Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1879, p. 1

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h f v fivebit twmdilt mowtptq iteef jpreas building xitt to ibe wethediai chnroh mill stmt actor co ting lrtet toronto v mm- j iiiand kad thk sm0kqsi ii leafretr iftifiijktt a isi c01 r w is i tiv rir- t ii tfc ttiif txwant rfree i taoneu jeer strictly in ad vinov jit not paid before three months one dollar aad a bait will be charged or twodouam ifnot plmtitfce end ot the year fiegraraies three otnttii fcitts or iunainatxc j oae column pet year 6 moalhi s hslf column per yeir i 6mcaui i s column per yeir i bmoutht s u m oa moo 200q 30 00 mod is 00 0q 1100 8 eight cent per lino for first insertion short advertsemeauot eight iiees aad un der 1 frtbte uucitiaiiir basinets cudi ot eight line ind under st par all advertisement menaced in a kile of toudkoaparicl advertisements without special iastruc- lions iriserlei till fodnj and charged ab eordinxly any 8peciil kotiee the object of which ii to promote the necaxuiry ienefit of lay individual or company to be considered sn advertisement trinrient idvtrtitemeafi to w pd for whtax ordered au advertii lag accounts readerjwflily notices of births marriages and dlihi inserted free t k t e p moore publishers g5es j5wvt5 xthei br la llfiovoae tines lie ct frh list aci he- sht of ronk- i wged br n l dor ce iari 3l qskx tjrajc agffregtue tgenerau- and ttj h lowev jla 1ecps gea dcatiof wniiy c6ju iteoibtr of oohere of phytioiua md sargeoai ofiee and ri4en frtderiet st acton in tie nouie utelj oecupied bj- r uttle 4- i lister m clirk bauaister cjuebbo 8t guelph beanchofficsin mr lir baildtagn must- arson s qmoi ons rnxv femur s tmljheilstreet licoaaed auctioneer forlii coaii of atelengtol ind ellton drdew left it the feie pros office acton or it mr rtndence ia koctood will be pronftly luesded to tenniremonifale patestsror ikvektioxs expe- dmocsix ud properly lecnxed in cfca- idivthe united sfitet indeompe pi- tent gcinnteed or no chirge send far ptiafwl natmctions agency ia opention teivetn- i hekry gr18t ottiiri omidi jdechiaiad engineer solidtcrof pitenu i nl dnagntsaan t d ifateesok axtqelcey-at- j w u solicitor in chiaeeryv ac ofiioe next door to willieet kotel uiltoa d0uik10xeotel actok ftobekt ajot propiattoc tie newhotel u futed np in nrtcliai iyle sriti net furni- cosaerciil trtrjleri trill find good modition and commcxiioai sample epwru itteafcon ptiaia tie irinti veiling public bit snpj lied titi- ijojuiri indcsgin good stabling ntjyhostlen x bafteijiy confectionery uksat b i e jkickuk voild inti mite that trwy biro opened uptieir j new bake shop ot tin j corner of hill aid main sis and iiit tiey nil ilxijt be rapplied triti a i breid beiidct bani cikrt piatry itvc in- 1 iixai stock or ciioioc confectionery till be foosd on hind wbici it ill net ud freii 0aimeal- btjogwrtra nap oeaokedwheatc ilvrayt in stock tbitttiarbe found to be the plice there tie best oodi kill be kept ttj tie unrest pri b b kicbtiik actom lls shinglefjl edward mo0re vtuhti to innoance to thoie vbo intend buildiog or tpiirn tiic ie it bout to commence the niisa- fietureofiueunsaf pihi and cedar es wlieiviu be told oezlcv for c3ajb shrngp elm and oak staves and bsffwood s the bett quiity ilio tcinnliictared mi deivered f o b the g here it the loirett poniblejpricet rrsstoubs latk altays custontlogfcnt to order on notice ind it rcuocible ntec ordert solicited saiitfictis fidtomucd edward acton april 2nd 1st9 moore i- harness harness i y perion in vint olipod sett f a fljiraeii either single ob double siouldciii it i chreects saddlery as ssf xjnunodssai hotels m tie ccnntj good comoerou eoom itebir i iitisj sup plied titfc te choicestnirmdi of liqnors smlgigin firsteust smfn z ind- luen- tirarfiostler house sitnzted in the bucx- nest pjit of the tiqige k claee proprietor aash for skhts i la prepared to pay the highest cash bricetor all elaaaes of lamb lad sheep skhs delrrered at mj- tumerj- lace leather connanjy oa hand jiy jahe3 moore 1 nctios stb ailrertiaemenu inserted jv ii l acios pexx tfiiss at lotrnfesj fie best loeil paper of haltonea births uaniagot and deatis inserted free ni tie aciox fizz peeshe best local paper of haltonco idard an to ubii- idtines yeax rmechldoe vr tot jr tstriif if k udcaasot kjbtb ajsarl irfeit8 rjfeds tcp and cacalars of erery j descriptianeiecuiedneatlyattheacrox feuvpkqs office ti best local paper 6 hilton co coitudxicahoxs on local qwatjon of faiterett will gladly be recettedby the acror fete peess fie best local paper of eiltorica nxvelopes printed itt tie neatest style i ad at the lorest price at the acros feueeess tie best local paperof hal ton cov i tf you nave firmi or farm rtoefc for iale x adtertise them in the attoir feupikm tie best local paper of hilton co iferchasib and farmers alike sioold nl advertise and support the acnnt feu peess the besttocal paper othalton co strayed or stolen adrtrtiaementa ot this nitare inserted very cheap in the actojc fete pecs the best locil paper of hilton co money than anyplace in lh county a good assortment of teohks ahd ta1ibes oa hand alljjf ubich will x told cheap s for fr st repairing promptly attei ided to acton feb 26 1s79 ontae creech the wah ecdbm st tltlic itfmto u u vviiatrioh vanrt uvt ftocmott uicbtuui th atftn aethnaoaer ivec ns sue i fbr lotuc bcton oolxbt vtd lbs icolcoce hi kqer v btrinr van abtac m tun he could see lo qgottsnuln ooald rryftwotr stsdijisrc fcforc posrr to wat wrj dure tntjutju ccuj nue j uei lit br the itijj- tibovtnc bit list a pok t the dlppir itul pumd bim u uiit lk iruotu ie ibf luucr v tutted bis i i bmiubluisi towtiuikoruul wnel i ii stovnntotme in vtitherfotd iwt tonf ir rtur d bi bt lot ni nx tun of i knor 8in kile u aedlbr alkl brun liortbotni tbe sue s ittp4 tar uir di at iu loteie 1 kintnie i a t ttu it to rou tni rurolm lone jenc l the ruff mttt rosfj tirnru cud whali lb nsubcr u ttosndatiailaenieattimtawiv b aotiht ntia loar u nl untnr all our f juwms i athecooarr ti riije ttut hoaunf fmlnorr kicsbiiii touirr u ht iatov vbxc uds vnadherboaiti nunc u umim tnuu bdc b uit sal ire r ibinj i j ttx a lot of moit larut ratmulic r ur tott forumpiilmftaltscu vcvi put ot u uupolre rex maitnt forrcc t7paatbiclt theroaitatnribletukc till 1u ltclf jw inpotrt i lurptolia k unit for a ciinrc b rtrums to klt hicbi rtiuusitrwwer 6cnnojfff the story of a statue m ey c teevelris olcxcur o business college sobeatttcq 7r ojtasio mhe design of the abore imtitation iind i l the work itirtiboonwfullyiceom- plisking as iborn in tie great success o its threugiout the oonitry is to jeo- psre boyand yoongand i wcomiteiil purininrl tho0ijllsdpracril m bookkeeping in all its to ship arithmetic correspond aged men tins them t education penman- h co heatri gctde tbj etegmrwritlhg i i coxmxz sfxrprarcioe is ruixass pbmiist8 hip r younlpeopu wishing to kcjuire s ripidv ew and beautiful handwrifang without ttruetor handreds are beeonuag beautiful srritera thnmghoot thedominjon m he i7nited8tfa byushigitt irtooiuats of a eerie of copt sum of osarenient s for ptactujog which oon 1 uib opierbgiboiag with the fint pnnei sea jnd gndniuy progreasine to the moat leant pliin nd onutmental wnhng sn otsistt tar ctaimns germ ffiasdlraruhiog- of birds te a bofiostr piottwjthlun kuuym and iibnnyedgrared ease aaittaellibg jtankine methodi how to deal with notes draft hflofjexdiaeua taidrsmuaefbasmesf ppr i- aeaduates of the icollege who hate four mouths coutse sad tilcea their diplomas j each week stepping into good pontjons in which owing to the com- pfeteneas of their knowledge they speedily attain promotion i 1 among our student ire those who hays been through the grammar taioplsanduni- renetie as wed a those whose education in early ufa has been negjeetea theformer come to receive a pracficalejhmatloii such u if pded in every day he the latter to remedy oast neglectind all to secure that knowfedgtwhici wffl help them to istnaworldv a the college fournal containing full partfculars spimeni of penmanship are aeut on jiuueation address s g beattc tt col belleville out sept 1st is78 how l08t how bbffloeed oa a bright maimers afternoon many years ago f was sitting in the middle of my garden when my servant toosed me from my reverie by presenting mo with a letter toeuindtruingtold mo it once tilt it came from my old friend dr mortimer who via then livinf near rome he and i had established at college a close friendship for each other which his lasted ever since partly oa account of that unknown bond of sympathy which draws two people together and partly from oqr similarity of taites for we were both quiet unambitious nun fond of literature and art but witioutlrafficient character to succeed iu either jve began life differently i worked steadily for the bar while my friend prepared himself for medicine shortly however after our de parture frcm college dr afortimer came into the possession of a considerabfe fortune and he had by that time aoqnirtd such a passion for pictures sculpture and works of art that he determined to leave the country iu order to collect as many beautiful objecls sibe could i for my parti wis ho ieit lucky for the death of an sunt miie me a rich miu accordingly 1 purchased a small but pretty little cotse at about twenty mile from london and there in se- dusiout psszed my time with the sole company of my books and my flowers dr mortimer and i oorrpeaderhwtta other from time lo tine butvr hsd cot met for many yean when i received the let ter of whicil hive spoken i the utter condined a pressing iurititoa from my friend to piy liira a visit st his house in rome and he begged me to come down there without further delajj he told ne that he longed to see me again and talk over old timer but that oie particularly wished me to be with him just now ss he had reuoa to luppom that dim very old very old pieces of tculpture were buried in hut grounds and that their exhumation would bemostiaterestingtousbpth ide- termined to go at once end having pecked up wilt wsa necessary took the trsin to london and arrived st charing croat iu timeto catch tie night mail j though aa i have mid fifteen vein have elapsed since i took this journey i call re member every incident connected with it as if ifhad been yesterday the lexcitemeut of packing had at first so occupied my stteu- tion that i thought cf irttieelse but my porfmaoteau but when iwasjonee fairly off from charing cross- f fed a strsnge longing to go back again i could not un derstand what this meant it seemed to me so strings and unmsaybatj do what i would i found it impossible to shake oft the impression that i should neveij live again somas my books in my old nappy and con tented condition two or three tunes i lad serious thought of telegraphing to dr mortimer telling him not to expect me but the thought that he might feel tart kept roe from a step which would to heavenl hsd taken on arriving at rome however the thought of seeing my old friend once more drove these gloomy sensations from my mind and when filially i drove np to his house ind found him standing at the kite waitingto welcome me you may readily imagine bow warm were our greetings he led me into his garden where we sat down for long time talking over all oor iffiurt ind of our old college days dr mortimer then took me over hu house and showed me all the freasum which it contained beau tiful indeed they were every room con tained some exquisite works of arc and the whole collection was arranged ta the most perfect taste i i it wa certainly strage but a mysteii ous feeling of repugnance for this work seised me and it was the more remarkable u the sensation seemed to me similar to that which i had experienced in the jtrairi the doe tor however wasso enthusissfe about hia expected discovery that iopujl not refuse to tske upon myselfa shsre of the labour aceordingly after a light ineal itaunteted forti with dr uortimer io thi field where the statue lay buried j i so you are stih a bachelor ssid the bocfor ligiting cigar j fes replied i i live a secluded life and have grawn so fond ft my book that i think uttle of women indeed i scarcely ever see one bat you too are un married i why yet yon cirej for bookr i wot- began to dig with great energy the two men assisted bio while i took up a spade mechanically and watched tie proceedings at length i saw j them gradually uncover something like bronze which had the ap pearance of part oa womans dress mor timer balled this discovery with a load shoot of kureka i and began to urge me to join iu the work his bald head wis shieing in the tun and bis goodnatured face beamed upon ras from behind bii spec- uolatinso winning a manner that i waa compelled fo take off my coat and plunge desperately into the work from time to time the jsootor waa obliged to rest in order wipe the persplrttioa from his brow ben he would ell u story o the great masters or of some celebrated picture then be would cheer on tie men and begin again himself at lut after about three or lonr houra dizging we succeeded in removing he cartbt from what- was evidsntlr the trunk and limba gf aeolpaaal statue of a wo man wa were all now so fatigued by our labour that werwere csmtsllerl to slof though the bead oft ho flgure still rtmslned coucealed under hi soil the doctor ao- cordingly gev some money otbjtwo labourers who seemed highly pleased with his generosity and after bidding us good night they left ui to examine the result of our labours i the doctor had seated himself upon a ttue which we hid come upon during our nock while i stood silently contemplating h sttue i wa gating upon thabroaa figure of a woman aboat seven feet iu height but so well proportioned that the whole seemed perfectly uilural she was clad in a loose garment which waa drawn inittbe waist by a girdle and which was made to lall in seductive folds and wrinkles about his person i partly concealing and partly exposing tie beauty of ler umbs one of the arms reclined upon her breast while the other dropped languidly before her but in spite of these exquisite point a certain indescribable mocking coquetry pervaded the whbla ngure the more i looked upon this singular piece of art the more i seemed to admire it i even wished to kneel- down and kiss the figure when the pleasant voiceof the doctor aroased me and made me turn towards him ho was looking at he statue with the eye of a con noisseur it uf perfect f he exclaimed what a miracle at art it muat be the work of some great greek master look at that hand observe the delicacy of the feet the exquisite grace of the boat iwbat raimuou execution what design but what can the face of to lovely a uiura be like i ar what iaded said i with a shud der we stt down together sidejiy ride upon the stone in cience until it wis growing dusk let ui go on no further with tbif wori said i suddenly we hive jieen eaough and beaidxs after al we may le ditap- poiated iu the end what 1 sud dr mortimer rather test ily give up when we have gone so far what isfhe matter with yau todiyt i cannot makeyon cut have you fallen in love with the statue or what it it 1 i ieauybej your pardon i didnt know what i was saying 1 yon are bred novr ccme indoors let us wash a dren and have somefpod snd a pleauint chat afterwards tomor row you will feel quite frxih and we can re new our labours with redoubled energy we aceordjnglyleftthe field and returned to the house at dinaertheidocfcr was in high spirits he ate and drank heartily and was 1 liable to detect any alteration id the positi s of tie flgure or la the shape of tie leatui es but the expression o the lice was not tl e same her look wu still cold and mock rig bat she almost seemed to smile at tie l stood watohiog her for a long time her t auuinlly rounded knees were shialnj and s pale sparkle came from each fold of her nets at list the silver light of the moon fell so sweetly upon her face andjher boson i that i felt a thrill of pleasnre if be b it lived cried and i knelt down beeid i bar ud gently hlaiod her forehead and j nod at her beauty what folly t at lai i exclaimed and hattily raising my- self i bajn to hurry -home- but i could not n list tie temptation o tun back once more to take another look at the statue her i vea were upon me and the old horri ble etbreasidn was upon ier face tie tame look it ioorn itorned quickly and ran home threw myself upon the bed aid bsinj now thoroughly tired out soon leak ipto i hpavy ileep i ti aroused next morning by the cheery voice of my friend 1 did not like to dis turb ou before si i knew yon wanted a good reat after your heavy work yesterday butrj ou wiu be losing the beauty of the day it yoi sleep any longer besides i have nudoj all the necessary arrangements for moving the statu soooine and have a cap of coffee and we will go down together at i got up immedialelv and speedily dress ed myself snd after drinking some coffee the vocfor and i walked down together to the field three italian men were there two u tbem oar old friends of the previous day anl the third a big brawnylooking fellow admirably suited tor the work which we had in band he via evidently rather ttradk with the statue for i found him oareeking it familiarly ah signers said he you are beautiful but you are veryihorrible and i would not take yon as t i could scarcely endure to see rse labourer touch tie statue and ad- ier tins rail now set to work to raise the un it was very heavy and the same italian whom i discovered talking to tie went to one part of it in order to as- lever snd si he found sotns dug- in doing this he began half ptafully aahgerto swear at it soon how- we began to lift it up bat at that mo- the italian missed his footing and 1 down on the ground the statue oat of our grasp and eluding all our to hold it fell heavily upon hire after some trouble we managed to lift it off him the poor man was in great pain j in facti dr mortimer found on making an ex amination that hia leg wu broken on hearing this opinion i turned round and ob served the expression which i had noticed befit on the statues face we carried the italian info tie house where the doctor tet his leg and did for hint all that is necessary in such esses the nexj dijr we finisied our work- and tuceod- ed in hoisting up the statue upon the ped estal which stood in the midst of dr mor timers garden velope only air i this admirable st from thirty at alarming con- t be west attract i- taiunlainsiewiirje price tl00 ppatpaidi address i bgxeitrtfcco- onttaiobriairiemoilbwei belletille ont sept 1 1678 1wy have recently published a new edition of dr oolyexwelfl 0elebtd eg5y onsthe kadicai asd rzeiaxxkt cueakwithont medimnnljjfserrom -de- bility mental and piysital incirjacity impeimeotato marriage etc reaolbng from excesses 3 price in a sealed- cents or two postage sum tie celebrated author essay clearly demonatrai vears suocesstal praotice tl jiueooes may be radically cored without the dangetoni use ofintttnedimeor ti pplfcionof the kaife i oat a mode of tare atonee sunble ttm and eflaetual by means of wbian ever aaflerer no jnatti what his wpeuti ma be may cureuroaeucheaiilyprivswy nd radical- lf iboom be in bjiide of every youth an svelaatvinvw uod iddresv -v- n ooltjnwoxijljgl k port office bos 4086 1 ship art i am married to art j and if any women were to eonseat io be lay wife she would hive lo consent to put np with a sec ond pisoa in mv tffeotlona ilbut you uaed to bewuseepttble enougi in tie old days i wonder younave not peesj bitten i for my part do not care for women i smqed and said il cannot agree with yon- there i worship women in the ab stract though i have as yet got met one who suits my fancy if i couldfall ia love i think i should love deeply l dr mortimer burst into a loud laqgb well take care thats all slid he and dont make a fool of yourselfl by this time we had reached the spot where all my friends hopes were ooncen- trsted it wis a huge open flold about three muei from brine the weather was extremely hot sad the sua wu shining brileantly upon the mtgnlflceat ruins which appeared in tie distanoe two italian labourers were there- awaiting our arrival and some spades and other implements were lviogbeside ineov- the doctor was eager to begin work and flinging off his ooat he seized a ipade and talkeuia raptures about hia diiaovery far my put ind no appetite and waa ua- able to joia ia theconverntion for my thoughts werefsil of the strange ttitue after dinner the night being fine we ut together in the garden silently smoking pur cigsit at ustx spoke i would- you like to go down sgain to the field and- hare another look at the ata- tuel i of all things in the world raid the doctor i know what i should like to doj only i am afraid you are too ired for that i thoald like to finish off f he work now i sm sure it would not take much more than aa hour or lew if we worked hard oh yea rrd x i should be very glad to assist you i in not tired now sad i think i really should enjoy it would yoa indeed 1 how good of you well then come along for the sooner we set about it the better puttiag on some suitable elotiiog we walked down together to the field which contained the doctors treasure it wu a lovely night there wss scarcely i breath of wind in the air the moon was well up and covered the distant view of rome with a soft white light and he country round wa visible for miles we paused before the kind cf grave which we had dug in tie afternoon there lay the statute aa we bad left her she was looking exquisitely beau tiful her dress glistening iu the moonlight i was the first this time to seize a spade the doctor soon joined me and we worked so energetically that aa he had predicted in little tiort of an hour our- task was done i rose to look at tie face but started back with horror as i first caugit light of her glance fixed npoa me sad remained for some time rooted to the spot her pene trating eyes were turned toward me and seemed to look met through snd through- her hair wss hanging loosely down her back sbmeof it lay clustered upon her ba torn but the whole wu so imaged u to exhibit the beauty and delicacy of her neck and throat the head wu shaped to per- feotion but the face handsome though it certainly was had been worked by the art ist into the expression which had given me such a shock it was a mixture of pride disdain aad spite- the face which wu now revealed iu in fact the complement of the figure which i had seen in the after noon and i could now account for the ma lignity which i had- thea observed in tie position of the limbs it wu grand iu a way this statue but it wu terrible and yet strangely fascinating dr mortimer expressed himself u much pleased with the face u he had been with the figure ol tie statue and pronouncedit to be everything in art which it ought to be justilike a womin too heuid tattoo sagjlio u some statues are nor too sentimental like so msny of oar modern works and then sgsin ho delivered him self ef a panegyric upon the numerous ex- oellencies of the statue n put did you not notice a verj atrange expression sometlfingauaoat repulsive even about the face l said i u weugbted ear cigars on our way home i no i cant say i did id he it certainly ii not altogether i pleasant ftce now i come to thiak of it i took the dootbrs arm aad we went for a itrofflabout the garden before parting for the night when i reached ray bedroom whoh ra at the back af the house iapeaed the window snd looked out npohtheview i was very restless ad felt a strange long ing to eo down again to the tutne- iflnng myselitipon the bed tndtrlidto sleep- but i ooaldnol at length j got w softly down the stein and went forth hone i soon reuhed the field sad found the sutd u we had left it not exiepy u we had left h j- arid thalia what seemed to me so strange i do not think i could have pointed ont the ehang to anyone i i spent the next fortnight iu watching it idiadeed i wit capible of little else diy grew more faaciaated and enthral- the marvelloua beauty of her figure nr couateaance seemed to me to be iwihg iao sweetness her face waa a tentlo one but stmtbere anln- ibable charm about it i mentioabd change which i- had perceived iu tie statues face fo dri mortimer who laid qoife delighted why yon have lie trie spirit of aa artist all great works change to aa imaginative eye examine a madon na of raphael a head of qtudo one of fie greatest pieces of sculptors or whst you wilt that is really a gem and you will find that they vary with each inspection t and yet lathis instance there seemed to be something more than that he doctor then began a lecture upoa but while he wu speaking i recog- that the two italian labouren whom had employed were larking in the hick otihe garden 1 i curse you t i ieardone of tiera tty u pe looked into tie arbour you have be- hed my friend sad broken his leg j and urled a atone at the figure which struck ith a ringing noise aad then rebounded hit the rasa in the forehead the dob- started ap aad i remember noticing i more tilt the old tcornful look hid re ed fo the statue muci alarmed i rose joined tie doctor the man waa in t psiybuiiwiiot seriously hart igaaatly exclaimed that the man had 4 served quite rightjaad that it would b a lesson to him not to commit suoxt an ai t of vandalism again when we came b cfc the statue seemed to be smiling upoa n is before i j a few days after this there arrived at the i octors house two young people wbo were e igaged to be married pr mortimer had a i orphan niece alice feernley who was a g nit favourite of his ever since the death c i her parents the doctor had taken the place of a father to her and she had passed tie greater part of her life at hia house she nd lately been on a visit to some friends in j ingland and had met there a young man of i ood fimily named fraak grove who had allea ia love with ier jhe wu to much mitten with the doctors pretty niece that icrimmago f there wu not a carabineer in ob it is nothing do i look excited i am suite well j well i will you com down with ms into tie town and help to clfoosa a ring t it is my wedding ring or yoa know alice tad i are u be married in a fetv days i wu glad to aocompaay him as a relief to my mind and his agreeabla converaatioa oon mado me feel myself again we did not find mooh dimcaltf in getting a ring skitable for franks pnrpoie j after dinner that night tie weather wu so fine that we all went out into tie garden the doctor sad i sat on a laxarioaa seat with oar cigars while frank and alios lay oa the greu at bur feet how happy tbey were aad how pleased thedootor wu to seer thorn so u he smiled upon them aad turned round every now and then to me with a goodhumoured twinkle in hia eye when they were especially tender with each other but i could not teei happy i look ed op end saw the great attune withts bitter mockiag face looking down con temptuously upon the group which we formed j it wu now tho last day of franks snmsr- ried ufa the doctor aad aheer had gone off for a walk together aad i went but with a book into the garden the weather bad site chaagedtadwu looking veryglbomy fie midst of my meditations frank came running in upon me come up with me a moment into the ar bour said as j i want to speak to yoa about something very impntaat 1 ii had a great avemon for that place ever since by hut interview with the atatoe so i piopdsed that we shoold go into the house kb not there please ssid he t ism afraid of meeting dr mortimer and alice coming in from their stroll by tie back door we entered the arbour together and i ur the statae was looking down upoa aa with ier sickly smile to u coxnit txb i i daring ontraxs by brigands- the defy hon rrespondent la rome writes la prosperpt illind to be per- enaially under tie swsyiot caliban t it would appear so if the account that reaei ua i from time to time be bat half true brigandage ia the western peris ia worse than ever mere aggressive sad better or ganized imagine a eommuni of 2000 in habitants being terrorised by a band of malefactors intent oa sequestrating tome rich proprietor or broiling into and plun dering his house 1 and tiis is just what baa happened ia the comamne of pollina ia tie district ot cefslnthit thriving seat of the sardine fishery the band in question had been for some time trying ts kidnap one or other of the member of the opulent libiinchi fsauly ia polliaaia axpeotatioa o f a heavy ransom bat tber have not yet succeeded aboat eight joelock the other evening some ten or twelve of them hiving ucertaiaedtmittie limanohit were ia the habit of keeping the pnter door of the house open np to s certain hoar entered pollina ud iking up their position ia preconcerted groups three of tbem appeared at the door which tiey found opeufei they expected in a room oa the upper floor were signer bartolo libiinchi aad his two sons antonio k n rst eeari sa-asaaaibc4sat- iirno came downs tans revolver in hand tb ucertaitt its cause to hit first question j cht va la f who goes there f there wu no saswer repeating the deraind be got fbr replv siamct an it ia we calling out a third time suurib amici we are friends wss the respohse sad aaaby a gruff voice added siaino u forza pubjica we are tie guardians ot public security tibisnchi ssw at once tilt he had to deal with brigands ind levelling hia revolver at the first comer wounded him severely scarcely prepared for tiis reception tie ethers fell back a few pacts a movement which young libiinchi tried to utilise ao u io shut the door but be wu intercepted by a rifleshot from one ofthe brigands sad had in turn to- fall back with a wound in hia eft hind by tail time antonio hia brother hid coma downstairs followed by their father aad then the three succeeded in shitting the door sad taking up thar position ia tie upper room tiry prepared for aa active siege the brigands opened fire but the sonjldattrarted the townsfolk some of whom let tie bells ringing io raise the general alarm ind the bngaads tor- prised ia the first instance by tie resistance triey risdeiicooateredv for which tiey at mortimer was exeeedingly angry and- byiouly anpeepared and tearing that they would bs hemmed in by the townsfolk made a huty retreat jcarrying with them the body of their wounded comrade their retreat however a parthian one u they kept up a droppinsj fire on their pur- taers who replied with whst muiketry they could command shots were fired at the fugitives from tho home wrndowt but f hr darkneu uvtraredtham u none wen seen to fall some forty of the more intrepid of tbetowxistolkrhoweter who werepetter armed sjid confident ia their numbers coa- tinaed the pursuit for more than a mile bat the bngsads weiihted u they were with their fallen ootnrada made better run ning aad were toon lost tb view leaving not a trace of their route and vhere were the guardians of pubho security daring this e had followed her on her way back home i ad tie two bad becrape engaged the doctor tally approved of the match u he iad heard nothing but good of tie young nan and moreover he- knew something boat him himself aad liked him it wai is great wish that tie marriage ahoald takt ilea from his house md ss tie two lovers rished to be married u quietly u possible i nd u tbey hsd nowhere else to go to put of inglaad they wore only too glad to avail 1 hemselves of the doctbris kindness i was ery much pleased with both of them aad he time passed pleasantly eaough after heir arrival young grove wu a rnaadf orfune haadaome pleasaat merry populir rith everyone sad a thorough gentleman uice wat one of the sweetest girls zhavje iver teen sie had light hair and bright ike eye and wu exceaaively pretty sbie vu thorough englishgrtlwith the took it being a useful beantya girl ia fact woo ru tb become a wife and toother we two ilder folkt walked aboat aad talked to- ether or read the paperr while the two roung ones wandered alone perfectly happy n eich others company i 1 but ia spite ot these attractioaa i ooa d iot dismiss my straagefaanfnatioa for t e tatne and i lost no opportunity of gra g alonejinto the arbour and sitting before t i woadered how i could ever have thong it ill of her feoe pt seemed now to be to charming oae afternoba wheal m the arbonrthe statue wa looking piirtii u- larly lovely at last fancied that ie moved tbatherarmswere invitfagme to go to her and her lint seemed to befjiedi o- uvely pressed together u if to kiss me 1 iy whole trmrshook7wltb dellghtaitjraal ed forwird to her ijwumately n i kissed her a hnadred timea rebiiiiea that for sometimo but i durst xjot libk p i seemed to be olinjriwto a lotjisto ie after ariffort i broke w ton her nd perceived thit she was looking downuj on mswiti her old tcornful and iorrible preasiob 1 rushed off iota the gsrdeau ikkhiwiim leaiattttwith yiut how pale you lookp d fak qtwe i i stopped me in my ooorsr i am afraid ou arenotwell i all ipoliaa notorious u the commune ia for it brigands meanwhile there is not a doubt that the three brigands who tried to eater the ubiauchii bouse are the noori- oasirio balpietrs randaaso and putali- ame who escaped from the prison via ia palermo lut september sad the others ot the gang are the santo mauro contingent who tome tew dsyi ago had a brush witi the mounted carabineers the alarm of tie neighboarhbod may be imagiaed- propri etors do not dare visit their country seat a terrible txaicite hangs like a damoeless sword over all aad to meet the sitaatioa the count bardesoaa bssjort been appointed prefect with no more ftperianoe than what h may have picked an ia a not very bril liant prefectoriil career at milaa bologna and florence some thieves who manifested remarkable ingenuity have lately bees caught ia the crimea they operated this i a thief wu looked in aa empty fraak by ids mates the traakwu seat to tie railroad depot aa tie baggage of a passenger snd put ia the big- gage car i one of his mates who claimed the baggage took piauge in the suae train to the next station j u soon u everything wu quiet ia the baggage oar the thief ia the traak opened it aid crawled ou bepm ucked the rest ot the bsggage and put u his own trunk inch nlnabhi artioles u were available t then hi crawled baak to the traak aad locked ainteelf ia and cm reach ing the aext station iiamate took off the tunku to secure siaa thieves managed to carry it on sacoesarajlly tat tome time bat at lut ottthaoocaaion of oae adventure the thiet in thetrtak took ia with him such an amount of stolen goods thst the trunk burst open at iu traf ortaaate raomeot the method of opiratiea wa cliaooreredjiad tie thieve wjre brought to the bar i- t- wiuiara xu queen apne the tow george the duke of kent the prince ooxi sort aad the princess alice sld died at- sav urdays ihei land u bp1 tee made til wlosriajj oonfestioniaailpa- una her paramour john cbarch the tutomeot la u follows i l rwbtsoard pouci aiariaxiuroi30 1879 1 have known jain churoh fbr nsl seven ysirj r fin sissiaud wka i wu hvattwo otishim doors from ohuraa parte he nsesltb tskesa i london- and to various public houses tiim again time mrmtnvb i met him again time mratojp came to ray mistnea iooswoate aigbt 0m- worse for drmk a few days after be cam again to the bouse and during cemvertttibn i told him the mistress hsi money in the house he said v could not wa pot the old woman ont of the wiy 1 i aairj v dojrou meaad he esld oh poiioa her i ssid yoa milt do that yourself 111 v- have nothing to do with that church said i we could hav bar things aad go off to anieric together apdenjpyit ajjl am get ting tired of my old womlfl he left late in the evening hie cam agiin on the mon day night tie 3d of march aad he hia tea witi mrs tiorasa i wsited apbi tberov after tea i asked mrs thotnu to let mago oat to see my little boy snd she asld yes kite and you ned not harry back when i returned late- in ti evening i noticed tie light wai turned down i smocked three times at the third kapek churchopened tie front door when i saw mrs thomis lying oa the mats in the pas- tad groaning and he said inl drew hack on to tie tap toioin- at tiia tim thwra was a- ffclicemaa stsjidiag ori tie epposito sto of tie road a tall dark- man church seized me by the arm palled me in ind cloaedtho door 1 taidwlurte-hte- you doae heaaid neverj mmd j aire doae it for her aad if yoa lay a word lllrrat tnu kmfeintoyotuptotbjdjdle that wu a earring kal betoagiog to mrs tnomw 1 felt very faint and when be said ie would put the carving axdte labvxn laid no join dont iwaatteu ho offered me what i thought was 1 glass of water- i arid no i aratettte 68wr thinking it wu poison and that ie wa- oiag to serve me tie same u mrs thomas iortly after we left the house together j leaving mrs thomu there and took a cab i bad told him i would not stayin the house by myself wedbovetoaevoeurav houa churoh saw me into mr porters aadlremaiaed there for the night i got up early the next mortdag aad went iato courcha house mrs cairci remarked thit i wu out early cbarch wu here aad- beckoaed aie to go op tiestreett pi west up aad he joined me shortly after ward and he said i cant get over to your house before 1 oclock ul got in a row wti the ouworasn list aji for beda oat so late agaia aad i must stay at home r this morning to make it ap witniher i said i should not go back to theboase my- self he had tie treys of the front and side j doors aad slid he ahould be doirti by so clock he ukedmewhitjimo iwrooldbe down there before night be told me where to toeet him at ftoriermiond hotel over the bridge i took the boy with me and u i rjined the hotel i uwqnnrcb inside ind asked tho boy to go on s short distance and wait i went into the howaaaspoketo ciarch sad he liked me what 1 wpall bare to drink ihad aotte whiikaylhe v thea gave me tho keyavof hoaaeaad i said i want yon to go to tie ipase aad take tie boy witi you aidhe iadded that i should find a box in tie bckrnoxa wbioh he had packed up aad tied witi cord the boy porter wu to assist me tb briag it away not to tike a cab from the home bat if we passed oae on tie wsy to the bridge we were to tike it we did not however do so i carried it to the bridge chnrch told me to let tie boy porter keep back snd not see him when i went with the box bat that ho would be beswto ice me i took the box onto the bridge aad placed it upon the bridge the boy went away and ciarch appeared i said what are you going to do with lil cturci arid thaf ia try batibsst j there wu a tall gentleman aearoa out otier tide of tie bridge ilefthim ana be tid follow the boy i left led heard a splash in the water i found the boy part- er at the foot of the bridge carrying a carpet bag which he brought from tie house aooal v tiinhig bjoks arid meat we found thai tie last train had gone the boy asked l cabmanwriit ho would take him for and he said three shillings the iwy having only j two shillings sad i no change itaio7 shall come home and tleep witi me we botialapt in oae room- aboattsodayssr tar when i was n up tie scnuery i sawaome blood oa the carnag knlfe there wa a meat saw hanging npover the fireside but on that day i found it in a box in tho nailery quite dsaa 8inc6ta dis- appeared lurch portei and hisapa bre bvea frequeally at the ioukaiarch direct- ing me to order thing for the house jaatas if they were forjilra thpma tiey iave been taken to nil house cooked sad eaten then likewise to- enrtera honae heel- led porter in to iil the goods and furjiture into the house sad tald doat yoa jynim for the valaatioa ill piy tarn i paid several bills he said- never mind py- ingnim pay milt jvestie uuidlacfttd keep her quiat iwiattodiyierki waen they were moviag the roods i went tor pay hetind ih liid no she refused to take the money aad tanuhttiaressasttm- i wroag iweat back to toe iousesnd s teldtlhareh and said tiere war soroenotte being snide ho said i wfllgp csfttoc porter snd say there ii aomething wrong aboat tiis dont move thetiinga h know where iiwu going ho gaveme card with hit address andeaid i i will atopatiorieabarjraxeait out thai oa tuesday the 19th and i reached ancles honjeatgreenimcraaiheioilowrjig fridayaight i wrote to churotv to hi ad dress ia hammersmith ttlhngihira i bad arrived home safely before leaving it wu arranged thit 1 should raroain at home tor about three weeks that he i would serid i m i the roan with the gold tooth a it present the terror of the frontier lesoime uatiddletan ind hou 35 years old he bmb bii career as noatfiwiairnt at i fjidaey ne where he killedn raaa and wu coavisted of murder he escaped trom sidaey organised a band ofroiberfcblnn- j dared barneljaimaiardered aritil the fall of 1b77 wheahewaalodgeamjaffibbwto tunaeliiimrelf ont wink a coal acattw- reorganizing with fifty men he stole 8000 head of cattle from lie poaoa indian tie robbery of a german stflemeat erf the i fjkhora led to ut pursnit by a squad of horsemen tie trail was followed for three day ou the morning of tie fourth day i the germans awoe to find their pickets murdered aad hyof horte founi auddle- ton gets his tobnqaet from a front upper i tooth made entirely ogpld heis 6 feet saoastacie r ot- i i tall and woan a under which the tooth siineslike graia ot oora two aeedle guaa four revolvers bad two dirk nuvdetdp his aitaameat 4 it is rumdrbdtnit the exffingof spaity i youngest daughter of queeaviotoruiriest- trioev such aiaarriageii gadseasid i 1 italy ind while no formal negotiation hae been- opened dinareht personage m london i uvbensormded by iiiliglfrrendof the aromancatttoliov iriaower witb sildreb indsegrtaterpartofhisrevsnuea are de rived rem bjslawprfipettiftawbia he his only a life interest- owing to the tut ruling nekjthkibeshambaa antl the- bad wtotiob 4mmsikisi whic appearanow more than it did daring iu ibfarrittileormmcdireiwisrs dostraile- that prince amadero ihoiodbiwgi 5 winchtit metrieplcola worldithai uv itmrarpnerevbe cusatieraiutubrettmifravltyi tie military chest oantored at jsaadula zalalaad eontained 100000 m gold mima9birmbqg3mti ge5- m

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