Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1880, p. 3

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c mm 9luau ltpm supio t07pm 410 a m 942 a in 1130 m 4t40pm 830 pm tmxtattkk sstt tuu traina leave acton m follows t 1 i uoikuwct sight rupresa fxroatn instil jj- sltjraas express oalt mixed aotsa lust sight express qiltmiiiki day express westers jaail l london mixed ail time table mail btxeltes framlhe butfcl am fcwnxdtij nud the veal 5ltpm from kiinkhbuufctj ain ou tuesdays in4 friday front spesalde 490 awm5n tuesdays and fridays nut closed vjotnsvfeatfck am- icr kuutls p m mall for toronto huoam tctialcabaumfthlfcooamontacaiariaad fridays i sirslde mall 10 am on tuesdays and fridays reentered imters noil be mailed is min utes belore eojaj time sew advetiseuekt a 31 rm u dry flood j d williamson 4 co locals a mv green grand siiau qiriitie hendersona co local john mcligan lumber wanted n mcgarvin lccsla curistiv henderson i co t3uggy for 8 dogawdy a moore tttccldi uorxisi- jcxi j 1ss1 lust 5ao4 4t 0o httii jirollsrr ia tuey so4i stow- a near stock of fursec a new stock of spectacles and caul a new stock of combjooc all kind a new atoek of berlin wools and mottoes a new stock of silver and colored cardboard anew stock of envelopes and note paper wedding and birthday presenta the- beat and largest assortment tit town- call in and see sign of tie big watch geo hynda jeweller- and fancy gooda store acton tovts xvo coiwtr pic sics are talked of- i fur sale or exchange see adr siting crops are cotuinjpon well pall wheat we ire informed that alt whaaljn tome localities ii begin- nlng to head jtotjm a lodge if the ancient order 6 united workmen will it iiotpect- ed organized in thia village in a week or o wool ilia highest price in cash will be paid for any quality of rood clean merchantable woot delivered at george town mcdeod anderson 4 co net wool mr jatnee moore it haying considerable wool thia season- it brings 30 cents per poand that being a higher figure than was paid lat print by eight cents that sidewalk the majority of oar citizens will be pleaaed o tee that the conncii have decided to reconaider the inut6n ot bnildinc a lidewalk on the uorth aide of main itreel caamiioit kkw lajik ueiiti bate kicklin have creeled a new lamp in front of their bakery the lamp it uitefullj- fx up and will we ire certain be a benefit both to pedeatriant and to the meun hicklin the gmnd rush continact at chriatie hendenan s cot acton cheap dreaa goodt cheap milliner- cheap tweeda docki and shtrtingi beat unen k japan teaa for m centt fieai lot jnat received drivti jaht and btrsains in all iiaca of gooda chriatiefhcndetaon co jckc uectixo the disciples of chriat will hold their annual june itceting on sunday the 6th of jane at the stone meeting house erin centre servicea to commence at 1 1 oclock am lanch pro vided oa the crooxd com cjokferexce among the appoinl- menfa nuua by the stationery committee of the f ethoditt church of canada new in aes aion in hamilton are the following ker t l wilkinaon acton reve uohba waahington t a fooe iodoii korch the above ia from the grat draft eff labge bciisess the fatne of tli lion aa the great dry goods hotise af goelph i knowu far and wide the lion nnmberi the prttato bags art hard at wort uis customer from all psxts of the domin- 14 ion and we are very glad to hear of the growing prosperity of thia krsnd establish ment bead the lions dvertiaemect vfhea is the first picnic la come 4 fi it i 1 f3 i e wnen wtu the bund sttndoe cote- jpletedl send this copr of the fuze press to afriend the crops of gsroiur orchard ami 6eliiookwell some sjiiendid showere hare fallen dcring the week ltiiice u now t for uh if you sowed it early enoagh most of the treee pisbted mi tle r streets are powinj nicely i there will be a good crop of hay 7 iji this vtcinhy this sessotl it tfiiu thetreetcominissiones v were cettics the crading done doiic let tjia latato bags get ahead of foa in the potato patch tjsiemaniuthcainriaortaiairfliuas tan rewfcmxjs of mii w h storey and k little are neanng comple- tioa jsilr expected at the pcwt 02- st ire acujo wixiduw gixss assorted sllss 7x3so 3jiti j sofct the annusl race vill take place aetto who will bring iate first mea of potatoes to ihe editor ij tfe time for receiving- jappealt ajtiiast the sssessment of is30 of this ril- isve has bes extended to lith jnne we are uifurmed that the slelho- dist episcopal church are negotiating for the pnrchue of uie coiigregatiooal chcrch here sir john kenner vs engnged in moving his fences on elia and agnes streets to their proper position they lliuriag hfrn acvgrxl f set on the street 4 ixdeed the free prers intimifeit that acton is the only place that can cet np a qseeav birthday cvlebratian and that vlilton can only attempt sach a thing it ia always thus the smaller the mso the more conceited he is and the same with villages ckamiarj we are now able to candnde haw it is that the clmmpiok man pers in doing to mnch boasting he must be the maiiet man in his uivu as fur v yoa mar tol the land of ke- braska or eulogize the acenery of kansas jrac butd fully equsf and acenery far more beantifol may lie found without troahle ia this canada of ours a good account tosata it nci six tonf years rt bedtilden stcxceaadsafferinrotin82w er er titat glo lloi wnicii wasmoiipea hjihr bouieqrhoifuer tajeubr mr wie wlio hajoniieflwii louoralorayeartinee williont tuelosit ot a dav and i want every body to fcso lifor uter berefft jazswl2x batter tft thii ia the im when the rate and- thehoe eonatfaraamnchiathesac- cess of the seasons work in the kitchen and market garden the weeds must be kept down or coach of the labor of prrpwatroa if lost y the colorado beetle is roosting in the neighborhood of potato pateciciwaiting for theatalkc to ahoot above the erooxul- jfercitrjt they are done roosting ia the ceighborboosl of potato pitch es aor and do tery little roosting or resting either bat have commenced actoal work and are de- j atroying the potato stalks with a vengeance feraasuus mrs a e wallace ia visiting her actoa frieoda hr wra orertoaod hollands landing ia ia town y i jdx tha gibbons of onrtie tbrnerly of this tillage was ia town on tuesday mr homer wataon of ke tork city it spending a ewdaya with bis friends here jar t a il core preached in the htetho- diat cisarch berlin on sunday lasv-marn- ing and evening ave are glad to lesro thif kr wm hotv atreet bockaroed ia recotenog rapidly from his iatelevsre illness fierr alex warren irits- irfl acton on toraday 25th nit for urkitebraaka arrfre safely and likes the looks of that okti7 eev b bebba is attending the annual meeting of the loadon confereoee bow in sibu at hamilton it is expected that i liringsfone of bayfield will occo- prtisjiulpit tuhnip sed ftoral a ta fornier years mrs s a secards flower garden is this season redolent with the sweet perfume of britrht cheerful and pleasant locking flowers and ahrubs artistically arranged thronghantthe garden undoubtedly frs- sucord has the most tastefully laid out garden filled with the largest ssaortmeut of flowers etc in th villige a credtable jockxal tlehiitn- iltott itttj 7tirw is a live wideawake daily and h every day giving evidence of its growing popularity ilecently it donned a acw dt4ss and now it presents a very nest appearance all the leading issues of the day txv ably discussed in the editorial columns and it is spaperdeaerving of th large patronage it enjoys hay it contiaue to prosper i notlot worth attention fresh buttet indegg tt mont retl hottse finest ind ohepat mllliofry t montreal house for arctic sojs try l q mstth- ewa new fouuuin a ajiiktiiity of butter wanted at a w qreeua cash store tcs creum and summer drinks at the eieelaior bakery 11 pouuda light sugar for 100 at the montreal home best leas and augurs in aotoc at chapmans montreal houue- qrpceriea of all kinds told ohwiper thin ever at a w ureeaa cash 8ure if you want ajnobhy durable and cneap aull j fjlesla the ploe to go for a firaiclast baby citrnagego to john turner in mrs sccorda block go to da morrows for dicks blood purifier and indian blood eyrup butter firkins and crocks at a w greelea cash store chaws a eudlosa variety at john turners in urs seoords block aoton ejlsadil mortmsat of crocker of all klndj it tho post office stort give jolin turner a call before going to guelpk or jeorgelown for fur niture fresh boss fresh every day al waya good try thim at the ercelaior bakery fresh supply ef baetm and hams cheap for caah at a w fjrcena caah store cocoa nuta daks llnple sugar sc at l g matthews ioe cream aud fruit larlor j citrirties oatmeal milk and prairie biscuits at b d e nicklius bakery largest and test slock of dry goxis boots and shoes at montreal house hatj from 75 cents to f 2i5c at j fjles oranges and lemons always in stock at l g matthews ice cream and fruit parlor choice tweeds and cheap sails made to order chriatie hesderaon co acton i a good felt hat for 75 cents at j fjtef ketr prints cheap foe cash at b hssletts new store hssletts new store icecream ice cream by the qnrt- bncketa supplied free at the excelaior rakcry atexicuin tdiktxa roam parlor and bed room fumitare at john turners in mrs secorde block acton a sew lot of those heantifol ladies and gents silk handkerchiefs at christie henderson 4 gos miluxekt the rush still contin- aes kew styles per express regularly to hand christie neudenoa a co ceoicest black tea only 75c if yoa want a reallj- choice tea ask for it atcbrittie henderson k cos gkak0 diqilsy of new and fashion able millinery this weekt the glasgow boose acton christie henderson k co mitltxnar and millinery goods new choice ana cheap no fancy prices tir millincrr- christie herniation i kim of the dry goobs -the- continues unprecedented success christie i he co th vljate a sirtoe u flllr ceya- rsdff t ftf lea t be tny be reiygoil ihldjia it- war bauiepeoc say i herets oothftu lit- wtisoas o mpacud kvrnp or wim chtrriy o- errrc coctcuk oqu- cuaxrh caao vtticopiic ccgiiele ani the fart tuat tuejkienj loamtsjaf uf ttosre yerr tir barf i enoc tlixt tliej ratwawiiat tv tar wiisouvvwchfrrr xtold by the frlncl ndrr uestrik tuionnoo oniaro ner f 1 attl tttcas ffaiil cerfp franlrfuitaialacctritjefrktmea la baitcil ria till ttce money br geiitt tie argr sfte ke ihey hod moe lqpro poitrba ihza cfrecmalt itftmho ntatsa to jltm- qouuc birthdiy can tell him haw much ottxeeieocattan vzsapetiar tovlutaiilton ijeaerillr gets up nnr id rcrtliittc liteetc euiaeti the man who advertises his imsiness if wiuttieoiterb for gale is hoixetrtjy wrlia6 lis lupl it to be or what it oaght to be is oonstaiitly assisted in his business by those who hire been ettchai to tttttt and tested him a barer las read hii sdver- ti and gone to ins store or woii- ahopor warelioaie whatever it mav be and tried what wax nw if it has safislied him lie ia pleaaed andremmeiids ft to his neighbor who k likely ta go to the same place and tell his n2ghbor in turn and thus little rius stortei by his advertise ment flow in upon him from all sides and the ctttraxturf hjs basines grows stronger and wider and more rapid and no prospers and grows rice all because to strict atten tion in business he added judicioas adrer tising bat for this he might hare linger ed on in the ccrmmtmity for years and his business wooid scarcely have been heard of xtmesmded x httla otflr a year ago krrmm hnrlc rented the fiockwood mills liom messrs hague broa who hid a abort time previ ous purchased them from mr m ihciiie notr of gufilplx lx cotsdoctlng business ha borrowed u be could audi secorederedit srhenerer it vis possible his creditors now mourn his departure r which took place on thnrsiay i4 west by the grand tnlnk railway he has notpeid the rent of his mh for some months and almost etery one with whom ha was ac quainted have lost money to some extent the heatiest losers are the messrs hague bros who lose besides the rent aiiaonniing ia 1500 a note in the bank for 500 which they endorsed lor him besides a number of notes for smaller sums among the other ditors are james karks naaaagaweya for between 100 and 200 e hartnett bockwood 960 6 duaid bockwood a qtjnsjderabk sum iftirner bucksmith fiakwood small amount hatthffw swan- gton eramosa woo and others tubnii seed a crowded store sales increasing daily 1 the dry goods trade of the lion for the spring of 1880 has ihfa far been a grand suc cess eclipsing aay farmer seasons business thns we attribute to two reasons first a more prosperous condition fofflie people second the growingpopnlarity of the lion as the peoples dry goods house j never was our atook so fully assorted never did re offer suoh valne n6ver have we done such a large trade grand millinery display on saturday th most mtgnlttetnt avr mad la 0ulph xew new new- new new new new new the fouatcinv new iku havt jmt come io hand new stbaklfats ac to n cheap dress goods cheap millinery cheap tweeds ducks i land shirtings best green and japan teas for 50c peesh fxrt jtjst received for a good assortment of first- class furniture go to john tamers raraitare store in itw secorde block acton ujsoice 60 cent tei sellin for 50 cents 5 cent tea for go cents so cent tea for 70 cents black 75 cent tea for co cents st llontreal honse acton 06 to ti pest ofico stsra for tin seanjia mts lead sad loti sraibiss colors sil txl patera ouultec new tweeds a uohhy tweed suit for tlioo at the glasgow house christie henderson co let us hare your orderseatly tar dr marrows genu an kal sam for colds coughs asthma bron chitis croup whooping cuugh and tonsamp ion rirpoatajrr to all covceekeo cilljn christie flendersan co for really new nat and sty millinery ai dubtutu r rices l g matthews has the largest best assorted and finest flavored stock of candies ever exhibited in actoa at his ice cream and fruit parlor farmers remember bat plarr casfincs or all kinds are kept on band at the free iress office it w rixg those beautiful prints st the old prices dackr denims whirlings gray and white cottons all at the old urices ciristie henderson co yoo cannot get to lie suitwf in sideboards bqreaus bedateads whst- tfots cribs saicradies at john tur ners in if re secords block- icton ivvesse rush for millinery and ifantlea styles unique prices low and right immenee display oureirpets are likewise kept in this show room in large rariety cheap ifcleod anderson ico rocking and toy horses and wag gons of all kinds st johnturners acton pure ice cream hy the dib or quart at l g matthews lee cream and fruit parlor new goods jcrelons black cashmeres gtnta white shirts gents cnderclothiug white lace curtains a lot of silver and gilt buttons i makbtoe woeks wellington mar- bie works quebec 3t guelphl messrs mcquillan hamilton proprietors are di rect importers of all kinds at marble aod granite having a large stock on baud purchased previoas to the late rise inprics of marble tbey will continue to sell all kinds of monuments head stones mantles in siste or marble at their usual low prices satisfaction gnaranteed 41tf new shirtings cheap for cash at b hssletts aiew store the mammoth hoaae is as busy as nailers in the ordored clothing department we bad lo get six new hands the reason why firstclass calling the garments made oorreot the prices lowthe stock inimense and varied nofr is yonr time to ieaye your orders our dry goods stock is complete in every department mcleod anderson it co turnip seed summer silks parasols buntings organdies white fcjkirts kid gloves at 50o lace mittens hosiery lace goods kew linen dusters new lustre coats new shirtings new hollands new summer tweeds new lace curtains new tarlngs new towellings 500 pieces fancy prints buy clarkes anchor spools j d williamson cuelph olotm mvtl- french cambria shirts in choice patterns is all colobst axd sues 1 undeeglgtulina is conos meeiso lisle teeead cashjtereife silk shaw murtotf uercbjlkt tailors truths hop bitters a ifodields not a drink oataiss bepd biehsi hmbdrake dantfeliaii akd rttk p00e3t and best uedlcai ciualltia qt aixqthkkhtttkia they ccfre ajl dimflei of the stomach bow mi blood uver eldner andorihry or- sarii ntjryoanem bleoilaen female cotnpurfou tad drankennsf 81000 ilif gold wiu be paid for a eaxe they will not enre orhelptorfiranytiiiof impareorlijari- otu roaodla tiem 1 ark yoar irtigiit for hon aiueviaot frr txxikr and try uw bitters before oaiiep take no other tkt ffop cokffh cure and palo rditfu i tkt cheapest sural and but hon hitters jlva bo j roc defter nv an torontn out yor sale by all iiratgliti spring millinery mrs monajr would intimate io the lodiea cd acton and vicinity that she his now on band a good stock of mjllcteut and is prepared to make to order in any of the latest styles aa cheap as any other house in town orottt is mantle vakil in all the latest styles and on ahcrt notice agent for bullerickt patternt hajewobe done to ordbe mbs mcnaib hain street acton of best qualities co drives jobs bargains in all lines of goods citfifitts ikftfeea 6 grand opening unparalleled display of haudsomoictoods a o vbitoham guelph begs to announce his grand general exhibit of new spldgjfiooda and extends a cordial inritstionto every lady in acton and surrounding- towns and country to visit the fashionable west end clothing store in every department a urge and magnificent stock will be exhibited a o bucham montreal house omgooos tweeds boots and shoes mens and hots iaitis drugs medioines t3t4 lot of the above unesof good on hand and irttz be told cheap chip come store m a ns aoton fresh and cheap faikunailt wattsnd drat afantlt and ilillinm ettablukmtnt gvtlpk whais this eervbody wonders now it is tnere is always such a rash to hills photograph gailery for ph0t0grh4phs this is all explained when yjou see the quality of the work at the prieea- why pay 600 perdoi for cabinet portraits when you can get thetr nut as good for 350 per dor whypay 300 per dor for carte dt vista when you can get theiu for 150 all are av7wtw can and hi siueni and thcttjor tliemtelvii o w hill photol i p s all kinds of framing doae a large as- sorlniviiit vfyelret and fane goods very cheap furniture furniture r- o we have now a full a tock of all kinds of u plain fine and artistio furniture new and faibionable fcr the spring trade upholstered goods a specially w were awarded ail the first pntea ou 1 1 holstered gooda atonr central exhibition lmtraltftid wooldcall special attention tolblbrancbatuita aeaaon of the yr new covertnfa ofall unda in stock aod arrlvlna dallr auordera will ta protnpuy ami aaiirally axacutedi 8am tametlon gaaranteeet sigxertaaxcetait hletno bloear opper wyndhambireeti sckltatairr r john worsfold av oo cuelph furniture a good assortment of first class farad- ture of erery dnerip- j tion constantly on hand prices aa low as guelph or qedrg townv x ou soucrrzd john pboht 0ndertawnji e4erj deeerlpfton of ojbnsv catslretts ab fiaietsjlf tlltniltcaalaraiyiswj awaiae hkjuaag 65 niatied at lowsiatei iwaca xaus2ttjatjbi gsmipgfihz i litoyrstrbbtoyoir- ik 1 fj at mcgaifvirsvdrug store t0i- l x hrt

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