Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 1, 1877, p. 2

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IffU H -I'm H ;' 'Si H _ v.-.m &V V-3^H 1 i m* m ... v-rivff -SiStf*g|-::: . . "? ] & BV PF 'JpHE ACTON "Pahlisfct'd Every Thursday Moraine,,. J. H.'tt'kcKINO, rrnprietor.' 6-1 'Per Aiinu-mr in Advance " JOS N'HACKING EDITOR * ~ HftKtm county Tb& County Oqhho Mtl to1t-otrTiwa 57*3 Clerk in tho^chair. The" following gentlemen -f.vlM f usua|l*)ohool grant CMtitieates of election and rjitaliti- j cation uud. took.lucir Beuta,..vi*v j ... IVui. Clay ; Tn*'RsijAY-"'MoRMs!. Feb. "1, IS7; ACTQN. Its lE>nnrnrtiirius and Hcr- Ciiutne Interests, etc. ; -jBLLVPSES OF NARLTHISTORY . AXI> OT/ISR MATTERS. ~ We liaveJbeiui engaged the -past few d*Y*juf procuring 'infornwtion- artd writingjip fu'l and interesting - details of the various industrial cUhlUhrnenU in Acton. The 1 whole will occupy several totttrans in b ixt week's Free Piwsy.nrtd null comprise interesting reminiscences !E* i Re iCjsqiipsmg Itevo, Dop. Reeves, John. Warren and J. S. Fraseiv f Trafalgar, r Roovp, Matthew Clements; 'Dep. Reeve, Roliinson an<l A} Buck, M.D. amended ould be Aban doned, and iho people would mil Ittcir, acihoobjiinriep. adortlly-to -Uour- own satisfuction. . . - Mr. Little replied to tho charges laid iigaiimt him styiatim. *i'v--. v, Ho said thai no one could rtg^ikly Pep. Roovp, Thlw. Wataon. NaasagaweyA- Reeve, John Ramsey ; Dep. Reeve, Ja8_, MoU- lifR. ; . ." J . . ..- Milton Reevo, D*ncrm Itewar- Oakville Young. Georgetown *Reeve, Daniel M> Keiirie. ...-."-. Acton ReeVe, N. MuGarvin, M. D. - - *' . ; Burlingtoii-^R%o,- J^n^fal- die. Dr. Buck moved, seconded by Mr. Ramsey, that Matthew Clement*, Eaq.; Roevepf Trafalgar, ... , ,. _ , ... : bo WnrdetL'bf the County of Halton of thee*rly hwory'of the village/(..for i877;4_e,irried: Hotiry a charge him with any. ungontloman- "".....' ly- actions "or" language,' and" hohud Nolxon^-Rooye, Hunry Foster ; \twys striven-to do his'duty in, 1 accordance with tho Tides and; Person* wishing to procure extra copies of the paper, to send to their friends-,- will please leave their orders- as >mii as p >*sihle, bo . that we may know how la.-tnyto print beyond the regular edition. Look to the Bolls. A great deal of -future trouble and antiora{tc tjoidd.be avoided, now. that the assessors have com menced'their labors, if all who are entitled-;to.vot* Would see fpr thenv- sel,ves that their names are proj>erly inserted on the roll. It "takes a certain aniountof tiineandattenlion to rectify, mistakes and omissions, and a great many are so neglectful of-the.j.r rights, or so careless in legxrd to tbeiu, that they seldom take~the jttins to.se* that errors affectTrig.them are corrected. It is" only when called ujion to.-.exercise their"right to vote that^ they feel the oonsequeuovsof their negligence. The-readiost and best way. U to make it a point to see for yourself that the assessors do their duty ! fairly, and ;correctly in each case. Now 15 the time to attend to.it.. The Warden made-the necessary declarutioa of oul before Win. Clay, Esq., J. P., and took the chair, .- ' Mr.'Waldie moved,.seconded by Mr. Wasun, thAt Messrs. Clay, Foster, Ramsey, Buck, i and tho mover bo a connnittee to strike the standing committees for the yaar. Carried.' . . "Alter a brfef adjourtinN'ntj the Coimcil resudied, and Mp; Clay re poited having furmed the,following committees. On motion the report was adopted. Finance Messrs Waldie, Clay, Foster.und'Buck. County JJuildings. Messrs. Dewar, Warren And ' Educatbn-^Mesirs. McGarvin, Warreu, Dewar aud Young. On motion of Dr Buck, seconded by Mr. Warren a By-law to appoint auditors for the piesent year was introduced and reaVd a first time. Said By law wis dulf passed witjt the Idank 61Ied Dp wjth .'the . name of Fraaois Baker as jnuditor. Tlio Warden appointed Foter McLfan.Jas the other auditor.^ ^Mr. Clay 'moved,- sec. by Dr. Buck, that the petition of G. C, School Trustees Elections. Mr, Ross, the member for West Huron, in the Legislature, has in troduced a Bill tbi^.seusou to pro vide that hereafter the- nomination- and t-lc*aon of PijWic School Trus tees shall be beltl.nF the snuie time and place tnd by the same returning officer, and conducted in the same manner- us nominations and elections for coun cillors ; and that the qualifications of voters for school fttis'tees hhull be- the same as fur Councillors. The bill provides further that a E-pai-ate set of b.iilot papers shidl he prepured for all -the. wards -or L ejectoral divisiuns; contaiping ^he 1 names of the cujuidates nominated tor school ti-usttSs. . To distiugiiis'h betTreen thajs'uj'jwrtera of sepunite tH.-t.oalB niiU tbo^e who i5ti|iport the public bchools, the .'Bill uiaks it imperative., on the 'Clark of the Municipality U> place opposite the names of voters on the roll deliver ed to th1* returning officer, -who' ,snp|>ort HfpVirat* schools,-the letters ' S. S.- S." uud the returning officer is instructed not to deliver to any %-o'.er whose n^aine is.- so niarked, & -ballot pai>er for ischool trustees. Theie M; two excellent points in the Bill iprepared tiy Mr. Ross, namely, thie application of the:^bailor ^"- 9 regulations required > of him ;by law. as-a Publio Suhool Inspector. 1 He ehullenged any one to cite ono instanco in whiohj lie had exceeded his duties. - Ho had always endeav ored to pursuo as lenient a 'course as was {>Ossible, while, at the aaiuu tiroo discharge his duties conscien tiously. He did not care whether other Inspectors, as had been stat ed, -pursued a differeiit course.;to him, their consciences were not in his keeping. ' His duties were laid down before hi n in a plain and unequivocal w.tjy, and if the ad ministiiition"' ofI the law was not suitable nbr acceptnblu to the rate payers, why, he wan not to blame. Any one who would take tho trou ble to acquaint himself With the School Law, would find that it was to blame'and not he. Bu5 he felt that it was his duty as an adminis trator of th la%y to-see that its jirp- visions were carried onti; as far nB was at all possible, and if any weriu dissatisfied thej-jlia-d only to petition for an alteration and amendment of those claust-a in it which were found to bo so burdensome and oppressive. He did not think it was right that be should be met with these charges, as lie was not the framer of the School Law. Hjr would willingly lend any assistance in lis power to the Council, tor a committee of the council, with, the view of petitioning the Legislature; for any amendment deemed neces- 7' ', - Some further discussion ensued among the members of the Council relative to the petitions, after-which Mr. Waltfieimoved, seconded by Mr, Fraier, tbut thin oomiiiittee do rise, that the chairman do report to the. Couucil thjat the charges in the petitions of AJ Bell and others with Crawford and others bo -received, I regard to the) Inspector of-Puiilie re<ioV and referred t the commit fee on education.' Cariied. .The petition was received, read, and so referred. .-- ilr. Young moved, sec. by Dr. reelected trustee of - the Oakville High School. Carried. : ilr, i'ost<?r moved, sec. by Mr. Clay, that the usual sum of $100 l)e granted to the County of Halton Agricultural Society. Carried. The clerk read the. presentment Schools are not proved to the satis; faction of this committee, and thoy would recommend that tho consider ation of all questions affecting our Public School be deferred'until tho Buck, that John Barclay, Esq.,; be>j close of,, the present session, of the Ontario-Legislature, whero amend ments to the present law aro con templated. ; The committee on Finivnce pre sented their first report, recom mending tho payment of the follow ing accounts : J.- Vimallan, jail ac-. or the-Grandi Jurv at the, FaJI J count, $1.25 ; J: P. Roper, $3.45; 1 .._ .- TIT 1 Assizes, dated Dec. 13tb, 1876, and a letter from the Treasurer regard ing the account for legal advice of Messrs, Bethunp, .Qsler" <k Moss.' He also read"a copy'of a resolution, pnssed by the Oakville Board . of Ediiciiliph on Jan. 19th. disappioy- ing of the petitions praying for the dismissal of ihe County Public School Inspector. Mr .Robiuaon moved,' seconded by Dr. Buck, that the following petitions ba received and reid, viz': Xo. L from John Wilson and 34 other*. No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 and the furnishing-of a properly marked voters' list to the returning officer. No. 11 No. 12 No. 13^ Chas Portee, " A. Hinton " K Bray Geo. Langtry " T. Atkinson " B. Walbrook " A. Bell T. W. Beaty " J. Cav.-uia^h ," V. McGregor " Josh. Norri&hi" . Aud. Elliott:. *' 26 ; J2 6 17 32 34 20 8 H Hl5- 10 27 VESJfOHs Latest^ Mr. W^nor . publishes a fieah bafth of prob4blli-.' ties oa Saturday, as follows.: "A iuild spell and a partial th-^w be tween the present date and the end of January. 1 For the first week in February a heavy snow_ storm and vei-y.' cold dij>. A secoud heavy: snow storm with a great deal of snow in proximity to the 15th of the month,rwitb a second very cold dip, which will conti::no through .riie greater poi tion of the remain ing part of February. How Law Scits Cost. The papers tell of a law suit being-tried > at the Westmoreland Circuit Court, S-ivage vs. Stock, an action for tres pass on 'land and person. The land in dispute; was worth $20. The trial occupied the Court for. eight dayp. The cost to the county is over $150... .The whole expense* of the suit footed up to $1,500. The jury returned a verdict for the de fendant on the question of the land, and for the'plaiutifTon the trespass, awarding $10 damages. !___ ^ '- Presrdent Grant is reported as, exiu-egsihg his belief that the time . has arrived for the resumption of specie payments, add that the present congress cannot do better than take legislative action with that object. -. _ j The "$he OiiUirio Legislature :x 22 mer- "chants; 15 agiiuulturists, 18 law yers, 10 doctors, 2 lunij)ermen, 3 ; journalists, i dairymen, 4 millers, ii painters, and 1-blacksmith. A meeting of tiro Reform Abb> piation for the dunty of Peel was lield at Bramptjn fo^ tho purpose' of reorganiang, and for the election Jof officers, AH parts of the county "were well repre ;ented by prominent 4 meiubers of .the party. -Total numbtr of names . .248 The petitions ware received and read. ] I Mr. Younjj moved, seconded By Dr. Buck, that the consideration of the petitions presented to this Council in reference to JMr." R. Little, School IniBpector,d3e'referred toarcommittee 6f th6 Council forth; with. " Council in committee of the whole ; Mr." Clay in the, chair. The folio wing is a copy of the petition : j To the Warden and Mtrrjjtri of the County Council fur the County of ftaltun, in CjpuncU assembled. QlSTtomt, undersigned ratepayers of the County of Halton, be lieving that the tyrannical eourBe.pnr- sued l>y Mr. Little, the inspector, of Schools "for tHs,:Cbui^, ia.not-cou4ult- -ing the wishes of tteTrnatees'and Bate- payer", has. tWr-effeftt ofrbriKgiSg our Eresent School Act into -contempt; and aving viewed with, considerable inter est the arbitrary manner in which Trus- .tees have be<jn compelled to hire assist? ant'teachers, jand'to provide additional- school accomihddation,-when such teach ers and such accommodations were un necessary, pray that the said Inspector be dismissed from his office and another appointed who will carryoutmore fully the spirit of the^present School Act. Messrs. W. C. Beaty, Wm lie Lellan and Geo. Agnew addressed the committee oh. behalf of the petitioners.. Instances were cited in which dissatisfaction wasaaid to have arisen in consequence of. the endeavor ;of Jilr. Little 'to enforce the provision^of the present School Act. Tliby thought he had been too-faithful in trying to administer the law strictly to the letter, and that he did not give dua consider ation to the wants and in'erfist of the ratepayers. They wouljj hot say where the fault lay, but' there was one evidently somewhere, as the long list of names on the peti tions would testify. As the law now stands Trustees were mere collecting machines, and the ratepayers pay- J. R. Mitchell, $17.15; W. J. Stearn, $1.50; "Wood <fc I>!igatt, $5.77; Wood & Leggatr^ $6.80; Wallaco ife Panton, advertising ten ders, $2.70r Total $38.64. ^^ Mr. Waldie moved, seconded bv Mr. Warren, thnt the ofTer of Jno. Riddell to sell County Debentiiies issjued in favor of the Hamilton and Northwestern Railway to the extentipf $5,000 at par and accrued1 interest^, be accepted,-'and that the Treasurer be hereby instructed, to carry out the purchase. Carried. Mr. Warren mov-ed, sec. by Dr. McCarvin, that whereas in rural sections the only projier place for holding the anniial school meeting is the'-section tnbool house, therefore belt resolvpd-*that theday forbol/l- ing tho School Meeting should be. changed from the seootfti Wednes day in January to some day in the' Christmas vacation, so as not to interfere with the time of schools, and that a copy of thtB resolution be transmitted to the Minister . of Education; Carried. Mr. Mehziea moved, sec. by-Mr. Watson, that the report of the Oak ville School board ' be referred to the Committee on Education. Carried. Mr. Buck moved, seconded by Mr: Foster, that a committee, con sisting of Messrs. Warren, Waldie and the'Warden, be appointed ; to memorialize ttib Minister of Edu cation for sulch 'changes in the present School Act as they tnay deem advisable, after having' heard the views of the members of this Council, in committee, on the sub ject.-^-Lost. ' : Mr. Foster moved, secohded iby Mr Menzies, that the" Wardfch';be. arid is hereby appointed on belialf of this .Council, 'Director' ori'the Credit Valley Railway Boiril. Carried. '" " ' I Mr. Yoijng moved, seconded by Mr.'Robinson, that the following sentlemeri iJe; hereby appointed the Board of Examiners for the current' yeaiv.viz . R. Little, P.A.Switze'r and C. A. Lrisk^ M. D-" Carried. Mr. Waldie moved;'secended by Mr. Wan-en. that' this . Council, wheri.'it adjourns,' do staridarfjoiirnv ed until Tnesdav, the' 20th Febru^ arj, :,1877.--Cai;ried, Cdtincil fldjonrneil; '------------------.; - Colling wood is spoken of, * - ' i rt .. - Mitchnll authorities havo se J!~'UB^.iojKarJe ,bc)kjpgjj.t<>jae.: Brantford hotels have raise), their prices considerably since th< puBiago of,the. Puukin Aot; The loss to the Grand Trttnl -RalbyAj. .l^Ltliia Jala, strike Ja:.eitU.. mated at $600,000.'].". : / The Dunkin Act is to he snrt niitted to the nitepayors of Ontari|> .county, voting to comnienoo abonl tbe 27th Inst. ' McGiiegor's Bank in Windsor wal 1 .robbed of a small.sum of money 1. day or two Hgo by,gome sly bu1; unknown thief. , Dr. Slade, the American spirit - uulirt, whose trial reoehtly caused;n sensation in England, baa boon dia charged from' custody on ' legal technicality. i - ' The;convict, W.' B. CI ! Barber, has been set to work in the baker'; 1 dejMii-tment in Kingston' Penitenti nry, and is how learning the baker;' business. . Mr. Glen nffirms that iron cau b<) profitably smelted at Whitby. Ths ore will, come from Snowden, tb s limestone from Kingston and; tin coal from.Ponnsylvania, r A Tiverton schoolmaster named. Alex. McLean was charged ; las week witlr unlawfully punishing 11 scholar. The Magistrate, after ex amining a number of witnessM,gav) decision in favor of the teacher. . A Watertown barber made thre i nttempts to kill himself on Monday last-. Ho niado a bungling job of it ench time. His name is Benja min F. Do Lawyer One word tell 1 tho story -ram. Monday was the fifty-sixth anni versary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lowry,.who lire on th; Waterloo road, near Guelpb. It- was also tbe eighty-first .birthday of Mr. Lowry,, while his wifo i) seventy-six yeai-s of age. ,-. Several construction trains hav 3 [>assed over the H. lc JS. W. raU- wuy.as) far as .Georgetown, and tin ballastiug of the road-bed isbein ; proceeded with as rapidly as j possi ble. It is expected that the road will ba open for regular traffic in. tho course of a few weeks.. The Milton Branch of the Bank of Hamilton was opened out last week, under the management o|f Mr.. Colquhonn on Friday, via H. & N. W. R|. We notice several of our citizen 1 already looking very important over, the possession - 0/ their rat banl: books. " John McL-irty, formerlyj of Na'Mgawcvn, was killed lust wefK b,' helne thrown ofT a load of wooJ, fttrtr Orang-evlllv JHi remali. were brought to_tbo jroiifdeDce of Mr. Arch Boll, 1> NawMg-iwojii, (rtun whence they wers taken in tho burial ground on Monclnj. Ho was a widower. lcavlngsoveralBrown up children A T9?r MABKinrri, 83 2C( to 3 60 Flour .... Vail WhJut_____...____., onring Whoftt. Olasgow Hod Chaff Whost Barloy ... ... OaU ... i. . ^Poa.-.-'^. -,'.. ', Potatoes, per bag Apple*par hag......... Onions .. f --.. . Butter...... Bgg*..... Dressed Hogs ... Turkeys' .. Goeso .. Docks 23^00.-40. 12flto 128 1 10 to 1 22 0 60 to 0 60 0 43 to 0 45 0 <?6 toO'70 0 70 to 0 80 0 -70 to 0-80 1 00 to 0 00 0 18 to 0 20 0 15 toO 18 7 00 to 7 25 0 07 to 0 00 0 06 to 0 06 0 06 toO 07 Tho young Berkshiro Boar " Wol- 1 Chief,' brod by Geo. Rudd, of Qluilnli, has Ixon jmrofiAsud ho tne and wnTbo Kept7f ? sorvioo 011 WyTSreTHTBo* adjoining this village. This animal, is from imported stock with first-class pedigree. Terms 91.00, to bo'paid at time of .service. ' - I C. S. SMITH, ; Acion,, P.c,|;8,l.W0,,. - ,. -M-*L ... There la nolArtlcEsr Lljce. It to CVemme and Bextore. Waad's liaprared ' Halr Kf;tarailvr Is unlike any other, and hn hooquul. The Improved ha* new Tr table ton'o properties; rotoreserey hnlr toajgtosay natural color; r"*U>re< faded, dry, harsh ami filling hair; restore*,'drrues, glvo* vigor to tht rmlr; restores hair to prerns- turely bald hendt; removes d iftdrnfT, ha- remove* Irrlla tlon, Itching and tcaly dryness. No article produces uch wonderful effect* Try li, caH for Wood's Improved Hair Itestoratfre, and don't be put ofTwItb any otnr article. Hold by la I drag^r-sts In this plaoe and dealers |evory'whrrc. Trade supplied at mu".aciurrr'prlcs by C. A, Cook 4 Co .Chicago, Solo Ajgcht.s for the United States and Canndas and by Lymax Bfcos, A Co., Toronto. JTEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Watches, I Clocks and * r Jewelery JMPOBTAKT TO THE SICK. DR. McCULLOUaH, The Celebrated European an'd American- Physician, Itinerant of the Hospitals of the chief cities of England, Ireland,' Scotland, France, Germany, tbe United States of America and the Dominion of Canada, will personally visit ACTON, professionally, and may be consulted, at AQNEW'S HOTEL, Prom Tuesday, February 6th, To Tuesday, February 13th, By all who are suifcring from CHRONIC UN6BKNC DISEASES Such as Consumption, ' Bronchittis, Asthma, Catarrh, and-.all alTootiotxa of the Cheat, Throat, Heart, Kryous De bility, Scrofula; Scrofulous Ulcer*, Liver Complaint, Rbcumatismy-Skis. Diseases of all kiuds, no'matter how longstand ing ; Dropsy, Chlorosis and .Cancers in their worst stage-.without the uso of a knife. And all Blood Diseases, Salt Kheum, Dyspepsia, Epilep'ic Fits orFallingSick- ness, Apoplctic Fit* or loss of sense and The eafe arrived 1 motion, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Chorea or St. Vitus Dance, Fevers "and Agues of all kinds permanently, cured. Goitre or Thick Neck, Abscess, Tumors, etc. All diseases of tho'Ear and Eye successful ly treated. The disease* of children fr6m infancy to adult aga treated sue] cwsfirily.. . i N.T}. If you are suffering from any of tbVabove disease* do not delnly, but visit the Doctor at once that you may have tho benefit of hr care awl treat ment and may be restored to health the sooner. ~ Sec testimonials on postad bills. Acton, Jan. 2, 1877. 31.It. ITo more Auctions AT PRESENT. $3,120,000 is ther modpsfc..Bum demanded from the_Ontario Govern ment for the Toronto and Ottawa Railway. Mr. Sargent, of the Grand Trunk Railway, baa issued a circular to the-station agents, in which he states that he proposes to foster local traffic moro than has been done in the past. t-The H. &" K W. station building in Milton is nearly ready for tbe plasters and painters. Tbd new Methodist ChurcTi in Georgc'own wn opened and d.ndIrate 1 to the Fervicc or u<x), by JJr. Jvtn, cf Now York, on Sunday nt last * eek. X|t lUo m iriilna service bo succeeded. I raising tbe sum or $0^00,' and In th evening the ba'anco of th-!,debt existing a?alm>t the church. The. bulldlngi U .very flno one, ofbrlclt, and. handsomely finished; enpablo ' seating about Z.3 people. Old CousTBr Pubchases.-- Messr* J, D. Williamson <* Co'* buyci, Mr, Mcl^ohlxn, has Juj.t returns I from t'-o British market*. He report*. i sllKht.'ndvnee In the prlee 0/ almost a): clasns of goods, cut he was able Ihoi- ouchly to Inspect tb, market andsacese I ed In Recurlnij some or the best and ohe*r - est goo Is. When the sprluespa*Qii opeii 1 tberefore the OuolphLlon will as ustul tafea tlmlcaJ In choice -gooda at reason able pi Ices, Adv't At the annual meeting of Grang No. 198, Erin, the following wer; elected officers for the current year : Master, John Berry; ;overseer, Geo. Lnne; Lecturer, Henry Smithf; Stewnrd, Jos. Long; Assistant Steward, Hy. McKennie; Chaplain Wm.- Rnadhouse ; Treasurer, Wni Rott;' Secretary', Robt. "Longj Gate-keeper, Jno. Watts; Ceres Miss. S. Price ; Flora,Mis* Long Pomona, ' Miss-' Robinson ; Ladj Assistant-Steward, Miss A. Smith Meeting of CBEbiTbrts.' J0i Monday, tho,first meeting of Mr Dayfd Allah's creditors was held a I the office of the official assignee 'Guelpb',! when about a dozen per sons were present. Col. Higih- bothani, M.P., was ' called to the chair, and after' the insolvent's statement was read, showing asset* estimated as worth $216,102.'and liabilities :,182,139^ Jjfri John Smith was appointed assignee, and MessTs.vF. W. Stone^Geb. Elliott and Wm. Smit^h (Bant of/Com meice) inrpectors. It 'ib '"iirider stood th'at' tiie'"'mill, will continue running for' gristing- and"'chopp)ng purposes' until, some more' definite arrangements are niade. " ' Epps" Cocoa.-Qbatesux ano : Co>r- FCurrtNO.-r " By a thorough kiiowlodge of the natural laws which govern the operations of. digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected Coooa, Mr, Epps has'provided our breakfast tables with a, delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious uso of such articles of diet that- a' constitution may be gradually built up until strongenougb to resist-.every tendency to disease. Hundreds of ^ubtlernaladies are floating around us ready (to attack wherever there is :sj weak, point/ We-may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well-fortifiqd wttB pa;e bloof and a pro- porly; nourished frame. "^-Civil Strvict OavUei "Sold 6'nlylri packets labeled "jA*H'iElrps * Oo.f"H6mos6patlric Chemist, 48, Threadneedle Street, an<i '170, PicoadUlr, London." ^ I'-am so bnsy with Watches to repair that I bare concluded to have no niore Auctions for a few. Weeks. All- i -. goods will still ' be sold '_/' At a Special Discount of 25 per cent. Lots of Watches to relect from.'1 TUi* U a bona-fidc cheap sale. -" BAgGAlNs. GREAT SEMI-AXTWUAL, liili WB Uovf-going on at Sii <3-^KDJR0r^lt32O'^riSrji ? ?. ^. ,if Nd^ istilie time io?? The pablic fkirly startled and astonished at the startling, cheap gaodtg*^ 1 . : -1 bein? sold at the- ' :::'i MAMMOTH" jBOWBB,' I-! Farmffrs, Mecrrarifcs, Laborers,' Hotf^ekeaperS. young' and olil^ r ok aod; .; , poor, if you want to buyebeap goods, at trJo'rerry Lioweat Hard .** - |*ovv is youropportonity.' Wo have roarked down tfeebakuceo^ tensive stock, anil are detprmrned to-<J1ear ft all flut before spribj^'^M are bound to make this ibe*ijao*i esterwive Cleariug isile we hsve evetjit^ tempied.- Don't neglect the opportunity Of getting, the largest4pvi goods lor the least money, you ever saw jo your llWtiiafc". -"; j REMEMBER SALE 4a MB Mtig mo BKEEDERS^ TJie young thoronghhrcd Dorhsm Ball " Ouke of Kent," bred by Mr. Stone, of Guelpb, out of the imported cow "Sultana tho 7fh"; by,"3d Duke of Springwobd," (*ee 3d T<a. Canadian Hard. Book) will serve cows on tbe premises of_the undersigned, lot 24, 1st con. Esquesing. Terins-I-For Jrurharn* $5; Grade* $2. f ALEX. [WALDIE, ': Esquesing, Feb. 1^1877. 31-3m No Reasonable Offer Refused. G. i>. PKIKGLK; GiMipli, Jan. 1Q. 1W7. We must have the ,money,i therefore, youicari-b'oy coodsrreryebesn. Don't forget tho spot. ' r"1- ' ;'" ------ " V ' ' " - ;; v r Ivlcl-^OD, ANDSHS0N & Co,, Jan. 8. 1877. MAMMOTH HOUKE-, 0KOBG T Q.LEKLAWSOX MILLS. ! AcToirr Gk & ErTOLTON * * Propose hereafter dointf a strictly cash business. All flour and feed must bo paid for on delivery, or at least within one month. All accounts now! due must be paid before the 10th of Febru ary next. . G. * E. TOLTOy. " Acton, Jan. 24, 1877. 30-4t IMPORTANT OSrOTXOIE. All parties who intend purchas ing HARNESS this winter can save money by doing soon before Wednesday. 8th February., Leather litis taken a rise of $5 per hundred, whioh compels ad advance of from' $3 to $3 per set. In order to give all a fair chance to procure a cheap harness I will not advance the.price before the 8th inst.- )/? R. CREECH.; r7 Acton, I"eb.;i, 1877. ;. --^ "' ' T.NSOLlnBBjtf, ACT OF i86, " And- Ajiieiiidments Thereto: ' G. Sd J. Sjrmons, V:-:" -'."INSOLVENTS, -,.. -' pTTS Perk "WaBited. - l j.hj- V 000 Dressed .Hogs"'-Waited--we>ily, for which the ..Highest Cash "Price will be pat'1-. 1'rom g'2,000 to$5,0b0 in cask. to bo 'paid out to farmers for Pork every Week truruig. December, at j ;~. . SECOKD': BROS.' Store. ^RD Fancy &bods Lumber, and Shingles r~6W s^a_x,m -." i {Selling off at Auction Fxioes. CHEAP BOOKS AN OtR SON'S CHEAP B00KT0RE On the East side of Wyndham Sti eet, GT7ELPH. The undersigned have for sajle at their mills in Acton a large tjuactrty of all kinds of . 4. Lath, Lumber, And oil building requisite! kept on' hand or delivered on shortest, possiai* notice. - : Best quality' floi I Stingresr* eslj 51.70; best quality No. 2 only 70 eorla r Any of the above wfl} be"3elrrer*a when required. -..-.'. . ."' ,^, r.-!'". -." Any quantity ^>f ot* taken ur:x-' change for any of tbe-a<]6TedeHvef^t ,the mill'between Acton and r" ^5-* ~ : Lot JTo.^g/^nd con. Esqnesi p by mail addme to Actoir br 1 * K. O,; --- Esqnesiftg, Jarfi- ff f87- ' Toraht '. uy Ej ~Eiprc CFaltJ ' wotaji 1 3&M ' TVester] I^ridon m Impor -; ' Trnnkj x. disconi Scott's. I " :-r-Ti - bev week prize*"' ful audi tl>eTe| .;, -Office 1 ^ Mr, witch 1 ^confer owner, '-'tor its : .- ;;;: G| XrQods Scott, il Viou*. -. cpurit x>except: aa* md '" ^J on'Su't)^ dist'cii James 1 fer a~fa office (od "-' interieat , - stockhol evenings rangemaj .'. '-operarj" :"- ha* bee! v;*ri[ babetaal country I ' . the *dt| .in anot > i)r. ge^J 1 t)omiaii meut off ttereforj . whatav^ ' - at Air from . -j<Jonsul Tak cfeco ' ble, wi .. "goods "- ^e>! PINE AND HEMLOCK tWMBEB, . Pino Shlnplos and Lath. Shingles of -tbe best quality tor only $1.85 per square, G-UMMING MACHINE. We^ihare. jnst. introduced Gamming" Macbine,"and axe -to gum Irrng-or Croa-ctit Sifnsv Acton, Dec. 12, 1876. BROWN.4; HALL. a -new prepared po^Ktjo|rijr Charles parcaeron ,. is'prepareUt'paV trre^BSgEejViidb* Pnce-lori oo^asaf:^SMfH^S%. fttf.. and see'him"lst';tlr4 Or3fca^*ba Ma(. ^et-reet. .-".". ! . Acton, Nov, Win, 1876.- SMsv 1 24,3m A fourth and final dividend sheet hai' been, prepared, open to'objection till the ]*th, day of February, .1377, after which suph. final dividend will be ip'ay- able.'" '[' WM. ALLAN, Assignee. Acton, January, ;1877. '90-2t EOOKSTOFwE, A large stock'of," : f: Day's1 Bbokstiore. TXOK8E FOR SALE. l The undersigned .has .an excellent .young Horsa rising 5 yefirs old, which he' offers7for Isale.' Warranted to work well in any kind at haihos* single or double, and is perfectly soandi -" P. S; ARMSTRONG. Acton, Jan. 24, 1877.1 30tf HURRAH! HURRAH! TOR THB' BEST PHOTOGRAPHS' -".. in the County, at i ' Lc For Beauty of Finish and Brillian cy m.fMe, ,^iy cajkno$.be turyaticd. OOPYINQ JAS. MATTHEWS 5 . J CLERK 4TH DIVJSrOM Cfl.lT Cousar or H*xtos.# *-.- ;>:" r* - '?fC_- J Ooavsyaacor^ . J - i:>.'ji HI/- Cotomiflsioaer ia iUv* b& ENLARGING In all its branches,,in the best style o the art, done on the Shortest notice."aid at reasonable rates. =,'.! ':';Also a splendid:stock"of llorddirigs pi-on. hand, and made to order. A call is solicited ana y'qu wfljiibe co^vinfflBfl thar|- this is the place,to get --^ r Yo11*"** ^otf****i*T-T 11 ITvt 1- Acton, Dec. 5, 1S76. AKI> HEADING MILLS. '^ ApypvtJes-.waaUng-.Shindea would do .well to give us a call. |Wp will i'al- ways have en haod> a' good supply of N0.4Jand.K0. -2 Shingles. . -^ j . Best quality JCo; 1 ShinglpsiSlfTO per square. No. 2, 70-cents p'ijr'^quare. -.. ;: ^pV-^jf'sAYERS SpCyside, Deo. .13, 1876. 24-Cm -Fix* towaac* Aattir; XAfO =XnsuraaM >*$< Issuer of Marrlaffe i A^oat Uoaey to Loaa . . '.'j ..?.:::- .--. Mii.' . ,.. -A^aatrj >';i1^'^;!; .1De>fs.:.eo%ctea *r :-ivi'"--'ctr7?.-f 3+"3$-r Par%ie tutrosting- theif**^^?. me wnri4 satisfactorily dealtTrlW- ./.Mr,-:;; \y:'l"'^:i"-}.1 8.0r - Office at tie Post Office, Ac ^00^ xfli/y Cam4on.the premises v,^." -rtf bers Ja (bbtoSerlaat a Red **** one7s%oldJ sTkerow1^?rJfl>", ,^ to provje prbperty. pay """ take her away. .... <^.GEQ.,Nj : ' Lo(5l, 2Hcon. Jan; J, 18717.

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