aFOR SALE -- #flome 4 Plone ) Page 8 The Haileyburian FOR SALE -™YFOR SALE -- One large and one : Small space heater, selling cheap. 4 Calt OS 2-5249. 24 i OR SALE -- Couch and three « Chairs, - one- floor lamp. Good 4 Condition, reasonable. Haileybury, ¢ OS 2-3630. 24 'Enterprise' Oil qicitchen - range, good condition. {Phone OS 2-5297, Haileybury. 24 }¥OR SALE -- Thoroughbred bea- ¢ @le pups. OS. 2-5257. 24p JOR SALE -- Deer hounds, Walk- ¢¢r pnd Beagle, eleven months old. 1 Phone CS 2- 23257, Haileybury. 24 NEED A NEW STOVE OR 'FRIDGE? Buy low cost, life-insured , SCOTIA PLAN LOAN "em. with @ ' THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA _ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- == = -- } FOR SALE -- Lot near the Beach «Garden, with sandy beach. Phone 44515, Cobalt. 12tf i OR SALE -- Four bedroom brick in good condition, Phone «OS 2-3058, Haileybury 4itf 1}°OR SALE -- House on a ange 3Rd., C. Proulx, Ferguson Ave., OS 2-3128, Haileybury. 24,25 : TOR Ss ALE--Three bedroom house i sckwall Street in Haileybury. ow price, Phone OS 2-3028. 24 TO RENT 'FO RENT -- Heated apartment, 4 (vo bedrooms. Available August 1. 3 Phone OS .2-5288. tf FOR RENT -- Three room: ground s floor apartment in Haileybury on ; Russell St., private entrance. OS 2- ' $512. 24 *7Q RENT -- In Haileybury, three » f00m apartment with bath, central- § fy located. Not suitable for child- ;"@en, Phone G. Herbert, OS 2-3194. 19stf 'TO RENT -- Heated apartment in «@owntown Haileybury, equipped 1 With electric stove and refrigera- itor. Phone OS 2-3080, or OS 2-3631. 12tf {HELP WANTED - FEMALE } Wy ANTE Experienced, gonabie ee eee for family -"qvith three children. Full time, sleep out. Write Mrs. Jack Dun- > fop, Box 231, Haileybury, giving , eeferences or phone OS 2-3725. 24tf réa- MISCELLANEOUS 3 : ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD ' WOTICE OF APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION:OF THE ' TOWN, OF HAILEYBURY ' DO DISPENSE WITH A VOTE. OF THE ELECTORS ; ' TAKE NOTICE THAT: £. The Council of the Corporation ofthe Town of Haileybury in- fends to construct a combined new Municipal Office and Pub- lic Works Building, and that the sum of $43,000, the cost thereof, shall be raised by the sale of Gebentures payable out of the @eneral rate over-a period not exceeding twenty years. &: Application has been made to The Ontario Municipal. Board for an order to dispense with the assent of the electors and for approval of the said work. Any ratepayer may, within twenty- --=|Clark, Fred Radley, Mr. | will be paid. over Thursday, August 17, 1961 Perfect Weather For Pioneer Picnic Perfect weather provided an ex- cellent: background for the Pion- eer Pienic held, as usual, at New Liskeard: Beach on the second Wednesday of August. One hundred old timers and their friends. sign- ed the guest book and spent the afternoon in greeting old friends and catching up on family his- tory. : Tiny, white-haired Mrs. Neil. Mc- Fayden, who was the originator of the idea of having an annual Pioneer's: Picnic, shared the' hon- or of being. the. oldest lady . pres- ent- with Mrs. Stinson. Both are 94, with just a couple of months separating their birthdays. The oldest man was William McFar- lane, who was 91 last December. Mr. and Mrs. George Krick won the prize for the greatest num- ber of years of married life ito- gether. They have been married for 63 years. Among the old-timers ~ noticed were D. and Mrs. C. E. Miller, Haileybury; Mrs. John Snider, Mrs. T. C. Grills, Miss Irene Grilis, William Pringle, Mrs. John Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fish- er, Fred Littlejohn, Mrs. Mary and Mrs. Frank Goddard, Temagami; Mrs. J. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pum- mell, Miss Winnie Henderson, Mrs. W. J. Newton, Mr. J. Aitchison, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bush, Mr. and Mrs. A. Messenger, Mrs. M. Manary, Charles McRoberts, Charies A. By- am, Mrs. G. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Allie Bateson. All of these people arrived in the area' during the years between 1890 and 1904. Lunch was enjoyed; family style, with the Picnic Association pro- viding the tea. N. Cobalt-Latchford Church Campaign The Parish of Our Lady:of the Sacred Heart in North Cobalt and Holy Ghost Catholic Church ~in Latchford are embarking this week on a campaign to raise building and maintenance funds for the two churches. The objective has been set at $30,000, and Rev. Fr. Becotte -is confident. that the sum will: be reached and- passed. The reason for his opinion is to be found in the enthusiasm of his parishioners who haye attended initial meeting in force, and ex- pressed their determination to meet the challenge and pass the ob- jective. Both the men and women of the parish are determined that the campaign will be an outstand- ing success. A number of meetings have been held during the past two weeks to organize the campaign and pre- pare for the Loyalty Dinner. The campaign will get off the ground at a Loyalty Dinner to be held in the parish hall in North Cobalt 'on Sunday evening, August 20, and all parishioners have been invited to attend. Money raised in the campaign a three-year period in regular weekly amounts, and will be used to build a new church in Latchford, make need- ed repairs to the North Cobalt .|Chureh, retire a small debt, and look after running expenses of the parish for the next three years. The campaign is being organized by Mr. Van Baal, a member of a parochial consulting firm. a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval and the grounds of such objection. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the sta- tute that the assent of the elec- otrs shall not be required and may approve of the said works, but before doing so it may ap- point a time and place for a public. hearing where any ob- jections will be considered. DATED AT TORONTO, this 8th day of August, 1961. one days after the first publica- tion of the notice file with the Clerk of the Town of Haileybury V. B. Vickers, :~ ACTING SECRETARY. 23,24 be ae era ae Taylor Cup Winners Declared In the finals for the- Taylor Cup, which were played last Saturday and Sunday at the Haileybury Golf Club, the winners. were Fran Mor- ris and Perec. Ackroyd, both of New Liskeard. The runners-up were Shirley Irwin and Jack Mc- Knight, also of New Liskeard. This coming week, the final round for the President's Cup will be played, beginning at one p.m. On Sunday; the qualifying round for those golfers who wish to play in the Labour Day Invitation Tournament at Kirkland Lake, will take place. Approximately twenty- five members will be playing this round to determine who will be the participants in the Tournament. Only twelve may attend from the Haileybury Club. Bridal Shower For Cobalt Bride A bridal shower was held re- cently at the home of Mrs. Lloyd McMillan, Cobalt, in honour of Miss Sally Smith, a bride-to-be of August 19. Hostesses were Mrs, MacMillan and Mrs. Don Parkhill, Kirkland Lake. The bride's chair had a cluster of wedding bells and a replica of the bride's diamond and wedding band hanging over it. The gifts were arranged under a suspended yellow and white umbrella. Several amusing games were played. The bride-elect received some lovely and useful gifts for which she thanked her. many friends. A delicious buffet lunch was served from a yellow and white decorated table. Those in attendance were: the bride-elect, her mother, Mrs. Eric Smith, Mrs: R. W. Latimore, Mrs. A:*P. Ollivier, Mrs. F. C. Shaw, Mrs. Wm. McKinnon, Mrs. ~P. Lemmon, Mrs. Walter Hylands, Mrs. Harold Rowdon, Bronte Svekers, Florence Malick, Eunice Pirie, Noreena- Gabbani, Gwen Shaw, Bev Richards, Nora Mc- Dougall, Shirley ..McMillan, Mrs. Robert- McGill, Haileybury, Janet Barnard and Alice Davidson, New Liskeard, Mrs. Ken Smith and Doris Hunter, Toronto, Judy Bart- let, New York, and Ione Johnstone, Chicago. Also attending and as- sisting the bride-elect with the opening of her gifts were Misses Jane Parkhill, -Kirkland Lake, Sandra Grant, Peterborough, and Elizabeth MacMillan, Cobalt. Those unable to attend, but send- ing gifts were: Mrs. Frank Rich- ardson, Mrs. Frank Richard- ards, and Misses Alson and Eliza Creighton, Cobalt, Councillor Whelan Chairs Council In the absence of Mayor A. H. Cooke, Councillor James_ Whelan was appointed as acting Mayor for the meeting of the Haileybury Town ,Council Monday night. The meeting was attended by Council- lors W. C. Arnold, B: Budgeon, K. Buffam, .M. Lavigne, J, Timmins and Town Clerk, F. Haskett, Business was mostly of a rou- tine nature. The sale of three lots to G. Lanteigne, Alec Rozon and the Haileybury, Separate School Board was approved. The payment of $42,838.79 for general accounts and $1,314.87 for water accounts was authorized. "Best Camper" Twelve-year-old Neil Wilson, who has been attending Camp Manitou, the Anglican Camp for boys near Whitefish Falls, tied with another boy for the coveted "'Best Camp- er" award and cup. Last year,- Michael Pape, also from the. Haileybury Anglican Church, was the winner, and the year, before, Neil Wilson won it completely. ; Neil is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson and Michael's parents are Mr. and Mrs. W. Pape. CASS ee "A FAMOUS PLAYERS TAEATRE Phone OS 2-3533 Haileybury LAST SHOWING TONIGHT ~ "CAN -CAN™ IN CINEMASCOPE & TECHNICOLOR Starring: Frank Sinatra, Shirley Maclaine, Louis Jourdan PLAYING FRI. & SAT. ONLY! TWO GREAT NEW HITS! PLEASE NOTE: Due to the length of this program there will be one complete showing nightly only, starting at Doors open at 7 p.m._ Showing Nightly at 7:30 p.m. only! ws JIMMIE RODGERS as me ® KENTUCKY MOUNTAIN 7:30 p.m. ar JIMMIE Sing* a Little Shepherd ot Youn an LUAN Love Is Youre JIMMIE RODGERS: Fuith " CiNgamaScoPE * COLOR by DE LUXE SECOND FEATURE Showing Nightly at 9:30 p.m. only! YOU'LL CRY FOR HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY,WHEN... FOUR U.S. GOBS TAKE OVER A GEISHA HOUSE GEISHA GIRLS AND ALL! COLUMBIA PICTURES presents A WILLIAM GOETZ PRODUCTION ' GLENN FORD DONALD O'CONNOR oceanic SUCETA MIKO TAKA wos MIYOSH! UMERI \; AUGUST 18-19 Biting Ss, -- Yes Seentece B STARTS SUNDAY, AUGUST 20 AT 7:30 P.M. MON., TUES., WED. AUGUST 21-22-23 PLEASE NOTE: Due to the length of this program there will be only one complete showing nightly starting at 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m. Showing Nightly at 7:30 p.m. only! Nalt Disney's Comedy Featurette . . "The Horse with the Flying Tail" Showing ey at 8:05 p.m. Only! Years in the making! _ SOHN WAYNE / RICHARD WIDMARK / LAURENCE HARVEY FRANKIE PATRICK WAYNE / LINDA CRISTAL a» AVALON JOAN O'BRIEN/ CHILL WILLS /diim RICHARD BOONE juced and directed by JOHN WAYNE -- nee by =) Jeriginal serecnghag by SAMES COMAND COANE @ BATJAC PRODUCTION RELEASED THROUGH UNITED ARTISTS -, MAMMOTH ~Y Thousands in the cast!..., EA TECHNICOLOR®' A ee rege ee es