1 11 lta p ion v ifcv p ha m rii ittgff vya f -the- free press ta paauebei rsrr tkcnsttaj itpnitim ec f oorb editor ftvprittotv ax tsta ps ihus i ffotrstt ir kextboorlosletbosuatosaceti itiv street jdsa orf txaics the fm pun wffl be sent to ijaeribew portib j4hfcr tlm par an eitmmadvanoe iw if aotsopaid no paper litooatiaaadta an arnao an paid cxnp ax the optica otthe publisher anvntnntaftim casual aatarw inenu s cents pet line for the first inser tion aid 1 wits per liae tor each anbse- qaeat insertion cash prof oasioaij cards 1 lines or leas vllx per annum i square is bxct 500 per annum payable in 6 roonuii from date of iusertioa aar special xoiice the object ot which ia to promote tit pecuniary benefit of aav individual or companv to be considered u advertise- snent the number of linca reckoned by the apace occupied measured bja scale of solid nonpareil ensraacr auras oacefhamaonxear flair eoluranaoe year qnartereolamnoue j-car- ttnr cvumusix months haircnlumn tr month qnarterealnmnelxtuanthi owmlutu three months fttrcnlamn tftremaothc i ianer column ihree moniiis 10u 9j01 sb 1iw son ain 701 iv directions issfi asssst chances for contract edvrruwmenis man rtecrwiu be miover uu the wllowlnt h- p moore editor proprietor thi8 paperjitssssis ter4iloo in advane flis ajper x itap of busy ltfe tit flmduatiant and- it vad content flbo if not to pal volume vi no 17 acton ont thursday ootobei21 1880 wboie no 278 wemast have bread so uy lnuajii poori 1 u nyti b e nicklin i bakubs cosfectioxers cokcia uiik t mnistnxcrs acior bog to intimate that they are prepared to supply the village and surroaading country with vtr best of bread bcxs cakes pastev and confectionery r mead oujyireb wtiqc thanking thoae who hare favored ox with their patronage in the past we solicit a continuance of the same and will welcome new eastdmera ttt hlowrt ilb mcps he rot college ofpiivaciiis and surgeons osee aai hndfnra at th bead off red- effc st jlctaa m itcgirvik u d iaf s ix gaaate of rictrii cohege resa deuce corner of iei and frederick streets coanlcatioa diilr from s to 10 a m and s to 6 d sttrretor johv divis pro- raoii lati surveyor civil engineer aid drajigbtctia of gueljib is prepared to attend ta all sarvets ia acton and vicin- ity onkrs fcft t i e xcgarrma drag sto ajrton will be pramptlr attended to keesce dgriswold teach- v- of piano vcce tbaroagb baaa and fiin i and vocal elocution qass teach- inf aispgcialtr ijsssons given at the reg- iienw of pupils if preferred ixrxav ffix per quarter of thirteen lesaons one tulf irj adnnee address r craine or ciixrscn d gxtstoui acton ont t d 5axhesok attorket-at- j law solicikar in ccaacerv arc office emi5xir j quebec street gaelph kaicii oftice u asnann bauu am ftntf tia tomce orxx rrrer fauirsa tt fishek v geobgeto wk ont will titef acton cverv wednes day and wm atteoito all can pertsinin totiiprofesjion orders left at hcgarrfnv drug store will receive prompt attention terns moderate t- 1 fisher icecream pariob we havenowopeucdoarlicuxijcpjlkloa a at- mrijl m ta l a a j tav arimplx pen ice crcaix frit drinks fruit tc ice crouu supplied br tlie quart if desired a cu solicited bie kicklnc acloc jcj- clt tsq wm faer woaw thtlmtle to the peoplic acton taat be hoi purctiantfluie butcher tnmtoultaly carttfdoii by mf a c nnd liiat lift uu tl ruoa hand a ftrttclaai itccic uf bber poh mutkkt3au8aflb poaltry and oumt in jenaion it and botes by atrlet altentloa to baolneaa to eeure a rulr kbare of the jwtroonsa of the public ve a delivered at any time to ail part ot the town termkca8h acallbolictrbu orbin promptlr atttntlcd to wiluam faub nassagaweta xa xt 3 b is r sc shinclemills peter 8ayer8 would intimate ttiat he ha on band at bfa mlllcln naaaiiwefa formerlr known ac caputs mllufillnnteatoelcaf lumber lath and 8hinql13 oral klnda and qualities oheap to i shnciestsi50itersinare blhh stuffxt to order oseemsoash fetxvk battms acton decjzi t flour stoeei uwson bros vwilirrtvut infante ue peopi of aetna ni rlckt uxtttiejr haveapen- c la th preirli njipotlie dr me- iarsin retldence a flour and feed store tafefct e w kixg eoiuccr iron toautcr fcjtaehlnlat cxobgetowy 3fchinery of every description d to order on tie ahortest notice and most reasonable terms eepairing promptly at tended to ttttt hemstreex licensed anctiabeer f or the cottnties of wellington and halfon order left at the fm peim office acton or at my residence in rociwood will be promatlyattended ta terms reasonable pitests for rktenttoks eipe- fcrnocur and propexlr seenred in can- ada the tjuited states and europe pa tent guaranteed or no charge i send for printed instmefiona agency in operation ten yean i hesbt grist otu war canada wftnitniriit enmeeimg solicitor of pa tents and draaghlsmair tojaxios- hotel actok eobt anew proprietor the new hotel is ned up in firstlass style with ner fnmj- tae commercial travellers will find good fieftnmodaiion and commodious sample ns- special aftentionpaid to the wants of tie favefling public bar anpphed with the best of liquors and cigaa soodstabl- mf and attentive hsssoea ftocit of all lixds iueludin family flour hactwheat hour x urahiin floor heals corn ifetl let uead creeled ivhext bran coarse bhoru uine short chopped peas chopped jata mixexl chops uataanci pear and all kiadaofifeed oinally kept in a hrslasa store h i i g fig a fl gxxu delivered co any pari nflhe tiuagt atiooaae urdzred fstlcallit rtsjxdfvuy tdteited law90n bros onan 1siss1 tvt a nhood how lost how restored wehaverecectljpnbilsbedanew edltloa of dr calverwelra cele hrae4 eiaaj- oxl ue nulleal aikt permanfm cure without medl- climloricevoadbllltr henltlan 1 ph ile al incapacity irapodttnriiuoruurruae ete rescttlncfromxceisc ta in a seal d enrelopeoaly i eta or tw potuje iumre ttieealebrated athw in this admirable ear clearly 4emoatrotes from birtr icara cueeeasf ul practice uiat alarmlnc eon- ceqeences majtf nuilcuily cared wuuout the caaxerous ue tt internal medleinaor uiffaseottlie knua polauncoat a mode of cure at once tlmple ccrtatn andtfivctua b- means r wblcn evrj anfferer no matter what hlsfcooduloo mar oe raareura htmseif- eoeaptr privately aodradlcailr tliia fcture should be in tnetnanis of every rofl uj mdtr un uilie imd addrtai- the calremrell edieal i laa u xew trk post office naxaxaa baobbaal pqethr her pkofer sphhbb i pxt en a familiar scene the dearest scene in liuraao life whose oeatral flgnre is a quten the queen of home the model wife hr willing subject at her knee reneath herscjptrus gnntlt away first learn how their aldtihen be wbe tread the path o right all day her throne exerts a greater power than all earths poteuutos combined beneath hr care the perfectflower nuratafrom thebuddia youthful mind and aver all th world todsy when wrong p down before the right the mothers early lessons play a sileut part of woudroua taigfat ah coald we estimate the worth of mothers lesson raotlkrvprayer hoa- much of all the coed of earth wed owe la her uutirinif cars for her there is no biulieriphsre she uiskes no battle fdr her f rights 8ach topica fall upon hsf ear as snow that nuiu where it alijku i hare no patience with the seal of those reformers who insist that womena shoulders from ihe wheel of progress hai too loos been aliased at long u there are hornet of peace where children used their motheia prayers ths womans powers will never ceaaa to purify abe worlds a silt i sxlsct 8b4dixq day of her life and white embroidered skills 1 lira peck hum says theyve been filtio up the house wonderful line for h i the widow waa plodding on once mora when there waa a merry jingle of itiglibellt in the toad behind and two fiery hone were checked close to her a sweat face set in a framework of auburn carls leaned out nf the window and two eager bauds were extended law sakes alive i tjacnlaled widow tta susy barton child where have you been all this time and beie are you going now junp in anuty im going to lb tall and ive just come front yofir house where the dooi was morthospi ably locked i the widow bad intended to play tli role of relent less guardian but she now ready isaqed aagnst lit american newspaper directory foe 18 8 0 prov6rbs7 e jco one cau he rfk wtif n the stomach blkytllvcrand kltnrtareheallhand hrp bitters keep them so the teutet nourtrhlnx lantcaope- llrr ilrenetbeneraudearatlveoaeartit mop hitters it ixtmposlbteto remalttloncaf efcir act of tiealtb where ltup uaters are us why do nop bitters cure soraucnr bciue ther at ve rod rflcettlon rich boodand healthy seitcnof all hatvans vmittar whatyoa fcelfnxa r all- mentis kop bitten witr ndo rtooi remember itop bitters never does bsrm but rood alwujs and eoatlnoall puttfythe blood cleanse the stnmaeh and sveeten the breath wltli fiop bit- urc qnlet nerves and balmy sleep in hon rlttsn no heatth with inacllve liver and uttnaryorxiins wltbout hop bluers try ra cwre aaut rata eller fnrmle byall dmjxuls roral eichaige hoteiacio at campbell proprietor krcamp aeil late of the eosain hbose near gt k station taxes pleaaure in annonncthgio bif many bid frienda and patron that he has ntly purchased and refitted file eoyal wis eia nealeft aad most comfort- ame style and iiprcpajed to accornmodaie all who may favor mtn n the most com- fortsble maanec choice wines liqoors cigars and cpol summer drinka always fn afeek stable in charge of an attentive nler the patronage of tiipnljie is rv joeetfully sokdted and no effort wflxti spared to give the terr best attention qasbtfoe bstsb lam prepared to pay the hheat casht prcw for hides calfskms deacons iamb andsheep skins deuvered at my tannery l leather constantly ob ianil james- ifoore ado oittsl pcmpgj rrjrps tf m adams mannf of ffuperior elland ciatera pmapsi which will be put in- on short notice repairing promptly done- furniture made and repaired sarges moderate also saws filed and t give him a eall shop on frederick raf oajofae dr lotrrrs reaidenoe tveadamb 11500 i loanon brtktfas farmaeenrity artsaahlsratsofuiurest applytb- l hp moore at fjtxi psjm office acton albert coleeges bellevitle ont fss gqsxxis scmool reoecistzid affords excellent fiunltivt for elxcuvs stoixs preparation for matrieuiatioa in law medicine or arts or for teachers ex aminxtionx students also may attend the flourishing commercial college or alexan dra college for ladies or the musical academy average expense or tuition in 6olid branches with board room fuel c- only 1300 par week- terms open sept 9tk 1680 jan 6li i8si and april it 1381 for circulars address president i e jcxi d d belleville ontario tvxljlk annual volume 0ve thousakd ahd fif1t pages price fire dollars this work is the recognised source of in formation on the statistics of american newspapera advertisers advertising agents editors politicians and the departments of the government rely upon iia statements as the only recognized authority it gi rea the nam of all newspapers nd ather periodicals it gives the politics religion class or characteristics it gives the davs of issue- it gives the editors name it gives the publishers name it gives the si of the paper l it gives the subscription price it gives the date of esfahlishmentand the beat obtainable information about the circnlaticmvand several valuable tables and twvisoianniiallj and information brought down to the latest date an energetic honest man to open a branch senttoany address on receipt of the omce of the new magnet telephone co fa price addreas adjoinfng counties small caah 7t amr ta ivi capital required to such a man this is an geopeowelxtcotniiiiahers uxceuentlpening for money makiagbusi- hewspaper advertising bureaa j newt address with stamp g w foster to smnwe st new tork 1 125 and 127 clark st chicago iil 100 reward i we offer the above reward to any person who will furnish as with sufficient evidence to convict the parties who are selling or offejingfo sell other oils- under jjuftrafle mark cas torine we are soje manuiactarers and proprietorsof the casforine machine oils and erery barrel fs branded cas larine xoeonto bllcoilpan ts shertmwrae is tsreoto for sale by u t hillclon marryinogfor love kow mark what i say to you susy barton 1 c nt have no mora ol this nonsense aboat harry grayworth ko- body w heered of him until hs carae hinging rouud last summer calling miusilf an artist and skelcbin every old pile o tuia he came across abel powers is worth a doisn on him and i expect when he comes tonight youll tell him youre very much obligad for his kind offer and youll try to make him a good wife either you promise abel powers this very night to msrry him and give up air ttiia ridiculous nonsense about that other feller ar you lease my hmae qoiekrrn ligtitpin 1 the widowbmitli sparkled rfnd tlio souffeoiormrltjoan on ber cap quivered ominously i 8usy rose without a word bar che6k glowing and deliberately walked out of the house searcelr staying tq lis her lillla sanlonnet under her chinj true as i live aris breuthe shea gonti j exclaimed the widow half re- lnting i didnt calculate shbd fii op so quick but let her go i dont care biich be back sooo aaough a short time afterward susy uirton sat on a fallen log in the woods thn- sunbonnet poshed back from the glossy anbura hair her tiuy feet stirring the withered fern pinnies below aid her blue trusting eyes tnrued upon the face of a tali slender young uion who stood beside her his dark hair blowaabout by the sunset- wind this abel powers is a rich farmer dearest is he hot v asked the stranger hasy nodded wonderingly then he ptirsaed i scarcel v knew why yon choose in pieference one like me wha only offers yoa his loving heait because returned 8asy innocently i fore yoa and you are wthing to shsre my lot hard end comfottless as it may be i do not ikf uih be t i i would go with yon to the worlds end said susy earnestly puttingbolh hetlittlo pajuis iu henry grayworthe outslrefcfaed hauds fcasd so she placed the seal upon her faiefor richer for poorer fortwlter for wnnte i j i ft waa the evening before christmab cold and clear with snow on the hills and the woods all snapping and crack ing in a sheath of ice th wanted coald not mist the infection of susies kiss and hug going to the hs ii eh i o- j oiive got a sjltjiatinn here i suppose youre lira eilsrtons ladys mud t well yes langhcd susy i do sometimea wsit on mrs ellertoo well im glad youve got a loler ably respectable place though youd ler imv manrwl aw1 aow-dra- and why havent you letme soe you afore f how could i aunt we only ar rived at the hall this morning and i started fot your bouse the first time i could slip away got i pretty good situation very i said susy youll find the housekeeper s dread ful nice lady said the widow patron- ixingty ill speak a good word for yoa to her if you like thank yon i said suaie veiling her eyes beneath their long lashes what sort of a penon it mrs ellerlou i pursued the widow she must be easy tempered if she lets you go cull in around in this velvet cuah iuned alrigh with a feller in a gold banded hat to drive you 0 shes very kind to me returned susy- ts she pretty t well i dont know i cant say exact hesitated susie slightly em- barrutsed the old lady was just turning around to demand an explanation when the sleigh clashed up in front of the broad flight of marble steps that led to the portico of eilerton hall and they descendid 8ui led the way throogh the arched vostibule into an elegant drawing room where a clear lire burned on the marble health and the purple velvet curtains swept to the very floor the chandelier ajreaffrngcted smitherdan3 ualtox codvty fa1b very sncetssfnl eetiotiiffsi ssbewsons cobnbes is prepared lo do all kinds af wbiteirashisficoavobistl on che shortest notlio and at reasonable rates rhaeles cajf ekoiv main st aoton agent for the bell orsan manufactured by measre w bell k copoelph qtitn left at his reaidehce wfqreeeiasj prompt at tention for particulars see adv on other aide give him a trial 1 chas camfjok deci079243o a lex- f smith aaavr robtsrc kinsr baupza a tlowxn also nrsfclaugneral purpose plows climax ssileaveronr oemm at the ran psaf threshinr machines aunneartst chief and mzztrzml otr r i vlbratorbprins tooth harrowsceniennui offloeacton u horse rk climax kapnlni mills z an ithejeeleimiled wianor heed drill ie ah t 8 clothing hlttait4m9lea- wnruma to do cood work every unie or no sale zasbaraasonable ortttesl widow smith trudging along the road to kllerton halj begsn tospeculate rmber uneasily as to whether she should reach her destination before dark for she was carrying a famous recipe for chnst- uas pies to tho housukeaper at ellertori hall hft fine place soliloquized the widow smith as she sat down to rest herself on a great boulder by the pray side and only to think that mr eilerton haaliyed away from it all bis life i i dont eee wlint folks find so drefful nice in fravellingsbont i must say however mrs peokoisn clever old lady she is ejid wears test hand some caps ehe says hef coming totie toraoirow wkh hisyonng wuo ittss great thing to be born rich 3 id lite to geti peep at mrs euertori i wondr ifaheu be at pfanrtih sstoday j i do suruose she wears lilkfiowa- twer amethystine tints of the frescoed ceiling seemed lixeji canopy of precious jewels to the widow smiths unaccustomed eya this aint the housekeepers room exclaimed the old lady twitching her pieces dress in dismay spose mrs eilerton f hould coins in i the door befeod opeued nnd a tsll slender gentleman entered th room with a bright welcoming glance to suty let me introduca my husband aunt whymeia- mois henry orsyworthl ejaculated the suisxod widow smith doubling the traneaiissivs accuracy of the stiver spectacles sh had confided in for the last ten years you have got the first two nsmos right mrs smith said the gentleman langhing but my name happens to be henry gray worth eilerton are yon mrs elurttm t exclaimed the widow wheeling round so as to face her niece otce more hhe is mrs eilerton rstnmed her husband culling i wished to marry one who would love nye for myself stone not for my wealth or station and so i came to the village as a poor young artist under the came of gray- worth and wooed and won this precloub wife of mine she never knew my real name until we stood tide by side at the altar i he jihssed his arm arohnd susys waist and looked down upon her with affrctionste pride answered by the laving light in ker own eyes the widow sat down sod nibjiedf her speetaclei reheainently its jest like the books f used tuj rasd whan i was gal 1 she ezolaisied at last the widow did not know that truth is tooietiflies stranger than jtjouou the annual fall exhibition of hal ton county agiieuliursl 8ociety took place in milton on tueedsy and wednesday of last week the displays of farm produce audi domestic manufactures were equal in quantity to those at any former show held in the county the exliibilion of jliorses compeunt judges slato was eqiinl to that at the pro vincial exhibition the total number uf entries era considerably over two thousand the credit valley railroad oud northern k noithwestern rail roads tan excursion trains snd it is estimated that over seven thousand people visited the grounds the success of the show is greatly due to mr j brothers the president and the eneri gelfc fcreuirv mr w c bvalywho has hid that position for twentyfour years the following is tho prize list horses draught brood mare j mother- sill j aguew j etrly gelding ot fitly 3 years j agnew w j korrest gelding or filly 2 years w brown t boak gelding or filly i ymirw o baty w frnk entire colt 2 vears j mothersill spting colt or filly j mothersill w watson gexesax purpose brood mere j brownridge jos alton w watson gtldiug or filly 3 years j clark j stewart gelding or filly 1 yer w harrison v watson entire colt 2 years j harrison f sibbald eutire coll 1 year f johnston spring colt or filly e easlon j alton uahriaoe brood mare jsbwsey- j hartley j g cheney gvlding or filly 3 yesra n c brown d litdlew gelding or filly 2 years j curdingly g gjutle gelding or tiltyl vear j clark a willis entire colt 2 years ft keelands t blanaharh eutire colt 1 year b juffen spring colt or filly j g cheney j hartley roadsters brood mare g coyno m xfice w freeman gelding or iljj 3 r hemstreet t j chi8holu gelding or fillv 2 vears t brown t black a j jarvis gelding or filly 1 year tj fisher j tilt entire colt 2 years l shain j haiuvr entire colt 1 year j stewart spring colt or filly gcoj ne j brownridge thoroccnhed uorseswitit peuioree brood mare j white colt or filly 2 years w pmcclure colt or filly 1 year j white 1st or 2ud spring coltor filly j whits hobses w harkess- sn heavy draught horses hbrown m harrison general purpose j mothersill- f booth g a ion roadsters j brown ridge t black s jlason cvrriage horses m howsou a dixon j peer hack under raddle it dean j brown ridge 2nd 3rd hack in harness ft green e w gollop r h lawie carriage horse tbrownridge tikeu d s mcnair special prize french stalliouia percheron norman stallion j harrison cattle dcwuir bull aged 0 joyo j miller bull 2 years j shrwood t boak bull 1 year j alton w g petit j fulhergill bull calf w g petit j ag hardyi f green cow calved or in calf j i q hsrdy j fothergill t boak jmiller cow 3 years j fothergill j harrison j miller hsifer 2 years w g petit w g petit j harrison j fothergill heifer 1 year j fothergill t bonk a dinoon j harrison heiler calf j fothergill t j black j fothergill j fothetgill herd btill and four females owned by exhibitor j fother gill devovs cow calved or in calf wni clemcnlb ateshiees bull j b beswy cow calved or in calf j b besaey cow 3 years j b biasny heifer 2 years j b beasey heifer 1 year j b bipsey herd bull and four female j b bessey grades cow calved or in calf r wilojott iri 2nd a cook r tuck cow 3 years w g pettf k wilmolt jmiller heifer 2 jeisargook r wilmott j fothergill heifer 1 year a dnoon t boak a denoon heifer calf a cook j fothergill yoke working oxen a thnmpeon t ohishblm jr s elliott fatted ox oreteer not considered fat by the judges fatted cow or heiler m denoon no 2nd or 3rd awarded herd 4 females any age a cook 8heep leicester jhanv a tvaldie t blsnshaid s ijlasoa yearling rani j sanderson cis smith riiu lanib c 8 smith g wiigglesworlb h watson ewes aged w wood w freeman a wnldie 8hesrlingewes h watson awaldie w wood two wa lanibs c 8 bmilh ai waldie w wood pen lieceaurs rami 1 year or over ram lamb 2 ngisj 8 shearling ewes 2 we lumba a waldie cotsvold rawi w wilinj v wilion rain lamb j sandersoir w wilson j ay ewt igetl vr freeman w wi liwn 4 w lvs sbthsrling ewg ci 8 suitli w wil son j w bowra eo liimlm w wilson j s4nddrn 3- wl bowra pan ootswoldsram uno ymr orovar am lamb 2 sgid ewia j shearling ewes 2 ewe lamias w wilm lttoowabam 0 k 8riftrhir wstscn rain limb a a stark ewea gl r ki1i teir- ling ewe 0 8 smiih ajrjiiw ews lambs i s 8iiutii w fiwniuu pen ram one mr or ovvrm imb 2 agrd ew s hlionrliug ewr 3 e- lambs c 8 smith southdowhi rnm xwbttsyl shearling ram w wilwni 8 jjssoni ewes sgl j b bsseyj w bnwl shearliiigewrti w wifcmrjjalwti ewe atnlii w busxji j b biffllsy ritn lamb j b bnei j wbu pair fatted wethers a dinnon jj orr pair fatted ewes a dchoorr s orr pigs j yoeksuike bjar j avr- lhf lit 2nd 3rd boar imiirr- vyear 3 it r leslie boor nnder six oionttia j t r leslie j main sow j r leslie j main sow undir i yearj j ib leslis island 2nd sow under six mouths j4e leslie m hnrrnim suffolk buur j main lsl tai- 3rd boar under 1 year j mhiqjjw tt r lsl ivtr lllnhn- nix niojitja jmainai mcuatigttll sowjmitii 1st 2nd 3rtl so undir 1 yeari j i ms in j ii r leslie suwuiidwsiv mouths j lian j d u leslnv s bkuksairb iw g brnlley w ii djrland 2ud and 3rd bourundr- 1 year t boak m haniaon boarf- under six muhlhs t blaiichard-j- r leiie sow- j mniu f hucler t blnncliard sw uiidir 1 yesrj d r leslie j jurvix 8ow under sit mouths w c baty 1st nnd 2nd pooltry pair liglit brnhitiiot f sutton w wood chfckens k sulton j peart dark brahmas j poiit j fogies chickens j peart 1m 2ml and 3rd cochins j pwttt j main chickens j foster j pai t di kings j main j faster chickens j main j fnetet black spauiah c brili w wood chicksns jpart jfoskr leghorns j foster c bright cuitkcnt 0 d mereness j filler ii smith a whlie chickens a green jfoster plymnnth riak ghonnng j haggart chicken g uorniig 1st 2nd 3rd polnnrla j w buesel f stttton cuctcna j peart j w buasel houjns q bright 1 foster chickens c white j fter gaice c bright j peart chickens j peait p cknpliejibimimuwmsin 1st 2nd 3rd thicliensj maia latl i 2nd 3rd fancy pigeons 0 bright w caldwell gninea fowl c foster i w bussel cniiiiiiuu uirto j w- bussel j main clihrtii- gwt j w- j bussel emdru genu- jjkiiil jlw buast1 riucii duckn s mnin 1st- 2ud 3rd bronzo turkey j mtin i wbussal cummiih turkevs7 bussel lsl 2uri 3d agricultural i xl plejientsr- single carragb covore1 fait flild co hustler- mckfnrie mtnir j smith 0ieu luigy- singl u f smith hnslle d- mckinxi fair- s field co luiulici- goii jikoater mcnair a sinjlh market wjiggon hustler mckrurie mcnair i smllh faiifield t co cutter u uwlrr i ma- enzfe sleigh j saik iron plow c brown copp bros ctiniiinattisiis plow c brown ilckinnon raia haw harro c brown mtkinnou kamshaw cultivator larrowcopp bros corn cnllivator or sciiffler smith j bros c browii fiiiiuing luillii r mitchell wisner s m grain drill r mitchell wisuer a sm jinrss rake wisner 4 soil hagghrt bros churn a dow washing machine allow wagon rack j staik straw cotter haggsrt briw sinith brra turnip cutter smith bros shod lion e melernan mckiuuoii ramshaw horse bhoea e jlclvicam c brown clothes wringer a dow farm gate hunter 4 ettrd extras jointer plow a dow chi plow 3 r- mitchell drnbl mould board plow siwth bros iros fence r y king buggy gearing mcnair a stnilli graik seneca sni cluvvson wheal wtuck r tuck t rjhiaholrn jr tresdwell g grenains w tuck while wheat if tuck r tuck rd wbirt itewej red sjirinp wheat r wiliaoh areliiott g grrgaius white spriiig wheat r willaoii m hirrism bar ley g grenaiusrwiison wdeuifk rev large whitj oats r willxnn ii harnson common while orts w tuck m harrison blickfoaw hi harrisofl w tuck blm ihbs c martin small peaa w ttick large peas r willsoo tvjur coinr hemstreet rl carey avhilo corn e r hunter g gustier tiiuoiliv swot r jfilaon i k g hardy twer seed g grenains 111 hmrjaon flax seed rlfillron 1 g hnitlv bttmi j bigger r ifilhum mrllet a mo- doiignll fiid beans extra m harrison roots pech blow pitatdw tforemg e ryuial early rose j altonjmtir rison pinfc eyes c eostpr snow flskiy bhrniativet w frennwn new variety rymal if frepimni other kma i ahon 11 frwiuan swede turnix alton u carey orr grayatone e rhiid itciity other tnrnip jailoii uyurv fhj carrots t ikeir ft given gauniw tiibla carrots 0 foster jh baker mangold wurteels r carav cfijaler j ik ifdoj ghbe mangolds rxira w n brd onions k bvmal g homing spaniah oniorm o fitpr ikhite onionr 2nd mim carter po ito oninnn c martin c foskr blum eet c foster h liaer sugar wis r carey c foster ftatiwffv a- i thnipspii r mcmarter redalibag- r careyh momastpt sqnsiibee fl r surljr uadiijg ram i w abowgirey pumiilfiim jt freeiaun- j i tlv