Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 13, 1880, p. 4

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f v- i i si 1 tn i hi 1 k35evj- r 1- lit ii i r ft- lfi m iwff jpqjis t7ov the smqck in school districtiohooldotjfsraway i mid rktjmktiiljs ipo war day vvaarhuto i wvd balsa of thrxfcort toteawlfint and boys jimc few upon tick- task intent biitraootfjrami mifohkc bent tbdirlwc tin maateerdovrnwsrd look gjlfifjfaieu a copy book x when udaeuly ut jiid b tack rose harp aulclcara rausiug vraaok aj tweoc a battery of bli get ottan oac tremendous kiss i whsis out- lite iuhled master net k tlui ihir a little imp teiiuc with william wiluui if you death ta kiut kiluthathauuau icathe aith crown lomko a tutue thrill the limlec thundered hither wu likckcclch ocrtskcaiu bis track with stolen chattels oa bit back wilt hung hit bead in lear ami shame and to tfcc awful pretence csrue acrcal fpccu lisildul iruplcloo the ball qf auoodnaturcdga with smile suppressed and birch uprated the threatcner faltered im amaici t4iatjv r bigpmt pupil tlwuld he kvilty qf au net crude before uie ttbuleiet school to boot what evil gemut put yon ut v twa the hcnclf sir mbbd the lady i dicuhuieatito bo ro hsdi kut utiett fcufanriah shook her curlt and irhispcrd i is fraid if rlrlf aoddurtat ki s a babys doll iaiocldyt uad it tir at all but up and kittd bcr ou the tjvit ikuosr boo hoo e deebt to not wit lornchoir from hcrhiok boo boo i thoucht the kind o sruhd nic to i turce tutnes tbefolkinsaekcc eoiied from album three taiucs to admire intellectual jwvtcr dignity and craccfclucss tbiectlicgs to love courage gentle ixi t tod sfiviiion r i three things to hate cruelty arraranec and ingratitude i three ihiugt to delight in frailkneaa freednp and beautj- ttiecthfacstoitshfar healti friends and a chcerfulpiril thfee thiuss to ajoii idlcneas lojuaoity and cippant jcstingi three thirst toftjtfur ffnaar coaatry nd hcjxe- tir tiifci to jjjroca tcaper pongee aidioajact three things to tbiufc aboat life death aid txcraic j- l enit- never said a trcr thiax than tw ijcit dial u tahat h lost to do xot be afraldu e the world tlruogh iranf of courage young pdople thoald cahivate coaragc they thould acquire the fcbt of fstrltts- cem it ic a habit dirt aai do ifviyx taiics ait tfll be in i the rijhl at the tent you an bat fail while if pa affuin fniiri aetion throch ftac there no esiarlt fvof ever aehici iirg any thin fear irabueaj set to us fcabod in vitaanly beart a boys fpgr beosobs anicalt ihoold- be treated tiniy be- cscs4 1 thcv tere created f the cie of pw bf the tame bower thatcreatd man fa the humane and kind t ill animals under oar coutrql is one zictt focreea of happiaesa treat- s it it jaaih raoia proataby xcacitrily to taisjirid care and detlkindiy witii cttry creature god bath riven us i cruel treatment of aniraalt it a tin and traatgrct- aioa which tefllaarely be pasiitsi pc later a ixdr occapvinr room letter b at an htiei rote on the date as follows ffitotet wr lsrea i b aaft l vc doat let her tc nor etter b i becacae if yoa let letter- be letter b w51 be unable to fet wc boute to ii- b who ix to call it halfpart ten the porter a tetur bootblack than orthcr pxhitt aftr tadriiicthe abcre a 1 niht did not know whether to wake letter b or to let her be 0 earns ef qvli the u li 8t k i v ulfoanded enmities ire post obstinate and bitter ir9nitiea made in times of asictioc require a better tnemorj than people fdmnionrt possess i premediteted eril the mun who feels remorse for the erilhe bks done is tojie pitied bat there is one being rtiirmqre infortunitehe who feels tis gili beforehand xid yet commits f r j it is n glorious oocapntioc vivifying jeai- selfsaiuining ifflitf nature to ktrnggle witb ignonnie and hiscover fie inquiring minds of the maiies 3 cter cerajean blue of learenly best is never so sweet as aft r a long straggle strength is never so strjng as through trial joy is ttr blesd thing rafter sorrow and the fair dawning cf tsanoy days sonld never come if we had rlo night v winter which strips the leaves from iraand as makes us see tba distant regions thej- formerly concealed eo does q4juie tthjit ai our enjoyments only to enlarge the prospect of eternity t before hs charity uce really kind office of jiove to ameliocrta j the distreiises of a iwfieriilg- fttld ofhunianitf has more power to refine and exalt the tool than iiliejtildyof whole toniesot theories on rnertictjbiljfr of human virtue wienffeaomidertiioaghffaiiytliat ire might be and what we afe del i eeeius not go gad as life and the chances j otthe futorewtlhl ill its uncertainty 7tobe preferrod lot preaentjbeiog in fhrhicjiwi iaya to glgnally ailed of onr tt 7 is j av vfwewt1w roetht all timea tlroajritevil and tbigiigh gooflrejwrt jswcgn sdrry uttto joy through sin j snd suffsngottq irepeotancf ia more kbeiiaifcljttebjthe btart in tie firma- ttufnt shore j mote to be desired than 1 wwi4 of qpfyid i mm wo are boia iniioiki wujiats our childhood in hope wo re uwrnoc by bopo vbrbugh the wboi uvea and in our iast ruotnonj hom is taltsriiir to ua and nat till the lxt- iu of tho heart ahall cease will iu bcaigti irlluenco loixo us vqu can inkiuuie eyotom all llio bright nucys iu your itfo and so lii ovec this uurd ones whvuxjiruinx oaae you cku also train iho cyo to rest on the gloomy siali iuiuujr furgetfuluau of all that is bright and beautiful the former w tho better cducitiou hatd work has in it an educating element repassing the ifusiuus of men and aisi giving an opgoitutuly ftr lhm to ixdecut manhood by the ujbility which they eiiow in doinf hard work it is in the fictexst ttinggls of the battle that soma oica rise reutirciy hither than others abo all earthly cicts a good rauthor stands jrrecuiintnt she is wot fit her weight in gold more than an army of acquaintances tiioi-o- who have played rouuv the cams mothers smiles in whoso veins the same blood flow are bound by a sacred llothtt can uovcr bo biokcu i the okco af religion is not to drive us back upon ourselves in tncious self criticism but to ufco us out t ourselves andunita us to tho whole in lovipc eclf abandoruueut a umti atufct take himself for utter or worse and forgot himself eo iliall he ilia sooucat arrive at the beatific vision we aro aiways striving for the thiug- just out of aurrxsch tho glitutini pleuace in tho distance looks brighter and fairer than anything we possess the friend who reaches out a hand ud offirsus bis syuipttiy is put caivlessl aside wliilo we are eaer to wiu the friendihip of thoso wlobavo nothiug to give us but coldness george eliot eays it is buer to know bow to make home happy to your husliand than to read greek to him and that even innsic and singing although very attractive io fnuiily cisitors cease to b ttttbhtilute fot the commoner virtues after a time god cookery is o most valutbc accomplishment in wifes education sflei the first delusion of thehoneymoon is over a man who found somt money the other day a very common look in man ditssed in very common clothes entered a saloon aa woodward avenue at a moment when the pro ptieiorwas alono and etkel biut to lock the door a moment and count the contents of a pocket book which he bad us picked up on tho tteel the iloor vvrs looked and as a fat looking wallet was banded out the stranger said j e csnt rcsd nor writs nor tell gggert but t knor you wont cheat me the money counted up just ic0 thete were two twentydour bills and the rest were of imnller diaotninatioa the stranger said be would hiid it over to the police and thiuiked the reloonitt and departed in- about a quarter of an hour ha returned and confidentially said- i gave up all the money but ten ollar bill which im coini to keep for my honesty lets drinc he threw down one of the 20 bilk and drank his leer he was remem lierect thai had aaid he couldnt tell the figures on the bills and wa given change lor 10 was that a five or a ten no asked as the twenty was put away oh thats a ten was the reply the man drank once more and then took his leaved ja the course of an hour a detective was looking for hiia 4u v ebarg o pging c- oauatorfait bill bat he cpuldnot be found maybe that salooaist made 50 dollars out of him and may bo he didnt why saraey was rotalnad a firm dealing largely in coal in one of our cities had in their service an irishman named barney one day the head of the firm irritated beyond en- darance at one of barneys blunders told him to eo to the office and get bis pav and added you are ao thick beaded i cant teach you anything begorra said barney i larnt win thing since ive been wid ye whats tlmtr asked his employer that sivinteen hundred make a ton barney was retained cir to use the phraseology of a southern gentleman who had juat won the heart aid hand of one of new yorks most opulent widows hs returned the primeval con dition of his former rectitude a twn i ijarbeaa d rawer gives the follow thg anecdote concerning the recett registration of female voters in boston and says its accuracy is vouched for enter old lady of certain age i wish to register air your name please alniirs jane simpson yoaragel keg pardon your age r do i iinieistand that i must give my age yes miss the law requires worlds sir would not- tempt me to giys ir not that i csre jfojlhad as feaf weir it on my bonnet as a hackman doesihis number but im a twin and if my sister has a weaknesa it is that sdo dialikes any reference made to her age and i could not giro my own because i dont wish to offend her mwm r dr clark ohnson3 one hundred and sixteen tadds employed between making up and disposing of the enormous stock which is about twice as largels that of any other house in hamilton and much more vaned so that customers can save jjoth time ind moneytay making their purchases at these immense stores for tv atkins buys for eaivwid aellifor oaab ulaawea re o erjr much larger than any other itore in town be buyi aboat twice lheouaoutf oodi that any other hamilton houw can dlapote or and oomequenur buys oheapor than 4ho nao can only purcbue tmall lou and buying for cub he goes aw and er that socdt csn had the oboapeat hmpw a little army in manuraoturlnglhe fallowing good which are all out out and mad up under the aupei ome canada adli and m dolmn ckemitoa in tftalri hnoyaiid embroidered of any ntorul hh bonneli and u undiof mllllnorjr goodi icarff thin and oriweri in great variety juit imported a goea nor and ererj where ertiilort of rawert and ladies bowa and tie uenii and youth bow tie erjnndomomorlmentoflheheheit tyle of london tie bowi and cr which for feal beauty in ladoraoloirt 7w3dstnewyorkdty htm aw mm crrr w luiornnrcm hded04igm and qomitl n cannot be iurpaed while iey are being old at be tune profiit gone dry goods which make them much lower than uual price huirkiloshw ttronu anddloklea lell well he make iblrd from75o for nice white blr upto 160 for the rory but which haye a fabulouly darge ale itj do hamilton april m 187p nor wilcb fill complete a stock big enough for a wholesale hotue on treet he alao does thomaac wateixs hamilton tlwqreafebteemedyever discovered qniolnij ticohiidrd tbe greatest remedy known bava belle va lhutu equal ir not ikpeerla uie prodaet of uja ojtltih whjmbbaen dlt equal cod urer upu a balder and kjtanr of xiic badr acoafamption and all vvawtluf olf- orierslbljcitr ttseralqeml no paired by iu naiueoiu properlles lnfieotti emniilottr port cod ureroil ifatf otection li entirely overcome andcombln4wilii tuenjpophoi- pbuec arumn amd boas it u t be most vala- qbie remedy eveilicavei i i r b haslett tt0utn askoukcetothe citf w 7kns uf aon and vlclnllv tlial a nt jutaiknea in nu uew nenitiea a well keiceec mack at dry acods croceries crqckery glassware and ijjt he is prepared to tell at the most reasonable price for c ab nd wouldreipectrullyrolicitarhateof ibeh- patronapc country proouck taken ix hxclunue remember fie xew stoiuv mill st east acton b hft8uett aeunliee eibis scohfebownes palatable the only weeuy agricultural paper fiuxted axd pubusked ik the dominion sow is its secokd volume unparalleled success i kerad improved form 16 pagcj onl7 0na s ollar for tear for s xrrstbeiuu kcmbers s uonth s32 paei irvcar 335 columns or one dollar vr otai crlciij 10 acriculurr iconicttuuit 5i diiry prxjtry ihe apilry lldarttii m ctgttiag pcruiais u fc fina bojj out of daoct tad in cxn la kceuj- cfxzziaxiix rcpons ai price t tte citfxarfiaiit raccem tic pcr t csrt wjii it uu tiaitot the jtocuart o uzi4 dunnc pittytijtachrijrfittthc taiilt 01 joutilu- ks cf cxixdi or the u cited suta a ltrrc ixiji of tic md pacticll irriierc uz etv- fxcrf tr4 corresp nicacc d t nhllc vvc tppws wnxur f nxa iit fiiar rabtibgrt in net kotu ia the u tzd bnuiit cclnbix ia lbc verf- 0asp1x copies free prtawd tad pabuaed it fee wcuiatl stxua prbt- schcuacctiaiftfarii it5jlf k b colcock propricwc y p page ediior adcst cakkdiax faruer 0nxr ii uclllid ost repcnaqi the pfopirtid of titc od tlut produce pain d p- pliff irt fcliifcited tad it is rtndcrel aoc ool y mjld tuidpliulant id its tktiwti liut tbnoluiclr uuclcu nd pstftitb uix xkxaiacatly the bnakux hvc md btxartic knora wid tt t remedy far cot- urcncicoiittip3tion d lt lataiaul dcraai- menu le b unttujjkcj vd a icuhcl 0 ule m plice of crude oil wd ill dnwic pitu nd punfi- uva fcr ule by til pruat it 11 centt bat ik daicoluaric while you live live weu j teastotf bakeraocon has conitantly on baa a full stock of firstclass bread suai chu sljcuti oosioctlosory and ulicita a fair aharo of the patr i touago of the public j t evstox xqtke all pereaqi iudehted to the abuvetlllfil ecajunuftleuifrcmuuti rerntrabcrlnr itiat 1 cli lor nii atij iiat j t kasto nasbaftaweti litmbee t peter 8 aye r 9 would latlmate that heha an hand at ula mtlliitri ntaataweja furuicrly fcrawa a 1arg ufa mllu a urje iloct of lumber lath and 8nlnqle8 atalllclrijxaadqualktef oheap xo i stilnue 8130 persanare mil stcff cut to order i tehmrtcash hetek savers acton dee z s ale board 8tabues aoton mill street ia where you can get firstclass eigs at reasokable rates good commercial rigs an express dellrerywagon will meet each express train and deliver goods to any part of the town alt parties indebted to this es tablishment are requested io pay up without farther deay tars co ed wattjbews proprietor c t hil -fok- groceries ifjoa want a toed sod cheap article la tranf 27ks jisia slkjeorflaa- pvd t eas ii etlkars sjtups spices and tobaccos of all kind ii ricksu aftd sweet hardware of all kind paints and- oils hinges and xoces i nailsglass pott salt by the barrel all cheap for cash qo to- o t hills mill street acton organs slewing machines attention i attsntioa 1 1 ienalnc harperg bazaar pnt- terng fall salts only 25 cents sieaw akd flt hats asd boskits doxk chckis all the larssr sttlis mrs e h pass rt8hes to in- forsitbe ladles of aeconandtlclnltj- cuat lue haa lately learnt the kreiich moda o cattiuff and flttluc and is now- prepared lo five even greater satisfaetioa tina-formorlt- waddlnrandfanralllowetsembalnim dresses and jackets cut and a perfect fit guaranteed at a reasonaule price forsirluh and cheap hats and hornets faroo to miiak hpass 18 st 0 eoptjsquare quelph -a3s-3d- rcbt prepared to can on parsons requiring- either i 8 iwins wachlnes or oreans e has agbkoies fhou the heat mflnhjaeturers in lbc counvy and wlljruarirteo laiufncton to parohars rerni terr rcaouable orders left at hli residence or addressed to him to actor p 0 wlutreooltopromptatleiitlod k cbaixe h r cures tho largest aad most complete factory is tie domiaioa 140x100 highest lioaors ever awarded tp any maker ia tae worli i ustutdal and diploma at- ctnlennial ffuidal and dqjnmu al sydvy antlralia f7ow fcdttlat prucincitil exhibition toronto fstuiijitetl aicard ailitdtutrial inhibit ioii toronto 1stg 1877 1878 181 9 we tiadikaixi dytpepxtaxzlvtr disease frvtr iffue bheuhta- tltm dropsy utart ihstnsr bulotuntm jtervous debiiilyttc tba best seedy oowh ts han ttoooioratsrutssotd sixes j8i0 9000000 bottles this synrp poswmo rarialprvpetfos re timuttnm lb pytrlle a fvi hbiit wtlehtrrrt h uirfb a mgr c tb 4 utoclbcmtt a tjelct la prtthm www wind ftvdftowtfar f ifc io4 in the local ft- f ibeshmltclafe u taken innhmiu tlr oertrniuftbefetweioiuiaaoffootlu prtreoicd 1 1 or u open ae f trer i tacts opa ib kldaerv v i nesrautp tire bowii it partjde lb ditfod x i f it quiets tba errswuflfitem xr pn are now mauufacturing- squarej and upright best ui th market correspondence solicited sand for ulastratfd catalotirue mailed free address dominion organ piano company bowman v1lle ontabio row mrs dlfrrtlen icnoartsbt nirrnsybcbsafldtatlctnttr it ourlea off tho old blwd sd bufcm new it opens ibe porrw ef the iklo tul tuo healtbr perpimiln it smrshzm tba bertaiixrj uirt cr pdmm in ibi blood vmeh geoentm serofalsljtvpelu uxl s manner of t rtitntfs end tnxnul hmnoru tben vro no iplriu eta preyed ia lis trunalicbre suduaaba tjvhes it tbo mist a litrta bib orb tbs mgod and fochxa care ej miy rerrtj fn au trutio a dirtdinu pme 0 us8z e0tt1e3 1c pb103 05 s1cail bottles sc rad the voluntary testimonials of person who hire been cured bjthi umofthbloooponiner cares erysipcbu lit jorest wellington cojont can dear sie i wa mierely affllc4d willi errsipelas for two year add ihort rial o roar indian blood sjrnp ellecttiallt cured me mas janet akdekson lher complaint mt foiesi wellington coontcan dasit ma i have ned joar great indian blood sjrrnp tor uret coni plaint and have received great benefit therefrom f recommend lit tat to all imilarly afflicted i nelson caite aw tigs a5 ft my grind m goods- iv w stewaet co f guelph beg lo announce a jrand opening orarerylbeparament spebial drives 1a uev parasols trom 25ots andiolfc dmbralla ateastomary low irioss we hate secured some terr cheap audfasiilonable lines ofdres goods we ihosr a choice sa- lection of fine new millinery hlople good as a usual are wall assorted just received one gross more of these cieap tavla napkiaa at 75 ceats per dcz linens hare soidfanced that we cannot repeat them our felt hats vare acknowledged the cheapest aodjnewest rles every gentleman in- riled to call and eramina- our clothing deparlraent is in full blast kobby new tweeds and cbeap wm stewart go 3 to rarmers thos gtowdt 00 ilrlt maitttfacrrcrrers of the 81 reaper smstgixe and gowdya celebrated gang plow v chilled jointer plows general purpose steel mould board plows j mowers bakes fanning mllu turnip seed orilu j lawn mowers e c givo us a call more purchasing eh sphere i i i 1 i prices loiter than hvisr i i it it important t0farmer8 lo know that tn have purchaied the eelaie of cottiit son and can furnish pails for ind also repair any tm- plemtnu manufactured by that firm thosqcxwdy qo j quelph qnt i disease of the stomach utforel welircgtoqcoontcn daa sir this is to certify that your valuable indian blood syrup cnrej 3e of cramp in ibe stomach wncljrbow best medicine 1 bare ever iscd lynville jcorfolk co unt dbai sic i have used a great many medicine but a better medicine ban your indian blood syrup cannot be aude ll u iho best blood vurifiereter used feterwabdel consnmptlon windham cecler deaksra i oannot find language lo fully express the praise tthich in grati tude would utter ipr the benefits i have leceived 1 lrom jour excellent indian blood syrup u has done what doctors could not jo or failed to do i was suffering with consumption for a long time deny cough pain in chfft shoulder and back and your indian blood syrnpbas worked o perfect miracle 1 would recommend all to give it a trial v yji ojnsinmham i i dysyeiisia ayimer etgmcbuni sir have aied your remedy lor dyspepsia and recommerd it to all- mrs juhn f ak1h1nq a vulaable medicine sir i hare used yoor blood syrup and foand it wonderful and valuable inedlcuie mbs betsey redfobd ajlmerj ont i splendid remedy for dyspepsia isik 1 have used yoor indian blood syrup and caused it io be used in several cases of dyspepsia and found it f be a splendid remedy w w whitk aylmer ont u fonud as recommended knjr hva uaed your indian blood syrup for- dyspepsia and found it to boaa recoinmendec jotinwqlllet jp aylmer ont an agents testimony aylmer ont sis i have used and sold tho indian blood syrnp and find it the beat rem- edy in use lbr dyspepsia and aa a blood purifier lsvhs bapsh shenmntlsm sib 1 have been troubled with hhea rnatism for a great many years your indian blood syrupls the only on of many remedieatbat aid me any good 1 reoommedd it to all has citn cbisbolk kenyon glengarry co ont dyspepsia and indlsestlon kiayour indian blood syrup has oured me of dyspepsia and indiges tion it has also eflectuallj ooied my wife ol same disease j lrrrlbtos joinoos ceatham ont sola owsralajtnti for oojid northrop lyman ms 81 froat st west toronto i also agents for mother noble8 heallvc 8f bw an english disobvery hiehis well ja known aa a valuable nd effectwe blood 1 f ori6er througiioat the world 11 m r rhlljiljillllw-

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