hmrfffiit r- i 11 i ti ir st r i- e si el i m ill r s55 tjid jritfcjti fitiia arms trvmoir dec 21 1850 christians greeting to our uianr wade atul to all am- caleuipanries ilia flfib prkj soudt the greetings ot tire season how much oi joy itultetievuutic pleasant custoui 4iring into this wtrk of happy niem oiica families ill bo reunited limkbtt aasocisliont will bo repaired skdnvsa will fljl baits aud light tip imturra afresh parents aud children ilt draw heir chain nearer lo each other hard thoughts wiuba butted charity will ijitiekwi each tui aud untie cicli tusi the poor will know agiinultu willing bounty ot thn rich and the rich will know heavens joy of giving and all these gentle rudsoniq irnuciices msy be traced to ths bsbe o brthlehem the incarnation ofjrsuj is tho fad ing truth for tea christmas tide wc luutt not overtook ths diving child while a plan ottr tacuiuieut andting out our christmas joys what thousands cf gifts will be nude few indeed will be forjotton gifts secretly purchased and hiddentill the ctft day comes gifts wrought at in seclusion and quickly hidden when any footstep is mar iifu costly and- humble will all be brought forth on cluistaias day and hearts will lc gladly surprised let m not forget the story of those who poured out- at lie feet of marys child gold frankin etnsa and myrtb wiil oar jutrcas accept our kindly greeting and remember those who constantly and- uaweariedly- work for them the year through a timely request tfce following request signed by twenty eigh toronto clergymen ap peared in yesterdays glube and ilaii fve commend it to oar readers to thecitiuac of toronto believing that the offering of wines and ardent spirits in connection with tha courtesies of ths holidays is the cccasica of temptation to many win vould nofc otherwise be ensnared and overcome by heir influence he under tinned da respectfully recommend the ladies and gentlemen of toronto to refrainfroui the custom which though oace lonored and widely obaerred is now happily fast passing awsy and thus by their example do grest rood and possibly prevent much injury to a large ncmber of yourig men tkucl- aei iloca uoi uinko uau ui itch ttanica- ko that ia jrcrjr true 1 did not ay it did but uibso who advocate thu act does that ti what 1 uldccllo observer admits that it looks plausible to oompeuule thou niuu vho ffer loss by tho psutnjf of lb act tiiia ia what i contend for and why i tjecl to it but- be asks who is to pay tho bias i suggesltd tint cvoty iiiis who voted for lb ad vota a lullar lowaids it but observir dunt veent to appreciate this idira perhaps h is lika those who sviitpailiind with ihi poor uld indian who had all ida earthly goods destroyed by fire- and when- ha related the- circumstances to his whito friend i they all expressed great sympathy and wern very sorry but this was very poor satwuctiotvlo the indian so he bsld out bis baud and asked bow much sorry how much iivo tiiis whera tho test oi sympathy comes ill it must not touch the pocket i would ask observer who couipcnsiiled the slave holder when urcul britain tuiaucipatcd thu slaves lastly i donot sea anvlhinin my arliclo very inconsistent at any rule i wnta sjove my own nam which i cinnot sty for obseitcr 1 sin miiepeudeut of cither 6id and oourt tin fsvor of no one everyone hsi a right to his own opinion slthough many may fear to express it i do not like laws pasaad thit interfero with individual rights as i undersund this act docs not that i care a copper if there never was a drop of liquor raado idiscoantenanca liquor diiuking in any form voare etc ilessesoea aetoa dec 2lst i8s0 profitable to tie viltar of ike frtt fnu dear sir i desire to sir thronh your columns that ths farm i bought in xehtasfce through ur f ware has been pronounced by severel persons who have seen it to be jutt what be described it to be i htvs just sold it to a mm who has lived ner it fr sereral years for more than jr wirt told me i could get for it by this time confiienco reposed in sir wares judgment and intgrity will not be misplaced youre etc w p baowx actoa dec igth i8s0 stewarttowii setrs front car otca carrerpondfst a new platform is being laid at th h 5 x w railway station here an examination of the pupils of stcwarttown public school was held last fridiy a musioniry meeting was held in the methodist church here od wed- i oesdly evenmgr str j johnson has goes back o gravxcbarst to start hii lumber fihicghz axd heading mills there ifanlcipnt itotiors to lkc editor cfuictrit prat dots siein looking through the columns of the faee press of last weak i bee- my name has been mentioned as a candidate for municipal bonors yoa will oblige by sitting in yaar next issue that i hsvf no intention whatever of coming forward snd there fore d not wish to be named as a candidate at tie approaching nomi nation j very truly yours p jarvis acton dec 18th 1880 nottom worth athntlon beat valut in skttri at a sccotd d co oren apples cheap at kickllni bakery cbriitmaj tojri cheap it a seootd t cuv rati frooi 75 cenli lo i25c it j fjrfai bicond band blovos from 100 uj at j chiua liu shop a sccurd cj- co hire tno very belt slock if teas in own oyitsrt served in any ilylo at nicklms tinkery aciut skatw 8223 at a btcdld gos fresh biscuits exchanged forflour at kicklius bakeiy oranges lemons and canard fruits frsh for caiiitmu st a sccoid t co a a good stock of cooking stoves at j c itiusrwill be sobt tuosp christmas groceries of every do fcripliou at a secord d gos dont fail to tiy ai secord gos new stock of teas fiesh bulk oysters at tho excel lior bskery hardwire of all kinds at a fa cord j- cgs ladies nanilesincwcst styles christie ilendehon kia highist prica paid for fowls of al kiods at a ticcord d cos 1 fresh christum biicuiu of all kinds si niolcliits bakery i extmine a srcotd cvs splendid assortment of toilet setts cutis snd general glassware for christmas a oooo felt hat for 75 cents at 1 fyfes fancy goods in glassware auitsbl fir christinas prvseuts at a heeled 4 gos wedding cakes supplied on the thortast uotic at xicklias hakery any quantity ol butter and gs wanted at a securd gos s ihe new glass ball castor at a stcord j gos rr you want t nobhy durable and cneap suit 1 fyles ia the place to go nice clean and fresh raisins aud- currants at a seccrd ifc cos suits and overcoats at extremely law rates and mida ia latest styles- be sura to call sad ice thcau j cyfe actoa royal bate burner goal stove ths bent ia the market at j g hills tin shop sea tha splendid assortment of christinas coufectionery at kicklina bifccry i for the verr finest teas good valua in all prices go to lsaii ii cjs for pure tnd fresh groceries suirsble for gliristmss cookfnjrt-stq-iq- a socrd t cas all new goods the best stock of christmas con fectionery ever brought lo actou at kicklins baksry luka your lady friends a christmas present of a pair of a secoid if gos splendid skates scotch english and canadian salting in rs variety at tka esst bnd clothing store j fjfe actoa l j c hill has just received a splendid lot of granito waro at his tin shop see a secord gos thop win dows for samples of bis christmas gro ceries tnd confectionery christmas groceries t h harding j has just opened a fubsu 3t0ck of grooeries o0nfeoti0nery g suitable foil cbsisthas 3 han of walker sonpfur 3c 0ctellini foi so 75c tea lelliug for i5c ioo tea t lling fur 35a j 3 cam sluilnrd for 25c 3 pnuuda currants for 25c 11 pounds wkjit sugar for 100 etc etc etj irr ourgoodswiu give all customers satisfaction t h harding p s christmas candies just to hand cheap j e mogaviff datjgqist aot01t mm 1 1 jt 7r important nouacement revision of tariffl w roduetlon of rafas not by tho powers that be at ottawa but by tho pooplo representation in ouoipb the golden uotl i f5k scott act tk kessenser to tie edjiar qftlic free pru deaksik i did cot think that the little article in the messenger on the scott act would call forth such an elaborate reply as appeared in last sveeke free press by observer neither da i wish to enter into any controversy on the eulject but must correct a few errors which observer attributes to my motives first he says bis trouble is not so much with ihe aet as it is to keep in favor of he hotelkeeps rs whose champion he is well well this is t surprise to jn i neterthoogiitof snefrtthing bat observer must- bt afraid of getting into theic disiivor or why did lie not vrite over his own signature- then in regard to some persooal reasons for btaobjeetions i might tn- form ohserrer that it would certain fy tie to my personal oenest to hive the act passed bkause ass chem fst and- druggist i shall be permitted to sell liquor aader certain conditions wbich might be quite m item in my iu8iness so yon see it is not for that that i olject then observer k bays bis oijectiorx miy be from some national constitutions chiracfecigtie of his own thats jurt it and is simply tblsfhat if i wanted aglaas of l3er neither ohserver nor any other man has a moral or legal right to say yoo shall not have it it is not t erimeto do so noretait beoom pared ia the crime of assaalt end latuty which is foreign to tb sulject- end loth arhicb ohserrer knows observer sayg he dont lik to hear men called bad names such as thieves robbr murderers keither do we 1500 ghristmas tbe world snoutd be aroused lo the deplorable condition of the females of our land i tfce eofeeiled frame the pale bloodless cheelr hollow eyes nervous dehility and the various dis- tressmk forms of female weakness are matters ihttevery matron in our country should consider ah forms of debility aa irregularities peculiar to the sex may be promptly remedied by burdock blood bitters eekiexxele kejclts fotxpw fain ceases swellings subside fever abates awl a healthy state exists after using this great and wonderful preparation knara aijthorcis eclectricdil itious- auiis testify co the happiness resulting from the use of this preparation why not procure a bottle at once the cost is trifling and effect sure one dose cures common sore throat one bottle has cured bronclilij fifty cents worth has cured an old standing cough it positively cures catarrh asthma and croup fifty cents worth has cured crick in the back and the same quantity lame back of eight years standing the following are extracts from a few of tbe many letters received from different parts which we think should be suffi cient to satisfr the most sceptical thomas robinsnn farnhau centre writes i hare been afflicted with kheomalirm for the last ten years and have tried many remedies without any relief until i tried dk thoifts ee- lectkic ouv and since then have had no attack i would recommend it to all see what the medical faculty ray dr beaudoin hull fqt says i have sold thomas eclectrie oil for two rears and i never sold a medicine which has given more thorough satisfaction i bare ured it ia my own case on a broken leg and dislocated anfele- with best results a hgregg haoufaclurer of mowing kachines truemansburg n y says ily thumb wascaughl in a machine and tad fy injured i being away from home for two days was obliged to apply susi remedies as i could get but with out relieving the pata immediately upon reaching borne i applied the ec lectrie oil with almost instant relief 1 have a large number of men employed and your oil has established for itself such a reputation that nearly erery one of them keeps it bewsfeof imitations ask for dr thomas belectrie oil see that the signature of s s tuoius is on the wrapper and thenaavof northrop lyman are blown in tbe battle end tsie ka ornita sold by all medicine dealers price 25 cts nlrtflkop lyjlafr toronto ont proprietors for the dominion fieri sduiru selected and electrized bulb oysters received rtah every dty at the excelsior btxery b it e ivicfclrn buckets supplied for the very best quslity new reason teas at 410 cents 80 cents 60 cents and 75 cents go to a secoid i- gos they all da it krerybody ma tei- herj to tatlir lueoth andgtvefrasracce totaebreato asfctoardruexist far isjnpla paclue s ets larxe untiles 5 cents mcquillan hamilton of tb wellington msrlla works gcelph are noted for giviug sstitisction to thosa fsvor- ing theot with their oedfrs ic yoa need auythtug in their lite be sure snd remember them- tlisy do a verv large business con seqcently thev are able to give better terms sua keep better workmen than smaller works send to them for particulars new prunes warranted this seasons fruit at a secord icoa best value in tlieeottntv in gran ulated catloaf icing coffee and baking sugars at asscord k coa gents we will save your money by leaving yonr orders with us we have an immense slock to choose frtfm gents furnishings in great variets immense piles of overcoats and ready made clothing cheapest goods in canads hammoth hous georgetown ilcleod anderson k co look here we have aoins of the chospeat diy goods in the world 28 inch gray flannel for 25c per yard dress goods for 10c original price 20 12c 25c 1 5c 30c winceys for 5c 9c 10c worth double the price black and colored gashnieret colored drees silks bit diess silks millinery 8hawls and ladies furs im mense bargains mcleod anderson fc co georgetown oisnttb november 16 1880 ur h 0 balmer dear sir it affords me unqualified pleasure to bear testimony to the benefit 1 have experi enced from using burdock bloodbitters for several years i have tusered from oftrecurring billons headaches dys pepsia end complaints peculia to my sex which now j am entirely relieved from it noteured by naing only sboot hair a bottle of the bifiers 1 now beg lo return you my sincere thanks for recommendidg lo me such a valuable medicine- i remain years eincerely mra ira multholtand merry christmas bright new year we hre justconoluded another grand purebju of new and lovely dresst qoosi less inanso cents on he dollar at coat of importation we git our customers the full benefit of this desperate bergaio tbe assotment comprises without exception tbe newest prettiest and cheapest roods in the city and the following is to be our holiday tariff lot i consists of 100 pieces persian cord figured lustres pnicierbbcis twills at 8 cents per yrrd lot- 2 9c piece verr wide goodsrlume jwills cordvilv langea plain and figured brilliants aod cnndder ctotris ai 10 cenu per rant j -t- 1j lot 3 75 iece lovely colors and ihlea snttmn twills satteen stripeibm fancy brocadea and bruiiants worth 25 cents at 15 cents per jard f lot 4 60pieets of a beuutiful texture of circassian twill in tweliii shades al a cents per yard ot 5 200 piices of the nobbiest goods in the tradr plam ab brootsssj- momie cloths plain and frcj kiiieeds empress cloths plain and bioeadei- srg poplineits btilliaiiles alhambra twills iweed kdidner estsjamet p 25 cents per jard 1 see oar grand line of single and double width scotch and irish tweed souunisvi at very low prices s homieclothsi ifomie cloth- very epe all wool goods 44 inchta widvtf shades worth 1 al 57j cents per yard jvv m3 thoto ooodo and prices aao coins to ereato a aonsatiot the dress goods trade boys and girls ladles and gentleman i owe sm ll take motioe- thoc omnj lo j e mcgarrin dnvjyitt xcohj having the larval and most raritd ifock of chrisimai and ivftr lrv goods in thit part of the country initattefor all dactes of people old and yoniy rich and yoor i kact appointed hit tiore to la mj luidqudrien henceforth cherc i intend keeping all my prcinu j i dont forget the place call and tee tujr tiock and choose ichal you tamld like i am your old friend sant olaus- doudland dv- id iss0 m si awla shawls just to haad 100 nandstme wool eiuwls torn 8ii2s ovrvhcoats and clotilwjy for a genuine well madejoierewatafciffl price there is nothing to bat our gjods our cash sales hate been iiinieia bat our siock is still well assorted v ifor barrainq in every department come to the lion wuunx oar friends a- bisht merry christmas we remain their obedient servants jld w1uiams0n c0 guel splendid ulster overcoat made t6 order fob 9 stoves stoves stofes do hot fail to see haviius stgk of stoyes the cheapest and beat- variety ia tcwu excellent lines of beaver diagon and tweed overcoatings j and a 8toek of hats and oaps and oonts undarwaro anscr passad in tho trade gall at tho east end clothing st0ee j fvfes fashionable tailorinc o the kufcscriver tciiliw to iwinotiiim to the people of actoa ud vicinfty that he hj open- ed out in the premises itelj occupied by l g ititthein next to the post office tcomplctai tawortment oiclitss mdtttetdk smtaue for the fall and win ter trade fcnd is prepared to maio thezn op in the latest styles and oiters good indnceznents tocash enstomers my stock consists of black akd cotored beavers diagonals coatings and vest1nus ekglish irish scotch anil canadian tweeds which hare been bought in tbe best markets for caih an early call is solicited satisfaction guaranteed ib e istelsolsr albert college belleville 0t wjtb gbxmo scsool asoeoavinto affords excellent faculties for eticrirz stcitizs preparation for hatriculatian in law hediclne or arts or for teachen ex aminations stndente also may attend the flourishing commercial college or alexan dra college lor ladies or the musical academy average expanse for tuition in solid branches with board room fuel to only woo ja week terms open sept 9th 1880 jan 6th 1881 and april 14 168l for circulars to address president j k jtgnas dd belletille ontario istmas presents watches clocks 3mivy eleotro plate new goods large stook and low prioas for cash school teachers will have a special discount 5 savact wrcaxmka jawstisa lower rvvyndham st and new years i cards to select from at j b mcgarvlhs drug bonanza bonanza 1 majrnificent exhibit of lovely christinas and holiday goods at our graud bonanza fresh arrivals jesterdaj has thoroughly renewed opri stock 4 j 600 silk and lace tics and fichus to select from magnificent furs lovely dress goods and silks yfe show without donhl the very best and freshest stod in the city and have a cr tvvded store every daj l a 0 bucham f r fashionable wed snd dftts mantle and millinery zdabiishment gaelfl brilliant success two years awards nine first prijsei silver medal and diploma on upholstered goods and cablet we were awarded tie only silvw medal ever offered for special ixceuence in in this department we take the lead and challenge competition ordered stca reoelve prompt attention inspection cordially invited v worsfimj it co signojihe c7iair haiutot block ufper lfygdjsam st gnej store acton ina asspftni v a i