Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 19, 1880, p. 7

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i jss9ablffig u- srppbs mk 3astitsfegi rofyff cobvsb tm iv r i i 1c ftv lie- r7 if graaaia ataa does s mcadjtny wsjon v jus two tree riil ins plenty were ruiii ta lutil our rails- the splctululest cob mice were nukin ever aa i i wis jottd help ui fiuilora uriuauatas docs v toy hortea jiaaic is betsy i bo jumped mlbrotc her licid lpathmiritto ilamc i aud educe milk atut bread the lumes la tlie parlor r v didnt make pu mittt t i t wis yotrd lo ii au suit liriama ataaduca vt ota la the eomsem ta rideoa chiuucv plodfth j i ipect hcl like us hate uifl j iktac la o nxjit uow olw tcyatj jim up awfitl aadl wild lite ch iliva whoaa t i writ yott wucldul lrxicr i grrauuis uctcr decs i trsnts exae bread ami batter ls lienor vviirttcfcl liud bui txddic mustnt have noue guise the wuumut nuud al jriyufy- tugar at it t ttl you whit i lriavrt it riftht us put tut mtr j orauraa aias dcsi x rt i the bad littta girl- she wouldnt have oa her nsmhtv htb she woamut ret into her mubty crib she voildat da this iwl the wonldut do tht and she would pat her iwt in her sunday hit f i she wouldnt be petted or eetjetl or teased afii the iuld do exactly whxtcver she pleased she woahlat hive nacchtv rice lo cat the woumut be gvatlesnti pood and sweet she wouuat ive tne one siocte kit pray what ccyld cc do aitha girl like this ktuys idea 6t lie jioou herev another oae of ocr little nidpeti iliix kittj xot manyevecingt cincedur tajt tlw lemartable sreather fct indian sam mer the child and her father stood opott the liana looking oa- ta the ocstera suj where the horau wta aglow with the glorie of aa ttnasually iutertatinjj neiet while they lotuj the little ui chanced tet a delicate crescent hanging jost above the golden thicimeraf departing day 01 paa t is atv r that iav little one it the moon o no pa papa it taat be to moon xot e iiiku ia day time could oo ever see it heuit wasnt niiit v 0 e kitty re often e it as we do now alter the tiin has muk iron sight bat before the dirknes his come 00 1 i see she cried clapping her dinijlcduicds as she always drcs when a brilliant idea his come to hef of its oca ae- cord clapptcr and ducing and her peat brown eyes sparkling c tce now paps it is e tuoan bat rey haiat dot it lited cp yet j otrworm fay o boy lad is boston rather small for his ytacs wolu in an- orhee aa errand boy for gentlemen wto do business there one day the peatlemsa trcro ehafting him a little abont being sotmall and said to hi xoz will never araocnt to mrsch foa are too small the little fellow looked at them stell saici he as small ts i am i can do sotnethijig whichaana c yoa fanx aea can do ih what is that r uid they i dont know at i ocgit to tell yon he replied bet they were antions to know and cryed hira to tell them to tell what he cbcjd do that none or them were able to do oct tp from streanjtj said the little fellow there were some bloshts on fonr manly face and there seemed ia be ty little anxiety fbcfnrther informatioa ta the point ttarr chevuttgvim u hade a great msay canadian girls andboys aa iriu as children of larger growth have acquired the trnly disgnstinn habit ofciew- ing gam it may be pleasant for then te know how it is made an exchange tell thehi xnc greatest- ennt manrtfaetoricg ealat iuihmeht is at puafc lzss and the fame of the gam and to cam itself ia in the months of many one of the employee of that establishment who ha become thor- ongbly initiated into- the mysteries of the mmuiljtnre of the torn was recently dhi charged from the establishment lad has divnlei the niudeof making the tsm which these yoqiig caridiffis masticate with snch yelocity and apparent- eatsfsctim the giat is made of certain parts of gnmarabtc gamtraacanth a small cantity of resin iaafalr tbefatased is not lard tthat le- iu uo eapensive bat it is a substance ex pressed from the ixlies of hog cat dogs axulutherdead animals foand dead in the itrecttof cities kice isnt it t 0am o oold a llhrt unkueil ta not easily jatiti- tali no mu fails lit thl world it ho do rglt sweet mercy ia nobiltt j iruo badge r ho ta poor whoso uipwic cxojod uik incouti rntming lilro ttroty betnqoth in bat iiula atrenin it ulandorrxra srmikouftai winged otto it flies i well tacrecjii cliirily ialho auk ofriojtea iritiouf which liayacjltunt titenifclyol j 0ld istho foola etuuia which hutoa alj liii defccla front tho world trsro it tiothipg lika religion hred out to op a i heart closed against it only j thoao aro orownod aad ainted who with grif havoi btcri actiuitritod good inuntiona aro ho actdiof good actions though they do not alwuya pt- dace llictu ihe man who rtspecu aad lienors iw man beoiaw h is a woinan is a true- hcactad man f if yo wiah thatyotir owa meri hould be rccogmtsd rccognln lie merits of othera you will jaia a good rcpuutitn f yoa ayoid thosojaotiona whioh you can censure and blauie in othcrr taj reproto tautll fttilta vfhetnence in its abstird as to wfc to m tnoys any from a ftteuds focthoad will a sjttige luoroicr ono great reason whytha work of reformation goes on so slaw ly is lectui k8 all of us bogiu oti our ncghboure and never reach oarsclvcf wo mttat lore onr fiicndf aa trite amateurs love uintings they have thair eyea pcrpetratota fixed an the fiue rt nuu see no obera by doing coxki with money a man is it were rtxrnps thoimagtr of god upon it and tuafcesjtt pasa mtrwat far tle nsrrehatidiso of ueatren i liiero thould bn juiethinka aa little merit in loving a woman for her beauty as in loving a man for hk prospfttfy both bttng rsjtiaiiy inbject to changer a lifo of carnal easo a death cf ttnprand an eternity of horror arc closely allw in the matter jf con- verting a tool to iod all human power is reduced to aera of hint that hopes to be forgiven it is indispensably required that he for give it is thecefote superfluous to ttrso any other motive on this great duty eternity is suspended john banyan was once asked a question about heaven which ho could not answer bectuse the matter was not revealed in the scriptures and he there upon advised the enquirer to live a hoiy life and go and see it is eaiy in the world to lire after the worlds opinion it ia exiy in soli- lade to live after jour own bat the great man is howho in tho crowd keeps with perfect trweetoeu the independence of solitude- it is certain that nine times out of ten we are nearer the truth ol tbinkine well ofpersons than evil human ua- tnre is- a tree bearing good as well as evil but our yes aro wide open to the alter and half closed to the former a great man under the shadow of defeat is taught how precious are the uses of adversity aad as an oak iruea roots are atrerigtheaed by us shadow so all defeats a good cause are hat ratingplaces on the- road to victory a clergyman onir sunday at the close- ef his sermon gave notice to the congrecatiaa that in the coarse of a week he expected to go on a mitticn to the heathen one of hit parishioner exclaimad why my dear sir yon have never told fla this before what shall we do v oh brother said the minister i dont expect to go oat cf town kever lose an opportunity ot seeing anything beaalifol beauty is gods handwriting a wayside sacrament welcome it inlo erery- fair face every fir sky every fair fiower and thank him for ir tho fountain ot all loyeli aess and drinc it in simply and earnestly tis a- charmed draught a cup ot blessing j i trmaxs- 1 sale iboard 8table8 mill8triet ia wbr you san get firstclass eis at liasonable rates good gpmmsroial brigs an express ddivery wagon will meet tack express train nndjlelirer good to any part of tit town all parties fndcbcdokhu cs- ablithmant are retjuoiteu to pay up wllhoatjfurlher delay and sat a coats proprietor to seattews -for- groceries i hardware m oktaetq busikes colleg bellevtlq oktaed i ovririo bu8ihe38 collect bellille unolfartl tikroatinc aluc irorfc inaiue practical bcntctsoc its teaching is principals im mtotmlaat cf prclleil rryrlfniphdautloknfthc txti wokk cn nootfcrcpidc od penmantlilppufjltiued id students aftercott thrauj rc comieieiil to fll goodi jnuu noccacuatbatucm ibomtelver 1areatsaiv yocnimenare invucdto tend forcli citlcw circular whiefc ltti ma ofpentnaothlijit mail ed fret kddnu ejatkos t jonxsok oaurlo btjiluu cotlcfc belleville the great bale at the right house is those allwool cnnadian iweeds at 50c adverlisert lasfwcck at from 7jto 12c per yarcj less than their orient- value have a ffreui nin tlicy are such rood value the ladies kid gloves reduced from 112 to50c nre tome off very flint these lariie lots ofrihbons marked down from 45 to 10c hoj on iihtonishingsale the embroidered edirings mid floiuuuigs direct from he mukers at si gall in swiizerland are beuutjful kqdmnd extracwrduinrv chcaji ns switzerliuid is the best market in tlie world ojpurchase them in labor beilig so very low there or he mantle cloths which were marked down oi bout lifllfpricoitiu on hand they are in both black and colon ihtio ao afew of tboie inljmttai nos 30 and 32 king street ea3t hamilton close to hughsoc street hill led whioh woromirkod down fromu5cj to jc and from to 2 coll at hamilton feb 10 16t0 inlanta merino ureaaea thom c watkins amiliok b haslett ircuiw aknousuto tuk cite fl zlsh if acum and vclnltv lliut lie hajuauikiuulu iiunffvt itrll kctfcfcd sck of drycqods i groceries crockery classware and that he ia prepared lo fell at the nioit yeasonalde price for c4b and itbuld reepectfullytoiioit a share of their i patronage gouxrar prbounr taken a j lxuhaisge ecmemuer cite xzw stoee i mill st eaat acton b haslett acton tlee ilh htj rheumatisi tellov oil i for internal eteiternnl ns greatest 5nrc in the ttorld sive it one trial aisehi collese gilzmmar school eel1etills ontaeio 77uv fkhsol ofttt as fuuvxhij advanfagrt it katsxotcatws every year candidates from thlatchool are pajiing the aiamlnalioni oftha tyaw society council of ihjsielans and sur- senna uutrlculatiiig inlo ihe different niretiillea with it w or o rejicliona 2n3 tsaohsm in is77 1878 and 1879ntarly all ihe flujenlt competing made mo i intisfac lory eiaminali ni and the school know prepared by lis enlarged stall to gire the mol thorough gtinding to candidates for certificates of all grades 3rt coumesoialeiplokas hie advantages include not only ihe complete practical curriculum of the celebrated eastman college at tough- keepsie k y precisely aa taught at that college but gitea the further d vantages ol grammar history composi tion elocution or the languagea if required at no additional expense tuition ulckattmai hilary trinity liwctfcs 13 i ccitl loveraa atfvnned l jo wo so fm rimary tjn 40 ai board and boohs con be bad in building or ouutj- aifu trwclc 15 waoko oommorolal training for 6000 feard ani zcems iseindci for rarttculars urpiy to jltjmjestn r uk iavjk ua commcrelal itastt r c t oe groceries -foe- ihewbaotlsiioesiiopi wwllttails ivould eespeclf folw inumatc to th people dt acton and vleltittv tbat n hxs opened ia boot rilioeubon in tile oolldlns opposite v h storeys qlove worts aa ifiu btiaar p5 tmtatoncf itt yurcit reitk die lutlie worufir itc ccfe o rhtnmit- tsnt xtnralrf rrm tflcn kjjnal an- titnoilt ctimjutlubi minilf khtjiniiivclicat titi ir- m nttmr tt- clillbatm tut jrvtaitcrmpivt uindf wmtl- hiioitnfts rf itrcith r an j mcrsc itrat arc rmuiot irc ulkitiforlyiavilclt vrt lnicflu te fnrt- tlie puuiir iltt rill do v wotv- rcrftct xnd viim bonvtitky ui anfi niul prnio ircti tn bd llw bctt nln cctt ulk- if joa want ft rood and cheap article in tcurgjuttcs japes slexxoxcfu povder i teas 1 1 sugars i sjraps spices and tobaccos oi all kinds fhesh axd sweet ttie largest and most complete paotory ia tie dominioa 140sioo highest honors elver tarardeol to aay waker in the worla j 1876 iml im isis remedy fur ruiuinc a ci7rthl cpaallf good far uaa aad kfa fur sale byatldtatere zccjscr little huiiartt bchcict pfaroh prtipsa txkoxttt actos auroti ittirintof abuintsi tod kood flttlnc xotingandnatlnff if yoa lore ioie cinr jlyaa hau hi fe lea ife is todfhart epend in hitiu eiy oaei why war situt mortal who u gniug tfc5 same roitl with tus why rot expand the flowr of life and happintjs by inrmn ta lore by t2achtnj those who are near and dear- the beaoufnl lesaoa your aiidjr may be hard bat your heart need not be your form may be bent aad aftly bat do yoa not know that the most- beaatf- fal flower oftea grow in the iroet rilled uadaashciuredpucei the palace for care the cotuge fbrlcre3fot that there u no iprcjo tfce manjioa bafcmmehow if we rtflotjcarefal baiioen will crowd oat ajl there is of beanty in the heart t hit it why flod hath given oa sabbaths saturday wjttfaaalve may leave batlqca ia the office auiharfl aheartcleamng a lue fix yearold boy astoniahed hu mother by exclaiming f i wish i was an sigel vapadering vhat tboaftbts irvere siting bla ttonoff mind ibo waited for a reaiod then- 1 could see all the circus at oaditic hafldyhxve they yet steal not cloctt acton sep 21 ic9 legs hare they yet wait not tables teeth have they yet chew not combe l have they yet kim not pitchers eyes have they yet see not xcedtfes hcaruliavc tfcy yet pitytnotrcabbages eire have they yet hear notvcora suits anns have they ycfc toil not chairs tongaes have they yet tpeak not wagons let the toast be dear woman as the hungry huilwjtd caxd t his wif who waa ta a hurn to clear off the breakfast table oaecia overcameany bad habit if be choose savs an old mo law wed like to cefl anyone overcame the bad habit of tobacco chcwiogf he chews said one of societys smart ornaments to a jady friends this is leap year and i sappose yotill lje aiking tome one to marry you oh do was the reply my nmnces wont permit me to support a hus band takek at ecisword what do yoa do soc a living csked a farmer of a burly bsfftfapi who applied at his door for cold victuals and aid clothes i daat do noth ing much hufctravel aboat was the answer are yoa eood at travelling 1 asked the fanner r yet replied the mgevr then lets fee yutrsvtl said the farmer a sundayichool superiuteadent who wm ia thelu1nvo using ithfi black board after the most approved methods one day found the following on his black board the caligjaphy will haye to be imagined pitw mr8aperintekderixstfiekot7 stories cvhy susdy at ths boys with as awfcl exampui of a bab boy iirzaca oftaem ivusarst itittbtheoilug 0 ixslow boot or shof khoaadnotfttiltoieavethelrofrferatliusiaij sciurlaz splfiltf7 ai proapur attariai to w williams atteaiiqa attsntioa i i ienailc harpers dazaar pat terns all suits only 25 cents- stkaw asi felt hars akd boskets dokk orcbjuc all tug lartst styus scon bowne pal ca6tcil u pccpired ia a fcrm ptrfecuy artce cm- the prcpsnici cf tiic cl itit prwici piia srvi pi- ptoff e etisinaled is4 it ii rcojjrsd hjc ocly vzhjl crl aleusct a iu xali lit riiolistly tiiicci tad piliutii it k rrcmhiiy ti nrart liri live asd caiiirtic lcsctirjuarttsedy fwcpv ticsrs coctijc tad tit romii dsrtr- maits ct u uncqxulizd aj is diireilz tuic ti plice cf cmie oil cii ill crtic p3trni jri- livct tor sa ly ill pnjui it i j cets a let- lie doatfcjutfrii hard w are of all kittli paints and oils hixges and loces nails glass petty salt by the barrel all cheap for ca8h qo to- c t hills mill street acton stiw and diploma al csiitiintul gst medal and- dqdama al sydiku jirfraif fgtgold iftdal at provincial exhibition toronto tguijhee awardut fitdtufriil kcmiition toronto we are now manufacturing square and upright piaijro dv best in the market correspondence solicited send for niuatrated catalogue mailed fre6 address do ml ml on ortsam coiwpamy eowmamvillie ontario roams gewinc machines mrs fe h pass to ik- kottjf tfte adlesof actonanil vlelnhr tuatshe has lately lenrnt the trench modeof cjittiny and flttlujr and ik now prepared to give even greater gtlsfctlou tlaa foraerlt weilnjand funeral flowers embajmej yresaespna jacffeu cm onil a perfect fit pwrantrfa tit a reasonable price for ktyllsh aad cheap hats and bodhets mahm r phrenological journal i aiaeonrekqaarcaaelpa mclr knoa ia aacrica iad europe iuitiog- uea leiare ihe rtading world forty yean sod occupjbg a place in htcttlcre erdumfely iti cravir theuudrof h qatarrh g cararrh of ivreas fnrdrnr cured by oonsllitltlnnal catarrh bmedr j dcopptnjslnttirtjatnlmostuicdokldffj eadaauv einlnttioutdfrs baefc and kidneys and entire rreafclag down of ttie kjitftm cared by ooosdiatlohal rrli- r caurruetiiedy r acafchofssrean itandlnr cured by canstuqtlonal caiarrh remedy i cauirrh with dropplnrs in tbroa eantliif rencoc ptrudphnf dtrzinpb fain liistdekhd waktieasor kidneys minedlnuiiyreuevedrtislm feemimiy mud kw by as- of one oottle of con sllfutfnnal cntnrrh remedy a min eured of catmrn ot q years standing by use of constitutional calorih kerned v j so had that it imimlred bis eyesight hadhutaaimortdeaf iroubli with dropplnrs in throat strtnthnr battfnf tn head and fetid raf u cured by cjnatltqtlonol catarrh rraedy i cauirrh with all i u rotihar rym pto mi for en yonr ft verging on coneump unn cored by lesn than four bottles com stltniional catarrh remedy j bonn in tho ooae eatn ontr memory gontt mind id pal red t cured oy oonititu- unriul cntarrli rfmody j i cntorrh wlih alllt lthlome attend aniscnred by four boluesofthcoqsti- tutlonaj catarrh remedy j for bl by j e leuanln drngglst acton robt cra1ne acton laprcpared tocalloti rrsons reqalrinp ctthr sewing hachincs or or cans- mislaliwi matt its ahetadintr txe iias agekcies from the the beieoce of health tad no expenie will be will rnnnrttre satlsfhcton lo vurfhusor ipared w mkc it the bat pyblicuica for craenl drew terms very resotnbe clers left at his lanon tendina ilwxj ta unite ocq bier phjiicilin- residence or jddtritwd to him lo acton po eattutmdinonly pxreauihoald readtbe jocksat will receive prompt atlentlob ihatthey mayfaetttalaiowliowto cetera iad train their imsfvi children yonng- people ihould isiad the jocksu that j i itasat they may nuke the mint of thcnueitctj to each lob- 1 v kriber u ea the iiiliiil j3rb orqda ry gket jmonthey 150 pa jtinnuoo j 15c psf numj4k fdr sace- by all booksellers aomttdfronrkcifrrok i i ttiv i iv toronto ont tpryrggicsr clearing sale cf oa saturday nest we will- commeaca an extcnaive aale at riiclaiiea prices of brtr sratcctaas dry goods millinery mantles andclothing onjaccount of alura- tiona iktae busiadss eitraonlinury burgutns nhav be cxpectfed and will be ciren aa thia is a penaine sulo to rwloce our large awct j erery custamr in the k1 city aad oonnty of wellinglod and 6arroundidg counties will save tiirio and money by i coining direct to phrenological bust i sg 1 thli baitii mieof plaiterof pirii and to lettered o 7 to how the exact loaiioa of each of the phreqotogical orjana the head it nearly lifelire and tery ornimenial pt i ttvq deterringa place on theeenterubu ot mantel in parlor dall x o office or ttnay and qtrtil recently hu told for faxo thu with the ulottrated key which accamnaaiei eafih batl tad he article pnbliihetiin the jovtsm on practical phrenology will enable the reaoes to become a tucces- ful ftudent of hainan katnre one of het headi tlujald be tn the hands ofail who would know rlowto read chakactsii terms the joimxm u now publbhed at f 300 i year baring been reduced from 300 tiotjle nomben ill cesti when the premium are tent is cents extra guide to elegant nast breited iritklckh iubscrvion to pav poiusx on ike jocskatiad ihe eipeoieofbosroi nd wdunt the bun hicb in be br esprets or noi a miller ilze will be tent by mail poitpaid or w will send ihe ni book pmnfen bow to boucaji ti fsauxos akd astictiow send for docnptie oreiilar sendsmountin p o orders drafu on e york dr in reeistered letters posttgfrumpj receirai agrnts w ki 1 1 a u wanted stsd to cents for specimen number rremtun lisu etc ar lend address on postal card for a back btimber u timple which wql be tent free j direaa 8 b vtelbs 00 fndmera beants quide to ecegaxt wbitinti is a rorftel self instulor in penmanship br bo aid of whch jounp upople may beroine good writers in a vrry thort lima it onnststs of a boot of fifty pios rontnlnlrff annlslr nfd x nlanntlonsa inrfr nrmhpr or oipyhps lor i rnctlciny a henntlfiturnnruental rhet ardn handsome ease to cqd- jnntiln thfl wholp price postpaid si address robinson a jobmiton ontario bustueescollecp beuevulo and attend this great sale of dry goobs silts mahtles miilirietj- flannols blankets gloves hosiery underclothing and fancy oods aspecul lot of cheap twenla whiclican not how bo dnpliratedj also a select lot of eurs nei fashionable and cheap will bo offered at the reduced prices j obliging and attentive aalesmen who consifcr it tab ironble- tbjhoir goods during the great kduced sale positively no pods will beehargd unless bv special arranijement r wmstewarii qo qukpk t39 brof v lvr j agents wanted j pure cod tiyer w htpophosphiteoflime an iprtmantba combiaes the two best remedln ertr discovered fpcomsntapa i u io coughs scrofula rhramsttamatut davaw of twmooiltwm andalt wasug dlasea of churtrm it tpt only joataine uwcsf biiitrdait voug j rycstcaedvlrtecodltmoiu perfeeuy t chron1 blutr and iy esteemed vinue of cod um oil m jtomach but fa addition he wdmiut6ikb4dltfttinj ated that the remedial povenof both are largtw btaeased soperior irtrtues of thbi combined foodandratiidiwtaaluhcabow 1 forcobswmpi asa of the blow a oolrxoatahm umiwjl w ine liipoeoospe f athwwj bat mnch more readjly rimtlatfcd by thesytaa than plain ccxi andpuiifyiiigthawoa brjng rtrcth andtkor ocieout 2c turotiftd ask allaylttc totsl v blolcbody j t t wt and fbrsooti itmaliloa lvtaiadrvcstttsutoier itian hid oh lialisijj teatybg theiinpif lotheti r a

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