Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1880, p. 2

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w m j m iii i jsfafcb n j aotoit ohureh mnetary mkatouifttcikiiru oicinmu win i irwautn ulji- in mujinn ot mirmouilnt mi on ibutbij tsrnlkc nt k i nt iialt lcm ta lrncrnihip- uii- wthtimdnrrv mm acn i a r ivyljlin tlj int jlvni hw tlu r iuj ltlrlii itevrl wilklbwatwm- rkksiivtkkux skrticio titiln- 1ipimim th m kttthul u tllcrmou tiuinfbhll nt r uitarnuruinheelt niudalkmrutaiat lsg a ut- hkdblatekuxtlvllur cmktmtc cwuxiv irvtcmil ttvatuiig al i i ravialli hciiuit a- a m kkv v j cwitt liwmiiucji tumsr kkvrcr lintt vrtlsrltltcal it a- m mid tlil jsiiikuc tu n ntsjli ill rm u to t otituiiir aiui nuuxvtr cwm ae mum f r mtirrtt aaavwics ulav prcachlnc at u a m and t trtwtutsitiieeiidaj iv s im ettwhlst atlstwal- uf wr a irlk cvittf j6nft kwtk- uutar crcttclitucalle 31 a tn ball mclwa ltt i catlttcaf i our milt iartrr7i imtiik o irf imk hkbvurs taummjitirrcii mtmtuai ikvank iijf cv onlal snm every hun lay r 1- rkv katuklt tlvok1ur- ik piau juo3 if ass ttule ictqk tttee press pj1 tithed ovary faiirtday mcruiaj 61- f annum id advance thckm av siokmjm jrtv ii tsstl jharvestimo the harvesting it tliit wgtoa is now in full blast a great il of good hay bat leen wvlt hojtsfif- in mkuo crctpc smlcssnt 6rli wlos it utile llisworee for the rains hut the armors miriv the mart of be situny weathtr lo ncttre a hood hay crop the wheat imrnsi ks welt la an- oecskionsl gj jrhert the gram j very thick ami leary it ii liiiily d fr qnent showerr shoom tka- wathea w propitious ttroigfcowt lliawett vwgs quantity will bo cat siul ninen of ic srcmed harvest hands re aree but thints ta the encper the grids eia be cut in k mncfcshocier lime than tir lie for- tnetlfloiriroccssorcrallinj wngcs ivrragfl flsfij or l5 per dy ttthoaglt ku re git iag us high s fioo fnttoeibeiiasciucher spring cras loot wry w ic thr djainiag toiii lixmuitlox thu futiuvu iu bu viciwt mc invitodto vttit the fanuuf mr a1k u iwvvnl alwtit mmluomlut auiiii wid tht ttxrk imrfuruivt by tin ntv txlonie hurvotcf hiu ntuiiv liimli the kttuiu tlm uulot nxiiioot iiouiue linui tailuf ju ftiklmvtliifbiaahhtd at wurk il it nurtli viiit ahiic f luith i fasoagawoya ittituv rui jroiftt curmioarwfa oiniimnttiiif of pmmcct division mi tlitay cviiidg tiji rv 1 h mfplihnan preiicli- nl milclldiil kiiikx1 ull tlueimc hi svbulu vist the cixdit vullpy iwlway ciiuipunj hiid thvii- kiiiiluyra hinb pmin to mi imiiiuiliuj nod wuik lis been re- xuiut i mr cv v iic iii hits wn llwdillj wjukttiwu liiijli sclniot fof ihejwtatyrriinivl hotueou sitmilajr lt is looking well the wort nf ih pea hosj i root vimllu on th ently 8a khlj on account of lhs irfi the famivr bavii iuwn corn to juite an fstcul if wia w rr not stiwn foe two ycara it might iwcih the imp titfarnirrskntali lxr m the fh lrbrkt hartctuitd if lti loalhir fci-t-i- avoruble mom di it iu ha- t atd twrt litiutti tiia rt tim last hat- hurt it conwthmlily and itiiriit to gtml ixtnt itarvvse hands have liwu scarce tin tv bciui quite an inqiiiiy fui them tlwf etirtum hot wellur inad5 tlw work buixtmsiau until the utlvr part of last week- ucln u il uiod eraled coiiiidtrahlr nid i i tlra prlne for eagaatf cattkiuni will rejcret to heir that tha rteagawya appl tbefolluvine ulie dwistou of his kotior judge 5xiihron the apjieat ol joatjapanrrll towiinftip asint the qnaliiatinn of asitsfmiiit made by the coantr rtcently uptm hoiriug the vidnce adiced hy the a p tits on the uafltrr of the agueul herein and ijy and with the ceatsptifc of the larlien nprrsenting the several muiiicipitiek if the county of ualton ixbiuti ivcuoa towusiiip town of0tkvileaad village of acton which were net re ptestutedr determine the utauer of ifieal as follows li do ordrr and delermiue tht tiie cakfatkiit u the real ruat o the uid township- ol kiissagitweya made liy the said f viuuiy if ulta aathemuliiitionof aasesx uwnt alitll tar decteaaed by the amount nf h3sgs0 tad that thr eqiulitttiou of the wbjc atttwieal sir the nid quorj nowa drttitfotilo litlnluy 2scli iimt k abnngii of unaia for untugovlllii iopoioa troiuftiliutg wexcaluut about uic ltchy siugotu hinrest intudii got 250 per day in aoiuu pirta of cnuida funucru clubaaiii ruling favauilu priucq edwiiil lalaud theta ic much fuer auduguuttboiit- teiiloli fulll llum aillilliiur majkttablo cattlo aril iretty will ihiiiued out aivuiid liiotl fitruiera about iiri nru plant lug ahude treea ou thu r skct tin miring wheat ahoim seurdrtb- ia badly iifulei tllt the joiliv woim orowuiuftiucidonla are very plenti ful uiih beawu no atu liglhiilug duaa leit the new mrkct km advisaua un- ttiilnatrial lluiuu fuc lie cvuiily ol voifc tha poliw- t biiutuford miuitolut have btokeu thirty acre oc uui thla mxlioll j tha west hiiou ball show ia to be ueld at tijekneh nu sputuber 2drd aad ivli uut ol 3d cuadhliles fur promotion 0 the siafotth high school 2tl were juooewful accnrdiog to lift kenilj hie haj ciup about calupbeluuld will fall belu tueaveiaije tlis agitation for the carrying of the tioutt act ui puutiac county gats oi iih promise ill diiid lirown of weston wai- prontrated by tlic hejt the other da nd a utrod kcvercly material is being lah iluwa far the esuiuuou of the jiamt trunk uidtvat down oeoil iiteet olu soiuk ihcal bpriiiklaj ptria greu ou the baclcbertiva in the gtdeu ol mr v ix uatyey ol iiitiaoli tha agiutioa for cutirly tianbiltin ciitih- uteep xvlrom tue iiigltways ic iptvidiuk uxwuguiut the country mr piter iluycr of the ivilin acim has aunuuucd himvlf t ciuilt- date foe tha itayoralily uixt yeai som lariaen in tuckrrauutli ccm meucrd hacvevtiug oa the g h ius the earliitt vvrr kuo u ill til itviciiiiiy oa taiuliy moruing ocargu siuqi aoa waa tafkl on th korthera litil way if iwviug left undford drunk kjieu caujiicii and mrf xinc incituitni ncliool uiiuodiiuou m i q niiilodln kingston wuit tliav o a lift aon foii fiiii imirtaflibiio wit r prepuhiiloiii ol rucdiciini tvhlcu haf wiifittbod tho iinpaflijil iid itbt of ill people for hiiy iriil longth or lluio tluo of tlier i fir thoiuli bale trio oil llend 4i e lollowmg aid he oou- vlnocd ti fmiaj ijolilumo rrnham cxiipc v wriloa t liuft- bim nnlicled wiili ilitiimaliini for the imi leu ytfiirti mid linve tried ownvrrnie jle4 nlihoul any ielif until 1 meddr iloiiim electric juv uud finoo uia have luid uo itnc f it t would ieconvnnd it o all 1 h km i llowl icwiut vel sliefl ird l q wrl e utive lieeu iroublu l with lltk ojayjnluvfoilrcveral yftu iitr hare irioajdidfrint mvli9itv itlditllo or uo benefit until i mod drtbomn utlecfiio uilgiwbwi give me in metlt relief and i irould my lhat 1 have used it since with ia best eltrct noue houil tie without il i have tried il oa my horp in caeojc fcuu ttiunda t iii think it ciiallyuknokiiihom l iin a mttjbc ueccliuil wnrkkprth wrile iuve wld arnne hutidredothaulo of hkilvctric nil iiud it is pronouncitl hy ihepubic our of tho ust medicine- ley huveer rue il lnu dniift woiideu in healing and m lining pnin ioio throali rto find li wort nj ot the i tenlnl ccnlidence foapi huma tvitliip orpcrctwiile i was prrauadi io tf uc tuuiiiai eclnsjrie- oil lor a lauie tun which trouund ae thr oi tmr yeata and i neror round aaytltiug like il rorcutfug liunenem is iandublie iencfu iievtare o iiiititim ak for dr thomiv tclectrif oil rjee that the firwuure or s s tttoiui ia ou the wrippor and tneoaiiet ol korthrap t lyra in are blown m ihe bollle anf takk xa iniikic sold by all nikcine dealer otttitir stoves iric icend koklllltipi iyjlak iorouto ont xruprietors for the do minion sim eiicck svlcctcil aid elcctrited tuu ccidlk critkit la erin wt uiu isu iit the iifcof xcifcurric of a ion i citciiai tu acton oa the uih imt the vifcuf it creech ioj of daughter ubiwwhut iooo i 03 treidwell t w ti 1 ri spririkut ilaijf kljtu 0 j kel chaff uata peat tiarlty k per dni ttntttr dairy packed hatter mil tndii3icvoa h uiada it rieceiaarr for j county of ilaltou ahall be si folijws fletdhr iwguel lor theuiuidcrof tin- gain to leavr j vl eiiirwid shelf the prineeea loaise guudvaud retara a wrl it it tail lenreakiut the eni of thiamamh prolotlly taking advantagr- of the retunt of her bcotbtr piino- leopnld ta accompany hint some time ago while the princess wax in eaguud on s vuit it was rehrtiti ram- there that she rwat ertremelv xelia xtaawya mlltutt oatrilk- gcirctown aetna birlicstoo jakswo iulsto ttcuts locim logiv i- svas autt do tirllier onlcr thit the r ttid- countv elation khall iav to- the sverse to retaraiog to canada as uer llli e of t uid luy here ws understood to hve lee ikai which i fix at the una of 3i signtdjjt iillleu w tnjtiini hut jileiiaut ta her seal ti ket return irait prinairally due ic tbc inflacneeoftue queen ret jkvs risit wilt no doaht csase it rarival of these teporta and it wili be icgaried as ft strong txmaruiatioik cc p- al though the grosdb- given for her rtdorted dislike- so- a asideuoo in cuiads were wcj raftsooahfe jit we must acorpt ti statement iuecntradic tmn of theiorledjecaioii which was given hjt the girernar csneral not tery ago ft app-iars- thafc her iieaiait has been jnraewliat alfictej by tb ottswt accident and all who saw tt wiiile on hec decent mifit with rtiuaa lmpolcf will renembep iw piteaild thin her face appearetfc and witt readily acquiesce in- the- opiuioa that a chiuigeof air wlth uecexsiuuv a temoorary afdenee from- iittadu h iesrabti- witness judge i tint hy oinseat oflhe isrtiea the tid aaiter ufakeal was referred nofcecto farntwrr seeing tho time haa arrived be har vesting and threshinz batit wewonlil refpctfuuy adrije all whe have lrey to get it wrll threshed aj tirdl and if necessary- it it twice ihrough the thrcshisg ttmthine but a ecry ood akeeratfve is lo- ttirtt the- concave of he oikchine the opxite way to what it ia fur ordiunry lhrrtling fanners will sni this more- than doubh rejay them at it iiopruvjm tlic weight and makes it much easier t clean with a fiinsiiiif mil wl is also wwih more either for united states market or for erwrt to euroje as the great tiarrier against our barley in the einpeaa market ha fccen the lack of weieht q et0lton formers inctut haye uut becu ttlde to get hall perick has shown he danger- of iiosscss jpononiug by eating canned imata irli klitw j to the- air cor any length of li alter 193750 opening a- id pound salmon taka ia lln- tmi nela at xewcaatle is supuoaed 14 tie llifi urgest ever dug hi ui ciriii water in these pirtt rcjiert tvnt a wealtit fcrmer of eclui lias letrll finel 11 nud c ftisu brseudiug watered uructatue kuu cliveke factoty of hich he is a itcjk holder tito sherhroofcs fzcrnustin states tlut he uureranieot has decided to condruct one of the esh lianliu eslnphshiueiiu at iljng instead of sherdroyke several hooa ut wsloa village have lately li eoterrd aul romiel kr johu duuis found a thief in bin room the other- uijht bat was unable to capture him a gimcocs attacked a sttln child itaugbiee of a sir smith of stayncr and lafore relief cxme tote out onu oi the little girla eyesv and otbervuv laceraled her face and ia nds frfsli propecf the tery fatoraste leporai of the crops in ireland uutsi be encouraging to resiuvnls of tha cnerald tsle re cent tefegnus state that the wexther so far his been tery fxrorahle it uv expected the potato- crop will be cwit mans from all accounts- ft pronisex toeieeed anything seen in ireland since tbe period anterior to the famine of 1847 the mot and cereal ctops also profstse abundance i i ti- yam crsdlt vallr railway we ifam tliat the workmenon the credit valley railway lately on strike x have on the receijit of their arrears of v wages for aiirit and 51 ay gone to work xwith the beat peoieets of reeeivmg i their weekly eatuings rsgnlarly here- tfieh tlfe ctitipniiy has already paws ed through great difficultjen slid doubt less has more to- encounter but now that the road is in rnnuingbrder there is good reaion for th belief that the iadnniiiahle cpurage aud lerseyecance wjicfi imye cirried it sj far will u as successful in future the credit valley in cuite of its ehvoriw aillyet dots aliaie to niaketornhto uie chief railway centre iu canada mrs james dunn diel at- park hill on salnrdiiy from paris giwn fskeii to end tho heartache and the thousand ills prsrluad by a drunken hnsbana paris jgreen i tfi ilinaaa of tha prcneeas the whole people of cmads will learn wiih regrefc that the ferious ac ctdent which liefell her ustwiuur has had s permoikut ill effect ujw n the health of the princess loaine and that she is obliged to leave canada for a time to promote her recovery on tier recent risit to torouto s great change was observable in her appear ante all will regret her absence and jotttitt the ejujhissi of earnest hope that she may soon be lestored to health and to the jjositipn in this country which she filled so well messrs hicks 4 co london eng land report a small supple of fiheep- cattle and as a consequence an improve ment in price mm dunh wife of a rerident of kincardine cauiuiitted suicide last jlouday night by drowning hetself in a well herbody was only recovered best evening an infant whoni she took out of the honse with her h not yol been toond ecmwlj for hard tlmeg stop speodingsomrcb on fine clothes risk fool and style buy good- healthy food cheaper nod better ftpthing gel more real and ubfuniial things oflife every way and especially stop the fool ish habit of running alter expensive and qoaek dnetors or using so much of the vile huubnyrrcedteinethatdoes ju only harm and makes tbe proprietors rich hucputvoqrlriwf in he greatest of all simple pare remedies h dpblllere thai corei slwaysat nttrifiing cost tihdyon will see better times an t good benlth try it onoe read of dun another column paris green l ibssi mp m kimiw ms t il at j a hills a large suxk qf all iuul u sto ms jurt- itxirclmanvjacturail nlhc bri ffuafid of ifii ka fiittl finish ami the moft haittiqut- stott in he airlr cook stoves f all tiufgltit tvtyloicftt pries a vcrll tetc7fim- of nitwarb 2avsraotqhu7ft abe speoialtiss and will bf fxttttinlfin on thotud nofiir o o ax oil a ffood tlxtf j taproor qua tit fa carnj ci2 suts ses lor 707s2x72s keplembkeshilss f real estate aoehot properties for sale viliiak or array i in ualh itrcet hiiwkciiiii tene ocst in c8 mulivpoiildcnce cne lah i f anrn villi e one tra w in vpleudiu contltiait et able and iliopott uic rrenilie hinl and snfiwaterwetli thte indlnpuubk teiin reww liable kii iiiiicornerifcimrch and john sir oncflfci of un arre- ui isf lot ic a ou nnntc- eooittjulig7 riiaa pxxl cellitr hiril vitarikiiuiuber of frnlt tick in so- con- littioncinvcalihtli liirclie- liiti pojl nlllrc anil mllwiy klalina tertaof paiictul retioiutie tit a1ndiiotai ic fitwaoawcya 2 at uellcijrujikuu hit s sell con one r lulatw jr bag 0 9i ui 0 ili i ti 0 s 0 m tn 0 63 0 fii t 0 gu 0 09- lit u iu i t to 0 h 0 13 liifl u vifctorir ear two mw m o as to 3 honf ulute wlt treaflwell cccrtr itiwktt ijj i t spring vvhcit filww rcdcuau tkul icis ivhly kgcii jordoi ttittlr jiiij- paclced ifctllr rolls v pitaioc per lis ji i ttj la i 01 tki wf ei i 00 ui i oi 9i lo 0 31 0 vi lo 0 17 0 cl ta 0 cs di to 0 ft i o 69 lo a 10 o 12 u n 14 0 is tn 0 15 0 jj u 0 1c zlsr gktj latlo ists tlic l1gn ojfers liif hadty tmra ulajionsupaa- the- trra her thus jar a- ip bring increased yotersjjst 80 dtsiarititvut the viunaf ct acto nsr ix run cofjktt of aauoif kijttce i iiercbyciven that i have trmr- raitwd ordclivenl u tic penas mentiiiu- i1 in tiie third and fojth seetioli uf- the veteiu llt jtft tiie copies roqaircd by ijaid lotion to lc no wtuwnituxl or dchv rrclj of ho hvi nuuv jiann to aaidact if all pecook appearing by tiie laid revised ansewment koll of the said uanict polity to be entitled to vote in siowusoipaiity at election for mfmbent of the legislative asaecnyanrtatraaiepal rjlecuons and tlnttaid list was firut fnsiwv up at my o4 ta acton on u klh day i july lsia and rotnain1 there- foe irppcan- efcctoniarecaiiedupoar tii examine uic said j ht iuxi if any ommissions or any other errors ale fonud therein w take un- mcdialc procecungs to have th laid errors comictd according to law j tsfcfarvtv tillage clarfc datoii at acton tliif bth day of july 1i in elmirx fair coining but gias cattle were gfiered the supply wnic limited good usilch oowk bioughi higher price than jane entile kc for shiigtiter they sotd at frou 2c to tc live weight point edward has adopted a system of proiection from fire- tho uraad truuk ohlcials htve granted the iriv- ilegj of uaiog ihtur water tank which are situated rn a posicioa quite high enough to give the required pressure to any cirtafth village mr wic bdwes of vanghan own ship in trying to stop a rtinnway team was struct by i he toogneof the waggou and ntn oyer by the horses and wheels seveni ribs were broken and he suffer ed other internal injuries so much so that bis recovery is doubtful thegrand secretary f the r w grand loageof i 0 f for ontario has made rrraugements fur the 8ovei- eigu grand lodge meeting in toronto in september next by special arrajige- ment he 17th sef ember lias heen set apatt liy the industrial exhibition committee s on uddfellows day when every lodge is iutiten le- be jresent and it ininiis of20 for each lodge bring- ingan itnifoimed bind of twelve pieces is offred on sdndify the 19th sept tho rey j w vertalije fjlrahd chap uiu trill preach altst jsiues cathedral on sljliday the granil iidire uiaete in the proyiuciai legisjatiire chaniber albert college belleville- 0t tsb gaaxxnb school moroiflztol ifforit excellent taooltiea for eiecttts stuuiss preparation for hatncalstiou in law ifedicinoor arts oc foe teachers ex smiaatdoos students also msy attend the oonsldngconimercialcoueg or alexan 3ra colloge for ladies or the musical academy aterage expense for tuition in solid branches with board room pnel ifco only 430q per week terms open sept sth l88pj and aprjll 1881 foe circa address president t 3 jiqurs d d iki whiclt isfflaaicita c and doriu ine fubleaudiliivltik klied 3ux clerry a al pte irtr lcurus the titmdlis ia he jcwi cinllilen wilt rnkibl- be a pl rtlwrhi re in kdnrtllaie 1ui jcoilcriii easa apu lo jt 1111 naoa3trej a kxicraiyc j 1 cotccnn sm thelo tiwtilp cia4it- inf liatcl elearei and ordr cidivi- ilcu balairfe zncil cedir mid macfc usli tttkil fnn otilltlii- ten it lu uic let toii- illtum fplenililciictiartl ol hrt lejtrt- t-i- ceuiini frujt scwdliklof attr au ihe rtnr ioondllie i tojeny lsittiaetsl aiti rallci from auin f utale from a flriclnt irrtt tnyt menkiii ki tcbool and oonrcli tilie induiiulabljc trwi ithm lilil al- i trt jurai vilt ai tbe 1 tvx lsc ov at adda iot oil ce i very p osjurons liar vest and lh fur wet twuu gathering in this wit lrp perity ajul put money in lo llic pxfals of a the- the lion expects a fiif season rind as in former sea sons is faying hints if dit for the lions share our- ordcts already piac d with briuh and ianalianjnanu- faeturcis arc vtry extensive goods are alreadifybegin ning lo a our fiiencu may rest assured of find- ig everything at tlit linn it ttlftj rmy desire i cass tvn9il3 for out colebratei 1450 suit- 3 cases plain winco 1 gas9 fancy dross goods at loo 2 qasss black fiinoes from 25o t 3 00 a yars 1 cass bark priritst 1 cjass solar spots and pompaior oamtjrics- 1 case einboea and mourning prints 1 oasebteckcaehnaere 2 sales tapontrv carpets aasdfcjae at 62o 2 pales a vo 1 brusselscarpets lovely gooda 1 bale stn- ad bordsiin hick bhqic satin in 5 different shades frtenda please notecur etrrrcer sices is teire rcdcced ta i mioimuni aud vre chcll epea cut a stock cf fall goodg that i startle tbe acmiratiencf fnencs end excite the jecltctj ofwonlfl ljn rivals i ljs d t co m l trft partl havinc fiusrv kt d lon ts ii vii- ufffc r atmmii nei jriiultff inwcn for iu t ft utciritiu t wiimifi tj u ckckigc ttu tw le mile lll flh nfttlw iu hits lis a p moore jprlag teds spring tweeds poit s alli or fcxcuaxge tijc awrxciftwl iim fir laic rir will cr- clnne for litrlivror iujucci span of stxxt vtciiiift bortcs il j kcoats a rcuifflld riddell 2 cliirt trans tdr 8eiac mucuiac aad gencrxl pepoire try hn goargctowti kovclty worki arcliridoell 22tf haia fit oeorgetom a let r smith v acrmrroittiikkirntrraitaauqtrer n1o irtclriol gciienil urpoe i lox climai ritrtshnr maebtmn vlnncfota culcrnnd mticatir spring tocvlb hrrrvouunmal xalhjr uorscililcf citfnm knanietr muk the ceidrjtted wunor b tl iriu c nil trarraardtrtdcood ort evmy ume or uo sale rermkretuooiiblt axexrsmitit truth8 hop bitters j ae medicine not a oriolr 1 contains hme bochn hkadmkr dandcun ajtd rttk purest asd ukstmedicat thv cure all ninwft of the stomncji uowlft blood uvor kldnevc ail uridary or- jrtk nerronmts rloitoes female oimpfjunt end uranicennes i 1000 infiold will be ralrffora wia uiy vtu noi nare orjlieiporforanyuing o ffmnd d liflm- r ak year drullfor hon rtur and rt boikr niid lry the biuif befure yinsvflp tnfet 06 uht ttic hop cwghcun and pali iidiefu i the ghtapttty sureti ami betu i hon timzrh mvo co rmfiefiler iftiind torpnto ojbi fir sate bfjillunukuui a wbe ia yoar p wu tanii and no capital riakpil yoii can give th6 bnsiiiesa a trial withoai oi- ptose thetteat opportunity ever otjened f or tlioso wilijog io wock top should trj- aojtbing ajsawitllyon seefar yrjarbelf wlyit yon oah do at tho bnsiness we dfitart no room to explain hero tori can devote all yonr tune or oilly yobr bptire time totijj6basino8s andmaiie gnat pay- for everjf hour hat yqn work wonwn inake aamnph as men tndfortijlooial pnjato tormjt and particulars which ko mall freo 5orttitfre6 dont complain efliard tttnies wbild you have such ahacke addreish suilhigs coating trouserings in ai the -aei- ucras anirirr- ty nmerhl iurf made j iu ibxjjl stiles al itiw jiricei l l a i si a huge and select slock of coupisiuf full it es o dress shirt and ihirtingof all kinds etery noseltl la ties cillar- braces toon tjaderclotauig braces silk linen and anibric haaokorciiiiels christies celebrated london hats at tha easi end clothing store mr chapmak of he montreal house acton is now receiving an im monsa new stock of fall diy goods lien women and childrens boots shoes ic elleville ontacio hamlet- o porusnd tainq paris green always on hand fresh and good sc01ts emulsion pure codiyyer 01l hypophosphites of lime a2tdsoda ttap cemttnes the tiro test rcaicdin trrtr dscorted for cotumptlon colilsa4 ckraaic colciu scroltrla rheamatliin and diimaea of li blood fiatraldm bily and iil watstiag dttetu cf chlidxen it noiocly rtputilhc wtoonndtii- fycaccmcdnruicsofcodljvcrosinafcnn rtut kpy spl and acceptable tottutmoaddiail uoauch but ia ad the wonderful texue and lifegiving prjphic of the hyiupfaospbitts so iaoarpdr- aid tint the trnedial power of both arc urcely baxswd tfayatiiiis cnirasury ackmnrletlj tlw sepenor virtues of this combined food md aicdiacc ia all tie abore dtsj3ses it it dot only better tolerated but much mre readily asamitated by the iysem than plain cod pvr 00 isd a better amentia vd fkttne tf ayio4 the trritauwi cfthtt threat ni laprs reaortxir tjie napajred bsictioasaiid civiag- creucih aad vor to the whole body it is swcttaadjuiatawc to tjae taito aerer separates dtpodti oripoili lie sure acduk for scot tu kmauloa ffcrsaleiiy audrccriu jtx per bottle tvt a ttrqrt nissaaawbta how uost how restored t l jj l e tt shinclem1us eter sayers wtttll injlinate that he bna on handatbjsi mills itnassairawexs formerly rnowai as caitlift nhuslaree stock ot lum3er lath and 8h1nques ot all kinds andqiuuhlesl c l cheap- xo 1 shinsles 9130 per square bill stuff ict to ojtnf teem6ash ieiiyt aivaws arionnrcsira j v c havpreeertlypiilushetja new cdhioo of dr fnlvcnvcuii ivlc bralcu eu- oiritir rilicaj jiid rezmsnoni cure wlihout mttli- ilornerroupibluly meiuoan lenj-ic- ai lncai acityirapcillmenu ormnrriai cic rejoitlqpfrfmcscebse ssprtfe lnaaltlcnvelore 6cls or iwu poslrjjt suours- tue celebrated uutlior in llilf adailjatdf eisy0learlr demoolnites rtrin thitti jratasucetsml4iiictao uuitalarnildonn- tequelcci may be radically otircd wliiiom tiie dangerous use of lniernl inedlclnis or uic une olthe fenlfci iinuungul n nnd id ctirc al once simple erliln knd tluvcirii by memts f whicn cvr- siitercr no mutlcr ihit lils oondliion miy uy mjcurc himef clieapiy privately and rndtcnly tins qeetuta slicow bo isuie nsnjs ti everyyoiitusndevcrrmanlnvhclaud address tue cnlycnrcll mcrlical co 41 ann st new york v rosttffleboi3ss d bove so ode ej ic uj mo ioort abomj 1 ilmeui0eboaineai ueostsnsujm towf uiebiibliirs tttithlnsllkettlhraoaersag ahd slrlcflj iiowilbreadernfrtfjsi kuov atl i bout vie beslnavlue hnslnjaswlw osirflni tno tltomiitroajtemooey ajif amoaj nnjtcd we wl menwiaienbnys aiidprln make money- faster al tork i lor ns lhan at anjiliiip cte tbe work is e 6v ollbri rlkhliit tlii se w ho monse wno see ihi l t t ontlrwltmaiiissllriwroeona lh pnblti ns rcarx ceorlhcmtve ciiy culm and tefmi n v t ttn a irre wlsltlmctlncotjayatkoll tajiples wom atsofie1 j jj relavliieunlrrrenimsoinody aalrisa then mate up yoorminit for jwmll rrlsxihliiui5aln- auj urr portlaml maine 3 p norws rncncal- nurnrtssek v suitable or thogoiapsnuayisph is prepared to esftbtoirnjtuiiiff insia line sinall ci iirch vte tdlwll th6yt articijaasapj in tlio best possible maimer aiid in tho jowforeish forjnut utoatstyle mppthcustpuon sltaccial hpml rites acalllssoliciteib j p wolltlen aotontsb 11 1 at j r mcgarvins faylug bosliyaswj asdriss awl and phmiiww orgajsa fjl finnte9 genadftinciwjttr forj ftciipjirswom 13 drug store

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