Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1881, p. 1

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v i m xm is published evqr ttvasoatttormnci j b4ttor proprietor at rat fun pun bows knioor to methodist church mil struct drfonjok sss pmu1 detent to lijiil0 aotlsopaid ho paper tntuoj till all irron ore paid m advortiae- qucatinsortw eash iwcasicuut csrds rectus from date of insertour auv special ncwcethe object ot whidk is to promote ue pecuniary benefit of anv individual or s ai aa advertiso- inot- the number- of lines reckoned by halt eolomn one mr ss hilfeaiama six months jjuirtercolomtiuxmomhs taeeolaraaihree months haueorauinuirwmanths icvr column ttny- manlht ftf dtrclow will be inwrteaitllfrbwnlchwctdvosj 4 2fi2x mfbe bt dtrtmenlusi inu ofllo oy tam on mondays other- hr kdore bluot volume vi no 41 vtoticic t cpsdl adtctttrlcr arm jcr ko ss nnc st vtcvlv toronto uuvs l ad for vi w kctcher manager aoton ont thursday april 7 1881 lole o tt hi kittreiwe banker oexerll baxkkg bust- ness transacted- uokt loiitbo oh ajphotss hwbs notes discounted and interest ajlowefl on deposits wretikisci the bank of montreal excelisior bakery the pree pres e nicklin son flour and feed sross lawsois bros toalo re voolfnlly inform tlie people of actountvlctnltrhiltucrtaveopen- od ta ibe prenlses oppott dr uc oarrtntf residence w h lovtrr it b m c p s ct daits oi triniir college hea ber of coliic cf pvriiiics snd suecns qsice inl residinctt u tk hcd of tred- crick st j acton 1 it ixcgievec- h p jr c p s jsf gnliate of tktoris uaiicrsiy ccux2ctoxrir ovtuuo i willi rint acton on xiesisj- scl friiij- from 2- to i p a i if fcfs services ire required daring any other dirs ef tie reet notice left t j e mcjalrrin drag store will receive prompt icilhesok atroeserat lit- sjiititor iachstcerv io 0 sc aeii for io ttillaiae hoici uhioa l besstcrr textist gioree- loc0nu axisteu m gliee bajteisteb quebec street gcelph muireel aeioi tjiflshelt v s geougltowx ont- will risit axton crery vtcdnei- ir and wiii stread to til cils portiinias tq bis profeiaion orders teft zx jjcgirvint umg stork irfll receive prompt attention terms moderate t j fishes r eica ksghincrr of crerr description mad to crier on tie shortest notice jls most asocuifi tenri et pairing jromptlj it- for tic cozirtles cf vteuingtcii tad hsjton orjer mt at tiic ftrc ptiis oflc actia cr si- et xeadence ia aclcrr vill be htmej to lxa aiw xaaafy to ka on the most favbrsile tenn and et ike knres rmtes of interest in snms cf f500 tnd nprords y est class blfibec i txte secured the serricct of 3ir wm 001 x firstcus barber fao trill con- inet my bnnnfesrfor few weeci and give ttrr attcntica t the vaafa of caxttmerx ejncir give hint yonrpateonace j f wordes paxest5 fok ikhku0ks ekpi- ditiocelt and properly secured in can- ad the united stiles and enrope pa- iea guaranteed or no charge bend far grini initructlcns agency in operation tea verc hestir geist ottavra camu lfrcymfft enginflermg soliciiarsof fa- etff cad dradghtfimia 1 45 dososiokhotel actoxi eobt agnew proprietor the new hotel is fitted ap ia firfitolasa style with naw fnmi- tzrtt commercial trarufcre tnltfind good accommodation and commadioafi btmple i 2qens special attention paid to the wants cf the travelling pahlie bar snpplied with the best of liquors and cigars j5ood suhl- jcg and attentrre hostlers fikjl rogee iilniprepafedto pwj- the a kgliest cas rce for hides calfklane degcons laanb and sheep siins delivered at my tannery jjaae leather constantly on haad jaites ifoosec axwnr flour and fe6dstore ahdwlu tep consiantlyon hand wuiioctor floue or all eixds txclcbixc familyi flour buctvrhect floor graham flour mejlls com ileal oat meal cracked wheat bran coarse shorts fine shorts chopped peas chopped pats mixed chops oats peas sod all kinds if fehd nsnallr kept in a firstclass store auvopii joutwsitsaypirtoftlia itjtj call u tttpidjidly tolieiled mamharram peed fororses cattle sheep pigs and poulfyy good forhorsea hav ing epizootic law30h bros acton jan kiknt in uuntning control of the excelsior dak- ay would respectfully solicit a eontlnu- ance of the patrouagg heretofore bestowed on the late firm they will always have on hand a good supply of fresh bread buns cokes and pastry also 9zscttt8 ot hjl xys i tvu stock or confectionery took axd teesh ixhtaysox ttasd bread delivered to any jxzrt cf ht ioica bread and bitcuiu given in acliange for tlfiur credit ousfomors credit customers voll be charged le per loaf more than cash customers and all ac counts must be settled once a mouth oystertarlor the oyster porioi will always be found with a good supply of freh oysters which will be served in tcsy tyle e kicklix sox acroir tkohaoay april 7 1881 posrsy to adyertisersi v ass r aovsil k co select list it local itcwsrsjitrs ja cdzerlutr trao tpald kpvardt efyioq a yjaraul irio uicttu kts lkan35qof iiin tjs list trruvj lour sittl isxal luc fall me txluruil yfortiiu alltht otisi iiverusire 1 4j4v it is act a oojjriuvslist it is art a oioaj list it is an ssaest list theeatitotueuitijcttrwhtle papers are wheu the nameof the paperls printed ta feu fvcetvre t n every instance the br vtbonyrinledlhcakltatstttsuio osr-t-psprukjeiptaee- tile fftce the popoiada o everr torn ant the etrcuttiarj ut iverj rpc ttte rates cbarzed for eterttdccare tnretr oseflfth llie rctjttthrft koedale the prt roriitutlektjitesrarjrtsfrom stnli tiie price for one loch one muta in ltie entire hat is sets tile regolir nux ol the pare for tiie same fpai and time are reu ttie i it i neiaees kt newt papers of which 1st urelcrqed baitr od jc3 ffleklt tter ire located in jas dlitercnt dtt andrtoiroi 11am watches k 2i 8 1 axd 5 ockce cases a kew stock just roeelvod b savage watcftmfror jowcuur crmlph of which ttare btatecaptjilil3 placet of popodxionaudcouulrsesu for eopr of listand otlier information ad orer 59 forot dress geo p bo well- 4 co 10 sprue st ftew yorfc aotow saiutess sc trunk depot proverbs r so one caahe ttcfcwsenthastoinseh bloodiltertndkidncrreheahbrand hop bitters keep them so lfl the ereotest nourif hloff tonlejapfw- jjserrstrenythenerandearatrteoneaptli hojbsit iifslmposslbletorematnioueslclcor out of health where hop bitters are j used why do hop bltterscore so tnuenf brcanje ther cite ed dieeitloo rich t b loodrftnd healthy ctionof all t be orcans so mitterwhat your ftelin jra rail mentis hop bitters will odoyogood t remember hop bitters neter doek barm bat goodaways and continually purifythe boodceantheslomae and sweeten the breath ltt hop bft- urs i qoietnertes an balmy sleep fn hop bitters ko eeauh wlttt iuacllte lirer and urinary orsans without hop bitors try ep reask cure aaoi fa forsala brail druggisu gkeat cache 6f miselit u at le or ihthaa roeeiige paistlvc hsring opened a paint shop in the prem- se ntrfcdoor to xtoklinlbakery i atn pre pared to do carrixfe paintinx and aga writing of efery descripion and would re- spaetf ally solicit the pjtronieof the people 1 i acton and ficinitr jamb8 scott peopektt fob saie the moat rslaable and desirablo property tit offered in aiwu conaistinjjof dwelling and aereral raoaht lotfi catsaic en mam bower and willow itreeta to be sold in parcels to suit purchaaers- lerms i i s esinth propritor tf ieton marco 8th 1861 ji jlolse lot fob sale the fvr the undersigned offers for sale lehdid stone dwelbnf on main street near rt o s smiths residence one- fifth of an st with stone bow- in splendid ooodi fta stabbt and shop on the premise hard and soft water well title infsjmt- terms reasonable apply at vim rua omot acton or to iol abch mcjfab j mjmmimm wehartreeentiyimbuiheiiriev edilion nf dr colterwejls cele- braled eaaay on toe radical and permanent cure without medl- ctnetorneitouadebillty mental anl -hy-ic- 2 incaiiclty impedimenu of marrlaje etc resulting fromexceaset rlee in a aealed entelopeoniycta sfsasijws from thirty practice uiatalarmieon uc be radically cured wiinout the dansrous ns of lnurnl toecfnes or soofthlciilfai poinunroat jnodo of e itonee 1mjle certain and effestaaljby seooeuee nay dai i use eat what bis condition msy mt cheaply prttotely wradlcaby fflre alonee simple certain ana oii i njjjnv rf whiet every sst condition may rmmayonrenims this uetow doou 1 i sveryyotrthaiwwsriijuitiilaol- addrarf the cnlfwwen esucalt post office boxtfstt t08t attottmof the mutual life associatioxofcakada i hem office nijiiltox ost cfotjrnaoat deposit efrer 98000000 potcies on be zsszsxi fcsn pus issued by this company only snd copyrifiht contain a plain statement of the amount of cash ysluo of pudup insurance the policy- hemer will be entitled to rsceire if discon- tiuuintr the parment of premiums after 5 10 15 20 2s 3 35 payments ic h p moore agent fkee pkess office acton parties requiring anything in earneas or trunks fo saro money should r b re boh acton albert college belleville ost gaxxq school rioecavirtd affurds excellent faculties for enecni a stcnies preparatioii for inatricnlatian in jjaw medicinebr arts orforteachera ex aminations students also may attend the flourishing commercial college or alexan dra college for ladies or the musical academy aterage expense for tuition in solid branches with board boom fuel ie only 8300 per week terms open sept 9th- 1880 jan 6th 1881 and amil u is81 for circulars 4c address president j r jiouxs hjk bellerille ontario a foutotsent free to those who wish to ta lullwule business known icverytnlnk wnew capital not required we will furnish you everything 10 a day and up wards la easily made without staying away from borne over night no its wbatevtr many new workefs wanwd ai once msriy are maaana fortunes at the business ladles make as much asjnen and young boys and alrls malcejgreat pay if o one who is wining to work faffs to made more money tery day than oan be made in a weak at any ordinary eddloymenu those who ngaice atone will nod a short road to fortune address jk haujtticoportuddmana startling t yf w9mykibr offico rflna new magnet telephone co ta wawhoogjigtoglp gj adjoining cottntiesi amajl cash wanted an energetto honest man to open a toaneh j parlor the eival doctors dr wynter strove to dispose of the cele brated dr cbeyne in a summary faahtou wynter had two good reason for hating cbeyno wynter was an eoilihraan and loved wine cheyne was a scotchman and loved milk on wrxrxn to d cairift t tell me from whom fatheaded scott tbou didst thy system learn j from iiyppocralc ihoa hadst it not nor celsps nor pitcairn suppose we own that milk ia good and sav the sauic of grass i the one for babes is only food the other for an sis doctor ono new prescription try a friends advice forgive i eat crass reduce thyself and die thy patientf then may live cheyne responded with mora wit and trore good manners in the following fash- iou cr cnrrkb to do vnstta mysy8iein doctor ia my own krrtirtor i pretend my blunders hut mviclf alone but yours your dearest friend were you to milk and straw coufiued thrico happy mibt you be perhaps you might regain your mind ana from your wit be free i cant yor kind prescription try but heartily forgive tu natural you wish me to die that you yourself may lire of coarse wo must tiava wino jast think how perfectly shabby it wine it made bim wuliant would look 1 the remark waa made by a beautiful girl aa she danced out of the conserva tory with a spray of pink blossoms in her hand it is my first party and i want everything splendid and auntie turning to a sweet faced woman with large love gleaming eyes and an al most alabaster purity of complexion voa must wear that rose colored bro cade it is just the rage now and your hair will trim beaattfiluy jl am so glad that we are to have plenty of sowers helen braytoa was just from school where she bad lieen since she was ten years old of course she knew very little of life and her father was a wealthy mm and her dream of every thing splendid waa about to be real ized aunt agatha was her mothers sister a nchoutly woman of whom she knew little save that she was a trifle eccentric giving away naarlyj all of her income and never so much aa touching wine j lira brsyton leaned back in her luxurious chair and rested her eyes wbtu a mothers delight on hideua face if we have wineaunt agatha can not come waa said slowly cannot why so f with a snrug of her pretty shoulder she will not be obligedlo tasie it lira brayton beat her satin slippered foot against the persim carpet it was a questmen she could not decide mr braytoa had given heccttrfo uonclw he had hot time to attend to it he said with exquisite taste and won derful tast in arrangement her service would be invaluable all the morning ahe had been trying to persuade this really elegant woman to consider this an exceptional cass not that she her self eared for it j neither did mr brayton but what would people say t alrsbtayton was notone with the moral courage to oppose madame grundy she could not endure to be called jhabby especially when the money in hand would enable her to be profuse- au the while helen stood at the back of aunt agathav chair talking of the pink and slvra brocade no body ill know itras ererwora i am ure ft woulel never sbov a seam aseryant entered bearing a bilver waiter and on it was s small card helen colored and mrs brayton ex- oused herself and went down to the much aa to driuk a drop f i promised never sogtnueh as to drink a drop neither maid i stand by and see another drink this is going s- little too far j think auntie if another drinks it will not hurt us i am not so sure returned aunt agatha whose cardjua that dick brought in p 1 henry pargos answered helen with a vivid blush if henry ffargo should drink wine to excess would it not hart you f 0 auntie i be neter could wife a face from which all color had fled if i faavo been rightly informed one of his brothers died a drunkard per- cistod agatha fleming that was will he was always a little miid went to sin francisco spent a good ieul and drank to drown his trouble waa helens answer the fargoa lived in the same square tn the vacations helen had seen a good deal of henry and learned through him of wills waaderiogs but she did uot connect it with wine the latter was a mere accident he drank it to drown his troubles the expression of agatha flemings face grew tender tears filled her eyes it was a favorable moment to say to helen all there was in her heart to say why she should not tooch winot yoa have beard your molhcr speak of herbsrt wyeburn v turning her gazi full upon the young girl your old friend or flame i dont know which f returned helen with all her usualvivacity yes my friend as henry farge is yours we lived in the earns square and we loved each other with a love that grew stronger as we grew older herbert went fo college he was grandly gifted but he learned to lake the lead while through tears helen answered i shall not have wine at my 1 aunt agatha it is toohjreadful i cannot think of it will fargo drank wine and drank to excess henry lakes a social glass no with more emphasis i shall not hare it it shell never be said that i helped to make a young man a drunkard when mrs brayton returned helen hastened to explain we will not have wine mother 1 could never hold up my bead again if i knew that oue person was led to drink to excess through my offering him a social glass what 1 have to say will be n necessary in this case smiled mrs brayton i have just seen hsnry fargo he hopes we will not have wine since will perished miserably as he did he cannot go where wins ia used freely as this is the firit party of the season be trusts that we will at the example that many very many will gladly follow i could never have done it but for aunt agatha helen answered with her old bright look henry fargo shall oever bave it to say that i tempt ed him with winej art da metwnorjinoiew old grlians daughter lives in toffl j her ueutbbori hnsw bor well he hair is dark her evta are brown her aiie i cannot tell i i full maov a simple toy and sbsui har loleuthnun beguilisdl for tbatudia wi a little aeuss lttatcbdjer laaguuk child 81 spent her time iohosalifolaloap or rolled npon tho crass 1 tab tfttesiafeyttaf shegtewup rosy fsirand fstj bat fiu son hid they aaiht hevfluswebanitdliertoatw- aleptio drooping iraaid j they gave her back and wine aad nogg j n tv heal her and juitaio lcr but uuicltly sbo beoadss a dtf z- v gedmourner and complaravr uloo hft oaso a jury sat j aul for her bcalth tboy prayed x- and sbfn she turned into a hot- tloh sded bohlerpus jade i with w under all the neiuhbors ran c to le irn tho doctors vttwsi j j bat now behold 1 she stood la hon- j i ufacturer of news t i j the children langh the vomsn stare was she a witch or hag 1 au shunned her when she ajalked-aftar- er of the scandal bag she soon alas i upset her dish and lost her wontevgli i and she was trainif otroed ta la fid- erwomao by the bta she grew so fat all heard her paat her sue none could surpass i for she was now an eupmatu- 1 i ine fleshy breathing mass i i bre many days the flesh she had 1 was lost for want of pelf i at last she dwindled to a saoo- ow of her former sell i just than a man god bless them bpthj ou griroeas daughter smiled j and married her shes uowa ifoift er of aa infant child she his retired amongst her kin may she be safe and sound i to private life and keeps an a- t coovenient caddins round hp tfss m yrm a omjtert of his classy he was likewise the master of oratory but he could not speak without his gloss then it required more one two three at a time his manner was no longer the tame at one time wild and capricious at anoth er time gloomy and morose i expos tulated lie was angry and upbraided me the next hour he was ready to beg my pardon and i forgave him of course he would never again give way thus it went on until he was ready to establish himself in business and i was looking forward to becoming a happy bride- one night there was a quarrel in which herbert itrucfc a brother iawyor and himself recetyed a fatal blab in return theyhad boon drinking to excess bat wbep i reached herbert he was rational never shall i forget his face as he said the doc tor says i must die if i had never tented wine agatha this would not have beepl they had not told me that tho wound was fatal i buried my face in the pillow and sobbed outright in that moment i would gladly have given my own ufa could i by that means serve herbert my agony made him worse they took me from him and only permitted me to return when i promised fo command myself when i entered ufe room herbert was lying with his eyes shut as i- approached i saw tbat his lips moved was he praying 1 i tried to think so i had been brought up to think it was a dreadful thing lo die without an in terast in christ as i kneeled by his bedside he put out his hand lotla sad djrstoi to tie tut a man and his wife who had seen days of great prosperity by means of investments which turned out disast rously became greatly reduced in their circumstances finally they reached the stage of destitution and of actual and extreme want they had arriyed at lord age border ing upon eighty no relief cams to them and in their despair they lay down to die of starvation 1 bcforo death oame however they were providentionallydiscoverad stret ched upjn their couch with their arms entwined arqund each others neck in what they hod supposed would be their final embrace between these two there had been a real marriage something more than the cold and formal repetition of siilemn vows j j in the example of this humble couple is an admonition to ths heartless belles who wed for money and seek a divorce if the money happens 6 take wings to itself- and flee away here was affection which could assuage even the pangs of hunger of starvation and of death trowelling by compass a story is told of an old hunter in michigan who when the country was new got lost in the woodbrwveral times he wafa told to buy a pocket compass which he did and a friend explained to him its use he soon got lost and lay out as usual when found he was asked why he did not travel by the compass he said he did not daro to ho wished to go north and he tried bard to make the thing point north but wasnt no use twould shake shake shake right round and point southeast every tme a great many people fail of the right direction in life for the same reason of the mishap which befell our wolverine friend they art afraid to take the bible and follow just as it points i liortifylnjf the other day a detroit mother i have asked god to make it easy j poured some ink on the pantry shell for you agatha you warned me i near the sugar box andent up stairs against drink but x did not see the danger now i must die but you will think of me sometimes and think- inprof me you will not fait to wxrn others against wine i bad promised to be clmi and 1 earnestly tried to point bun to christ i cannot tell just howit was but in death there was a smile on his face as though at the last he caught tie leaa of celestial wingi the thief on the cross received assurance this day halt thou be with me ih paradise i- trust it wss so with herbert silence brooded over the room helen did not lift ber bead agatha was the ant to speak j leaving ber smalt son ptaying with the cat when she came down the boy sat by the window wearing a placid innocent look but there were ink stains on his fingers there youve been at the sugar i she exclaimed as she seized bim by the collar mothi do you think id steal sugart what made em f those stains mother f well i cannot tell a boldj lie toother i think fro commenced to mortify she wasnt sure end he viae allowed to go out and play circus on fliss you can sometimes catch a base ball pna fly the most irritating fly is the spanish fl v the latin name for a certain kind of fly is teniptus fugit thefly is ait author see flies on horses flies are always on hand easly in the morning yorf have all seen a late fly longfellow speaks of a bird when be says fly proud bird of freedom i i some people employ tie blind to keep flies from- the room yoa can draw a fly better with a drop of molasses thanlrith a crayon i have aftexseen flics handcuffed the spideris the only creature which invitesthe fl into his pailor the only popular fly aloofly a conjugal quarrel is a prbmotsr of hair flies stage flies are painted a fly is conservative in reading he always dticka o his own paper batchers and grocers exhibit flies ia their windows you cant drown a fly inhhe milk of human kindness j iijthongli flies dont stay in one place lou they always carry a- trunk there are musical flies people often speak of that base fly 4- art v t i rotten tueama love is the guiding and alloantrot ling principle in christian life with children try to inspire ioye not drean respect not fear it is not in neyer failing but ia lidg every time that makes ths man christ seeks us not for what we are but for what we may bo by his grace in god love may exist and tides ex ist toward his creatures who have nothing attractive in them death is but the passing of the soul out of the body as the ocenpint df a house n ay leave hisjdwelling faith is the propelling power- hope the beacon light hind love the helm of the vessel iu the voyage of life the man who gives tgod the same confidence he gives his beat frrehd is never in doubt nboutthe goodness of qocfa deajinb with htm we may look upon all our battle and trials here as so many steps of the ladder that reaches to our heavenly home the toisiost round of wjich wa cannot bee i i v vtajkotur somebody has feand out a newwiy dt j taking pictures by which they lean bo tsiea v better kitke night than- in the daytime 1 a photogranher has missed several fraipej that hung by his door and doacntapprov- abaltlne pxaexaia capital required to suoh a mantwau an excellent opening for money rnaungbuai ness addreatwibi stamp o w foaur iooawcaasi do say tfaafyoo will not mind this timenntie t pleaded heljuc trengtb to resist it and thus break nvy promiser now expect me to go to yonr party a rjerpuppupperon would aa-ha-hard- ly think that there rwr- would be a paper publishad for st-it-it-st-it-st-stut-tut-tut- now you know the reason why 1 w bbbattbeia ituki- do not drink ine the leason why i do kicaued the v- vtttoice and it hails not jo where wine is mode a timpta- j from albany nnjtnnew tysyork hon to some poor soal irbohaa not uia apapeappears eyery month and is d-d- v -in- t davotael to voice ealture and gives special xon wiii n05 ins wtutmimtttait 1 did yonpromjseaunlijs nefer so yi slowly tba brown bead was lifted eribg svststsumm-ham-mer-ainer-amam-am- f of the plan a raillioniittl diambods twlnklei 6b the treat and all tht ettla maidens aaii ajewell if youpleaae cat while ihey bold ttetr hands atreiehed i to eatoathe diamond gtyj a millfon little sunbeams caili ab stolen taom a awayf why do wlritaidiereatnorttasi block ones t because theie art btnjac c mrm euul frt f-ffi-xi- issei istjsi3gs ir v v wfksa iiiiiiiliiahis t j u irmm ws i 1 v iisj

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