Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1878, p. 4

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y^BH-t^y.^nv agwy *-sv ^wwjtMimwMiw i naawnm .fnp.yt.i i^-i^^gt^gagfc^^^ :',2=:j;: *:; i THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, KALIAN COUNTY, ONTM FEBRUARY 21, 1878. ':rm-uv*j'v*u.m r M- W i m I [a t3 m: vm> two, _ l. Jt'vou to mo he oold, Or 1 '!- kibe M >-..-,-., ii',' woi'id v. ill K" "ii. 1 t>iinK, .hi.-! ;.s it u-v.i to .1-' : " ^l'Sie ol.iiols "'!! ,,,rt with.the moon, "Tfce sun v. ill kiss the sc:\, Tlu-wiit.l to tin- tivo*Vill whisper, Aii.l l;ivi;:li al >-n and i-iu ! H.;i :'.,.-f.r.i'v. t4L not K- so briitht, 1'ho i-huiii.-. v. iii ;iet'm-in tovChite, J^. I think \.>u hsd letter 11- kitvV And;! had 1-st K- true, Ami K-i I'"' niil !o\o i;.' nil, .1...-! .u. 1'. llt-od t" ill'. 12 1; tl: It 8t;l:l T .11. ,- whole of n jvvco to rvad, . 1.K-.U U- tuiishe.l tht-oindi. '.he woilil iu:iy ii'w;ul on. I think, ,i ^= it used to .1-' ; ) 'lovot.s. vilteoti , .:.custh:it \t<havi'"p-V>i'd. A:: i tin irouehet'oiis i_.dd oi the. liilld- uio, W.ll ;;littor onto the last, V::t ? til. il;lVi> A iilllvlvi.H'uj Au.t "in.- !: >> not rvad tho 1 ivik -- i: o> in- only to two ; So-.! :l.inU Yen h.-\d i-ett-I K- liud, Ai:.l Ui):j.\k.-tU"traf, .\u-i lot tin- roa.Hnc*!'-'ots . OIU-. to U Uts.'d to do. ' V III. ! if wo w.lio hvo failed to^ethor Kii: oui of each olhor'.-i view. .- I'iio world will B-til ou, I think, Just :u- it V.sod to ilo ;. \:'i.l v. o r.oiv rtvl.en !->' t.t-vrs Tout. ;'.'..-.!]. from dilfoiviit sh.i*V- 1 Ami another of Ii'Ti-'s pTrat-v Wi.v e.-.ptr.re. tnv lost pr.ro J 0 it ships h-:u; tuTio together ,l\i:> bolter the temp-.-st weather I'^iVii .i;iv other two : So L ;lo:ik you had l-vittor bo kind. u! A ml ! in'.il be.-t !* true. i Th it we toi;otki.r may sdl J'..st ;l wo uso.l to'do. 0 bfl ft X <<x> 4J' i_ PQ m hJ H T3 ft)-- t-l m .0 |H5 sS PS. r i L_.....1. f iBErasss ax'.i tiil; rtow, NV! i-'.ivv not tho vt'-ti'.'vly :h*n( hi cil.v or in tov.ti, VVi.o w^jj'tWrs wj-.i-tht-r punn'tiu yiiio: 'i'iir:i uo UiO-ii^II or lioTV-a. iVo c.iro not tor-!ii</m:'.rl>le h31s- Nor vot iiis lu*:;i^ o; jjold ; AVo woiil.l i.ot own h'f horili.l hu^rt i"^7 :'41 h:= v,-i;a!tiijt>vico told'.- \Vo Aro tho faVL>iv.i.uno6 of er.rth. Wo l-riith puro air cioh morn, \\" > tow. t.o re.-ii"' tio golden griiai, NVo itather in tJo oorn, >\"o toil v. e livo .m wh.it wo ot>rii. And tiioro than thia ire 6' A'o 'tic'-r of rtarv:n_: :Il^n:^'!U: ro"J-d# AuJ -Uily i^l'dio^i too; A New Nubhcrlbcr. i _ ,__.^_^ ^Vc got r iic\T Mubsofiljor on Wodnchdny. 'When wo annweivil rhis knook :tf. (.bo <Uior, lio clulod in, took oil" hi:; lint rvnd m-kdl : ' la \lis do no>s[);ij>w flioj'S' \Vo t<iid lihn it wuti. * An' i'jj you tlo lio.-ifi Ionian oo :di wukj'}' ,; Wo uutisfioil our ooloffd visitov on that point, mid ho.continued : ' 1 fi'toh in Konio ibivron tmiuy, fttt' 1 proniisi'd .IJliiilijnei'Xidi- dut'K my oldoa' oi:ilo--.I liroininod dnt boy I'd pio.soiilH' for ft iv*\ior. Ho kiu--ri>:ul, lio kin; mi' lio't. iillors liostov'm' th'ti Alio tiiuV.itu Kn' mo for oookH find . |vt|'fi-B. I h'ikiho we omiidoo ilooliili;'i) dispciiaity. How dv-'o wll vo' ^>\u'm I' 'lOollikr itid ik fialf-a yfrfcr.' 'All do BR'.uo'~jrico t > , * VeV * Ijut zuo obaairo" onC>, of you \Vo hniidcd hiiu n pupor, nnd hu unfolded it upside down, scanning it crittiM'.ly on both fcidoa,/ "Looks, like dar wtvr <v Btplii of 1 lotti'riu' in dnr. I done foi-^ot my I. uptoterole* dis inorniu', un' I cau't 1" I^M fcio! ly toll if it's da do 'Moi loiiu i liinaiiagi,1:' r Wo uvsiirod liiui it waa.' | r * lu dti IHunoorotio or Republi can f'ranch, sah V [ -IJcpiiClic-iU.' "' I 'Diit's do kiud oh a bouk Elxiu- j uooxdh jjnidimUtv.l in, an' i s'poso i dis papi- 'ud tititt bin:. JlV'llsh mi' i half a yeah, you any, Rahl How uiiioh 13 uat u inouth V "'Abu'utft bit.'- ' I'tie not tho man to jjiln' ex penees. whar do propah edjiiciitin' ob my shillun ts conearnotk I hoi d*l it's npusfiiuV duty to oullivato BLINDS 30 CENTS PER FOOT. his outsprln^ to do 'stent ob ilia j Kindly thanking oustomers for tihJeiitNss. Prescribe do na:iio- ol> j rui^t favors mid tiopinjj hUU to merit n ! EbHhueali Sqovt ou. vo" booko. I bur abare of your piitroniige. j Dnf it. Ef ro'd jv-s pit a fow j I nm respeotfully youra piolersin Hb's'paper it ud pljufio j; T1IUS. KBBAQE, Agent, do chilittu mightily. Hero's bix cents, sah. Send do papoi 'long, an' ef it albs Basserfnotinn I'll como 7PT J. t. liloG s V G kV O to OAST OUT But not Destroyed. Having rnndo arranpoment.i with Mr. Mitchell, of Milton, for an Hgonoy for the? wilo of Sash, Dooro. Pramoo, Mouldinsa, Dro3col Ploorinu. SJiooiiacr, "Wainscot, siain?. &o. 1 Mtn phopsirod to furnish uny of tho l>ovo, n prices th.it defy com-' petition. I'loaio culk nnd boo nm l>\e* of oioultiDg, &c, oeforo pur chasing olBowhere. THE ACTON c Hall of Pharmacy, For Drugs, Patent 3Mtodioiaos, Dyo Stuffs, Ooinl33, Briiohos, 650. BEArTTYmS&'" "^..Vi AN'li lIl'itKiHT, mi i(K VITY'H OKI.E- UllATICll .UnlillKN T1.1NUUK1) I'Alt- l^ult oltO.YN urn tin' Kwcl'IcKt loneil ami most I'orlort. liiHliimli'lilH evor "tjcfoio .niiniuf'ioiuri-il In tins or any ol-hor..coun try- "Jin" orlil Is olialli'iiKcil U> t'ljun,. ilioin. !! i.tillsponiilsniiil tonii-i'ViT bo- foro j;iv. n. Uoi'l; liottniu jianlo. |irlreBl now ' roaily to Jo.jbors,- ii'^oli h, and Iho trulu In ,nonil. An-odor. TIhkc cclo- linitoil In-Iriim-iilB ii'lllior l'lano or ilrumi' hOMMl ami ,'ihli'l'Oil anywlirro, on ilvo or ilfli'. n ilnyh' lint trial. Mom y re- fimili'il and fri'lulil rlinntc' liiilil liotli ways If in any way lliisatlj-fiu'toiy. I-'nlly w.irruiiioil ror hU jvhi'h Wh f-lrlctlv llrM- i-llis-i. i:XTIt Al>lt ll N ,Y! 1,1 liKU Ali DIMMIiN'ISiilii'ii to Clill.'rlw-N.-Soliottlti, LiKl;r'-s. 1Lnils. MmlHU-rs,'I'onolo'lK, dr., In iinlor In liavo tin-ill in(riv!iK'i>ilut.<iiiri' wli'-l'i I laivi'in> ui;oiil<i, Thoiisaliilii liou in use. Xpiv lUustrii'i'il Ai|vi-rll.-er(I'ti'ii- loBllo I-Mllloll; v,i:h list Ol l.slllili.lililli., now r<-:rly, m-iii (no. Ksial-llshoil Ii IS-W. Aii.lros DANIEL. F. BtATTY, Wnsliing'.oii, .Nc^v Ji-r^ey, W. STEWARTS CO AliK . ^Iinp.nt Mr- tlvorton'a old Hlnn-I. ! Acton, I'oc. 27th, 1S7T. . W-ly. i :n n" jtrceciiiie fob a full month, i Goad lEornin'!' ' '. 1'ii, :iii: :io t.-.wyer laY-s 0:1 ,ir ' W-t iira_- r. wciry i'fe, i.-;. lie novcr knows a peooefui toirr^ Hi> ..tiuo.-'.'heroii Strife. A ::i.-ro!.ant thumW hi* vaiYistiek o'et lirov.s. halyard ut hi* fciill, ' i) lor. Why don't ho till the soil! Tho .'.H-tr.r plods It.ro-.i.'h store: cud r.iin. __- I'l.-il;. .at. kis rat'-oiit's wiT! ; iVitii lio.ail :ui-l itoi.e he pl^ils a^2 iT-.i ;et'hia leii.'thy hill. -Ml-.-s his noble foi; sjij the mighty clirtlij -'^.nii ^tr.m:'.- it 0:1 tli-o wockiy Ehect To choor Lii^ l^Ujr-.^V Leartiu IW.eipir tliu honor of the Plow, And honor' to the Press J fwo noble illbtli ajTuts of toil, ; . Kaoli wiUi a pu-B-t-j- to. bless. *;- 'i h- U'i!-.-, the u.-rW of tills fast ti{S>, T.-:io wt^Uhof huniali kind : 4,'n - liiiii U10 ei-i-r faithful oikrLh; T.ie u^iier tills llie mind. ly.e i.rii:t*.-r hie He i;r.i.M'i the ,:'. * Si-s.iiieiJer*^ Tomatoes. Sobtioi.ior is vury fond of toma toes, tvriiuuidur iias u' frtend 111 i,Ut: coiiu.ti'3 who raises " garde-u <i^ssr'iiui sioh." S-:Iiuyider had an ^nviUiuou 10 visit bia friend-last week.-, ami regale himself oil bis favjjrrtc veyot.aiile. His -fiionu i'lVtif-H' being b.is'y , nogotiating witii^i s"l>', produce de.iler, on bis a.-rividj Sohii-jid-jr thought he woui-l tu-ito a stroll itl1 tho garden and see some of "biau favorites in their pristine beallly. Wo will lot htm ieil the test of t.Lo atory in his .own htli^uage T.- Vull, I valks^jslmst . a leodl j-Liiu ri aiaut, viiijii I see somo of X dusi uenuiittrs vjit vhb so red u.ul jiicoas I nefer did beo any more, iind d-.'Jiui-s I vil). put. . ininesolf outsi ii" Uouta ouple.-a-Jozon, shust to gil' i>:o n leullo ubbutilO for dill iier. to. !_'pulls olf von of der lo.jd 1st -and post looking of dose dci iirStoi*, nnd dakes a. jiooty. goot ' hito. out .of dot, uud vos' chewing it ifjj pooty ijni. inv il^k, vhen by sljiiii -l .ioit. I hiid a poose of rod- ii'jt. '4'->4a i*i uiine moiit, or van .chewing up <iv.o or dhreo bapurs of needles; and I volt so jntd, nlroady, ^3ot niiuo eyns van yool of dfeirs, iind k maiio vor dor Joldt oaken .iiu-ket vot .1 ix-ts hanging dor "veil pn, as I wia.lgoontin' along. sjiitiat (Uien mine vriend Pfcifler giiuio up uiu1 ubk uie vot make me \ee.l to pa.1/ und ef any of mine, -v.iinily vas dead." I toldt him T Yas der only von ov ziie validly dot va* pdot\' sick : ami den T ask him \i..,\ -o" dej-tnateis di>M! yas vot Licking; und dot lalldsUllTIl!. , 1 Tho wotnuQ qnctslion: * WLaft i shall I wjeor nextl^ /An nnp.sid for'^'rtcht Ja politely termed + rioating debt. . A doctor's motto la supposed to be patients uud loiig-suiTerin^'. Advice to tho brimstone contro- vereiiilibt L-et heil euough aloae. We aro uppioaohing a now era. A Michigan man fainted away with joy at iuo-oth;g his mother-in-law ic the depot. " Shaking dio) at;-a fa^t1, to_ ae who ahull kiss the pi-ottieet girl, 1b what is meant.by giving ovary man a * fair .abate.* A Washington t woman htks ap plied to be appointed a constable^ despairing of erer catching a man in any other way. The great difference between the young and the old is this": the yonng havo tho world before thsrn, while the old arts behind tho world. Statistics show thrvt the number of suicides in all civilized countrio3 is yearly on. the increase. The wear and tear of life is also increas ing. The Chinamen who San Frvn* uisco is so anxious to get rid of aie koartily .welcomed in Peru, where there aro now some 70,000 of them. If yon want to take the gimp out of a atuck-up man, miatake him for tho street car conductor by o'f- foiing him your faro a he comes along. There are two thing? that d3uble up o man with startling rapidity the fuiKery of an uneasy conscience and the unpaid interest of a pro- uiisfcory note. The best. thing evep saia of ghos's.was said by Coleridgo, when asked by a lady if ho believed in thorn. * No, madam ; I have seen too many to balieve lu them.' ' A retired New York sea captain has a j>et crow named "Jack," which takes itB-grog likte an. old salt. It will take-down at a dose a half glass of raw whiskey, after which it gives a hoarse ciofrk of maudlin doligbt, mid falld over . on its side. Its recovery is rapid, and it Boon Tralks off. This dissolute bird iii iu the Iwbit of getting drunk two or three times a day, and tho more it drinks tho bettor it seems to tin ive. i SIGN PAINTERS X&VZ ttun of tho I! ill to it iJlntet and Provinces to nnswor this iiilvortlBomi'-nt. Addcoss DASir.1. F. HKATTIf, Washington, Kow Jersey. gRACE^ (JELEBRATED gALVE A. Sow Seller for %We SafTcrrr. rn&rARF:r> iiv SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, 80 UAaill.HOK AVENUE, BilSTON, MASS. UIIAOETS OEI.KHRATKD SALVE, Is a Vegetable Preparation, Inventoil Jn tlif> !7tli o -riiuiy by l)r;\Vll- ll.\iu Uraoo, S:ir^->on In Klnx JiimeV ariuy-.. Throu^li lis iiKoncy lio rure<l tlionsnnilH of tho most sc-rlmiB horc^-and wmiinls that hailloii tin-sltlll of thd ^no.st .-mlnont iliysklaii of HIh day, andrYVfiH rcKiirdoil t>y nil who itnoiv liim in-'iijiub le benefactor. " ; 1 . i'llli-i: 2"> CSNTS A 60s. GOAt'E'S <-ELEl;lI4Tt:i>; SALVE out: us '"" t-nttf-.Il WOUNDS. KIIOZHN I.tM IIS. SALT- HllEX'U, l-ltll.Ul.VIN.S Snltl: JlltEAST, boiti: 1.11M, Kityrtii"i:i,A.s, itixu- llji ktllii I Lad 'shust iniue. cr.ieiui'.s. bion how l.-iii^hc-l, nod eaiT dot dose vas rcl ly,-j,j.. dot, Le'1'a.-s 11'^.sni' vor bi-pjiei --..iss. ^'011 pet Kinie^ life I ti. inn.it." 1 ladder you lo'if me fifdy h lo I'tlt rjUllli', lllol'O of.du.ie ,bi'j'per.tjt .0 derin.iLe/'s.' " ijjrtoraiice of- C'smatliau <eo- 1 {n-aphy. A story has-coin'i-: to u,-voui:heil for by a clergyman, to the follow-. A inoniher of a firm ju linirhiiid, hniug b'u agency at Ilainilton, Out., Ijeiug desiiout of .-.ending one of their representative;* r-L ) <?.mad.i on i: : prospecting toui, ' wr.>t to tkoii'-agent at, .Huioiltoii j uevar tiUM liiiij; thoy tire never stating that they,itjteuded sending- AIi- --------------to This country, who woul-l arrive at O'lebec ou a eei- tain day, and would they be kind p.,,,,.-'. -,, send a convi'Jfaiice fo The Rfayauh of tub Jopkxai.- ist. dt hiis.l'ceu said ~that the actor must haivcct bin reputation in the glare of. the fooilighta. He need (xpect nothing from posterity. It will know nothing of dim except through impalpable, ami untrust worthy tradition.' It' is even truer of the jourualist-^-it istruejof hitn that of any oihttiiiaii vUioko life biminee4 touches go closely ' the business and lifes of the public ami o'f.all the individuals who make up the public that he must reap the reward of his work while he is doing it. Ho contributes, perhaps, more .constantly than uny other worker,'to the__entertttiument and instruction of the jvublic, bu.t he, never jieea the public; the pujjlie WOitl!. CAM.I'S!;.-, M'AI.U lldiA-D c iiai i*i:i u ANUS, BIT ItNS, c^nci:!^, fc-r,i,'-.S'is, sn.\.T.u-t, riling, . i;i,rM:t:s, WOtl.NIM, fiTlMH, ! SHINOLI-'), rt;sTi:i3, Wir.NH, feTIES, I'ir-TvS .AUf'i:.-H, FKKi'KLCS, UUNIOX3, ipi: Ai.Ne, ll'lII.M, HITK', cvr.< . WHlTI.uWB U'.VUTS, % HM^Ti;nS TAX I'lyi'Li^, " CORN.'-', hci-i:vyf tT.'ir. ISOItOWINO NAII.S, MtTTI.K HASIt, , MCSat'lTO AMI KI.EA HITIiS, Sl'IDEU HTISflS, j -v. Anil all eutunooti- diseases tindi ruplloos yi-norally, Forsuln by all druggists, Rrocers, ab<I at al! eo-.ui! *tor05. tnrouitliout Llio-llnl-- li-J-soo.tos and IlrlUsli I'rovlnct.s. l'rloe oy ruallSiiconts f- "J I . PnOTOCinAPIIliRS sliould for ward mo their nddress if they wish to obtain a Piano or Organ in exchange for .Photographinij^^Ad' dress DANIEL' F. UEATyPtfvi' ington, New Jersey. ACTON PLANING MILLS lyw. t'AMPMELL, Trep. 7 KNOW By readlnp nncj proctlctoj the lucplinmblo truths, coir italncd In tho "beyt mcilica fbook cTfr Untied.'entillet IVIIIIAPn BSlXF-l'UliSEU\-ATIO> THYSpB pi'rlcconlyitl. ficMbymai I HI I Vbbl n,n receipt of prire. I' trrits of Exhausted Vitality, I'rcmnturo Dcclino Kcrroua and Physical DcLUity, and the emllesl concomitant ilb and uu.told mlscrios that rcsu!: thcrvfroin, and contains more than 60 original pro tcrintlons, uny olio of which 19 vrorth the price 0) the book. This book was written by the most c tcunlvc an J probably tlic most skilful practitionci In America, to whom was awarded a gold and jew tiled medal by the National Medical Association A Pamphlet, illmiratcd with tho Tcry fines Steel Enpravimrs -- Tel of art ana beauty cnt tree to aU. Send for It at once. AilJresa FEABODY MEDICAL JXSTITUTT., No. i Bui- ftstik U lidtoii, liii*. <jci ' ^-J ^ea&ilyincre.ise your salary' by doyoiing it, very ,-rnmll portion of viyur leisure time to my interest. 1 do not expect you to canvnes for my celebrated Beatty's l'iunos ai d' Crg'ind unless you see fit to; but Iho service Irequjiro of you is both oleasant and profitable. Full par- ticulars free. Address DANIEL K. BEATTY, Wosliiiigton, New Jersey CASH FQil 8KIN8. HEAL; THYSELF l('e> aro propn'red to pay tho highest cash price west <>t Toronto for alt classes of _ " ' ; Sheepskins ixntl Calfskins in go<>d condition deliveredatour [- tannery, iro wiiili it to he distinctly undcrstend that we pay the H P;] 1 Ksr Pitiix fiy ouch. Fanners will study their inter ests.l.y orhi(;ini; their shim; to ust in stead-of sollitiLT them to Middlemen and Peddler:. STOliEY, MOOltE&CO. Persons leaving skins at. the factory- .of U'. H. Stokkv !c Co. will ako ro- eeiY-'c the highest price for them. BEATTY SfS 0S.GAN There is no manufacturer of Pianos and Organs in this or nny other country who has received as many unsolicited; indorsements rvs.htis Mr. Bea'tty. From every State and Ter ritory comes the same verdict, 'Thoy are tho best in the world." Illustrated :AdvertiBcr, (Catalogue Edition) free. Address DAN'IEl, F BEATTY, Washington, New-Jereoy. "tXTANTED. .: - . ' Ladies' and gentlemen to learn Tele graph Operating for olhces,opening in the Dominion. Stamp for answer. Address MAh.uiKH, , Hope 9.J.1;, Toronto. -----1 i----------------------------:------1-:-------------------------- Having purchased the above named establishment, I am prepared to manu facture- . ^ SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS, &c All kinds of . P "L& J^ T 3l.'IT Ct i :' -1: Promptly attenilod to. 1). \\. CAMPBELL. Aeton, Doc.-llli, '1S77. " ;- 22-3m OMSUrVIPTIOfJ CURED. .,^y\v PJlYfioi*K. iniinl (mm ncllve prie Hoj.bBrlM ha., pl.cfil In >ii bunilj liv inEu.. fnalA tlluiatuiry the loiuiuln i.l c YY^-ctablc I llerocaj for Uie Ipeod.i niid ri nnaiiclil cure of Ctmsujitption, Asthma, Ilmnchltis, Catarrh, d all Tlirnat nirt Ii'ino-Atrrcttonn: !>o alodtlraand! Bodlcal Car f r Kirvnus Dc- lOJ iWniirfily tr.lnl ,1. wiMiil.-rlnl curclKc powcrj Id ihuuund, nl conn, fiiln il li( ilutr m aakoU-knnirniii hit nilttrhiR lellnii-,. Aim. atl by tlin imilhe nml.n cuiin-luiti.rii, illnirc In ff? "J'H.'tSJ???; u1i;ril-S. lie IB i'i..l FllF.K i!iii VirMf**1':!'" "," """i '-!i*. ft Mil lull dlrei-llnns lor li.-\.jiniii,cr r.l.v Eiuii-Mliil- t I ly Hi-Hi?, btnt l.y n-lurii ninil I y uilil.Crthin i | l.h itampriii.niiiig lliifl pap.-r. I ' 1.11. l\ STKVKNel, ( H.li.W. lJol tC, Uuoi.-JiVil.Lli.Os-r. ( ry CS He at tj-'a . -- i^w r i a 11 o *>,- j ^^ and uprlyht, aro !'p'|f Qg ! mO BH'SINESS MEN.-If you JL want lilllheiuls, Statement's, l.ot- ior heniis, Envelopes, Mercantile lMnt- lng.ofany kind, dene lu Ij.isJm ssstyle, neilil your onlcm to tlie.t Kiike I'ltKrtS ofaco, blallsfactlon EiiariuUecai. Any person wiio icln make PI AMOS;nr(%buS'lVvt'hS^EB V iid*rwiirU'nu-n'HHtolthc O CT 11H!?, ' d"the L\ I nan?"? "" ^'""'lMy "'. ""lr ae- ine?* and the people AND as I tie most teanlifiil andsivoet- ahj est loued'Plaiios evi-r manufactur- O St? O A re 9 to't trinV' nu mf- 'II* HirWrV^JMiMif-^iT pronounced the brouj/ht eye to eye and snider the iuilucnc'e t>{ symnathic eiithuaiasm. of that relation. But .'the hourly and earnest woiker in '-journalism, to tha bom journalist, liia work is his joy and reward, - WASHINGTON, best In the world. MEW JGRSEY, Heaiiy's oelebrata Any niiimUactiirerclmllenjijetJ to equal t-tiexn. 'rhoy'posfteifs power,- iloptli, brll.'lancy and HyuinaUunlc- dulleacjv exquisitely lieantlfiilly solo clleels. anil the oi(Ty stop liotlon liver luventoil thiit eiinnot be Uts- ftrrang^-d by use. 'i'lio bellows capacity 1h so k:rea.> that but Utile eflort lsreiiulrj od wltli tUo feci to supply nil the air iioeci-siiry. Uest rpuOeaml mostolecrant eases In the market. All snllil wood iirnaiueiit*, Kverylnstniinentfully war- rantedff/rsix yearsasst-rlntly llrst-elass, and sent on from 5 to 10 days'test trial, A<l<lrpfBSIEl F. BEJJriy. WasbJilo iwiaUevr Jorac-y. i|iiiilntniico who wlFli to procurer-n Ui- slrilinent, either Piano orDrRiin, I will use uiy best ondeiiivorH to sell them one, and for every I'uilw.I sucec oil i n sollun; Uitbeir list, within one year, i wlUcrodit tliein with $11), ami for every Orpitn$5, to be applied on payment of either a riunnor Dicanj and wlion it athountH to a sum tiullleient lojaiy foriinlnifirimient selectednt ti-o Iom-oii ^rliiilcnaie'prlce, I wllHinmiiliatfly siilp tli'<*lnstrummil, free, ornfterany ai">ant ts credited the babineo may ho imid mo in cash und 1 will then; snip them the Instrument. They ni>ndnol bu known In tho maltcr, and wll I too doing ihelr'f rleiids ii ronl eer- vie.'*, as I shall make special iifTers to tbom.sollinga uperlor liisiiumeiii for from one-half to Iwo-tlilrilH What Is ordlnarllynsKeilby acnts. Pleasesonil rnoallslat once and after you have made Inquiry yon can mid to It, Address D.VNIELF.rJSAXty Washington,New Jersey. NOW SHOWING- A very Inrge oiul very choice assort, raent of . l$$w S3?y G-oods T - son r FALL WEAR IN New Black and Colored Silks. , New French Caihmoros, New Ribbons and Tie*, jNow DrCcB Goodfl,: Now Staple Dry Cioods, ' opa btock oiy Tweeds,.'Cloths,' . i |and . Overcoatiiiffs is voty ohoico and cheap. Wo hold a vory superior lot of arid large NEW MANTLES AND MILLINERY. W. Stewart & Co., Octobt- CIELPH. IS, 1S77, is the NJ BEST NEWSPAPER Published in Haltoa Oouaty! $1 cwi^r iM ii' Immense Salespf DRESS GOODS AT _ E FASHIONABLE WEST END, G-TJELJPH. 600 to 700 Yards SELLING DAILY, ~ \{ '" - ' We nro showing, without exception, thq ' 1 . ' Largest, Most Attractive and Cheapest stock of silk and DiiEss Guors Ever shown in this town. Ladies \-isiting tluelph and- buying Dress Goods, Silks, Velveteens, Mantles, Afillinery,! Furs, etc., without first; seeing our immense and beautiful stbuk, do tkomselvcs a great injustice. . We .'- : esteem it a pleasure to show our goods. _ Lsdies, come direct to tho Fashinable West End, the leading house for Silks, Dress Goods, A/antles and'Afillinery. Full stock of fashion- ubio TrimmirigK, Buttons, Fringc8, otc, to match all our materials, A. O. BUCHAM. Pashlpnablo West End Dross, Millinery and Mantle Kstabllsbment. Guolpli, Oot; ai, 1R77. ' i' . S* A SGHOOL-BOY'S lottLiriG-J A large lot of i fFmOEITT TWESDS ! suitable for Boy's Clothing at the -tf i feAST END CLOTHING STORED Cleaning put the Stock to make room for Spring Importations. Special Inducements to Cash Buyers. .;' ' Also a lot of Gents' Under- clolhing to'be-s'old cl.eapi'for cash. Remember the Bast End Clo- ll'i-ih'g: Store. Actoiii,Febnia>y l, 1878.. FYFE & McNAB. Per year, in advance. To Merchants em<% other Bysinees Men in Acton, as well as throughout t&e County, the Free iFress is as invaluable Advertising Medium;; i ^ Oar Unriwklted Pacllklea fot Ex*<y*tiifall kinrU el BOOK AND JOB PRINTINa finable us U turn out work acjual^ wything dne ia th cltxM. K % MO0RB & GALBRAITS PublxslieM aad Proprietors.

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