-.Sfe C ^sggsp -. *t3bes r".r"-*jj|JR '. / '[ " 3311B J~~' ^r1 - V ' &3&3&f 5:^w ' - - . :Jr -V.-^a^L- J0% .XM^g- C tint - i:iP# ;; 1 . ! .- "*.-^"J'^.^ ,i ., --'-* : IWSSSfc' t " ^ -"- ^&^ sbortt Wired. Si" #mm :, y- FREE PREB^, ACTO^i KALTJON COUNTY, ONT., |^U^UST 1% 1876. VL1XO TRISK TIME TXBLK. Trains leave-Acton as follows : " ' . * ' '" I ,oisi; WKaT. Homing Mwl - ' j-: - p.yv Exi>ros3_ - " Kxptv^s - - ' - Mixed - . - >'ight'Kxprc.ss - '. - ,; GO I NO KJtST. ; Kiaht Express - -\ '- . i.Mixed. '- *. - -'- 1>t Express ; Mail - Mix>i - - - .; 9.-10 a. m. - 2(K*p.m, - . 5,17 p.m. 7:l.Vp.m| V2)43 a.u* 7 -"-- : - ' 3t87 <v.nv - 9:10 a.m. - 11:35 a.m. . MTp.m. - 10:05 p.*n. tOCAL MATTERS. hepeoploof H/Hm^- L fct.,in-' the laaBhgf v-y' l^jtt aO fu&ea^h X l***l l ii':-' . #H tj.:"-L " BrinJa.: THE DISH IR SHOP >favh:,Hjur-et.~: " ". 1re.. caa be done i>. - / p<-3orjal art. - ~- ~< & lOKSTORL ^.'^m Vbeap. " :[<i PHI t. ACTOX, is - -X'; ij """,- .'i"1. patty*' *-.. 14 (Ml, -'V^ife ts,;;TazpatiJ*.ii Isold iam-toio^ UtCOSt. iH I ! s-^* ' 1L-yhe public schools resume op erations on Wednesday-, IGth lrtst. 'N'l^xt mooting j>f Esquesing township council on Friday, ISth "inst. "' ^Twrenty births, eight? deaths, luul'iivc marrinp-s "vvcre rvgistchxl for this municipality" ifo.r"H.he'.sis montlis ondiiy; SOtU June. - . ": -: A cow belonging ~tor^Ir. Asa Hall was-killed on the railway . track last Sunday e^ cniT\g, by a frriglit'train^ -near the Main street crossing.-- Remember the entertaimhen,t "in tic Prill Sljeil next Tuesday evening. For "particulars see posters .and pro grammes, . ' ~~~ The hop crop in thia vicinity is c>.iing to be a total failure. Mr. Mat thews says' he does' not expect to' gather teh ^founds froku his whole V yarvC If the failure proves general'all over thcjcountry, there will lieachar.ee .tor gvxnl prices ru\\t year. Religions serviiea will be held in tlto TemjwrancSs. Hall, n<!xt Sunday afternoon, at S o'clock, and every alter nate Sunday following, until, further ; notice, by Hev. Mr. Davis, Congrcga- '- tional :2u:n:ster, of- Caledoa. A collec tion will be taken, up to defray cx- penseiv- ---------r-^------~ - ">tri John Speight. announces > - to ^crties requiring' his services.-as1 ail '-cmlt:t.vker, that his new hearsclli^s ar- | rivevl: and that he is at all times pre-" : -pare-.l to sr.j?pTy funeral furnishings en .ihe 5h;ir:e5-t notice. The hearse is real ly handfome, and of" the most modsrn an<l 'ex."pensive style. It was built in Markhala, expressly for Mr: Speight." J" {' The great nish for Teas, both by the-pK'SJid. cadOy 'and chest still, continues ai Record Bros'., and they are fairly slinreliing.it out at greatly reduc ed prices. You ought r) tcya caddy of .their IhaCxm. Cr.Tr.r, Tta,*.-it- GO edits per p v.r.il. Ir's g-nx*., it :s._ Their'uew PlvSiles; \A." very pleasant Pio-nic party camo oft* Tuesday nfteniooh in a de lightful littlo grove ou the fiuin of J'hs. Cameron, Esq.! It was gotten up by iho MiBsos Cameron In hou-,, or of their sister, &Irs, Luttrel; ofII Montreal, ytho is here, on a visit. / Oa entering the grovelvW xtei-a] welcomed by the very protty motto J *" Weloomo to Our tJuosts." A snmptuous table was provided b tlio young ladies and- a most, enjo; able afternoon was spent in musi' croquet^ cricket,' . ike. A. veil [amusing feature, of >tho- frugal je- p^ist was the cutting of a crko |n which was a ring, button, ami thi ble, the pai-ty drawing, the ring to be married atjonce,: but tlio-par- son pivsfent charged loo' high a hg- uro'to perform the ceremony, coilst)- -q'uently that p^irt was dispensed with;" The button whs the thimbfo an old. maid. Out of moilosty,' we forbear to "give(the .names of tho parties who. iirow prizes. Much Sport was occasioned by the disstribution of- very tempt ing looking spbngo cakes, one of which was supposed to contain a ring*-KcVbut on biting them it was discovered that they were filled with cottcn batting. A friend of ours has been drawing rolls, of cot: ton batting from. his' throat ever since. Altogether a most enjoyable evening w;is spent, and w'o con- 'rCRitulate tho Misses .'Camer oh. pn the s'necess of t'R'oir partv." Yours truly, COTTON. -r-H* ^p-^fv"-:rfjr,K(s?; BIROS^ i= '-1 - THAX WGOSFBBR^XPi MA.N, JOHN HOGQ, GUELBH! Upper Wyndham Street/Alma Block. '=-i'.-"-' - ', ' ' - '* Tromea&ow, Excitement I A Fanio I See tits HusB.^ Groat Slaughter. . ^raldT-G ikronsii <'areXrvsncvi, WJiat carue iii-Ar l.^eiii^: a.v^r.' :Hav8 you got^ a five pound caddy of Secord -Bros.' CxUslial Tea at 50 cents per pound, its the best value they over hW..and actually beats their famous Meteor'Brand.. If not, get ouo t^uiek if yoli Want tj be happy. The reason Sicjrd Bros:' fifty cent Tea is called tho. Celestial Tea is because the Celestials drink it at their select parties. " ' . 3sr s 16 Cool ills HofWeather. . ; No Old Baidcrupt Stock to PaM Oft j I8M Cuei and Bales of Fancy and Staple Dry (foods art Prjces.that'will astonish the people. These *r* thnoa that people most havtHgood, spond and honest goods in return for their money j [moth eaten and bankrupt stuff won't doibr Ihe preent intelligent dayj J faav^Jiad to come to the reiietie before Jo-day; and now that the Trade of Uvelph requires reeulatine'ffim ajMun called, in to battle against bigh prices, inferior classesof goode and old fogy"notioos.- >i have this day marked off . .*- ,..- -i. < An Immense Quantity of Staple and F&ncy Dryi4Sroods, And I will astonish ihe Inhabitants at the cheapness of really firstolass goods. S&" Dori't deiay,bat call and be isaMi5ed.- TV/r4n-i'"i'*vT-r TV/F-i 114-rt QTiyf .The Most Exquisite Taste is to be had in Lidies'.Hats; Bonrietir, Jackets, ManttllaB, fln'd.aJlthVNJjri iyjLLIllJUUI V, JXLLL1.111G3L y i, ; est Designs in the Millinery land Mantle Departments.! MISS .SrjXiLlV^N4he Lady-Millihir^ presents to the ptibTio the most elegant taste and designs fa Ladies' Hats and Bonneti to be found -on this Continent. Indeed thi eulogies bestowed 'u- her taste la Trimmed Huts, &o.t are almost beyond" description.: I would earnestly request a visit of the Ladiestomy J . v- - v ?; ' Black, Colored anid Plaid Sill^, - *: j ;^; Such exceedingly good and elezant qnnlities as are on sale.at such extremely chea"p prices, cannot fail to satisfy all purchasing at that Wonderful Man's Mammoth. Store. Iiadies fancy dress goods are a marvel of.beauty,-elegance and cheapneset. Don't forget those wonderful Lustres at 12| cents per, yard, well worth 20 ceritsWaitiazing valued My prices all through this department are a terror to competition; -gib's weakness;in ime, bpt Iican't help it, to grye^cheap goods.} | ' Smalt Profits anil Read^Paij. ' - ~ \ i '~"r My old friend* and customers will be glad to hear of this large arrival of cheajiiind good goods by double hetter than anyiljapkrtipt stock." ' ;' . J aHIV'HQCC^ :.: May 5, 1875 ': : '. ' '"':" St|reet,-GneIpS. Exam- U CT-..-M13i,| i.leur, through careles!y "leaving a;i Kj o: li".-t water naci<vcred. r-.vi-utiy- .-ocitsrid^it :i:c'ruii'leu-.e of - It. T'Iujs.' 1 ,IV<-5;ray. (rev.^'uV-Coin-.rs.: Tf;v t'cr4 van? >j:rl Lul luted the l>iJer ,^8" the, , stove-,, and negle-L-tcvl to cover-it. ^liort- ." ly after, a tive-year-<:Kl child --ect into f ihe kitcheu, and not seeing^the_bojlcr, -toppled liackwards heaillong ilito the eeetliiug irater,- He was instaatlyjtaken ' out aod" stripped of his clothing, when. hr seas.- found to be rather badly seal Jed' on his back and limbs, the skin peeling' off in many. places. Poultices of yeast anil bread .were frequently "applied to alleviate the pain, and I>r, McCulloeh , was- seirt- for. In the course of a few T-honra, it was seen'that no fferious injury : was haply .sustained. This should be a warning to people to Iks very careful aWttt not leaving hot water in. the way :6f children. ;"JIookJ " a TTalirh. ;. AilL'ari^ll's savr mill, a fc-sv <lay3 ago, > ,twS different parties were., getting lum- !ber from the mill, "VThilst loading tboJ j Wagons, one of the men laid off his coat ..4nd vest, containing 'his| watch,, hoi thinking they would be" disturbejl- "When getting ready tq start; theTvateh WZ3 found to ^ missing, ^nd a long search failed &>' discover it. The other party had previously completed his load ...Jajd" started off towards Eden. He was :: suspected, and fqllowed several miles and when caught: up to, and charged with the theft, he- finally-confessedI - taking the watch, buf~said that he hidi it in the lumber pile describing the spot where it could bo found.' The owner of the watch then, returned and . carefully searched the place indicated, 1 but it was not there. It was then de termined to again give chase and have him arrestcd_forthe theft. Mr,' Cargill started~yesterday. for Gnelphj. but we ' have not heard .whether he ".was suc cessful. ' I * A. Beefoken. j__ . _ Once upon a time there was a man who K\;ed. in oar town and his,nakne was James.; Amongst his-many possessions, heowijed a multitude of honey bees. There is a legend to the effect that one . day in tke tdtry: inontli of August, James found it necessary and expedient to interfare with the-routine work of the little innocents. The time had come _when the drones and the queens and the laborers should be divided, arid placed some on the right hand and some on the left. Summoning to his aid an rtazaa who Longed foV a-display of skill, they two sallied1 forth to the swarming domiciles; gad essayed to at tract the industriousjdenizenB; from the scene of their labors'; _ The: ringing of bells both load and Longj brought forth ,the busy throng j "cot-stretched were the little]w1hgs, arid in a! bee-line eame Ule.pretty ihiiigB.- Quick and straight -' was,the wicked flight, and on tojioses, face*, and eyeses did they light, . Ifpw. 'hot and funny waged the 'war, iill- <^nes and Long- were nicely jpeltered, ay if stroked with an iron-bar J when to the smitty both^Jey skeltered. Eyes bunged,, -face* -swollen, painful heads *nd; Umbg- had Long vinquijitd tum^ Moral Urn.-'1 -'"'.- lVcllington Teachers illation; The Revs. Robert- Torrance -and. James Kilgonr, and ilessrs. C Mc- Caig "and. A. D. 'Fprdyce*' Public School Exiiminers have,ben bniily engaged during jiubro. than*, three weeks in examining the papera1 of candidates for second and !| third- class certificates. Only onp candi: date applied for a first-class, whose, papers were forwiirded to the Min ister of EdHcsition^and ji report; of result-Jfas hot yet been received. Out of forty'.four.;applicants jfor second cLlss certificate's onby.'thir/ty- eiglit came forwaril to the <"xamma- .tiQiis, aiul on- .theTnecor.d day .a number of these j broke off after tjying the arithmetic paper. t>ut of.the number-who sat out the'lon- t-iiip examination', only live succeed ed in obtaining a:!secpn(l-class cer tificate. There were one hundred and eighty applicants for- third- class, but only one hundred and seventy-three came for ward., to | bo examined. > Out of those severity- {/three xvere-successful. :! ! The following are the rtnme^ of those obtaining certificates : ; ! - . Second C'las's B. Jus. Grant, Efamosa ;. WnV. S. Judge," Caledpn; Arch. JIcRellar, Woodstock ; Jno. G. Minnie, Eramosa; and Miss Emily MJJJJay, Eramosa. : "T-. Third -'ICi^vss. T.T). A'chesoB, R. F. Aldous, -W. W. Alexander, Geo. Allen, J. J. -Anderson, I). M. Angus, S.'Armstrong, C. S. Booth, S.. Broadfoot, Geo. Clark, H. fM. jCosfbrd, Thos. CrelJbini J*. J. Daly, I)onald"Dunbar, Benj. Foster, Jnb. Glehdenning^ W. Gray, W, Ham- bly, .A. R. Harvey, Richard Hop. kins, Jas. Irwin, Alex, S. Loun, Neii McEachern, Alex. McGregor, Peter C. McKillop, John McDach- lin,: Donald S. McLean, Wm. D. McXeUan, Wm.; E. Mencg; W. O; -Morse, John Nichol^ T. "S- . Potts, Wm. T. Robinson, John W. Shea, F- S^ Wallace,. Janet. Anderson, { Maggie Anderson, Xsabella Bay-me, Jessie Cameron, Sarah Jane Cam eron-, Flora Cowan, Jemima Cun ningham, Janet Davidson, Marlon Elliott, illie Flemingv-Harriet; J. -Grey/ Margaret E. Grey, 'Jessie Gregor, Eliza , Hamilton, Janet kHamiltony Agnes .Inglis, Esther J.' Irwin, Rebeccai Eowry, Hilary i J. Maekie, Mary T- ilay, Margaret McrBeth, Chris. Melntrye, -Chris. McLean,^Elizabeth McLellan, Janet McPhail,;Rehecca; A. Moran^, IMa'g- gie A. Reid, Ellen B. Rieohie, 1 Bella Ross, Maggie Scott, T.- Scptt, Isabella K. Shand, Mpry Prudence Soiriers, Jemima Sutherland, Jennie Thompson^ Margaret J. Wallace, Sarah Angelina Wood, Flora McMillan. ... A few. of the secbud-class can dates who failed will'bo grfiutod a third-clas3 for a limited time. Tho numbar-has not yet'been decided. Half dozen Glass Tumblers-.for only 25c, Half dozen GJftss Tumblers for only 30c. Half dozen Glass Tumblers for only 40c. Half dozen Glass Tumblers for only 45c. Half dozen Glass Tumblers for only 50c. Half dozen Glass Goblets, new design only 65c. 1 handsome Glass Preserve Dish, new, only 35c. 1 handsome Glass Preserve Dish, new, only 40c. 1 handsome Glass Preserve Dish, new, only 50c. 1 handsome Glass Preserve Dish, new, only 65c. 1 grand Glass Preserve Dish, new, only Tab! /5c. 1 set le Glassware, four pieces, for only 50c. 1 set Table Glassware, four pieces, for oinly 75c. 1.set.Table Glassware, four pieces, for only $1.00. 1 set Table Glassware, four pieces, for only $1.25. 1 handsome set of China, 44 pieces, only $4.00. - : i " : - - . X handsome square 30-hbur Clock $3.00.| 1 fancy rosewood |l-day Clock worth S5.50 for S.4.25 1 fancy rosewood 6-day Clock worth S6 50 for 5.25. Salt per Barrel, only $1.00. J: ^^" Largo Stock of New Teas, just.lo hand, cheaper still. ' - SE00ED BEOS. DRUGS, DRUGg. Brags, OECEJAPEST di- Something New" for Ladlte. - . The ladies of Acton and. vicinity iare invited to call at McNair's Millinery and Dry Goods Store, and examine jthe riew and dehghtful Perfume called " pEElracTroN," the only^ Perfume-and -Lily White Combined, in the Domini on. Every lady should-call and see it. D.j 'McNaie Sole Agent for.^cton. ^4-303. '_ Seo )rd Bros, are doing a ruBhing business in Teas just now." Thoy are bffcring.iox- traptdinary bargains. Every" pereon should buy one of their fivo- pound cad dies ofiJO; or 60 cent Teas jl they ire >vj)rth^5 or 80 cents per ponud. -. ' Thff'result' of the'exairiinttttpns for Public School;teachers for.Wel- land'rcourity shows 'a' great slaugh-. ^^,.ul u^mu tering of "the innocents. Out j of and Eyder the I 59 applicants for third class cercifir wall; Beware of!04^' 16-^aflsed; onb of four for seebnd claiflp none succeeded. - ^ Ohomlcals, D70 Stuffs, Patent and Propriotory Ueflicines, ;_ Fancy aad Toilet Soaps, Spp&eros, Brushes. Paints, Oils anl Varnishes,'Fancy and Rubber Goods. T PITIIE WIITES AND LIQUORS for Ueliclnal Purppsos only. f All goods warranted of the besSquality and at ten per'cent jbelow Toronto plcres.; '.r - "'. ! """' : ' . ". Ddn't forget the^place. ^ledical1 Bjiall, Mill street, Acton. Acton, March 13, 1&75. w OTICE. Prosorrin^ Done wlthojat sugar or Air Tight Oani.- I'-have ' leave to.notify the public, that /egetablos, etc., in open vessels/with- _.._.. purchased the pateilt-right for the village of. Acton to/ sell uid use E, H. "Shojurd's Patent Itight,. known' as Shourd is. (New Dominion process for feservjng Fruit, Meat, Iggs, P]ish, etc., in open , out srigaf,'salt,-or, viaogar, ^erfeqtly] fresh'arld-BOtHid^-' All/person s selling or' using tne abovo ixcept" by m ?-:authority after this notico will bo liabl 3 to action, Withl referenco to: the alcove, I beg leave to say that I will sell family rights to use [the above for two ctdlare each. No famfly can afford to be without.it, , :fe.,vi JOHN "Pj SECOKDi ' Acto^, prily 15;1876 "'"'" ' " G. E. MORROW. !& TEAM Carriage &| Wagon 3aln Stroot, ' Acton. '!' j MICHAEL SPEIGHT, General Blacksmith, Carriage - and Wagon-maKer. Best Horse-Shocrs iri ^Perfect'satislaction guaranUod^; or, nc I -.' price chargctt.' ' FlriiMJIaM Plow* and -Collard's Patent Iron Barrows alwair on hand, 'A good stock of Carriages and Wagons. , Repairing promptly and properly at tended to. -.".-: 'Xicton^Jsly J8j 1^6, the County. CARD OF THANKS ChriEtio, Henderson & Co., Acton, desire to tender their sin. ' ' '.'.-- ' ' ' ! - cere, thanks. to their many ensto- m.era for the large share of business accorded them during the past season. On the 1st April last, in order to' meet the views of the:closest buy ers, they-determined to adopt the POPULAR CASH SYSTEM, doing business at the least possible expense and selling goods at the smallest possible profit. '- . -1 This step they have no reason to' regret. The result has proved most satisfactory to themselves, and they trust much to the satisfaction and pecuniary advantage of their custo mers. Notwithstanding the ' great, de pression in money matters gerier- ? ally, their sales, since adopting tho cash principle, have been largely in excess of former years and their circle of trade much extended. They trust that by close.applicar tion to business, always watching carefully the wants of their custo mers, and selling goods at closest prices, they shall continue to merit the large share of trade so liberally accorded to them. They invite,close inspection and comparison both in prices and qual ity of goods offered, and have no fear Of the result. ^ ; Hoping that a bountiful harvest may crown the labors of ^the hns- bandman, and that a good price, may be obtained for the same, they^ again assure their numerous friends that no effort will be-.spared on their part to supply good reliable . goods at the least possible cost. CHRISTIE, HENDERSON & CO. P. S. Try our famous 50c T^t, the,beat value in the market,' O., H..:*.Co. Acton, July 19,1876. I liNS OHT THH RAMPISE. Look ] (5bod^: M^VMBVPOTIf HOUSE McLEOD, iAITDEESOK" &\ 0<i ARE HAVING ONE OF THEIB IMMENSE CI^EAM^Q S^L]^ : : Pea? Tlurty Dajrs Ca^-. | OUftlNG ANI> SLASHJNa RIGHT AND LEFT: ^ No quarter will pe given. All goods marked down, an&mll be sold Ire- - gardless of cost 4' lDress Go<j>ds, Musliiig, Grena4inos andPriritiy At Cost Price, and Lower. MILL IN&RX $ MANTLES AT HALE PAlOE. Ready-made and Ordered ' Ciothing, '; Twee|Is^ Gents' Fur lisbings,' Hats and Caps, <fec, at eilraofdinary low jirjjies. Call and ej amine; it will pay youN : | ',- Carpets, Oil Cloths, Bugs, &cl, andean sWeep mjust , be made oi these goods." -Cottons, -'.Cablings, DuCfcs, ;Dnilihgs;.Tojweli\' lings, ic, if very low prices.- ' - , " ' " We comment, our Amiual Sale oh -Thursday, July 2bfh," and] shall continue itjbr 30 days. Remember, we never advertise anything tbSat'we |_dornot perform, so that you can rely upon-getting'-bargains^nd. SrslSelass goods cheaper than ever. <Jome and see our.prices'andrexamin^'OEr goods. -'-'. ' . " I "." '" . -~" r McLjsod, Anderson b^gp.,: '}:' -'GEpBGET^JTOf.- 1 '-: M j^GT'OZDT^ ! OJSTT. -doing -'"'.W nyou have paid your share of .bad debts to those' [a Credit Business! please call at the Post Office X7ash ^tbre, -where you get Goods Cheap and / . ' ."..'.." ......* \:'-.: .... EiigiljitH per cent' Discount _for Casb. s" Cash -for Produce. -*a( "" Conveyancer, Issuer of "Marriage Licences, M-- &c. e-; JAMES MATTHEWS. Acton, July]0,-1876. --- .: ;. ~: ." i '- ' ^Lti -fclNfiS OP i::;:f; +j, V BOOK AND JOB FjilllSTI^Gr PEO^IErXlY ' EXlfctIX?0 'A.T.% . ' :'-:. 'f 'n TE FKE PRES : ' 'm ^m