trv tattxis nt iiuy trainslsareactopsji followti s ooisu west sight express iroavm toronto mail rr 9l0aro day express v l4xpiii express t v 518pm visit mixed night express gait mixed day express wartcrn mail london nixed ooikqiistv- c5pm 4il0am 943am ilsqvm 4t4opui 930 pra trjjcw hyoda for school books envcl- ppeai wtttjnt paper try gebj hynds for fiu combs dwaaiue combs hair brushoa rarswsrctaclw try geo hvnditbrnwstjfim in glasa- ww cracu knives spoons and forks a lance stock a cheap stuck g ivc us a call order now taken tor the raised edition of the now testament the free plw tufesba morsisc april 1 issl local aiad vtistx jotuasrs hlriuii i eoa llie scott act kiarrrwill jtevitt wnire are ibeaiuje v lxxt closed oa saturday the rosnig are drying up fast tre oyster season is nearly river kent proa- the trees in your orchard hot cross bans was the lumry at good friday qkess btcthgati fsur jweeks fxoai next tuesday i the gaelpli policemea will soon appear in new suits dokt allow your adterfisemeua to ran to seed change it ynffr little maple egaror syrup has been made in thia vicinity tehee was no fchodl on friday aadmcuday easter holidays piaicerrepott fall whiat to im in pod cqcditioqv generally in this vicinity mr l g matthews fa is opened t bit cqnfcctrasezxhop in the pos- oteos bunding pettire your fishing tackle the speckled beantiesvill bareadj for by the 2nd may v it is estimated tiist r hundred doxext egsa were demolished in town on eaxgr sunday the interior of the post office has ceceivedr a coat of paint which greatly im- pmves its appears n mblss a secord has divided the citre store in the block ori hill street arid xwo fair sized ahope are aha result eistetscxdir sermons appropri jate to the occxsioii were preached in the rariooa chnrches an scndjy morning messes e xictlia h son lsve fceea hating their base shop and ice cream parlor fcahtwiiiied piistcdaad otherwise cenorated l the excitement around the tele graph osices cm toesday er to learn the correct state of the polhrg oa the scott act in this connry ran high bocte etixs owners of horses reqnirin route bills will find it to their ad vantage to call and see cur cdta we hare firskclau lot to choose foai estwoetni teteopie of went- sforth county rote on the scott aci to- morrow saccesa to them if ay they fol low the example of noble old halton- tie storefceepvrs axe wry tndast rioas taay- doalinxtha dnst oz their dnxty conntert with theif dcitera xjtsti qafldesetts tra but ftk sjiring wothsr tilk ttctt are budding tuk stoats aw tory busy vetoas arc down to ten oenta fpwoomso sj cominencod read dyd wllliatnsoa k coa new adr how did you enjoy the holiday good friday t spiuxq birds ace appearing in urge numbers yk had total prohibition in our connty on yncsday there auottld aow ba a goheral cleaning op of premises the cities are clatuotirik for tbe ksntle spriukle cart tub eiberciil mildncssof spring seema to have corns apjand jitotireb wirth is iaing rapidly covered with a mantla ol rnjen th farmers should do thair spring leading now before the spriag work com mences rev l cameron preaobod a lem perance sermon at limehonie on sunday afternoon t vwarjc showers and sunny days are now badly ncded to hasten firming opcratiooa rve would be pleased to have the palrona of the exi press from thesne- roandiog coanlry whea in town pay ut a visit qceexs btmhdar appoint your committee to prepare for the celebrabonon thiitthof ilsy dont let acton be be hind formeryears torosto jvtffa donned a new dress and howpteseata a most creditablo appearance we wish pur cotem all the success it deserves aftee such a long and steady winter it must bea source of consolation to rery living- creature- to see and feel he approach of spring cbeditable a pleasing circum stance u the lact that nearly every young aaxt in town who had a vote polled it io favor of the scott act kkr t l wukinson ill dx preach a sermon to the members of acton lodge loof in tbe ilethodist church on sunday evening next kcva dodds addressed a meeting in the drill shed on friday eveaing but from the result of the electi his speech badiitue if any effect anthat the act bixerit eventha wholesale mina- fictnrers recoguae the valne of ike fcee pexss as an advertising medium see the adr o uesars w h storey son in auother column iaoreiest ilr beter itcnab has added a verandah to his residence on itql street which adds much to the ap pearance of the building mr john cara- eioa was the builder and tht woffc reftecta credit on his skill jfooe fotict one of the hotel keepers who it very wrathy aver the victorr of the scott act in this county pours oct his vengeance on scottitei who hxppcn to pass his dacr hj calling them insuitinj names but the ecottitcs dont czt a straw about such things the lifegoaeds thsacfon tem perance life guards will give an entertain ment in the temperance hall onfridiy eveuing a splendid programme has been prepared and from the result ot the last entertainment we feel confident that this will bea treat not often equalled dad t thou act a perfect nuisance -i- tows huxt- a meeting of the rate- sayers srill be held en the cosncil chamber jm monday evening 2nd ifayfo ebnaider the propriety of erectics ttown ball in this jnnnicipality s it is our painful duty this week to chroniclvlhej death of maud only child of ilva sccord ithhis village mr secord and wife iiavef the sympathy of the ommxuity in thir artectian eoads xsb budges tbe township councillors should at this season of th year examine the roads and bridges and find srherc xtpaira are required they could discover placeawherffs few dollars could be pftifitabljiexpendfd- jcjzgsalignc s p panton who has been connected irith the milton champion for the past- five years severed fcis connection with that journal lart week mr matheaou lawyer ha rssnmed after a lapse of several yearshis fosition as ditorf thecs3jjias mr anton has gone to the2forth west diixstbqds anjeichange says what with sefea xuontha of winter do- atructive floods the most texribla earth- 4oaies of the century lh breaking oot of the plagne the diseaaea of large and filthy the distnritasees in ireland the aasasaination of the ar and thnneaaineas and discontent in germany the year v188i has tims far ept op iu reputation las a signally disastrous and portentous year mother snipton mast feel as happy aa teshor is after a predicted blizzard or a jropheuc hreece iscossufzst in rtferenoe w tbe bcott act in hamilton the spectator says yesterday nil day of total prohibition forced by heavy penalties sod aided by kandreds of spies yet many people were dreak bat night while the mail in its re port says the bars were closed there fore and the closing was observed with cat strictness for sot a drunken mao war boticeable hi the city tbroogbout the whole day notwithstanding thrcvaleut-enthas- jasm which of theabov papers tries t y ma in an ontiniaifril light v 1 seeds eect waeic this u tbe sisaa when all underwraps should be worn ca regularly v in january overcoats and circulars cannot be laid aside kth safety for some week yet- keep as warm aa you cah and dont allow yourself to think about spring until it forces itsiu upon you good- fatdar hqre beautiful weather conlduot be desired or expected for a good friday than that with which we were favored the sun poured dowu its rays with great strength j but being temper ed by a coot breeze made the ia very eb- joyable be day was obcaved aaa geneval holiday and the streets were thronged with pedfitriaua all day while every person who could scare up arig indulged in a drive services were held in st albans church morning and evening and in the methodist church in the evening vlittis fbzersess touli liis 1 to800 tthe scott act carry in wentworth to morrow the wood piles on several ot the streets removed i all the streets in town put in s cleanly condition the merchant who is perfectly satisfied with the amount of trade he does a good shower of warm rain after which tjie farmers would be able to com mence their spring work obituart it is our most sorrow ful dutytoday to announce the death of mr malcolm kennedy one of the first settlers j this village arid one with whom nearly every resident of this vicinity was acquainted which took placs yesterday afternoon mr kennedy- had been ailing for seveial weeks and was taken worse on tuesday he was a native of inverness- shiretbcotland where ie was bora in 1807 he came to canada about 35 years ago and settled here working at his trade stone mason ontil a fewwean ago for several years owing to bis advanced age and dim ness of vision he has been almost continu ally confined to the bouse mr kennedy was respected by all wbewera acquainted with him and his family will have the warmest sympathy of the entire community in- their heavy affliction the family lose a kind hasband and father and the com munity a warm friend garden field ihlmbala mr malcolm gordsn visited his mends her thu week mr firalbisjettrot toronto was in town pa thursday but mr john a ross of toronto was in town on good friday mia ellen nickllu ot puslincb is paylmj bet friends huro a visit mr n j tufu ol ashland mass made a friendly call on tuesday mr judsou cook and wile viaitod their acton friends on good friday mrjsnd mrs kli snyder spent a couple o days this week in brentford mr u j hall ot borlin visited acton on tuesday to vole torlho scott act mr ft i itugbes o brsutford spent the easter holidays with hiafrieuds here mr and mrs james smyth of lowviue visited their acton friends on good friday mtts marygrinliuton visited her friends iu toronto oa saiurday aud two following days mr jesse kctchum of mount forest spent several days this week with his acton friends mr w h mcdonald returned to his duties si medical college toronto on monday v messrs charles allan and edward uecd of zimmerman visited their friends here on friday last mr a e matthews agent montreal telegraph co visited his toronto friends the first ot the week messrs don 8t georgs frsser ot houtx- dalc pa aadlschlaa mcdonald of hant- ingdon pi returned to their homes on thursday last after attending the funoral of mrs frascr wbosa corpse was brought- hero for interment both ot the above gentlemen were at one time residents of thia village and were greatly surprised and pleased with the improvementa which lave been effected since they removcdfrom here s act aoua pe0ft0stee on thursday evening last prof foster addressed a very large audience in the methodist chuitb mr r little p s i acted as chiiraiuu tbe lecture ur awostable and instructive one sad many points were brought out in favor of the act atissue and the lecture rcceired the undivided attca tioa of all present eet lacuxas calfeeqv fortnerly pastor of thq pnrshytcrisn church hee now of thsmesford preached a temperance sennon in the ilethodist cbureh on sunday evening as noscryice was held in the presby terian and baptist churches tho attea- danca was very large and numbered about goo tiie rcy gentleman deliv ered ona of the best and most earnest mmpetanca discourses our people here ever had the privilege of listening to and it doubtless bad good effect eevs sltltti ca1cer0k akd ball on moaday eveuing a well attended meeting was held in tho prcsbytatian church mr archibald campbell occupied the chair rvs j smith of toronto l cameron tbamttford and v s bill guelph addressed tbe meeting each prereuled tfrong argu menum fovor of the scott act aud appealed to all present ta poll their voles in its ftvor at tbe close a show of bands was called for and nearly all present signified that they wars in fovor of the act noti worth amontloi i souool boom host wlretnund sohool books at geo hynds b 8 my 100 paga3c scribbling book dm wing books slatca and pencils pm anu ink it will pay you to oall an i get my prices orders now taken for the revised edition of ttiu kew testa nent at goo hynds dealer in jewilery fancy goods buoku and stationei y cutorn and force fumpa at 0 hills 12 pound8bf8ugrfur8100 it a becord 4i cus stabla lunlctns 65 conta at j 0 hills hats from75 ocnd to 2 50 at i fyles no 1 sad irons foe 5c per b at j c hills try t h hardings g5c tea worth 75 cents higliest market price paid fonpork at a secord ft cys first class retinned pressed milk pane at j c hills pock hard and fish cheip at t h hardings ladie mantles pewest stj lea at christie henderson k co rigive t h harding a- ca 1 for general groceries and provision t pounds good tea lot l0aat a secord gos a- good second band cook stoye cheap for csah at j c hills you save money by buying your groceries aud hardware from a se cord co a good felt hat for 76oeit8 at j fyfes 12 pounds of good bright sugar for 100 at t h hardings cheap cash store coal oil best london col oil so cents at j c hills i if you waut a nobby durable and cneap suit j fyfes is the place to go ko i cluver and timotby seed cheap at a secord cos cistern and force pumps cheap at j c kills stove depot a nice l of bird cages jnst ar rived at j c hills tin shop cheap highest market price paid for atoney io loam t about 1000 to loan ai 6 per cant on flrsuuu real sststa aacurlty apply sjt this office to h p mooee actohapru 12th 1881 secord cheap- cream oa be acton tiie ccadle seals in acton on the u th init wife of stephen beats of twins daughters cascpbell iu milton on the istinst the wife of mr 1 w cimpbell of a son cobbak in acton on good fridav loth init the wife of mr james e cobban of a daughter the aetae gaeentwaldie in acton on the 20th init by kev db caaieraa assisted by rev j h lowe mr gcree girrett to aunie second daughter of john waldie esq all of acton eoeiksok goodkak at the presbyterian mtnse acton on the i8lh init by the rev 1 b cameron assisted by rev lachlan cameron of thamesford ivra j j robinson lo anu daughter of waller goodman esq both of liineliocse tnecbave kexkedt in actoo on the 20th init mr malcolm kennedy aged 71 years funeral will take place on friday after noon at 2 oclock aktkces in eiquesing on ihe 20th inst mr john arthurs aged 71 years the funeral will leave the residence ot mr joseph arthurs on friday at one pm and proceed to the limehouso cemetery secord in acton on the isthiust maud e infant daughter of mr alex secord aged 7 months weep not dear parenta but be content i was not yours but only lent dry up your tears aud weep no more i am not lost but gone belore fresh butter aud egs at t h hard ings scotch english and canadian suitings iu great variety at tbe ei st end clothing store j fyfe acton largest assortment of garde i seeds in lovn all new and fresh at a gos go to t h hardings cash store for flower pots crocks milk pans etc suits ani overcoats at extremely low rates and made in latest sty sure to call aud see them j fyfe highest market price ps id for fresh eggs aud ko i butter at a secord it cot toronto oil co are sole mk ador ers af castorine machine jil in- fringemeruwitl be prosecuted they alldo it everybody uss tea bentobeautlijlheeetuanotctvefragracce lotlie breitu ask yoar drugtst foi saraplo package 5 cu lrrce uallleals een s jeo castorine machine oi for all kinds of machinery it is also c cellent for harness or leather making t water and weather proof vellow oil is pin exceixexcs i le rem edy or pain lameness rheunalism croup deafness bums fros bites stiff jrints and all flesh wound i any medicine dealer can furnish it if you sutler from any chronic disease arising from impure blood s luggish liver di6crrdej kidneys or inscuvity of the rowels if yoar kervous si stem is debilitated from whatever cause arising do notdespair but procure a tri 1 bottle of buruock blood bitters it t id only co t 10 cents large itottles f i 0 for sale by all mediciredealers manufacturers of reapers dowers and threshiog machinery prefe cas- red chaff peas otas barley bye eggs per doz butter dairy packed better rolla potatoes new per bag dressed flogs at8i kaeketh white wheat 1 mto i os treadwellfd i ot to i 08 spring wheat glasgow od i 06 to i 10 0 ot to i 08 0 60 to 0 73 0 37 to 0 39 0 65 to 0 85 0 65 to 0 70 0 10 to 0 u 0 18 to 0 20 0 15 too 18 0 60 to 0 70 6 j5to 7 25 giieirtl hahkets j275 to j 00 flour white wheat ireadwu spring wheat glasgow red chaff oau peas barley live 7 eggs per doz butter daliy packed batter rolls potatoes new per bosh pressed hojr 1 ot to 1 08 1 otto 1 08 1 06 to i 10 0 95 tol ot 0 37 to 0 39 0 60 to 0 73 0 65 to 0 85 0 05 to 0 70 0 10 to 0 11 0 18 to 0 20 0 15 to 0 18 0 60 to 0 70 6 75 to 7 25 and flower toriqe machine lil to any other oelweur isrd seat and elephant warranted not loiguro ueariacfle why become a suflcriutf martyr aclie when ijurjclc klonduutcrs rlli kurlr jure the cause tfullvarillesorelloi rslrfcor kervous heaiarhe cleanse lha rtgulale ihegccrtuons rhko cir lo dead fysicm tipation of ill uawelf pnrtfr lite bcod rer jvale uie llvemndiniieuu the kervous hs m aud disrsiig beadircbe wll be uikuown gampld bolt it i iii cents large uot les 109 1 doctors qavo elm op is itpmtbto ihatkruodfriyls ipaudat worlc and cartfd by so simple a rem 3iyt i rmure you tt t true thatbal cured and with iolhns but hop ii oily ten days ago his doctor gave h id i ay w minute and tut 6nme for poor gaorro said be rausldki woilidart if that so i wt know hoi are good do not let prejudice stand in of relief if you sutler from any itwill and- is rbi lersand m upand lto mis i the- way iogerjor disease burdock blood billts cure othtrs why shouhf it notbomfit you it is a specific for all ormscf blooj lier andkidney complaints nervou6 tfeodaches general debility scrofula and all diseases o the secrelor system trial bottles 10 cents z0pesa from brazil asarepultof the new commercial enterprise jnst assuming startling discovery l08t manhood fg8tore0 a vloum ot ybuuiral upndeaos causing prams tors drkay ktrroos debhltr lost uanbood ete bsttna tried in vain every known rcmscr hai dls cormd a simple self ours which he mu rod trej lo us fdlorefltrrt 4 li jt eii 4suutbsuak ny baubkr suop behoved j p wobdex has removed bis barber shop to the pre mlses lalely oeeopled by r k njiioo he has otted up the plaeo wllh new furniture etc and hopes by personal attesllon to secare lhf patronage of lie citizens thank fngthiise who have given me their custom in the past and sollcltl nj a continuance of their favors lam yours respectfully jp ordes aston march 82nd is81 tt henry e crinlinton housq palnfor oralner paper hanger and decorator li prepared lo lake contract for painting paper hanging and kilniinlnln larorden promptlr attndm to in town orcoantrr- tcrnmttoiiabie hatiok anexpcrleooe of thirty rein i can joaranlefl saiwaouon loan h b grinlinton mill st aoton qesibable village property forale ttjfl anderslcned oflvn for wlrj tbntvalq- abu iroprtt4ltuated ob uihlret next lo cbruua headeron a cqa- in uieantrprii- lnj ylluto of acton oduiepromlililf3- aied a joodsbop 4rw wllh djvtslon in eontre- alto a comfortable dwclllnf bons contain- locslxroomi with hard and toll wter the above rroperty islnlbe centre of tbeboalneas paitoftae village and u an excellent stood fur any small balnesi tacelbtr writh tbe above the stock of ooota md ttboe and the hitiiebord fitrolture will alio be soril if not sold by private ttae prevloac to the 1st may tbe whole of tho abobe will be disp osed of by aactiou th03 cbai5e aclon april ulh isi n dramaklnc eatabliahmatit ixi acton the tradenlfftted bes to inform the ladles of acton ad vicinity that ttiey will open a shop in tbe premise lately occupied by mls muddiucti at the residence of mrs george kauhttrs on monday april oh and will be prepared lo ezecntoall orders la drcattaalc j dc in the latest styles and at uw most reasonable prices bhlag practical dress maiceri we ara pre pared to insnre saut faction in all orders ur9ilckuemissraaelialulwin acton march 21st 1881- imo whitewashing and coloring wm 1stelson cbews0ss cobees is prepared to do all kinds of white rtah hi jtg coloring on the shortest notice and at reason able rates 3leave your odecs at the rait rajas office acton p sclothink cleaned ken- orated wm nelsos svfefjviivv 1- ft3b ismori of tmb dsy v e radford e s bollert s b wimamson 1881 spring 1881 ii kxi we bez to annonnce the opening and display in our millinery show room -on- ftascky steay april 21st 22jd and 23rd or ora nrroetattoya qt i paris london and new york pattera millinery plumes flowersj ornaments trimmingsj silks cloth and silk mantles etc etc w invite every tady to visit our show rooms on the abov days we have made alterations which give us themargeat and best lighted know rooms in the city we ask ladies to defer their millinery purchases until this the grandest display that will be attempted thia season we have the gooda to dolt with the lion has tho lead and se pill keep it r a welcome to all j d willisamson co guelph grand display this week of t zlstew speuvtg tweehds 4t tfe l8iis qtetmbi blin 4fe r n g n otice to creditor importance with brazil is the in reduction of zofesa so jnstly celflbrated 4r ll ts known for tbecure of all lorms of lrjulsestloji the company have opened a lab ralory in toronto zofesa comes to u bjg ly endors ed and recommended its wonder ul stsulty to the digestive jrgans its corw nty to re- ueve and cjro dyspepsia and co stlpatlon makesthis remarkable eompoun fa necev sity in canada the company mi kesampie bottles at the iriflinjr cost of 10 01 nls lo be hadofjemcaarvln actoa best ana comfort la the gal trine browns household pans aa has no equal for relieving pain both in ternal and external it ourei fain in the side back or joneis soi e throat rheumatism toothache lun bago and any kind ota cain or aoha it will most surely quickehtba ulood and heal as its aoting power is wtnderful browns household panacei b acknowledgt d as the great pal i believer and of double tbe strength of any other elixir or liniment in the wor d should be in every family hanly for use when wanted as it really the bistremedy in the world forcramus in thi btomaoh and pains and aches of al kinds and isforsale by all druggists lt25cenu a bottle seeds at e piirsnanllolh provisions of rs0 chap 107 sec 31 the crediton of uaniom adams late of the vll toje of acton in the county of hjiltcn who died op or about ue tenth of march 1561 are on or lw for ihe 22nd day ot ilaylssl tosend by post prepaid to wluiam h storey glove manufacturer or i w cam pbcll carpenter both ot it said village of actor the exfflilon of tbe mid deceased tbelr christian and surnames addresses and description tbe full pirfleolars of their claims a statement o their accountt and tbe nature of insecurities lfpnyheklby them orindetaalttlicredfthe ald ezecutbn will aftar the said lastmeutloned date proceed lo dlstilboto iha awots of the said deceased amongut the parties enliued thereto havlnc regard only lo the claims qf which the sold eisculon shall have notice dated at aoton this lourteenlh day of april 1ssi w h stored rora revised new testament authorized edition ready in mat jemcgabyrpf urcgg1st acton has made arrangements to supply the kevhwd new testament as soon as pub lished there will be a variety of sizes and bindings and the prices will range from so cents upwards orders are nosy being taken and cata logues may be seen at my drug store owing to the expected urge demind order should be gived in hf tke fifth of april agents debited j e mqfliaivin 2a j oavggisr scvotf moabiyprs m- i im is it m onejof the largest and most aeeeol slocks ever expased in acton comprising thi newest pattern and colors in scotch englue and canadian tweeds and wor steds also hats capjand gents furnishing in great variety 1 3 photo j fyfe l come to hills art studio mill st acton and if you dont knowybur own photograph now you wim hereafter citizens visitors all come and you will be well come c3s w sill m brilliant sucoess a l hbavijrtiiiiiii ta m obsinlnsjsehshssarffiffilsw f o sssstcjktm to u r and cabfaet f we were awarded the only sifter modal ever offered for special koelienoesa tjptolstery in this department we take the lead and chauenge compebbom or3ei eri jt31 receive prompt attention inspection cordially invited w0rsf0ld go drugi store acton slm5imai t i t li i sii it nil v