i t l- m- t i j it- t tifrjaiittta advance t albert m66rs edto yhiksi a t moi kixd mat t 1879 village kuttehs la ihmwnraecof lhfb pheu t oadvalftttionlo tb dimjrreeatle eokiilk twjeu our streets baft bita allowed co run wo irferrtd lli hahu oti throwing garden aid olli rubbish such a limbs of uwi leave cellar and slkurs refuse etc c u oaratixau wu it is allowed 10 re mi n ttntil now aomo of the street prssei i ao iitittetuly and filthy conditjon tn o eonesjiobovnti also reftite lo tbr autjttand in cms of these liorpaiutji- ratioua an ebslref from by jaw 6 i f the niuiridjuulr otuit ts ut acton winch wts on the subject n njl iful rery fewnf our ciulci a have as fcr a wo hare seen cotiuisu ti to cleanup ih streets opposite the r iiremewt kow why ibra negteel 1 hti tbi twdenu of ilu flug crm unnlindfut of decency aid tail tut they- will allow these te of inubtab to remain and tear sit rear disgust risifors a well as ihois dtitenijitka hara crtsjkt fc tesio arjgood loolai then it tiiaiurjecttwn another standpoint ititkilthy to allow these heaps if refuse to remain on the streets lo rol i does it not brcri diaeaset we think that eltrignmaiajungcitiieax- will e inwiatrfllt as whan wo say that allow xlie rqlbiak to reojain qtt tie aire it diagraotfal unseemly and im- lralthj the village constable- ha inj formed uelbat it ike tillagerj 4o not ooanrtcte tmmeofately to elsao np he jnteadv to fm mediately tskd liepswniclt 1 wm liattafietof oaring oar attetu gained op- j another matter lo wliicb we intend to jtfet t otie quatiiori wbicb came npittettrieln b the vub coqnctl ai to aba t indocoinenix die vilbgitwmspwpafeilio offer keasrt l breitbabjit and z a hall of br- iiainltlieetent of their br lleeralh to lha fint kt at 1 oclock aaya and clear and tb condilioo tobostojmay 6jj apeckl oabt- froiu kewcjltle onjiitta the totonl ixeotami t morniijailjaiw- fine uutesrt of wind are entectind ihanlania wollind confident nswoistlt mitr 54tlie long looked formgle aoull raoslaaui xae between haulan and ilawdon for x200 a aide took iljce loijar and aa wmghnefliroxpocl4d nualtcd in a victory for ilanlan i the wailber waai inlendid tlic couiae waa ftoia hih lrel bridge to supefliion bridge ai scowawotd dil- laux s mile and 3 furlonta luhlttt pnhe rice byfiixlisnutlu lie time waa 32 miifutea nrvajsvcauii eaae hanlan let the race lij iwed wilb fail hv he woo with the griiteat newcmtle mny j s frota the ftrt and had liaud uireiighoul jha glgal delilieration loakiitg urcr alkinlder msulr jrt liniea fur couite terrible esp lesion op dtsfhlte parchasiflg from jlrbeardnibre the big tannery la ererttkn tith mr d d curiatia es- eeere we baire learned ihallhe njattot wii broaght up at the but iitattog of ib6 council anti ha iu i8tracted lo write to the gentlemen who are negotiating with mr bearf- mere for the porchiaa o the unnery infortuuif theni that the yaiage ii prepared to exempt all peribnai pro perty from taxation fcr a piriod of ten yeic the- nndetatanding is tbjat if ikaf do parcbiae die tannery ft will be ran to liar full tapacity and f ally as muctwilbw done aalfr beardniore iu done for tba put ten yean as far a tba tiliige is concerned we doni ate tnata more adranlageqnt or eoald oemade a it i atpte- eat th tannerr is- idle and ercry year it ia deteriorating in viiae and coau- qnenhy a iraiamou of tres will- be fd into the village treasury where at if tie tannery ia put into actire operation again instead of tfce real eatite eeebnang of less rake it will raiaeaoiuatin lbs end if the oflir of toe tillage to exempt the peraotal property from uxaticifar ten roar i acjepifd it wjlf be a paring inrest meat i beaidertbit ithe exemption offered ucpimidrbte of an indacftnoit tomeasn brsliiaaptand haji in theeonraetof the cut ten ycirihrj bnloiore iiaa been aaseawf from 13 to 819000 caca year on per- aonal property alone and aapppsmg a rata of teu mills onube dollar were feieswiidit iai a low eatimtie it wooiijkaahnbltronit td 130 jer aaoant stntforj- olay 5jia rw minute befcre 10 oclock fiua momiug llie wbulu town wax aliaken aa ll by an earthquake wiodtjwa were blown in and eyenthe aidcwalkt nion which fieople were walking wort ahikfn ao to caiiae pedestriana jw fkjxl tbecaaae wttfoon nude apparent jacr laden with dynamiie had erplodtd in tht 0 t r freight tard the wreck tbeex plaiion made beggarj ller crlplion tjti- derneatb the dynauuto ar boia aare ral feet deep bad been scooped ontriie tnd of iht brick frpigbt ihw and a portion of the roifi had jbeen blown dowp sereral franu buildingt were levelled lo the gioaad atio long strings of freight cars lymjfjmtbe yardwere utterly destroyed jjhe bjisinea piirt of the town is ntarlramije from ibe- acena oithe exilnsigi butjit aliired in the disaster valuable plate- glaiia windows wtrebrokeii and many others were blown in fradiesand all th damage done to prrierty i estimated at manylhbaaasd dollim ibot ibure ia too modi confusion ia uoertain any thing definite at present a railway emploie working in lha yard uel- pijieon of montreal waa blown into minute fragments his tout being foaud two hundred ytrds 011 the othei irate diedom injaries recejted- othsrt ware injured but the- whole extent of the disuaster cannot be known for omitimeytt i all kloh msjrjhfihant of port opfgkmjtyr6tpfniry list bean kkatasat mfatrtrflpipon t charge of furgerfl tlf4iifa abtml 1000 tlie llberalcjqnirvalivra of south wellington met in the i laity ball gnejpbj on morjdaynjj rt nqniiniifiid jftiiwwktniim recvu of 5nejifi owiishii tu e heir aundaid bearer at tin coming elwiion jswrciac 27iomaf 077 jpwrft ten timet itt atiijkl in gold do you kiimi aniitjiitttj of il i if uol il it umegtaliiitijr pain cannot i4y wlier it hi liied 11 i the cheapqitjjiediclne vrnad onedoe cure eoramoo iota tiiioat otiobsttlfcbaa cured liawaimi fluy cent worth- has 4wtl an jio fiutna cotou use or iuabohiti cures ud oases iof iltts ixd ikuikit titocotes six to eight applioatina bate any case ol excokimn kipflec on lxru to biturt dun buttle haicuttduai tlici o eight yean mmidrn rntel ilihk of bnvkfield tfcgnjcounly pal lays i went thirty inilev for a hot le of your oil which efivctfd a wojeniatctcuiui or acirookki jj by six apijlicatlons another ho his bad astumij for years sart i hare hall of a w cent bottle ufi and 100 weald not buy ft if 1 could net no moreihufus kcbiosou of kunda n y wrlscs on imatfbol tie of jeur qtidriue tfl n stored the tcisa where the penobhad not spoken abore a whisper tn tiireyesfs be i msllory- of wyoming ti writes your eclecfrte till cared nie ct bron- chilis inane week it is cimpmed of sttby the bum hri piif xks xxow fsas good totjrnternil as iernal use anls believed j o iia iinnemurablr superiorlb anylblhg erer made will sare youraich suffering and many dol lars 3lexorue ioldby u fimffciow tctonuud al medicine dea era price 25cti ktluf hkol 4 lymas toronto onl prirors forthe a muian 1 koteaxsctuniselected aud elec incited ibit dtslmble bower bt at the bet- lot is about asvan eights of an acre the hajas u infaood watufop mnst jftcaritstbl ten jnofflv pantayajlehii6ut hfd soft elitern mknunivin utosm thl dmoenu mi iimiom and ottail lrl viluke im wollidapteil wejther mei or msohanlo for particulars apply to geo waltebiflr atlhlsofflca- 4 flour old kail wheat springwhtat xew fsu wheat barley oats pem j boiler frwlll l urdf egsa potatoas per bag apples per bag hay per on olcvsr sd limothjsscd ittov karklts p 50 to s co 0 90 to 0 95 fc75to03 85 to 0 90 p to 0 c2 so to 0 35 0 65to060 q ijtoo 15 p 10 lo 0 12 0 10 too 11 0 85 lo 0 90 osutoor 8 00 to 00 10 i 25 to 0 00 1 75 lo 2 00 di ofcvsi oorausky paitttai hibs jtss- ilbfli tl awnflrbt will op hi ii diiy ol and uih lar liiiurthfibe ei aowawa uitbo and ben in inrurn tbe v rmunti liurtha ton dltsouht cuumiirilaltou llial boi pre- ihdto inon ikiim comhlngii in lhj v avssl le kuj charges only sfio tl 6rttclavs pros twitches rrlurs rront plaits 1 1 iris rtailaiiriillff laiuie lomiftr aitd atr aiork uadlea wsiud on hi iltelri suurhiitiid noes by dropphs n curd to afoawsli ffr r rrtte ur lers mptcifultj delivered aviiadlotkavldf orders please name distinctly r 00ra14kv acton ttsysnl ffitt ice gietim parlor and fruit bazaar jit life ctrk untthex i lag t an nounc ihaion j arvtukdat bth may they will cp n up their hinw abop with a choice stock of j- pro h frults consisting of oaanasa ismons xiitzs all kinds of canned pruila cojiiaictrtjfkbt fc crcats tlielsrgesiiloclc of maple bugir in lownrwarranted pure i a fait snare of the- public patro uge issollculsd- i i 51m claflk ulwoi wh floor cretra aaact 2 50 to ttr sitcatio an fmp4rtia1 urrey of the present politicatsitnatlen of j prflyincepotnts to no wry prominena qdestions to bring before the electors the proba biiityms that the leading topic brought tobearin influencingfndmdnalroting other tuanmrely party matters ia that aflair aobd i tbetrrffictlonof m in atenal saiarisaaddmeaiganrindeninicy whieji id really a rerj- hnporunt tliinr after all tn the abaenoe of any leading question otrfticaf tosriomv tbe por- aonal merits and in diridoal popilaritf of the variopa candidates will be tho strorig card for can rarsing daring the bnc anidigb 6njw can iriug thereateitinflasncw tobear in thureapect wlff bemmt liktlf td win initlieconlesc out trbegricand tory wflj ijtiiund firm ti their prd- feoiontuldrat far the caadidatiof tliiir rirty bnt the icow fati htng niilqtiwto limi will etipotttheff individual prefarance dicuitfc lftora1tv biityitra pretty weilvripwn in tliis oosutylioib are pophbiriinidiwekiiw of jhfioipminni obmbsrioti or sobii rihijibjardtotiidjor pi either lot cotiiiae i ech is pecul- licensed hotetk for isiostk a meeting of the ilicense-comtria- sioiien for the cotiny pf kalcon waa held last brtarday a milton with the following result miltox- rtallacb 8 cook wdeobson t d war oajiviux john dbberty itohn anderson d olipen nt james young arthur gearing shop jlicense c w peirce granted and wra walsh daferrad gborottowjt ti rot clatk r ben nett b thompviii s k spiers granted and g ciib is an i edwards refused i jactcts ic agmtw- e olark jno bennett bceltitfiox p i ll zimmennan daniel ucaaiara wm inrtlowport nelaoni granted und jbhn wriir martha degarmb c bferred j teifilgaa je burger palermo msrun mcclenagnt n bronte valion j m triller broal a village o j biktr posttille e idartaj urumqntn granted and f bm lb hornby kaat refused i j- kassaaaweta i stingier brook vl- wiu eisterl rook jai kidney cimpbtiuf ill fcran daqifb oickcy hal toitvllle refused r sqceaxoll hill ballinafad thuudiay hurab west plimaaotf steirirttown tmafj wllluighbf win baiii xanalj l joijiiatonglen wiliianut wot t prrrya artf j stuet creek grkntediod join alexhtider asligi6r dller oaefsuaei refused 11 7t f ii eejosr rl ti irai it- ktlson vui lage jatmbuttton 6t atin h md- dadelowriiii mloyle cummins aiiotuer jmeflfic f wsi held on wednesday hist at rhich he defarrect cases- repdrted nbbvi wcra considered resulting in tlie fc llowinj dions jobnwalsii 0kyi f an mri de garmd barlingion were ginttd licen for tbejearfjjlc ah wrayy burlfng ton iiatc his license pxtecdedfqr tbree months hour per 100 white wheat per bash treadweil do sprinffwheati bedchac i oils barley pcaa j hay per ton straw ejeg per dot better per lb j pota toes per bag j hog per cwt wood j wool piu clottrseed timothy i 40 0 k to 0 93 tfiloto 097 b 90 too 92 0 80 to 0 go p eto0 38 045 to 0 53 060loog5 7 00 to 9 00 3 00 lo 4 00 a 09 to o io b ijtoo le i 05 to 1 c7 s 00 to 5 25 3 25 to 3 so 0 at to o 23 075 lo 0 95 mtoouo 00 joouooo reupened mtr mckair akt pleasure in infcrm iug tbe ladies ofacjon and ricin i ity that she has rtopened a ne w ami choice l st millinery goods in td store ohierly loccnirie1 iby mkixtii which will be sold as heap as tlie clioiieat oresamaking mantle making ani indies straw has romodeled it th latest tttylca ladies intending to purchase ne millinery will findit to thriradva ilaga to till and iimiino i my stock i foie nurchasing eswhcre- i jits lionaii acton hsy 7 1879 a-yictoriit- b c dcapa the secession dicu ty has drer byparlianeni whic i r pru- fogned ioimediitely poti satisfsctory assurance of the iht ntrau to eommence the railway this yea haviinrbeenriv colyed from ottawa tie war between ck says f beeii tfded th sonthiuiierf- canrypoblics has lgnulia-iemriiesc- tlla iboliiriaa dremtneut is in lths amerieah inarket fct wurfiipplies and ksrihircliased some 3000 rides of thi bostjpproved patlfinij cmnlraits bare alsobeea inaiie wimthearne film for liijie stiffliyflfjirrntipn feiuorut cfiilpafb slsoexpccted injlbe dnjid fitxijef ojr ennni tions of ws- pisaqan in pirf bmlieenjbombardwl- by a jiilian force thegaano loading niacb ines at hfisnil os jahpabtillmide pic j liir teen di atroyci boli larji and cidlaa bondaljave mpief-rrfl- ln 8a swfibrd fbrthcbto bais mw honcced that the brjtiah wvernraetlt wiicopyidpnigiji isauinc aprclamatibn ciptrslityjaa between -tfar- belligenmtsj while the anthorttiei at wailhlngtbi bito i writiemjrlrtiiejudfcli failirjgjrttl i matter before- them tbi pertfefito of wkiciwiu be cowiftrotted oat and j the cpa troyerij ajljlin friegd wiljmigii h i mrimii i the ainericadg e leu tors of hiltoot wokk and vote -r-h- tir the- j comiiieihtectipir 10 ts2 ootaaoipasilakxnt who kill tvjixirt hanoi eftaail and schnomical government sale houses 5c lots ikthe village pfactdn tha fouowrrrg properties era for i ik for terms anctpartlcnlars a pply to t a u f hoobk ki ai estate aeenu free presi buildlic acon f a firstlass democrat wigotl oa wbfeh s set bf armrfronni sprijgt flit- isle eheip 1 xev last fait for partienlsni spjilyat tbt fittr puss office acton- j 48lt acton may tith 1879 w otfce katie ia bnnrby giren that any penon ur peiioha fonad tropusinav filling cr shoot ing an mypremises will be plosecnfed ac cording to lay 4431 dr rj jfokrow bertabo jl rewird of810 jaill be jriv n o lie per- 1 stiin as will oh wfib fprnlsbestarli iiifera uus lothe conttctioii of its person brper- sanslio m kindayercmikdestrojed tttdjlli sdertsoheot rldth wis on ben- aeltv dhrlflc ihed7 w9tfvobtl aloaia note of4iacd dhon by heorge iueyeriri leslirfr chtrigaiicoiisy jilp parlies atefqrbfd hegolistihg wilfrsiidnole as payment basbeenstpppedj sq 43 2t i xejvjion stbaitrf tfal glqnhef 8 cleaned dyed and altered to the present fi8ai04 hmmthomwoh i rbovsf streef actojt 1 a splendid lot in th villa a of aeton on which is situated a rame house in good condition cellar well ire and oilier pritjleges 2 on third ot an acre with rame house in good cotidition tills ndin- pcabln immediate po session 3 oa bower street opposite dr morrow- one- fifth ot an acre on i hioh ia on ricellent mugbcaat house with splendid cellar and good cistern and welt ytirig- orchard of first class fruit trees easy larms of paynt nt parties haringmiouses and id a in tlie villa jo or farms in th adjeining townihiiutor ifc will find it to their interest to have them inserted it this lis ko ckcte unless tie prop j is sold i i 1 ta thphoorb tttiartaveagehtsicton vv rr jv i obtarrn re poaltlijiioajirply rrwwh i stcoaevhr esfcie tjr ngascousyv cliln i ftolsennfl lot fob sale tha try desirable property sinaldat tnefcotofboweis nexj the ranroad coihtioj si one of an acre of good liodaud frame ihomo zbehonu is in goodoooitioni title indispatauei ptu- sessiqn i riyw ramedjalelyj prticnlan apply on the premii 27 for further remiies to wmth0mpso- rdabbekuha vtbancunignmjwonm inuriu baa purchased the barberingjinsinemioyini erlvctrriedjjn iu aoton by g o b bercni ndjtlatbejrill cojafinbeai he pld mill street acton to oeetal th require ments ofhs catomersin afii atrlassstylfi and at the same rate ssjferaior yvva liberal pattouaseuroqoestea a- jvt stiohoi trdour6ftpfonanlaflpal for tbetptrasbirfcofplhiwi wiwill jbe urlfl m btpwpj hlpjjusu on monriflir the 26tbdnyof may neifta tbflhohrpf nineooluckiilriivair pedlii feresled theren will plmse take notion 71 iili- t c v i 3 lombth iath and 8hih01e8 ptxiikismaxn cjcaiitraaciiear bill sefiif lui qrdeil iirerina tcsasli i rtossssaweya may- to- w ttotiiuffi- iislato jix3 wohdebnrl 0ttes3 jjea r whjl tuas isrekd g ex- tiriii a if s a m or the cox jn- totjqxal reuedy -t- jljtf- iiivco i ost deait sa it snowio jjearl slucaoarconttltutional cntfrrh hemedy was intrpdocect to rhi v bire waitedihlaljngtoiee the cure would remain permnbeat be- forbdoiiij duly to yoi as st urstthobsjiipy effbctsjeeme i to mvtojp wgqoh lb be trui iwas sgbotedm my bead for j ears before i inspected ft to becati rrh in reading in jfourcircularl sumy case described tin rainy paftieu ars tb inward prop from the i rad had become velrydiiagreeible and i choking sensation often pre snt- ijingi ue jrom j lying long i t inlit fesnkelniiuieripj and teciin pel- led to sit np la the bob myjieiltli snd fpinu wiiresenonslir affe ilebl wheaypur agjent cimsio wal ier tonin augualll876isecpred tirejay odttles before i had used a q ior troftlieconents of one bottle i found deoided relief and- whin 1 had used tb bottles tind a thirl 1 i feeling quite oi red- ol that ailment aiid bnye riot used any elhce until otlate ihuvetj ten a orlrlkt some for a eqjd in my head fv uflslhi tnatj loithsoiojer disease caurrli prompts me to tenet jnu tiscate tirisolfciled filth tlii rar- leatuto mak whit use of it you may see proper j j 1 j yours tfuly wtlndai4iiletbodlstminii tar port elir aiuj- ufltji aakforidttlfiflbldsconfltatu- tiotial oatwrh jemedy an d 2 jtspmuwjt xjib aspailbtfmiploi atenv for 8a1rbifll1c4ugilimt ij qm ip i p9lltsrcaogtlrj mill- otef jbootshoksjroke air st actoit li-tii7- t- fv- i boots 4 8hqes cheaper thin ever and ite turieil and seal seliled itoekhn the county n handeomprlsia i lines from tle kikssthllrrr u iho coa laiar boot anda11wipiiratiraeinrs- j boots rnoss soorsafsnoxs fur the farmer j for 1 is u rrohsnl boots 4 rfioiu boots knots for the mecbsnlc fnr 1 he kloh boots hnn boots j hnqra tor tht poor fir 1 beminion boots i biiots rot men womei 1 4 oblmres aid all oeap forcaii al boot shoe 8tre s ordered work this department will nsta a 1 relallr w employ nonahnilhemosvcon vtenl work men and use noihlis but a 1 material l irdm fllled 00 tti shoilestnni and muv bepslrlng promptly at- yotickall parties indebted to the abo vc drm will b lease eall at owe and settle taiefrl accounts othernlse hey trill be handed over for collection ekkfit sov 1sm i jewbll in acto 0 t estoisr begs to adnounee 0 the lesidenls of actnn and ticinjty list he i has oomraeaeecl kisl- j a ei wbtlb3t3 arani oa hfjll street actok almoatopposlte hills jrocery store when x the beat qaallt7 tocai her with fresli suns ioajkcs o can always be bad dt the lowest cash prices bread will be kept at tbos eas tons resilence near the plow fac tory for the accomodation of citiiens linngin the western part of the village cujoras hynd3 mt pbiaii lisa j0br tn ng old woki i t3kt vjs- t s f iiv 4 m ill 8 01 i 1 yv- t 1 r fzi j i j teaspospf dosen h i j 1 ii so his table spoons i 3 00 4 600 dessert forks 2 m t 8 75 8 75 5 00 500 table forks j jki 4 00 6 00 table knirsf i j d1ertknwif hpf sj v 8 j6 2 60 4 00 3 75 6 00 iv 00 crsst susds f bssed 0mstli each 00 l 4w 5oo t botllei each 4 fw ivm tea 8ets 4 pieces each 9 00 sto iisoo g 12 00 i500 2000 cakebaskets fvb i i u s 800 4 00 wine tbesnrface of the krticlelo be repuied ii wrf rtaigb 1 reuniifi it and charge extra m ul a tn i r a jfjvi j i 1 1 c ilc ii goelbh cwtahall v ti our eimk it ttota- ojnpfet til all dpartmitta priterrfor vhing art re jpecitfiiuv oficfff saa jfdfi7tyl- i 1i- 17t r gmsf7ajcar79i h a stock of confectionery etc irebvmjd ideheap blsealtg liss beeh purcbd anil a iii t aqnanilttofaorswiil be kept on hrad for sate fresh and cneap a stork of cbefee family near wilt be kejaon hand aud deltteie iqhnypnrf x tke towu at ibe current pries r eaib only traaeeslbga soriais- slelrera ac prorld- edtoron ineshutlcst aotue j t ekston acton lsth feby isw federal bak1c 07 oajiasi cuelph inch a oxsisal ibaitcxp bdsnrxss doxx drafts and bills ofexosasie sourhi and l defdlxfsl are allowed interest fire 5 1 per cent per ann logs bank peparlment cent per annum willbe tbe raie ol in tbe har nd lx 6 pe ed onjk- ifercaoaf ttilort towsilmw cheaper ttatis cheapest yit8 t oas oband s first class s stock of oomadwddi v-pahotxr- ji ofevertai 0s if r uwirspecifk ioicix taotiic the great ea luk lesiear i an onfaluoir tureforsemlnat weakmaajfepera dxaiorrbea rm rounl and all piarktn lha wloiaa uitr enence of 8elf- akacer 11 mi nence of 8el jiliil il tn of memory ynvertaliuiltodpaintnsjie back i trnn4aorvllonpreltrojdl ea that lead le iijsanlry ppsrdatoreordve an many oilierjxseasesuiat lead 1 idsai orconsumtltonand a futifcirtleniars tn oar laenplilst wbleh wdasira loaeddrrwlyunajllo otry one frdeeuk medktkadaaald ty ail slxtwelraaea drujelataat l mrpaakasr nrxllkainl nmririjui ii mttnt or will bsaentrreobj mal on teceipl poau keceipls prpriaea ibe mopey re 1 0 ihc mooey bradijrui ew mains in tbe bdnjt not leas than six 6 months and three 3 months notice- tw gitenoritsithdrswal j tbomas j greets c- j 4t lumber and 8h1ncle kyeiw4 would intinatelnat h milk in sm1 1 wkta il s a pnrebased tie marly owned 1 qjluandkilqwnaa cab- aills bitisunil be issow tn i wpnblle- t0s au eniosse to wlaiuer ont ii gdld in acrion by all drigvucs ai-rf-riery- wberetn ciada atl uie rnoxl jjuues by suwnolesalaandretailtungtsu 1 solj oiiijo iijm w sistij j- t pubi98ch0pvj feachjebr jjriatlitlms the jnly examination of dsndidateafoctha yaar f87wittbeheiaas follows i for first jaasit the normal schools toronto and ottawa on thursday ioth jdlyvao m jfbr second claw at too town hall milton and the qakvillt rjighnoolooifcday 8th jnly it 2emforfblrd ciassat the town hall ililton on mot day j4tb july at 2 p m i forma of the notice to be ririjn by csndi dates can be obuinedbn a plicatiputo any coonty inspector ir it is indispensable that c indidatesshqnld notify the underfgned not later than the 1st of jdhe of tbeir intes ion to present themselves for eiamiriatioij e little i ksjlcohattos acton 3rd may 1879 ttuktjioilift we wll send you boumiti run sheep an 7ti iiionibrldgmj i woroflstwiotioibary ajtnrtrs fortnightly riietb 1 ljiriiue je rj befall price lrdncstea i retleursuo tabwrinslerpnee keraki an tmnnlf kiry s3- 1 jri -ij-iv- wlrglvosn oust wim bonddih okrisrvtllciotabvfornv isjary abvihbers ttvlbetrorlnulirtlt bscribars twlllglrea s cabvoitaihiupitsjriuk lijvbhu nixt miitehibwti rtvoofcommisaloititrtaj nutdl eieiioest 8fcirjati l sb-ai- i j- rit ft j or s wlxiyn oust- sheen wokcebverivtlilc is rorinimrtlt wnntnr4itndrsrmwhfirttteytlciha nkvletv- or far four ity early jjibtcr ibe rs l ai iaoh bovi t0 it i 3tjoa lodlanpanksea fca femateeomdlants v mrs moooslndlan cook booraaixu for ewydlsoieftbeilonsul hreatb prloea cents mrsvmomsoatnrrh cure- an acrtvi i pnetrotlni und cleansincrentldy dlakwlns ilnorkld aocnninlatidni in tn head tslmnnlrisiotbemasi oenaltstiin1loprieawnts mrs- motn irtrtiolrortt rla purely tteceuble oontpoond and an i aotl jsvibaima wjibpulicamstng nrtplosorcranipbiuuou all cases wnere utiurjauvs mealclor tnnced- el r rtecmej kib uont 1 ucnrtbnrn waferayiem wafers tire anlmcaedfate to- neartbmn prtcaatrtue raetarflica bitters prteeil lndlnnjjuxlor iif roedar tartnehfst known aemedy ftucooahs eoloaor croapin cbllnrenl prlcesioo mrs moons concentrstettbalsum for femaler 7oakness prle 35 cents mrs moons rose iiijction nkeucenti mm mocis corn and tiunlon uv prke 25 cents mrs moons vonthucnoxnops 25 cents nnkybjxitlon a rents lniajstf oents m rslf i aiooarop- letreuo vil tuji iff i tksetsilskre sfssiiajidsirertraeij for ttmiufj rahifahsr drncieeft-iininu- 1 naasirn oeijjinerj9n db theraeo thewremmy fzt riiil tainaaarn oeisjevsinencjwi lrinl irrea- iaflw b theraeotberefiinri at per box wait tent jhj isosotd by all riatpmsublaj- nshnnj osnda mk far am itraadrews nwfms y jiitia jrjut at i feci- rctl jjio ujl rfiird ist the lowest fle a well selected stock oif- always on hand ani any person requir ing a good article lb this line can f f j w stritttt tere e a vetrdughlsib mib 08dihed tfobk ore speaal ties- anb will be executed in jl branches on the iliojiest iioties nothing but a 1- catenal uaeii allckejpftfcassi orders iolldlt siiibraetlwcrtea i j cbllah may 79 y mill sfc acton ircnrea knentaaiiam and bwrralkl icptlt wao can- nsnoab kuowinmlt wr kuowu rfcmedy tucdsatbflaoii cbe american oon- lineal prtfed bjjthojtaands at don s arplled ltt rnstsint eas to tbe ipurtnnai auberei it h rapidly ab- urbej7fvnelrates ijo tnsi tery oon enic s tbe arqulmcioavberirjilizinritj itbrnninlleltiindjl ibe oiooi tfit5rrtujxroni the sjsicm i- tontnaehv efreebe uesduhe keoral- fta uneumalfsnt upralns- eivelunt ilflamatlbu ljunu cnlarnisef paba in isidepnlntn bidk palffln fhtsl pain in sneul r wagbacomsrrov dijls 1 wtlalo butmi ujsentert bun1mercomph11uic t s ik willrcnw the motsopilntral li-os- wbjiii in wintfi5fbl i- 1 lokotbfrt disetjvekt t mjjsfr rid riukd cdjraikunx ah istiksai sjh exxxbaki biiaii i ax trril irrjvkm fmtelubrlrlndlwaltu jtmeatla asnallpq eyca nk jex sro- the intestm cenap llmreamrjtt orm hssbmrtijilrnts etasaes la crtrinaq inlack ibal- itis f and harmlejs piaasani to uke gives instant ease aad can fee uppiteu w a a loer ranae of olseaaa in every day life ltt grrater anccesa tnxnrr prepkmiobulek zdits jluij tjd ilrisc ittk c nm duepdj vtst5t as a proof ol its great rower orrn dis ease any person no matter who- itmay be ttfeli or poflr01il otrc7na sufih i mnyottoeabote iwlniul oqpplini wacillat ibe ofece in toronto any day of the keek will get j pjrottiije chatgaf ot jlamasricn poirerno6epain its tkatirflpnlilslrpm ajbpsrbs of tho bojminic artcopotactly coming id snuitmgkjresion to beiinpsf grateful gratiiude for astonishing jouiwfcich hs perftrriiedajd srej bouidoejpleieatoeceitties- tttmontasl from all oilers who use it successfully j phrsicisna of ihehigbest resp ability recbinnietid it as amosteecv f sudden jurry u to your homes anil it will prove a blessing to your families anflafnlcted friends jiltnrpairreelingenormons i qukatiiie of ivwherefjr itrodnc- wl tl ichalienge tha world tp produte l rict itceatper boitle the trade- supplied throngh the wholesale oraiisirisaieiit jtedl aiavbirtlutluawlto utiaii- vv i91y c-e-i- j ents read this if- 4 k t 1v- p ir i mmtnurfcsesiiillowalamnminti alon lo aelljour uew and wondexfal- tnren uonfwiiika wbaw-st- sastipm free addrswu v- lirf