Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 6, 1876, p. 3

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' '( - - -i-r-, ... .^ 'CiiESi CftAX* TKl JfK. T1MK TAIllfc. Triwicvc"Act<m as fall -. - ooiku wem*. -- r Morning Mail - . 9.10,1.m. IHy BjpiwM ; l".00p.iu. Kxpre9 ; --- r>.it p.m. MixeJ ' . ' 7: la i>.m. Sight Ksrpress . r. . 1U-.+3 .vm- i - . COISU IUKT. , Sight Kxprcss -, .3:37 a. i)i. * Mixed *.trlOa.m; Dv Express ' '.- 11135 a.ni. SfMl- :,. SrT7 p. in. - Mixed:-. . *. lD:0."".p.m. Melon I'liMIr Sciinof. Mr. Wh, head t&ioher in'thoirpublto . Choul.-'inas hrtlidod ns- tho annexed hotiejr list, winch, we ure "jii publishing, wry favorable inncxii have- imu'.h plcas- Thc toncjicrs'givu ;rvp<. rt "of tlie iTiligoni'.-, NBVT AJDVBRTISE^iBNTS. Tendert^-Jani** Ryder.- i '. ."Watches C. * O. JRyndal J^w Boinea John MoKindsay. They rc(enuin W..Uutherf>nl Jt Co. LOCAL MATTERS. j.. $ I.75. [">_ " {O. jd they must "fee &.AP*'; Street, QTie^pk . ^ rLlar MPOBtmi, ie most f issrksv ifci ii^r'Sfi *f*"* .tore in. tha ^.("goo*- Figqre* ""^ iSa ' ^:|P * " * - *:" ^Ap8 * '.' No-rhirvw.t calls the reaper to the field, "The, "pijMueis. of hjf former toiil to yiiilil," AndJills liia barnswith food.-1 The f*ithful'earfii i* not niggard friend. But pays with ample' iutcrest what we r~- lend, ~ , ; - ' .-? -. jijul provta it* credit goo*k. - :.- --: ' Tlroruas' Wylie, Teacher S.| S. ^Cvo. ^^^Ks^ueiinj:, has booii apiH>iuto;l a Jnsti<?ef the I'cac* o the .Couuty'tof Halton. :'\ ' ' Timothy grass,- measuring five feet seven inches, riiay l>e seen at An drew I.-mg"s plnct*,-_Crvwson"8-CorHt;Ys. That"*'pretty yootl for tall. ^ A hearse costing :il>o1 ? 1,000 has-been built For Mr. John .Sj>cight^. nd: is ctpcifetl to l>e here in-a few dajs. :It-ought to l>e a hainlsonie one. arriving.: ;daily; new lots of those .'famutM..low- priced 'American sprints, front'..V;! up. . ^ee tbcm:--iChristie, llenderjoii -i CV. Rev. Mr. Scott, Pisciplo inin- ister, of Ton'nlo. v.::!I prc:u'h :.i:JN!:vt. thews' liall. livxt Snud.-vy, a: Cm.- and o p.m. A gencr.il invitaU-.'U ib\x" tendetl to alK . . '. :' -^-Rcv.-I I-ichl:n t'^JU':>i:>, t. f ' .will > ]ire.-u-h- d ir.Lr^ tl:-.-,c.'H!ii::ti^.':j -^. rvJ-.-^H in tlie I'ci.s'iytori.ui Ci-iiri-li, e 'P.r.H-iiL1- in^ on Friday. .-.*'.] 1 ^a. in. . He. is t\- __poctc-l t-- n.ni.;iu litre :::roii^r'j il.-i :'u!.. Jow iiii; wc.-l^i." - - '- Mvri:tJs of Jit lie Fifc'iiU tiiiont. - . the him of a fwil-Jlj.l^i.-is jx-r^-.V^ h\:^. vere .-hoppinjr aro'n:>d iivoiy j;:>;: ;Ji-. r the heavy ra:u 5\j-'!,av.-";"o:i.^;u!d-.y niH'iJ, in- the iieiijd or^..>-'d > :' t!:i " .spVi^tart'on. I'id -they, i" n:e :.i-.>w:i with the'rain ! .or did .t^ic n;'u; !:..; the! (Elfect of brhyinj; theaj iiiti>-Hfe 1' . ^uej-j ' tioni 6>r tiaturali^ti'tp- ponder. '. "J. \ Boys who are in. the-hubit of .rolbin^ birds'.nests shoaldd>e rnKtlc to nDderstand that they are' liable to a hayy r}ne^iiid- Hnprisoiirneiit. -Thote , lads who were>een ciimbins: np;a tree and mcddllKg iviih a neit. the! other day, on iie vf-our sireets, h^fli bette not .try.i.t-'agnih. Iteineuibur, uiir la;.v - - prSteci'the bihls. i . j punctuality ami.-.^onyral gt)od conduct of all- tho pupiU. Tluiic who'arp natiied MoWltavo received 'M marks an^ <|p- wards for nuvfcet rccit(vtioiia and dili gent cwiduct duriiitj'the mon'th of June, 73 Innng the maximum ligurc. We no- tice tht two of tho girla: hava reached tho highest point: ... nmi clash. Froilertctc II. Rou 47-' Charlotte H|HKhl !!7 Clara Speight 15 fabsonl). FOUUTU CI.ABR. .'-- - nova.. ^ GIKU1, PatricK Mnloncy "WjBllw^ctU Htono K! VJ in !>Qyil,.r: ~: -Sl|taiuHyiulN at Qoo U brown . HI .VMtilj. Moore 8.) .'_ . /H'ujuny MeUnrvln ti) ' ^. "-Tniiukcfc^sa. noVm , .; \ qiiiiA. Vlox Untnsimw 46 AlliertuMenrvlii-7:> iJotin Agnew ilrUtiarlotw Hymls '7."> MHiers-aiSIorey ir" :U.i Ilamlllon - Jj'tH'.v Jlyilor * it /.lmmcrumn ! : Me.Muekon MhpsIu Nlekltn . FREE, PRESS,. A( csoLden of a-TJESXijPK: T0N, HALTON COOTTY^ .CM% . OTLY :$,: 1876. LION Tremendous I 's Cheap Dry &oods Store. CrRBAT CLBARINa SAIiB. Onnnd after Tuesday, Juno 271b,. rind up to t^e loth July, vro will ofler f!pecin1 inducements to purchasers. First, boon saWsit i'i.Atis ,Tntui> iiook ' ,ltOY8 John Mnlnn^y f,i | keep up our reputation for cheap goods. Seoo: , i'-" liamson is about to Ioavo for the British murk' room for Fall imports. Wo will therefore oner Wholesale Stock,: recontly purchased in Montrei uaowe are determined to nu, because our Mr. Wil- i-'ruuk %\'<>rtlon Aler-W^itson Kobi-rl.<r.nt-. Chiis Mmti.ews Kdwln OR isx . Janies-.MeMHIan - uriu-s, -rtl t.lti'.n lhickthg .!;; Istihelin Htli tai M:ity \Viirsnx-p Ida lliukir.i; Kllu r=|M-lclit - Mary bnilta - Artun 4'omirll, The regular 'monthly, mooting of the .Village Vouneil w;is held on Thursday evening, only three. inemWrs being jiresijit Jfi-SM-s. Smith,"^Christie, and Scconl. "l>n iiuition, .Mr.4:1'liristic took the e!iaii\ The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Mr. Smith inove.L,- seeonded '.by: Mr. Secord,~fhaT Mr.jS. /Chiitinjrniaii bf a'pp.-.intid e.illee. str;:eiiiMis -.Tlii July. (.'. .:nni::tee .11. lr.iek'in; .'..itute < luaki The t cporte labor..ia\, nitti in I'ii 11 i.V-tt'.rns.by th 1 *i I 111:111* I'f Jl'illT'.lo. i-.nl of .1 ,-,d\ertL' ets, and we want to make tho en tiro balance of the I at half tho invoice value, L&JT COST SEIOE And so give ourx.customers Btich a chance-of ; ." never had before buying cheap aa they have P^jPpTi^^^^P'l^^^ifr^^T^lv^^-V i""-:3S5l*2fPS*5S! .X r-^rr' ^HA^ wdlOTRFULl MAN, &|Ki^^^%ji^>|^ Ul-pcr WyiidUmn Strctet, Aluia Block. I' soitement I A Panic I ; See the Hush! Great Slaughter, NJi pld Bankrupt jStock^to Palia Off: 1834 Ocses and Bales of Fancy and. Staple Dry Goods at "Prices that trill astonish the People. . ,..-.- . ^ - Those arw times^that people a|nst hftve good, eonnd and hemest goods in return for their^money4^ [moth eaten and bankrupt stuff*ron"tlo for the again called in My My May 5, 1875! SEE OUR PRICES. ("the M. M , ! e paid.; ranted to;,! as" r.ei.l T::.. tt:> is'f"r :-. si :"i'r -i'1-ifi:;:::^;" aiol >u ' motion it' V..;.: V The csu.1.! .^a n.oii A r"Ke>^ a i l.r.ncs lty.iler : on^ts*< i :i^t t- v- h.id i^ii. tewai ui'tiraa l:i !.:. : t;li'i;e; on t.'ie pL- mt'c'.iiv" in!; "_.l ;;,l',. (.j ).\Val- titio'i !, the Jlenuliful Press tioods. 10c a yard. Striped I.iiwns. worth 'Mi:, attic. Finest KnglLsli IViiit-*, iic and lOo. Fast Anioriivin I'l'inls, ou. Striped Urenadiiies, 10c. Black and Iv.idics llo^o, l p;iirs'(or. "25c. iJwtififul"" Striped Summer Shawls, worth ,"?j".,r), for .*1.00. .; Striped Shirting, O^c. ~------?' Izimonsb Asscrtmcnt of ladies' Gloves. Stufflbs, Frilling:; Solts ..' ,\ a2.a'Sib3a3. at prices, lower tban ever. M.rr ad !; 11 :< lk- I'en-.'.jii ;.:lc,-i t - e Ml -true ..ktreet, that he 1 d.V.-\ ". t-.ani f-<r n; of rep;iii-.i to si iii^ Wi-i-':; on lt\ i ;;r:u:ui tee, ;"r"e| I'rii. on' 1 eliip ' <L1V; treet and 1 that h .: '- Siveigiil's liil!," lewalv oil Mill !o\\.,l. ;wo nu ii lioir.j.'.od.i job:. hi reference t<^ ,'.he ilad-deiav- vM aetiiin.i'.ntii fiutlict iusira (."iouneil. . He au="=;eSTvd""tli?t be di:i:e ihaji at i;rs-t eoiiteia that it be ilotie by- days'^v ;d byth.- t Wore work ip!:;-.c\l, and k. lie was truetj." I to exercise his discretion iii (" - =Oa Taes<tay-, in St. Alban's Clim-ch, Acton,: eleven can liiLatiiswerccnthued by Bishop Fuller, of Hamilton. ti:C matti.T. . Mr. (."fir^t", on the t'K-rk's taXt-o.'r.-.c e-.-lI er.rried u\\.r f: gestcd th'.t th Ou 'iii..'tii-n of was appointed with instruct!' fiwiiifc Cacer. . r A grand concert is announced to be held ii the Drill Shed, on the Uth in*t., at which there will be an abun- . Jut mpply' of (trswbeniea, ice-cream sad lemaosde. Go and be happy" for one evenins. ."^ i * : InUnt. _ On Friday last, a lad yemr of age named Thos reniarked.th.-.t there 'were boo!;s a ^-.iia'l am-.'imt <.if . .t.J !e, v.hiili h.-.d been o:;: yo..r t- year, a:n] su^- itriciu-u oti' entirely.. 0<lr. See-rii a eoiumittee to e.vaifiiue thu tax book >ns to'strike'off all tliat were lmt collectable. '. \.: . pn motion^, a comntittcb was appoint ed to confer with the owners of the hand lying along :thc road leading towards' Xassagaweya, with ithei view.of having the road widened in order to prevent now drifta,. j Council adjourned till Thursday even ing, 27th inst. ; abont twelve "" Waubasheiie has a shoe- CoghlaB,- had maker,' remarks the Barrie . Advance. hii left hand badly 'injured by crWnlar I poteU:-at last, after awl this yearn- . , "^ ing of soles, for-a human creature that could peg away,;-day by tlay, and wax saw, in Mr. Duncan .Robertson's, eaw- . mill on the Milton road. The fore-fin ger and thumb" were split <ipea. Dr. Bennet,otMilton, dressed tire wounds. It is yet. nncertain whether or not the handj^ill have to beran)pntate"D ~ ,.------'- " . 'n* --------- ftkrlriciu, Soma rnen worfsiiiir on the II. & N. W. Bailway, on Turner's farm in the Scotch- Block; Es<rnesirjg, Lastjreelf came upon the skeletons of twp human bodies, sup posed to-be those of Indians. They ap peared to have been dug up it some time_previausly and again thrown into the hole, ae parts of ihe bones were scat tered about in different directions;" " A warrant was issued yesterday after noon .by Dr. McGarvinT-Reeve, and " placed in the hands of X'onstable. Mas- aales, for the arrest of a ypung^ man named Neil Keith, jun., oh 'the charge of committing rape-on-the person of Mary Ann Flynn;.daughter of jjir, Mar tin Flynn, lst.conoesiiicrn of Es<p:itsing, "The coMtable arrested hint at his fath. eKs house last "evening. He -was ar raigned this Tnnruing before JuhUccs McGan'in and Hall, and -committed to Milton jail to stand hhs trial at the Fall- Assizes. .The evidence was very clear. Illlcli U hiHkry rttll Keized.-. ' Yesterday the remains 6X a still .y/cre brought ^lirongh Acton and t>!iipped cast by "EicisB-efiicerTirSttley, of Brampton., We learn-tliat part of the. apparntiu _ was found in' tie"fbaru; of .Mr. .Veilf .Keith^and j/art qui tihe a>rcniise.s of Mr J i "; John TJickie, 2adV iiue*.of E.i:piusiugj ' _. near Speyside. :--; There is said to be. aijuo'dance /".evidence tht^t'rv.-liia'ktjy iMfi bc<.u maimfjctnrc^ iirytjritt nei^li'. ooiiofxl, but the di:tcctiycji-werc un- ". a"% to- diieuver aiiy. r^Tfcii- arrests wen; made. ' -i.:.' "^ . A Sertmiuage.; . ' ^ On th|i evening'of .Saturday, the 24th) ; nifc^ a ntunbor- -of me.u. iibeinbled ti>! wbrkj%)n the property, of Mr. James! , Gibbons on the 2nd"con., Esquesing,! nnder themajne designated in the local-j -ty; as a-".bee," freely indulged in spirit-: "louii liquor.-i, when "a combat hand" to; nt, took place both ybefore and afterj ^.TOpper. "We learn thi combaUnU wiU; i,not seekre<lress, suchjjeinz onlv a nvati ' w'ir JoMj afiong. the ,ancient- Celts.' Wulum Gibbons was bidly iniurei. ; -. - / .? Ciui.'- ' in tho end.' JS'ctciiitirkil wealthy C'jurier. " Kip cdoI, young man, or jour hide- will be'tanned. Are you gone in your upper-.story that you Misli to stirrup questions, you know can be re-footed." " We'll, gentlemen, its a tough, leath ery Eiibjcct, but if ye would ave ymir sold from destruction, trcail liglitly tiTMUi-thc Waubasliciiulshoemaker. Tlie French calf who wroto theabovc quota tion should try and Keep his gaiters out of the;mud or he might get a lacing."- Kincardine J'ecitftr.. "II the half-soled critter, who wrote the above is not more careful in treeing his; remnants of common sense, his coun ter will not bust." Luckjv.iw Senlimil. -,Peg away, gentleman, biit don't press too haril oh .the "cobblers. Take the bristle off the* thread (if your jokes'; ahll have tlrem re-vamped.: . < ' ' Millinery aad. Mamie Colored Lustres,.i2Je. todpartmeiit. In this bn.inch prices will bo reduced to a minimum Tor tho balance or the season, giving our lady friends li^clianee, of {jetting Summer Millinery and Mantles at marvellously low prices. NO 1>K' 'KITh >N:-, COOI )S WORTH FOU Ii TPMKS TU E PRICES ASKlvD <.'O.ME AN1> SEE FOR yoURSELVEtJ, daises of goods and old fogy notions. X have this day-marked oft ^Qiiaiitity of Staple a^d Fai^ present intelligent day} "J have bhd to loome to the resoue before to~Uay; and notv-ihatthe Trade'of <"luelpb requires regulating, I am ' to battle against high prices, inferi1----- " An Itnmeui And I will astonish tbj Inhabitants at the cheapness of really firsfr-olass goods. Jflr Don't delay, bdtycal) and iTe satisfied.~j. . The Most Exquisite Taste is to be had In Ladies'. Hats, Bonnets, Jftckets-^MBntiHaJs, and t\l the New* _ eit Deiigns in tha Mtllioetr and ILintlo Departrnehu. MI^* UULLlVAM thU Lndy.MilU<.erf presehu to the public the most el gant taste and designs in Ladies' Hats and Bonnets to be found on this Continent. Indeed tha eulogies bestowed on her ttiste^In Trimmed Hats, &o., aiealnot beyond description. . I would earnestly request a visit of the Ladies to my ! " Black, Colored arid Plaid Silks, ci !! Siioh exceedingly good and ele2anl qualities as are on sale at such extremely cheap prices, cannot fail to satisfy ailj-that there cannot lie adoubt afibat purcl asing at that Wonderful Mali's Mammoth Store, lad'e^ fcneydress gc<>d8 are-ornarvel of beauty, elegance nod cheapness. ". Don't forget those wonderful Lustres, at 12! ceiits. per\-fard, well worth '20 cents, amafcing value. pi icos all through this department tire a terror to competition; [it's weakness in me, but I can't help it, to ^g,ive cheap goods,] r -. :'l - Ity Old Motto is: 'Largo'Sides ; Small 'Profits and Reddy \ Pay. : I. . . ' old friends and customers will bejg'ad to bear of this large arrival of cheap and good goods by double; better than any bankruptistoct./ JOHN HOpC, Almatjlock, Uiipef Wyifdham Strtit-t, "Guelpb.; christii: A 'I HENDERSON Ik, CO Buy at the Lion and Save Honey. J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO. SECORD MO NTRE Ai. HOD^E, 1 ^A.GTQ3SF. s. .Uticlph, .Iuiiel"l>,TS7f>. GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF Sis: il>i- DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING Preparatory to Removal. WU. STEWART & 00. To Ok lylilur uf the Fhk P'rcss.; i Sli':, I-see-in 'your.last 'issuethat-Mr: Gibbs. says he offered nk 5-12IKJ a year for- iny. hon^u after the liecn.se had Reeii re-- fused.*. J\'o\V. sir, I have the' mqinoran - duiu of agreement in his own harwl-writ- in.ir, which shows thati he only ofi'ered 15t. ;- I am,'yoi'ir.-: tnily," . "" -Titos. Cvmi'dkll.; . Acton, Jtily -1th, IoTIJ. --Any" rjutilitity.. of in new, tiyht barrels, g'-yi; ehe.-U." Our enLire stock of Dry Goods, aiid Clothing is!now offered regardless of Cost, to: reduce stock before removing to our new premises, now . . building. The public may rely on tho' '. Best and Cheapest Bargains NJSTSTSr OJELO<DJS2 G-OOD SPECIAL Great Reduction' in Dress Q-oods ever offered of use just the Cheape^ than Old Bankrupt Stock at Half price-j-Cheap lieca goods wanted Cheap, because Fresh and New./ THE ST0CE irtJCT, "vTILL AiTD SHA1L BE SOLS.; But we arc aware how perplexing it is for honest people, to read the adver tisements here anil elsewhere. Who'll tfilk the loudest and i.. brag the most seems to lie tho maxim an inlelligent Publio4now well tint Shoddy ' ' i . Goods are deiir.at Hall'-prii i ! Salt. fresh salt at .Secord Bros. of good butter' fresh' eggs, and good, clean tallow, wanted at Christie,-1leiidersfm &.- Co's, Acton. Their famous 50c Tea is still ahead. \ .. ' . j "^-l'takes, . llakes, ;-Forks, Korkji,. Seythea,.' Xcylhos, SuaitllS/ Sliaitllii. Secord Bros. . ! " -^SjLiOO will buy 14 lbs. of good refined Sugar, .acknowledged by .all to! be the best value ever jifi'eredUu Acton; aii'd ifliead uf anything in totvns ea.st or west. You caingfctit only at.Christie, Henderson & Go's Cheap Cash Store. : ' r -. ' - - i ' ~~ I ^Ckas. Ti:AB. Now then lay in your stock of Teas, the y are sure to go up jf the European war gdesvon. AVc hav* just:received a la"0'stojjk; of the choicest and" cheapest T,4as we have ever handled, and that is saying a good deal. Secord Bros. Wo give.a few quotations GrOOIDS KiEJID'OCPEID 1,300 yards of Dress Goods , forth er prices, c,ents ^reduced to 10, 15 and HtWped silkaTeduced to 57 cents. Sti-iped Clicnadiiics to 10 cents, ;. Stiipcd and Plaii> Liiiou to.*l() cts. Piimsola froni 15 cents. |- Biaclc anil Colored. Lustres. from 12.V conlB/ . jDIttts from 5 cents. Casbmero J*nckets from "5SX.25 Linen Siiiti from 1.50, Trible Linens, jBcd "^uiltsj Table Napkins,'Sheotings, Damasks, Towel linj; will 4 JOB l)T of LADIES This Sale is no Clap Trap s?' iickluccu Guelpb/.JUue ,'o 1876. [5, 20, 25 and up to 50 ) conti. . Lace Curtains 75 .cents. ' i ) Whilio Cotipn Hose froni 6 J cents. Straw Sun pnees. be" offered at striking Colored SUirtiijg from 10 aerits. A lot of Woolen Tweeds reduced from SI.00: to 60 cents. Colprcd and White Dres$I Shirts from 40 cents. UNDERCLOTHIN Sio be SACRIFICED. Prices must Be WILLIAM Cash.-* . STEWART & Co. Dress Goods.-worth 26o, Dress Goods -worth 30c, '. . / Dress Goods -worth 40c, j Dress {roods worth 50c, DRUGS t __ \Ve believe lite correct principle of advertising and,;^ doing business generally to be,, ic^^liow cus- tonier8 and others, clearly, ppsijiveJy and i convin cingly, that it is : to. their -interests'-'to- trade witli thq party 'advertising-. This of course is not pos^-: sible'tb every merchant, for to do so he! inust be abl;e to show, clearly that he can give thehi better valjue for their money than they can get plsevvhere. To accomplish this, he linistiiot only buy well but- hejmust mark all Goodb down to -Bottojn Prices/, so that customers will; sea, at a glance, that it is to tl^eir interests to trade >yith hrm.. ii ^ ; V In the two invoices, lielo>v we think we, clearly show the ^advaivtage gained by lliose who deal- with lis,-"over those Who don't. [ ' ^J A.customer bought of Se.cprd Breis*.; 5 lbs. Meteor Tea, oOc; perjlb.. v.}..;.. 11. lbs. Bright Sugar . . . j. J.;-.'..-....... 12-lbsl Medium Bright Sugar'.......... lib. BestHyson'Tea.... .1. .>'.-... . 1 set Knives and Forks . -L\..- ...".. 1 set (Jhina, 44 pieces___. j.'...':.. 1 gallon Coal Oil......... J.. .-.;:.'- ...t.,>;,q 250 - I VO-z - --1 9 .- ' 8j I ;-0 .' '4'00 30 111* Another party; .SecoM'-.-Brps^'hacl 1' to pay tii'e-foiioyvin^.:pjrices:Uor._the."$aine goods:. BARGAINS! > reduced to 124c* reduced to 15o. red-aoed to 20c. i^-'SESE' -iE-IHCIE JVC, _^i redu DRUGS. Dmgsr Oliomioalfl, D7o;Stuff9,Iat8at aai ;?rosriotorT UoOloiaes, 'A 7aab7 anfl Toilm Soajs, 3pon"fo. SJUBhea. Paints, tails anl "7*.rniti9S, laacy and Subbax Gpods. &S;-v7nr&S AITS LIQUOliS for Uol AII g oods warran ted of (the bes; qc ality and at- prices. . '"'..! 1 ' ' ' ' Bon'fc ifor;ettJie placs, Acton, Medical HaU, I Mill Mardhl?, 1875. j ' !".. . - ::" .: ed to 25c. clnal Farposos only. ten per oent below Toronto street, Acton. CJ, E. MORKOW. -'5 lbs. JfeitedrTea, 75 per lb. -^ . . II lbs" Best Sugar .-, "'i-2 lbs. Medium Bright Su;;ar:.., Tib. BestUysonTea .. : 1 set Knives and Forks . 1 set China, 44 pieces.. < 1 gallon Coal Oil. i.... ! $3 is. 1 10 1 (.9 . 1 00 " '. I 75 . 6 00 L- 35^ ^$15:04 \ 11 15 " Brought down... ! " ' r- -.": ::-*89' P Secord Brbs.' customer thus saved 'noft h?ss than ^3.89 onin purchaser<di|aboht eleven doHais. TIuj| man who didiift buy from them now thinks it'vvbuld j liave been to &i& interjes-ts if he had goite; to Record i Bros. That man is now a living, stdudingi walk-- ihg advertiseroeht] fojr |.us: Thejse are every day j fagsts, witnessed to by,1 hundred ]of of ciistqmiers> i and commiend themsiejf'iies to the attention-of ;eyery| frugal house e.V Orders' otfive "dbll'a^sj aud upwar,ds deUveredV at Gljeorgetpwn,!- N'oijvat, jjiinehouse, GuelplL, Bck" wood, &^;ir^e of;clia;rge. I \( " '",'.,'-.'.' ;j :\ :;SECjpBi>BRQS.r Actbn,;;';;. Tho largest Retail llmporteraj (jf !!Fha; west o*f Toronto.5-" SO & CO'S FOU SS> LJ- VI Hoe&; i$ FISHING TACKLE 1 1 - . ! * AND SBOfeTINO GOODS^ - 1 1 \ . '1 1 - Throughout, they hare the best assortment inTown. 1 May 8j 1S76. A. McBBAN &! CO. r"

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