Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 19, 1880, p. 6

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i wpwwwpwfiwwwww vm jfsatn s 10am i4pln sivliuf lotpm lnavu tljlul 1 1 da in 40pm 830 p m -i- i vblrj taptjttxf tiue tlbtu trafiulcavc aeton at follows so 0 m k t wo uivl 1 i press knxj ijilt m ltd v oivoiast- s3ght impress 4- tialt raided luyiilk vatieta loudon in ted hallfluejtable vill- bkckivlo a c- iut fvmihfqfiii aislim sssissswi tjt- p 5 sffirimfa ium- utt ayt and fruayti cl i aoiimc jm mali for foroiila u f nail w a m oo tfiiayi ani e fetter au be matted ismta- thcmwa tforstxc fee 19 1ss1 rotrx xyo corozr ic jtr i 0- hl ias esartiaur oa isi tcu nitraar swjs et ssysa tf y7 ieswjitioa toth ecal cat weal nsffity la jriw from 2 up viieh lo isprssimits sll clew far cast tlsmsmtasatlseomjlote oiilaal s if yoi mitiifl etaro- mr- hu1 iis also rpitaiil lrt ct lanji lateiai ai msrtiilag is tau uat- tiavoiajlwadaeaoi5- callasi aeoam- uiuox uitl iuok ucoryt- own rciliul75el a social lu aid the liffcrii luili til yctt dont mcun to alicuil to 1 rdpvfor a sl iv li cc income your unfile- we your in iy to rdrl couiri do j concert 6 bii bo tivctl ill ai or three tub lvibtr douuc of tueilod to ciicat tarracn tho talcst 14 tint of a dead boil it offers to tcl lliam for if t rcctipt by winch lhcygiu awxa- llic oau cvv oil at a coit of cicjii cants pr- im crpokiui wtvjkfiv mr juolp a rividciu ot ivtn vtr rent for triil ei tu couurc uo coni nto ivun a miirnafil otlier ftlicka iua by mr a v lvci will unl u il il moulcuro of wuiitev i urr or lue i utlcdol liuiiig ikci fuuud oc hii piimi it it l iin i id tl p ucrbo alway l an ex i cojncu utt ccllcut cqaccr cavihmii ltp mr j d cimmihs wcoso disutraoi f iatlic triihurljtuirtis in milloii aautcd conaidtrablo comment c- wuily ha led lint town and is mppad to w iu tic luitcd suics- the mill is stilt iunditig idle aud it it not ilcknitcly kuuwa iiun otjciiljn viltlc resumed uue dallxarcouca vamtiliitfaio i vvftenteunjioaiho ixei orkiiiriiudivmi lend idi it wroui t i y i i- kcddt rodca woxdett icvewior cooifnt- scad ct seme frost iad aac bcfitsess udullioa kecouat of the i tnnddy tfc of tfca wi- tlffi trealhcr tliis wfc ius lefn vaxcstwcv cr iijts come ad pa u nutir rfcntzaes iuve passed throastx the post ofi- the mild rfctluer- together with t ute nie tstegicea car raas the ap- jirxace cf mortar lds ta sorne pli si births 13 mitrtiges nad 32 keiths wcr registered dnria is79 it tle oce of fcha eiittirlcoafc xusiiveyi towtiafcip clert wk l his tweu autltonx tx bj jdijjjsrtt tatnthip cocccit to collect tfuiet dee that mircicipajity iud piy the iaiae orer ta the totcthip tceascrer forthtitit ok tnesdij morutnir a team irca iiy mr s ztsaaercis ksi friiiteo- ei byhe cxrs- at4 cocoicaccjnxnaicff t ip peed aidac the ttrva tuejr tcre for- taaitely popped liere any diip done jc sttkeex of spartanipi tttno u- acioa fracrguclph oa mondzr to ehotit mii liv socie of nut lie partj they 6ccceded ia fcrinin in iboat i acare of rxliu- t a misaicxaitr eerroon vilt u- ptaehed in the slethodistcharch itcrev- ottt corners ncrt saadsy 8t2jqpm liyeer mr mckentic of xissicxteya the uxnul meeting vijl lehclda tcesdjiy creuing when idilrcsse ill uj delivered l bert iteizcoxie and ilcleaa 8lp tlut catti sicrikds pectocil uiiwjc u com ptacd of the most healing balsam nnot gums the bilama irhch enter into it oimpoeidnn ere uel by natlxeg t when america trufarei disoovreo and jb combined with oihec vegetable tcjaicc o bleaded togetbcti tbat it i 5 specific for ait affections o ha throat indiaags tfaossands of lotties arc ased sanatuj ocki ii is cocsttlereal ace of the standard preriirsiitns of tfie dy for caagos uolds etc for sale by ri fr at 25cck per bottle ikteeestikc dates following arc some mtensting datei for the present year sl vafcntinea dxy sitcrday feb u firetsdnday ra lent feit i 15 st patriot s i day wedoesday siarch 17 palm sandavt j march 21 good friday march 2g faster i saaday ifareh 2s eocatwa san day may 2 ascecaon day 5uy g whit sunday may iff trinity endafr way 23rd queeva birthday monday 2tth may dotnioioa day thanday jaly let fourth of july sanday adxcnt sanaay xor 2s clristmaa sataida dec 25 1 tire dnssxllr 3cbdett the bid ddpfc tragedy set the daily pkh ofto- rontrtaad loadoti oa their nettles and the reportert aeem to hare koted for all thev 1 aterotth to beateach other the chief rinl eeafored in londna between the jd- certsfliad fret press while both did wdadertthe adxriua seetna to hare got kd th- nbov hue tic ncaitr ufitp utiiitilnjr mtr fnrcibo cr pitnicj mkuv or hie c ii i rtmedlccfo lviiwii imxinclilluund carcctartiou tiunh umutxi pain aid jjr ikk strike l iie rkii dt hie tttcii- to tltrrctii ituvrltu sratts tlmautfitt af purecoit utr olt vrlih uyiiaiitiiihue of time ami kcd it tcnuy md lummuttsiy ytmitrr the wtnil- tvtuin smi rollcl k eertitid to finluw uuj tiicu it is icr ajtxtaltlouillie iile tan local iaptr if your local piper happens to tread ou your tocc a little iu perftinmug its tnisitia doat get your back up aud abusi the edjtor but ttopaufl ttle a kk1 breath and tlaot imcu for a reason wtd see if you eaat rvinetalief ecme of the favor and kindnpss he has shown yem iathepist thcu reflect that it uiay uot hi loni before you may want favors agaiu serious accident on- sutinxluy momiaj mr and mrs john marshal f trafxlar started to drive to hamiltotj whec drinnp dinu the ziuitucrmiu hill the agoa sjcwcu around at the tuin- near the mill and cisct tufuiiug both occa- pants violently otit mrs marshal receiv ed no serious iujerics but mr manual was ungecxuulv hurt and his rcebycrj is coa- sideted doubtful ilia spine u eapposed to be injured aua oa monday- night he cafi inieasible is teat witlt thet meak there is au appalling patbreak of initials in the pipers meetings cf the ymu b the aouwv iopr and the jga are aauouccedirithiiit fear of consequence wc mean to ttof ibis by explaining these dark liita vour mmt ujly uachelort the ancient order of fcyu women the immense order of prise pjxters and the jackaafcs gone astray are cow unmasked and must sesk other duiufces the iweatuek since teunor tcok the coatract to supply this coaatr with ceather we oait ny that we have ieea treated to squality of weather bo had that if the people do not petition the dcmiaicn government to caawl the contract they dtseire to walljwin mud and tlcih for the retaaindcr of their dsya wc ulicre in progrci lttt s regart the rcither wc jreftrit in the guol old vrzy- we can siy that the supply towon baud is simpy vilhunoos missioxacy scirvicfs the annual tnissioaan rvit ia counetiun with the janaa methodist church uiil be held in acton ncit sunday and monday on scu- iiyaettf r t w campbell fe p cf raroalo will pceh at x02q a ml and 6iw pai and cm momdsy cvenioq thedeprcta- ttoti will camistcf kcv e k dcwart d d turtinta editor of the gu xrdtan and rev ii xilcaaof gcorcctowa a collet s iii afattli- y crcaiaj uiiw the wdi ajik uepuil be received besides other mpuiait buttcj i the hg daly u bhjjlalkcd up comewhat ii town aud wean lerstaud there will be a public meeting to discuis the question before long tins is the liolidjy puczla of the port hope thrfs i theuestiou it on inter- cstui oao to many others about these days iwtuo us a s or 2 v kiucitvoxe dollara ivcro paid ut a religious tea tiht at georgeujwjvniid still people complaiu of hard times and atarvalioii iu ireland drara criac jouk lsilte of suluiunvilh uud mr lekcnricofguciphi ox havincaood deal of chkff as to which is tha let draughts player gcttowok oien anil play agauic ainx time ouall decide the uxjuici ma a a allwrtu has pmched the kraut avrifir frtmi a ii uaucr whole f 10 aud alio yoju division courier the jollowlns oro tho dates of tho alttlnga o tho uiviaiou courta iu tlio cfcunly of eilloa for the yeir ie80 r so i itiltos on friday jan 80 fob 27 llareli so apro 8u may 2 juno 25 aug 27 sept 91 oct si aud ovs8 ko 8 0iniijjiiat u march 8 may 12 july s kipt sovs koogno r- trro urn jan 20 march 5 may wjuiyia kojit njkovj kol ariox jan so xiarch 10 jfay 10 8oiit ij iv iu j ko j niinoinlti jan 17 mar may 17 nov 13 ko li kllsox a- liraltxoiof jan 18 mar 2 may 11 july 3 8ic 7 kov 2 cuiucs or dituiiok ootnra ko 1 wm ivetou milton j no 2 h ii ihnor oakvillo ko 8 john llolafe ueorttawm xo jaa muluiown acton i no i 6 b liswr camnuusvilloi ko 0 k miucr burling ton- stoves stoves ohea coutiuuid illness rrcvwtfd 1 attcudiui to tie li25iiei vo wish the now innnictor koiloos worth attention tiic latent styles in stilt felt hats at j kyfci iest value in 5ce tei in acton at j v manns undekulotuikq good and cheap at j pyfot good value in 50 cent tea at b ifajlctt new iloro all tue newest things uuou felt kataat 0 fyfgf ovstcrs frisu oyacon received daily at niolcliui liaker- picture fratuitiff done at lets than city trices at c v iltlli those leu at j o hills a uryt stoct oah findt sjo yesjuit ncfivfd uuwffatturul ttffht k quallti 1 of iran the jlntit fnuh aadthtnoil handiomt slow iu the tiiarlxl cook itoves of all thet at the nry kuxtt pricet a icell tilthtd itoei of tinwaee always on iiakd c zatsraorssnra oubehsd os abe specialties h and vill he ejxevted on the thoriat notice oqal oil a giod tock o superior qualify t cheap i 00us aits sesjfsrtotrselyes of the home it irhich the traeedy occurred tufirrtm interriewiujt father connelly and to crojra ae to palifih firrt the boy ccmwrj eridenje rhereinhe give the names of the morderers and then it follow ed theae of vilu portraits of the prfnapsl partiex coacerned jdaslfsve of salrnonnll the checker player writes this to ha halion kect i notice that conaidebhte chaffiflk u indulged in through fthe suelph neka- papers by mr lleeenzie regarding the inasfit cbirapionjliip of the conuty of halton 1 think i offereemr mckeurie a yery fau thing before bo to ab6- hioi and bis friends that i mean urineif i now offer to play him for the chmpinahip of wel- hdgtott and halton arf ih agree to meet iimit acton which half vay between salmonrille and clph any time after rfriog me two wee notfce each one to pay hisowb en- v he wont agree to this it is qaite et tnit tioff the only game they play ic hllr mcken lie can show t a i to the cham- ptonshipof hi wfbiairtogo to goerph payiy 0u wrol plr him bit we knows that the e siluo hastierer yet been puyedfori scol books tioa rrt aid of the missionary fund will bo t kcn up after ecch tervjee tonsoiiaumr v j wiucq of toronto hat patciiaaed froex mr j warden the barber shoe and harness as earritd on ii tle builditj opposite storeys glare works mrulbfla is a man who thor oughly tiedcxcpiads his business haviag been employed fa some of the krest ehiips- in baltimore aew york boston and other american cities besides working a number of years in toronto zed montreal all peraous wishing acyihw iu the tonrorial line itrll rcetvc tjlisfacuoa by ciiim t this chop vtcxkott acaik pcopiiecees the callarinis vtjnnor lateat the tecoad cold period in februwy will reach cs uu the 22ad 23rj ftth and j dav tiis it is probable will iw crtremely cod alum the valley of the sl lawrenccaud ottawa kivers northern uuitei states aud to the westward- february willctrtiiuly end cold the second heavy snow turm ofthe mouth ehuuld by my theory come on lis about the j5th and thia bids fair to be heavy with drifts siil fairly cold weather we have yet te tjet oar heaviest enow fills of the winter and some of these are certain to ertead throagh march up to the loth the weather tha old be moltt swikdlihg the ficueefi the latest method of swindling the fannerc says aa erchaugcj is as follows a geoiletncnly fellow drive op with blanks for efsllics oa the farmbashels of wheat u amber of cae iaiel acres under cuuivajion etc betcea thi tables and the footoffbe jtage ffurmlf hi the statement u s blank spice whose eiistcnce isjkccoanted foras aflbrdiug room for naiceliioerms information in a mouth more the jfjrraer receives notice from n iwho is au cutcrpriiin liian even tucceas j pcpuaualt mr horace ifall of berlin formerly acton was iu town onlriday lat mrs d tttradcrfodu visiting her friends ia gleacotf and sarcia she iuteud to be ihjcut aboat two weekt bible societv a meotirig of the committee of the acton eracch of the l i bible society willbe held at the office of the secretary on saturday evccingthe2lit iust at 730 oclock for the purpose of appointing collectors aud uiakjufianooance- meata for the annaal mcctiufi all sab- fcriliers of one dollar ind apwarda are mem- bert of the committee a jfull attendance rc3tl- ix huiaa rao sivdxy school coxrestfos tbv snnurl convention of hiltoi county s s association vs hefd in m hon methodist cbarch of cacada on taeda and wednes day oif this week a good representation of sabbath school- workers from virions parts of the county was in attendance and interesting address were delivered by ministers and others encaged in s s work a fall report neit week diocese of niuura tbt follow ing sums were paid by aiglicau churches in tbic neighborhood zt the kpiicopxi synod ofiico hamiltod iu january towards the mifrioa fund harristoo 6i3 guelph jt35 alma 77 cents guarantee ac- ctiaul aclou sq harris too c50i5 erin ftawpcrccs2i93 aiuiac5 eramoi jio altioia tuud guelph t erin fl0 hiusbnrp f 160 fergus c30o alaiajj orangeviiiei5 burlington 5 kcuju 5217 f actoa kockwood and kramoaa 15 a potntru facr kerrounes i- the scare ot feebleness or the lack of srxb- ility of uio nervous svstom as dtstln- gvisbtxl from tbo rest o tbe body it is pre cmiaentl a disiso and tuore widely pred through thp sor tiera nod eavtcro pirtof the untied folates and dominion of canlidiihiit in any othcr part of the world we will not ktsp o say why this ts the care but we do euipliafcaliysaj the victoria compound sytup of tiypijihosinte will be found an inrduable tucdiciuelfor nil parties ufllicted with kvrvnusneea bypopsi i coasumptin defcctito kutritioh licnenl dtbility or walnes o tlie whole systeiii one of the irsi effects is an incrfase of tho nervous or lital energy lilbwed by a feclinpol unusual trengtb for tale by all neighborinf baak that his note for 50 is due he knows nothing of the note but investigation shows that the censtistaker has filled in ths blank with a promiae to pay which beiaz now in the bauds of an innocent holder most be paid by the un lucky dupe bewar of them sales geo gtiics aucnoyzzu mr ajam cook has instructed g gibbf ti sell by pablje auction on monday 23rd february his valuable farm cousisting of the w i of lot 28 can j township i of esaesmg 100 acres more or less 85 acres cleared balance good cedar and oak timber terms 500 on of aal j for balance liberal tflrms will be enven at the ame timsandplace a lot of farm stock and im plements frill be bold terms 0 and under cash over that amount 8 mouths credit on good seen rity good title guaranteed j aoctioousale of farm stock and imple ments ocmonday 1st march at 1 oclock ot lot 24 coileafjaesiiic jio reserve tho artonrsj proprietor georpe gihbs aoctioaeer i bchl books f cox fort aud dealer i notuixa to suqiass dollar tuita at j fytes ctteaiest motto frames in tbe country to bo hid at c w hills ciet vourself some gtbicet photos while they ajo chaar c w hill fmsn currants and rtisina juat received at ghrulk uenjenon co if tou ivant a nouliyduiaueaui cneap suit j fyles is the laca lo go cueapest jystem in town frnti and kj at nickjiaa bakery try them a good line of black cuflimeies cheap for cash at b hasletts new store live goose waniwt 160 louuds live g oose feathers cariitie hcndenon ito jcsr aekived a lot of xo i cora meal at iaweoii bros flour k feed foa the ulost style ia promenade portraite with handsome easel and frame o ii ill kerrik09 lake huroallcrrioga at james matthews cheap c v tilll photographer lias introduced a new iiihtning process hj more lon tittinjs potatoes if you wish a bag of firstcbus polatoes cheap delivered call at liwfiou bm flour and feed store i pkevestiox better than ciire bnv a oy overcoat and prevent catching cull lo cio one for js00 at j fyf- b haslettlias a large quantity of good upan tea for 50 cents having rnrchaied it befcre the tue in teas it ia estrs value leaevonr orders for ratuinery at once everybody will want a new hat or bnntfor the holidays chrisue hendersun co ttea3 try james slat ibcwi 60 oeht tea tha best yet icc pieces of dimdiu cokcn jnt received biagut beloro tle recent aa vanceiofht ekc niw ts thctimfi ta necoro a utreain in cottons christie ucajefson jc7co makk roaicito mate roam for eitensive rejent purchases we will ofjir special reduciiih in lines of tweeds ures goods of 20 per cent tor net cash uont let the golden opportunity flip no blow ichritio henderson co bcteilictsc messnc mcquillan hamilton ot the vclliujrkiu marble works taclph are dainu the beat and chcapeat work in panaila being tle first to iutrodocc firstclaia work at low prices by importing direct the- beat qoalitisa oe nfirble ud graaitc 10tf eieptember icth 1875 j c hill mantles overeoats pants veits cheap cheap i chbap to clear out stock boots shoes at old hices dress goods lustres j winceys aimels blankets tweeds j no advance in prices while you- live live well jlt easton baker actok 1 would respeclfnlly tbsnk mynumer ous enstpmers in actou an4 the sur roao4iatfcoaritrar4dvjuiies for tne bountiful patronage ibiyhsiie bestowed on me since lstarted mt- baker- business iuthe well known stand almost opposite hills srocery store and besides oflering my thanks 1 would solicit a continuance ol their esteemed pilrouage in the future as in thepast ny bbsad will be segqx3 fq jyqtfe while mv supply ol bcxs axd cakes axe unequalled eailssab oaaba tssclitx orders for picnic tcamecllnes or social gatuerfiissrhrouiptly aud heaplyeiccuted ott j short uotlce j t eistox 3 balb of factory cotton just in secured before the- recent advauoe at special jrice j and dont you forget it the famous 506 tsa is still selling at 503 howe clark in the congregation by the ucv jwtph unsworth tti unwc m 1 of wales centre ky and ka of il v xiuwc tlij cjeorjctfjrn to mita jfciiniu iari eldest daughter tf tho clarl ep ieoretown rbacctf could hoc be bad allbulliilajfc and fences in eacelleutjcondittou mkiilbusn 4neres lffiestoucquanihiidre ruuludr crodcedrfcwurap twuyood beiir- ineorctarjs on ihe f nu boone tah lojr and jwri irnme bain and stables lot luiid luavy ion tii farin ta lf well ftuced toere sutsabteltjlrdoa lhplnimiiicodwork- ih oider tle rropcrtj isabont of a mile from eorponilton jimtts of the village of ctonandiba rtsuuon- terms anapitieatlou lo thii office ghiapcst ahd beit oexra wr are mafcinji the chenp- oundinthcdoniiuion vve do the lig businest we do lue prices rithl vta bus he bij stock to choose from call aud leave us vour order mcleod ander- fon co mamnoth house tlif dailt witxess is mailed to all its subscribers tn a mcrica at less than a- cent a day ills tile ensr ctvt sxwspatkn rk xrrc field giring all the latest news by telegraph editorials on the jnost important quesj lions a cowprehenhve earreipondence column a vaiuble teirtment ilevoted to the contemporary press home nd re- jigioufreading atvcetlyfummarjof the aw boolcnd magazines in tact each number is the worldabistory for a day price including postat j3k a yejr tho weekly witxcss bears the siae relation lo the week as tlie daily does to the day in this paper the news is sum- maifed and oondenied to the smallest cfarj lhal eveitthlnfi uiky hkveaplace 4tgeet fcoutiarily i elxan by its cxltjlari of s tftl coiies rmongt the best clasios of the com muuity this immense circulation jusii- hes its publishers in iilneia tucpiiceat fli0yeir and tvheri the number of jiubscribers reaches 37000 which seems likely this year thepricfljwillbe reduc ed to the round dollar- fcice 1 10 a year the aruasr uxxsrjrous oirsi s expressed of the wiixesa by those vho have tried it is thatol dnah grant i subscriber from portage la priirie slanitoba who write wrrxifcs is such a necessity that to o wrthaut it is almost an impossibility the xorrrlteiin siesseseub is an eight- paged semi monthly illustrated paper which costs but 30c a year to single sub scribers and inuch jess do clubs it is the pioneer of the w ireeij publlcauous and gtes eyerywlere wb receive jiusokkdior evtjjekites evetvjbiroflbe imiormuivurk t u dotnf tlie a long time la super twentyfive years of endurance with cttirrn is a long period of annoyance aud misery mrs j flanker ol ifanchester n lt alter going through it all writes hie constitutional catarrh kemedyhas rescued me from intense fullering uiid almost tha grave this medicine is for sale by all druggists the clearing sal at the mam moth house giorgetowri i still goitg on all kinds of gools reduced millin i ery ilvutles furs buffalo kobes dicss gcods winceys iflanielf keadyroada clolhlnt jrercoats tweeds etc great barobi will ha given oomt aud mak money by saving it melcoq anderson ei co i j no i you moat not peruar he itraoip anomaly iu human nmire w vj et- 11 li ctlilr n r7ini for mdiclue uiitwi u ik lien tliey fiav- par pices quaranteed lower than in any adjbjnin g citytdwn or village stit mmu fee lmhtni1g go ts houses lotcv ixthe- tiuag of aotn thjc folwinsa pcorknrws aar roa saiz for terras and particulars apply o 11 imioobfc ttcal estate aceu free press bnlldlnff acloa one tbtrd of an aer- with frame house in rood cnuuftlon title ludlsjmtable fm- mpdfutc dcsson 1 un ujtr street orrtl dr morrcwv oocflttuoranaera an wulcb us tn excellent rtiualicisi haac wttti ietiiifd cetur nd good cistern aud well vouuc otclxard of qnociaj frail trees- kaey terms of pay ment kas5acrcta i on lotu con 5 nukaaneya i acres cued citnii uwellii c lioos atiriblackfiqith jop e7erytiiteln podconaivoo a ktr aid i parties bavtnpljiusea find loia fnhe vu- l8c- oriaimetntheiirtjolniuptairaslirrs far tale flud iiui uicirtilrasltohavf tbpm fnterted in this usi no charge anjess the property usola hpjioore kealesta affenl ftcfonont futniture fumiturt- 02 ft o o o 02 x j co lu cj os nm furniture cost great clearing sale of w xt eirit tj e ie lalcenf heoh a- boitbcs tnulable castor 01 tliesk-cutlmeiioyililriininiia-i-ui- caletill litvcmai lids hllherbi notions dnff 11 popjttve aollrhl nil oiie thiltl a pit4urc ntn iisifnilic fluil to imrlule al almlltnebeiicficlalcir cu of cantor oil batao rctriitrpd from uklnj k ly the re- voliinirintie this uioicts m icltnee has been overcjrie price ib cents bales of dimiias cuttons bales of white cottons biles of dundas sbirtlnga kales ot canadian ducks- in checks stripeand plain without doubt the biggest purchase ever made atne time by any dry goods lloune in halion seevred before the recent adtanee on most fitaorble teims and will ha sold at decided bareains no filow christie iieiiderbon co jcton gitey8elli citeap he has just purchased anew stock of all the laple groceries for caeb and l v h flr below he giresi list of arlieles which ho ijwnig 10 it- iroinensicrrculallon ofover51- 1 b oao copies hceu enabled to mnkn i selling at he popular prices naaecrr all fresh goods preat improveiiunttlilts app aranfe even at lt ppne nt 1 rice itfcaa recently been 1m- rrovedinappdiiancehylliciijlllioiuilaiieat boiderj hlcn will make ii much belu r weed than ever before not only teluga valtiahle lmpr but n heautifnt ono ituere is alw an elhlon to this paper devoid to bond 1 ysf hoods lis elnb rates are is fodowi 10 coplsln hie ooiaddrei fzso 25 cailerto- th 010 address s 5j enptes 10 oe one undress i1m 100 codes 10 llic one edclicuiii sauipie eoidei of these naiiers seunree on aopucaunn i jobs douull hov pcblhuijus roatreal r 12 pounds ot sugar for onedolhuv 1 lpounds of hugar for oue dollar- v 10 pounds of sugar for one dollar 9 pounils ft sugar for bno dollar 12 pounds ofjcurrunls for one dollar 12 pounds ofiltaiins forone dollar 3 pounds oftea for one dollar i- 2 gallons of syrup for oca dollari 6 gallons of coal oil for one dollar 0an syoci jlninst jutonont school books j school bookst oellag that as- no selection of ruraiture was vept in town and that it ii always reouvred i hare purchased a stock ol the various lines required nnd am prepared lo sell at tho most leaspn abie prices parties vanting anything that line give hmacall and-beioo- vinced that lhey can purchase furniture as cheap in actou as oin be procured iu guelph prlieorgetowp undertaking nov commenced and will continue fur the next two months to make for spring slock now tn piocsa of oaanufaclure call at ojicbal secure bargains sicsoftill ciiii hiilelmblooir cpnerxvyndhim street ccblpnojrt john worsfold co guelph aii nquirrtnts in tuii driiarlment eon- sumly uo baud and r first c las uearsu furnled wbefli requiied note all parties icdebtel in mo by either not or lo kceoum ih ileifie call and sf went one ft i intend lo cljsemy boakboufhe 81st -eo- r johx speint i cor willow a agrs rtai acton onl a movtu ctwranterprt 11 naay otiioiuo mnda bjrstue industrious capital notre- qulred j we will start yon men winiedboys anugtnm make money foster nt ork for us than at auyihlni else the svork u lljioand peasuandsneiiasanytmineungo rightal those wbohie wis who see this notice wllucod ob their aujreiat occe aoq roo for themitewfs cwily citqt ant tarms frte nov is the ttme tttcwaulnitdy a woik urf laylne aplrgesnmn ofmonby addrei trukaco r slates pencils for the- jvmst two jtfqttms stj0vb at cost at hav ills flour heed law son bros 1 t onm r port full infornl th artiii and vicikiv thaitnelr cti in lb- premises nnrioii oarytnv residence peoplb of naveopen- ifc- store sad willketp constant lyo t band a luil nock of at j b mcgar- flour and feed ai tl01iu of all lid including family flour uuckwbeat flour urtbam flomv meais corn meal oat ileal prioted ttheai iran coarse khorfa yineshdrtt choppsdpwiij ci trpfjextuau mixed cbopi oats and pass and all kidd pi af4 nailj i keplih a hriitolas tore to ibm port m gootksdirbkl ti lamtmn brftsv letpa janm18ttii l vins drug stored t

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