Jlllr liiilPIipilllii* ctNt>. Titi \K Tr.\ Icavo Ai-1 : ! iuum; >v k>t. Mornini: Mail v ^ Mi\cU ' -. Nijcht Kipr*** - Xiiiht -Exprvs* - - - iMixctlv ' '<': . ' -- _.- PaV KTcpissK M.vl - '" - Mii'-l - - ! .- Tim-: =rvm Mli'.ws : - .' T'.IT p.m.- 7:1."mi. in. -.'i:.i a.m. -'.1:10 ft., ill. "~ 5:17 p.m. UUViiv.m. -Any quantity- "of fiVfli; r^,;i;, and t"i>.idj \rrtntod :it l.'liVisfii'.'-lI,.^,! Acton. Tlioit {ajiiouH {',( "alu-ad. piod but tor, lvjm t-illow i"n .& 'iVr:, 'Tea is iitilt LOCAL MATTERS. PPQDS*; M1K Ttu\s; Ti:.\s; - ,'No4 your RtWVof Tons, tlioy" rvrcj up'if tho l'ui-oru'.-in^ ,,'Ui haw just rcoi'iv.-d a.l.ici^- clioiv'v:;t and olirapl-Vt- T ever handlrtl. tunitliat deal. -Soi*ord lirnsr- tjion lay in miry"to -jji IK'S OP.' "0 atik'U. of ttio .'. Is wo li'ive 18 {ay fug a-good t-if nrjuc i fcASSKV time * tie w street*, I tine tfoct-rf : [ Croctory. ' - . I ': tlial this_ SjpoV ,T_ AV." tfAX'S. :WFffJ& efri " itfs. M*M- Wlndew tets,ete. - f per X*. "S Acton free.' Bra*, rwiil .be? ,S<M^ -., i LCTOX.: iik : J' ' ^ries,\;-< JHoes, J63V : '> !. i-w * . '"'.'_.- ' Inisincss qnio*,t, - ^ Local items ;veFv soiree this 4 Fanners-m the liaj-lleid. -Big. VMv i Heavy shower on Monday. liUl the ilt'.st. - . Ninety degrees in the sltnde is , what the thermometer said .yoste.rvl.iy. A good sidewalk haij been beilt pa the. cist si vie ol Mill street.. - ."' -Clearing salo of summer dry gvvvU ijoin^. on at Mohair's."' Call arid participate, . . . . . Mr. Thos. Duff,'from Milton, is sKrat to mike application to.'the Ooramissioaars- for a lieeaso to keep tha - . / -"-Fresh 'fruits, ice-' cre^ni, and other liicc things at Levciia' Fruit lvazaar. 'rSee adverttsenient. --.- :_ A small child fell into tho creek near the briilgo on West Main street, the other day, but was rescued by his mother from an untimely end. -r-At-tha Cash System ^rriviiig daily, new lots .of those famous' low- prid American prints, from 5c" up,. te them.- Christie, Henderson & Co. ^Tho cellar for Mr. McNairjjf ,n fr-i- 4iriek block is about completed,! and we presume the niasona Jwill ct>m-j meace optrations in a few: dayi. ' ", Mi% jolm McKindsej6^ brother of Sheriff McKindse>vhas.rc-ntly com-P meacevr the practice of. law in Milton. IIis-cardmay be seen in our advertising culumns.'. |rRakes, Rates, Forks, Jorks, i 'Seythe*, Scythes, Snaiths, Snaiths. ^ A7 very good job is being made- at irynds' hill, as we suggestcil should lie dons. It^haa been cut .lou-n a. ^^h1 deal an.l. the"hollow tillevl up, and =the '. whole is being covered with tjraveL .-^-Don't forget the promenade "concert and festival in the l>rill Slied lo-mtirroy evening. Give the "boys a bumper jhouie-i They have been at great ea^veaic in fitting up the builiGng and deftrre-tq lie well n.mcncrate<i. ;.". Mr. "Agnew has-jmrchased tho '. vacant lot atljoinin^ his hotel and erect ed a large driving' shed thereon. The (Vjoocil should'ilo once to- wards causing the water from, the street ti run. elsewhere than" upon this pro" perty. On MvinSay evening the lot i"oked like a miniature lake. ^ We. have received a copy of the Irak World, -with Centennial Sup plement, containing altogether 34 pages of interesting details of the great Amer-t. iciu ievolation, with 60 illustrations! It Ua gigantic enterprise, being three tittei the size of an ordinary number of the paper. Published in Kew York. Ee>>r4 fr*ia the CaBsfable. Jveil-Keitb', jun., wb was committed^ iato.the hands of Constable Massajes, by tie Magistrates last Thursday, to be takea. tq Milton jail on the charge- of {>, slipped crat of sight and has not yet i beea re-captnred. The" constable a4 id&aoa started shortly after noon on ;Thsrsday:ini btisgy with theTprisoner, going towards Milton. "WlvEn they, ar- rfrei near the residence of Mr. [Keith, senr., the j-oiutf^ maa^ot penm^ipn to go into the house o*i change his clothes, the' constable rescaisiK^ '~m axi outer: room whilst be weut iisto the bedroom. Massales says.that whSelie was in .con. versatioa with the old gesjUemafS, the youngster jumped- out of the bedroom window and. disappeared and he could find no trace of him. A mist probably 'cane er ik eyes, or pcAapa thejpiis- aer suddenly grewj very thin I A'di.',>i-.r///i,-' fi/vc 1 Pums' $u;.:-t .iv^uhl vi>u j or your readers _-i.y a sijbjoct wliioh- I am takt>ino interest in only thjvt Mr: 11-brings my-trtithfuliiea ipiiyou'will-bevBiirji GcTlJ.15rJD riiil^ ^ b lYrh that I value lity wiirvl- | times cxevpted)=ns"'doarly tn yonr-ei>ujity\ the onlv "ol K-iug .that he'only told; h. and .1 was glavl_ U\ eo' that to do that. N'uiv, sir.Twii mission, 1 will hick nivj pj titni. 1 was living in; M not trouble moro . on Hiiro, tliey Camp. in question. std. Ui.he.'ir mctiono.i-rfiig ion the inil that -tjie use this'voar, is any person foot ion I have If the" truth ho was able til your per vitins assv-r-; v-Caiiipl^'ir tnoy.-expoetvjd. .'SI "soln'etliiiig lunise wl house would reeeive no liovl I. ifimiediately offered flier i in the pres- eiiee of my wife $:M0 per ivar-whieh' as I said liefore they rvjfusovlj thej'J-Uh of May Tieing close at hand t to make (as the. saying goo ______, nieo." I .then rented a lu>ri: u and moved out. of the iloteh *Aftet a short'time Mr. Campbell came up to, eo me about renting the hotel, I told': lim 1 vv\>nld give him on answer in .islu rt-tjmo what 1 would do. Zs'ow Sir, Mr. Camplnill's statement. 1 dh pencil down on a little moinoraiidum >rferiiU; him $l*>ttfor"thc first ye^u-and;,TfOO per year if I succeeded in getting a i'lcense/lmt Mr. Campbell forgets to,till you tliat licforo I moved out his houi c; si"didotler them SCOO per y.^ar vvitlioui' license and $o00 it 1 obtained them. 1 k'noeked '.-oil' ^50 from my tirst.otler on a Cviunt of tha trouble of moving. I am giving you tho t.-An.V fnrf/i,.'my friend Cami diel'l is oiilv- giving you lialf. In jristi':e tuMr. C. and has wife 1 must say tl at tlloy un- wittinyy done me a great fivor. by not aceopting my last offer for I consider 1 have a very superior Lie -used House here at the rate of :?'200 per ytar. Thank ing you for your kmdnc-ss in permitting these remarks aiiil trusting to hear no more on tjie subject'and"-*iat'Mr. and Mrs. Campt>ell will live lo lg-to enjoy their stone mansion anil not disturb inv solitude in this ru^al district'any mere, . .1 am, yours nilv"; " ! ii. G'lBBS. . ITillsbnrg, July 10th dSTt, to, ;yi .'.-'.-In Oil, S'VM liter oW^T,js"=M< * *r Tcaipenuiee. ceewson's coeskes. - The following persoaa irere installed' _*fEcers of Crewson's Comers Division Sons of Temperance on Saturday erening last by Bee. John P., Secoiil, D.G.AV.P. ,?ro. Vt^D. Manrv Wi P. ; ,. Sister Goggins, W. A. \\ "'-".._' .' Bro.p.Jpeiid,-B."S- .";; SisteiTA: F. iMoore, A- E. S. :;'; j Bro. John Crerson.'E. S. ':.'L. -i,--iSister 3. Mclaughlin, Treas. -'i Bro.*Wm. Crewson, Chap. ~\ .--.". J Bro. E. taing, Con. ' - > - -, ' ^ " Sister Bella Ea^ahVw, A. (Con. Sister Bmma Criprii,5!: S. ; Bro. K. Forbes, oJs. ' ' aferos D^isrpjr '-. The following peraens were installed fcfficers of Acton Division by Bro/John Speight,*D.G.W.P. Bio. E. Coitus, W. P. , SistetMeMackon, V?..A- Bro. &. P, Moore, B.^. : Sister H. Speight. A. E. S. .- Bro; McMaekon, F. 3.~ ' _ ~-Bro; B. Kickliri,: Treaa; Bro. R. feoofc, Chap. Bro. A-^KickUh; Con.' j , ' Sister Mi Kerr, A. G. "' '-. Bro. B/Hughes, L Rr ; . Bro. Stephenson, 0. S.' .-'. .'. j 81.00 will,btty14 lbs. of good, j^ned Sugar, kekaowledged by all to - . best val^e ever offered in Aeton^ andaheadtrf anything in towns east or et Yon can get it only at Ghristjo; Henderson po's Cheap Cash Stoi^. ^Sult^ Any quantity of good fresh salt, inl new, tight baels,^beap iSecord Bh. DRY OF a 1 e GOODS NoW Croing on at - i-": " ' .______ Goods :Sold at.or beloW Cost. - ITo Souse west of Toronto can or will sell Goods as Cheap.. ! The Stock ititist be greatly reduced before mpvi|[is into bur new Kuildiiig. SUMMER PRINTS AND GRENADINES , Specially Cheap. "Acton, duly 12, IS76. f'^OALt AND GET BARGAINS.^ T i. D. McNAIR. cbv J2fe: )-*.- l?i & t-i l-H o < P* VI w < BaskiBall. The GualphMaple LeHf Club took atrip easl last wevl and played at Coliourg, J'ort IIopo. and Bowmanville, with the follow ing result : At.. Coboiiio;,. Maplo Loafk 15; Bliic Stockii:gs>>. At P.ort IIopo, Maple LJvafs"f>J>.j Silver Stars".6. At Bowmnnvilie,;ilai Loafs 14 ;' Bovai j ).iks 1 , ' Grangeks. At thc.laptfiwrfing- of the executfie conir.iitjU'v of tho Dominion .Grunge of the IV.trons of Husbandn- the boiuularX'S/of Uiv ision gvaii"vs were takt-fi dfifined : Ilaltan, No. G ;Hu!ton County; '16, cnibi-ncrs the County in ; "Waterloo,' Xo. 2!l .Wntorlpb County. Tlie frooi division granger in trict, -with' their post dre5=es, are as : follows No. 6, Hiram Albert^on, gitr; Qrangeville, No. 1 Decatur, Camilla ; W Wm. Woods worth, Bowlihg. Green", and Tlobt. Gromar, Salem -T" iijl 'anil-; .enibr.iCf'S-r Oj-.inji&vilie, No. of DtitVer- ciubnic&s depittiiea this dis-j Dfficj adj Hnlton/ Trafal- D. K. ii^gtoa, m RUSSELL WATCHES ELGIN WATCHES. S|WISS WATCH ES, Watches, Cheap, (Second-Hand AT o. & C3-.-fsrsrITIDS: Post Qflace, Acton, Acton, July, f, 1876. r "Nabeow- Escape. A sevenr thander-storm passed-over. George town, on Monday 'evening. Tlie lightning struck the chimney,of the house "of. -Walter McKay, builder, scattering the bricks'at-tne'-feet' of part ,pf the family, who w^re sittins in tbeir dwelling at the- breaking some part of t tie stove. Strange * fx> say, neho of pints fwere even alightly merely fetunned for a few The chimney is a ;total wtock, and one side" of the houso is pirtly" sev ered from, the rest. LOOK AT THESE PRI THEY ARE GENUINE. THAT WO^DBBFUL MAN* Upper Wymlliam Str<:ct, Alma Itlock. Tremendous Ilioitementi A Panioll JOHN HOQG-, GXJULtPH, See . the RushP Great. .. Mq Old Bankrupt ^jboekj to Palm"\OffK 1834 Cisos nnd Bales of Fancy and Staple Dry Ooods at. Prices that will astonish the Peor Slaughter. proHoru to battl '- **iMi pU ThoRonro tlmos that people riust lmvo good, sound nnd hones* goods in. r*tum lot their money; [moth eritorr. and bapkrupf-itufFTTon^da-for tl < Horn intelligent day]. 1 liavo lad; to come to tho rescue before to day; and new-that tho Tradp of iluelpii "rqquirqa regulating,"! am again called in ^attlo against high prices; inferorjclassosof goods and old fogy notions.'IlLavo this day marked off -; ' An Immensk. Quantity of Stjaj)le and Fancy Dr^; Goods,: And I will astonish tlo Inhabitants attho cheapness of really firpt-cja'ss goods. . flS?" Don't delay, but call and bo_satisfied.-a TV/Till'l'nft'rTr TV/Till ITIOVXr fasteii^^O'bo.had in I/ulies: Uats^Bonnets, .'ackets. Mantillas and all the .\W- i-VXJ.XXXJ_LC7X X , J-VXiXJ.Ai_LC?Xty . est-Designs in thei Miljjnojy and-.Mantlo Departments. ..MLSS^Q^LIVA'N "the jLady Miliirir-r presontfl to tho public tho most oligant.taste.and designs iu Ladies' flats and'Bonne Us to 'bo found "on this Continent.' Indeed the eulogies bes'toived o: her taste In Trimmed lints, &c, a ;onlmo"st beyond description-. I v7ouldarnrfA't^-request n visit of tho I/idiea""to my ' j ' Black, Colored anlijf laid Silks, | Such exceedingly good nnd ole^an : qualities as are on a'atoat such oxtremoly cipag.pri.ces, cannot fail to satisfy all that Ihrjro cannot bo. a daub t about purchasing at that Wonderful Mark's MammotiiJ^toro. Ladies fancy'dress'gaoai'jirpa"marvel of beauty, elegance and-cheapness. -- " - Jit 12A ceriMjjioi'. jjit^: weJi worlli 20 cents,,amazing; value. taron terror ta-competHi.c^j-flt's-wea^ Old Motto--in :Jjanjc.(Sales,-. &t^ap['Xi(^*;;^Jlinun,'rrofiU\xiHd[Rr^.(l!/ Pa?/, on. -'ML ' SW& SSI i. M m Pon't;forget those wonjclerful-Liistrcs My pricos all through this departmen My My old friends ond;customers will bo glad to bearo< this large arrivnj'of cb'oap arid'-gdo'd gbblls by doiiblo better than any bankrupt stock. JOHN OiGci, May 5/18.75 P-5 -ZZ\m. JL CHRISTIE, HENDERSON X CO'S. 3S0 Men andJBoys' Linen Coats, o0o, 70o, 90or-81.00, ?!,>, % U75 ESCArED FROM J.AIL. oner named Cbristopbei- Cfurtia es caped, from Guelph goal on Monday afternoon. He was in . tlie jai' yard with other prisoners,r nd while the turnkey was absent a few niiu- itesiie broke the loek of phe ga'to with an ax. arid made good his es cape. " He tod;k off his prison jac ket, and threw; itinto the wjoodf-pile, and ju on another, thpuah where, be got it from is at' present inot known. Ie wont oat in. His prison troiisers, the legs of which are grey and black, and he alsq.'* hkd on a. prison ghirt, with the letters " W. C. G." oai tho" breast, so "that how he eould" bivse'1 modo/ib^:- escai>o without being,noticed, is 4mystery which cannot at present bpiiiccount-- ,od for, unlessi lie had accomplices^ He is a man about twenty years'of age, .5 ft. 6 iii. high, dark eyes, rather largeand prbtrudirij j, and a somewhat;angular face. H<?;has no wHskers or beard and bis general appearance is said to be very .pe culiar and striking- Up, .-ti> the present time do clue bias -leen ob tained as to his whereabouts. j _ ' " ' mm- ' The Heated.. Teric.. Tho hot test weather of summer is nc ** upon us. Those wbo desirerto enjoy a reasonable amount of good, health rwill fin^ it necessary to faile male than ofidinary care of the nselves while the Cheated iterra lasls. "Ice water and drinks of any k int I cooled' with ice, sensible people-'will voi(l usiDg. But few persons, ca-n indulge in cold drinks with iinpijnfty, and; icB^. fieolld liquids taken ii ito tliei sfcomacli will almost surely c suffering arid perhapaiprodu^e fatal consequences..' Duringthe p astjjjwp or three-days? there have been' an unusual numbers of deaths province, and some ,of them 160 Men andilloya' Linen Vests, irnpftTir? "2W>. Men and,-Boys' Linen Parits, pime, ana ,]go BJack a^ Fftncy husttoCoa^ 81 o,, $] g7i gil.75, 82.00 80 Black Rui-sel Cord Coats $1.37. SI.00, 83.00 110 White Duck Vests' Sl^tX), 81 25, $1.75. I 150 Fancy Duck Vests, 1.25, 8L75, $2.00, 40 Black Lustre Parits, $2.25. 50 Black Lustre Vests,81.25. 100 Cottonade Cdatsj $1.25, SI 50, 8L75 700 Cottonade Cortts," great variety. 81-00, S1.-25. SL50, 81.75 Splendid lot Pura MSpbuK- CoatH. 87.00, 5=7.50, 88.00. Blue Serge Jackets, $-2.50, $2.85, S4.25. A few Waterproof Siimmor Over Coats. Sii 00, $3.50, 85.50. theoccu- hurt, bitt. minutes. A'-pris- 70c, 75c, 90?, 81.00, 81-25. 050.800,900,81-00 180 Children's Linen Kuitsy 1.25. 1.75, 2.25. Wo bought tho above Bankrupt Stock of Fierce & Co.> and closed out. WM July 3, 1S7G. RUTHERFORD & lTo.'31, Lcwor "Wyadham St?eot, Guolph rectly: jtraceable use price-water. -;i m the ato. di- toi the indiscreet BEMOVAL, REMOVAL. SPECIAL t ' BARGAINS! Great Reduction L s g o tr Begs to inform the inhabitants of r .-:-.' | .- ha has AC1H)N and surrounding cjountry, that removed to MILL STREET. occupied by It. Creech, Next Door to Galloway BroisL' Bakery, in tlie building lately which has been neatly fitted up.^ It has the best light'of any. two counties, which is| very jessential for the proper selectionof goods. His stock, which is very choioe, is I)jlly assorted, - T itoro in the Aiid will be Sold at ah Unusually jLbw Figure. IIo is di|torrnined 14 still maiptain hi4 formor reputatloi of J ceeping OF GOODS AND_ SEl-LING AS NOTHING rBUT; THE -.BEST "'; CHEAPJA! Give him acftll ANY HOUSE IlyT THE TRAD^. gj June 27, 1876. M. SCOTT'S " Square Dealing House, Acton Dress Goods -worth 25c, i Dress Goods -worth 30c, Dress Goods worth 40c, Dress Gocds worth 50c, reduced to 25c in Dress Goods reduced to ISlc* reduced to 15c. reduced to 20c'. Alnia Block;*;Uppor-.Wyndhnn/ Street, Guelph. BROS., MONTREAL: y- -We believe the correct!principle oF-advertising- L and doing' business generally to be, to show cus- i tomers and others, clearly^ positively and cohvin- J cingly, that it is to thetrvinteresCs ?o~trde^vij(h J the party .advertising. This^of course Is not Sptfs--...' sible to every merchant,Afor to do so lie miiA be r .abfe-to show clearly: that he can give them better ; value for their money than they can get elsewhere. { Tl& ^ctoinplish this, he must.not only buy well but;;. '[ he must mark all Goods down to Bottom Prices," so that customers will see at a glance, that it is, tip -tlieit interests to trade with -hiih>-- v.;, | In the two invoices below \Ve Sthink we clearly islipW the advantage gained byUhose wlior deaf i'J with iiSj oyer thosefwho i-dbn't..-' . '-:-> ,. Ai custoilerbbughtof Secord Bros.^ '5 lbs, Meteor Tea, :60o, per lb......-....C.4....____-- : ...'.-...:. .i.......... 12.1b i. Medium Bright Sugar .."._____....;,!,......... 1 lb. Best Hyson Tea .......'____.......j.......... .-1 set Knives and Forks, i:...............'].....-.. H.v. J sat China, 44 pieces.:. ..-..k.z___V* j.-j'..^. ' .J... 1 gal on Coal OU.....:............____J.J.rir....... ' T ----:.' : ' I. 'T - - "., '."-' '-' -!nL,v" '.',"-'*11:.^ -:-': ' Ahbthpr party W'ho didn't buy at jS^cord^Bros.l, had Ip pay the following prices tor thje same- gbodjs: ^ 5 Ibs^ MetebrTea,75 ........... . 11 IbB Best Sugar.___-j......!..,;;. .'.-'..". ':. - 12 lbs. Medium Bright Sugar . ..i.... .>... 1 lb. Best,Hyson Tea J..'.. ^...';.....:.-. M'Btjt Knives and Forks-____...___. .i.-;-. ';-: -.':'. - 1 gftllonVCotd'OU..'.^:..'."..'.........V.. -3 J A 82 50 1 00: 1XX). : & l 6a A Of) : so Brougbt down. if 83 35 : -" i 10 1.09 t oa . 1:75 6 00 35 815^-04 1L13 .*" " ." ~ . ^iErcbrd Sros.^ custbmer thus saved lib leiss} than $&B9 oQ;a purchase of about eley.en doHats^ Th^ man who didn't-buyifrom thehvnbW thinksitwonld ' ' "'-" - liavejtfeen to his interests if he had gone tolSecord ;i?ros. That man is hovr a; living', standing.-^walkr' :iirt'g.'..'Mlycrtisc'nient for us. Thei^e are_ every day' "'. ifacts; witnessed to by iHindred bf of customers, - j : .' j -.* '""",' ! mid.eommehd themselves to the attention of every . * lj -" ..... 1 " V.J "'. ^ jfrii^sL h.QUSQkeepeT. ^'h--: -^:/-:' 'dfei'sbfjrlve dollars arid- upwards delivered at. iG^Kgejtbwnyr ISIorval^ I^rnehousej ^uelplr, liickr <i \h- irood. &c *0f ",/i <i of :fr6 of charge. SBC0BD JBB0$.i J4ctCai, : -vJ.'r.-i.l 'The lar^esli .Retail'IniporterB of Tea west'ojf Toronto. HW S333E! TEPEJOlvC. ^ 13RUGS7 DRUGSl Dmffs, OhemietOo, Dyo Stuffs, Pati at aa4 "proprletorT Moflioines, Fancy aal tplltt Boapa, Spcaces, Braahos, Paints Oils aal VanLisJios. Faaoy aad Sul?Twr Qaode. """ -- - for jtellol^ Piirpp]eB oaJr.'. PTJBB 'WT1TE3 Mm LXQT70SS All goods warranted Qf the best quality and at ten per centb^low Toronto prices. : ' ,, , ,. , J)on't forget the place, Medical HaJL Mil I atre^, Acton. Acton,March 13, 1875. ! ""'"',".- G, JB. MOBBbW. '0. BEAN & & )r- rr FUB Shovels, r& Bakes, IK; Jtay 8, ll76.:J fAXXm;/;^ ': : y---^- j y ' j I' Throughout, they: have the best assortment in Towii t-. A. McBBJlIJ &j jCO. *' '"'-"" :/'AlitA" k GMLPS. !