fcsii sssbsste pv i u pubuatwa edttr proprietor jj u v koess sxt doorlo uettwdlsl church imslttd c00nt tkitwitaepsttpsmaviubeksntto subscribers poste paid tor stw hat an nttm in advance 1180 il notaoiajd kp wwdiscontinu6atiuil stfrwaw rm esocahhaomjdnotthepauiahor ajitxmbdto rina cssuali advcrtise- rnents 8 jwats per line for the fits inser- boa and s eoota per lino for oath ab- queut insertion ch rfessi cards lohaes or low um pet annum 1 squarol ljuucs s0p per annum wuabhin c months froindsbsoiinscilfou anvferccial kotawthe object of whiohii to promote the pecuniary benefit of any mdiviauhl or company to bo cooadcrevlaa advertise ment the number of lines reckoned by tu spa occupied measured bv a kale it solid xoupawil w j cnxraacr batia- oat column one- jear hall column one var quarter column one year iwhlumijuoomi half culama lx months clnarteroolaraiisixmonthsl ole column three months ilalrcolamn iftrwmanths ttnstter column ihrwfruorubs ajlteruseinnts wultnutsjje will tie lnwrterfmtfjlhtdauclcliarcidaeconl wncfl sso rooi asro tlr a co clfle directions a p moose i kduor 4 pro slowing l ftobrlelo- this pakbkintr icpjcaaadaaiverttilpf aren j ev jo a kins st vt toonio is tifeiir ad ni tt w rctcheg manager rr h lovritr il b mc i s v t gndnate of trinity coucrc mem- fcer cacolleje of physicians and surgeons 0ee and residence at the head of fred erick sv actoa if ireolbtdt if d m c p s j graduate of victoria tjniaeraity ciosaetutts o3tlju0 toii visit acton on tuesday and fridav from 2 to 4 p- ml h his services are noouiixd during any ether days of the ek cofceojeft at i ea ifcgirrice dreg siurerill receive pronfpi attention- m 1 h- ifathesos ittokxetat nnr sijicitor in qiifciiy ic 05ce tut door to wabaces hai inijfen- ll bexxett dextist lnrn oat georget- t- j nshelt v s- geqegeto wx ost woijist aston averytvednis- iitand trill atend to all calls pertaiaicg to hisprofes3j3a- orders jeftatilcgarvine drag store trill receive prompt attention terms moderate i x- j- fisheiu r wkixg engineer iron fainilct jlacillniat ceoeackrc hickinery of every description made to order on- the ihortest noticoj and most rtiionihle terms eepairiiig ptompilj- at- teutel to i a lister 11 claek baeeitee vquetfec street gaelph i sejjrca office ln hattken oaholnc bui sutet xuoi k icromea ores utli fmiie l tttx rtk licensed anctidneer- for the goanties of wellington and haiton orders left at the tux pnrss omceactai or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended io i tenns reasonable ejt koas also moneyto loan onthemorffatorable j terms and at the lowest rates of interest i in btanaof ssooxndnpvards w e ss t class bab be ii i have seenred the aervicea of ifr- wnu coon a firztclaas hirber who will jn- iizi my bmioesa for a fe weeka ami jive every attention to the waota of customers jsindly give him ycor patronaiie i jp0rdesi termftl0o in adynce iu ntietpapra map of buiy j4fiiu fludw horn ana ifi ydtt tfomw volume vi no 43 acton n thjursd atj apei ai issi xt ffikittretwe v bahker d cfqjt qwt3810 a general baxximkusi- xess transacted hoot loisaa o atjmvso k0ts3 notes discounted and interest allowed oa deposits aritttatctce thfbank of montreal wh storey son aotom out giove maimfadtiirers the best description of gloves and mars in every variety of material and style arc manufactured by us storeys toreka srikgoovefastoierpait y we are also patentees and inventors of stordt surais sjiiag qm fastsa- jli justly acknovclcojed the most perfect fastener in use patented in canada the united states and great britain ronntaxtimexs spruce sfreat xew york u s a lime grove birmingham ecg excelsior bakery b nioklin son in assuminr control ol the exccmor bak ery would respectfully solicit a continu ance of tuo patronage heretofore tostovced on the lata firm thoy will always havo on hand a good aupplyof fresh beeab buns cokes andpastir also eiscvit8 of au sixes a full stock of confectionery pcre asd fresh always ox uaxn bread delkcrcd i loan to ithij pad of lie bread and bitcuili given in exchange for flour tjredit oustomers credit enitomcrs will be charged ic per loaf more ihan cash customers and all ac coonta must be settled once a month oyster parixr tlie ovsier purlor vrdx lwa3 b found ritb pood butiply of frcfli outers which riil be served in any style flour and feed stobs lawsotf bros j oaidrepirnlj laform tbe people of accvcjix riciuiirtiiattsey isrcopeu- cdlcluf prcmicecopfkktm dr mc drvlas resiaeace a flour and peed store atdwillteepcocrlantlronhaada tall slock of bloub r bt ill kintj3 1xcltokg family flour buofcwheatfioor ri graitata flour cfarnijmeal oat meal cracked wheat bran coarse 8florte finesjjorts chopped peas chopped oats mixed chops oats peas and all kinds of feed usaiuy kept in a fkatdaas store ail goois deliterei toany put of tho viilajs u ssoa u ertotd- call is rujjidfuuy solicitd manhattan feed for horses cattle sheep pigs andwultry good for horses har- ing epizootic lawson bros aetonjaa- 15 ibsltr waitiham watolxes k 2j 81 axd s ouxce cases ft new stock juat received 1 bsavacg patexis fok estextioxs espe- emorsitandproperiy secured in ca- adi thecaiied states and europe ba- teat piaratiteed or no charge- send for printed instructions- agency in operation teatears 4 hexbygei8t ottawa canada rhvri ehgmeerihg soiicitacb of pa tents and draughtsman t05fixi9r hotel actox eobt xj gnev proprietor the new hotel is fitted up in firstclass style with newfurni tare commercial travellers vai find goat jeaxmaodaiion and commodious sample booms special attention paid to the wants of the travelenpublie- bar supplied with the best of liqoori and cigars bflodstiinl- ingani attentive hostlers i ftik fob fiktss j i am prepared to pay the hieliesf cash prcia for hides calfskins deacons lamb and sheep sbns delivered at my tannery lace leather constantly on handi james woobe acrar rilekiage paisftpg having opened a palnt8holl in the prem- faes mrt door to nicklma bakery i ain pre pared to do carria paiotipis and bgu writio jf every- descriptjoii and would re- prtftuiy solicit th pronage of tfaepeople and ricwy jamejgbcott ssfe r pkoperti toe sjujb r the most tamable sod desirable- property rer offered in acton consiatinc of dwelling tore and several vacant lot f main bower and wiuow sheets to be aoutin parcels to aoitparerserj iemu f xh8mnmriprietor eton march 8th 1881 jjocse lot k rait i the ondenrieied often for aafe nleadid atone 3wi hv c 8 snritha rewjthsfonet the on main street near nee one fifth of an in- splendid ndi bon gtabli ind ahdp on the bird and aoft watefwfflav etu atiitr to advertisers g20 p s0v7zli scos select liirt eflseal nweiapars anadvcrttier tcso tpend upwards of 65000 a guar andtcko inzaulut oianttsoofilin out iut writa ymr stuci local lilt paid me httter lasl year tuill ftllts cthtr 2jltortiair8l4i4 it it net a ooopatt7 lit it la not cioaj usi it is aa soaest list the catalogue states eiactltwbftttne papers re when the nsme of the paper is printed in fdm tvcltter it la in every instance ibebest whenprtnledincuttanaillruib osltpeperinthe place the list iives the popolatin or every town and thecircutiillon al svery paper theratcs charted for adtertlstngare barely ooefhlh the nubilsbers schedule the price for sintle stales ranges from m lomotne price for one inch one month in the enure list is 61s the regular rates ol the papers for the same space and tune are s2vs0i4 die list includes t3i newspapers of which 1st an i issueu da1lt and 1u weeelt- they hi located in w different cities and towns ofwhichjaareaiflle capitals it3 places of otrvfoitpopuiatlnnandisbcoonty seats forntofuvftnd other information ad- ire c x iosproeestnewyotav gkeat cause of himas hiseitt of tie jmm w hte recently pnblhhed a new iiih brated easiry on tne radical anp i wjasdeblllty ianulmd physlo- grjswofmsrtafeei jiioltlntfrorriexmaiea grrlee in i afed enveiopi only ojxa bjljelarmtoacnn rrorarcettnatalarmlni cm- y cured without wssibolrisn iatrmode at atmreot 3ti tera reajmuwe apply tttlcnlrtrirtar itedlcal p ttm 0e aehm otto 1 l w u j c0 jlrnr torfc the mutual life assoctatiox of caxada tteid office nihiltoy 0t crttersacat dewsit orr 90r00000 policies on the vsszzrz fckd lto issued by this company only and copyright contain a plain statement of the amoant of cash value of paidup insurance the policy- ho will be entitled to receive if discon- tinainir the payment of premiums after 5 10 15 20 25 3 35 paymenta tc h p moore ageni fbee press office acton jthe pfeeb truss aorov twntjdat april 81 pobtqy ibolf notopald whole no 32 1881 would ton uke ms to d rive och kattos a rogue its thrae bat her eyes like the sky are an her dimples so swau au her ankle so oate she duel and aha bothered me blue too de aide till one niorain we wint for a r when daiaure as a bride by mj the darlint she sat wid the wickedest hat kcatb party rjirpa chin ivoc tiet an i said if i dared to do id let go uv the baste an id i ira both arms round your waiat an be stahu a taste- uv thorn lips that are coaxin me then she bhilicd a more illigin red as ah j said vridout raisin her itad an her oyea lookia down xeath her lashes so brown would you like me to drive mister ted actolsr hamess tztjkz partieateqhiring anything ia harnea or tranis to sare money should go to r ore e 0 s acton geayh specific mebicine the orestt sngualt aomedy annnfaldnffnireforflemlnal weakness 8permatjrrnfa impoteney and all diseases fil iollow as a seqeence of selfbnse as less of mem ory universal lassitndepain in the baok- dimnessol vis ion prematurs ow age and bem takine many other dlwoaes that huv o w j orconsumin tlon jstpull particulars in oar pamphlet wh ich we-de- slre to send free by mail to every one jstthe breclfle medicine la sold by all drug gists at i per package or six packages for 5 or will be sent free by mall on re celpt of the money by ad dressing tils gray heoieina co ms toronto ont canada sold by i e mcqaryln vrngtist acton 4fr oatrll sent freeto thefl who wish to sl ft rtieas in the most plenum ana pltsf- llzlltable business inown ifiverythinsr wser capital not required we will fttmlsuyoueverrlblng ji0 a day and up wards is easily made wlthont staying away from noma over nlgbt sosrislt whatever many new workers wanted at onoe atany are making fortnnes nt the bnsines ladles maka as moeh as men and yonng boys and girls make great pay ho one who is willing joworkftlls to maka more money everyday than can be made in ft week at any ordinary employment those who engage atonee 1111 flndasbortroad lofortuna address fi fl aclett co portland tfalne sis witespiotrrel a ekotsa prom ut doarnolher it is the be it thing after all that could have htppened it is bo much better than anvthintr i dsred o hope for i do bel eve that god knows beat how to shaj i our fu tare and bring the most poss blfl good out of oar trials and diaappoin msols he always does said her mother gently because continued the g rl with out heeding the interruption not fallen and sprained m would aot hare lost niy lce in the j store and if it hadnt been or losing mv placo there i would stver have gono all oter the city htinlim another situation and if i had not b n to so many places and if amployt lent had not been refused trie so mat y times aad if starvation had not sti red ns in the face i would never havt done so desperate a ling and we w ium still be trying to keep soul and body to gether on the poorlypaid peihhde- if i had ankle i my house every day t uu oclock and bright cheerless wiy wilh a itradge read ot write for me as i may doslre wistful look in his fading eyes until three i will pay you era dorian oue morning as the toot ber seat a week for your services and will in- by hisoonch and reached forvhe boot crease the amount should you prove she had been readiog bim he jlaid bis competent to my demand thin transparent band on ber own 1 then he handed me his card on saying as he did so i hava only a few which i read 0 hewitt no 42 more hours ofucar and i wish to talk leonard street and i remembered to you and be smiled almost sadly an that one of the girls bad cnoo pointed he mt ber startled ghinco out hi beautiful residence to me yea he continued slowly i if tho situation and terms are satis shall bonn bo gone add there will w factory you will please accept one no one to truly mourn for me utikts weelf wages in advance and come to- it be the litile girl i have tttken ab morrow at ten i nnaccouutable interit in you will add he held out the money which missme nellie daolehsnaacnlrplri j- w robin at ajoklnv t i- v cerpioabb the rooster am baard in d laldif fe pfjuws an fljrin de gauder ara slgbln ande bit loiun man am a ahowia ms hand- r de awds srowin deeper de thunders a oomuj s f de chipmuttkaics out of his log uf to sse 17laaitosmtiwlii de spring calf am bawlis ande wutawashirrg smsod haa opened forme i for answer she bowed her head over her clasped hands and wept pas sionately he waited a few momeuls then taking one toft little palm in bis poor ode womans atroytng labor wages tell ma all about it in r lire smith dropped her thin tired hands on the work oyer whic l she bid bent wearily all day fiist let me pat np thss endless aowing mother theso hands may reut a little now going to get ten dollars a will only be away from yoa f ur or five and p r dear for i am t eek and time far and you an energetiolionest manlo open a office of thenew hognot telephine co m this and adjoining conn ties sjnall cash capital matured tooteh man ihisda an excellent opemng for money mawngbnsi neaadiestwifli stamp g w foster ia4aiidotcaaristfjhieao hoars each day i uhall hav vet so much sewing betides can juat rest aad grow strong once more i received my first w ts wages in advancer sen here an i she cut the cord that bound a large bi adle and oat on the table rolled sever 1 smaller paresis i brought the mineyin a shape we could sppteciate best at least part of it all there was left after paying the baker no r mother dear i am going to be estrav wrant jast once and make an extta go id cap of tea bat nellie child yoa hi vent told me t know mother brole in the blithe young voice but oa see i havent forgotten that il is marly noon and we have had no brea tfast yet there now giving the fire t vigorous poke that set the tea to stec iogfilling the room with fragrant od r you see mother i was just disflparaged i had been to every store miliinery and dressmaking establishment i knew of and had received the sane answer no more help reeded- to all my in quiries and si i said i was desperate jast ar i turned tbe corner f bleeker st leaw a man being hld out of his carriage such a splendii carriage mother he was not a verj old man btit looked as though he vras almost gone with consnmption i went ftraightop to him aardl realizing what i wadoingandjadl 1 orm ifjie knew where tcbuld get boi lovmenbof some kind x dont ica first he looked very angry be thought my impudence branch hut when he saw my face h a stooditin and lpoked at tee a thoighheihai seen a ghost after a saidi yes iwulenjptgeyorj i was only too glad to take wero you not ajittle hasty daugh ter v asked the mother anxiously you know nothing of this man i knew this mother that we were starving and that money was our only bands and caressing it tenderly said balvation besides it all occurred so no doubt jou have often wondered qnfckly that i hardly realised what had that 1 a peifect etrangn should hare htppeued until he wasijone sotniriiow given you employment witbottt ques it seemed as though some oveirultug lion or reference i can hardly left providence was guiding me in spite of myself uod grant it may be so said her niolber tenderly and may he keep my precious one from all barm and now while nellie and her mother are enjoying their dinner let us cast a hasty glance into mrs smiths past life her parents having died whenehe was quite young her child hood and girlhood were passed in the dreary monotony of her annls home a home iwbich was grudgingly offered her where food clothing and educa tion were dealt oat to her but where never a word or look of ljve was be stowed upon ber what wonder that when claude smith one of her aunts summer board ers became interested in the girls pretty face and shy sweet ways and told her the oil story bar yearning heart responded with a passionate love i her aunt being only too glad to have the girls support fall on other ahoul ders consented to the nnion and one evening there was a quaint wedding ar the little cottage and she became a wife then followed weeks of perfect hap piness for the girl whose life had been so lonely until one evening her hus band came to ber with a troubled look in his handsome eyes and told ber that his only relative an uncle in england was very sick and had pent for him to come immediately aud taking his young wife in his arms he eoothod her with fond words saying i dare not take you wilh ma jar- ling uncle george was vry angry when my mother married an american with inoh a plebian name of all low names smith he claims stands at the very bottom and then there are so many smiths one just has to diop the whole lot and forget he ever bad a relative by the name well dearest as i was saying unole george never forgave mother but when both my parents died leaving me alone he appointed a guardian forme and kept me well supplied with funds and now that be is dying mast go to him but i will return as soon as possible to my litlla wife what at as though inbearable p i aoment to come bi why i did myself j perhaps it was a look on that pitiful young face turned up to mine that day so like a dear face i used to love 1 have carried the memory of that face all through life i hud only been tnanied a few weeks when i teturncd to england and when i returned i fuuod the house whete i had left my dear ono descries and was told that she was dead my uncle at bis death left me his property providing j would take bis name but o it has been a long sad life without my darling i have taken a 6trabge interest in you child snd my nsrrtseems to cling to you in my latt routs i have taken care of your future dear as there is neither wife or child brother or sister- to question the right of the will i have made in your behalf somehow since i have carried out my intentions respecting you i feel so peaceful as though there was nothing left undone and i am ready to go he was interrupted by a fit of coughing which lasted so long that nellie was frightened after she had lain him back on the pillow she saw the lips move but the words were an low she had lo bend over him to hear thetd when i am gone nellie open this little ebony casket inside you will find my wifes picture yoa may look at it if yon choose but i want it buried with me am so tired nellie theriveris deep and the water ia cold let me take your hand my little girl now sing i am trusting lord in thee he lay back on bis pillow and closed his eyes wearily while the girls low voice filled the room with pathetic aweetness a strange calm stole oer his features as she sang and the icy chill crept into the hands clasping hers a chill that sent a thrill of terror to her heait she bent over bim and spoke his name o so tenderly but he heard not the yonng voice he had learned to love he hsd passed forever beyond its reach the next day as he lay in his come nellie opened the little casket and took oat the picture he bad treasured so snany years going to i the window and so he left her with plenty of j before plscmg it over the heart how bo money bat within aching heart asj and ool1 she opede t ease she had never seen him since j j npon the gweet girlish f troobles had seemed to multiply f ajeouiog up to her one moment then after that a contagious disease broke a quick gasping cry escaped her lips oat in their town and carried off whole fell into the arms of an at families her aunt fell a victim but nbe escaped and came to the city hope- ing to find employment by which to support herself she had a small sum of money left with which she purchas ed a little cottage and ber niillie was born over the trials an4 troubles of theyeara that followed lot us quickly pass the roses bloomed once mors on nellies cheek and her step grew light as the weeks advncod she liked ber employment and above all she liked ber employer many jiubstanliai evid ences of bis kindness had found their way to the uttle rottage and many an tendant thefacaof her dead friends lost wife was the face of her own mother itow for itt why is a barber like an agrioohoristf because he livevby the rotation of crops good 1 now lrt is the difference between an agrieultuiist and a barber t one cuts bis crops the curls them not so bad i lwrti and now jean yon tell me why a tailor is lik an agriculwriattbocsnbe hesews sows end nps reaps ty that may pass just try attotber what is tha differenoe between ian extra dollar had found ity way to j f a v one nellies pocket as hia face grew rtfrinner and bis and more lo tneyonng girl for wpport j mr taiur a step blower be beemed to torn more and more lo theyonnj girl for enpport mfityfr v a and aympafl ind jjmt 1 t tt j it r knj trade herta one about a urberand yowor tho toua ofheroool ld wf her i i ho jnatinwiti i- i porili of smriluniif halve you paid the milk bill t v th coal is out i l the stove want siting i the nrghkey is broken v the front doot boll wire is loose and the bll wont ring get some cuts meat that cat hasnt bad anything fresh for nearly two days she wont eat cooked meat the poker is broken gatsoms screw hook for the cup board we must boy a new clothes line the silt i out hem marks last button was bad must buy somewhere else 1 the iceman has rii and tie leaves dreadfully mrlall pieces at that get some wire ditto oislicacid ditto bu powder ditto some nutmegs shall wa buy a nnw parlor carpett the old ones getting fuded want a nw- tin stewpan tlie teapot ieafca send for the furniture man and find out how much he asks ftjfrocovering the sofa buy a new market basket the old oat has four kittens how many shall wo drawn i w srffpect 4ur hired girl of stealins f th tea that last half pound went very quickly j schnapps the grocer will persist in j giving as coffee which has been ground too long and has list its flavor change hitn somebody stolen the ashbox aganl fifth in three wtehcj get a paper of tjteksj mrs doe borrowed our tack ham mer a month ago and has never return ed it the canary bird is sick buy a ball of twine ditto six small scrows ditto a halchet the iceraan forgot as today 1 the cold meat aud milk are spoiled the cat persists in carrying her kit- tensall over the house and wont slay in the- nursery soap box we fixed for- her get some rpphtha the water pipe leaks again more plumbers i mrs mcgoolish complains to the landlord that the water we use op onr window sill geraniums drips to the detriment of her window- panes be low our girl has left in a huff the eoff pot leaki the last kindlings tea damp wont burn oat of soap out of matches v she wants some wotsted threo shades darker than the last lot bat one shade lighter than the first lot apd so on snd so on time without end forever and ever j is life worth living 1 itl jj a f3 jct it bifforenco a bifforei a devoted methodist it is said asked john wesley wjint he thought as to hut marrying a certain woman well knowd to both wesley advised bim not to think of it why said the other she is a member ol your church isnt she i ye was the reply i and you think she id truly a christian womanf yes baid wesley i believe she is well then why not marry her p because replied wesley because my friend the lord can live witk many people that you and 1 cant mi sumotto saved bjai themysury tliat fractions always present to the rtntuterodmind appeaiti in many amusing examples a g4yeetou darkci fha retbrned from a busineas trip touliettnuriorjci tbesuite rery nincb dipito j pidnt you receive anyofferi to pick opttbnr asked a fritridl 7 teslsieh u dey was jl ttvan trf- ferall rue onatliird ob da amoout i i- w ij i r5 m m d zm m fxm gets pqstomer forhis cahtngp i ftp picked arid when x fooked 4 de field jj other oavbagea from his oustomers j 8aw f myaelt dat whenj was afl- t x bjkl not that lwish to iddj insult picked it wouldnt amount totuw trji picked i bo i fcfffor honie 1 yrjri was in tsok da ne didnt fool j jou v i a li y9 bei i was flanayy jjy tyj w4m metio mum tt yersabdjiw wtfmm utv4g