iffsfe8fete vlv mt i sprl i 3 the uteevjnew england device or feompelliug recalcitrant ealoon keepers lo obey the sunday closing law ia ipi end promises to bo effective it si to require them u often a sun day comesaiound to remove ail tlrelr screena open their blinds and raise their curtains go that the passers by can see at a glauce what is going on inside the saloons suaiita prosseett if it wore necessary lo prove that an improved cutt of business eiiala in canada we should naturally turn to the report of the commercial aireacioj of ilia country although their returns are not to bo relied ouallogeher froth the fact that wo lack a national bank- ruptlaw the qitarlcdy returnijuat published by dun wiman k co give the number of canadian failures duiinj the quarter at ig5 with liabilities aggregating 2025550 against in the eortvf ponding quarter of last year 503 mures with liabilities of sig279 according lo emdtlrtdt return the nainfeer of canadian bankruptcies his decreased 5 percent our nobli oounty tilt tains her honor a long pull a etroni pull but tilorloua rmuit ax exiting dai in acton the band the bonfire the life guards oarrlei la slaf aci amusolls conn- uoak3titilarjuiltli gtahted tb lntroduoe i bjuw at the next meeting of thll opuricli to legalise the aocoptaoc of a street from major allan in ilea of the aame quantity of roadway belonging to the corporation enclosed by him aud onopnditton that payi all oou and ebargat connected with publication of notices tranifar of titles wid registrations of suae with bylaw moved by w h storey scoonded by m slight that the street and sidewalk ooniiuittoe be authorised to obtain as many toft niaplu as ere ne cessary to plant out bowor avenue aud also to place guards about the same carriod moved by m speight eccondtd by d v campbell that this council adjourn i tio vsim ti t lire pissr ata recent dedication of an import ant iniiajtrut establishment the pro prietor made a speech in which ha made the fullowinj remarks which apply no jess la this own and ersry other place in tha country than to dubuque a vigorous energetic thrifty press ia ha index of ti lire raggressire community and while the presr builds up business we mast also j recognise that business must also build op the press their inlereala are mtttual the character of srcily u known by her newspapers let as advertise a iitua niore lt ruihow op what we have pt lt we hare a good ihing we most jet the people know it the soolt act csciement in this countv reached its climax on tuesday ihe day on which ho polling took place comidcrablit activity was ex rcitfd at every poll in the county during the entire duy and iho numbec ot votes polled was very large after the poll had closed here tha crowd at the polling place rewired largo aeces swns every few mouienta and when the deputy returning officer appeared it the doer of the hall to announce the resituthc atrecutaa full when actons result which ea appears below was uvorablc wai raadu known cheer after cheer ascended from the scott act party while the anlie received the okus witli apparent aurprise and die appointmeut from thw tirao uulil the result of tterole throughout the county wsa ascertained the lelrgraph ofllceswece fironei with the support ere of both sidea of tha question alt eager and anxious to learn which had gained the victory aameawgm were received they were bulletined and at cfe uouknt the hopes of one sida would be high while at the next another part of the cotioty would be heard irom which would reverse the majority and thus allow the opposite side to be jubilant the final result was ascertained about eight oclock and aland as follows maomina icuourvrea xuoanraarr wwmmmmmz t7 t i foat qud of tiuou to th idllor qf ikt frtt rtaa dean sir allow me tb rough your columns and in behalf of myself and family lo return thanks 0 the many old moods of other years for heir sympathies and kindnesses during be occasion of my late visit to acton for the purpose of placing my wifes remains at real in iho old family burial lot at liaichouse and to aanure them that i shall ever remember with gratitude their honest outpourings of genuin sorrow for tha lots of one who for so many years went inland out among ihein truly yours dos st aeoaof fe18e8 iloalxdale cloai field qo pa jastituu ft tap deaf sst i the ijntll annual report of ihe on urio deaf and dumb institute at belle rille haa been received with lbs gnperinieadela compliacnti lie writer that vie have room fora eon- aiderable number of new pupile andif yott know of anr deaf mates of 6chocl a who oaght to come tolle insula tion be good enough to prevail npon thtir parents or friends to make ap- plicauoa for their admusioa u soon as poasigle tie fulloxving are the eamsa of the popik frota this county who were in attendance during the year endios sept 30th isso hia nah and itellie cunnlnjham otknlle john -b- ke well milton tnd ease willoughby georgetown acton 2 uiltoo 2 oatrille 23 tiegrctlawn i bctlitijoa s3 ensuing 101 yasuiiweya 1 fi6 keuoa 117 tralalu- 8 specialties mkntlesilks mantle cashmeres 1 fringes gimps sitvs parasols fine dress materials mhjese goods vtb have just opened out and assure our patbons that they are exceptionally good value far in 1881 are larger that they have 233 us total majority m favor of lie act 87 lxmediattly on the result being learned the scott act party joined in a rousing and prolonged cheer and the greatest enthusiasm wig apparent tbu braai band whichwaa stationed near the telegraph offices struck np a lively tune and continued lo play at imminent uanjrer threatens any one troubled with a backing couuh in- oammation wben it attacks the delicate liuu ol the lungs and bronohiol tubes travels with perilous rapidity it is worse than- madness lo neglect a couah or cold to do 10 is simply to invite consumption and preouiure death battle with and overcome ibe disease in its fufancy and avert ibeperil do not allow the lung eating tubercles to dcvelope tbemelves before retorting to medicine kxperienee baa shown thai the preparilign best adapted lo subdue a furaidble cough lo aootbe and heat the lacerated luhga is korlbrop a lymans emulsion ot ood liver oil and uypophosphitee of lima and soda a swift and sure specific lor bronchial and lung aflectioni laryngitis and the vari ous form of scrofula it is not pre tend ed that this jfavorile remedy will cure fully developed consumption but that a it will avert it is a lad too well proven la admit o any reaionable duubt the act ia eqaally well known and appreci- aed both by iho- puuic and tbe pro- feuion that uie article is an admirable fertiliser of tbe blood imparling to it those cctislitaenls wliicb are euential lo tbe complete nutrition of the system and its preaervation in a stale of heal lb in an enfeebled system phonphirusl that necessary element of bodily j substance u deficient this constitu ent as well aa lime and soda important in bone formation are supplied in the emulsion of cod liver oil- prepared ever been in the history of our busi ness shows conclusively jthat the pi blic appreciate our efforts to place by sorlhrop a lyman toronto by all drugglsti bold for all purposes of a family medicine different placesin the village for anihiutaaaa ltnowonit at the heaojof ti t r r tbe luc ll is ued with unprecedented hour or mote the temperance we oommt fauroally guards juveniles under the tupcrin- j it cures bore throat burna scaldj tendtnee o misses mckair and steel fpr j 1 l i 4k- 1 tprw m sj jjeta of seaeoasaali ai ttuuaoa during the past week the world has lost two of the most renowned men of the present age on thursday 14th insfc the eer win morley punshon d d the distinguished wesleysji minister died at urixton england aged57 yeire and on tuesday morning t lard beacbnafield leader of the opposition ti the english parliiment departed this life aged 75 years pdtany members of other deuomina- tionathan hie cjrn will hear with regret of the death cf llorley ponshon the mote brilliant pulpit luminary of the wesleyan methodist church five of the busiest and meat import in t years of his life were spent u cuutda and it ia not goingtoo far lo aay that daring thoso years he left hiaimrjres deep on he character and work of the colonial branch of the church xo which he belonged with lord beaconsfialda death the jeujpire if bereft of one of its greatest political leilers and statesmen while he waa ever to hs honor be it spoken ft trueiearted friend and defender of his race and people he was also one of the most loyal of englishmen and he la one of the exceptional instanoes in which great literary and political eminence have been attained without tie aid of a publio icbool aoduniver- aity course ibothdf the deceased gentlemen wars what may be termed selfmade men nd were an honor to the age in whioh they jived lock ooessicn of the platform at the comer of mill and willow street and occupiol the internals between the pieces played by the band in tinging temperance song about nice oclock a bonfire was kindled at he corner of mill and main streets and a large number of eilizenj gathered in its proximity tbe scottiles are all welljleased at the reanlt of the election and feel that it is ample reward for the exertions pat forth to gain the viclory wo are proud of grand old halton and he elorious victory she has gained the hotelclosing law wag very strict ly observed we believe and not even a glass of ale or a cigar could be obtained in a hotel in town by any person the scott act was voted on in kings co n s on friday last and resulted in a majority for the act of i20f votes and annapolis co n s carried jieact on tuesday bye major ity of 1178 other counlfes throughout tie do minion will no doubt follow the ex ample of those above trost bites asthma relieves and often cures the bare fact that our sales thus arriving at christie tieibderson tfcl be fore them goods which for quality and price are second to none in the dominion ewiaag 1 aiay i bit purchase in colored dress silk8 at 75 cts a yard all the hew spring shades represented in this lot jomr hogg direct importers mmvm ard 40 between 2000 ard 4000 rolumes from the owirotincial depository toronto have been transferred to the agtinaltonloollege library aetoa tuliga osuaeu the village council met n the coun cil chamber on tuesday evenmg 19th pursuant to adjournment minutes of last meeting read and confirmed the finance committee presented their report and recommended that the following accounts be paid ii p hoore printing cow bylaw notices and publishing an nual abstracts 817 15 moved by w h storey seconded by d henderson that the fourth report of the finance committee just read be adopted carried moved by w h storey seconded by m speight and resolved that the time is opportune for taking steps to secure he erection of a town hall end lockop for this municipality and that the reeve be instructed to call a meeting of the ratepayers at as early a date as convenient to obtain an expression of their views on the matter carried meved by w h storey seconded by d w campbell thai eave4e at yoat drupgist for a rial bollle of bceboce btoos birreos it will only cod you 10 cents and a few doses will prove its efficiency aa a health restoring tonic regulator of he bowels liver and kid nejs it is rpeciho for all diseases arising from impure blood and disorder ed secretions dyspepsia slreoirthcn your diges tion lono the momach forallllilssandaa- imilatlns stcrratom of food roa uka u bodr needs it fur itrenith aod rigor- xotesa cfcanata tha entire i7tem ftlmalatca tne ilrer fcearayou regular and able to eat ten- pionballi lelleraand postal eaida eom in dlj- imiollmt zoriaa irom brazil post- ttiruoireliahh and vigor itglvemn a 10 cent sample bold by i e ueaarvln aeioa tub sannesr or sin sianrs the grey bain of age being brought with sorrow to the grave fa now we are glad to think becoming rarer every year as the use of cingalese llnir restorer becomes more general by its use he scanty locks of age once more resume their former color and the hair becomes llaclc and luxuriant as ever with its aid we con now defy tbe change of yean resting assured- that no grey hair at any rate will come to sadden us sold by j e mcoarvin 60 cents per bottle eerabesrale birr feb 26 1 8s0 wc bars much pleasure in certifying that we have kept perry davis pain- killer constantly in stock for upwards ol twentyyears duringwiiioh time it has taken the lead in sales over all other patent preparations and has become an old reliable family medicine no effort is required now on our part to sell it as it is oa staple an article aa floor in our trade yours truly w a imbie a co 19 see advertisement in another column garileijld auction sale segutoi sarcmdit may 7th auction sale of vsla able village property and household fur nitare tbe property of j henry smith esq actoo sale to oommenee at one ocloov wm hemstreet aictioneer cheaper than ever ist ie w well assorted stook in each department grades in sugar t from 8 to 12 its for one d0llah sol chiilph aimiversary sermon acton lodjfe i o q p so 294 the anniversary sermon of acton iqopi no 204y will be preaohed in methodist church on bandar evening hast at 690 pm all are invited to attend xhos smvfh vho hh iloobe ajid ilojeri l5 lbs gool fresh prunes for 100 m look otjt for new adv next week aemember those pamous teas w p browk at m immense shixxn q airitals i at mammoth kousje georgetown the new and fashionahle gooie are pounajp in 359 oases and hales have -asriveial-v- im ready and consists of t black and colored silks jblaok and colord cashmeres fancy drees qooda b aoi and chore d lustres beadtifa andnejjl oold print8crape muslins crape sateena satin daliwoe r prints and zanzibar checks hosiery small wares piridfj- goods and a superb stock of millinery and mantles j i oar milllnrry show boom is now open a large ajorbaeatv of heltons and fancy cloaklnss parasols and knnsnsi an lmmenscstock of domestic goods crey and wltlte vfiia tons and denims a snperb assortment orcanadlab andf ported cloths and gents fnrnisldnss for onr ordered wl ins department our ordered clothing department iii immense success i j v cuttsaoiiclellnsmu skeea c vrr cordially unit luptfrtsms e e ef taw urgral cheapeas ad beat aaaerled ueeka la ifcla train eftke i4wm- sit- weimanateeaalutsjcllem we are flag u laalst cllgi ami a sixos raict i heleod anderson it 00 l mammoth norn geirretoni tvrr7soyta3ntt tjajx03j t main stre m acton ont wishes to announce to the people of aoton and vidinity that he has removed us if k at the rame time 1 would thank those who hare so liberally pi- tailorsng baubliahment to the bremises lately occupied by lira 41i moved a ifilair svls roaised me since commencing business in aoton and so licit a coo tinusnoe of their fayora my stock oftrma goodl asirotookpijtta amooipaia33thaiaatsstsrnib3ih irish english sootoh and canadian which were purchased for cash and will consequently be made np at aa reason onable prloea for cash as eny house in the trade examine my shocs before pnrohaaing elsewhere a porfeot fit guaranteed large stook of spring eatsin latest sfyles r e tko imt at frice tutertmtnt of stalu r hbjtrjvheattpi the h3lsb p too i s4forfi jkirjordw by nwil roslatttdfledj m lg wm kitg y i ivvi ft- i y iv t a ti n iti