Ww'. w= = Fer FfT.lULe ee eee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee Page 6 The Haileyburian Thursday, August 3, 1961 Furrow and Fallow By Don A 17-year-old Ayrshire in Quebec has established something new in Record of Performance -- if not an all Canadian record or better should there be any way of proving it. Des Rasades Yvette recently completed an 1131 day lactation. She started milking in March 1958 when' she was over 14 years of age and three years and 35 days later had- produced 33,950 pounds of milk and 1,603 pounds of fat for a test .of 4.72--the longest record ever completed by any cow of any breed on official ROP. There are over 80,000 cows on ROP in Cana- da but less than. 1% of them are over 14 years old which Des Ras- ades Yvette was when she began this record lactation. She is type classified as Excellent--needless to say. Now there is a cow that deserves to have her milk well looked after. We read that old story about 'Clean milk being better than cleaned milk' in a farm paper. the other day and while it may be getting boring it is still true. The vast ma- jority of our Canadian cows give good wholesome clean milk and it will pay the producer to keep it that way. More and more there is a premium for quality. We hear the Canadian Federa- tion of Agriculture spent half a day discussing ARDA last week at its semi annual meeting in the mari- times and we gather from certain comments seeping up this way that some members think it's time everybody stopped talking about agricultural re-development and did something about it. That seems io be the crux of the matter--pro- vincial governments are waiting for the federal government to cease the verbal calisthenics and take some action (of course, the federal house did pass the bill but it doesn't say who is supposed to do what) while the. federal govern- ment seems. to be: waiting for the provinces. to indicate what they might do. And probably both sets of governments as well as a lot of municipal ones are waiting for the CFA and its member organizations as well as other farm groups to do something. It's the old story of everybody waiting .for the other fellow to make' the first move because~ he might be the one who gets stuck with the bill. And the cost of any large scale program of agricultural re-development is not going to be in six figures. Nobody is quite sure where this kind of money is coming from--especially, with a drought in the west now causing rising feed prices, with surplus production in hogs, chicken broilers Tractor Safety On Highway Haying and harvest times are the periods when farm tractors are frequently driven on highways and gravel roads. To avoid accidents Hal Wright, safety specialist with the Ontario Department of Agri- culture, suggests the following measures: Plan ahead in order to cut down to a minimum the amount of tra- vel on heavily travelled roads. Use side roads even if it takes a bit longer. Keep the tractor under control. Slow down for curves and leave the tractor in gear on downgrades. Don't let children or young teen- agers handle a tractor on the high- way. Havea strict "no-rider'" rule. Clear the brush in the vicinity of the lanes and field gates to im- prove visibility. Use red flags and approved lighting to give warning to motor- ists of the dangers of slow moving vehicles. Courtesy prevents accidents. Pull off"the pavement, when feasible, to let the automobile traffic pass safely. oe Many young veterinarians in Canada have never seen an active case of Tuberculosis in cattle. With all herds in the country now under the Canada Department of Agri- culture's testing program, their chances of seeing one are becom- ing less: and less. : Fairbairn and heavy turkeys anticipated, with dairy surplusses perenially with us and a small battle looming amongst dairy producers in On- tario. All these things are more imminent and attract more atten- tion than ARDA. Needless to say a strong re-de- velopment program could elimin- ate most of this type of problem-- if not all. However, it's still too nebulous and too far in the future to get the kind of support needed to start the ball rolling. Today's Tidbit: Ontario egg pro- ducers might well examine the ramifications of the lower main- land egg marketing scheme in B.C. The June vote defeated the plan three to one. ea Price Support For Turkeys Agriculture Minister Alvin Ham- ilton announced today that the Agricultural Stabilization Board has been authorized to support the price of turkeys to December 31, 1961, on the basis of 20 cents per pound for live No. 1 turkeys weigh- ing at least 10 pounds but under 20 pounds, basis delivery Toronto, with appropriate differentials for other weights and grades at princi- pal markets throughout Canada. This is the same support. level as was in effect during 1960. The Minister also pointed' out that the import control remains in effect. This limits importations of turkeys 'into Canada to a total of four million pounds per year, with a maximum importation of two million pounds in any one quarter. THE NEW ee Nese Pecan "oekbeeil alounge 1S NOW OPEN ON THE GROUND FLOOR IN THE Hotel Haileybur CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS. ES Office Supplies Equipment - Printing Archive. Files Adder Rolls Adding Machines Burroughs, Remington Ballpoint Pens refills Brief Cases Blotters Columnar Books Columnar Sheets Colored Signals Now is the time to re-order your office supplies -- forms -- Printing and that extra piece of new furniture and equipment. Counter Check Books Continuous Forms Carbon Paper Carbon Rolls Ledger Sheets - Carbon Papers Counter Check Books Account Books Binders Plant in the north reasonable prices. 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