Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1880, p. 3

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v- j viv intuit tine xiau tramsletvckctoutt followt gdtsu wiar kigat krprt tor onto mail 1j express fitprest oltmitcd ootko tut xirit eiprcti gall tailed diylktprtit vetrn unil taadoa mired 1 bail tiwb table iuu eciivlo from the taiifl m i proaitmraali fna ittf vl l7pm trm iwnueuball t2j ila qu vuetdtyt aadprusj froai speycide w3 am ua lucudart and fitjin s j i ills closed aomciweit srtttra tntsi eistus p at mali tor toronto lltqam kaitoliaall mtm9ximoaaas uyt and fridays- t swlde mall h am oa taeidayi aal ttldxra kagira letters at b milted ismln cle3ea re eo4 as it ai ttltrttuv vlqitskf mittcs 25 tsso rmolm iipin 514 p m- 7kipbu loao tnt ljll i4 4 u ws- tlic bud aruuu ilia oust ktyrrsatiruy i ecr lay iu vonr stock of zfxf the 15 iitale iijijnie lax at lit retched aclou school closes this kftcrnoou tind xa ui tuesday luoruicg i wtlt kiiliicaberi rumiujd of arrears pu call or teiilit- 1ue 1osr off ics officu hour ta iiiumiur frum9 loli iiiui aw i io a mil 1 gektlekex omiiuineu this is liuia to iirfqa yoar adverliiincj upon lie j til4i5e store fsrvcidtasisi blrt5i4iym5eat4 qochtalajorel- tn tsitisty hitis store- oratts salth sjeafimforlu rcll wei- envelopes sole papr pre reticles omt ifoilrtsililtofrinieuriin co ltlttt tiirefcienoclneutt witch hea vt4i waul car a mese toou the 1 rtet slcct intoirn roirv axd oortr x i good friday- tomorro oxe reofc from todv- wilt uiher ipru still iter corns we mn oey ahcribcri j rev lit pijott ill pceicli ia st albint cfccrcii actt sac s tite titngs ca uliys uror nn- oiuer thxc barometer la iret wcatber tcejr ttriihtea djttn in dtj weather they xrxle cp spriko assirs th spring atsirr f r the coontr of hiitoa will open iathe c oart hock ililtaa ca iluadijv huch 2 hi it twelve pdpefc t brbocis cia bt iffectcd by oftea tteepicg t sua for t while id max theyll hut luorcr ind do better work arcii ittandiuce of the njem- brt of acton diriiioa sarj of texpefkcce ceatwi for cert xceidxy eveniog at f importance will be broajht ctv pcritiojrtho lkeiisa conkuis ii cere cf hilton will probably have to ci uider befure iiig a petition dow in cir- c atioa ia the riilace uf gleuscilliamt pray- in that no liceinc be crafted to aav hotel ijrt aserchinse sars a mtiru qi awbo aii he didat care two thafces ol a i idb tail fra ackipiptrrole foaren mier tirpsb af fitreee icff wro to ct a coj y of ths weewly ts tpjte cf hiaa as a pruiatl citiaeo- ft ptfzzls 15 hts trnrwl and re i y all the people iil towa are goias mad ck iv tbey caa f it red tfcea ibek t get it sorae of air citiaeas haveauo receatwi batiacai of i allowed tleir brain to get muddied over i e perpietin- little llockr jee pczilisc pczzle of all tbe paatlia tuzalea xoat ever i have feeo taere is no paazling perrle to belt tbic pace fifteen at least that was the restart of a maid of sweet sictetn vvha with a ver- prcred loot oer the little boa did leaa tke ice hievtst tbe ia men have sbaadoaed operations ia taking oat ice abj tc cars hive already lcea shipped acd 22g3 tons are pacted m ice hoasee waie zvall be shippei at soon as care cad be ti- bjtweea 1500 and isucf havt paid io the azea eaj ployed in tbe been work gie fcttlt ed a of all fafc r ph will xddtets r publia ilrctinp ia fcletvtnriersrke hii actun oa tb- ertr ing f fridsj 26ti jlnrch at 730 oclo fc ptn oh the poyuur currency qiei ioa the raz buy will li duioufclrtd dlscastion solictt- putjiic cordiklly iarltel good taisa wemieve rt i retaechetried for tfce ccrexf a rattl- i axc the of cfteea leart os alor iatti 13 ti 3 fcacnil pbwc tialtok araisa saow ticacnual spriotshaw far the coauty of iltltoi will be held tt ifiltoa oa friday apnl 23rd- ma f itccalluuj counly twas- arer bat a feecipt for clfc tot at for lieifaadseat to tit duchess oi ilarlbor auu frara this coaaty resterkar ilr jolia warren cf itnline eseineaiag sold to ilr farrlofi gaelpb s two year old tteers weifhior 7i0poacda for 320 j cltircxs liavinp vacant iioused shoald advertise them ia the feee rktss tt which office enqairiet forlioojct to rent ire ooastaatly being midc 1 cneceeki mr lottie of salmon- ville tat notified mr ilckeatio that bo is williog-loibidcbj- the term tf his ciitlleiige and will meet ilr if eeaie in acloa on clood fridty o play for the chaaipioaship foe tbe two cucntiet p0kleti latest iinalej wliich will icareely ufce the place o the is 5- it oee it salmitted to suiae of oarj readcn to decipher doat u o ct a or 2 aaswtri mty le tent to thii office iiy rcirit- tered letter tt oar risk street inpnorekesrs irjin s lliltno has lu freely mtcadaraiad crer moat of its length dad a aaantity if stie has alio been put over tbe crossing at tbe eatraaca to tte h k av tlttioo rouadr these improvements were mach ncciltd me jas ivewtan vitikd oitfwa abaat a noath iro tad succeeded icgettina the finance minister to impose a datj- en tbejiabt that he is eaxijed ia ntnfacty- mj this places mr xevtoa oa a footing uurrdirtotii ouccrt tbo operatic tvuttta ilia llayoitkcrj wujiven in th tcmpcripco hilt oa tues day and weducsdiy ovcuiiii o full huoicf riiiii onnuti n id ullt indicates ii founded upon the iccucajad iucidtnlt cau motlooo vforcn auontion r cueap goods qbrulie hcndenion ii jo oa ilia brut dee last placed an urdcr tut ku tlia mujle linii ul ctlju good aiiiciiiliiif alieavy kdvmic ia stoves stivts theji sal if tey of oor readers doa6 be- fiee it jast fry the experiment khct we rescnae the iiacx hiring tried the in hi awu fcooselom can that testify good retaltc by personal eiperieace tse salve bepofis from far and aadn ar go toaayjthe aljaaraig silpe ratde y the old irkk mi for the care of ctnce king eiif and all rjaaina or aea re4itprotiogerceedindreeatioat borlt nd carbunelea cease to exisi toia after t is ail re is applied her t atkin son oi ailsacraif replies to all eotjairica aboat ti- c ssrjra tse lrie old sol croast ed thai hue of the equator on saadar ac cordfji to tie alaunae aathority and 0dw sprin j will ooa beia order batthere may be unt tiled weather for a week or ao the inoaatr na saor stannf prophesied by the w tithe true all tbe past winter do not ap pear fo hare made it conreaieat to come tiiia rs f and it 2 hardly likely tnat any will coi is now it may rot beoat of place tonota that abont the ilth of april 1672 taoow itorm risifedthianeighborliiodtaat blocked rail way trains for two das a x e contract of printing tbo coaaty tfinatea accoanta bylaws reporta etc foi 1879 bat been let to the george tom h raid at theexceedwtfy low rate of t9 for eire handred copies there were two oth a fenders one from the stmt at fit ao np frota the standard i m wi did not coder for tie job at the conditions tmder w nek the work hat to be done in baring t famish proof andreviaiont to the clerk i nd tie short time ailowed for its coopbjt en makes it worth doable tbo mjoey- in fact it is cheap- at 1130 under any cue imttancea and would not be done for less go br an eft printing nd book undjax ioukchavtpitm to j b mcg with tbe americia ciaaclactarert of tic tame article good wages mr j j w siai- ion of oica suacd out late editor acd taaaager u tu0txa sjsd rrisimeis girng emploraeat to goid caavaalcrs at cki per day he says he hat the best selling trlice in tie dominion see hit advertisement in this utze i a utruiee toot jilca 6h tfce 4il line esjeeaing last weetbat not to toon as eipectcl the minis er crazed to per- farm tbe ceremony forgot himself tad went ia toronto tbe caa day tin marriage n to have tifcea plee a slcthodist minister was proconsl and the cbipie ire now ec ivg tie pleasures married tie osjrjairs ierav lirrord uott1 tcepcrs arc tli onjstlibel of any ire bare fcrard of i canala oie rais a free tuble another giieafree ialeingi to ail who patronise tin- ajtou ttige tnjiimr it is hinted that a third will ia opn a free bar if so and it u not in eonoection with the pump yon bet be will o the leading business a fret bar in clisbrd wnaid take immensely stecc k lzdr s ziinniennar jfurmerly of this town ias been peculating in cjl wells ia bradford pa tad we are informed hat been very fortuaate in bit nrestoiena uu profosioa is only a pas time to tim now there is qaite a colony of people front tlie townthiu of xeuoa ii and aroand bradford nearly all of whom went or irilhin tfce last twelve month- cxcarpioa the wmditocfc sentinel review tay6 at john unrray and isaac ingnianj ere crotaicg a 6ed on tit farm ofthsjlat- tietird fiew op from tbe croaad thu ercited their curiosity and oa looking ibey foand that this early little featheied iis tant bad actually bailther nest and already laid three eggs who can say tbatthey ever read sach a thing at thit sestoa of i the year before peesfartatlos last evenioff the members of the ifethodist church choir with a namler of friends congregated at he residence of ifr e xictlin andspenta ew hoara together daring the evening jfist cltra raiaoa wat presented with a hand some ring and a pere ooataiaga respect able amnant mist wtttoa hat been iht leader of sopbrano ia the choir duriagthe pft year aadleft actaa thit moraiag for iear fork city pcnoauila i ma eodebtcrav of brampton shipped iaat week at halifax for lsrerpci 15000 wortn of cattle j j mia clara wataoo of tail rfllsge left for keij york thia morning- vo ander- stiod that toe infecdi to reside with her irother fa that jaty j ifrt p s armstrong and xamityfef t actoti oa taeaday for ifebraaka to join hrr- hasbaad who went there about two mdntiis ago aadtook up 160 acres of land j dotrxttro bt post cad since sending oat to subscribers in arrears 4 state- mentef iadebtednesa oa a post card we hare pleasure a scknowledgipg prompt and accarate remittaucet but all iave not re sponded and we take this opportunity to reqaest these to jtiodly remit at aooa as caareaieat some may object to oar style of dunning butrf these persona only reflect ed a little teey woah conctodo tbiv in fending- oat tbtm cardie wa wera 0 takib a cooreaient aadcieap methodo asking- a settlement ol -arrearages- ami would not jllow tljeir fccliagljto bebart we reailycaorjot ondenundwpya man who owes far hij paper jotid eel jndig- nahtata poxt card reminder bat there a people wbp dofeel catwhen iodanne5 we cannot help it when delinquent sob- scribera nomber se petal handred it wont pay to apend a three cent atamp and ttse a tinted earelope and perfumed paper fa aak inr each lor i remittance arvinwdmg store atcwu witklho luy kw iha faria jjiui3 i gyuqithy with cfics juduucc u luve cottyuic thn wikdani cf lhtmr action is liov fully domoiisiwiul wc lliy focxu iiyeeiwu ia uic htuco ilicii fom 10 o 20r ouut tlaihi oods me t nidikwi ut the ktnitt nuvt a fluid uaj tojuaou liic coiisuditd gttitlujf uhe full advaitugt nf tlietc foremgtici they cun there fuiv wild coufldehci invite iniiio tion kiid ootuparkoti jf itic ducks dftiiuik xctiufir cumdiitu givy aad vlute cittauk jccns c oic fixtr kite i thekegojjuuillgioffrtpidlf ku tiuiti shuiild b lost in aocurinfj tlifi mfhtqii kuijpljv a fejiicudid igc of rcedrjuti io ikud piiiiu ia tjtt vkiiety the choicest uf the tenon the famous co ctut tea with all ilk juritjr una flavor still sold nt 50 cants siifinw 9 to 12 ha fat 8100the ut- iercam ruuu ej wkutf will jy for epgic throughaut the ficttflon the very highest price ttnd uko nil tlut offur iujiuettifl tut of boooj- ttnd slice to atrivis thw week- curiatu itcadivkon ico km from 75 coa6jo i25c at j fyfci best valne ia 5cc tea in acioa at j w ianaf ud the hiynubiiiffbowou theopciuwu ojieded hj irof liartiiifitou iu thd fimc c4lt q labor vrhichim iiiioicdiately re- ajxnidcd t hy ihcaiipccxaiice oftha ladi mdlutci ready for the hay flcld lie fore aaatmcacmc srt tucy fafir in chorui iu tiniw of fannert life fnllatrcd hy the scmaier horuiu and an ilvycatiou to the giver ot aw good tho raucrt tuoa cora uieaced their wort uiawitig the hxv while tlic chortrt sttly sktngiug scythe tod shac wal tauff the iirciiert tliea pro cdedorcr thoticld ijrijidi tha hiy to dry ad tinging merrily to it hither vutirit thither fht dinner torn wta lauada aad all githcrcd uudcr thady tree whilo lunch w furaimicd aud carly dctttoliihcd tiic wort of the div w thea rosamcdfllud thalahocui eventually closed by rating up th laay to protect it from the dew home sweet kctne waa mngb the haymaker after uliicli they left the tidd for hotne the echo of the iouj fjrada ally dyine aa thpy acredthe farnicra hoaie the dairy ilaid then apiikd and milked her tine entrcata thcui to stand still sodaity keep quiet while ia the eoruercjuld be heard the calv lawlitig for their veiing wc1 bcfur retiring for the night tired xaturci sweet heittud ualray slcrp was iu churns of aoog in the nit lit williaia jittho window if ifary the firmer daiiplster cnufe-itd- ia oo hie lova for her wlue tho tu return fane chat her hapoicat day ditaiit were of hira riicirtdi d lays work watcormneuced and gul iluruiiig good idurciug wu clieerilr kivcu iu ccuiuiimlij chorus ugut learud are e and fro from all care ww ugin suj rgtin echoed at true to tin- fanntra life the niovtrs anrcatters rakcri uu pilchcrf wcat to workwitu a willitad did uojj service ia iiiikiaghi3a scenes df ixappiticst waa rendered with jwd effect aud the 0iver or allcoodwa prauedia rluriouaoug deriagthcialtrv day all were opprced with the hist and kawsultry i the day waa givea in choms twr which how ifuthed is all around was sua acnn a clocd appeared u ii urrj- ilurru- a -siuilact- a shower wm quickly cclioci and hurried wort wta perfornca toeafely honse the hay tho hay wis loaded aad the oica reached the turn with tbe load jmi inticje toeacape the rfin the storm the lihtniae flwhth thunder roll was thtn tenzn grand cud mighty chorus soon the cloud break aud the itiinlow p ptared and was eanj with a cry ofijulns all xature rejoice and harvest home rolled out jnirwlcbrrf cpinc theproratacie throulot the prigraicme the several ebonites were rendered by tfce flaymikenj iu a epleadd inccer home sweet home and iiarren hurae dcerrng cpeciil nicntiuu the ladies xf lije orftcs jjlayed their aceompaw ucat ia a mwierly traairer the solos dteta rrios ajid qsrtc irere eaccb idly well doue in every icitsntc andrpohtr kcg for the instructor is well as thute ho u4 thetii mr suiptins theccctle- ruaa fruia the city caused iruch cierti- cieut by hi awkward action ia the hay aeld aud when ho was attacked by waipj received loud applause tfce crowic gobbling granting aid bawliog of the lamyaro fowls cad amira was welfdone causing aniuseujeat and womlcr alto gether tbi wz one of the best ccteruiu- nicata our ctirenc were evertrpttcd to tnd the maimer in which tiie yarioui art of the programme were carried out reflected ufcat credit on prof harriufftan who bis had the performer uudsr his instnictirs daring tbe pa t two rnontbc wo hope he will ooa favor us with aoohcr concert and we believe if he excludes to do to a full house will greet hiin tie auuiene was on of the best behaved ever congregated ia town a good felt hat for 7 cenuit j fyffia at j 0 hills a large shci of allliixdi of st0 jmi tzccivtd manitfacturtd qftht bil quality cflrm thcflnat finlih and ht moil handivmc stive in the vwrhu oooi tstcfyes o all liiei at he very loweil nicts a kelt leleelid litxk tf j always os haxl satxrnoitctsata i ate p30lilti3g j aaof icffl be executed m the ihorte notice o olrtqil a pad ilxi ofniptrior quality cheap t oyercoats testi new priita cheap far cash at b llasjetts new store good value ia 50 cent tea at b iftslottc new store orstebs freah oytteri receired daily at kickliat bakery new sliirtitigs cbcairfur caali at b hasletts new store pictdri framing done at leas than city prices arc uuula cireapesti motto rritinca iathe conutry to be had it 0 v hills get yourself tome 6tliicct puotoa wbile they are chetp c v hill ir rod want a noblir durable and cneaji suit j kyles it tbci jaca io go goto dr storrowx for dicfca dlood purifier and indian blood syrup g3u2curc ssetfor7017s3elvs3 j c hill tbe greatest itamedrevier qalnlne lficonsldrcd theeretttet remdr tnorn lint te btllevrt it la itscal il not hi peer tne product of th- ct ksh ninlnc liasbetu ducovcri tf equal cod llver oil sa a bulder add s stalnro lie uy in ciatumrton ni all usjcunc fs- omers ouuts us unctslk innptrd by ifs nauswiuprtipertli iu srilti lmaldoa or parcciu circrailtlrtpotjecuoii jinnlrly ivcrivjlae au-f-eomhln- wllb thcajpapuas phttei afltme aatt koat it is ttlr- aiosl voju- ajie rcmfcdjererattcoreei oedeeed ctotirtxo gens our ordered clotting is second to none in ibe county we iiare an iuiiuenie slock to cboose from loth in foreign xmlclotrieatic goods first elms prc- ttcal cutwrcand woikmpn ld price first class 6ts gents furnishing of all deacripiorujtio cooda are alt at the old pricm tlief beva adyaiiced fully 25 ijt eenurkoiria yaur iuia fnr lig bsrgaina iilcleod- anderson ico v excitioff scene alargs staffof aaslsuntt areeontlnnoaaly employ d daitidfoii wilsons oompnantt svro of hit lolirrj lo most pop call remedies iofuie care of causa told croup yvtiopinscaairb krniebltl catarrh tea of voice aad hii afieclanr of tne taioat cnnrs and pronchll cubes tno ranlultyifeqalreti hy those canitantlr encaged ennnfg bottles ft mascamoofh- ng anclta aji auecastmcucnfoafcer great wonder la thatalmoct every battle is nob wtiisons v714 cherry is alwars miili flndertaedirec6tipertiinor ilr wilton a ciirmlt aaduragtitot ovci btxteeayrars exierlence ttit great homfl medicine is sold by ill iailng orugglsta and sbauu be foaad la ereryocase tbk ckidle kaixiara kaisacwweya on tbe 23rd insfc tbe wif of ifr george xcllit of a soa cleaves fnauesing on lie 2lrt- int tbeifrifo ofilrvaiward pleates oifa daughter taeattab whds moo he indtrtmosti on the 23rd inst bf eer e hobbs acton ifr george wilds namgaweya to miss jeiinie eldest aanbter of mr fauiet aibors of eramoa akdebsos auasck la naasajaweya a good line of biacjk ftinmerci cheap for cash at b flailetli new itoro foe thu ijuat style iu prnmcnade fortraiu with liandtoms ls and uraoio c ii ill a tee monday neita w given of tte ciith store rill receive fresh bread dally lor sle c v lliu plntogranher bss inlroduced a new ligblning process xo more lonr sittings ciovee sed a chrisli ftender- fc cot aclonppundidkamples tb best tesds always ofler first etstots cuktoiucnc enn get their bread doily at 1 sv greens t eatrros b tielrtt has a lairr quantity of rood ti pan tea for 50 cents having circhased it before tie rise in teat it it ertnt ytloe j tar dr morrowa german hal- tarn for oimi conhs atlhma bron cbiljf croup rhoopioj cough and consumption i jleave vnur orders for ittillinrry t once every bodt will wanf a new hat or bnnt for the holiday t curia tie benderton i co j teas i trj jamea sfatthews so cent tea tho best yet l felr hats christie henderson t ca hire just to htnj a irers lot of thu newest iis in gents felthau call aiidsee hem a splendid hat for 75 cents wltt plperl iirja stock cf wall tapes aad viz- asv slirls of tie nest oeintifcl pirteias- ssa tar uatu yn en t ecteepbrse jfessrei mcquillan k itidiilton of the wellington marble works gaelpb are doinc tbe best and cheapest work ia canida being thefirrt tbtntrodbco firstclass work at low prices by importing direct the beat oaalitiea of mirble aad graaite 10tf ducks denims wbitu and grey cottonr jlundaisjiirlings all at he old prices at the glasiow house there poods were ordered in decetnberj just before the heary advance you cannot ret le same value anywhere j christie henderaon b co gesra wh are rastine he chean- ettaidioalfittingorderedclohino be found in the doainion fte do the hig business we do the price rfcht we har he bijf stock o choose from call and leave uavour order ucuoj ander son co jlammoth uouse kew pkutts the first of he season chrisde henderson k co acton hare just receired a larg line of new prinn baauuful pitiems he choicest goods always ofier srsf select yourprinls at once aa repatpurchsses will beatat an advanced price chrhuie henderson co tffe clearins sale at lie mam molh house georgelown is still gnlog on all kinds orgoofs reduced milliu sry ilaiitles furs buffalo kobes drras geeds wincsys flnncelf headyanade clothing overcoats tweeds elc great barcsins will he given corne and make money by earing it meleon anderson co new seititfa goods immente- qnantities have arrived at- the mam moth house georgetown beautiful dress goods for fie per yard and up wards the goods have heeif purchas ed before he lata jenersl ris gjreat bargains will be riven as millinery is auioeb and iinder the maiarjemeht bf a firstclass iirnctical hand sill end see hose wonderful 5c j3i8goqds mcleod anderson cov ti equal to telesrapbyv while you itye lib wsiil 4 jt baker aotok would respectfully bank m numer ous customers in actoa and lhe lur rounuing country and tillages jfor tbe bouutiful pitronage hey have bestowed cheapest ointent ii tojci fi i on me since fsunedmv bakery tusiness dkooatatstehinvbikett try them ttrwll i i iueui ii grocery store and besides offering my thanks i would solicit a coutinuanc g theiresleemed patronage i in the future at in the put jr bbbad will be sec0jv9 tq jfqjb wbilemr supply o blvs and cakes are unequalled sitisjad cass a rpscliltt orders for pfcnic teameellnirj or social gudieritiss proniptly aud cueapirexern uiiiu uliorl notice j t e aston votf ce all persons indebted to the fibivewulpciseciianisttetuetraeeouals uy ihe ktn icsr j teasrow cheap i cheap m cheap to clear out stock boots fij shoes at old prices dress goods lustres dt i l m wineeys flannels blankets tweeds no advance in price 3 bales of ejacfory cotton just in secured before thij recent adrauce nf special price and dont totrgforgetjit f the bjamous 50c tea is still i selling at 50c pices cuaranteeo lower than in any adjoining city town or village fiiriirbwi 00 cs jas seattliws -for- groceries hardware floukfeed stose i lawson bros tfiald rpecfuuj foforra the people jof aciunf tenuyiiattheyt eolla tlifl ineniie oppode dr lie jarvln residence flour amd feed storfe ald will aep e onstanlly on band a full stres or flock of aix llds including family flour i buckwheat hour j graham floor ji el 18 cora ifaal oat meal cracked rtheat bran- coiirieikhorti i fins shorts j choppad peas ciiopped oattj mixed chops i uats and pas i and all kinds of feed miiay kept ia a firstclass store i m co ql co c3 3 j c3 fifi c warn z 2 v o 1 light h uj i o 36- co cd bo fl t4 1 bd p o rl a e3 f g- co o 3 m fn lightning- to faatmbes thos gdwdy co u wmm manupactfjeers of the eapkr ii -and- gowdys celebrated gang plvy also j 1 f 1 cbilled jointer plows general pnrposc steel hpnld board plows ho wers bakes rannlns mills turnip seed drills i lawn mowers c- c 1 giro us a call bsf ore purchasing j eluwhero i mi i r pkices lo t tvtir ii u important tjo farmers oinovlhat wehavtjmrchatadiht- etiati of levi cotsitt soil and can furnish parts for and also rrpuir any tfls plemenls manufactured by ihat firm i r thos go wd y co qtielpti ont- furniiture at cost tsutm goodi delivered io any pari tt is so many rears bgo when kdersos- aix1sck la kasa3aweya m it i jrthfmora on the 17th it by he bv h k fy slrstf fiierspn at tbe- residence of ifr jacob know io- iu wonaera jforrenily allison mr wm anderson of pniliucb phrmacwishuiel ilia idea tlift iajuiroa ji v at soon at orderrd to miss ada allison of kassagaweya i iistkfrrniih th bw1ra piffs ttgacall is respectfullysolicited lawson broi acton juv 16 lssoi rnlauha castor oil fcuve toived t epiom m wiucu too wife of mr ist miclue aged years 7 months and 26 daya and asreeable to lie tas price z5 centt fottefereieldtidjlower he has best jani r s os m great jclearing sale of kow commenced and wi contiuiiefor the next two nionllii to okroom for 8prng slock now in piopeas of pianufacture jt cah at opicb asd sectlke baliijiik8 j sic sf tat otuib kialolnn bloot opper windham street cliurai ht john worsfold k 00 ouelph cheapest a3sdrtni9nt in tyto m ui

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