Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1878, p. 3

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THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, SUn TltlMi Tllli: TAKLtll i ----] >tsi'l IM.Hs' M HETINC.----Elder Tr,,.; 11. Mcjbarinid will s-peak in the Oisj ripW Mooting House, Acton, each ,.ot\i. w I sV. Mia. "M _ ,,,,, n m cvemng this \\eek, except .Vilinday, at 1 1 invito lii-i I>.,v Kvproi Gilt lulled Loop.in. 7:30nVWk, and next Sunday ,a't 11 a.m. :~.. .- ~- , IT ]>.ni. i .indb'aiOp. in. AHJare cordially invited. ' . . ' ,.',.v,.ri,T - i 1 .ie united congregations ot Nii^i' Express - 3:"*> a.m. the Canada Prcsbytcriiau Church at Gilt _"'*!'> ott>\YU niul l.imehouse have ten- py K.press Wostcrii in Ail - l.,v.b\otl "iUAvA lt:oT)a.tn. p. Ill dri-cd a call lotko Kev. Mr. l-'i i.--:cll, 9aWp!n\" ' >vh'[-'h f;:is 1h'cii tiustauud by tho Pics- Sabbaitl ih'i u-.ec it b.-df-pnsl M^ oVUvk; :in.l ti'Hi m.inilu-aiMloviv^ lep o:t -"ll-.o !!:* S:> Ivilli -f . ach bmiii.' .Eev H. Hernis, Pastor. LOCAL MATTERS. t< any hi-E. i^; | bytcry at Toronto. Those two i',n ;ve- Service in ' '"< Methodist Churoh every- gations have boon without a minister l'c-r.up\vards_ of two years, halting liocii snpplii-d by tlio pnjsbytery, ami other ..suuu'i'i during that) time. -'-At the close of the Vounh Division 'Court, yesterday, the protest which was entered ly Mr. Eli Snyder against the!".-.tv School Trustee election, was heard Isst'orc .ludgo Millar. After hearing tlio matter discussed, ho sot theiold election anide an J ordered a new election to co-me off on Saturday, the Ciilh ins't. t ." . Apnuul missionary sermons will bo preached (1>.V.) in the Metho dist Church in rtliis Village next S:'.!.i- Kith, the iUth inst., at HhliO a. in. by P.ev. The?. Poaiok, of Cu-.c]ph,: auk at l:o0 p.m. by the Pee. 11. Mcl.eaniof ^.. ......... '-.'........i.k. .,,:,- .-.......- . Such weather I _C. VV. Hill for Photographs. Carnival nrxt Tuesday.-night. J. E.McUaiviu's Cough Syrup Busi.isess ratlior tJnll in t^w.n: --0. K. McOarTiu's Worm Pow der*. If you want a good photograph C 12-in.' r-Kjmeiuliir th^ poor jmhlish or, ic.i pay your ssibso-iptUui. Read Mr. D. L. "Mc-DoiiidU* aivertisomotit in another column." b: Geor^.-toiv!:. Tile pablie inis.-ii".i(iry ir.Cv.::n^ \\ill be heUl on the fi-lIowjiiL; _, XT. .a- C. W . IliU s v oto^tanhs arc , , ," ,, , ,. ,.,--. ,.. . * * , orc.^eu b\- the ai^i e nn:n>ti-i.-. A equal to any west of Toronto. , ? i U- taken up at the clo.-e ----The Forrtir Division Court"i of racli sen ice i:: :.:.i of the n::^:en met yestcra^y in Matthuws'Hall. J t'uinl.; : Installation-. -- Tho oil'ievis pT Hill's are all the g,> just r.ow.. jelest of I'alaathe '.. u!:,-e, Kui-hts of T. I ., , ,'| i.rvtir!.-..-", iir Acton, were instalU-il last It vou have anvlliinj to rfil-i - .' ' . inv:te bavers throu^h'tae eoluums v.: I T ""^.-.y even::.- l.y l.ro. J. "-1"1- . r!i'F"r.:w ~ j P. i;. f. C, o: v:.te!n!i, .v.-Ktoa bv _C. W. Hill is tumm* ont|lVo.J.H.llhckii,j,Whoaotcd!;G;M. sosii^ tine Photos, now. You should j at -Vi- ^ IO';;'.v'i jiis-i ciil auti see spe^imens- , In nijurr, thot-e w-ill b? svr- ] view, every Suadav, both inoruin;: and ', cTrr.in^, -iu the Cos^rcgadcvnal Church. i-'-tf.-on'a Coiners* Division, Sozs ^f "-."pL-rr.Ece inter:.! having :.u t_:-.r:...r.t..eat r-lx.tit It-th "ciraary. Tohn Cripps. the boy who was s-. "r. ^ hurt by boij^ thrown :*rom a h-T-r . -1 nve k^;s azo, is rec/ver- iac., l!ro. Wm. t=:nvth, P.T.C. .- -" J.- r. s-j/.ra, t'.r. -' .'.nf.-.h, v.f...-- " Tim-, ill hat;o, Fiela'c " F. H. .-:;:..rev. M. of 1" \V. 11. : >:,.rev, M. of K. :J.-.,"K. of it. i S. - V.\ fa ..r.er, M. .-.t A. , " 1-aac 1 rancid l.vi. ." NV. Tiiotiii.ion, U ('.. - T. l.a:r..b!.w, , " J. Adams, . f ... , ., -. .^ , - :.-vttenr:^nt3 " I>. Maun. Acton School io^d. Thu Aclou School liourd mot, puthuiint to iidjoiitliuiout, .On Mon day livening, 1-1 th iimt. I\1oksih. J. Mtitthcws, E. Moor?, J..Liud>y, H. IMooro mid J. .Foiiriiluy woio jiro- HPIil. '_ Moved by A. Mooro,-seconded by <!. 1,'ihUy that J. Mutt ho wh bn Ohainnaii of thi Board for-lSTS, Cairi.al. ' Minutes' of last meeting- were read imd "contirnu'd. Moved by d. Fotirnloy, sccondeii by FA. Moore,- tliat Messrs. Lisbv, S. Mooi-o rtiitl K. Mooi-o be n|com- nutloe to strike htandiny coiiiniit- tees lor the year 1S78. Carried. - The following cotmnittees were reconiuiended and on motion ad-opt- eil by tho Board, viz : Cotnmittee on Finance, "W, II, Storey, mid 1. Lisl.iy. Fuel Coniinittee, J. Feartr ley uud S. Moore. Giievunco Com mittee, .T. Matthews and JK. Moore. The Fiii-.inco Conunittee jiresent- e i their .ti'rs.t report iiivd reeom uietloii that the following aeconnts lie paid, viz-; Moore it Ualliraitli, printing, 7.50, ami A. Stejilient.on, repair.s, $l.Cf>. Movent t>y J. Lasljy, seconded by S. Moore, thut tliJ-'jieport of the Finanee ' Coiiimiiteo bo adopted, and tiiat the Chairman issue his cuoeks for tho. sanie. Cairied. Mr. -ibjhs; reported that he had advertised for ii Caretaker, uml had received three tenders for the same, viz: Thos. Kaston ; ?tfO, Mia. :J I italics, ^TT), and J. Uoodidl, $7-. : Moved by J. Lasby, seconded by S. -Moore, that Mrs. Hughes' ten der bu accepted. Carried. 1'ioard iidjounied to meet ngain o'l V.O-..1,-.-, /J, Feb.i'-.-v. FniiuoiH weto plouj;l noigliboiliood of Wi Christ miiH dav. f^^'SrtnifH-.: -f HALTON COUNTY, ONT., JANUARY 17, 1878 ing iu tho I niupog on !: -ice ft:rTC'...int5 <- . 1 Fi;.i!;rs A3 a Cot'N;" Town. fit is predicted i:o\v that the ii'nmi "MlsJIOXAItV Me;:TiNC cioal election 'is over, tlinf the i-l :n ;.- A)b:.n's I Ciatid luv-. r is to be the beuitda rv iatats.1 c: :-res ct e.,:.: A - \im. looleii lancy entire lill l>e c- c. ci evv:_ - e "-'-"' i'e: e litji :. -The t ea o.-i-.'"' .--art ice; "-?. '=;. t'- r : f h= h H:I ^-_ : -.>.-. ra.-.- j^:-id. -" t 1 -1 -- -O ^_^ <n -i =-.cu.-ed :- : r / - t Cii iv lis:. Tli e s-:a to h : a =a- r i* l:.,::.,L: t ;.::rc:u "a ?.! oa'day cvt-n'n; ] line I'.ivi'.Hug 'Ivortli from tS.-uti; :. Vi.i- e'..r.rc'.i v.-:.? v x\] .?.'.] ':, and ! Weiiin-iTti'ii. That Gu.dph beeom- v. hi-l-.i v.e;e .'.-.'.:vl: t .i ing e. e:'_\ the (,'outf.y htiiidin-^s are ;-.-. be Kc.ited in Fe.-.---ii!i, it Ijt'it:^; :-e -. ;:.> v.::a j_r^;t. r::-r:.-l. '.'o-.:-"::.-;] t:<e.v:>-s, Mr. 1 - Consumption 'ilrc<l. An dlil physician, retired frmn prac- tlee, haviil;,- ha.l jil iced in his h.m.t^ by an K:ut India iiiisnionary tliu fi.nnulaof ft minplo . vegetablu leiuudy, for, tho Hjieedy and pariiianent euro of Leon- uumptioii, broueliiiis, cat.n'rli, asthma, and all throat and lung nlfeutimiH, nho a pnsitive and radical, cure for.norvons debility mid all ncrvmis euinpl.uuts, .after liaving tested its wonderful cura tive power.-, iu thousands of eases, has felt it his duty to make it known to Ids sull'enno fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire 'to relieve human F.utl"e|-iii;,', 1 will send, free of ehargu, to - a|l wliu desire it, this receipt in (ieinian, French, or Kaglish, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addrei siie; with stamp, uuming this impel-, YV. \V. Sherar, 1UG l'ou-e'rs' lllock, Ibicliestor, N.Y. HS-H 1MI1U. ~~ "". 'Suddenly, in Trafalgar, on the (Jtli hist., the wife of tho late John Bent, aged (if) yearn. : In Knpicsing. on the 1 lth.iest., Annie Daltim, la-loved wife of 'i'ho.i. I.amb, aged .'> J'ycard, 10 m jutiia. JC j:i,.fuc hi pyc > Suddenly, at Widder K'ation, on llrr 7_th inst., Mary, beloved wife of daeob Iveniio.ly, and sister of Mr. (J. Kiliytt, aged -41 yc.ars, -1 months. ; l.i'i'h tlocoA. t!i:.ii'i:i-i'i. .\^ll CoM- roi:Ti:;i:. k irjv.ii.d-e of the .natural lawa v, hiehl ovci -n the' operations of digestion and mutation, .'"id by ;\ cirt'tiil . ippliealu.ii of the line properties of well (.elected cocoa, Mr. I^.ips ha-j jirnvided our breakfast tables wuh a d.iicately ilav.ired beVcragL which m iv save u.- uiaay heavy do'eturs' holTT. H i:; by fie judicious l:" eof such articles o.f diet that a const itution may begradually built u]> until.- tior.gem.ugii to v.'.ii.l every telidetn-y to disease. Hundreds of sulit le make!i"i;..-;:ire lio.itill" around us re.: ly !fo attack wherever there is. a weak- ]i,i:it. We may e-jeaj.e many afit :tl shaft by keoniii;.; liitrsclves well for'tilii-d with .pure blood andapro- perly nouri-hed frame." Cii-ll S, ivia iIt.: It.. Sold only in jackets labeled^- ".Iami:s Kits k Co., TLe,ec..pathio Chemist, 4, Thre.-olneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly. London." THAT WONDERFUL MAN. rrr TRADE MARK THE GOLDEN-MAN. fr. Syoaing1 Silfes, Evomzie; Eid: Qloves,- : ' toal Sri'paitoa and Limerick Laces i'Ett SI'EAMBU CELTIC Millinery, Ha Bign, andox^uieitedii taste, is to he had of us. TpT A 'LADY If MIS Is to L^ found at the . Millinery, Hits, .jSDnnftts, Flo.wera.-aTl that is new, good, elegar.t in de- fiiaj a Just arrived and o;ii'<ied u:> for inr.pucdon and sale, 2ecases" of the uIkhm. -Jixsli. dii-Rft froiii LoMtloiir Jtiiiland. _..'^___._________:__ ___ ___ Prices cvtremvly. t-iieaii; quality of thcl Oj^-^^^JEjTSt, O A T?,P'R,rPp C>6pds best. . " ' J ' " - ' ' H. - l Bost quality ef- Uruciel's, Tapestry, KidiJerminster and Batch Cirpois WE ALSO HAVE -RECEIVR'n RTom exhibition at our fjarpfit Room. We quote bottom prices: atviea, \i u 4LIJU ha v u itiivjui v iiy cjlora, and designs of vrnioh are unequalled in town, T A "jar/re tot {' LatJioV Jacket and Coaf Cloths, ;'.'" ___ w ,r^ [,cst and newest prices extremely cheap. Kpa(0.y-!Mad.e Clotlllllg* , . . . Ahead of all form<?ff-ff)rts, Best assortment of Overcoats to be riff with. ' 20 per cent under any ihmfi in iovtti An early call'is ' >M^ jQm} ^QGQ & ^N . ' W.j'ndliBih St.eet. fturlph V t3MB =^=5" '^/^ 'T '(a>< I" ^er itl^tiire co-~> .n i< .- r-:^.,- r.sv. Mr. !i,v::'.,o, u.U,-,.r^.:-..v.:J,r.l m. 9 9 '.Mr. It. Little, ., n:, i^J'^""' ""^ '.....l I* ia A.-:-.ri .V:-..-.at- the ;i=ri::st. Orders Sec will L'ef = =- l':-r J^rtir t':e V..S^P::y [ --T:v: di^ijoni -b'heet of the | .i.<-:: inb.ieii v.o-!;. Atiltf.i.u ?- 1 Ac:.-.-. Pk.w (" .31=-! ;h.r- ths C.D- had $100-3 left, over bei-d, v. hick vis !'!. r.-.i!-..- .,--: : .,d-d .0. iai ab-jve all liabilities. ?iie most si.uf.hiirn-ji.oint, therefor.-, more beni'licie.lj for' the health f pnsfj'.teis in th'L' gaol, its well us foe indi^eiitsi Mil tlio Poor House. .Elort, gu.> hfjp.g connected' by the Credit V'ulley KaiHvny, to lie incorporated as u" city, the Gtand -lli.ver to lr- made navjeable and tl litihihoiiie erected ut ICinnettles to warn to c.-.de.-e and the political lialf.es fl'olll becoming ..,, ,..,._,(',. ... -, wrecks tmoil the shoals and quick ...; i..1'. l to ...-.-.sw III r . ."._.- * ::;-.r: of \\ e the fjiti^r^ in the Al- [. The Edvertisement of E. AV. re-.rie"/^: End Bookstore, Geelpli, -&5 received too Ls-ti for this. .wei;L'b i**ae- It trill appear cert week. Ver-'til'acji'.r.i'y Miiii.fr. On i.- l.Vc..;:.i;-- lm,v,n tint Mr. J.' H. rlackia~,"la:'e e'titor ami ( -otirietor of the F::kk Vm^-, i.itended reiiiovieg from- Aeteu to Gael]!:, his Lr.e.thei'ii of '. Road Christie,.llenders<m & \'Cahr.the. Lodge, Kni-hts of I'yildr.s,- Co-'sGra :l Streepia* .Salta.L r.'. ' Very resolved to tender h..ii MJtne token of The Reeve of.Fergus to ! Wiirdi-n of Xorth -Wellington. B-i::o:if"pric?4."' Prep tre't.or cold an.l bit:-er Febvaary 33^ Mareh. rjemrm- l>er their famous 50c le^, in lots of 5 lbs si 45c. \Ve have for 8lie a large nun? her of Kobertsaa's loc publications, a^ion^ -s-hicirare "That Horrid tl::-!,' "That Wife of Mine," cc, rThey will be sold"cheap.. A ehrtDiie h\s : been made, jn tncir esteem tor n.ru r.5 a c.tize:i, au'.t their appreciation of i-is.iiiC-rits. a.-- a ljro ther Knight. Tnt 'I*:.i:r.-.rI .y evening he was.entertained at t.:i t.y.ter supper, trot uji iu his behalf, r.t which seine tiiirty of the bretiiren were present, in cluding Deputy Grand Chancellor L>av : T!-e editor of the Beiievilh- Jiifi.!ii\/ritcer has received a curious Christinas box from a "friend, u .small ruulesimke recorely coi ked in "a bottle,' with a small aperture in the coi k to-let: i;i the fre-ih air. This snake lias been kept in this bottle for four liionthu without receiving- any food, yet it lives iiud continues to grow larger. .'.C'TW. ."ilAKZillTS. Floar 1... ... .. $2 .lo' to 3 00 Fall Wheat, .. . . ] j 20 Spring Wheat. .. .-. - 0 To to 1 ('i-J S,,i-.,uted Spiing Wheat 0 To to 1 (!() Parley ... '.'. ... Hats ... -.'-.: I'.-.'.s ..." XI -1 :t:er (fr'-h- ro'.'.-O 1! itf.-r (s-:!ted io!!..| I:-rd!ls,htV -- I.-.-l;-i-:|-':l !v.-.-- i new laid)" .. 0 1-f t :> 0', 1"> Cdekens ., te 01 05 il-.e e........(I U."> to 0 Co Turkt-yii ..: '.. (i (it; tod ful I'ot.itoe-, [i-'r bag .. 0 (j'O t . 0 70 Apple , e.ariy, per bag . . 0 .""> to 0 70 Hay, per ton.....10 00 to M 30 The- subscriber can "with confidence assure'--bis- old-."friends1, and be trusts rnany:new ones, that lie-.-can offer tbem eucb induesmenfcs to Durcbase as cannot b# ofibrsd by ah|3?' otllier bouse in town. "His selections are of :'tbe.- 'vqij latest: styles^ His stock -will' be comparatively light,;-, well-assorted, regular ly refitted, and carefully selected, and, as to quality'snd price be can compare favorably with any house west of Toronto,' He trusts by due attention to bis customers interest as "well, -as those of bis own to merit a fair: share of the trade of; this community. ' Irull lines in Dress Goods, Winceys,-,-Flammels <:r;i!.: ! :: vkkii- / -a J.-uc. Dzl>\,i- The.TiuKrce ^if.the Philadel]ihia Ga^ "Works li.-tsi"been cxanjiniiig a spread, which, by li.e way, was on the proprietorship of the Jit. Forest , strictly temperance, principles the Co.i'VJerc.o;,by Mr. H.C. Stoyel rctir.ug. I brethren adjourned to 'their l.od^c T'ae firm hereafter will be-known as ' Rodin, where Bro. W. ii. Storey, was Suivel ic Son. . ' appointed chairman. Instead -of the A vocng man liamid Eobert customary formal, address, wc were t, ' *. _ . . . , . ., ^ i acreeblv aurpiased to note that all tae Denny, 01 Enn, had two of the ttogers = ' . ', ..-,... . r remarks oF the va::oaii Li.eakers. were oi nts leit nand very nearlv cut on one I .. I the spontaneous combustion of their feelings and they were both cloquneut and flattering. Hr. storey paid a high dy last week, with an axe, while as- iitinin hauling logs. Mr. R. E.-Seizor., of:R^-ck Uon.of Guelph. A:atle jes.ice having 1 new prceess of making gas, at a biijt d'-ue to Jlr. (i. Leavens' excellent cost of -Oc. to^ 35b. per thousand feet. Til- new process, us'.s .siatk or refnse bit uiiiitojus coal iliist. The inventor offers the city 1 he free, uso.'of u jrileiit., piowdeiKlhe C0iisuuit-i-s"'-ai-e fuinisljed atthprute of 50c. per thouMiud. He tjuaraii- tee.s a saving oi'-$3 0,000'to olfi.COd a day, "and intends niakiny tho same offer to Xew York City. \y .0. LY. :capt fSA- ry. >! &C0- "Wocwl, hjvs been aptvo:a:ei azcat -fc-r the Fp.EZ Puks.?, and is aiithorizei to receive subscriptions sn*i Advertisements, and collec.t-.ihe moneys for the same. Dr. Freen|an, of Georgetown. was thrown ,irorh his horse- one m-'ht latf-ly, while on bis wry to visit a patient and received a few bruises whieh con fined him to his hoa^e for a few days. Terms cash yea c:.a buy more goods in this way at* Christie, Henderson & Co.'s Sweeping Saie-tb3u can be got in any other place for the money. Great Bargains tt> effect a cleari'lH'. The creditors of -Bt-najah Wil liams, of Glenwilliams, met at-the office of the Assignee, *Ir. John- Snaith, of Gnelph. 2^o business of any importance' "wis transacted. 'The creditors will meet again in tbe office of the assignee on Tuesday, 29th inst. ; Mr. J. Secord has been away r during part of the week, purchasing %s-x Koods, and will open out next week or &% eoon as the new goodu t.rrive. He intends doing business on B r.ctly eash or ready pay Hyatein, and . from thii rule will not depart on any 2-c-unt. ^o matter who the person askiag 'credit^may be. Application will be" made" to ^ ':e Ontario Le^i-slature during the pre- ttt:> :;i.. -ion for an act to incorporate the Gaelph Water Works' Company, with the usual 'powers of taking laud and righf of way rctiuirel. Caipital stock 510DJ01W. ' _ , K-.-ti.-J 'rsion & Co. will clear ou^ th'- r -:u'.nder of Millinery Stock at "\"ry ',', .f.-n Price?," no re serve :n sweep to be rnadf feather.-:, 'flowers, silks" furs, ir:s.i.-'es all fresh took and injseason.l 3 E. McGarvin'g Cough Syrup. tribute to the estimable conduct of Mr. Hacking during his 'two-and-a-Iialf-years residence in Acton, as an editor cud-as a citizen, and to his efforts in promoting the interests of the Lodge and the principles pf the Pythian Order. lie spoke at some length on the beauties-of the friendship and brother!}' love en gendered by the principles of the Society of .v.-hich he v.-sj proved to he 2. m-mber. liis hitherto i.fe-loag preju dice against secret societies was agree ably ovtrcruie by his ;ia,t few nionihs' connection with the Order. Several of tbe brcfhei.'i having spoken to timiliar e-iTeet. *lr. Hacking gave eapression to his heart-felt appreck'.tion of the kind ness thus so flatte.-ingly exhibited to wards him, and gate his testimony to the truth of the remtrks uttered re specting the merits of the'Order. He a^aiu thanked Ilia brotlicis. for this- token of their esteem, and trusted he should ever continue to merit their true frieadshiti. :f.-":::.l-::, .Tan. 17th, l^TS Flour, per'KM - .. c.l o0. to" 3 00 ' Vhhe \i']ie.it,.-per b-.tui 1 llO'to'l t'.'i 'keadv.a.11: do 1. l.Tlo 1 Is' Spring Wheat.. .. 1 0a to 1 OS '>..ts, .. .. ..- (i ,12 in 0 3,-3 0 -io.to 0 fill 0 <;;> to.'o (:-' :1(> 00 to'J C". : 0 17 to 0 is 0 IS to 0 Ks - 0 CO to 0 t."i 1 Tote 0 p.' O'OO to 0 (v (i. SO to 1 fO fl 7'."- to 1 Oil -O to 0 00 V as . : fay, per t-ai C_'_s, per "do/. '. Matt..:-, per lb.' Potatoes per ling i lot's, ]UT cwt .- I'h'ekeiiK. per pair NEW ADVERTISEjIEaTS. JiP'LiID.his customers may depend on receiving the very best value for their money./ 1 j I ; Wis34ling, all a ha]5$y new year.- ; - ; - I am Tour Humbla Servant j :: :'n \! fi~ ?i'e&iiGQ of ml J4a&!.tafeea as omh, sA.t^ Mj^i Actnn'..Tanur.:-y 1. IS'TS. NEW ADYEirnSEMENTS. I T2~ ii- ' A nielancholy case of tuicide ia reported from the village of Credi- tion, on the London, Huron uml Bruce .Railway, a young lady named Alary "Jane Lewis, .aged 22 years, having taken her own life by cutting Iter throat from ear to ear witlr a razor. It .necnis fihe wjis staying with hnr broihor, Mr. William Liewis, and on yetiriii'g for the night borrowed bia razor, for the_ jtlleged object bf removing a Rplint from her fing<?r." After the family had gope to bed she appears to liovc escaped from the hott.se by the bedrootii window, and commit ted tbe act in the yard, where, next morning she wus found lying dead, with her fuce upturned, and .a bloody gash in het throat. The cause, of "her self-destruction is a mystery. A >"evr Couuterfcit Bank Note. -, . jF. W. Hrtltniek received the following notification from "Wash ington of the existence of a new counterfeit National Bank note : il.srrr.a Status Trr.iFuitY .Pr.PAKT- '. ;int Siieaar Siravie-i;-Divasiov, ' OiTit'E of Cain--, Wa.'iU;:;otos-, D.C ( Decemba.--2f, iS77- ) To F. W.llelmick, Ciucitiatti, Uhio : A neWcountei ieit frve-dolltir note on the Ffrst National Bank of'Han over. I'ehn., lias made its ppppur- ance. The papcrjis thin and color dark. Bank number 187, date: February. 20. IStif, and heating signature ol F. E. Hjonner and. L. K. Chittenden. It is printed from same plate as the First National Bank', of Tamiirjua, Y'enir, which made its appearance about Septem ber 20, ^.77. It would be well to advre mer chants in your vicinity to give publicity to" these k-icts. and to srpgest to the pulilic that all '.sus picious notes on these banks of the denomination of 5 be refused.' - HelniickV new method ol detect ing counterfeit National Bank holes, will be found to bo the best in existence. It contains photographs of counterfeit bills, also,of genuine bills, so that '.any person will tie able to detect "the difference at sight. The pi ice of this work in cluding illustrations, is only $1.00 nnciwiil.be sent postpaid ly:ti:ail, by enclosing .iilitiO to F. W. Uel- inick, Publisher, 50 West Fourth: Street, Cincinatt':, O. If. B, .Helmick's Counterfeit Silver Coin Detector, used by over 50 'bankers. Price,.$2.5 ; sent by mail upon receipt.of price. TTi.tiee.! FC2.R S.1LE. J! 1- The F.ttb cril-er offers for sale, hij farm, on.the i-.orth-east s'de of lot '27 and 2S, in the oth con., iNassaJjawcya, consist ug of ai.ont- loO acres, 1 tZO of- -.vii:ch pre cleared and jin a good estate of cultivation. "' There is '22 acres of fall wheat and 11 acres of rye in the' -roaiel ; and about :!.) acres ploughed. There is '2'2 acres of good cedar ami pine r.:l'l S acres of hrr<ivvood. An cacc'lient orchard of "~i3 aj.jl: . trcesi is on the premises. 'J ::el:sim is'v.-eil fenced with good ceder rails. There are two log houses, and three barns, one of which is a frame bank. A never-failing spring and three wells on farm. Possession t'.ivcn immediately if required. . The t'.-.rm ia four rules from ltockv.-e.od ; eleven from Guelph, and live from Acton. Convenient to school houses-; S-'rid' churehes. Title indisputable. Terms liberal. Apply, to JOlily ALLISON", ' D tf or Gm on the premises. 'TAiRiii'FOK SALE OK KEaT. *j ' .- ' . Tiic nnder-igned offers to sell his farm consist ing of about 500 acres, being west iiaif of lot Ml, oih flon. L!--<picsing. Oood ff.uric house-.'.nd barn, small or chard and never fail, ng stream on the pi-jiui;-e^. The land is oi excellent quality, between SO and 00 acres cleared., l.alauee is. Covered v. itli rjood maple, b -eeh-aad e.ftihii- wood, h'o acres good loaking wheat in grotiinl. . If purchaser rcouires time he uir.y have it for one \-,ssr. or it niinibc-l- o: years ; "rent sfiall hr. required in r.dv.ince. Offers will ho received for either buying or-renting until 13th Fehruarv. SIMON MeLEAN, - 2S-fit. ' on the premises. NEW advertisements: V AtiO.V For Sale; or Let. NEW ADVERTIS EMENTS fcm%k$fe BriofeB ! -1 ^.\ IiEOTITE'l TO YOUNG- MEN. The Stono Dwellin" 6n Maiifstreet, W'r have recently ruhlishe'lnjn-w'e<ii- adjoining the entrance to the school ^?0j ^ ^^^o'^Snafe^mT groaiuts, is ohered for sale, or rent, (e.'jihoiu in- Oici.jej of N.ri-v.'Us l>eb.lit,.- There :irc nine rooms and.lafge celle.r, I M eu a1, ami ^li.-.-.sic O rne:iracily.Ir,i.:e"eti and a quarter of an acre of garden. For further particulars apply to-.. Lfi(5'P>.sVCE"j". HALL, EsqL' Acton, Nov. 20, 1S77.'; . 20-*3m Ice and WeaitL'-er permitting. I'etweo'i the rcijid'once of the under- signed :.ud the Kailv. .-.y Station on the ,:il:.t ultimo, a L;:.< ties' ivory vnd tlold t'eacil case, al:-,o a gainer, and e,o]d d.idar. 'j'iitse rr.teli -., Iieiji ^ v.-.iittd as keep-iikes, -.-inv y Ison lin lina' tie.: : ame will be liiserally r^v.e.:\led on returning the same to me. j ! PEVL E. II03BS. . Acton, Jan'y. 3rd, 1S.8. " ' .;- "pi EUKSKE KB EOAK. The undersigned has sl-'ll the Berk shire Poar, "WelIiiigtou,,) bred by Air." CSeo. Pudd, oL^Gue'ijih, which will be kept fnr service, ht/tlie fp.tm joining the firnnd Trunk aiatin. piice. vl.CO, Cash. " 0. S. SMITH. Acton, iDec. 5,-1S77. , '22-t | . -BETT.T*S ' ISSTRtCTOK V . Fryg-ygP5o.yyJj.j.,^-., t-Mi . . Cont-ilnlngiiieelimrntsi fnirsic villi easy an-i p.ro^.essiv- eaeicije-tope- -f-et the i-iayer in liie -art OT music (eli.hrrt'p:ar:o or or-l:ti.) t..-vyl:icn i- ad-n il dtit sixty "Waltzes, l'otK-a-s,.Jl.rchf s.'tla'.jfiri.' . tii eratie .M.iodJ! s. IDiiiie. s, ec by l.iaii- iel F. tiealty, \Vns'nnjilon. Mew J rsty, ons of the b.-st w'oiks ol ilsl.kind ever In trodneeel^i.nu sli>lild be irf tbe hands of-. every piano and crgnn rilaj-er. Stet-ti:oM- paht i> any- part O: tne I nited Stales or i.'.'tiifda for onlj fifty cpnts tde pi'ee hiving l^eeu reiuced to intn dnce it. everywhere. Address.. I-AS'IEL J". KEAl'l'IT, Vv'asliinetcn, Kew Jersey. JL> IL'UstSdt J>T TICS.:' The partnership heretofore ousting. tinder the n:tn:e .".ikI stytc of Wi'hou <v, Johnson, Tinstaitlis, oft lie Village of Acton, foiintytsoi: Ilalton, is tins day d'.ssoived by mutual consent. The bu.-iness :will be carried 'oil by Mr. Philip i*. Johnson, who will pay all debts, ami collect ccceuuts cohtaeted by the above linn. vr. n. v.-ilon..-- p. p. .iow:>"son.' :- T. At-r.y.iiT "(isr.t, Witness. Aeton, Bee. Sl'st,. 1S77. :27-3t* TOE ROYAL" EXCHANGE iiOTEt, 1 ' :. -ACTON. Si e i H Si, r: /isiiViiiSS t'ZtOi>iSIt'i"l". fob s^x/jn [L< The -undfrslgnfil hers Irr.vn to rn- iioonea ro l-'arniers, aid ot hoi s irp ^ ri in lnittpr""ninl;intt who pun o>e getliiie n u-;.w Ltiiuin tnefc tliey vvenhi consu I tlielroivii iiiures's by (udfi-inc rj-ic i ] , .A. Bn'Oles* -Empravctl T7.!i:!ar I?asti .( Chiinisi I iim new ink ng eiders 'or i hem, lillYllippurrliandl Ii" pn'ent r:gm to maon ':u'l uio and spJI 'I'hey are ^\ itliniit (louni tlio liest, in tliR in^kM.. Vo-ir nationn're is res peel In! 1 v soli* Jtr-d. Cir ailars and: t -stlmonials fr--e oVi impli cation. 'Peri liory Jor sal-;. iMtiouluclur- ed and (-old by .v>. ii. m;cdon \l,d. t:0-0.n. Acton, on*-. The undcrsiirned ofi'crs for sale .that desirable , property situated- oil M.vin street,' now oc'eupitd .by Mr. t'lias. Camercn as a store and dwelling. The. property, is in first class condition-and with a gnod celbir. Terins [ liberal. For furfher particulars apply 11b: ' MKSSP.S. V.T. liAP.TJXG & Op. Montreal. Or, ViMI. STOREY, Acton. TT7<AR3i FOK SALE. The'subscribor is offering for sale: his Z~> acre farm, beint; North,West half of Lot 24, 2nd con, The? fiirm is nor.rly all under cultivation, a good bonce anil barn, a-yotmg orchard, anil never-fail ing well on the ^remise.3. -Apply to -., ' ' - A. VVATiDIE, -on tho'ir unities.; J.E.McGurvin'a WorinPowdeiT. : J. E. McGarviu's Cough Syrup. ! 25-3t, ' Acton, /ng. 22d, 1S77. This 3 ii progreasivB ago. New features are constancy being in troduced, old theories are revolution- iced. Music, vvhieh^but a few years since was iinthought of in that connec tion has been introduced in our -Public Schools in many sections of our country , and it has become almost a necessity for every family to possess either a Irhmn or Organ, or both, and it'is im-' ponant .that all sliould know where the iiest instruments can be bought for the I oast money.. Daniel . lieidty Esq., if Washington, New Jersey, has'a world vvidii reputation for making the best; and f.-e behove his prices compare favoralilylwilh other tirat class makerss We wonfce-earuesUy rceonnneiid all to vvi'ifQ to him fori information before buying.' , I ..'.- FOR THE -A. O TO ITrT r* n ?r r3.." r% n; jrp- ^ fcss U- p*a . Lra , -a. V 'v^ Only 01 a Tear Itt advance. mer.ts to Carriage, elc.,rcsifltii>;. 1'iom jjsce-sef. ' "-. - - : I J'rice, in a seded envelope, only fl cents cr two- postage "stamps. * j Tbe celebrated author, in this admir able Essay clearly dcmonsi.rnles, 'lre-m ttiirty "years' successllll pruetire, tn-l akinnl^iteoeserurcHces may bTadu'.'iily cureiLl wit iicut thcldang-ii-oiis useonnttr- nnl medicine or the api bcatlon of the koife; pointing out a mode or curejat once simple, certain and efl'eclunl joy means of vrnicsevers- ^ufierei'^no matter what- his,-oondition nny be, nisy.. cure lilm-eli chii.a'p'.y, privnleiv and ruilcal.iy.; Tnls I ret to e shonM be in llipliam'.s if every youth trnibvery m'ui in the hand. .THE CEtvenTrrti, rtfinsfAi, roi, - 41 aiiu St., New York.- -. . - PostOm^e 13o3t 45SG. , 4-ly . ' \ --------- -----_4,- ' Th/s well-known house has recently :- | undergone a thorough renovatintj and. Priazlc'3 Jewellery Store, . repairing, is now furnished v.itb. r.ew I anil modern ftiniiture of the best des- ^""*P"* . .j cription, and is prepared to provide \ "I { firsfc-class acconvmodation to t-he pnMic. TO FARMERS AND EVERTEODY ELSE.- The present proprietor has received a ' ! license, and he will keep the bar well Why is Tdringle's jewpllerv slqre"BUl?I>li.ed-"itl;^0Je'y. 1,et* lA H1"" ! A a" i li and cigars, ihe stabling ia large and in Oruelph the best place to deal itf. won.fitted up ; also ample shed-room'. Because all the watch, clock and The patronaoe of the public is respect- jewelbiry repaifiiig is either date ' ully solieifceik e . "* by himself, or, vjtidor his-persoitul . , . ' , - . __ MAAtlf. J -.-' TT i - c . . 1 Acton, June 2G, IS//. | . supervision, lie being a nrst-ciiss . L workman in all tbe branches, and - ____________________- - having the greatest interest in keep ing his customers, it follows tl at | NEW DQFiHHiQN all the work will Every job which comes into the B'SQT/& SHOE S70HE "' Bhop is examined by him' betfore it i ' - - -. is taken aivav. ' , ! Opposite Agnew's Hotel, Maia You can buy. watches and eloqks " Street, ActOn. ' bhettper there than any where el ?e, . '____^-. because Pringle luiving bought fjrom ' !_ she-?. Bussell & feon for oiishHhe iiri&i iSlc'^ u 6y 'ZsJ *H , whole of their stock in GnelpbJ aud - ij trot it>':ch,eti|)Jie-can afford.to Ji^H. Wish to call the attention, of thei-ii cheap. ..All stock bought, b-- lAm ' habilants-^t the Vniape of Acton- in future, will be bought f,,/ca|h. ' "'"' v.cn.ty ?0 Jkeir iiniueau -. , ; . . , - . -1 Stock Of -_.. JVlcrcliMiitss and traders know t! at " . _ ,___>--^<- this is a great. ndvanrrto.... Frinsflc - * J..-iJ*iS.i3.B.- has no coimecfion with tjje.finu'of _ Compvi-i^g all tae latest styles ia Russell & Son, any more thar. he . '.,, ".-""".*, \ilu ,' . "" - , ... . . '-, . Otdei'6! A oi:k i-peeiv^sotirsi-pcisl is still their. Hinhorizedagenc for mt^iion. Uepairiug promptly at- ' t.bo ItiiKsell watch, which is- he- tended to. \ "--=- - knowlodgod to'bti the best waticli, -___ " ' madD. .aD.PringlehaSalsoHen,e..13. - Gl.^crj| DciMU-t^eHt V J established ns agent for the Wal- j tbam and Elgin American watcb.ks, i . Is well supplied with find a full lino of them, from fjlio: ; - --' ' lightesttothe heavy six-ounce cuhc, "pgcig djCP. PC! ' "X will be kept on hand. Reiiiernfipr . ' ' ' '. ""I that all. those Watches are nWj FrilltS, BlSCUltS,-^ I : | b0tfSht entirely for cash, and1 thek- TobaCCOS, Soabs, fore can and will be Bold by bun - , - ' f I cheaper than they can be ^>t any-)- .OOiJ-GGSj OCG?,' oZS ' I where else, Beautiful Christmas j i goods coming in every day."'" Gold.[, r ' j'd ] chains, gold rings, lockets, brooches,-Ple.ase call and ftxamine-Our Stlocfe. -.- t ! '- L::. j22-3m. ' OkeWhoEnoiI'i jL'ESSB-y fti'Syft '; Aotop, Deo. 13187**.'-

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