jvi jig 1- BIKtUlll/WHAT >4Uti StY. I, In sl^Wiig vT a prrsonVfnidis,"' ; ,. " Pray dijii'l t'oiiyft ><>" n : 1 : Hi iifemtior Jbuse with ln'iiMs.vt >^t.i < " .-SlumUl seldom tlu-niv s stuue, - 1"( Wri! li:\v< suitliiniiolsi-.i<i il:' ;- Kill talk3iftluwe wlm sin. 'TrS-btttr Wo etnumenee at homo,-' _ -' - ~--'^v\nil frohl Mint jWiiiit liegin. Weliave no ri-;lit to jmb.*v !Hn '.' ": Sliof III Ave not liUe lvii^<ni\\vny. | \Vw kuow the \vnrlil is wider -, Sonne niay have f.ilhm -and \vlib hai .;."' ' nut? - r :} ^'hc<>lil as wolljisymmg, - - PerhiilMtvsVmay, for siiYJlit we k'ujuw. Have fifty to their oiu<. __ lUTell yon of rrU-ft tor* plan.. . And 1u>d it works full well-, .1 irj my own defects to euro. Before of others' tell ; And Uiiwigh 1 sometimes hctyo to Ik; -" -No 'onns thivn.some i know," My km shortcomings bid nie'let . the faults of others pi: 1: " , Then let * nil, wlitSi mp oouimenee. -foe. .- Tdnnk ot ifie'leami one Word m.iv do ' [\ To ttnisewe little- know ;- '--' i - liemeiiiber. curse*, soniethiie.s. like Our ehieke.ils ". rtmstat Hi-ie^ " : IXm't ^i>tak of others' fa-alts- until '. We have, mine.of our owu. with the ^i-iiiting of wliio.ll 11 ley niadtf-.it tl Willi luiiiin Uncivil, only tlnv indopijiidrn and Uor/goviila will 1 thelll As it Kottlonioiit t (y.. The fooling in l!i iisii<ot.l_, U>" suoh u ptl oimtifiTioniv of llio slv is believed (hut the ! "liiivo now tho gmiU and this, with tho'otlu: ifi-lliculty in tlio pro:; (roubles, which have 1 ly panted oiit, make i t-hjv'juicifieation tjf tli.1 on! J liny jorms luieci Turks, will be very h plish. Shakespeare's "uneasy lies tlio head a crown," applies fiwi' to Eiimpoaii. sov levator magnitude iit time. Nsilmvy Thinning patch. A. very narrow j i'l-sink o|'.;l'wlii|i, .. 'ivmmmammmnBmmsimwimm l-llO llolllMllilN ) Colilcri'iuv ul. siiy-Ylwl 1> Ot' I'tiMlill o:.:uvoptoil li_V 1" tUo otilliiMil- tSiH. 1i;vs:1iccii li, witli llio itj^lo, tlmt it luvio [iiuty gf inllnonno, r olojfii!i*(s of Mit-^'urkisli iv>pnlVt,ii|UonI- t.mbim that o inHiir^t'iils, il>lu to - t'tio rinl 'it) mvbni- ixnumk -tlmt whtcli Wi'iirs ith : Vsjiooifil ivigns.bf llio tlio Jiiv.soiit iwuawTM F&IJIi'nER^ AC PQ|l;d.EjN Lid People'^ OKeap piy S.oo'6 .s Store GREAT GLiEARING; A jiotiito HTtlllV TIlO Wi s^-^1 mm m C/--f< 3: - The Turkish Ittflicnlty. A' somowliat ootnicolixl account of i lie""various l>ro{His.ils for t hi> |vic- - iiicatieu of the.insurrection ofTur- ' koy,-^far :ia can l>o KsirncJ.- from tli^o inass of infonuation wliicli I.:is bcei'i"supplied nyxetl up with ifii-o comiiients, nwy.'bo of some iiitetx\st -^to our reiidcrs. ..'" Cdiait Amlrassy, tliePHniC IMm.r ister of -Austria,-was entrnsfeil witl^ tho-fj3Ji>ing of tlietirst ]>ropos;il to the Turkish authorities for a basis oi settlement. The lauin jxiint-s in " this weit>.that civil and l-eliyious " liberty -'should be established, that there sLould Bo: reforms in flie col lection' of tivx^fe an<J in the land. : laws,- atad that .tlje ' govemuiejit ';in jmiese respects ,sSiould"bo in the lands- of a mixed comuissionj Nearly all the Eurojism jiowers ' agreed to this^rojiosai, and it w;us accepted by the late Julian: The insurgents would have Ixr'en satisfied \yith the tcrms.:of-it, if. they-could . have-been certain: that tlioy would. bare beeji fulfilled; -but, having had some .experience of Turkish pro- -. misesof Irefonn, they did not put much faith in them, and wanted sufficient guarantees-from the other jiovers, No settlement of the dif- ticiilty. could" thus be obtained, be- - cause of the absence of guarantees," "and" things drifted on, the insnr- ,= gentsl enlarging their ideas with their i continued saccessful resis- iance. ': , - ,".' The next negotiations were .be tween an Austrian General, Baron Kedich, and the insnrgents. . The demands o the latter then u-t-rc- that Tnrkey should, restore the third _ part of_ the soil which had been taken from them by vjoleiiee; that they should be exempted from the payment of taxes for threeTyears ;j Tliat Austria and (Russia "shouhl: guarantee them th? means oif sub- |! fsistence for a year)/that the "Tut !j- iish forces sliould evacuate the terri-"; tory, caily leaving -garrisons in six tpwnsj ^iid that in each of-these towns Austria and Russia should have a_representativfi; .If these concessions were granted and guar anteed, by ^Austria and Russia the insurgents would lay down their arms, .-. These demands ^have often .. been'.aljuded .ttriri the rtelegraphic > desj^tches as those of; -the iiisur-, " gents, bttt there never was any clear- statem^nt-'cf thetn. - ~ ! . No farther action was taken in this line, but fromA the failure of '^the first - representations, involving -Count Andrassy'^proposjU, to eiffect ua settlement, further steps were necessary, as tha1 fact that Sclsvic CLristians-Were fighting their ilos- IfiC; bppressors in Turkey had;cot itrii most quietiiig infiueuce on their . bretbern in race and Screed in Aus- f.riii and Russia. This: necessity the three Emjicrors and their^clianceHbrK. at Bortrn, and. Count Andrassy ihas - offici^^ stated that theit-U-iibrfe.Tit tbjt aiieSting were directed to (car rying"bnt tho. re-forms agreed to in Gotint Andra.ssy'sprojiqsal. : J f To Kcsmm these it ajerjj&'tiD ltavp rteen thought- necessai-y to inlsist upon so6ie ^)f tli*. dein.-ilids of [the inSurgents at their-jeoiiferenco with iiaron itodifih. The points in |the JJtrlin proposal,.so far ;as ; known jjipubiicly fW there has been I llo "official statement of >rh:tt it w.-tk . arej that\there should-'bb n iwo Ja^nths' tirmislicd to afford time * Iiaai_S|rttlenient of fcho tronb - thai the houses'and churches of Ohristians should, bo restored to- . . theai ;,:that tljey should be iBnpp.ied / with food for one year, and axemptr _ ed. from taxes three years -f th,at the f' Tuiiiali troops should be withdrawn ':' except from six fortified towns, land that the Moslems should disarm* bo . . fore ".the Christians. J The supply-of food for one year lias been objected - to, as'likely to lead to pauperisin am.ongt "the Christians;, but [the ! -grtsitest pokit.of difhculty seems to mive beenin connection with ..the aiihistiee. vJEng!iind refii.Sijd toi ai- _a&Ht; to tlni denia|ul for it, orijlOie; ground that it;would beau ackjiow- l-c>ig^inent oji bor part of tho iusur- ganta asbelii^erentSj and tho I late ; Saltan refused becanso it would be a yieldingiLnp of J^iffsovereignty in hii own doinhiiohs if ho reliuri!i]isjl>, ed hij right to movo bis.. ti popf & any place nt any time he ple;iae<l.S As England will jiot asseiiTTtb the Berlin prepofed, sho hag been inviteil to projioso! soutt; iiiodifica- "tibn of it, but apparently is not in- r<jlinpd to do so. The iiisiigciHn, it n i>or said,' refuse' to he\cbiitent Onb Avay to got oii-t-nf a JJcrapc -IaTT^oiu- beal\) gro iSomethiiig likely to -Tho iv port of a gnu 1873 BASEBALLS Ease Ball For 1876 Aii&ERSQf^S < CHEAP On tlie Tl-u:t side o: ^ GirBi.i'i TUE Ro<k Eivtjr' Company I'alcal for ,; the BUILDING 4.- 1. ' end in iniokc tJn niirt after "!' spwei il iinliico.inr keep up oui'.ropl liamson is Jriibui | room for Fdil im Wholesale Stock ^k.T / nofHlfiy, .luno. ^"tli, and up to,the l.'itli nts tb puiv.li.iHOi;!. KiliHT,"becaiisii wo itation for olioap iinoils'. Si:oon'd, boC to lo.:ivo;for "llio Hritish uiiukbtH, an< ioits. \V6 will tlierolbro ollor tluvoii.l rocoiitlv purchased iiiMonticiil iit-liU" SALE. illy, -ivo will oiler i-o doloi'inined to iuko. our Mr. Wil- wm want to inako lio balance of tlio the invloicc. value, Gtiifies COST lEriBlOIE Ami so give our' customers'-nu_e-.il a chttnert of buying never .had beloie. SEE cheap as they havi OUR PRI Rcauliful Dress Ooods; 10e a yard. Striped Lawiis. worth 20o, atf-. finest lv.igl.i^IiU'ririts, Se. and lOoi Fast American Prints, r>c. Striped Grenadines;; 1.0c. Ulack and Colorot Ladies Obse, 4 \r Hoautiful Stripoc worth S-'.oOj.foi Striped Shirting, Luflres, I2.Jc. - s lor -56.. 'Summer Shawls, $1.W. ilC:"' Immonss Assoartmont cf JLadics' Gloves, Ruffles \ aad Ribboa3 at prices ljrwor than. . In this branch the season, givin IMneiry and Mantle Department prices will bo reduced to a minimum bur lady frieinfs a cllancc of getting and iluinfles at marvellously low prices. BOOKSTORE ynilhaaijStrie t XO DI X'HPTIf r_>?_0(>(>T>S WORT1I FOUR TIM ASKICD COMK.'AND iSK1-1 FOR YOU'l Buy at tho Lion and Save I i , , . . .,_ : : : - J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO. Guelpb", .luue '2ti, 1S70. J . PAPEE DAY'S BOOKSTORE. "Inbdorpus . Sheeting H>^-onu imujiil tu a. ki Jfeparcd Plastering Tarred Sheeting -l.t ' fto square yard. PajHsr r>__e a uare yard. Board Gc a.lb. a lU^-Ii tb. Moth Proof Caq>et oire pound to a Mjutire Cull and Fjs.amin Tjinjs JJoi'n I>jty Sells G-BEAT SPBOl4.Lt. 'OF' Um GGGBS hm GL Preparatory to flernov al f STBAB-T iniiig 7e ;i 11. I yank ' ' ', tin: St.-:!: ,<f 1 JtCJll*. Wagons, Carriage:, Sloi^ha, .Cuttots, Sec. Keiitlji srpir'k ami maijfir? fo<irUer oh the Hliortftst JVotlcc. Strict attbution jiaia to ': Horeo-Sl oeins^fc Gpaoial.Jo'bMiig and i .itlKfKoikin jiuaraiiteed, . Aotou July 1st, 1*75. Our entire stock of Dry Goods atrrt Clothing is now'f Cost, to luducu-ituck before leanoving to our new , building. The public may roly on tesfy and. Cheapest. Bargain's eyir offered of Cheaper than Old Bankrupt Stock at Half price Che ;i ' . goods wanted Chieai), because t'rosli an TON, ill ALTON pOVN'f. *v TlI'ffl-NISA BOOS AND L Uavo u't rccoi mm$i: shoes Tho Host Muit. ovor c-unv into Acton'_ for Pr -i' Wi'd receive careful attention, ,'i i .' UOn'ri'oi'gbt the place en, .Stylo and- (Juality. ul all work guaranteed;to givo satiHfaction ig Hone Si'^lly. i ' SCain,'Street, :Nt4t Door G E S. Acton, May 2'J, 1X76, ^ l' HTI.LL Ail Gesitztal, Boot lEAlD AT THE - aM'-:SlLoe - Store. PrilliaET. Sclts over. for the. balance, or Summer ilillinery :stiif, PR! (*! : SICLVlvS. floney. CRAINE Sf SON Uavo , RING STOCK which is ahead of anything evci and at prices >UB OUR CUSTOM WHll receive careful p arson al x ttention,! and all work guaranteed to give satisfaction. ' SALE ITHI1G Don't forgct-tho place, '. r.-ill Slr'ccl, oii!: Act/m, April 1, is7f>. 5^> F*as ll'ered regardless of premises, now tlio On beginning the bu.sine? my numerous customers for th during the past 132 years, and of tbeiir respective support, prfcily thoroughly found out tlio Ups Credit Business '"both 3 I am Iher READt.P p, liocauso just tlie New. - BE .SOLS. " " Hut we are-aware how perplexing it is for hono3t peop d to read the adver tisements here and elsewhere. Who'll talk the loudest and bra<: the most-seems to bo the maxim of eich. But ;.: au intelligent Public know well that SI oddy - -: Goods are]dear at Half-price. Wje^g'v0 a few quotations of C^OOIDS I?,E|3DXJCB3Z> 15, 2 r r' ceiits^-roducod to 10^ 15 and 20 cei:ts. Striped silks reduced to 57 cents...- Ijiico Curtiiins ' Striped Grenadines to 10 cents, White Cotton Striped and Pbiin.Ijiuen.foL_-10 cts. Parnsols from 10 cents. Ulack and Colored Lustres from !' 0,25 kind up to 50 !at Straw Sun Hi Cashmere Jaclitjts Linen Suits fr ro a Table Linens, Bed Quilts', Table Najikins, Shcetin, liiig willbe plfbi-ed at striking prices Colored Sjiirting from 10 cents. JLsL. ?1,00 rb:G()1cents; Colored and Whito Dress Sh A JOB LOT of LADIES UNDERCLOTHING (o ' . " ' "". - [ . . '- . " This Sale ',' ?". Itt!lncMl Prit 1 .Guelph, l-fuiie ,5 1870. A lot of Woolen s no Clap Trap. ..'.Billet.. . f-i.'William s'i 5 contis. - -' -" - I lose from C| cents, from 5 .perils, from ^L25." SI.50. " . i, Damasks, Tywel- T|\vecd_j i-cducoijl from ts.from 10 cents. bo BAClilh'ICED isll.'in KWi-A'i:t.'ifc't!o." And- give niy cusl Eight -_per cent (excepting Sugar). By doin buy MY CUSTOMERS 14 ^Jer Ceirt Please consider the mnttier the only right 3Et OB ^A. I .' My stock; will Groceries, ;.!!' G-I^ss'ware :. | "Windo# ^coialties.-SAUSACE, ' ' ' FiNNAN PEODUGE j I believe in tljo ^t)lSG(|Ui fiiclory; , 1 .wijl continue-to cents discoiint; on 50 ctjs, 14 <!>iiTcyai^'er, IxsnerpI' j: Agentiiiloiicy to Lo: Foiirdi l>ivi Court j U Aetoii, January IS', J>7<i. ONT., JULY Bl, SK0E ST0BB. ed, their Spring Stock of : . ATTHK FASMT05TABMil WEST'^j^D.; WE ARE NOW SHQWNCI A ^FULL STOCK? OF .T.olni :".: NK>V 'GRJENAD1NKS,' :NEW SILKS, Blaclrand Colored, -- -.v. r NEW i?A7tASai^ AND^UNSIIADES, : :; >.- j". '" . . -v NE\^ PKINTS ANI) CAMI!ICS,: ,j - : -v.'^ to' Aeacw's, Sotcl. - KENNEY-&-SON, list received their OF; BOOTS ~& SHOES ed o.ift-ifdd iii Actori forgtyle and dura.bility hat cannot bb undersold. " , -1 . . ALSO JllgTOEI0ED KVcrj- LiiUl' Hluniiii Sec ouv Present Stock. ~ir- ' -' . 1?0Hli.i-bni"i jICAVesf Kiif DrcKiS.MlIJ (inolpli, .Jline' 111, IXTU. Q,0fK) yards PrinPe.1 Cftmhtlai to bb" rushed oii'at Gc a jrard. :o;l*jf'? -'Xue!i"il 'j>. -lrt:;- VffoN". A. :-Q, BUCHAM, inery and M.inilo'f<tst-ibi!.sbni.pnt,' &M. DICKSOSSI SjRBING ;S JjTir^c Lot of ] S^-StE1 EisriD, Also the Cele S ^E3 i I we have novv an Immense Slock of "- Of ths Besjt Pafierns that"Can "bb had hi the maiket. isWciire determined not to be Acton, March 'jn, .1S7( WORK sites il2orroiv"s-I>rm:_ Store'.-. - "CitAINE '&.':SON. 17I3:ZE3 ^y TO' THIS N E W- E? ^OTOZESr! OisTT. , ^ - In consequence o ', fa.cturc.rs to sicure largest and cheapes :d-:r"-s V'.- ;(31;:;Q-C3,T3;.^ Ever imported into tli!is .country. [-. ties in Chepk, 1' Repps, Black r il.-, , , i , . - ., . , Lustres "&d., &\s oT la iG, I wou.d return sincere thanks- to ~ ! very liberal support they have given me' IN" 'PRINTS a'gain I uiosf respectiully ask a coutiiiuancb | , ^giUon & H'o IN DRESS, (rOODS;-we havb all tli latest npvcH- During my esperienco in business 1 luivet and L>owhs in -Trade; And am fully convincedHhat a 1* a Dangerous Business, tp ejller.aiid , fore delermined; to do a AY:'BIJSl;E"ESg Utmei's the-benbdt.by giving theni off for Cash on all G eneral Groceries : - li iy rri" business lis abofe, 1 will have the cash to nbods and effect a ' -."'-.- SAYING (M AT LEAST 6 PER CENT and WILL GET THE BENEFIT, Afcd iu reality get '_ ! . I -r- tbr:tiieir"Mone|. Dver, and give nio your support to carry-o4it - vay of doing business, that is. IN COTTON "* Pot tons for 9j Cottons. Tickin ;ind Check Due :d S^A.-^rT always be found complete in Previsicns, Crockery, Stationery, Wall Pagers,- ' I >lin.d.S' "W'indo'w Roller sy etc. < XYSTERS, YAUmo.lIT.il- BLOATEKS, IIA1>I>1S, &C, &c. I' , -' fAKEN AS GASH. T SYSTJSSi, and as'it has proved veiyf satis ^ive (!hJ3 disco.unt' as, fallbwe : On 25 cis, 2 hts ;. c|i?'75 els, 6 cents;. on ^1, 8 cents liarrl:is.e Licenses, Iiiguraitcc'Adci.it in, Agient..Montreal Teh Co., lcrk <dni. inJo^-BtjaSlew- il'^fefes MATTHEWS. COLkARD %Bt*:\&mp m^M Ki- cNABI ToeK.'..--'vtC i--. - RINTS of tlie at the Most Selsect Phttcins -ftfoney . [graph: Cl 'ICotn. i.h| -57 *e_, pre! - aiid on I Iaxiii ' <jI (' Gia5<eb :t'oh| tf, lief ti otary II 'JVei- \* >ratcd DUN"D4S GOTTOiNTS nt'jR* ceedingly low rates. - ^ nndcrsold^ ! .., 30^ & 2cNB ji" t- t-rcOI^T With ,nll the newest U o^L?m; styles in" S PR! hiG[j G O OGS; ? the depression of trtideiand the eajremera:o7!'nEU>tf<,,' - money fbr their. abBds, we have laid ddw|l hert t&e J. -_ t stOOk Of; .- '.. 3. H frc. (>ffi| Streets, i aK?i iien^r.^ a Main Htl m r| H1 A' -.- *"' Agent fJ - Atl bnsit| fallhfai! . soliciteJj ATI in Cau\ii.5 1'at-iQt Jar priiuJ .hti in tjim Mec i-al ' t-sni-s n -1**'i!r 3a W1 - Bas.iJ "jCofi;lty Si* Tearli?r| " I lain and Fancy Colored Lustres, cilk Bonhu-i anu Silk .WJ- Fancy Silks, Ejack and Gi e\ trrenadiue, Black * &c, &te, all reriarkably cheap a laro;e and V a tied stock, enibiacmjj re'.& Checks;-American Checks, t'ercole's Gtnaaani*, 3, vve liave the best and cheapest ed to the public- BealuifuJ.yard \ i 'e giev and wfute per yard. The American good:, such i- PrmtsjHtare * igs, Cotton -Warp, Gottonad^s, Brown BriBfc, "Hniwn lis, and'other notions, have been rnt.orted direct from the manufacturers, arid are being sold by us onlj at th" 0maaaip t wholesale.! priei s..' We hav.e_ also on hand line; winch r e "re alway3 able to job, sueb as :Dress.Goods','Prints, Tweeds, Ac MlLLINERl"!4-0ur 'AfijliiieEy Sho^Roora ts fio in'-fultbliSt, re;ilete with alb the latest noveltie: f o' l aU itbb-Tirfnod able centres, c'iinsisting'-of Shnwls,_ Ainhtlcs, H3ts Binnets, IHowou, Featliersr liibbc ns, Parasols, hew Ciio'ck vVat'erpi-o jfa, iua ilat^Ac. ORDERED (>L0THING.^-In>piic of the hard times asd the expression of trade oiir Ordered Clothing Bepartmert I ahead. It is far in. advance of anj cet^ou jet Jt a ( the cheapness and. fit of our Coofls, and the-umrerst!- satisfactiou which, wb'gwo our/customers. A. lajie lot of cloths troB the best mannf loturers of Europb and Anieriba to choose from AS immense varioiy of (Jenta Furnishings, Hats and paps, Beadymadi) Cloihrng, ifcc, <c. ' C^RI?iiTS.^-A.iria'|Sfffi.irc tifui^atterns from 50c. per yard. / BOOTS ANI SHOES Affiire variety and very, y chean. "' 31 '-, ' ^ .'>il -r'V v. \ i the publici that we"are^giving nondqrrul bargamsjtli** oods "cheapjer: thaaL wej used to.-buy them, all to c6ns* , i queace of paying tile cash down. -'1 M LADLES-! MadanieDenaorest's pat'ternsjfor~Sprhig are now to^hand. ^.".'CioAds.^old'jror Cash. B^o Second Pr*ce.*"a ^:cL10D, A1TDEHS01T & Co., " . .JlAiniQTH: HOUSE, GfiOBGETOWS Aprit 6, 1876. IX Steam C arriagelWagon Works MA STEREIEJ, ACTON, - J iff fffet.:{|'P-| 1,8' H.ffijf dencral Ifhtcksunth, Carriiis.and TVajjoii maker, ., in the County'V Bekt Bfe:?s^-Shbers Perfec.t|satisfaction guaiiinteea ci* no-puce chirged. FIRST-GLASS i{ PLOWS ASD AlwavS-oa hand. &' Ho& S1 jock-rof^ Carri Kflh^.VIKI?^! promptly ami piiiqr.I> att-cnlca to. "!Acton|.july -1, 11 liw'*-;Hnl -i^vie' wil -1 rravellef :. tr,iioJ J log ph>, J Liquors j 4tteativd w* J3uu DI T-C1 laving ] ebar oal reduced [ ipuperi.c Hams, tured.-bj tuari2 ian And be el Iu fatf ^uain.ta n ') t S BAXBNT; mm HARWW a^es aad "^ai Planing! .'as--': All- Order iironiptlj Milt ie,'8tl