OGRE ' -H. Cooper won third. A Page 4 The Haileyburian Thursday, May 18, 1961 Around the Square Cobalt-Coleman School Board Receives Two Resignations Chairman D. F. Horan presided at the regular meeting of the Pub- lic School Board, T.S.A., of Co- balt and Coleman, and attended by trustees W. Fleming, i. Tres- -jidder, H. A. Todd, Secretary- Treasurer Mrs. A. Cameron, and Principal D. McGugan. During - March six absentee calls were . made as reported by the Attend- ance Officer, Mrs. L. Dixon. Mr. McGugan reported an enrolment of 362 with the average daily at- tendance at 325.2. Accounts ap- proved for payment totalled $4,- 700.63. Resignations from two teachers, Mrs. E. Aspden and Miss L. Anyon, were received with regret by the Board. * * * St. James' W.A. To Hold. Bake Sale The W.A. of St. James' Angli- can Church held their regular . monthly meeting- at the home of _ Mrs. C. Southall, Commission St., - with 12 members present. The meeting was chaired by Mrs. E. . Othmer. A busy time is ahead for the W.A., which wili be catering for - a wedding on June 24, and the ' Eastern Star Banquet on June 13. They will be also having a Bake - Sale at Cora's Candyland on May 13 at 1:00 p.m. with Mrs. E. Oth- mer and Mrs. A. Moore conven- ers. The next meeting will be on June 7 at the home of Mrs. H. Smith, Nickel St., with a pot luck supper following. Refreshments served by Mrs. A. Moore, Mrs. M. Kelly, Mrs. H. Smith and Mrs. E. Othmer during the social hour. * * oO ford and Temagami, to be held in Latchford on May 17. Plans were made to hold-a Bake Sale on June 17. An invitation was received from the United Church W.A. of North Cobalt, inviting members to their Thank Offering meeting to be held there on Sunday, May 14, at 8:00 p.m. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. Christoph at the Smelter. Mrs. Miller offer- ed a vote of thanks to Mrs. Mac- Arthur for the use of her home. Refreshments were served by the hostess with Mrs. Wright as- sisting her. ; eee £ Surprise Shower For Barbara Neilson' A pleasant surprise was award- ed Miss Barbara Neilson upon entering the home of Miss Flor- ence Graham on the evening of May 2nd. Four of Barbara's friends, Barbara Birtch, Linda Speck, Patsy Taylor and Florence Graham had arranged a shower in honour of her forthcoming mar- riage to Guy Beeson on Saturday, May 20. Games of charades and bingo were enjoyed by everyone pres- ent, including Mrs. H. Parcher, Mrs. H. Neilson, Miss Cameron, Mrs. A. Taylor, Mrs. N. Hender- son, Mrs. F. Graham, Miss die Dakins, Mrs. C. Birtch, Mrs. WW Cassidy, Mrs. J. Speck, Mrs. Ais Nickle, Miss H. Niemi, Miss ak McIntyre of* Haileybury, and Miss J. Libby of Haileybury. The bride to be, assisted by Barbara Birtch, - unwrapped her gifts which included ones from Miss C. Audette, Mrs. C. Thi- beault, Mrs. H. Beeson, Mrs. A. Coe and Miss C. Kelly, who were unable to attend. Canasta Winners St. James Anglican Church W.A. have been having a series of Can- asta Parties and the last one was held at the home of Mrs. E. White- head on Tuesday, April 25. First prize was won by Mrs. F. Tryon, second by Mrs. W. Cole and Mrs. lovely lunch was served by the hostess. The next evening for this series ' will be on Tuesday, May 2, also at Mrs. Whiteheads home on Nick- el St. * *« * United Church W.A. Hold Meeting President Mrs. T. Welch was in the chair for the monthly meet- ing of the Cobalt United Church W.A. held at the home of Mrs. A. * --D. MacArthur on Wednesday, May 3. An announcement was made concerning a meeting of all the Church Women's Groups for the three charges of Cobalt, Latch- A lunch was served by the host- ess. Wins at Oratory James Bourget of Haileybury, who won the Legion Public Speak- ing competition in the Junior High School division, held in Haileybury last month, was in Kirkland Lake 'ast Sunday, May 14, to compete in the Northern Ontario finals. This time he was runner-up, the first place being won by Jo-Anne Downey of Parry Sound. In the Junior Elementary division, eight year old Charlotte Maille of New Liskeard won first place, with Eliz- abeth Gardiner of Sault Ste. Marie as runner-up. Winner of the Senior High School division was Ursula Chennette of Kirkland Lak2, and in the Senior Elementary Class, Claire Kingsley of Sudbury was in first piace. aught. by See eee ae Address Datetcanehteee..scccccccscseseeseeese Bakke ory Stream. 2 censcsnpstterceesseet Weithed "at ockiagicne cis ctine Address TEMISKAMING SPEAKER AND HAILEYBURIAN SPECKLED TROUT COMPETITION from opening day to May 31, 1961 WIN a $15.00 prize with your big fish Only fish caught in Temiskaming District eligible. NOMI Party wiles cse a ait as os TPOtal: Catenn ce... .cosavensteccseees | a eeeecenererecccccsescccnrecccseee Bridal Shower For Sharon Menzies COBALT -- Mrs. Laurel Birtch and her daughter Barbara were hostesses to a group of friends they had invited to a shower in the Unit- ed Church Hall, in honour of Miss Sharon Menzie, whose marriage to Howard Evans of New Liskeard will take place on Saturday, June ye Large pink and white wedding bells and streamers decorated the hall, with an attractive decorated table and' chairs placed at one end to which the bride-to-be and her attendants were escorted. A lovely corsage of mauve Munts was presented to Sharon on her arrival. Several contests and games were played before the guest of honour unwrapped her gifts, assisted by her sister, Sandra, and Miss Nor- een Soucisse. Lunch was served at the conclusion. Those who were present were: Mrs. C. Cameron, Mrs. H. A. Todd, Mrs. W. Fleming, Mrs. D. McGu- gan, Mrs. I. Tresidder, Mrs. A. Wallman, Mrs. R. Nickle, Mrs. P. Slaght, Miss D. Houston, Mrs: C. Smith, Mrs. C. Brydges,: Miss E. Pickard, Miss B. Welch, Mrs. D. McKay, Mrs. E. Geek Jr., Mrs. R: Follick, Mrs. J. Mathews, Mrs. L Scully, Mrs. K. O'Flaherty, Mrs. W. Christie, Miss N. Soucisse, Miss Sandra Menzie, Mrs. A. Menzie, and Mrs. Evans and daughter Don- na, Mrs. L. Gray, Mrs. B. McClung and daughters Evelyn and Colleen, Mrs. Dewar and Linda, all of New Liskeard. The 'lucky number' door prize was won by Mrs. McClung. Unable to attend but: sending gifts were Mrs. A. Svekers, Misses Judy and Faye Bigelow, Miss P. Taylor, Mrs. H. Taylor, Mrs. A. St. Jacques, Mrs. W. Mallett, Mrs. C. Lebarron, Mrs. T. Welch, Mrs. E. B. Greensides, Miss W. Cam- eron and Miss L. Speck. Courtesy Costs Nothing In its amusing article on letter- writing it is suggested that hardly any occasion justifies discourtesy. For example, a hint that your missing shirts probably fit the laundryman's children can result in nothing but hard feelings all Donald Brittain of the National Film Board, Montreal, spent the past week-end as the guest of Mr. -and Mrs. C. FE. Tuer. Mr. and Mrs. S. McIntyre, Joy, James and Donelda, spent the week-end at Cashe Bay visiting Mrs. McIntyre's mother, Mrs. Reg. Smith, and her brother, Wal- ter and Mrs. Smith. Mrs. C. D. Morrison of Ottawa was the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. McDonell, last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Bolger, Jerry, Rosemary, and Dennis, were week-end guests with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Herb McDonald of Noranda. David Tuer is home from Mont- real where he has been attending University. Rev. W. H. Moody of Hamilton, Sunday School Director for the Pentecostal Churches, is conduct- ing a Sunday School Teacher's Training Course in the Pentecostal Church this week. Training is giv- en for both Sunday School and Young Peoples work. Approximat- ely 20 persons are attending the course. Mr. Moody will remain for the week-end and wii preach at both Sunday services. A talent- ed musician, he will play the or- gan, piano, and also the violin for the musical parts of the services, . WARY Fe ONTARIO By Pass. Department of Highways, deemed necessary by the District Further information, obtained from: G. Campbell, A/District Stores Supervisor New Liskeard, Ontario Phone MI 7-4337. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO SALE OF SCALE AND SCALE HOUSE AT SOUTH PORCUPINE Sale SD-61-34 © \ The Department of Highways offers for sale by Tender the following: 1 only 23 Ton capacity Gurney Beam Type Scale (Serial No. 54688) with Wooden Platform, and Frame Scale House approximately 13' x 14 with attached Frame Garage, located off Highway No. 101 at South Porcupine Sealed Tenders on forms supplied by the Department will -be received by. the. Tenders Secretary, Room 134C, Laboratory Building, Downsview, Ontario, (off Keele Street at Highway No. 401) until 12:00 o'clock Noon, E.S.T. ; MAY 25th, 1961 Items to be sold "AS IS WHERE IS". The sucessful bidder will be required to remove the Seale and Seale House and erect at his-own expense any protective barricades Engineer. Tender Forms and Envelopes may be Stores Disposal Unit, OR Department of Highways, Room 101, District #6, Building, Downsview, Ontario CHerry 4-2571 Local 315. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO Must be entered within two days of catch. (To help us make a story on total catch of all participants only) Signed round! H 10, 11 -S 15, 16 6 Only Natural GAS gives you all these home heating NATURAL = advantages... te e Cieaner! Leaves no soot, no film! Cuts cleaning bills! ie @ Faster! Gas burns instantly--no costly warm-ups! SO MUCH MORE ; ; FOR SO MUCH LESS e Se No delivery worries--no power failures! ' : ---- © Space-Saving! No storage tanks--no fuel bins! =) © Silent! The clean blue Gas flame burns without noise! ie Fully Automatic! Just set it and forget it! - ~e Economical! "And Only GAS Gives You Free 24-Hour Service!) CONVERT TO GAS NOW! PHONE 00000 ONTARIO NA COMPANY LIMITED AS TURAL G ¥ Haileybury Personals |