ac lltlli a wojtobup tti obeemohxat i k ai cuttjns- off thelooff hair orafrattrj biaak fm taa eaatani omj men et pan heattoa from ortla tatytba wbol tsiamtaoourttajdnt part la a owi ou iuraola plaj- frsektht doutelieivphl juxotor fit 17tb8itja court tu owuataofct tt i rear 117 wilt orl lient shesrj n mi ii sitoi the maters o i firstcisat fti iceav aleott every 8u ocr rfeb ot poor la joatb ba hi citoswitbacerttia celebration ia v cat ot ciildrea ol riob people its osrutaon hut several duriaad is attended v eeanu rtlw a terrtcm la tf ot4 tiseclv tamilw itbs tonsure celled sci 6tprialytsuithtoit etlld8 kin iiw wujoa lor gres oatiauihtlirtwitoaip iocreued whett tb s sokaa u that v icatiat rrfmcortriactu ode wbomuiotlier ifeulitti by cbetioaoalbe palawuwu ouaefiaalbm hoaalkreiiet whereon ntlunrkliplme dunujr tbe last bundled ir there have beta oaly jive o these fit- 4aa solans and una this rirtb b uwo edsed no ktu ri- meut ia hsu kok attracting rut crowd or rkhlketttbi prince strtnralrbmj- titul siwflailsls tbougb net he daugh ter cf celetli ft gwd vuhmr ot lbe neatest lu it oc tie king of sua tic erkegect j i the krucees 5vriiai it pretty birl srith large elmou shaped eye led onlyl fete weeks ago atd wumtaj blmfc lair but ttae mtoff premtnsry la tajs ceremony save a small tuft oa the too bf tar hosn wfalct the brahman bouaitu ttroe tit i ttactifiod whit cotton tartwu ecktdbdpiml vr xitd q ad fisedmti iod hif- bmtor- 8tttilo tht kiati obildttt ol toirtdbim mat bonn la uttar mdim loowns- tdtkltlwr w nd inteuitat xprntlw wm nnjulb- ntljr tob4 ia oloji ot gold ud wom tb colut ot t niad sutotmotdu h ppl rt ooec wikit ioft m on u tho ttt procuiioa d hohd liiao sit md ho1om upoa at t ntt oun in utimmjrutd id iiw wu dttu hwqoi buok muki of dwtt homi itb oompuirot8bpmtlaswii uailona outying un tbulmilibut attic sunt wrbmawuigituj auijniaotody dtwwd inpcirtd befan tie kinjt mtilian duftbu itttanjdum bf bnsolim of cold tsdiilnt linn k itiulj iulrtuhla minoel tbtaptotd ra noblemen inn- up hi ia whi with gold mbroidry ud envoi innnoaatod by i white hota or pika abaat tightma iaohw higb followed by boot i haaddenwnel ugu oflowtr degree nd owniag lew gold embroidory muchiagiatwo lim tad between lhm lb thr 10 1 1 to h la ujm fcwad tatta itood ta i tws ohlt bnlimtn with fltmnimft hillf bxi 0 o71ui nditn muticitni kert ctm more tngelt ui ihrtt jdle idlm tad ptucd gnnannadby2lnlai tbt torrt vts3 toflbih ofttotrt bwtpkt tb btttm of inndula thtm oo bv nt to the txrtnat who d h ptwdthe otn ui on boinaafutaeasdlm wemmtdoffon hudhd round th rut eau etoh oat atkiak tht 4tini mo- mmtttuy latitat towud tit waoett firt timet tht otadlt ptattdnaad th building liai then wai t ttadtd tiok to tat brte- mux who laddaajr trtlngnuhod them wowing thekreokt towtrd tht prinoem thon tie cbltl prlttt htndtd hot ood roth aaootaut roni tht ikisi ot whioh tht tte iantllpottlot tht king pourtd oa hat aandt holy wi tctvwhlch the pttted over btr head tad to toded tht hut oeremocy la the kail i for thxet dtyt wieatiea wit performed web atemoon and then the 9oua otrt- moo j endtd fad uit imnoeatretamtd her ordinary drear aodiuiaid during the irontbi imfen llin pn esailit ttehcnuiofvji t cene of pn i ooujks kocxthk i anwitiikuie tiirytjt- ne only it ttood oatte wnltwauilhiibimd dtjugbt gletaupc brighttaigtow it ni a capital a ragged liinettona ml gtotto bpihert itiet lfrom bait to top it rat xtl and gold lta two to iu rainmit oa which ilt pavilion the ptkee or i might be tixt ft in l-fcrsv- arw- wi- m j withtbe rtprtsentatioa i wiihcliff ciy tsd witcriallaj covered witblti winding path k srif a chirmiag vithsa fcexbt ill ttocal i foot of ihe hill ta many a care and grotto wew modelf let piect and figar morei by coacealod nuchinery ienttratiaj epiaodea from tha kamayaaa and inita andeot ani fabalont hiitoriea 0 c india and jialayo the favourite literature otliesiameae igarng at theae the people epent bonrt andiceter teemed to tire of the tongsaeaiofthejari all the biadred crigt and pamadea of ther hul were the injtla and godam hindoo and siameae my- thology teea ok whieh grew women and menkeyt aadai that it pleaaant and rii- ebietom in magical botany repreeentingthe itrange or deecijoa bowert o the gardena of hearen i i rhebtreinonjia one of porifieatzba atan important peciof of life every infant at the age of coal month ia ahared eieept for one miaata patcb which ia left to thiacere- mccy theuunaad the complete anar ing of the head are- emblematic of the rei moval of ah tljeimpuritietthe origmal tin witi which the chili it born donne the purification i wtnse thread ia worn roond tte head and ejrery pertoo engaged ia clad jotadevotee dirtctlytae dnc are completed every tte rabjert of the cere- bniuraitari a pore being of colour- denotea the joy at the achievement at ot high degree ia marrallonaly gorgeoot robot tbete wew followed by renratenu- tivea of the nationaiwho will eerve the rrirtr ceaa all in their national eoatame cbfna boyt in hle cotta eaibroidertd ltn dr goaa malaya ia iilt helnu anditrange tatbant and aaamett la pica white robet kow appeared tome hundred children dreetr ed ia white with little pld coronet oa their topknot hd the thin brahmin thread arosad tht eonmet that were tht chll- drrwot aebemcn wearins their ewa family jewelry heavy gold frontlet mi tier upon tier of bracelet irmlet and anklet a duller of royal inaigni preceded the bean- tifnl prineeaa tkere were eight 0 f the above described umbrella itradarda each about fitteen fwj high coloaaal fan of itrange form royal apeati a trident ani the royal aword bei d alwve the head ot the twordbearec nti cxwe tn rntsccst nttjetr in white robef with a aanll diadem eadr- cted fay whittitnlreid teated oa gold throce bortte oa tie ahooldera of page in purple betide her walked lixot the great- eat noblea of siam archaageli in white and with white crown radiant with new mild embroidery twelve mote queeua in thot gold and liter followed dote a her ladfe of honour bearing tpli vtuc containing royal robe and iniigci and then came an other clutter of umbrella and fiau kelt entoed what may be tnppoted to rrpment thehooaebddoftheprwentmoaarch fifty or more ot the king wire marched inrowa of fanr alldretted in tnowy ailfc robe reaching ta fteir feet witk ailk tftrcrthot carfa tadeaohwaaringeightornuiemat eve gold chain over one ihoolder and preaeata moatly iaouh flowed in liberally to tht up of the almond eyed siwilai land altogether the will have accumulated ubout m0ca every one who gave received some little aouveair in return from bit mtjeetj misoellaniotja items utile lirutte ui mow tki anj- t4 uultf ia huer up u err ibotu ojjlt jlrt bljj4 wtjilis net i wrotetk ervrt t dtjdryttrhitihapptbtd at it leemi to mt a pare mirtolt that i am alivt to ttu you about it atbont3 0 cock on tht morolog o the 84 tht qenertl tnt mr me and told me to ooavoy a dlapttob to oou dumford who wai at rorket drift wia jm wmlla blink felloh mbttut wu txptiud ww i arrived jnuinipjl found t greater part of tht oulama gode oat with tht general 0 moot the zulu force 10 thafthartiwere only ltfk in tht oamp five ooopinlm of the ftnt bttulloa jo the twentj fowth two gunt about 000natlt oontingent and aft terrtou looking alter the tenu 1 tht army hotpul oorpt- 13 men tad the tiok in the hotpital tenu tht firtt zalu force tpwtred 6ht 0 0 clock la the morning two oompanle of the twentjrfourthwfreentoat after them the zahu teemed toj retire md there wu firing kept up it long range at about li tht sttlut wore totn over the bfllt in thouuodt they aur f fhsow mlat kate stabora nturedla kow ysti and ewt wait tht if ptsadi bewutuo imaucift utuul tf ooming were in troiderryof t est oit of r tiogdaii and 1 mese royty sapper the d a bv r in tie whits rol ahavin and bal one appear far mony become 1 andthechan of men ani angi rrrtii tn4i it it indeed a drama icai before the people by their princes and hinirtai a miracle play of sate onthi occoios the kighert bom prince in siam a cekrtial prinmiliaiiterof the interior toct the part of vuhnu while the prime mid and hfinivter of foreigra aflair were trchargeli- the kins private aec- retary twa pnktt and other great pervasive i leader cf the escort of ingek the atjel ware ell official and the hoiris cf heajrett were repveecnted by mem- br cf tie rojlal harem and bjtho eoytl ballet- raeleinacoiaaarcii on tie itenktof its 2withreligioi tervicein tie irext thrjee hall when they lit the candle p victory wax torch one fisfcomirga which remained bamiag until the topknot ia cntj at the eatt end of thkhill war ekhrooejoa which wererelica o bcddsa a jgure of pr stm the pa- am large figure of budoh cryifai the great teal of the i the chief inaigni of sia- crown and abppert the ut trident and aword the etate umbrellipearf and the great white thei a hoeelwhelk apralling rerertely of which omywo eriat in siim and which is fabulously valued in front of thia dtar were leveral trtn with effering of cttea and fiawjra vthhe theji nig and id diarhler attended a religion aerrice in thi hall and liitaedtsthe chanting of twenty finrsiameaei baddhiatlabbot the brah- miua is anotherball carriedbn their aerrice the pati ia the great nail aat on aplat- i form from which while eorda pasaed round sad opt of tne ball md about the golden mountain thete cordt were tnppoied to l beefneacioux in keeping outbad ipirit theabbot hiring commenced the chant relay of pritmntiined it day and night until flu day of tcature oa the next afternoon wai the first grand proeearibn eaiortingtheprineea in royal state to aitad religiou aerrice in the throne hallf che siameae with their utual courtesy ft fo eignera had trt apart ape- cial pavilion where they might watch at their eaae i 1 he foreign minuter himself cane fromtin tto time to fee that they were cdmfortabtei ad the goednatured lord 1 siaanx aeeniei never to tire of refreshing uiy visitdra 1 ith tea and sweetmeat and the eentlenuui with brinay and tod the foreigu diplon arid bodywa therein force the represent ittve of ge france eollacd the tnited states and aomrtime about a hun ired- merchants nd other enjoyed thi hospitality on the lawn were about seven hundred noblemen feited t dtntry iron garden chairs theonthcsof theltwn adjoining the inner palace we referred for princesae and laiie of 1 ank the glittering ifouut krauat row g xriou at the eastend of the lawn j the is zstlulge or sotuxis wu of itself a most brilliant light all wore golibro ade coats and many sparkled with diamcni one of those reputed wealthy a v rd fricha cime to talk ta his friends amopj the foiefgnert he wore brocaded frofc csat gold on greea silk ground tajjtoning elate to the neck fssten- ed with ringb diamcndi each half sn inch in diamete hi broad gold belt had bngediamend buckle inttead of trcutart he kqt the latioual pahun which at a short distance looktlfke loose knee breeches the paaung was of chintz thepattern de noting the rai k end white sifk stockings snd half boo s completed the dress he f wat- followed by a triin of men carrying a gold teapot spittoon trsy of betel nut ci- or case ani rther sundries alt of red gold the foot of thdhill- was surrounded by troops of dam ine women deated in cloth of silver with g it fiigh crowns representing thealparas r hours ot heaven sndalltbe eentre ofthe awn was ococupied by youths dressed m ye law posturing with bows and arrows at about 3 pm tht 1 arc izsata ix stilt ee wu bonu on a savergilt seat along the course appoti ted for the procession around theking tpre carried serecal pyramidal itandards each formed of a aerie of rings of eold eloth which foreigner call royal nai s bi t over him wt held real am- brejlt of gatoloth about eight faetindia- across their besoms the chains lying side by side and tin appearing likea gold band about eve inche wide the only point of dres ia whwhi recogniied any difference among these ladies was in their boots mostly black french kid but ia tome ease coloured one only won nditn slippers fer ot them had ahapely feet fsw indeed were pretty but some were very pretty i ah however hadaladrlikf graceful car risgrj snd their exprear were genetally geutle modest snd pleasing i cannot esll them all peirli of loveliness but the targe harem of i i eeto of ktuc it not the collectian of a voluptuary but a state inititatiou linking the mnntrca by private channels with the great body of hu noblemen each of the more prominent ot them generally patenting one daughter many of theae ladies an thus wires of the lung only in name dignity and duty they draw their yearly salutes and monthly al lowance and attend- the ein dauyfor three hoars but in most cetee that ia all when they grow tired of such a dignified though dull mode of life they ask leave ta retire front the palace and seek a husband elmwhere the permiscioa being iirccly ever refuted j 1 when the princes reached the wall where the king we he rose ta receive her she did homis by rasing her hand above her head men with long french horns snd other md other tzumpet made shrill wild music the throne wa raiaed a little and the king lifted her from it after which they rtood together oa the watt the whole escort now made three how with military predsicnj and then king and princess peas- ed into the throne room the- chief mem bers of the royal family the secoad king and aome of the uinisters follovedthem into the hall the assembled bishops chant ed for about an hour and then the princess left in prpecsnon as she had come the king following but stopping aa he reached the foreign pavilion to exchange t few words with the consul o germany ou the next day the consul of the united slate wat honoured with the same compliment these proceisioas went on for three successive sf ternoons till lr asi lh a rturix i the coupon of a buckwheat cake j uiooroaot ctime furnish the tin newt o uiabypaptttj i tit last linguige spokso oa earth will probably te the finnish isirttad of ssyiug it wont wsah state that it wont laundry souz young men are said to be expressly ounafactareev for tociety hz toed or her kud before marriage ind her hand tewed for him after kern waa a good giil md she had u fine bax could be lund in those days vttiri t load dock like a dead doctor bcttse both have stopped quacking a luvtltpx woman hat married 1 he calico haa wedded r 1 nt at it were is all wellreguluu ttm it i the good looking hitej girl who 1st to get up aid duit tnc pancake it like the orb ot day be came it ruec in the yeast and set ia the teat tvact the oil folks try to sit out a young fellow snd lit gitt they get discouatsd every time a ocicxgo womsn it gotag to try to keep her mouth shut three ibiaaad quarter hour tnx man who is wailing for something to tarn bp gesenlly findi it when he step on a bartelnoop wttt are your nose md chin constantly at variance j because words are couttintly pasting between them tuxki ia no time when it i so instructive to read the bymubk as whoa the coniri- butiaia box i being pused timzla very little difltrnee between a man who see a ghost md one whs swallow a bad oyster to tar a look in concerned prorix who pay a dollar for hat sulphur bath done itop to think that they esn get them free in the warm by md it- i titadmox says that the devil part hi hoof in the middle thata the reaaon pro bably thatjhe let the mule do all hi kick ing- ii the ideathat fruit eaten at night is de leterious ia proved by the bad effect it had upon adam from eating sn spple after eve well acibo said the dying master to jttujtfijl iliost perfect ordermd seemed bo n aboat twenty rews of skirmlshcn one be hind tht other the were in t tsmidrole round our flanks and in front of ut tad mutbtvtoovifsd several miles of ground kobody knowt how many there were ol them bat tht eairtl idea it at leaai sooop well to cut theaooount thort in halt an hour they were right up to the eamn i wu oot with the mat oomptniet ot the twentyfourth banc ing them spare ammu nition bullet won flying afl over the place but i never learned to notice them the zulus nearly a 1 had arearmaf aome kind and jots of anraunition before we knew were we were thy cime right into the camp aitegaiog everybody right and left everybody then whji bad a horse- turned to fly the enemy were going st a kind of very fat haltwilk ind halfrun on looking round we taw that we were completely surroundtd and the road to uorketdritwueatofc the place whore they teemed thinoett wa where we all made for everybody went pellmell over ground covered with huge boulders and rock until we got ito a deep tpriut orgsljy flow the horse pit over i have n idea i wu riding a brokerikaeed old crick which did not belong to me and which eexpeeted to go oa it head every minute we bad to go bang through them atjhe sprint lot of our men were killed there fbid lot of marvelous escapee and wai firing away at them with my revolver at i galloped aong the ground lucre down ta the river wu to broken that the zulu kept killing all the waf there were very tew white men they wtre nearly all mounted niggers of osrt firing thia lasted until we came to a kind of precipice down ito the river buffalo i jumped off and led my hone dorp there was a poos fellow of the mounted in fantry a private struck through the arm who said u i pasaed if i could bind np his arm and atop the bleeding he would be all right i accordingly took out my hanker- caiet and tied up hi arm just as i bad done it major smith ot the artillary came down to me wounded easing for gods sake get on mm the zulua are on the top of us i had dona all i could for the wounded man and to tuned to jump on my hone just u i was doing w the hone went with a bound to the bottom of the precipice being struck with m eeeegia i gave up ailbope u the zolui wot all round me finishing off the wounded the man i had helped md major smith jamong tht number howevev with the strong hope that everybody cings to that aome accident would turn up i ruined off on foot snd plunged into the river which wall iitte bet ter than a raring torrent iwaibeingcar- ried down the stream at a tremendcui paee os tee roreth isu oktat day 1 the etremony commenced soon sfter day break is accordance with the mandate cf tie royal astrologers the princes srrived iuprocessioa a before deacribed and wat led into the great hall te be shaved her hair already arranged in three tuff was solemnly cut off by three great princes with scissors and then shaved with gold silver md sieel razor the candle of victory wa extinguished then still clad in white she wa carried in prooeaaioa to the foot of knuat md seated on a marble bench in a pod representing the holy lake whose water spouted from the mouths of sn ele phant a horse a bull and a libit the pretty siwilai began to thiver i the king took five jrc of gold silver bras bronze and stone md poured holy water orer her sbe shook and almost cried smid her glories with cold after the kins the greatest princes princesses md noblemen tucees- sfvely poured water over her with irritating deliberation and for about half aa hour she had to endure this trying rife then the retired to a curtained pavilion and wu dressed in mignilieent royal robet the primeifinistersnd minister for for eign aff ire j qczgzoovl cuji a isatis escorted her up the mountain md at the top the was received by the celestial prince uucieofthe king a vishnu the king slso ascended in the palace of vishnu she wa invented with a royal crown received the blessing of the gods and then descended ia fall ryal stale covered with jewels and wa carried in procession thrice round the mountain with her right band next it this wu the itaslrin ceremony the indent mode of ahbwwreipect to teachers md now performed in honour of vishnu but at this instant the procession suddenly became dazzlingw gay md brilliant the angels al most miraculously changed their colour they arrived in white but directly the ton sure wist completed all changed to pink or rose tint the ladle of tbe paace now showed gold md coloured scarves instead cf silver- and coloured sarong in place ot white ithechaoge of colour signified the joyous changt of state tbe white robe of the candidate were exchanged for the golden pomp and rich apparel of royalty the white verture ijf thesngelic throng of her attend ant became joyous pink colour of the lore apple eten the children transformed their area to pink cost md pick stock ingt ami the white band round their top knot and coronet wu replaced by red one the red silk netted row of the arch angel covered with gold embroidery p pared truly splendid a inhe sfternocn she wu again brought in procession to hear religiou terviee but now the buddhist monks md tbbots ceased to participate ia the ceremony the great throne had been made over fo tbe brah mins and each it there wu a ceremony of puiing flame round the princess nnt bitc or wrnrtter turning the candle in the oentre of tbe ball the plan of which i a erou of equal arms on a throne of tootherof pearl tbe prince ut crowned facing two pyra mids formed each of ssvirsl gold wee of gradually rilminiihfng size standing- on in hit faithful alave ive a long journey be fore me keber mind mat him all down hill em iohx lcbbocx i a great authority on the habit of ant his view ou sisters md ccusini- have not yet been given to the public a kew pavix editor maouped that he bad seen spurs white swallow and the louisville 7erkrmnu suggests that it waa oce of hiltand gin wazx i die said aa editor to lis bet ter half i wmt to go where there are no fires to maj ie s he cheerfully replied thai the pt eid he would acxhtsbe editor think when a tingle gentleman icannot pass a clothes line without counting all the long stocking it is a sign he ought to get married and the sooner tht better yavra ldy to scientific teuton f but i thoughttyoa were also a physician dr kubelschnerfierr sdeutifia teuton ah yawl i am a medicine but i do not operate j a trazxintq young debater in sight ot eloqueaoe exclaimed if r president the world ix iii ided into two great classes one learned and the unlearned one of whom i am which a dcbldc profesaioual man addressed an artisan who wu waiting in his hall rather brutquely hallo you fellow do you want mel the snswer wat ueat ho yer houner i am waiting for a gentleman rtartnie ensy have intended haen fo drink water it looks that way from the fact that she will freeze up the water pipes on the slightest oocasion md never med dle with a parrel of whisky when she can help it it ia said that there i one word which is never pronounce right even by the best scholars asld that i the word wrong it is only fsir toobtjrve however that there if mother word which it never pronounced wrong andlthat ft the word right paomicp hataring on psychology all phenomena are sensation for in stance that leaf appears green to me in other words i have a sensation of greenness within me of oosne no harm wu meant but at ill the class would laugh it hu beta ciloulated by ritter that 75- 000 yean ago the sua radiated i per cent lets heat than at present ind that 70f000 year ago it gave out 10 per cent less each kilogramme of the runs una con tains he thinks sbout 43000000 units of hett i hco m to death darling is the title of a new long if the authoress is young snd handsome we will endeavour to comply with her request if she will drop us a note give the number of her residence md the time when it will be most convenient for her to go to press it is said that tbe rceion why bigamy is of so rsre occurrence in hungsry it that once en a time a ban who was cougricted of this crime wu sentenced by the court to live for two yean- with both wives the punish ment wu considered cruel but it mid tbe desired efftct 1 prraolcns sots at a specific for burns and ttaldt of bromine silica takes up tight or ten times its weight of bromine andvhtrr frank cffjbje berun chemical society pro poses u convenient meaasuf handbag md weighing this corrosive liquid fo saturate n- tutorial earth with it the cutwj the ohild wa evidently lyst cried bitterly could not tell whereits pa rent lived or whether eh wu an orphan or what her father waa or where she went to school j enter intelligent policeman policeman in a friendly whisper where does your mother get her gin ray ow t and the mjiterywu solved a eixxa ha just been arrested in bar- lin for making 1 gingerbread caricature of prince bismarck and the child who at it wu taken into the back yard and solemnly spanked for asaimilating democratic idtft the polios art now oa the trail of socialistic propaganda la barbrr sugar tad have mid toot important tsirurea of lubrsrsrre gum- whea a loot hone came by me md i got hold ot hit tail and he landed me safely on the other bank bat i ni tifa tired to stick to him snd get en his blck i got up again andrueued on and waeeeveral tune knocked over by our mounted niggart who would not get out ot my wiy then up a tremendous hill with my wet clothe snd boot full ot wster about twenty zulu got over the water md followed u up the hill but jl am thnk- ful to uy they hsd not their firearm- croesing the river however the zulua on the oppisit side kept firing st ui u wt went ap the hill md killed severe of the uiggtn around me i wu the only white mm to be teen until i came to one who had been uekeiby hit hiree md could not mount i put him oa hit horse md lent him my knife ha said ie woud eatchm a hone directly he wu up he went clean away a frr zulu followed us for about three miles teem the river but they had no guns aud i had arevolrer which i kept jlettiag them know also tht mounted niggart stopped a bttle md kept firing- st them they did not come ia close md finally stopped alto gether well to cut it ehortj i struggled into helpmakaar about twenty miles off at nightfall to fiad a few men who had es caped about lea or twenty wf th others who had beta intrenched in a waggon laager i h smotdorios 4h hinting kud to hand brilliant bspulm of the afghan by the sctndehores tb othsr day oa xi 4r0hu oal fraflot id tbe tmaltr fbtt land of uk natlng wurnsn afid pnaomtnal lodlvldoal tlttvteald bi pfodnjeeda unude gsnll brilliant jet ttdioit ataajblt abturd am oablt reteatrul tockntrio conventional s tb utbbt of nesily ons hundred volnmss lobar work on educition tod worldly no- teli of very qaettionahlt iuflaetot 1 poems tad bsttery 1 biomfthy tad bouny nttu- ral bitt07 and ttiqailtt 1 religion and ma- licloai tomdali alteinatlng between court tad convent for nearly t otntonr j adored md hated rpnlted apd ridictued 1 rtgardtd u a taint and a slater a sbsmeltu latri- frtmu and a french hannah mora nob a captivating bnndltot opposite wu this wo- mm i cannot claim robins or my heroine nor t urge amount of tb piety and prudery aba dlsplsyed but utha governer of princei for governor ahje would be called us writer for children is popular noyeliit m extraordinary and entertaining person the is marked woman s power in ber day but in chancier ijuii of oontndiotlont with vanity that was tt onoe sublime and ridiculous j she was bora jsn 25 1740 00 a little el- tate in burgundy to puny m infant that tbe wai tewed op la a down pillow and laid it i armchair 0 struggle with life or die alter tbe ceremony of public baptism tbt wu takea to the opera md life looked bright again she wu next received as a canoaeu of the noble ohapter of st alix loren cam while ah wu ia thort dresses md kept coming until she was tn old lady her father who wat captured by tbe eng lish struck np aa jntimacy with a fellow- pritooer count deqenlis to whom he lesd ber brigbt letter and ibowed bar picture de cenlis wu about to be married to a young lady possessed of 40000 fraact a year alter the death of the father of felirite the count followed ihtdaughtcr aad the mother to tbe convent where taey bad retired aad sras soon married secretly at midnight it wu a union with tors on one tide md pore- ambition on the other when he wai order ed to rejoin hi regiment tbe bride only is wu placed in a otorent where her vivacity ud love of excitement made ber a favourite with the nnna here she wu so happy that when her husband came to take ber homey she pleaded for one month more and met a decided nfuaaluhich it 1 very freachy picture at s4 years she wu maie a lady of honour ia the household of the duke de chartres afterward duke of orleans known during the bevolntion as egalite a prodigate pa tron md dangerous mischiefmaker lime de geolia u a great favourite- with all tbe gentlemen in the locietyof the talus roy si md ot all tbe lidie who wire not envious or jealous she kept up ber studies em broidery paintug music and continued to write comedies j during glncks visit to pa ris sbe went to the opera every evening and played md sing for cluck at her noma but leeling that mnilc clack and theopen had acquired fop greatan influence over her she resolved never again to go fo the opera or the theatre ind kept her word after ere months study ot english she read the poet etrily in 1775 the visited vol taire aad terete during the whole time ot dinner voltaire was far from agreeable sa teemed always in a passion with his ser vants mme de genlis wu asked by the duke md doeaeea of chartres to take charge of the education of tbtir children a govemeeb she wu enthnsiutic and practical aad jtaaght the children useful mechanical arts sbe wrote edncatioaal works sbe who wu afterward mme de steel when 1 visited mms de genlis who gives the idea that the former wu a failure but that if ahe had been allowed to educate her it would j have been vastly different during her visit to england the queen who greatly sdnurtd her thought it unsafe to have myintercburae with ber during ber virit to hamburg klopstock talked to ber steadily for three hours mostly about him self md then went home highly impressed with her conversational ability during the bevolntion she remained in exile nine years being in need of money the wrote plays md novels thick u the leaves of vallombraax kapolsea gave her a pension ani requested from bar one a fortnight a letter on politics htersturefin- mce and morals she wu found dead in her bed ia december 1830 tht last morning of the year when sbe wu 84 ilea have reviewed her lite md writings with great severity it jwu aid of her 1 mmede genlis hu a very large portine of a very small mind apd that portion it particularly active french women always excepting kfrne de sevigne seem to be either fanatics or flirt wsfearifmede genlis ia no ex ception yet it is impossible to read her own stoiy tad net balms in her entire inno cence we must mourn that her character md her talents were marred by excessive vanity this fault led her into a dangerous position aad kept her there it shadowed every virtue every accomplishment and makes us not unwilling to uj goodbye to the counteu de genlis jack of ell trades paragon of perfection oouwrenrr da rti beauty m4 ttopnotoy lbs iwotrtp tttsn uamlry toranle is now prs- prt4mttaoutaltteotf7othtehaaarr verb 00 tht shortest oatlot oocditen bests than als dtf ant urns op to wtttdtf sad hai flttato tureea tea suns peak atarubtau odi staftctepsn ffl das ii matt t peal dutasses la the mm ot tbelr seeds to hare tbm psmdyanstal floods sums shsbbjbru- las to lis tionma uaratmd squl lo new sad bhuiabkttrsreis vs taf a9 atprem eharrsa tons raroa joods not us tlmm cf faaauus wul and that tnr tendlnf iw nshln jo toronto u7 can sst thaadoubsttsrndcbafrusauhonlt wt re turn rood auu wtak u asnt them addrstt for peruculxri q f s1iaritimmno8tam laqndr toronto i piotoppmc stock lyonxainte ltsbsj8ttroeto r ails xcsiits n tht dominion tut fas pl uqw art jan uulo s ot sod r flntineu item till mm who when he was giveh aa inch of bis lady lores golden hair took a nell wishes tt bad married another girt vicroei lltisniotrkinai eitsnds it tane into trerv put cf the bumsa ofjsuluo cwnmentlnj from the feuodatioo eorreetlnf dtatasei action sod r- iwrloi hut poeen mllni berifbr icnaailoo anil uurioosllsti of tbe blood axriot oot dlseue snd ifcitbibetilrtw perform its alioiud part lluthe snest nsrvous ramsdr known hnd the rreateit brslo siid wood food la the rrid iv sals by til dsauis ilooperiatls to be ox not to be tnats the question whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the stings sad srrows 0 outrageous fortune te were the words of ha jjpble bard those who go to coopers for shirts never inffcr from a misfit 109ycmge st toronto j tltt oerercisfi hesr ku tl tied ss vhen llmtirslllmd deprneed a bsasj- rrcohs o old people ler iran kldnsr ootaplslai etc ivouxut ou br dsrsnsemeats o tht teemsf orsans bo wul half vltb jorthe fftat remedy prepared ejowessly to taeetthttr cases vtcnsis eccsu snd cv a vast it osa be reeofflflseadsd elth eoadenee rormli by til dealers v sssdt roa braisotw new iprinj tttek of fur- elturs aov betor sbova bjnoie osliaws ojloft cb is ahead of mrlbuir jet otlmd ttxlalot tjlet of ceriour lets rom iflrdousis upward re inr prtbt tod sol up- i wstaat bedrwm teu tserhaneitnesrisins lachabi tbelr pnaa tre much reduced tutlrnmaim is rtry usufudt sr- tured sod tbs fuur urgv lliu tes abed wlb trerr uod o rurulttre oslun cabinet co k yoofe sttwoslo tsxxow on tlifs naaa is fsmiar thronsboet the tntln domlnlou and then an fir fsallle wbo batimtonidtltleiuiimorsaotbrtians4l nf meny la u hetuebold it it the most popular and bwt bolttttrt in this eoeotrr snd po oe mho hu oolsbseditwaidonihoutlt kr- frj- h1iu of totofttothttsnisi dra nyineei stvei unsohdwd tbs tenexed certlso j 1 j tosorro htirio jalj 19 li haxn ifimii beiuley t piarm oextuaortl sn 1 preta fears sso f knocked ofl tbe cut of mrknee sndslnej tnsl unu hire often solered tt h 1 iwdltof in the knee joint euised from twtstiarllm ley i nave used su alnat of jinl- snents u well m medial utenduoe but tl last twooceufenu 1ut used hsorrds keflow oti the result of uus has been msrrelloos instead of iartng- npforsweeksneadsys t osai ill the twehtl dkppeand lp uirx dsrs t an most heartily re commend thi velios- oil usjce what use 70a like of this udrtil it couih oauked-for- r trulr fbeu hum trade list of all um culrmemi 01 tb trade nbrttsr piiotogtapaie apparataj flhijsk etc vmutxjrvuii olaiitrtc etc- ll 4 tatniltat free oaapptlosuou- tf tailjaiialih jrvur bsods komms ssd address 7j i t v 1 canada tskmaheht paldttpcipltal beaonra fdad total asset total liabilities is 9633b24h 83aaca surplue assets a3oi73ao aarixw baxe bjicb oeposils netvltea snd interest- ind nrlncfpil rv eefrtdlnsllpsrtiof oianothrotis tbe ooensavi bsnkersfreefflisrrsl ijitil ind tisssiis fundi tf the oesnpani inrtsted on tin dais tad astatfvbelns plsend for lbs teturry of meestttas reeatved utpceltors have endoubtad sbrmumb bl perfect mutf ctreulan stat nn ipoliestloa to t heebebstjusoh gompsori offlee toroeto ifaeifir v always ahead i 8m s05ltts5 ittg tososto bniflh manufeotnrer vsais itason t6 sirrteutiu tlrtet tfmuo bankers ss brokers toil t dirt li iittnidt sl edit barristers attorneys tcin uvrjertso aiilaidtxcil baftravers rossin house palace ffotsf tf ctacda jfart if iriik pmp cet your eld fee recut ut thereby save cots erert file ttef snd warranted eemu to the beat imported ajklorpdcsuo tu03i grahajt 35 biereootm street toronto files nark bbahmas several u brmdibc peta mr cap ttnia ukd vxhiac for wu h doewponaner k ife acres to real ibont lour mile from sew- mautvt tl bat fcboat ii torn nader cuiti- uos vpwtu of mtera ploughed rwuiy for rof- abnn funr ten u fell rbeix ud four- itwa runt of ftil j9 in i wmobroo57 0qold8ttorrido 157 i ladies akv okhtlejlcjf tks mobstu letrntgnp7 tt the dominion teltfriph 14- miqu b3 klajftrwt cut tororta for irm ecudamckxjitoa proprtoon pkors buy only oftforto baking powder isladoatfaiec fra lie svtipvt via cnaman feb 27 ool afaloolmaon wu yesterday encamped at khuahkikakhud with 2g3 ubre of the third sclnde horse md 120 bayonet of the second beloochis csvalry and at 4 pm 1600 of the alisala under ifijidmdabubuk khans suddehlyswarmed over the ridge 1- 000 yards distant bearing down ia two bodies en the camp their right wing a column some sixj or eight deep in dead silence made direct for our cavalry- they adrancerl in true chijralne style md arrived at charging distance just u the brit ish officers had hurriedly but calmly told off their squadron then followed the commands gallon and charge 1 tbe drops enemy unflinchingly accepted the shock which however broke their solidity and fighting with fanatical desperation they harried toward the left sank ot the oamp disordered developing into panic when capt matlsnds squadron wheeled up smutting in on their fluk and rear the combat md pursuit lasted two hoars major y beyholds fell early in the melee while extricating his twoid from a mans body bis charger stumbled and four afghans cut him to pieces their own bodies immediately afterwards being stretched around his corpse i our casualties are one officer and four troopers killed pol malcolmsou slightly snd 15 men wounded while 150 afghan bodies now be scattered about the camp the sdnde hfrie hat dealt the enemy a terrible leaiiou i the enems left wing bad their ardor lessened at witnessing the utter discomfiture ot their comrades md pushed toward the beloochis whotrepulted them splendidly killing 30 men col tanner teeing the ca airy far off in pursuit wisely abstained fro n following up this success snd leaving the amp unguard ed one afghan penetrated alone through the skirmishing tine ud wsi shot dead near col tanner 1 dost mohammed the ajizai chieftain who bad espoused our cause and wu in the cavalry camp when bis clansmen surprised ufriuappeared during the confusion agents wanted in buk ssainna faknl pocket gtsmps eelmnklnt scmbuhwr type sleocil slats stamps tte e moved ws 10 klntstreeleaec y c c sttwatttil co toronto 1 orand cinlbms awirded by oreat centsi ftu i bdd inismmoe obtober- 1871 ilicb- prim tasrdad bv prwtndsl ckmrsl ud cosattr ptfrs throoxboiit tht fmtnre otisd testlmonlsls frost prsedeil tva borers fsrasrs pump bakers ctrl enjlnesrl and mar others bortaaimstperhosrlyudswbonaiewbr bird pin boulderi ud qddmod t spedslty gendfor orcqui uinufsdoly ss msrj btrtet dtnukee out beautiful counotir kesi- dece for le coed htr of flee luje bride booie ud oeuif to ii t wi uij tr j tbdci tram t thrfrla tovn- oa ur orad hirer la on of tbt moct bcalthr sod bttatuul taation in onuria tn usd qmsf of t jwrt rtimbu ectfasntni foil betniv i iw fruit ftxia well ealtiniad t oiw- ta ion of tmrenl teres of null fruiti la hkti ealu- ntlofl tb hoate ii rarrwmddj twi semtual itvirn m ctenj fccfcts handmxhif aid pot la ri lute the hodw uuiorjubij- floijicd tod jiat- d camerrmf tptrtmenti oatihilldibf aad emy ootfenfcixtv liu it ran chmee for a retired merchaflt or profetomi min or a vnolaaaia frolt rrowtr lo rtt l vioable proper cheap at birgiin for ian apelj la i vcdoxald eq- oa cottjorn- toronto or rail laformitioa ai4ftintcrirticl i lini uu ckav offim or to tdomls j mhe new patent process 1 flock princess 16 tube a3 hade it the stockwell steam mills oa1t ohtabio u tuutorpajnd by tax western eraod bakera cannot aaord to be vtthoot it fwilllttwto pria a rxrvvrfajte juiyf rb had tt to bq aa ladpeivatue reqaialte afnti wtattd la ercrj- cit ufa ini rffiijita lhnia unable to procure ftjpr4irt in thetrnd boffaood 0t plaaati write to ue mill u four lmproved asd thkee buafi rarms m to 100 seres brook township laabton cotmlr beat soil in ontario rt1wavt ud sskeeaseont aidant esst terms cursau bacsl btosarswaiiord aq rt a ybait made with touuu uu ffjesce wkll amtb the on ly cor that bona snccesefojlt in bard psn culekssnd snd sxncocet bceiders fiaa d in to s6 ta hone or ubn power tool ud rifbta lor sale holt a co st pn ifc west toronto the simonos saws are bdpercr te sa others itw wet i newspaper hal a zcek a newspaper ha the following death ootfot t i commnnioateto all my friends aad acqialataacet the sad news that at 3 pm tomorrow i shall i incinerate ac cording to all the rule of art my late mo therinlaw who hu fallen aaleep with faith in her lprd the funeral am trill be placed near the furnace the profoundly amioted sonlnhw brandolf iichtier j i whakaborlwalis with a girl u though he were afraid tome one would sea him tne girl is hit sisten if walkatoolost toneru to nearly crowd her against the fence she la the sister of soms cms sis 5p adtanttges of ootutesy a courteoos man often succeeds in life when person of ability fail the experience of every man furniahei fredueat insttiyes where cancsiatory manners have made the lortuaes of physicians lawyers divines politicians merchant and indeed indi vidual of all pursuits in being introduced to a stranger his affability or the reverse creates instantaneously a prepossession in his favour or awsiensunconsaously a pre judice against him to men civility is in fact what tpleasingsppearance is to women it is general passport to favour a letter of recommendation written in a language that every person understands the best of men have often injured themselves by irritability and consequent rudeness where men ot inferior abiltiea have prequently succeeded by their agreeable and pleasing manner of two men equal in all other respects the counfeous one baa twice the advantage and by far the better chance of malting his way in the world v- poetry othe table if ore appetising than all patent tonics is a perfectly arranged table sparkling with cleanliness j so let us be a little extravagant in ocr fresh tablecloths when soap water and a little labour are all we have to pay and now we must decide shall we have the beat china and do with tome stoneware for every day or ahall we pay ourselves the re spect usually reserved for opmpany clearly we are the persons to whom it is of tbe most importance shall we sit down to odd plate snd cracked saucers si days that we may enjoy gilded china the seventh by no means iwewill baveplan white french china which can always be matched when broken and we will sit down to it every day in thp same way we will bring ont the plated knives and silver forks ind partake of our food with a tense of our own deserts we shall feel increased ftspect for outselves also with napkins and butter plate to those wa will havev a gentle hint in our ibjle o climate with its luddea changes of temperature rain triad and sunshine often intermingled in a siagle day it is no winder that our ehildrjn friends aad ralatite are frequently taken rem us by neglected colds blf the deatis result- ing from this cause a bottle of bosclees german syrup kept aboat the house fur im mediate use wttl prevent aerious skkneas a large doctort bill and perhaps daaahtby th oat odtbree or bar dose for earing consumption hemorrhage pneumonia se vere coughs croup or anydlaesseof the throat or jianga it suooaaa is simply won- derful ujyour druggist will tall you ger man syrup is sow sold in every town and village on this continent simple bottles for trill koj regular site 74cts windsor nurseries i the stock of aa u xa tb ees etc ilu tbeae old eattbjshed snd relisbls nurseries is finer and ch than ever instead of fivtas rour orders to unnhible tree dralers aad areata estid rcur orders- direct to the rlorserlaa it will parjou wall to dq so aa ropems depend on retting ibeirue srtide fresh liftedsnd mncbehetpee saod it ooea for descriptor snd tniolesale cits- hv james dotjfqall yihdsorklitircntsra btitefe btafltrt ciirtnirrj n tfifff fl h smith 00 st cathabcies ost send br price last kilgour bros- l paper bags and floor sacks printed wrappers wrapping papers twines 6c 80 york 8thbet torokto ont haliburton rrebsanu8 of the viotobja 1 bailiwtfann snd rulia lota forssla c j blohnsld miasrer canadian land and emlgritlon oo yoractmbers toronto at taronto the- y viennabakingpowder rsstlhrnrevalledsndrusranted to make whjter uffbter and better bread thu any other powder trylt j c kl putnkt paorunoa mimtresl thorleys improved horse and cattle food almost identical with tbe fsrfsmed tfaoder fool o qnat britain it consults of lead roots barks ud herb lmpnme tone flash and spirit in the horse fattens oat snaan snd nigs rapldir ud sraatiy ln- ereaese products of thedslrr ttalr 110 per 100 fba clreuari sent iree sunufaotured ii john st south hsmllton oss aqest anted in am ittagt town and etty tks ccwnicu 73620 more sinpr sswiiig maelilner sold in 1878 than in any pretions year in 1870 wo sold 127833 sow toff uaschlneav 1878 356433 m 1 oartam hart itaquakul tttunuooslj t3jta tlyotjfh tbe whole period o hrd um we no atu ustmqoirten of all um itviof tbiom aow in tht woitl for um accommmatiaa of tht puhqc ve hire a fabordlnitfl offlala f6 caitd utt aad oasadi and sooo cfllcet la the old world ipd suth mert waste no money cheap oounterfeita the singtfr mfg co toronto offloe loorloooffica hamuton otbe klnjitoo liffloej brantford offlci wlndaor oflve gueipb office pprthop office tdrooto8titt m dtniaetiwt 6ifcjt2aff cur pribttadweuiato6ttwr tkcatlhimn caebocallbttx mtioailc btock j waltoastrft v large aijto tnu in ao aggtegal are lost epery year fry farmer auntqcu elt as famines general- yi lvin not having if correct ai reliable weighing shale centre ilowers i dealers supplied with solids at oioee prioee 103 king btreat wert toronto fe dixon go saaotaucrohnui of uatherbeltlnb ttoolborste bt hear bk uwrtoea icarkat toeoato ssnd or mce lifts eiidxsiesuiitt tbe dominion standard sgaue urcticwaa n gurnev st ware i hamilton oana11a han abiad ai elsscat worwwtd reputste is tbab pertsetico b svarv raspaot and snatdaiats ooabundrad diaerant stia and alaas is ctaai to urastsaiad prk ik tree c amueatlea hinuitc otajr