m 1 1 tf w i tf j jkj m- m i amih 9kgraifrei- 1 fl i mi m piibe peess aitox tiutrfav miv s isst best the streets olbah not that gtcditiicg 1ms contuf need it seems as iu fotm years o iks a gttul tcniiitntiaa to lliosa engaged in mufciug gurvuiis to throw rii sotts of rubbish which tins accumulated during the viutat- into the pulilic streets i uii through the village yesterday icvcklto us ho ctclllul ciliieos hate deputed otjllue stiootu variety of rubbish which not only disfigures our otjicrnise tidy streets but is of a nature that will endanger uie iitmic litahlu perhaps ul are not aware that a village byla vv exists ptohihitidg the above practice it is as fullaws thai- it shall not be lawful foe aiiy person to deposit filth or any other substauces upon any street una or by place rithia this municipality which tnir at the time or thereafter endanger lhe rmblic health and iny person violating this iiy-la- shall be subject to argtie not exceeding areuly jotlare aud costs we think it should be the wish of every ratepayer to hive clean and tidy streets and feel certain that with a utile consideration on the uljectyall will refriin from iuduljing ia the unbecoming practice ietsa yiuigs csuacu a mectirlg of the council of this municipality was held in tho avuncil chamber on tuesday evening 3td inst iteaibers all present reeve in the chair minutes of list meeting read and confirmed jfoved by w h sotvy seconded iny il speight that dylaw ko to close t pottioo of afties etreet and ito ptorijeibr the opening of ocelin lieu thereof txi read a ntst time car ried by law read the first line jloved by d henderson soconded by d v campbell that this council meet as a court of revision on tuetdiy 31st kay at s oclock p m and tint the clerk give the tjuisite notice if the same cxrrieil the savel and sidewalk committee presented their first report which ill be found in- another column moved by d v campbell seconded by st speight that the report of the street ard sidewtlfc committee b idopted carried i slored by sl sjieight seconded by w ei storey that the sum of s150 bepliced toahe credit of the street aid sidewalk corutuitee for contcm plated improvenieuts carritd j moved bv d utnderton seconded 6tav ilstorey that a premium ofl fifteen dollars be offered for the most suitable design fnr a town ball for the villaga of acton accompanied witli full specifications and estimate of coat halt to beof brict about 0x70 fi in sirs and of suitable height with tower and beil to proviie nn ground floor council room lock np engine loom wood house etc hall to be full sirs of one above aud to possess- good accoustic properties cost uot to erecedfrom 4010 to 5000 v jto be sutmitted to this council within two weks ftom date premium wil be paid to the person- whose design it- approved of carried cjuneil adjourned to meet on tues day evening i7th inst 7illa5s i1cfs0vshsot3 pcrforsfll os erects zzt siie5nls daring cte past week the street and sidewalk cotniniaiionere toik a tour ai iasfctiot throughout the village and r stieets aai nldavlks rtqutc ing repairs and also where extensions to the sidewalks were mosfcrtquiiej the following is the list of improve raeatf to he taade -i- sidcwalfc on frederick btreetifroni lill ttrietlta bower avtuae foac feet vide sidewalk on still street from beanets hvulto gte crouing four feet wide sidewalk oa elgin street from church to aipie treets foer feefc jidc sidewahcoa willow street croai siill to agues street fear feet ide sidewalk on church street from iaa to willow street foar feet wide sidewalk on mill and stain streets from wiliow street to the baak sir feet wide la the constrnctioaof the ahovetidewalks pine icmber will be njed twa itichts thick and from 5 to 12 inches wide to he laid ou 4x cedar scantlicg ceeplanke placed one halfinch apart afitl not ksa than i to 6 nails used iii each plank crossings on john street acro bower avenoe ta dr morrows oa slill street across john strefet both aorth an south j ffilea j across wuiow street oadi swe frcni creechs to mrs secord block j across mill street west side si at a street acme main steet at ajpiews hotel at uiejaactba of west borer arena a aad main street plank 4 inches thick and 10 inches wide will be aaed in ail the cnisiag taneery rfo on sfaia street u to be tam- piked graded and gravelled bower arenoe will be pbinted with sixty- eiht maple trees tbfl estimated cost of above iaiproremeots is about 450 sobje ids a hsv xovh saia puolio utttinv according to announeametit t moft- mg of the rtuqinyerj win hold in tho council cliuibcc on monday evening 2nd inl to take into consideration the iieccily for erecting a pwa hall in ttiw municipality the reeve tcok the chair at 630 oclock about fifty ralrpaycia being ptomiit after ex platuing the ojt rf tho meeting lit culled upon ihosa present to jtvo boir views oa tho subject i f mr si speight staled that depu tation of the council had visilttl george town town hall and such an one with a few changes would suit acton very well h wa in favor of tho erection of a hall and thought thu villaga could not do louger without one ur d ifenloreon would go in with lha rttepayeis to build a town hall he thought it wa a very necessary improvement aud would he an otni cent to acton he would lika to hear what alt the ratepayers present had to say in the niatler as a councillor he would not go in for the erection of a hall unleis tho ratepayers were unanimously iu frrarof it as the desiic of the present council i to what the peipt wish them to do the opinion of tho council was given at tho last meeting and it is uow the peoples turn to give their- opinion would like to see a fine ball erected hut did not wish to be cjctravtgiut iu the matter sujor w allan thought wo needed a town hall aud would be in favor of erecting agcodouo he would have it on a central site on the ftont street would have it constructed with stores on first floor main hall on second and society balls above with council cham ber lockup etc iu basement if built he wanted them to be sure and not put it on a buck street and to builda good large respectable hall str thomas slooro was m favor of building on the main street arid one such as sijor allan had described one which could be erected for from f 000 to 5500 the revenue to be derived from the hall would wots than pay the interest and he would support the thing str fret secord said he was in favor f i he election of a tnwa lull as acton needs one very btdly but ho did not concur with stijur allan as to the building of stores in connection with the lall did not believe in the cunncil competing with ratepayers and is thero are sufficient stotes in town he would go against the corporation erecting any sir r warren thought the discus jon referring to xhe plan of the halt was premature would like to hear tf the people were in favor of a town hull thooght the village was getting along very well without a new town hall the revenue of the hall might pay the interest but the principal would hive to be met sir d d christie said that years go a town hill hid been spoken of and he thought that both a town hall and lock up were necessary but that a suitable building could he erected for lesa than the amount named by a ocmer speaker an erpeusive hall would be a burden o acton but as tuoney could now be obtained at a low rate of intereat he thought the present a very favorable time to build a uioder ately priced hall the council should be careful not to submit a bylaw unless they were certain the bylaw would carry sir john cameron was in favor of building a town hall at i a moderate price would commence the building so that the design could be carried out to the end xnd not have to curtail after ha building was half completed and spoil the v appearance would have cells on first floor aud no base ment sir john warren asked if a hall was necessary and if the municipality is able to- build a hall without injury to itself the village was not in debt at present aud ha did not believe in getting into debt georgetown is heavily in debt and it is hard for them to get along at present ifa man in acton wanted to sell out altha had to do was to insert a notice to that effect in the free press and hispcoperty would soon be disposed of sot ot in georgetown debt is against the pub lic interests of a place thought acton wanted to show off and spread herself by building i town hal he asked the working men to consrder the ques tion well before they ge5 acton laco debt li d w campbell favored the erection of a torfn hall at a moderate cost sir w p brown was pleased with the manner in which sir warren had expressed himself- ho thought the cost of a town ball would be much more than the convenience was worth would like to see a town hsll in actoh if we could get it without costing any thing sir james slaore tbonght that if garden field vety properly owuer piesent would rpeak on tho uhjedt it would not bo fair- expression of tha opinion of the people the village should be can vasscd on the question wm in favor of a hsll hut thought that ono costing leas than 0000 would do ul mr d hendetson was pleased to see the people to outspoken on the question that was the phjocl of the meeting thought the question raised hy str secord should hje considered slid that the village should build notb ing in competition to ratepayer aclon would not tjo better ablo m ten years to build i hull than at present mi w wordou ssked il a talepayer signed a ptliliori on the question would h bo in duty bound to vole forrlho bylaw j l the rocvo said to he consistent ho should vole for hy law sir john speight could not see how man could consistently sign apetition in favor of a byliw aud then vole against it acton needs a town hall lock up crc hall and hook and ladder company and ha wiiiu favor ot supplying all of them we might havo a irh ene of these nights which would cost much more town hall we do require town hall and did not thiuk it was because aclon wanted to spread hervelf that she wauud a hall ite was in favor of it and if the council saw fit to build it aud pay fnr it iu one year he would do his shure mr tho nas moore was now certain that all present were filly impressed that we need a hull str fred secjid thought a suitable hall could he built fur lets than so000 mr john speight wanted a bell put on the halt mr j aits matthews thought a hall thould lie built at a moderate cost he oulj be iu favor of a small market plice iu connection lf the thing ia further agitated plans tc should be submitted showing cost etc it is tim the villaga ptovukd a suitable place fur holding courts moved by d i christie seconded by john speight that this meeting authorise the reeve lo get plans speci ficitiuns etc of a hall not to cost iiore than f l0c0 complete including site the siiue to be iuhniitlcd to a public meeting pa the 3rd inst moved in amendment by w p crown ceconded by alergranl that the council do not build a town hl at m i mr browns amendment was put aid responded to by himself only the original lotion wabthen presented and was almost unanimously tcsponde it u evident that neatly every propctty owner in town u in favor of a town hall of modaa cost aid we feci confident that lhe next public meeting will aulharizv the council ta proceed and submit the by law required from oirr owa corrrtpgzdwt on tuesday last the reiidence of sfr john canute lot 22 touliy de stroyed by fire mr canute also lost nearly all his furniture the fire started in the roof of the building as there was no insurance on either the huildicg or furniture mr canutes loss wilt be- considerable scarlet fever of a mild type is very prevalent- in the vicinity of brook- ville tug farmers here are all busily en gaged with their spring work a good shower of warm rain would ba very acceptable ked hagtards pectoral balsam is a purely vegetable beating balsam it cures by loosening the phlegm and corrupt mat ter from the lungs and expelling it from tho intern fjroup aithma bron chitis hoarseness and all pectoral disetaes yield to it promptly it costs 4 cents per bottle imrrinent danger threatens any one troubled with a hacking cough in flammation when it attacks thedelicate lissu ot the lungs and bronchial tubes travels with perilous rapidity it is worse than madness to neglect a cough or cold to do so is limply to intite- corsumption nd premature death battle with and overcome the disease in its infancy andarert the peril do not allow the lunc eating tubercles o deveope themelves before resorting to mealcine txperience has shown that the preparation best adapted to subdue a formidbfe cough 10 soothe and heal the lacerated ilungs is northrop ljmans emulsion o cod liver oil and ttypophosphiles or lime and soda a swift and sure speciflo lor bronchial and lung afiecionsaryiigitis and the vari ous fcirmof scrotula lti noipretend ed that ims favorite remedy will cure fully developed consumption but that it will avert it is a facttoo well proven to admit of any reasonable doubt the act is equally well known and sppreci sed both by tho puhlio and the pro fefsian that the article is an admirable fertiliser of the blood imunriing lo it those cotisljtaenls which are essential lo the complete nutrition of the system aud its preservation in a state of health in an enfeebled system phospbrrns that neoessitry eloment of bodily substance is deficient this constitu ent si well as lime sod soda important in bone formation ore supplied jn the emulsion of cod liver oil prepared ty northrop lyman toronto bold by all drugjlsts and 1 mower the city grocery mm ghoice arrivini daily -at- i christie henderson cos a w green will open nl ptock in thtprsmiim lalely oeeoplr by mrs 8 aseedrd qk 1 i i saturday l7tli iffay i when tic will t prepared to offer barcainslnallllnesln i grocerps glassware crockery stoneware g the qoodi were received dirict fromimontreal this week and a nverytting it pure fresh and new sotiafaction will be given to every purchaser i 1- competition is uo tlfe of trade and the city grocery intends to lead in acton with fi8sfcl4ss gqqvs 3k lowesf psfcbs a w green i tbce t 1 i lye j e bnblson mainstebet acton ont wishes lo announce to ihe people of acton and vicniy that he has removed his tailoring kfwllishment to the bfemises lately occupied oy ilra mchsir at the tame time 1 uould lhank tiiose who hsve so liberally pat- roaiicd me since commencing butineu in aclon ana so licit a coutinuiuce of their favors my siock of spring goods 13 uov 03jclsts aks c0u7iss8 ts2 latest sttles vs irish english scotch and canadian tweejids worsteds scc which were purchased for caillsnd alllconstquenlly be aide up it as reason- ouable prices orcath as any house inthe trade exsmine my stock before purchasing elsewhere a perfect fit guaranteed large stock of spring satsia latest styles i r e i nelson speci aljesa mantle sllksiv mantle cashivieres frifes olmpsl satin irak aaois pinb ijress mate wnt stewart co guelph will this weefc thjw the fiaest display of k offeref for ixspectiox ix gdelph biso fa bonnets and lints chips tuscan leghorn and cantons ihe latest xoreules ladles lil do well to see our stock boforo buying laawhara l aiw ttrtmd ttatorlnnjnl or flowery feolhers eomia and uatornamenlf ribbons tn riaih sauii toil faille we aluo ihairkpecul iith inspanuultcc rcarfi flehtu v hoid the featmt vartetjoitarasousamhiuirt indumfartlualn tlie cllt- in black rattnit law trttntncj rrtce fram t5 cent and up roiert n cilotf a civ- tlonsl joodra ne in 2 and tbctloakdf aaltuwad la 2 i aodfi buucoi lac- uuu lu elacfc and cofortd our slock in ijccry department w falhj assorted great 7rlct7 ia ke7 drosa ocods to it vlue la uis frca 60 ctt special bargains dominion boot shoe store izareaat rewired an i m 31 e me stoea of bxt aud hhoesoc every descnpiion com- prllluf all hnejln jlcng womens childrens ordered work particular attention lipaldtoarderedwork and tufl belt materlau will alwaji be nvd repairing bsptlrlnirromptlyatiiloareriuyalund e4 call and examine oar stock kriney s9t4 acton march slit wsl j seeds at j b new arrivals gents kid gloves of a new make and a very superior article white and colored shirts gents half sose in cot ton uerino cashmere and vool summer undorolothin shaw murtoim merchant tailors onalph mcgarvilsrs ff m 7 rphese goods we itmve just opened out kd assure oull patetoxs that tuy- are exceptionally good value the bare fact that otiefcales tlkim far in j881 are larger that they hayej ever bigen in the history of our buaj ness shows conclusively that thij public appreciate ou effortitoplac before them goods which for qualil and price are j second to none in the dominion liwili v a big purchase in colored dress siikalf 75 cts a yard all the new spring shades v m i represented in this lop j p john hogg son j dieot importers r j- helpis immense spring rivals maimmoth house giorgefownrf via pouiing the nev ajad fashionable goodt are in 359 casos and dales havo arrived air i ready andoosts of blaok and colored silks blasfiand colord cashmeres pinjy x- dress qoods b aok and cooredjustres bauldf u annei gold prints crafce musljns crape sateens satin iralbaoovft prints and zanzibar cheeks jgosieryf small wares fanoj ji goods and a superb stock olfiliinerjrind mantleb i j onr hlilinerr show roontuhow open a large jassortasai i or heltons and fancy lorkincrs parasols and isnrolm an immense stock ofdotufcstlc gpodl crey and white cate tons and denims a superb assortment ox canadian and w ported cloths tind cents fjnrnishlnes for onr ordered jcwpj i m ins deportment onr ordered clothlne departmtni uaa immense sneress eu lk larjrit ckurat aa beat audrtrd uaks la tkls ittpn attae jm sit- yrr tun1iurfuco ve rte sag f tastsl u clmfc saalfefull moleod anderson fc 00 v k mammoih houao ftoi drii store acton sep53i3s al