Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 18, 1879, p. 3

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i4shtsaraw8ebawis m- r i ibi- u kt ttwk vsat traial leave acton u tollowl oohto wst kightktpreat tiooam traato mail 9l0tn pay etpctit tttti ktprest salt mired st5jnt 7i07pm aotxa ast xight express tin lin oit mixed tkm thftifetu utmsbs kettent mait c x supta twdcoiiiied j sj0 ptn lis kail time table fronvlhe east rio am froiatoroalotod the vetl ltpm vrcvta kuatchball 3s vja oa tueadtyi lu1 frtdaysu fb 8pe jhdt ftsj 11 on tuesdays and fridays hmucmsed aoinr west rtitra otitc cuu uii a m kail mr toronto nmtm catletili all atulfcootm on tuesday lad frldayt srerstde mall w am oa tuetdiyt and fhdajx rectstered tettcrt must be mined is mln- l ulet before couok umt iyfflt ad verttseuexts 1u- kcw store b ixizmc stores stoves jvc hilt the scott act xi c cameron newjett hits shtw marlon on exlubiuoa christie henderson ico immense irrivalsr5icleod and- son co goods that you can buy it do eigu of tie big witch- it voc want goad reliable quid- tuple- and triple silver pitted cruets fickle stands batter coolcrc xapkin rings xeaspooaia knives end forks call at toigehye jewellery store akd- i if you want fine combs dressing combv back combs circular combs perforated card board jdottoea fancy xote piper earelbpea purses crochet keedlet albums spectaclea etccallatceo hyuilt jetreikry store acton thxksdav moewxu sett is w79 js o t te j n x 02 o fel ps far jyerr fkosrr nijhts v pcacies tri cheap tiiu leaves ere filling kaw for hvrcest homes otkhdoats u being loofeif up hah toawatatliaiitibttiittt wakx vrettfler yet tliean so sys tee ui callector till sooa be ou tie vrpk voc tt tike cool comfurt q3 vitioct ifae heip of tiie ioe ctcud pirlr bcctcaslts had wtlauts ttre piod crvip tju yer 4 iao it iut tqcir- rel- v betkees s00 aod 400 ixtets to gcejpir tece gti i lctoa fttttiaa jerter- i coltactcitox froaf cum rtceited too ixtcfucui uiae iseuqjiitezl tee comptn kirejjfeued diicentt thxie cyofccriite ud rcxoxed xuetxmilj- of rv itr exdie left ktjtcm ott iltmdif far cmtcrwa vhen ifr kiulxc ic bik fxxuaa6l ts aatitiilucoi uaeij uis petfkotcd tie preach cimabers to pryhiljt ttaottng in cbc ticei id cuv by yoatu uier sixteen tee viis taiii miy- listen tuthe loeuixtbiu it tbuujcer tat be pjitv iwm tlt jccohuax uiliie hcirxu uuacr wic ofthc storr- aicbteocs tarn tatatlt lyinij hence in eiitc witctlt rrotr siiiut tiic bcritcr vita prvauics to ciu uid settte od tile morrov yet rallrzh liqt geexp jons rho h been telliue coleiilxac bsnttrapc stock danc te yiat tmf or ciiree tatrociu- toofcr tbdlxjiace tiie ctod to oracfieviiie oa hoodxj liif a chasce la order to stut farther increxae oar ttbcriptiaa hit ill lead e- tite fexz psjcts ta suf dir4ss froai aoic to jsnurr ib1cotj for 25 eeatc uzd from uow to jmntry lit tsot focjlao it is pfeaamt to notice tbese ia- dicitiods o fffgniingprjgperity yhicjr ire manamingoaiiaitpkof tle cxictatry it rtilly begins to look u thooefc ire thaald hxrt tasid4ttiiuak rntftof tt be- crefoog iviijuluhrs siiod- grxatj rtpettijgpxstpriiainoncenieqt j e jctit red utthe pper i doucjjeiieve in em- ftiy not we ukod 7b- citieirciitibecirfiit testttdle tnaaa got hitoby lettiog womiiieat hiitiuif stocldrcetlasi a germto a ricufturxl jioaraxi ire the fbilowinjc re ceipt for ettinff rid of mootd id celkrc pat some roubriautooeiato i pa iad let lire to it cfie the door miking tie celw is arlv urtight u pouibie for i or three hoan vhea the foagi trill be dettroy- ed led the raogll driid np acto ermbttom mewr c 8 smith ud xhot cnttron took their lincoln iod lejcater sheep to the indtutrul ex hibition toronto mt c w hit toot a eollectiea of photognpha uxb creech an uortmeiit of busuc worfcfcod ir xlex wildiehirttotk ac tcicattr ud iincoia sheep to the centrxl exhibition gjtelph jccefoailf es netes brarer a fence nude froat the railing of c scolding wife t plate of batter frooi the creaai of a joke f the smazfcotnjr mechangeaf the mooa the original brisk bed in oainkiig the tigns ofthe times theioaouner that broke op the meeting the ampul thkt drmria in- iexttut g from a neat of thieve and i baeko watefroht 4ji trell- j ttrumlti- j y irgeoq ffynaiof toronto formertr of thi rixuai paytngii acton frienoa arutj pj j 1 j jdrt hioaon of bonmanraiev sisterfi mr bewieklin it payins her friendig acton and rictnity a ratt mr f cook of georgetoirn cottert fonnerlrocdarham co fiwlaidre jj a friendly call on monday lat- tf menria kjatchwajkfaivaietoonx men irho hare beeo iafh in telling ff the baoimpt itoefc of 7 colonaa left- aeton on ifonday lastv for oramsetiue j mr wni tinat of acton rho has doc in the jrt three jeari been 9s g 1 otu on tnrdayoofnlnfct ttf jnuaar taking cotuw at the itomui school an thatdtr i ect f w vtaret of uneoln nebraakar lonnerlyfket tori gty ptweiwi tiiemetcioaiatc4tfrctinorniniratimtotingr on sondat lait he deliterei two excel lent discporaea fie wt on jfondairorn- jar for his boine doring the part week ber mr hfofor of oshawa onti hat been noting ia- friends in thia viciniltv mrhatletaa wa n -c- t- r iiaiiftrt here roolpunk it v tuk unw to aubieriba ao- the diyi are gtowinp xircepuuit hartat i a ntcit ia tlma mtm nlna bsyt oat of ten hatixa bug ato looking for win- ter iouartorti vk are tndebfsd uj mr domld ntrtea ot hastings kcbraaka for copres of kcbrsika pspcrt a wtrs who foot ho hitabaud tockinet it pot apt to main it difficult or lio to foot her ulls tasit is not i pnltt of jaitlt- fiction in telling a man hes i- liar for i h it he kuowt tt and if he unt whoiioec lh4yiutr i to titos who get their sale bills printed at lhit office ealvayt throw in a good local which helps to spread the newt far and wide pmacatka ia the cohgrejttiooal ehorenneit saubilh tt 630 pm service conducted by mr tho smith of kefwick sttbiect i fiery fnnuce it ts raro thing foe tho faee press to bo late in issuingv but owing to a e jobwutfc this week a few hours dolsycauld not be avoided messm creeltnaa hros3arrc town were awarded a diploma ht a cana dian ribhiajt attachment for knitting ma chines at tho toronto indnitrial exhibit tion me john bhlelda of cotnmine- riqe met with a serioas if not fatal acci dent while endearoring to catch a horse on saturday last the horn kicked him and injured him internally yoo are sll invited to eallsnd in spect the stoct on exhibition at christie headeraon cos it is coaiptetg id every department and is worthy oft thoroaeb inspection a labt ptss oa hortobicfc a frenchman enlaitnxt what a tnagnis cent apgl i an englishman crietont ify neea what a toperb orse an americxajscnjatet r thats a peeler of a eaddfe i wish t were youaoat two hoars ehe said to her husband with rreat tcndeniesa and why ror dear he asked becanse she said tayiyiffcc- tiooately with hit watch ehiioi kecaute then i roikl bay my wife attewyoiimt he iho by the plow wotnd thrive ifasteithec hold the plow or drive -t- well how is the fall trade v said a gentleman to a friend the other day dry goods never brisker wis the reply mywife shopt sll day every chair in the hacse covered with bandies and i think of sending my pocketbook oat of tawa for a change of sir its so thin- a letttbe will be ld n the temperance ksil actoo on tuesday even ing 3rd intt by mr jmeph giutou of injjcreoll subjctt theseott act chair to be ukcn at s oclock shsrrc a cardial iavitition is eltetklcl to e king dodds or say person- to dikosa the question befctee ot is a copy of tkt sitt a f ar dt piper published ia geneseo iii it is a local paper bat is also devotid to ti e ciute of temperance and contains re portaof the varoos temperance conventions held in the union its artickt arewell wvittcii and it u neatly prittedi etttrsiojis an eicarrion over the kavfc ktowlliaaniconchich- ug park will take place ha tnday sept 1 9lh tod another oter the asm road to briceuridge aiid roaseauonjthe 23rd and itth faralltnto oriaiiaiid 8300 to rossean from george town aact retarh xrodestt a yntlvig ijdy wh6 had iceo present at a review of the volunteers and saldjert the other day at kingston said to bermammi after retl rniog from the ceae of the review that tae army cadeu mil wear whitpaot5 wneraipott jagentle- niah standmyot retnarfced so do their uistert and their cousint and their auntt 01 course he was pnoished sell toce gsaisjas e nil farmers usually find that taking one year arithauotherit ia better to fell their graui early in the fall than to hold it tor higher prices at present wheat is brincing a fair price and no oae can promise that it will be higher those who need oioney or have accoantx to nay should sell at once it will be economy in themtersjea and will help to revive the trade of the ooahtry uoat hold onto your wheat if ybn are keeping other- people out of money which they need i veunor his tin he sajs vexxoes latest issued another weather bulij i am of theofuiea that the wet period it about udal o ending tud that s dry poastbir warm wave will extend the eoaoing port ktti of the- aetrdn lit april last at voa will remember i nredicted v cool sjtdltetseataltaarcaalx and great britain bptomidsamoier wa condition jhaajdieadyeveaexceeued ttlfs jhrecast in both regiatn nfsniionm 1 1 now look for wird sisery futeaud agreeable period in theweatiktr possibly with early and severe frosta ba lite anew falla thcfirst annoal exliibttion nntn- berof thef annert hoiumy septeaibetj pubiishedtitt toronto it oa oar table it hat grown considerably since tie hut num- berleing now sixeeen pages and fa filled with tmmeroot choice articles ably written on variods subjects pertaining to-agrical- tare fin ttrfftafintitled objecfsaif- agricukaral3oheties it- especially good and welltimed and woald make good readingfor officers of such jsodeties- the ricea asbtcriptiaa it exceedinglijiw for such a erst rate paper being only fifty cu a year every progressive farmer sboukt subscribe address p oj drawer 3562 toronto ont ijotv to barld jjgfjtofln ini recant issue watisertedlap article shoving hotokmiotn tha following rules for the improvement of a town zi 1 irb ypni bjsijfcig late tt reuonf able prices x u yon can afford to do so donate a building lot to aome large imsineas enterprise and therebyreniincethe tajne of town property 3 induce butinest men to locate in yonr town- it pttifjiire the bnainewtjf ybnftiwn town e speakwell of jroraijfiinhlie enterprise 6 ifinything shield bji undertaken tha at be of benefit to the town do hot speak- ill of it others becausyj hapoen to be preindfeejl tgjiinst it 7 8pek well to straaiersf youriown totrnirs its people j tieteiraja good msnjfmen in the world wb will jar not to meftlon oar own commuiiyho might notbf tliewprw of rfadyioj mete ales anoii sifasbtf honfiiisy iattaboiit7i30oioeltfh lortes to the soda jritewigon of mr o rsc j wheniiear hotl worth attention j a hill foe first diss tinware wasts paper ftiro bents iier doien it thu office pwt value in bcc ten n acton it fw minns the kteat styles ta iliif felt hits sfcrvrsimdntui j c kild foe the best esve- trontkiugiatheo6uaty au ta noweat things in iolt felt ttita tt f t mckibs a bflkxdtditock of stoves ota iittcwuvtdttjv0 hills notiiikb to iurpasi those tea dollar suilt it fyfs fcmektbs fna s nobby stove wilh oe with- eut furniture go to j chtli beit boks in town it nicklins bikery be cure ind try tham ncwstoclc ot lamps etc it j c auta bargains can be had call sud then cali tt the raee press office for your sale bills you can take thm home- withyon the day you order satisfaction guaianteed pea vtoffington combination scurf tad hood lidies protnenads clouds wool outts- wool hits etc cheap it christie henderson b cos fatufehs requiring plow shares of tny description can be supplied at the tfoorgetown foundry igency in the fata fssaa building it the tame prices is at the foundry 00au oil far the bett and cheapest coal oil in town at reiroed rites when large quan tities are purchased go to j e he gartttit drug store dont forgot it ititnes matthews expects all of his cuttomers to pay him the amount of thtr note oe account ou oe before the 12th day of october nor kemm- uer ii 3t estemrtse messrs mcquilliu tltmilton of the welliugtoa marble worts guelpb are doing the best and cheapest work iu canada beingtha first to introduce firstclast work tt lav prices by importing direct tha best qualitifta of marble and urauite 10tf our millinery room is in full blast wo do the leading millinery and man- tie trtde in this section of the country nothing can surpass it in ontatio fee style cheapness end gel up indies call audgive us your ordtv mclrod anderson k co georgetown christie henderson co will open nvxt ueiik with a cxioiplets dew stock of all the latest novelties in fabrics golan and combitiattacs their stxfc is writ bauht will select ed rich sud- decidedly ciesp no traable to show you through wtkcetj wixcets wisckvs we have na hesitation intayng that our stock of winceys just w hiiid is better value thinbaa ever been oflered before in canada and we believe the public will endorse the fact after close inspection they will sell fast chris tie henderson co actoa immense arrivals of new and fash ionable goods atthe mammoth house georgetown mcleoi anderson co we never had i larger cheaper or mora fashionable ttcck fvery dep- artindnt aamniedfull ordetedcloth- iiigv nothing to beat it in- ontario bar gains begains bargains kew millinery new mantles new i mantle cintbs new felt hats new twetds new dress goods new win ceys new flannels in fact everything new at the glispiw house christie henderson t co where you get the famous 50 cent tea in 5 lb lots at 15 cents the heated feratloelc 0c dqjct btcos totl geass theraoststaboonicaseordrsenterywhtch lsuotolne more nor less luan inlimmtuoa of in rectum produced notanirequeally br slttitt on me ttsarbiay be cured br that most efficient cathartic caswr otl ita sootntneand beatluc properties are wonder fu bat iu nanseaunc iflecla nuke 11 im- noslbte for tie paitent to retain it to bcott a bowxk the public are indebted or an jedtnulsa of culoroll that 1s not oolr 1 paiaiabie uut ronoauced oy tlioasands whoarenlnsitau60iatelj aitea6ie to the ialate jfcgmtlj- crb aflord to be without lctbroalitnebealvdienn irloeacenis boots ixo seoes immense stock to hand ind to ihin great variety in mens wometis and cbindrcns wearv superio irf qatlity and guaranteed lower ia price than can be bought in any adjoining village town or city se tht c4lebrirtedoilttoat button boot pomxiaaour heel and opera toe ueat hen dersoa co acton advertaers ere requested in fntare to notice these- facts alt changes of contract advertisements majitwsifiyeyj3ejandedjn by noon on the monday preceeding pubuaatio alt advet tiaeiuents intended for the local culnmni ppsitively be hand- ed in by the tdesday evening previous to publication ijuleas these rules are observed weosjppptinsure the inaertion otaiiy avsttwaieav in ifchatt weeks issued namilton at ifoaa james 6t n tbeambltloasolir of hamilton the itlenlloa of tn traveller will bestirscfed by the splendid tanre drng store of messrs areboiilewlbkm co out maonfacturert snd sole prpprlctors of win tsona mponadyrrap otvfud cherry tfus fmott ipopcweur fir cvotii poldsjr jrnn- ewtisfrrotwncmnscooshijcpfyofce iels havinsa most astooiatnr ran even itlhts season when ifeast or the respira tory organs are comparatively rare orders are cornier in far half gloat and grafs iota front arncgfsttwnobave sold oatottast years stocks i and tngipropneiortciveuinnd it neeessarrto porchasesia wnenhtrnt ap- irstoa to enabje ttesottinpm-ucam- poand syrup of whatthtmwuincient ouanlurlameetuiedemkad i u tio chflftvoljarinj sa ofdr7 qeodi at 30aai32- street eait hamilton last month was a very busy oneiat fifsrriaub house the cash sales were greatly in adyance ok the c0e- rwpoiidihg mouth cf last ybar thousirwlsi of purceascrs have been stirved during the month of july sad were all unified with he uirgalm they secured romember you can buycotum qoods hilkf lace curtains carpets and oilcloths very much chtaper this month than they cm be sold or a few weeks later the la creased ouitom duties will make these fall joodi higher in price hsve you teen tho vydlte dress shirts at the right house t white shins a perfect fit from 7 5a onlaandried while shirts- fine ototb three ply linen fronts- at 87ioor 6 or 480 the 125 white 0ra shirts ore as good as anyone might wish to wear shirts of all kinds made to order a perfect fit and low prices are guaranteed watkins maiiuficturet these goods himself and saves to thewearee the large prufils required by the wholesaler the special sale of lace curtains is a great success 12 per cent discount is taken off every pair of lace curtains bought aniimteassan and lambrequini reryoheap black hilki from 60o to 3 black dress bunting from 13oformerly20o iilffool dress goods 20o formerly 8tja black truslfes fromojoehts a iiamllton8ptlahlst all wool black cashmeres from gts xhe pabasols have been marked downand areaelliug off at gnit rate large parasols from 22s union 811k farasolt froni 62 jo bilk punuolt from 125 and by all means fee these gods canton flannels aie choapev how ilan ibey are likely to be later on from to tbe hitine bun wi1i16 cotton at lite is rood value woking fromfe uiford shirting from 60 oood botn ducks from ljo 18 rut of bngfuh print for ii brown holland irnci 8j0 dress unto at 124c msikel down from lie fans from id japanese fancy fans only c formerly 12 two but ton kid u loves from 26o there las been a great rutbfor he carpes custom- en know that these goods are likely to be higher in prut next month andao are money by bujring them nowj allwuol 2ply carpeu mm too tapestry carpets from 06a brustel car cwpet from mattings on 1 i rustel carpets from l aluweol uply stair oarpett from- 38 hehip it- stair cstpet from 10c yard wide oilcloth from 80c india lywo per yard f 3it and 38 king street humlkon u be bight ttotse ft irtu clou goods at iott rates o watkins has resr aot is a rolt btoce ot soytlies andnaitlis of th best manufacture poszs aitd rases and all farm and garden im- 1 plemetthllw paints and oils i hinges and ijockb nails glass otpottr a eemit ixtpsir8 h t stallb groceries a1to7i 02 tail salt by the barrel all cheap for cash 1ci1 sttset aotoai sc co aotoi7 0 bf ex h ibi t 0 jnv this arid following week an immense stqck of cheap choice fashionable i 2 wooii goods ibbolsts iplowers pbaskbbs stock of wtxcetsboagw ompecial tttmsi deldd baxkainsee tdehi i full llfsis of o0ttoks flanitels blankets tweeds shirts drawers dress il 1 skcr at pricti guakarteed lower than inartf adjoining- c j-towit- village- ieey boots and shoes djt aeeat price and gttabanteld mgctr- be3 strnh l el a- christib flendeksok mi f i adt0gi j- pure 50drjjver oil i htpophosphites of lime akd soda tlnipmaniaon ctsabiwtt th tn tsat nmba rcr dhcormtl far coaraaiptsttv celdtkal chromle conh unmli obmotsttutai ww dtmuf oftt blo4 ih- huicraluwutiaf blmsw otchadm utooycoikiimlhertetiq4hfet iysfflirfrtttootrfcodurxojsntcnaua saptsibriictiiessliabeoamamla itkfiotoolf b btrtmthi mrc mfiiytiaftt y twywartw th plain cod xrrooii i rraaqarfsiietlirotu tad langi tmatheimpmtfbncaatxtai mr r scottf emaufom foctvsdevrvlxtjnicttat cooper boots 9cfffess tliwaiefsiietltsroau tad xtaa twtociiiitheimfmxifiaicaaat h k ivct and pthaimtajhc bite otfrcr lepanlsx deposd kwtiotefiodt while you li live well -sf- ateiftojbiv baker acton fr88r j 1 would respectfully thank my numer oux custumers in acton and the sur rounding country and villages for the bouutiiul patronage they have bestowed on me since 1 started my bakery buii nets in the well known stand almost op posite hiui grocery bttore and besides offering my thanks i would solicit a continuance of esteemed patron svendidaerausll sabbath tsnfw nor oforaniville frjgstened wnen jwir the 0iredepofc f passing train thej5rtn at a very lively rifedewn hal bt turned ap mam 8ti nd the wtgorinpaesjodposite be meat shop of mr e btdry thednvkww thmwkoffthe wajonand austained severe bruises aboift the heswl sodtrms thetole torni pletely wrecked and tbepopand soda water wtsireely distriboted along the rante and no dojbt the boys who were oh the street at he time of he rnnawiy codsiser they hadsbig tresfcievbejn sformed that aayeralof tiem equated so much of the gaveoas munoodity jthit thiy ha beenai andtr ionti r tjiesoottaot jy will iadrmthejectortbl hilton u htaiaij yfollow- i unvkic town hall monday sept 22nd icfos temp hall taesday 23rd fjjbogoetowic j wednesday f 24th -kojjratatjii- thursdtjo a 25lhi hoffitrr j friday 2fhh chsirto be taken each evening at eightocloclrtjharp ftya cordial invitation is extended 0 jsklog dmi of asycrther anti8ctt imp m3totiiitb si6retaar ot m abtjsri ssbs in the future as it hat been ia tho past my bmad wtlt he j secono tff home while my supply bt puss ajcd cakes areunequail railroad cfa63speoialty orders forpjciilcsrteanieeungs or social cauterines prompt ly and ctieaplr executed oa gaort notice j t e aston tfisagaweya lumber and shingle mills- petervsayerr would intimate tb bebu parebssdd the muulnk88a6wctitoriiirirowiiw lax hcargitiani known uc4i glxlsmrxivb and bounovla poeltloii to apply iitieifnbuc itj lumbefl lath ahd 3himcle3 or ailkikmirrtj ttxi5tiiacffta bill stuff cot to l order 1 t r r v 1u kinds of loiathf mlt it ne lltr poruioustastletf ttuneuvherct terms cashl katsasaweya uay j j9- giktt fticitic mediqur trade mtric tie crest en tua kemedr ati anfalllns carefareemlna weakness sper matorrbea fjn potency and alt diseases that 1 si of hell traoc i bsjore takmeuenceof bsiciagv xafcie abuse f as loss t p b me mory- co tveiwt f sssuuo palnju tn- 8acwmnejsolviilbnbreiiisitqrepldajre and maay other diseases htl load wlnnnlty orcoosornttlon and a i jewfull partleelan which wrdeilr losetid onentflio8peme i drusjlstsatl iwrnael tor- nrwll t bo sen i ft of the money btadgrelptni tiur teoid in aeton wherein canad all wholesale and reudvutiaatsan 0rsjjbecwip- a baf w fvf iysv ty ajxfotjlteen haridf high good beast lthbuggy and oarheat eheap for path for partion lars apply ur ajjbxtmocht or at thit office v7 i v 1 emaiure 3rav fncjtr raniphlst ri bc ih nifevsry- stales byj 2l 0f htese8t fo fabhers eorcerowx foimrt maomae shop robt w king propr 1 am now manufacturing a new and complete gako pto gananoque pat tern with several important improve ments such as a ssrcaava lcvsx fjr each wheel and genuine clillled ittonl- boartls- that will outlast sit of any other kind- and tbia with previous im provemenli make it the best gax6 plow in the market notwif standing that they are worth at least s 00 more than any other niake i have decided to sell them at as low a price as any i have alto on hand wlerdsinnler plewf 1 hckenztes improved cast beams one hone garden plow etc plw repairs mubtiv sajats mckcszns shasd asixls woonakrooi ko 3 ewaess miiipv sttir3 huls pattsrsiiaais ett repa1es on all classes of machth ery liill receive prdlfipt attention contracts for mill work engine and boil trs witter wheel t 4c i have also commenced the manufac ture of a hew pattern of iron fence foe private residence or cemetery which willbe pat up cheap for cash h0tsw i haecnvu amngcmaiu iriia jfr h e jfooae ta hepja far gw jpfoiw a toik6f tpfoinrepcurs mentioned aoce and lamplactht iroifencinp at hsi itccu actonichcn ftlrmirtmdy frt them ai the janieprice airom me di the eundry jfr whore is duo prepared to laicordertfir iron facingiimllvork otrepainto machinery vihhuill be atonic attended to r1rvkihg 9eottetoweaus it s livery sali3j board ui street acton is where ybu can get firstclass xtiits at reasonatb sates s icommercial rigsi an express bieurert waiteon will met each express train and deuvsr goods to any part of the to an all pirlies indebted to this establish meat are reque eol to pay op wuhout further delay and save eosta h matthews tfoprietor acton feb 22 1x79 ehftswhil i photographer iv ntiesteriaalikibtuo tin iti ffootu 4bsran worktraarwateed 10 by eat bestia canada tod to give satfslaeu sal to sue on rlfxueri v d of acton ijri ttij ilt ibrtotlovrrjoborratias muisft sals r i for teraii aad parttentar apply tt a p nooftekesi estate asent freevefbmduif afitan t jiiiij 1 one mm 01 ah aer- fraam noose in cod condition tluelndlsrjoiahu jm mediate pussessfoor a onnwtr street opposite brj berrows ouednh oran teie op wdiettia ia rscellent rouibcast noore un splendid salur and tbod ebrternand wellvtooiii orenard oi orstelam iroft treea- asytertdsofpay menw 1 v i lli- itassaoa- 1 oa tot is con oodlaiid uwell- hot erewmina in roofl eostfniott a better rhanee coold eat be bad ialtiiauajass and fences loexeetojieosdttlpb m s kissatvweys- jl acre god laddjuweluiishotaa anducxamlth of 10 acesgr be jtani t bsejismliut fln dikterealltnu fosss aplebastis acres ilmettceoaaxxtsaticln- niarsder gnod cedw swamp two kood bear ln orenards c thetarni bboaei tssrt loa- aod partname otanrmdstaiils job land heavy loalu farm is atl wen ftseesji there ta also nrixkytrftoioie lartowccoj or k- order tbe projyrtjlsabont jot mil nnm i corporation ifasltst or muit of ctotauilsmlltatroaiqrjlstiuoll i rtenna ia tpplicahou lo ihlt qfljoe t parties baylnrhooaesaodlots in the vii labvorisoaslntiienlrnnstosnisnlpa tot tale wtluuid it lotneh- nrters tonwrt tnem inttrsedtn iauilt- so thmite atntea tbe propertylt told- c r e hpm00ei37 bta jeatats afsbli 1 ifibmmtlfit rf01rytersext pi pi a openfiiiiiemedy for all hafll mer complaiuts such as d tar- rhcba li sentry canada cholera cholea morbus cholera inlantbtn sour htomach tirlolne pains and allderangentenpi ot the bowels cans- edbynsingiaiproder foodauch as raw fegetables unripe or sear frnithnd milk impure water or chaunc of water ohangea of the jceasons exposure a matter from what cause or in what form ytm are subject to any of the above cptdplaint fer extract f ft ud straw i bewfjstuireliefeyob a speedy- euro will be effected iwrth outinjury toth ajisieiavitil mannfaetureitirpm the wildfitrsw- iwry plant and free from opinm tndother iajoriqus drugs tor tale ijr 0jo or3 t rrepared by m bsicas to strrctax rtsun tntzs chilbbeirx pictures dnd fihilt gppjsspmalfsv old ftetures ocjlsiftal salsiitd to aiytujert7l r fbotoarapht mailed tnany addnsa rj ohas whitilii acton ont mooftps smimole mills uatom r i janas 4uastrrror 1 flroia pjtt 8hinlm da fafttttiid will ba void cheap tum elm and oak staves and basswood heading iaftliabest qaal1ty wliicli lli berflsi- pwdiifuui- proprietor of lumber yards and coopar- ajea would do well bmiaahnlhg ojssojik- correspokpssbesouclteiii adoreta vii- us 1- ebwxiidmoohh lolf box45 actoh ont j hbtw rbodtmeskofr ir w williams- f j nd opened a 1 sh6pih ther bdikt w h qiaovewobks 3stbbt vasyoneinwantoi s rabstantisl and good fitiino boot or shot taoohl lein tkeiflwnt ins 0 this stand l-a- 2ssfc tpsoli wvwhiliaib yqrohjoy uaeuhtebtbw w a fnt elasa rfaiawa wju aliendf jaderau when reoulred- cumnstaaktu baiidlea pilebaiwl koe btttotllsalitote i aupcxleitat reatoaabls raveau t aaeto straatoaad fitovi jsliak j wrs ttia au4ita factory anoosyo foot twlxilow staoton i aeton veh wlsw t 5pbiqht 0 vtrinf to fbange mtbejbvhjigment otbe lin4tniavabpavtbjiabjaoa l jaal- saj- v wtmivj iwraf oy rue dejiuisd fort briteck of bdotatheatsbsiu foi tavnextcasntsoitmialiqottiiprico frgab i mow i itfliam vo the l ap their acsiitlhta- iaa ikage take 1 plate apqtrt ihelijiribahd uiuittiirelaqcioubtaaetld hj that 4svv 1324 i- itparejume flairs the i wpr ryr nt tdd nnal ton the itijr otjifc tdtftnweltasaleasamany fielty one esn aotbiostetsftaas ulltowioiiitjn oitiii 1 yiti jl t fi nu r 5r fij v

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