were oppressed by the corporation of the village of acton fo wanted a separation or else have the village council agree to build all future aocornmodition uecctsary cud lower he amount tbat is at present paid by the rural portion as he con sidered that ley paid nearly onehalf too nuch mr little addressed the council stating that lie lad carefully considered the grievances of the rural portion and also what would be- required by the rural portion in casa a separation took place and if tliey were determined to separate he wished them to do so with their eyes open to the consequence it was decided by tho council that they meet tho council of the village td acton on saturday 28th inst to con fer witb them as well as representatives from the rural section as to tbe btsl means of solviug the difficulty moved by mr warren seconded by mr graham hat the erst sitting of the court of revision for the township of riquesing be held in ho council chamber on monday the gib day of june next at10- oclock a m car ried ifanufacturersxof reapers mowers and threshing slaatiinerr prefer cas- toriue machine oil io any other hwill oeuear lard sea and elephant and ia warranted not to gum garden field tmviuln t kl co aio hi uiiiuuaclur or hf chlorine machine- oil in- fringotuccu vrill bo juoucculcd tho areftuit dlcwlnff a ftinili ywc tiarmlfw rciflptly uinl pttrcit everv ilmc it ml ptvvuiu illiiir hf fcilt ui lkil nurc plonncit aciflff fcbhujkaiiulvcrnruvrjutlkkfcuttk liknt itt vcr ciiifttku upm ntnn lh llntcrtc u uin1 riiicljnml in rni llt lnc lilr til iv uuwratiiit wlii lime ihcti wivt imcuwtlj ii wmiuiryll kcfollur colttultl all farms of kcrvaut dcbiluy so com raonly prcvidcuu ylelt to tho viuliring ponrcts op ntmtock klooh hiltcrc it it hio lust rcgulalor of tlto iivrr uawclc rui icittnoys llio uiutl perfect bloot iurilior and pormanrut tonio known iarily vopplnmo talis and jiloawnt ta iko atid uulailing in its clucu an n lilut rortorauro kamnlo uottlcs 10 cents where iiavo you hoe n tor d week hickt enquired a manor uw ncifihliorj l have nt a rceik hack retorted he you micutulerslami me remarked hitifrienj but if you ever get a weak hack try burdock hlood bitters h euros ml ilchitity uriring rooi disordered kil- tiey iiver or ihckki and u the best purifying tonio in the world u medi cuu deaiets supply sample celtics at 10 cent- uguursitcsl t0 zopksa frtu iiraril arultor th tivnc mrtituprcliil tliurprlte jni rmmnlrc liaiortiiico wilu ltrjirll u lw lnlrltictkmi cir ztiltsa w3 jiltj- oomrrtit wlitro it is kuoviifttrtltcrurcuf tl turins of 1 initial lit theeonittnj luve ojcnl a labiniinry in tdtmiilo jiia cnmonto m tigiily ciuiiits- chiuuti rccotiimmiiinl it wonjirfiil unilly tollie iwcckhvo urctiik 1u ceriulnty i re- lkvo atfcrure iykjoma attj ctkt cation ntksilils rctnailciibje cornimiij a utcus tit inoiudt tuecanuanj ninktkuuiplc ikittls alt lie trltllnc cit of 10 ccuu lobe liadpf j i mcurvln arum ttckc aad caiufart o uc kaffprtaj brawns household tanacei has no equal for relieving pain both in ternal and ertcrus1 u cures tin in the side bick or bowels sofg throat kheuliuliftn toothache lumbago and any kind vt a tain or ache it will nott surely quicken ths hlood and he as its acting powtr is rondcrful brawns household panacea lcinp acknnwltgtd as the great pain reliever arid of double tho strength of any other elixir or uairaent m tho world ehould be in every family uanjy for uso nhcn wanted as it really is tho best remedy in tho worldforcrnnna in the stomach and pitis and aches of all kinds and u for sale by all uruggiiw aco cents s bottle thousandf perish before the meridian of life s raached in consejuenco of dirregwding lungduease in it earlier ttige contuinptioa rtstcn it relent- s grxsp upon them while they do not even tuspect its- advent trifling or umpering with a cough will not tnswer 0oliy and unwisely chosen mcdiciei tratb encourage its progrcff the pro per courco isto select a weluknown and sterling remedy and use it yftcmti- cally at thr ouuet the best is jvorlh rop t lymsns kmuuion ot cod liver oil and hypophosphttes of ume end soda the value of cod liver ou as t pulmonic is too xcelt known to require cornthent the hypcphosputtes are fptckmy uecfal fur their invigorating properties cvntrtbuting t- tto develop ment of muscular and fibrous tiiue both of which arc greatly depleted and weakened in cofosf pulmonary decline the bones areauo strengthened by ihtir ufo jidi limehonorod speciiic end ionic ltt pojfesse pperties as a blbocf puriiler wtiich render it valuable in cfeft or scrofulft penons of weekly conftitulian derive irriu it a dgree of vigor obtainable from no other source and it has even proved iuclf a mot eflicient protection to thoioi troublexl witli a heridiury tendency to tho mala- diet it is adxptedto prevent and roheve a e before intimated its prompt use w particulxrly ieconmeiided in a climate rigorous as our own rtnd whro the summer is eo fleeting persons with weak chest and lungs are specially in need of a reliable medicinal safeguard they will find nrno eo well adiptcd to their want as this tborouhly tested and highly approved artioie prepared by northrop i lyman toronto and sold by all druggists auvcbtisckesir 2xsotjssi0k ok slttl3i to ail hca it itst coacera i hive received the following communica tion from h mcuiarmiil titruutci uut may lltb isil itcvt lwllkinin hlilln yoir recent gcarmak trtlclo i fin t tlie loiuwinj lancuage in rcgani to my- stlf he didnt wprn at all fcctn to ktopon itiy looser here acconllng to tdm owrn irtioi fcluii if tie ia iiuvr however i may wy to him itirocru your colmnca ituu 1 have cncijch atamunillon in readtnecs fornnouier ten nfuhts i lake this as a challenge to contluue the dlcculon ten ntghls longer lit acton 1 accept ir kimo the time that will suit you giving rae three ireefct notice aiul the tood wort will goon i sought tn resfiotid throah thocolamnsol tue uuaki ias hut txsofcjarko rcfawd spact hence the iltuy t pnphpsy you wilt inuiject wine conditions thut ditl noteppiy iu ttis former en nlghu and thus avoid another ten nights we bhall kc hancver iziiui course you will tiiko yours clc h mcuiiruid in reply k beg to say to mr ilcd that iu tnreo weeks from the prcsoat tirac i will he at aur annual conference i have akb accepted an invitation front the itdo- baptists of everton to deliver a course of itcturc on baptism there cotniueuciin about the 20th juue k i could not give tcunighu to debate earlier than the last of juue or first of july lam prepared to discuss the subject ot baptism with mr mcd exiy time after that to his hearts content hut consider the heat of suaimer aa inopportune time ac my people iu acton however employ my services land have a right to coutro my labor i amjprc- pired tosabmit the matter to their jadce- meut and let them lit thetitne the only condition i would cow interject u tbc euo interjected in the ffuardijaad which mr mel has seen vir that toe debate always something we have received this week a i large consignment of new dre goods i also 3 cases of stot eat and bonnet shapes in all the most popular designs the city grocery a- w c r e e n i will open hi iifoclt in lie premise lately oceapicd by r a a becofj on saturday 7ta may j vvhiiihcwiilboricrarckllooacr liarfultmln all line in t a gliloderies glassware crockery stoneware c the ooodi wcr received direct from montreal tliiswoclc nd ns cvecjtliing u pure frttli and ke satisfacuou will be given to every purqiiiuir i e ompolltlon ir ihc life of trade ju una the city grocery inlcnds ito in acton with 7 f18stclss gqqqs wb qwesv pfwcjsyj aw green the im of 50 and 75 cent cords cttjst opeisteid another large stock of x boots arid tioe t i to arrive this week at pripes that cannot be beat highest price paid for produce i hughes griffin secords bliock acton wqjstpbifuxi i n i mljllst e e eelsglsr ijcstelgl a itt t a tlob main street actqn ont wislicc io inniiuncc to the people of acton ind vicinity that ho has removed hii tailoring euuiihmcut to the hraraisei iiwly oocupied uj- iir mcxiir at the ntmc tini l would thank those who hav eo lilcrallr put- ronized rae inco commencing business in acton and go- licit a continuance of tneir ciror my stock of spring goods is kott coicplsts aks oohjeises ths latest styles nt irish english scotch and canadian tweieids woesteds cz which were purchased for cash ind trill consequently b nude up at us roisan- ouablo prices or cath as mny house ialhe trade exumine my stock before purcliuing elsewhere a perfect fit guaranteed large stock of spring hats in latest styles r e nelson n jotice to oebtous all partict indebted to ffcc estate of the lit iuusuui adinis cilhtr by uolu or loot account are requested to call and acttle their accouuu ftirtuwith d v campbell i biiclllore acton may th 81 t 5 all otisa its ur ooacera take hotioe that the municipti coancil of the vilkcc of acuiu purpose pasitas a lyuw to atop up that portion of asue stieet lyine between blocks 21 and 11 in said village and opening up in heu thercef as a public street iota 5 and it in taid meek 21 suraed s j h uoganvik acton idthlfay st clerk hehry e cr1nlimt0n vkkcxickv house painfor paper hanger and decorator is prepared to tafcc contracts for pulatltif pit per lunctnff anl kisaralqln jyontcrs promptly attended to in town or country terras kcaionahle harlnc an ciperlenro cf thirty rears i can guarantee eattrfnctton to all h b jrinlrnton mill st acton mutt be reported aad pabliihed t may le srraored then tlejpuliic will he able to judc for tbeinselvei to whom the victory belongs aud wbd does the bracing aud miircijrefientatiaa aud lyinj r suggcat tbat other tcruia and conditions be arranged by a jotat corainitttc say oe five two to be chosen by mr med two by rayseu aud a iftii by these foar sifined t l wilktxsax actou may uth issi and flower i tjxlltble village property forale theabscrlber oflcrs for sale thai uaatl- fullrsituaied piece of property lyluc north of tha ctit 4epot in tne corporkuoa of the village of actons tbe property contima vi acr mor or sn r ot whtoc arc in u high state of cultivation and nearly alt panted wun fruit trees qfeveiy dccripuon and alt of tbo dest varlelle the balance bond pielareland withanever-laulngbtreaninin- nlnc tbroaah it on which u sttuatea aflsti jwud on tag premises tticre is a twottory brulc dwellfnc nflartycomplctedcuuulniug s rod ihf also bacfckhehen with three room toed ktablcand shed and flrsucias hard and soft wter etc th ft ttoove would be a vorydeslrahle place for a retired contlenen or for a mortel ifurtiener terms liberal aod made tnowh on applica tion to eli snyder actcn po seeds at j e tor salt a good firm horse for sale apply at this office rpexders wasted tenders will be teccired by the under- g cd cp co the 2sth iust for lighting er- tiucishitic sod property cliaiog the ttrtet lmps daring the remainder tit this year particnlxrs u to daties nude known on ap plication at my office jeucgarytn yilla ciccfc at office utailaysl revised lew testament authorized edition ready in may jemcgaryi uurgglst actov j marie ammgemenu to supply the kovisrd kew testament n soon aa pub lished there kill be- ivariet of sues nd bindings nd the prices will range from30 oenuiipwuds i orders ara notbeing taken and cata logues may be seen at my drug store owing to tho eipeelal large demand orders should be gcyed in by tie fifth of april agents wanted j j b oarvin dbuggist mcgarvins j specialties j mantle silks i a mantle cashmeres i fringes gimps j siites pairasols fdfei dress jflterials qhese goods we have just opeked out and assure ouh patkoys xuat thev are exceptionally good value the bare fact that our sales thus far in 1881 are larger that they haye ever been in the history of our b ness shows conclusively that the public appreciate our efforts to place before them goods which fefr quality and price are second to none in the dominion- l ma fs3 a big purchase in colored dress silks at 75 cts a yard all the new spring shades represented in this lot- jojbw hogg son direct importers gueljk ahead of all competition spe0lal anoukcement mammoth house georgetown i v eejj leave to aaoounce list uiey hive made extensive purchases in tweeds dress goods muslins prlrrto carpets fce jll ia idditioa to their former immenxs tock thoy hare parcucj larfre uaea oftbe riove guods i 100piece or 2000 yrt all of kew sndfwhicnnue scorch tweeds-keg- ular prices 4 j26 per suit land in the citv thej chavge 30 or th j name goods and to be sol for 18 per suit made to order v dress gqous 8ol0c 12c 16c 20c north double the money crkfs muslins 5c 8c lyo worth donble the money j i prims for 5c 6c 8c oe worin in each case s3 per oeht mtre tapestry carpeu for 50c per yard we hare madk an addition or 50 pieces af tapestry carpet to our stock we bate further a majninpwit stock of brussels in our millinery department wefrere nerer inibiairt oar hands are working night and day our ordertrd clothing department was never in suoh a flourishing condition the above is proof positive that we are doing the bntinea gw lh ii vij ur clearing the people come and trade wlh osv money mcleod anderson i qpjjj drug store acton ssesi m ci twwooirmtt w l

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