Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1880, p. 2

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hs wb v vft vma lic aton ohurch dirootory nrruowi htvtetsunda preaenini loal t ro im ub rvm clasm am r moral uc serrkio toil dii fhamtiy lenlna at s p m i sawmlii snvioi l prayorraanuts vnlamgr awntiijt a i euue l p aatur4ij fftin iubl class t ruj- tolnr ksv khaibs iiiij runtiulik startcss- tiodaj- lic inif t 11 ara sitlapro u site sermon intmedslals adr onir moraim 8erwo sbuiecuioai lto m luv o d uiutskoit lotlor covarsaatmnal rr ssavtcasundar lrcactuc ftg jo not usiitlh hoool u mi ant ctsjittllcsuttt an fttinasday eveutturaltv n to cbcrck or iwwjn i- mttcimuuliey ireaemoj- sum pm tiw school ikltsa kkv if iv tutlueumbani unut atajitrct sunelyliwuflaal llibland lip iii fcabbalti sclrnot l 1 1 11 let mayer at 4i oo tossdaj sot ttwrkuj t runts it i pm oneiric t ticistyltlire at it iirtitnd tun lrmrhcuu ctwaias pin mrrnodisrriscotxi- v omt mlfc aseca ocrnonifmi at jfcunl sskktsra sanlar pmcttlucjallo so am twluscleol si mo l m aithoua- ou writs wl netf of cbrpgrattoawt lr lutviccs foeiniesinuaiuecrerooiiiua wan suaduvseeioolal spin every vmitae uvviatiuilrcifaatlkit rpak actox ruee ritisi pahuhed erery thandsy slaxnini 1 per anaam in advance jaimi fuo3 pfbss tucsaiatilomriso ilixcn 15 16su x r ibsir j a yssx sensible suggestion conies frou louetaa ofvcsfle uhhe effect that the aionev scat by ciaid fur irish relief wonm htya jn more beneficial hol it been spent in rccorinji farais for aud aiding ersignals the remark cotaes a utile late but s thcra is still aotne efforts wn j made to ohtain funds by tariom mesas for rrih relief it would be sell cor bos noble fouls io fere o help their felfq creatures tircoaaider the pijiposiuoa certainly e need emigrxnla to till our niairic upd and to clear oar foreu iad ireland has thouaods of atalwart bale tbej art itarring now aad it wens fitr better phtlaathrofiy to cni them an oceaa paiagc liefcet and help them to help themselves ia this re land of plenty thanw rnd feic twgicof air or potatoes o nitrf tide them over their preeat distres m c i v t- 1v if ii senslbla acfrlea ukbek toe heading dont come the winnipeg ttntj jjires ailjriceto roanffnjaa looking fjr6oftjytanut to tekthem iahanituiiu tiicraaratno aiaeciiref there now it aaya tucr 4te been thaasands cf mituncra tbt eoald be cttal tf young uied ho hav wonme disgtated arid dishenrteni in ctippo7ntmeiit and to ell ho have nirt cupicii orjoieans of seitlio on lh- iand the tana rays dont come thei is a whole volume ofiisjam to be exmed a thit brief dccljration and parents of boys vtia are just enteiing upon nianhovxl should ponder well ap- on it educitioa has becorn so ceo- eral- that yojee men capable of per fanning offic- cort and clerkship of all kinds are ftr in ercess of the dfqiaiix th learned pro teasion too are becoming crowded beyond thj reqniremenu of the pdjtiiation in view of these undoubted facts parrnts who are seeking a career for their boys ihoau not w content vita merely gfring them hat passes in those daya fot ian education and hare theinto fiht for a livelihood as cleifcs and office boys it is a very naiurat iaire to hate an eiky ginlteaianly wiy of liviaav but character and independence arx of higher moment if we glance over theooaarr wa will find tha arnenltnre tick raising and kindred pursuit- uiechanlciil tkiljand willins lesa to fce hard work areihe things that oflef thek-st- opeainjs for the entgr ofour young men znd contain the sarest sroaiisa of jiccess those who tmin- their boyj to meet the nalional waatin theso respects will have the gratiscatioa of seein them grcw with the- progress of the country ia wealth and luflience while those ha preferred lets aiecal add more seftirrmtre- irilt be left far btrtiud in the race of life rho journal of oommoroo a dcii ok oar part to comply with the uiandrttf qiva to ctoior what bvbnga to cretor couipela u to award to ur conleriipoivrif r4 sttmlrcal journal cf onmmtrtl a hljli liucv huttiktc uenwpvr in cunal- ik fivsh uud piiby budget of orupiici itoau and ultlj- written roriiiwa upon tho puuio iiluin which affect coin- nieiva aiv read with tuumrat efei-j- ivk by ihuusandi itthitjcpepii sua hoieale anrehinta thrdojliuut the tuaoauitd cfuja ol tlu douiiuioa who allconcur with us that thijviiiiualiaof mat tunvckicne- to theiuiaa a safe ad ivlulila lefcieticj j it quotation- npurltoftho jiieiul tolcwlt inxtkcln nd tiank atxkirre eofaipnheniive and well renvdl ill refljrd of weekly fudures gietloske mi luiiai in itiiurated alid ita inrpartitl- arid ia irieudint ciiticijius ukiii the individ ual- duingx of the riil and retail iradw frateriiilybimfcin and innirance institutioaf exeit a beneficial influenc oa all contfaid in it wotd the journal of cimmcrvc i fully up to he mat if as a trade ntwipnper und whilst iu preseat circtiuliuu is the largest regular one if any- in the couulryit deseiyfi ateojily to iactae si no iuerchnt who wfchfg to kcppac- with tho buiidosi riigncits of our dav cm afford torenrain iihout it suli- icriplicjii i per year eou8nr agrteuliural 8ojery a meeting pfthrv board of directob of the eai agricultural sxiety was held ia stevarttown on 13h uareh thj prtsident ia tho ckair preknt janiea uaishall vice presi dent all the ilinctora and tho foilw ing honorary directors jliurs v clay jo- blcr wtn wilson john t elliott and james murray moved tip d rd kq aeeondel by john evarls esq that be anmul show of this sicietyfor tin- year i860 be helt at the villjco of georgetown the mover and mr berber guararileein- iha turn of obe hundred aud twenty lollare moved in araeadment by cipt shjwseconded hy cieo tolton e- that the- aandal aha w of thit sviitv for the yearj isso be ixeld at tl- vuigi of acton the mover and seconder- guaranteeing thu sum of one hundred and twenty dolurarand be ntenstry aecdatmcklatitjn free of ci- penwt in addition lost j naesotfawoya i torn vem or own corrfapondest jfiiraicrs ia tiiii vicinity iro inking acivndlngo of tho good road and ire wily enrased tnaming their wheat to aalon aud rockvrood jthe bible society meotinrj held in t6a llnll iirovkville m thiusduy ajrning last was mody uttemled thi ellairnian- mr mcplicison introduced uiv mr manhyngbnlfor ihisocicty who javu a very ixcctleiit nildicu on tho object and growth of the 8ocioty oua of thoxa pltaklng occuritinces which atlntcl thu nltontion of the fair look plucj at the residence of mr jacob allison oit wednesday 171 in it the partiix to witwcru mis ada allison of meffil mid mr win- a ideivia of palinch tim nuptials ceivmany was loitormcd by rev f ir mcpheson ol njasajaweya the newly aiarrud couple alb held in the higluat eilrcui and have the beat wiahci of he elttiie neighborhood leac aciu rartv on ibeoycning of he 19th inst a nuaibcr of he young pq iplc of kaaaaga rriya assembled at the rvsidenca of mr kubcrl aitiris the eijtiruiniuint of ho evening consisted nf 6inging leadings recitalidas uud pallor games htch lady escorted a ipntleuian o he lea labia and credit ably pcifjfuicd her part during the ireniiig the party broke up at a fliisanable hoar and ell weia well pleased wlti thocvoiiingsoijoyracnt lc0kcc1t tie coocjrt which w iiveu in aid of lh unjing chtks at brookvillo on monday evening 15 inst was not so lirgijy attended us win anticipated the irtijriiunie how ever was excfllenthnd well ceriitd ont iuevery pakicuiar and the audience were well pkwd jwiththe fulcttain neat the chair irag occupied by mr rjkinwy waidciij mr maitund uiieiph twfc a rictive part in he pro irauime and lenehhd a nirrnut of excellent pieces mr kennedy of grelpb apkared in ceriuic aeings in iikracter and wan btartily encored mo peilhird and miwa sieau k ifielt rendered valuable aetislaiico in the protraumie miwmrkair of acton end mr black guelpb reang in ilaft a uuulicr of ipleadid ielectton al ogcther the cincett irm ins of tie lieaccrer gertstt in tbta arcttui tlten the orjgmil motitfa was declared canieif moved by james marshall eej condtfdby c swackliinimertfcit the pieubetshipof this sxirtv b cvmiael to sctuil residents of the township carried it wis also oa motion reseilved llmt all pertous payijif- their uriouid ulcri- lions tin aud afjer the lith dav of july next be required to pay lify cnts ertn to eatitlji thei to memurhip car iexl the meeting thenjadiourneel guelph eaifar fair and fai cahu show on wednesday lat the cattle nne abeep ccmpeimg at tbe live stock show were ttken toltfu maiket square uuelph to ie judged tbe judge were thomas fratbernn and tbouat crawiordturnnto and v williamson brampton thi show on thu wbol as very good hough ia tome respecu it did cot equal that of former years aaothcr factidue to the best animals hedns iiouht ahead for shipment mr p ottoiirk of shabapeare had the best show of rxtlte txiiibitiuga number of animals paicbssd frzim george moore of waterloo they were of tbe durham grade blas- and the qualrtv aaa pronounced very fire tbe oieu exhibited in this class were also goxi bat not equal in quality to that seen at many esler shows here in the ed cow ciasiiiai very gae aoiotale of the durham ifed were shown and taere wasa closei cnnicst between messrs smne end mcqueen for first phce the heifers in the tevo arid tbe three year old class were also goerd elnlocb young tsking the leadl tbe halflired hereford calf pxhiliitm bv j ifc r mdltr war nrtieil irly fine and was from thomidel fnu stck acelf from the same cuw m by the safne bull was the best cdf in cund yesraijo and sold in montreal for 50 tbe sheep exhibit compared very faiorably with that of pnvious years the sheep showa by mr hood carried off all the beret prizes aud claims the auimals cannot j ho biteu on the coutinent ifcrciry four men nartoely ecikd dioevning in trout liver s ilitriv they tiv aipaged cutting ice wlreiianu tif tliiin broke through tie otbers one- by on went to the rescue until all went down a number of jwrsona soon asitnlpd and got them am out a railliiicr a on to chriillo ilaiidtnou t bo aotoo vvmlod good oorvaut gifl apply im- mcdialqlv to mr d ilcudisou vtoticj all iruci borahy fothddan o ne- batista i joint imto o jjj10 drawn march 1880 hy clcnrjo and agnci miirrlfy in avoc of william pcrrymsn nei vlj na licoa tieeived fur tho tot sad psymant baa beoa itoppud qeoroemdbttay j iviroiiuew tnjcricat utiitdnsssi it ptparit to cioeulo uy thing in bit line in ilia jbeit peitiiblo manner aud 111 tho laleit style monthly eutouiofs apodal r a cell inolicilcd j iwoutiek tfctorioe to tbtsrasseasi kotica is hereby given that anywrioa or peroa found lrcpain on my premises will be prosecuted accordintr lo law 37tf i dk it mokrow akohiualo riuneltv i cfducmwit fnr ojswinr mscliino sad general rtpairi try lhoueorgctiwu knvalty works ajtouniddkll 22tf ifsia st usorgilowa tv t ev haxted 1 aant toentiiy a few qoa canvaum mw bt rtipault men over 25 ycara of a preferred employment pcraiinent vaj lo capable men not less ihsutw per dsy aid etpeaeet if you muu treuirrfts cuchiee a so suujp fur parriphlot crrculars ctl la j j w simrsoh po hoi joa 0er scncel ont m iw as frazck utoy 0t prtctfrm tadttt llilr nnafaeorr t ijccpitxd to nuske lo order 8itchet crovti ijriitif fctti ornyihiu in ttm ia oci tijq cliortest notice htfiaficlfca gurancl curgci rttifoaiiljle order utcn l iha rtviclcac nf urt kdv mooro ciner frtdericlt tud clmrcb st 3stf mrs l frazer h ocse lotto ktvr the aadtiiigned will rent hr hoafe and lot lit baled ccar tiie- riiltiij tutiaa ff ivrehtt ojoutliic at rcisoaible ntfn ttic hnute conuuis fit nkisn aud taciner ititcieri jckki cirn nn tlc trecuscx and bird trite r coo veuieot tlrc it iiulie an thfl lojf apjiy iduntjulcly at lliir r vuj eds w thr donnelly huitfer eeward offered br te ontario oowrauient the ontario gvvemraest fas issued a prpclajirstiun offering a riafd of foar thousand dollars in the doinelly nrurder cojv- every rftr tsbeiuld ix- madev 10 iritce out the perjrrors of the epwardf lend cmrcc them evidvuki coiivirrcing fhijt be pypdnceil beforf iliepfiblre ceinnuirt tile liireaatauy hiili lee ofieretf upin tbe kssil but vrheii that irkiice is once arcured acd tbere ia iro iaesfinuble doubt rn w the mndrrene he safely of tbejroi derualids thit rjjefull fauaty of thn lav blli inflicd in lo be bopedtliat uoeflbrt trill 1 spared oostiylnad to bringllifc guilty partieir to justice go to j b mcqlarviiifi drugstore ten and twenty five cent counterfeit itels are in circulation to a coasider- able exreat i rrcha rdson cheese factory adelieide was recently burned loss 1500 insared for 1 000 t l out of the 50 which left toroali onyvednefdnytripre vecro 438 destined for dakota sud 13 lor manitobs the deaths this- season occurriog to perrons chopping n the woods exceed env thins if the klad we ever heard ot a sor of mr jacai sxiiiiiof warwick 18 yeitrs of age who eft there a short time ago for michigan met with a bad end while chopping a few days since fflk rertmilis haeeljirstheen brenrghc to the hemiestejedfoy tbe nfhicted family to bury i hevieited oftswa didthnyouniman from the ronniry riidwent on aspree in he biickrardjof thg british lien hotel hn espied la lirrrel with tap tn if siiiping it to bo btr he laid lituiseif out fiat on his buck morrtb oprn puder the titp arid frrrned on the liquid the stale of that voting niknie felmps may be more eirkiiv understood thsir descriied wben we ute lbatflei- airanowiugquitcil btfnnilie difcnferrd that it wa uotbew liutcinloil kead carefully sxkctl ossoxr hophiaiburg lajs t was afleerevt wnh dykpejrtla ur nearly aur yers my lunps beromire cflccied owarefs the at i was induced to try the shoshoness kemetfr after uniig three or four bottles i felt much utter and pined strength mpilty my healtli improved stfltarty anif rapidly and evben t lud uken three or four bottles mere war quits restored o health and irngft and have cxponeuced belter health thin for forty yeira lfdre i had ben under the treatment of a numtr of physicians befure but nerer received any material aid until used yaur remedy a ilckxt truro k s says re aas rerynaj with liver con plaint butusod thehhosbunees remedy andin smotrth wts uaeltas he bud ever been in his life i am no in business ana rrlelr you to send me thrse dozen by steamer a tvejod connecon sys that be ins trtef the liemedy or liver complaint and dyspepsia with great success i have also ned the sbosbeneej rills and find thit they lire as good as any i ever tried litscr ktaa ienevs n y says llj wife was intensely e cud wrth djspep is fur a itig tiros we ceinsulted pfiyricisns of three diflerent schools and received no benefit ivbe has taken three bottles or the- greet fhosbonccs kemedy snd is now hesty sad well kcr onx sojtt ssvs mr ifekenire rfoltios sudorad feoue an atlack of tiheu rnatrsai and was unable to move without help but xfler using a few bottles of the khoshonees was aide lo walk as well as evek price of the kemedr in pint bottles l pills i5 cents box said by allmedicrne dealers t lsi1al roic tnc harriot a- d unmarried i it teaches yoa ibe j segsjsrs qf life i asd- llaw to enjoy tliem sent pvtiitaidvz rcceipi cf so cfr m r st kohtreal rceixsucro coursicr lil st junes st lcasrtatbtnthat tlonlreat irerec raw this re nassaoaweya l xj m b e3 r fe 8hinclemill3 i pfiter saybrs wtuhl inilnats tbst he baa on hand at hit i mlllnln jftitmtaaresa forraerls ktiowi si tarilmi mills a urgo slock of lumber lath and ehincucs ortllklnj4mlcjiialllle i ohbap so 1 shlnglm 930 per square biustvpf cut to ordsr ilmioa8h feteb savee8 aalon dse ts lew butcher shop izdlizcook woalq lntmao lolheroople of acton hal ire has purehatttb firrttierbaslaessljly onrrleuon hf ur h glory anil ihal be him alwaja oa huna a flrilclasl sleek of beef pork muttoir sausage fisff etc etc and fcoisby tlrtot atlentlcn o botlnemll leenro a fair snare of ibe 4tionca of liit n biln me 1dellvered at any tlrue unhr part of lbs town tenmhcastf acallklucifed adam cooic ra tr for ttle aezr rwo jtrojvrs stoves i at cost at hav ills r red arrive so one ean all to tnaleeiake rnaner lkt arr omcau etotlre work voumak frtmacicutofl r boar bf elovatlna 5fitrr evenlnp arl slate tlrno tolie bulocs- ir exml rottiine ro re- vie business ithinc lite t fur monoj-mak- llilt ever otferclbeiire liulness pliaient and ttflcrl iiooiahit llterjjai aitlo fc o all it ion ti besipxjfjtuiiimies before he publle seud us oiridr ss nod we will sn iba f ii paillculkps and jirlvate urrns free sample w- s o ire- vru cju then make uii yeiurrainil for eoi ad- drw teejbe srirsuv c uu 1cmaod ilalae vchite wheat i 24 to 1 26 treidweil i 22 to i 25 spring wheat glpgcev i 20 tr i 24 lied chaff oats peas barley eggt per dor batter dairy packed batter roii potateics per bag applee per bag sheepskins hides per est wood per load if ay per tern straw per hid wool- dressed if ogs i 19 to i 21 0 34 to 0 3j 0 35 to 0 go 0 50 too 55 0 13 to 015 0 13 to 0 is 0 20 to 0 2 0 45 to 0 50 0 co to 0 80 0 50 to u 75 6 so to 7 00 3 50 to 4 00 7 00 to 8 00 3 00 to 4 00 0 isvto 0 20 5 60 to 5 50 dv sme ebc wit ulxtizzt acctioxxcx auction sale tah btecx akd lurloikkts an suctbia rile rf farm llexk and impla- racntsaill ttrte plsse at lot 12 coa 3 esrcesirig tin ueduejty 7lh aprii8s0 ivale la cuinlncic st iii uehefc iljcjiat ilcajuiiluii pijir niiienittrect acctronser au5ti0m sale fartt stock ijhlemtts an snctiei ssie ii firm stock acd in- plcmtntt urll take place slot j assssacyi on tnetdxy aprilj hobert ptrkf proprietor hear what lion says great oabh discount sale monday 5te of januaiy 1880 w commenced a grand clearing sile of nor eztensirs stock 6t kkiiymadli cloth wu ws hold an immense stock of mehe boys 8uite pine joafs overooata olatere and boys knickerbockers etc etc- of our own manufacture- tbe stock lain flretclaes shape and ve otferto our customers a most desirable claas of goods grea reductions in price throogbout the entire sloik have bveniinjde and eacn article b marked in plain hfures besides all bis we shall allon- a discount of zo per cent on every gaiment purchased we offer overcoals at btotjinl 20 per cent rff for cash bodycoata 400 and 20 prr cent iff tot ciifb mena tweed pnn 175 and 2 vrcenl olt for ah bya soils 500 and 20 ii cent off for cash boys pauls 62 conis rind 20 per centrtdt foresah 20 per cent om every- cartolt tv ve show one of the largest stocks of readymade clothing ix the couztrt each aritdt it marked ia plain figures and no tcond price tn7i be madi under any coiuideraliou all dming rot paid for al liac if furchut vill nut u allowed the ditcount iihich it only offered for urielcash flitexvs avail ijourrchts of this grand opportunity lo liny clothing at such an inaficius diecovnt come at ouce while the stock is complete j d williamson co g con 4 gth issj viau littthtrect auciiuuecr dominion boot fi shoe store keivney soli sttieet actok woatdnumt sacm mdlncd lo tie prop otacton and tltry tlutt lh-j- ur liow auction sale f iroa- plows the eiccntort x the esile of tbe late sydney smith ek have instructed the undersized to sell by pubbc suction at tho plov7- pacrort village of acton recelvrsluer tlcistee oc boots and shoes be f raniucociftoan ssonment kolbtng bu thursday- zsfh march is80 thg f dlowic lot cf plows 35 stosjunsoirsaplevr 2ia- 41os 6 smphsfisoa irea piots i laa- 418 iq sisii qisekcvl 0 scessohiati slsts j the above phvsvs are all manufactured l the shop from the best material fanners come sni secure birgaias tek1isu0 ud under cain oter that amount nine mouths credit on appcov- ed joint nctis sale to commence at i oclock sharp wit ilntstnrrr acctoneflr ijss goldie d cameron a hell-wraith- r scjsrior ia kuorul qutlitr aai st7id if matif etrra toauy ilock nerlonre rbci ivsa tlnacroa everything sold cheap fob gash custom work repaariag in oar custom sndfir pairing depart ment we are prepared to execute all orders entrusted to us in a most sills factory msnner cielph uiuketj ftonr white wheat 7readvll spring wheat l7isscow bed ehaff oats peas parley ets pir dos bntter dairy packed butor rdlls potatoes per bag sheepskins kios uer cwt rav perin apples per bag wool uresftd hogs f 75 to 3 oci i 28 to 129 i 23 to 1 2a i 21 to i 27 1 19 to i 23 0 37 to 0 38 0 60 to 0 65 0 50 to 0 co 0 09 to oio 0 16 to 0 18 0 15 to 0 18 0 35 to 0 40 0 95 to 2 0 6 50 to 7 50 6 50 to 8 00 1 fw to i 25 0 18 to 0 20 i 50 to 5 co for garden field a month cdiranlflfrf i at ijoiise murtfl by ibe ifius capltfil n re- ittf- will kurt yna tr- rani kvi ana grtf mate money fuiicr nt nrk form ihstr at anjttifni- cite the worfc f- rfn and plcaxaiitafkucenfltaryotp cal s riiriitiii ti wlninie iiiewuo ice ihi notice wllleail t their acmre isatojee and e for hcmscev cosiiv culqumd term fn g ko is tli- time tlioe already nt woik ir uvne tp h rpc kimsof motley adjrei6 rfluk fe co autuatu ilklte gbiri ertcttic kecici trade wurk trade the great ebff- t luh jtctnedr an utifailllok 1 tjj currfremlunl r weokcetoshpcr ftn mamrtlca rolentj ui nteisetf follow uii a bc- f m t loiiow un a bo- ja r tqg jjaafter takiaj of nicracrrj unlvprrnl f ofnltucfpnin in tlie hackumnco viflpnpreniaurf old age rnmadiother witmtbrtrnd tclnsanfij orcdgiimrm a frr ran tare grave sb full ipirtclnnf- in onr inmplltt vhlnli wifrklretotnrfrn hy mahuievry ore jb3ti rpe ifl- mcmciiu- if toid ly al drujrutat 1 ppacftflret o rlx puckugn tor 5 r wi7t 1 0 ani tea by ma on receipi ofiba maoty bjadfrittirtr thk chit mfdirjute co toronto ont um rolfi in vent hv all hr jruibia m d wry- wherein c the unicrt htalti b ti wbnlecale midriff drreffisuali j wix and flower seeds the best malarial used m m m one of the largest cheapest and best assorted stock of ghat63 j- in the county at r christies celebrated london hats jt j jbxbjes j furniture a good assortment df first class furni- ure of every descriii- -loa- constsotly on isrtd prices as low is guelph orqeorje- own 1 csxt aoucrrzzi john 8pi8ht a csll solicited kenaey- son acton siarch4jh 1880 houses lots bf the re of actn tstc foixoenso psorsettsa arts ro sauc for terms and particulars apply ro ii p moo kb heal estate agent free press building actoii i 2 one third of ah cr with frma hoose in icoel enndlilon title lmllspuiable im mediate rastessiois 3 un itowtrsfrtel opposite dr moireiws ouefllhoran aars on wuleli is an exeellanl rousliasal tu trim splendid iur nod food cistern andlwell youuf orchard of ursielass frolt irecs easy srms ofpai menuf i i kassaoststa i oa tot is eon 15 nasanveyo fit acres sued land- uwelllrs honse and blacksmlib lop e7erylhlni lu suodoonuiton a better barce could nex be had all tiulldfuga and feoeesla axcelleiitfconoiiioii eisiursino 1 fxl2senns itaquaii j ursielsss farm 100 aoes s2aeres anderculilvmtlob 10 acres maple boh 4 sores jlmetlqoe quarrle and re ualndergrodeedisiramn two good bear- ngnreiianta on lire frm hoise wait ir ind pkrtlrnme bum ami stables losl una irylm furmlsii well fenced tnore tlseifbrlesyardhii tb arm tniod work bj order tre properi isobnni ot a mil mm dorporotlon limits or the vniase ol icionooj bom s milcstmm r tksuuoir terms q appuoalioo lo i hu offlce parties having- houses ajid lota tn the v us or laimslo tbeuijolnloir lovnahlna tor ale will nun it to their lour silo have m m ntened in tills llll no cbsrfa unless tbe jroperlylitom h- p modrb boa israte afenietonont undertaking ttewseseriptton f of coffinn cjilkels and all funiar re qiiisites alwuys kept- in stuck a hand sortie heabsb frr nish i at n low rate teeltl i tssokablk mm jostt speight willow street acton ii magnificent stock of s the fashionable west imp j bonnd to do the trade r onr jbagninceiit stock this season will carry kverythlxis before it latjies of a0tcn w have been indus- ojuslyat work preparing fdr the spring tradend r aire ever showing in thevarious depaftinents fr huiidsomb stook of jew spring goods to which we solicit- your inspection- faihantdle wutend dyu manlu artd liillineribttallmmeittqvtlpk i j vioks illustrated floral ould a beantlfn work or 100 pies one colored kloer plausand gui lllnanafloi s with co se 1 1 punns ni trie best k kiwm anu veselswe s utib price of seeds rnjj host rrhr ihetn all lor a vire cent stamp ia snfilsfcoi lrmsn e i i f vickkseiius are tba best in tho world frys ussta lor pdstlite will boy tba fxokal ioiba ulllnj how toet thasn tjie elowr and vcjetaiblk uanlen 17s pskerxlvred trniesadd tnanyhnndrej kngravlrgs knr so cents lo paper eover- stable elesant olothl iuqermanoreeicllsb vlek llustralel i lonlblr muvaslnesj pifen a clnrm pta in every inrn belaud mlrny line ensraelrils price tl a jear plfie copies for sjo epeeimen nunibera uatfor looenit a trial copies for js ata address jamks vick boowlirj v scon fe bownes palatable castor oil i ii prnatwd in a form portcttly aptobletocst prtnbqmtatienuijjetail lajtsmaaiifkttitvi f the ptopcr ofuia oil du trtutuco pain add f plag are dn iixocnu4 uttfpteannt a ia aktloa mt absolatdy tulelea aadpabtible ltbprcil ire aad cattattk imobravand itdr uiu illy the tiacst baa r a reatedy far cos tivenen codstipatton aad attiuataud dcnotis iaentsit is wwojiajled vnd y doused w ulu iice of croda oil and all dncoie pilb aid part ivta for aalo byll dnsxluku tjontiabou dont tall to try ife t ip m nr hi wim m foi he has the best assortment in towh trytnem itwii4j isarft3ftj -i- siiutbtetas ajf-

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