v je t vl 55s5 5fe m gift ni viffra i i1 i 1 frmvlithm a i the free press tuvbsdav mornut april 21 iss1 ii ie 1 ix j i wp t cxi nder t3e umbrella csmtuijr koiw front school lagether luthe cold and weather lijjiau wilbber autbrowu hur bonnie gracfe iwwt snd fair i last behind tketu t utile walking iastaucd to their cliiidiih talkiiit- fittt ot lcmont1ciridihit dij- then of recess and tbeirlayi then a little chst on doila i and then of brourctt cricket balls j y of thu aud tliit u ckildreu will v whose little lonrucs are nircr etill sew it raiat1 crioddirsxe at last ai the drops ftu thick and last we dont eare though for you kt r were under shelter yoa snd aie f f then said uuiao sissic dcxr there s room for oueuiucc uudir here and do you think mimtut would cure it we should call that poor girl there and ask fcnr shsll i or wilt oa to come in under shelter too i shelookisosadr sudihca 1 knuw vshci odd because h3 shivers to a moment more tsud prvteutly the urge umbrella skeltered faw j y q little kind ssmsrrtaa scet thoajihuiil little likim r remember is yoa older rtove thtt many a heart so liluslwitk woo hay filter by the roadsidcdrcar bowed ioivwith many a grid icd fear then tatn theshelter of gods care stretch forth your hand and glidly thire the haven of year pitying ljve to save front angry clouds above ope wide dear childtt charitys door where there is tlwiyt room for more a circus cloirti la- viiflnk took oscatwo tho otlivr day at llioicloao o oc thu pcrfovmiinoo to xnk ilin mi very scaicbiuj words wlitch dtactto tho tobcp tllvtiliuft of ninny niorotliutt tliom holtord litem in ln liulcd foco mid motley ct taenia hu mid wu liato ukua jii tit hundird dollors to dy luoftf mont i rontiiro to tnj tlia ny minister oc tho gospel iti tins oooimuaiif would rvecira forn whola gulfs sotyiccal a urgs pottiou of luiraiouey ss givea by cliatch meal- bcre aud i urge itliou of this aadi- cuco is nisds up of mutubere of the ctiatch audyet vuayour riceacher itaks ymr to tid turn ia stipportinj ther gospel you ura too oorto giro suy- tliiug lict jiia como beco sud py x to heir rue ulb nonsetiso i av a fod txcinsts i am pid forit j i nik uiy living by it you pfofesa to lie ria- and yet yoa kurort ate in my oily but reilikw you wy yoa did uot come to tee lite cirt tat ibe saimtls why did yoa not simply kiok at them d imvo 1 no is not this t pretty puie for chiijtinns to bojnt do you uot fwl ushnnud of yourselves yuii ought to bluiu iti sncli it ylite ss this rim-nrr- in ejioxmotis importations dirriing daily at the biglit house 4 in m fs n t i- irsii eril ctajiat sopironic s wise teaiher would not bnffcr hii children erca when grown np to sociite with those whoac condect ra not pare ind cprijht dor fithcrvraid the ectle eauuito hint one dxy when he forbadt her in com piny with her brother to rititthe vuktile incindx dcir ftther yea nicst thick nt xtrf chldiji if yoi icigice we coald be exposed to dinger by it the ft tier in tileaee took t deid coil front the heirth tnd gtre it to hii daughter it will act- bam yoa my child tike a zclilii did so her wliitt hind wu soiled izi blackened md u it chanced nerwkite dress also ne can cot be too careful in hi idling eoal said eulalii in texatioa vca truly slid tie father you see my child that coalr even it they do not barn blacken eo it is with cnl con- tw- 4 witt sspt e3tx iiesra kot to tease boyi or girls ttnallcr than hemselres xot to take tie easiest chair in the room pit it hi theplemntcst plsce tnd forget to offer it tff the mother when the comes in to lit down to treat the mother as politely as if the were strange lady who did not tpend her life iti their service to be as kind and helpful to their sisters astbey expect their sisters to be to them to make their friends amoue good boys to tike pride ia being gentlemen it home jto lae their iroiers into tin ir contdeace iflhey do aaything wrong and above all never to lie about anythiiie they have done to make up their mines not to learn to smofccchewor drink remfinibering that these things can not be unlearned and that they ire terrifclj drawoiefcs to good men od necessities to bad ones to remember that there never was a vaga bond without these habits to observe all these rules sad they are lure to be gentlemen j tfco ceat5rti eeribor i in isowrr dell a herdboy kept his sheep and because his heart was jovous he aanjr sa loudly that the surroondiug hills echoed back his song one morning the ting who wis out on s hunting expedition spoke to him sod said why are yon so happy dear little one whyshall i notbet he answered oar king ij not richer than 1 1 indeed v said the kinr tell me of yonr creat pcssessians the ud answered the sua in the bright bine tky shines it brightly upon ma is npon the king the flowers on the mountain and the grtss in the valley grow sad bloom to gladden my bight ac veil as his i woald not take s hundred thousand thalers for my hands my eyes are o more valae than all the precious stones in the world f i have food and cloth- lag too am i not therefore as rich at the king i you stetigkt l said tho kinf with a isngh ba your greatest treasure is a contented heart keep it o and yoa will always b happy vfs are htngirg np pictures every day about ths chamber walls of oar hearti- that ire inaq nave to look at when we sit in the shadows flotation of orojs therotifion of crops sdopted oo tke ontario experimental tfarm- ganlph fin the following order first year pess second year fall wheat or oatav third year eoote manured jjtourtli year barley or wheat seed eddown fifth year hay sixth year pastare or hay sevieith year pasture by this rotation all the manure 116wej for the seten years is given with tie roei dituionand ia eupposed to supply ail that is needed for the yarious crops grown daring that peri ij3fxjimzp tier j ificcl a cw4 storyis told of kuv triri- ciptl grant the revcntid gtitkman was gotcg to kingston frota detroit on the cure tie met with nn old scotch man with whom ho entered itito con- mtsition thetalk diifud hither and tuuhr the otclimita piitlitig miny qucsions cyneernitig kingston and it lople to his eonipiuiouj whom he fjtiud out hailed from that city hut whose namo ho did not know at length he asked i dye ken tfrincipil giant p yes answured the professor 1 know him slightly ww noo whit dye think o him v well i think he is a highly orer ratl raa then ercuimed the caledonian with great emphasis thats jut beck ma opwnynti ver sin he came up free tho ithcrt prov ince the scot will never know he wis talking to priucipal grant until he reads this paragraph es f r aplaoilosc a woodward avennei grocer yester day displayed a dozen cakes of thc- cieirest and niceac new maple sogsr poiaible to muke sud as he stood at his door a citizen halted- and looked at the sogar and qusricd kew ko its old hake it yourself f yes shouldnt think it would be healthy it isnt then why do yon want to sell itf i dont want to i set it outhere so that a dray could cart it off and dump it on some yacant lot tho dtiirn looked up and down thc- strcet acrof s the way and finally said ignesslll take two pounds of your wanned np adoltorited old sugar it it was new i wouldnt touch th staff at any price please weigh this cake tta paid for the sugar and carried it away but he looked like a man who wanted to say something mean to somebody the new york itorw makes neat definitions sir longfellow can take a worthless sheet of paper and by writing a poem on it uuka it worth 50 thats genios hr yanderbilt cin take a sheet of piper and hy writ ing fewer words on it can make it worth 50000000 thats capital the most unaccommodating man in ohio keeps a stuall hotel near cleve land one- night tho houso canght fire and while a terrified man was climbing through a burning window the proprietor rushed up and exclaim- ed have you any baggage v lo sir j gaests without baggage are requested to pay up before they leave this hotel you owe sixtyfive cents on list weeks bill and threa dollars on this weeks side from ordering a beef sandwich extra get back i wont be cheated in this war j- atk your dealer for casfotine machine oil and see that the barrel is branded castorine as none other ia genuine joeoien bothers t bolnen 1 f are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest bya sick child 6u2eringaud crying with the excrnciatmg pain of cutting teeth if so go at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothirig syrup it will relieve thepopr little sufierer immediately depend upon it j there is no mistake about it there is not a mother on earth who baa ever used it who will not tell you at once that it will regnlate the bowels and give rest to the mother aod relief and health to the child operating like magic it is perfectly safe to use in all oases and pleasant to the taste and is tea pre scription ofone of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states sold ererrwiiere at 25 cents abottlei i- kew arrivals optned lately eirli larga cases pf rrltlsh bats andbonnets flf toeu cases of ainerloanlra if als and bonnets two eases of parasols and urn brelius rangliig from 25o to 950 fivo vises of kijeuoh ureas uoods from jhsl00 the beuuuful rfeiich dross hoods at lid worth soo vyatkltis look ot ditsuoodmeriasolargeoitntod two oms rrcnoh otshmores dysd perreot- ly fast lusdos of blue blaclcaii1 jot buck an ouotmdui slock of lihtok ushnrtros fvm 25o tv 81 35 1 liieaotilmieca are much bellerv duo litis season than last a case of colored jailimer floe beautiful miiat only lso two oases very suporlof kidtilurostroitturcnolile kouhllonibeuiiruu3liultonedotihlnertdolores forl 1 line cne of lisle and bllktllovevrontfnglrom to to wo blxcasosot hosiery containing all kinds nd prioen suitable or ladies and mntt and gentle men and boys from so to 82 for very handsome silk hose tbreo cases of ladles anduontltiueitvaudmltses aud boys undervesu and drawers ang shirts and drawers frou 30o to fi 25 the shirt kactory iasi ill iii lull oporatlon and the sale of white and coloted skirls is enoimoui io4 ahdle shirls at i so much better shirts hamllloa aprit uth 1531 lower than orraerly aoasoofgenisand boyi hilk sotunnd tips of the very ncw est styles 8een bales ot prints comprising the ucwest designs lu fast color nd err handsome patterns from oo up to j9o for xb very bct tlloradolrinls tblrtyone bales of carpets from 12 to tl m lor the v ry best fire frame brusels- h ottm of hlbbons in tn latest styles and esoellent value i ca- of silks and case olsatas tar oheaper than ever before three canojof beaolifil laces to cases of refy bundsome laoeciirlalnsln lie newest designs and uusurpaued value two oaaes of msgoifioonl feathers and flowers and 83 cases and bales of other dry goods rirsmlass milliners wanted tho kight house king street east dose to llughson streelv tho name on lh sign is thomas c watkins ikllto- poulihedbji 0 1 0 liaima18ifliiftald mm laiesmargestbest cpnulns over 118000 rtohs lta pe 3ph etttrtrtiacs 4600 hew 1t0bds nd keuhajs i biocrapliloal dlctloiuut worses pain relief a favorita prescription ot a celebrated new york physician for th iilhediate relet of alivpain itnoe is powerful as iny known reuieiy- eotjelimet n quick in its action sold at the lo nnce of 25 0enr8 alaeoe s0ttle- the following testimonials of the great number received will stow most cjadusivcly the rcnarlnibla merit of the relief eustwooo oxt msreb jth isso t am gratifijl to heir fnm vtrio qmrters thtl yntrr rasjicins if doing wonders as in instince one ram received a seven bim frojt i block of wood thrown from s circular saw it struck him in the thick part ufihele iniuria hint as to render him unableto vilfc tw aiiiijcitions of dni iain kclicf cured him t iniiht multiply instinces os udmoxdi druggist ciiithiu oxt sept nlkso vouanin relief giiei general sitisfaaioa ia fict t believe i sell more of it than all other paiaremelics put ttcthor j c mtloiltmdand dimggist ditsscis ost au 0 isso i hereby- certify that my son has suttcci for sit ycirt with a pain in the th hid tried a rrctt number of thiajs which did no ml he hit been completely curedbyona ikittle of horses liin relief which was obtiined afyour agent inbrnisds wm grahime vrp- i 1 7 gliokge crooks 1 sriunnovrost julys isso for the trrcul ofiatterinshaminlty t write you of the great value of your pain relief i wit stfitcritig from a brutisd thumb mile andbvitt ue obtained imracdale relief and mdayslwaicutirclyll geo jflrakcls uakcr aid confectioner five testimokials fkou easrwooij ost siii- morses pmk relief curtd lie mltrtaj durrooti deaan s3ea face tmliscie ciu sal plio la the swaactt ko t vvri x trill kittle for a raich swollen ftce with inittnl relief a relative used therciicffordcafnessindtolicr sjqwe was perfectly cared signed sc robikson ko i hivinir suflered much with toothache i eondudedtfl try yoor pain relief ore application gave me instant relief i also cured a violent cold i had contracted with the remedy i signed mrs e hersee ko j i have tried yonr pain relief ii cases oftf eadache pain in the stomach and toothache the result in every instince being the same instant relief fsicnedl a-fredekburti- ko snlterinifromasevcreittickof diarrhoaf uswl yonr pain relief and was sur- prised found myself perfectly cured ia a few hours 4sicned wm robiksok ko 5 onenihl lwas awakened by the most violent internal pains 1 sinqle leasnoon- fulof joar tain relief nude me as welt ascver in five minalcs signed jwjacques tt a t icxkc tostosrro the largest and most joomplete factory ia tie domiaion 140sl00 highest honors ever awarded to aay maker ia tie world for sale by ali druggists and j e- jfoojarym acton- k distinct and peculiar combination fellows- comfcukd syrup of hiiuflptes ttrmairithieniaits essential to ths animal orgioizsiioc the o agents and tonios in eomlhutioa wti tie ihmniating trvat phosphorns twasnsing lis morit of bv lag slightly alkaline aadisdispeaseiiathe conitsnisnviodpilaublefonnof aiyrop u tttecu are maihr vuible within twratrfottr hours sal sre markisd by a stim datioi of tie appetite tie diersticn and asdmilaiioa entering directly into tha circulation it tours lie nerves sd muscles t rts 1 healthy sction of lie secretionsj neitier distutbs thestcmach nor irjurw the system nadtr prolonged tut sad bay be dismiliiusdutiylims without iaeoawnieace in a word it pcsjrs the stimnimhr to iroaao ths sueagti fit tonics to rsfsha it and miit of a hhh der fellows iawpoasd syrup of hypophosphites spcxciir jo pewkrjcnr curis r f omatuoitamlt rtv nvsir rwjixf jxttrthtmoart mur rrrttk isrp iifru luttvt ermt lt f aft aiks ws txii m it mw fiisioci ixj ttzzs ct the trt itpad ic lika perry davis son lawrence gzsssai i0est9 itostbeii i 64 medal and diploma at cmkmiivl tstiitdal and diploma at stdty atutralia fgtgeld medal al praanaal eshildiun toroido fgthigheti award atldiuirial extiltitiiin turoalu stc xs77- 1s7s 1s79 w5 ae now maaufacturing square aud upright p i el isr o s best in market correspondence solicited bend for wuirtrated cataiofrua moiled lre6 address dominion organ piano obmpan bowldaitvtliie ontario ricuaire acbxt acto bu r d 0 g kvb lo 0 d b i wpr the only medicine that iracoessfully purifies the blood acts upon the liver bowels skin and kidney vhile tvt the tame time it allays kerrou initetion and rtroigtiiens the oebiliuted srstem perfectly ana speedily curing biuonmesi jaundice dyspepsia const 1 pation headache eheuniatian dropsyn errooj and gen eral debility female pomplaintsv tknsfala erysipelas salt bhenro and every species of chronic disease arising from disordered lirer kidneys stomach bowels or blood- i the best blood purifyihq tonic in the world taapte bsttle ise y hiulig k co wu afflffs twmre kefwlar ilk im n rieesaams wtra rtwtter is a uft itn ud tdciut dotror rf i aduks fnos t emu or lbc xl i fa chsdna o rs rratuas irw tmmotle via art rft fa mrr tafac tor mivrsaa tal jbauirf umt hars da tqasl pries ij cests p packlfc 2 kifxie ec4ts toln 111 hkfuaulitucc jmm taairsoiact iis rpot ukutufc specinllhsi op the- domiuioa boot saoe store faave ast receued an m xit me itoclcof booti aud sboei or every dcscripiton com- iprls ng- all lines tn mens wo men 6 childrens ordered work particular attention is paid to ordered work and tne best materials will alwsjs be used repairing sepawnii promptly and wre fully attend- gall and exturilne onr stock kenneyson acton maren slit lsl guelph cloth hall ju8t receive0 i 1 an immense stogk of english and american i silk hitis scotch caps etc shaw murton iceroaaat tailors qtielpk in kew swiss e3ibroideries 4 new eamteg emtdroideries cheap prices and extra qualities ladies corsets all siaea from 18 inches to 36 inches new elastic hip corsets v of oitor ot0o tfainek i jromthefcsdaeduesalonsdioihl fbr0afo4ddjest hro eotne to the contrast of ths poltkm of the eotluliman wlui ihstef htr tliuman on tills sldbot ths auastic hki weuwi ubook ofsnltiitlireqdlr ment ao one refrrraee work tn which ha vn tod all that ha nur u 1 ount of nostajlai quarry that will yield him evarr ot his detdaaosf roqaln the inspection ofoch ssbemsynaaf in tha rnsmmolh cnabridfrd wtlr har ins rrtard to its issues its thoroughness jtj compactness and its price it 1 an isiffcr product of literary kill and meehacteal nrk tnscshjp there hocld not be a school in ths dominica where acccs cannot readily and eonatutlyh hsd to it ni traeber aud we might add a reader of tho language can afford to be without it for it j a monemftntal work a nobis tribnat so our gtiod old mothertongue from tomlon qoarterlj- bwrlwoi tha whole aa 11 stands it is moat respectable aatr crtaialf vits ssst rascncsi escuawatenaaa stsnixt x ecmxitj o every edoeated ma xanl wnjiain m ererr scholar knows its valoa w jt praattia xutorton j ths book hu tiecoms ioolspenmbia so avasv studios of the english 1iiiiiii ifsnlaai t vcatit chiif w1k us r 1 i t l sr 91 u7ery sale bo ar1 f stables new silks i t all the now shades at 60 cents per yard mow striped silks soo mew japanese silka 40c th stewart co gueitbfl speight son undertakers furniture dealers waggon rndcrtaklnn etiht description of funeral heqniaiies of the best qualities snp- plied at ahortost notice firstclass hzaesi fnrnishod j fornlttire in our cabinetmaking department we are prepared for tie spring demand parlor suites sofas centre tables whatnots dedsteada dc waggons vte have on hand a stock of firstclass lumber wagons and democrats manufactured by ourselves from the best material wbiub will bo sold at the lowest pos sible rates 8peigh t son aoton note the lollowik stioyes tinware coal oil lamp goods and pumps cheap for gasli at flavuts eovetronkliing and jovworka specialty an kliid of track taken in exchanuo for goods setaetnber the place next door to creeoha saddlery algo of thelaiap iflll i street aotop v mvlljva mill street i actow- ia where yoo cat get firsisiclassi ei at reasonable rates i hood commercial bigsjf an eijress delivery wpn will anew enrh xireis train and do livr goods itf iiiiv part of thetosrq j all parties indebted to tbis es uhlimihieht are reijueitcd io pay sflj without lorther delay and save costs ed matthews prowietoa1 koofie ciieflatwndthsstbniaclii blol utcr an kwnype lieahaaxuil iiop bitter fcmc hem o i tsiejrerteri toaririilr tnicanpe- ter urcnetheoerandcaniuveonejulh nop fiutts utlsimribleormunlnrieacstor ha r beiilb where uj haicrt xrv osrdt why 4o hop butors care rymncnl aa uct give stxxl cicettion ncto biooutam btalth5eiljnoftthiboitai vomuuorwb yon- ft litij r all ranlis hopliiucxi will udojood rcniembr hoc bitten never do wj harm but oai alwis and oonunoallj parify ih blood cleanse the tommi and svectea the bfreatu wlib hop ivj ure t 1 qti t nerves aiifbtlnxy sleep in bob ihk no health vhh inactive liver ab nrtnary organi witboathopbjturs l 5 try p rosh cara nad palm brikft for tsls by alt druggista j0hnst01t8 sarsaparillai unt mm qtfflav andfdtpsirtrilnajtheislood it has been in 0 for so jtaw and ha provett to be the best tveucrationuitn sarawt for eick hkatlac pa ihb bueoa back liter o mjsjotftjatlisonthepace rsteia piles and ail dtseaaea u ariao from si piaordered uver ot an t purebtood thomandaotourbestpe take it and give it to ttetrehuttron 1 atclaia prescribe ttdalrr tbosowhpojtl ttonrarecciraneodtt to others t m it ia made from yellow dock honottl iabarsaptffllawlkttaerrre danoelkinvbaasaftaa rttaterrr other wcutaxjwn tsdoahle herte lluatdcuj not hurt the tnoctc it hi one ot the best medwacslaa i torlteculatingthecawets it is told bj an responsible i at one dollar for at quarvbotua or bottlebtoravadoaari those who cannot obtain a bottle s this tnedidne from their ttrnstr send ta one dollar- and we tilio to them free of any eharrei imhebstbuko fur sate tn acton by j drarelsu 30ooo onap jmmlx canrercnre wnot ccoauccolt anger ctjr vrdlhont she iise at tb knife tho onu permanent cure in the for pa riicnlnra enclose 8 cent to sc toatlcoot pq cauvla slwrfcs bwiriiasicerau bnlflt furnished tren writh2jijei tnctions loreoadoetlaf xt profltkble imtineslrany z gasoln tfiebttsibaesisso- learn and onr i nstruetlons axe sostt tlaln that any one con make awvji iromtbewryaurt koonaea iwllllnitotrorh wrmsnavemaoos menroya and glrla en earniujjt maoy hirve made at the buflnaa or hundred dollura io a ainrle ilkejt cvar known before ajf sre surprised at tba ease wi rep which tnay are able to mate r can etigam in this business daw ume at areat nront vc4dontn reat oapltatla u w taaau tbjj who need ready money abojuf once all furnished free ao taowioo sjiawaewawlilawawsiawwalawsi j f k mbliwllwmmiiltm1111111111 tr tt t