Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1878, p. 2

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f w xevrspriricf decmuiis i atid pertfa ti uks ic paper lijuwtjy from ibe loh office rliethor dirreitdiii lit natncor iniilcr or viholher lie ins tuli- atrvw- or nh is mpobite lor yuvnwnt z jx r- person orders ms parr j mu pty mltoritars ivrthe iltuiset- rtiry continue to fpun ii dniit rutrueut 1 tnadcs arid then collect lim whole amount rhetlreviuetiapcr is aicn irora the efsceorrwt f tfcecnarle have decided that rfuintln imp ncvcfpaner or rmiii from the- pott soffice- tir rvruovvne and lexvinp lhnnun citixl for irkivt ficiiv evidence o hlatl iii1 tnut mne jtctojc l ree press 1 tutuca every tharcday mornicc erkri annum trjcad t ylftvr moore emtok tuxcsm mchmvc nov cs 1jts -f- eincrirrs ttcpsutp cattuclt iasi roclc mentioned a few fe- concerning the way iu shici iic eoneycf kqiiysing twtudnp iissbrea cjwtid by the council cxiiug au linon to- f lie fact thatall tv money vras rint ill tie lower trillions if the t wnsijr j in vrhich pirt rirdt txinsetnora kve leaving the upvr parts almost destitute vt- advised tint the r ticiuyrrs of this sectciu of ihe township should tclct wertey one fi rttmsect thehi who could and nuld do so and then all ebould f iifort uitii wc are glid to ffie thxetoire atileast are actinjon rdvici cridare eudenvoriruit to cai soxe good utra to- tcpivient iixm tlus see vhat has- been ihe result f retuniin all lie eorncit jmfiuui the lower portions of lie icntup we havebad no i motley civudi oitlouf roia licrc ronse jiitly tll- iiiveleeone very liad 1 trcvjusj ce iuike eujwtuce for tc afflfuitt vaiv m- crutittookj dospaclt tbrowi cotxidrwti light apotl the ujllcy wiicrillitsln pureucd litiluh giivcnmientof lta yoirfftowirds atgwnifctaii v ill 111 iliwe li liic uusaii advanced tlcir uucrsio lliepkrittkud 8icre ki rrtninod fris uironiy bittinnl ld cb isliitllj eudcttvouiixt to follow on lord liitchces loticy qf inat- in a- ktrotig ncutrat kate on ifiu nirtuweswititroutier of inilia a t kincv tluf events occurred tn wiue pjucy iwtuwt by iia tut ins nkitcj to ue tcbcrtsl cireuiii- kti nets of t lit case sttps mcru ar- socdingly take n to procure aa inter change sf viwt dclrecnitlic rus- siu and british gorcrmnenls and llisulti in urldsrstanriuglicingicstkulii tlik effect that both coinlrics were to respect the in likndeuce of if gliauittinj after this tuidvistanj ing htd basil arrived at tha lus- siius in 1873 ciptnred khiia a procwdlng liicu disturbed the ecjiiuimity of the amfcer aul in dijeei him tocnqiiire of thaiudtaa loverrimeiit how far the under- sunding vis to le jeied a au in fore the vikiy it iirwivd tois lire tiiu that under ccruin cixrditions briliu ould rcia ruwian invasion of iiuc tor rioivlmt then loegovernnifint of iii ilian did hatthtre if is h igrseis knprehensionsittud the sulijicti was tutfitfureadjourm till a more con- lorne sfesssl ter j freepress agt0yh alton oytjjjgjjcy p rnopmbe 2s 1878 v and louise venient seuson tle inipcr aitronted at this postponement and aus still in- a distttrted frame j of nxtiid wlipa ilr biaraii came to ioer the aev government wade advancesto tho ameer put wtie geontfauy repelled a recital ofi tta attoupts to reestablish fnendtv relttious folltr leading up lo hit refusatco accept the pres et ce of an english envoy thp ris- si in vinl5sador being alrtadyton the spot tdis desjktcfi it will be cbserrej threes upon mr jad- atone thfi entire retjionsibility i of initialing the present quarrel his gpvenirueut is virtutlli accused of ttielliag the ameers ritvaacea to- wiird that alliance ihich it istiow necessary to etek by force- of aitus it is not tp be snpjsel hat ifr safe arrival is nlifax a st0s2t passa5s the otjtioa ia halifax a royal welcome- 8wearihc ik lortt lorhe what this marquis jjoofcx vocs ilalifik with ovity natural ad- vantngo over tho eitglikh crtf is bent on acquitting beraclf with a iiilliaticv win thy of her hisuiiv ferf distinct hut with ill their waitui mid nratciiinsi at the last moment the peoplrpc tbftt place were caught kaptjing saturday norning hn fleet set sail to cruise in the offing alwut eleven oclock lhoweikler then being tiae hut before noon raiu had begun- to fall and by five oclock the thia were all lack at their nioarjii5jsau4 thero waa every prosarct of a dtsagrerobj uight and it was not aupposed that tbesanualiuu wouli try to make the karbor befois daylight tits arrival f the caspian ws a pretty good iadierlion that ihe fasur ship could hut be faf off and by niue the signal i ligjits io the capital showedthat a large ship was jri sijht siiehad ia fact bceuort the mouth of- the harbor by seven ocluck and after waiting for a tilut badruu out to sea in an hour she uisdeauother utlctnpc to fiud a iiot and failing in this dipt aird ran in withput oaa nd anchored anderj georges itfaml by nine oekick the qioard tugboat went out for the mails and the duke ran in thc steam launch of the black piiuce sunday momiug bioke beautifully bright shortly y xtadslono wilt nstquiellv iincer iis beitg a nei fe k1 iintation tillhis reply ovds are a tad fairauiouut jpf uioiiey i ia fii tlitse roids iu 11 i f- thtli the tslt liula tcu klrti uuid not lave been in sicu acolditiouks ls iow the c tkiricg the fine icitser this all they wett in x cuditijn hrtrdly fit to- hi tnttvliid op auitwiij i tui k lnttise ttey jereitjiis yeartie- lirived if tvec their in al rruirs chichthiahoaltauiiually receive v ntver could uoisv oj lavinjr g6auridijiitbat have set us lmc ai gotti as kisililia td a sure tlie piluisttr witu nuiiilur of pienmntrilry sjnud ttro octhret dtie iu fixing the raide xiiit theirwoikd int- allow fj reiits which wik be dejed a uwutlt ufiet i tiiev liavo euirtd j varkmg j- vitieu sirjn dtriiiu oclihg in the ciiuncil itet yeirit vas a tevereldo torthai body a in hint tliy a jgp j mjin end one who wodfi ij- all iu jiu ioverio ewualllliejajiieys wf it eqiitiy divided kof tie thought cueavitq ui tbt if jlr eutild be prevailed apoatoj rgitia fime a dindidite for ninuicrtiil i 3yii be uoull lo re elected aud lri e couiicjltar ttji fte wcud ii- irapi tle upiir lortitia of he ilj t4nship who could and- wool l advocite the interests oftho3e liv- h fug ii this neighborhood but if mr warren again refusesu allow rs i 1 the ratepayers to retarahim fci coaccil tbey- taveto ehdeawr to 2iid anohirman to adrocate thefr vtertss but f avjirfen apjiears to bare the mot ttuthoritywkltsie coiiecilghd is miiyersally liked bytht peoplwe ere of tha opiuido thit tie would uiake the best representative w iold like to h ar his opinion oa the ijct and tlien ifledeeliuea oiue other person rill hodoub be brought foiyard vgoltfsoxox tsz i y r tii eipreu train going east col- lded ifiiirtfie exprtriingong wsatat wiiioni suou i2tnffi cit of k imilton oii sanliy niora- iig at ithe eiifrarice to- the west trac bjtu eugiuea were badly iujiired and the bigige car of ifo- i telescqjed iiuto 1 the class cjr tbrtisal65 above stated re of ca acilent having teen tiegrapheuto h iimlton a hxiil i triiu wjg-gtoui- despxlcied a i i initdical tud ohr aistatanc and tlie sutotra coiveyej to the city g0juaa waak ihd die en s- hr is reciiveii there ocn lw no iro- nituicingupou the truth of the lueation tue eisliery questioil j i weir ihe amenan government his paid over that iitle esh bill after an amount of baffling end grumbling over the price which- woald jusiify one ia promunang that uatioria veryrtisagreeable eus ttaier to deal wich how liiuch htve the apticans gained by the b uiev raised about the pav- i elnt of the award how much aijre dignified it wchij have been d to what better advantage c mid they bayeippesred in the yes of the civilizsjwjild if thr auercnn txovenmipnt ftao ptid 01 er the money williout a iiiuruiur a etishtbd did the gtuieva award le united states luxes nothing by t e payment of the awiird after ring ltotjt of the is0oo000 qf rpltis which remuins from tha eueva njoney they hare s2sd0- 0 as clear gain their guvetu- nv should not find fault with nitrations it is probabfe now tijat the faitune by affiir jhas warreojbjen made use of ud has failed pst signillr tlie english govern- nt ignoring it allogether as hav tngiiny bearing on the halifai awadwe irifl hear no more about it tue tiofation cf the treaty by tie amirican eiheimea is so ml ailehat it wonld be folly in the ainerinn government to pursue the subject any further suitablu liud appioprtala uiamitji- while tho udiireu a uoliigixjd iue niliri to tha onlookomtuaiii- fcslcd their approval of ikfferejit panaages by cheoring tha proceireiuii llnntreformod aud pksd through niauy pleaaa il portions of lli eily lo soslh park street whore they dislwriicd ijie guvcrnoruoiwrkl and jiin with their aoite going to the uiiralily kouae after diiioor lie princera btld i drawing- which wai attended hj a larte uuiuhwr of ladies and gentlemen 1 it is understood the faucets and the maiquit are both oxceojl kuly plonaed witti lha rejepliou uiey met with on monday montreal city curpoialian it pre paring lo give graiidj cilobtiitiijn ou iriday when tha- viceregal paityjariivoa there they will re main in montreal until mjudiy morning when iliey will proceed lo ottawa where another gralid leception awatu theui tvlutooltketccnveltxoris uei1 acorrekioudeul gives thq wl- loafug diiscriiliou of thfct marqiiie of ljruo lie is of iniall tlue ttieualler than was generally cjc pectd hi hair is almost white and very flue ho wears but little wliiskere his head it lung the front i part being large and full with a slight depreaiuu o thuhiod part ie is active vry iutelligciit with keen but not piercing eyei has a jjoariug of easy grace is pht a rapid but pleasant talker aid impresses one most agreeably rli- canuot fail to b very popular socially and those who have niel biui hero feaf nothing for i ability a itatesuian his i already made a reuiaikably igod iiuprvssiuu althuugh ac by but very few ho waa about to do go j in tho cidlar and lnmaliatflly uie room occupied ky iio old auj-re- hs diliut whaii ho bioke down uid then upioe hia pwyclijluiiied to well jiver mind what kow if itiyellcr will acton niy advice and fella out aud goes to mukkoka hu wall uiakn one of the most sue eaaful miaaiouersj that has ever onlared that district again 35 fear cxpaieiice j in eqmsing l not telocked up in mu- koki he should if it could be io ttrtifged ipcndat icmsix months every year on i the iuuitouliu tlalid i win sure he would coou hecamq a favorife with the red man aa their hahiuj cutionis aud man iionf would roaiiud iiiu so much of lhcitafurl he enjoyed iu the past if 10 desire it i can furnish iiiui ihsi of- charge witli ilia beat mid hortest routes and also a letter of recoiumcudalitjutofkawkakeaickk wjiicaibs the judiaa chief of the isllujd hoping your valuable space has not vieit intra jed on i i am yours dublin- dec 2g t6 hi luvs ably igoid yet net u after eleven oclock the cunan tog conveying sir hugh allan aoirtcd for ihe sarmatian followed ist an interval of a few minutes by the launch of tho belterophon 4itli viceadhiirattnglefield on board then another little puffer came dancing over the waves and sungly ensconced nuder a canopy in the stern was seen the duke of ejin- burgh who was met at the gang the past dad tlie present to kt ediltr of hit frc prru leul ism iu looking pvfef your last weeka issuo i uutioid rather a good juke or- two tramn rho left theii bed aud went into pigieu bat not to sleep it headid a night of peritj also noticed a lung article ugn benighted travcilerj thcr fre both good yarns tire trarats not tell us where they came ft or wheie they are going andljie bchighled travelur says left sudom and was going hon kit it appears he did nut get any further thau actoti i aui soilry he did not get alllhe way houiejaa ho iben could lwvc reported truly dfbllvitk local matters the raolaacholy dav have come r tlie tvjtcrt of tho jtir when fcixcs reiclr maturity aud iuyriad uilla pjcir whea frotu from ccirtheni iutudes upon the lireeics floaty f arid iirhs the editor io think fa list no ovcrcoatj we payed a flying vvisit o koretown au monday last tiai fituad times aliout as jlall in that ham let aa they are here j pleaty of mad oa tueetreei we paid a riait t- mc- lcod aadertba t cils tlorcadvwere carurued at ceaiug thelarg6 collctiau of cheap poods i a uuuibcr of ucw ttreet crotsiuct are being made- hut not before they were badly required tho fine ucw brick block opposite hcaceits hotel u ucariug completiori itio own hall it aio being faaifhed a qtriefcly as pohibiejaud ac had the pleasure of licaring te riug of the new bell litaatcd on the irau mi clms vr cakimgh of icorgctown formerly local editor and foreman of the urram hz bcco ap pointed agent at the k i k v ft ttatitttj iuceorjetjwn ilri cavanagh has held reipnaaihlc titaatiniik ou uther rsilrreufi and e are sure hs tcrviies will beapnreciatelby those who have any couacctiua with him i he it au aitahle and ohliirinc yuaugrnan aal wc arc ctceedinglj pleaaetl to congratulate hiai on his cutees iaptiuiag a jheittou where although cojjiidcrxme reiponfii- iti5- r qikh hiru he will ajaavb be foautl eqcal to hu rata ju oucharlie aad irosjicr hard pax iliicesrpiobably ic the history of the dry pxuls trailc his roilfld trip but it may he that tie verwie as iiw prices as are uow j -l- cjootcd nea- gku frch from tin- is keeping the babuice of hisju uey that is from acton lohouie for ney weeks ptper i if so lit should be heided anotlierikiflht of peril traveller caniinenles his article by comimring ihe past the eisteru crisis appears to ir iveari important iusuence apan te internal affairs of the anstro- rtungarikh monarctiy the draft oftheriiitress foppsed bv theuer- jnan eatiicak though it- has been considerably taied down in commit tee is still a strong remonstrance against the imperial foreign policy wilich has produced great anxiety among the populations of jthe empire the austraingermans certainly hare no rightto spesfcon behalf of the other austrian nationalities andit isprobable that if it ministry were to come into office which would givetbe slayonie populations greater political iflfjti- eqce the address ofvthe lower house would sfate tbifc he present foieign policy which saves slavonic races from anarchy and enables them to participati in the benesta of austrian rule ii a beneficial one if the german radicals persist ia then- opposition it may happen that anew distribution of polittoit pewer aud influmce in austria may arise oat at tho breakip of he gertnaa- efpmjnt vtiiaiy pirliamenuiry grteidmontby ceisiag to bajthe knufiemiirof i i train seriously iuouooly of a stule nationality jburued aal suldcd j of woill b come niore raluable both dseas are oiorp or kas fa- j for th hiae andjthe foreign iater- o l j ciliof tin ajjaarchy i j it way of thesteamer by lird iirnea with tha present but he is aileut- r r i rn r k las ihe grave as to the future nqwi auudccamp in full stair regimen- 1 j m vl mr elitor i will take the liberty tals the duke invited tue pnn- i cess and some others of the parjty to lunelicon on ihe black prince it harinrbeen arranged that every thing should be quiet and unofficial till the sarjuatian would leave her kesettt anchorage at 10 a m on monday the voyage was boister ous throughout dining which h r h clic princess 1jiiise served a rough apprenticeship to the sea she harjag apuntredouly once ou deck during the entire vojage the maiqnis proved himself to be very cftibleji spending a large iior- tion of his time on deck and freely conversing with his staff and the officers of the ship- his kind dis position will ro doubt soon wiu the heart of all canadians all hali ax wis bedeckejl with evergreen arches surmounted with motoes flagsjand the whole tojvn aud a largo number of visitdis took part in the rejoicings quite a nitniber of distluguished person ages who were to meet the visitors had arrived aud everything was got in readiness for the lauding the formal landing of the vice r perty was made at i p ra her royal highness- ani the marquis of iiras embarked on boari the bjtrge of the black prince and preceded by admiral ingle- fields barge and followed by the galleys of tlie ships in double line were rowed between the two liues of ths menofwar the yards bainr manned again cheers were given by the crewa the bands playing and theguirds presenting- arrns oa landtag the marquis iind pnncess were received by the civil military and naval dignitaries and a gnard of honor from the 66th regiment a beautiful bouciuet was presented to h r h by miss marv archibildi youngest daughter of the lieutgovernor ifhmediately on her landing after landing a very large and- imposmg procession was formed which escourted our distinguished visitors to th provincial buildings where the liwejutixa is- i of lord irtrne as jorernorgeneral took place which ceremonies rare very iiiteresting bat owing to the limited space at our disposal we are compelled to biuit after- be ing sworn in the new govenror- frjneral tookhis seal ontha throne and the members of ihe privy council were jireieuled to hira tbe civio address presented by to sxy that traveller is notl jt prudent man for a irudeut niiiu cutumiits nothing to chance die always compares the three great arijds of lime with each other and from the reflection of the past he regulates the present and pro videi fur the future now if ha is not a undent man neither is he a teaiperate niau as a temperate tnau is supposed to have such caatiaas habits that he never drtvesi oter rough roads at a furious rate-n- seqiicutly ho never breaks hia hiiggy al traviller did but iuv beuightedfiieud will remeuibci that bad tliefroat axlo lrufcenjit would have givonbiui more trouble to get it to actqn than hcj had but had he fortitude in ihe hotttjof hia tril i think not for forti- lode is that virtue which serves a man agtiust the 6torui of adversity acd enables him to rise suieriorto distress aud despair travellar admits his weakness on thekinf- when be says he ben to desptar r knowing what to do has je common sense j i think he bus and that of the ccuutuauest kit his article from beginning to e mints that wat ha comniences telling us that he has lived years itrejuesiug he ahowsth ho used to own a pair of cowhide boots and also that he was pi-o- prietor of ayoke of oxen and a cart but the people were rough as well is the roada and traveller a great fellow at logging b es sometirfles he woumi get stuck in mudholea and he believes he n- joyed more comfort in those diys than he does now well mr editor i propose to make the rough way smoothe by the means of advice to my fellow sufferer and if he acts on my ad vice he will have aa opportunity to experience souto of the codif- rts of the past which he longs for so much now 1 would advise him to go to davy maloney s and g t a iair j of cowhide boots then he should call at the fres puess ofi ce and advertise all his effects for a ila wtthitlie exceftion of his ox i nd cartthen let- him start for he free grant settlements in maskoka hs oindrive all the way hnd by the time he reaches parry sou id he surely will have experien sed somsi of the past comforts whch he cherishes so dearly bdt he leaves the past and cilia- onr attention to the prewnt he says that on the night of the i lib ius iit was veix dark was fh b any dark nights in the old times he longs fori and he was journey ng from sadom towards horns 1 wonder if he remembered w mt loam cm be got at so tc go jr cent off their furmercost in pnxif of tbis we advise atrial it the ilifgoa- fouk- acton curiitie ffeadcrsoa t co see ihcir fiinoasim ccatitvtds wladaw brflkca j ia yoaag rawi nlmel johnlsavil wholmrfi at clarks huu and cho wood lor afarmer iatais neighborhood jras looking at eome nuvirs jispuyej u th aiduaw at mornivv dntg store ca monday creuiuff when he ra some way slipped shorici his elbow throcgh one of the focrjarge panes of glass o which the window- a cotnpttsxl hi promisedto pat in a luew pane fa the roominf bat didnt and has made hira elf tearca ever dace one juf his chares offend mr ijiamiw ftkr to settle this matter bef as the paucs cost 400 each the offer was declined savel isreqaested tol have the raittcr immediately atlended to or he way get himself iato difficulty brsefcev ec ott mondiy last a young mm named donald mann iu the tm lay of mr rantplh adams met ith rather a serious accident- he ploy thejmayorand aermaa of hali happened lo lots wife it rnayibb fax was thep presenter to whbh 1 that ha did for he waa about to ha exceikncy replied ia a very i offer up liiaoki for bis safety l hauling wood fnjia adarca yard near he station lo thn tant nery snd when he aiived at the topof speighte hillon maiij street tjhe frort stay against which the wood was piled gkve way letting mr mann and a portion of ihe wood fall down between the horses and the waggon which startled the horses and in the confusion mr mann in sonie way had his leg broken between the knee and tli ankle the fracture was attended to by dr mcgarjvin and we are happy to sfate that mr mann is progiaf sing as favpra bly as possible ratal ieddent j on fridav last as mr donald mricaljum of jesquesiug iwell cnown iu this neighborhood was standing on the track at the june tioa at georgetown talking j te a frifndfhe waa injured by a irain which waa in the act of stopping theie they bteppeei a short dis tance out of the way but the train riot stopping at they supposed atruck mccallum i he supposed the injuries wen slight and was removed- to the farm ofthe dale robt laidlaw pear mansfield s srricll flag atitipn onthe h k n w r hut unfo tunaltlv infiania- tioa of the bowls died ontuesday mccallum was a time possessed eft in and he 26th mst mr niiin who at one considerable pro- perty but owinato uncontromable cjfeumatancea helloat all and has for a year or so been dependent on his daily labor for aapnorlj he leaves a large circle of friend to whom he waa greatly attached who mourn their sudden bereavement ia td wler ce on thnrajiy list the inhabitants of acton and- vjcinihr were amaied at hearing of the tudden death of mr god wrijht of nasaagaweya mrs friht had beenj buried about a week before and at that time mr wright appeared tojbe as liearjty as eter althuagh no dauljt dceplv feeling hie bereavement jit seems thit the liokneai of mr 7jvewmach resembl ed the disease to fhich hia wife sac- cambed and tbeseeircumstaures led to to examinalion wn ch resulted in find- iu a lot of dccayei rait and vegetable baucatli aud re- a bedroom and it it ah from mas the specved touple kuhmc that tho foul lraritiotc from these uijeauhv hjhilj tause oftthcir aihheutsj mr fright was a liafire of abcr- been hioliaid and aaie to canada over tuintylita yeans ago ntlhu theu in his miiihborhjod lie was a raanof ijitclligeflcc laitowinjr io the millexteut of his means ho dsjieudcd ou his diil labor or sapport aad coo- leqneutlyifad very hlflc lime to- spend in feeding jui mind the old couple whowrelio mddou y called away fv a family srid a lirce circle of tricadf to mourn the loss j tlie newest ideav in millinery aad mantle trade j per express daily the latest novelties of lha seasou hoc hose fstious soceut kuls at the glas gow house christie ifeudcrsou k co acton ttte alt it- in acjon at the mtthudist- parson- ze on i ho hlh irut ly the ilv k hobtis mr john xi cook ia fiss delia e miller all of feqacaing in cullph oi the 20h instant hj- the lief j 0 smith ai a mr joseph chisholm to mlisa- iisbella mc- mastcr both of lrin talithip atthoj rcsidcace of the lindesirrtlier on tridajj- 22nd but by ihe iter u b cameron mr john st dicer to miss ann itojs daoghter of t c iatcw ftoss kiq alttif ksqncsi ig iko qpex01vi a i ojicn disisloa under the anapices of 1 act0hjdiv13iiw sons of tzu2ix6s ik 242 wiuholwlijdvbiltjf temperanoe hall acton ids tuesday evsv lotu of uecr at ijo oclock- aq cxpericneedcomraitloe of issiesr has been sppoiulal who will provide- aneijellcat progrjimmefor tlie eveaiu all arc iniied t3 atteud as tlie liisisioa intend cohlinuiirg these monthly ejiteruminenfcs daring the winter a colltkion will be takeu up to provide uew music and meet other neccsiary cxpemitr 22ct in okdek euycou asii fob rmatiui i tho subjiriberi prepared tc tor cash for all sufe timber bjiiugie timber abdbasswood losa delivered at tho factory lately unrchaeed frota lirowu t liaji l8- kpwafid mo goatt fob settnclt r the underiignjid juu for iemcea- dntcuuffulsljoar on lot 42 i township of ksqnesinr terms 1 00 cash at time of senice i i witgibb0x8 qa8h whkfiis anij prepared to pay tte highest cash price for all elssiri of iamb sod sheep skins delirered at my tssaxteryv late lcahcr constantly on hand tllv jamis moobe- m tnr ucsyit iii acfon on the 27th kelly o apoptery agi d months at the residence of j esq cm lhci9ti inst used in the 2fith yen iu ksj saiwejs oa mr geo wnght sr years at hie reaiiicnce cmnpbe scotch hi ucciliitn on tuesday ahouta j at hi tuesday prop ii av iuctwn 23 con 2 nis 10th decenr k bessey mia emmaauu her age tlz 21st lost cd about c3 l lenjtrfet aitetu u r rsiiii having sysions loilarwe will for the uekl week two olter it at tlie same rate at the same place iiej new brick store peusovall ahj iiiformitirmi rcpc4iiag ifar- auu uijcivay vrlio caiuc t cani4si frw ualgnive tn it mi3 mc- liarnon about twr or five yearn- agii aul wlifj is fiifpp3jcd tj be litriuc jwi tb a family ly the uftnis jf sraib in this riiiuily wyull 1 gtidly retcircdby her lirotlicrr ttfilum- kidgoway- jufortualiya w be lift at thw 63ee it v- i i r int peter i ycant aiidg dawfltlxe 1- i3 the undersigned is prepared to file md set any tind of saws including crosscut heck iiiithsod sans on the shortest nplice andst reisdnahle rate io the buiiing opposite h adams sale stables od john street just v gth6ma3 yu pecr mr dotialt thinst aged pit8 to exculiut j the uhdafsigiied kastiro cows ene a thurotighlwd the other gjflde laith firstcla corti nrluch he will tjreinnge for good fresh milfc cowswliifli ranl have a good rccoaimenjatijna milt ers oacof thecins will calve about the 1st of april ist9 and theother i a fsrrviwcow l j i i faliwstkoxg i k sales mi jpiwreya aa jdlia haut ire n tonrloirn town rlfjihi wnnta banps oi iiclilitjuatof fitfieri en mkefftp4l f ittvco ioriuotnuiqew irapuiais nu vgrefet trail xlatl oslt j veitaj roofks fossile the subsorifierhaa onjisrdoritaliiis nnmlierof lirstebui8 fiichandbalf foprpanel doors which will beaold nbeap for cash- these doors ars mana fsctared from lamber whichj hat been eaaooedrfqr fiyeyears l v thos 0 moore carpentev i hower avenoe altlc dead of frederick street acton stll ay heifek s rsyed to the premises ofthe inb- erbr let 18 con 7 kaasajiveyay abia the first of june a red heiier riiio t w jyesrioli the oaraerisre- jimji ti prire propjrtyyijy chargu ml tikeifatvaj j3 hew waltace tul and it half prlcea tlxe wtole of svmons stock to ha rushed of wonderful orcoyeby c mpees3 fc tlf tclkxt jot maxklib ixtitiuva akd extexa uklluot ihtiatf wafifp tl tciajljl jrtxiwnrc weui 01 11 u lsislau 3rr bolightm entire stock at fiftveciiu tuilf lie james or now ja oa tuesday listi n4v sale begi and get first cliaice nr f null in 11 lie auutici lcniiliijl 1 1 vul 1 tljjioniaii coli4t ajihid t p tuuutcite lojl tui oilulasc vkrer jl u flloilti 1 isctiattn tu uij very oodf frn- ttac cuciiuikon ui-rr-jiziit- i 11 r tf in lift- ijri mot it icm tb stuiu rli i ilijiiaiurjl wstltu rkjuiclj iii rcutr liedjuiiv nra- rrta tvutuaiiuiiauj r-uiejfcl- lihts ijlijliin jru ca isni- iyiu iu i ijr i ilii 1j uc liiu iu 1 uctslv 1 nib iu naouldir tviius cuii t tqtbtbuilijt linuuii uctsutj wiu ri nc i it vili vim t ic m t aeublziii viz utfftaj trcaicrjiliits jus iii- juloriinic roliet apdgvil a tru i ue i mlmeit i i al- d sea 6 ig its ecei jia bast eustjd now being tilled with all the latest designs in- j 1 ecaviig bought- early we will beable to exhiltit a large selection of the best patterns ill tlie market 1 scotfch tweed shirtlini k tn great varietyt worsted coatings taprfsrinqs neat j and durable i i all the latest styles in hats 4 cents fur i our stock is large well assorted allthe newest things in so ife tibs and soairf i fyfe aclpn august 20 1677 i- uprajtl unil rcuei tena oj b ecatiwrtt f it jncco lfh iu hcuacjf iici i flu lite trt lbn4it in k-c- irti ltiiinules picjtiani lo ukf gies i lulaui ease mid cja iikil uijer rjiieo or iicit iiau any jncpiirauou arilh r- jnlt stmihj lebeidjcifiicef i i- vi t rvl un if 1iuof ui sritiit fttfercr jucjtir uuy ivrui luaiujr feuwiv- inaj tv hi i urlvar0tj ir vwtu trio is au3naixtibvkt lueolifcetutvioitlo any ky of the week will gfl imictiol iruof fv ot cliirge oi us luagical wer frj m i pnp n-pls- teumbnuli from ail pittu of iwuinioti ale conlnnily copiing to bunil gifmg epcea- sign lo the moat gcaieriil grttj- utle for aitiotahhig cureswhidi it has jiforaietv ud e ould be pi4ied to receive ealiaoui uu from nil oibers wko us u uccisfuuf 1 iivsiciiiisof the mjlieat re- apecubility recoiiiiarrid it ha a ilost effictaal domestic rem- jejjr lor bo rtlkf of tixm in lensej ot euddenemrgncy girry ittjourboiueb audit iriu p rote a lilbsa toijoar ramilu and ufflicej frifcudj- f til i mi drupfitslsarc seiting enoituous quantities of it wherdferjniro- elucetl 1 j i challenge tlje world to jro iduce ila eojual j price s5 ceiits per bottle i the trade supplied through the j wholesale drug anc l paietit mviiciae- roases of monties toronto llntnilton and london sold bt iij entearaisika ntfc- cists m i fresh oysters fre3h y jtlbs b oysters in cans or by jpauftil ut just ittrvp p scmcnabt o uatrecelved a j wass lordi crraiba aii in the louolng aiies i iqti 2qt3qt 1 jalion and 2 kallcms i pailiea tiihlng pails kit ofraiers can gi them byttadfeiaing f ri murray quelphi just received i stfinni haddies v sloatersj qraaie iop- ooen ballvsby tht barrel top corn ballsby thft hundted- ml oint tttaed to proastty 1 40- wjndfcam street 1 11 m m v

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