a 4515, Cobalt. _ OS 2-3058, Haileybury Haileybury High School track and field meet was held last Thursday. This high jumper dis- Plays good style. FOR SALE -- FOR SALE -- Piano. Phone OS 2- _ $269, after six. lip FOR SALE -- One Admiral re- frigerator, just like new. Call 10tf ~ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' FOR SALE -- Four bedroom brick home in good condition. Phone ATtf FOR SALE -- Two houses in Hail- eybury, one on Blackwall: St., and one on Russell St: Call 4515, Co- balt. 10tf FOR SALE - -- Rone bedroom house and lots. Natural gas heated at 702 _Latchford St., Haileybury. Please apply to Mrs. Dan McKin- non, Latchford St., or write to A. R. Emery, 417 Prince St., Truro, N.S: : 1ltf -- TO RENT TO RENT -- Five roomed heat- " ed apartments in downtown Hail-|' 10tf} TO RENT -- Five room heated]; apartment in Haiieybury. Good lo-}: Cation, OS 2-3667. 11}; TO RENT -- Two bedroom | apart-| eybury. Phone OS 2-3255. ment in Haileybury. Ground floor. OS 2-3630. ment at 445 "Broadway St.. Avail- able May-15th. J. L. Gignae; 'OS 2- _ 3560. - : 1112 COBALT. COMMUNITY HALL - The following are rental rates for the Cobalt Community Hall. Hall@complete 222-97 -.-. --- - $40.00 - Lounge room only ........... 10.00 Auditorium! only<..-.4-.5.4: = 25.00 Kitchen OD] Varun: rake 5.00 The Hall has been, recently, _ completely redecorated' and will gerve as an ideal-place for your : wedding parties, shows, aes at gatherings, ete. : oe age Ons Fe Bazinet, | S 2 Sec, Treas, §- >: = : ; *14,-15,,19 j WANTED WANTED TO RENT -- Four or five room apartment close to school and hospital. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of DAVID HIRAM ANGUS. All claims against the estate of David Hiram Angus, late of the Town of Haileybury, Ontario, who ' died on the 22nd day of February, 1960, must be filed with the under- signed soiicitor for the executors _of the estate on or before the 30th day of June, 1961, after which Ls pe Ltt, TO RENT--One, furnished apart-|, Apply Mrs. |' FF. Beresford. Phone OS 2-3380. ; : litf | date the estate of the deceased will be distributed. Dated at Haileybury, this 3rd day of May, 1961. CH LUE Re Haileybury, Ontario. Solicitor for the Exec- utors. oF 10> Br Ontario, MONEY » Wyo) Aitojay WANT TO MAKE MONEY? Splendid Opportunity to do so. Call BP Canada Ltd., Haileybury OS 2- 3080, after. 5 p.m. Cali OS 2-3631 or Call Kirkland Lake 1316-M. 1itf NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS f In the estate of JOSEPH CLAR- ENCE AUGUSTUS CRAWFORD: All claims against the estate of Joseph Clarence Augustus .Craw- ford, ate of the Town of Hailey- bury, Ontario, who died on the 18th day of July, 1960, must be filed with the undersigned: solicit- or for the executors of the estate 1961, after which date the estate of the deceased will be distributed. Dated at Haileybury, Ontario, this 3rd day of May, 1961. CE IuUER, : Haileybury, Ontario. Solicitor for the .Exec- ~ utors. Cerys 15! ONTARIO "TENDERS RE COAL HAILEYBURY SEALED TENDERS, | properly endorsed on forms supplied: by the Department, will be received® in the office of the Tenders~ Secre- tary, Room 6630.East.Block, Par- 'liament Buildings, Toronto 2, On- tario, until 3: p.m., E.D.S. time on Thursday, June, 8, 1961, for the supply and* delivery 'of. coal -re- quired for Court House and Gaol and . Provinciai Institute of. Min- ing, HAILEYBURY, Ontario. ' Specifieations,, Tender Forms and Tender Envelopes*may be ob- tained 'on' application to the De- partment of Public Works, Room ings, TORONTO. 2, Ontario. P The lowest or any tender Hot necessarily accepted. . J. D.. Millar, -- Deputy Minister, : Department of Public Works, Ontario. Parliament Buildings, _ TORONTO 2, Ontario. - + 11,12 "IN MEMORIAM * In memory of Pte. John- Walter Childes, who passed away May 19, 1945. "Time changes many things, But memories ever. cling." --Olive cand Ida 11 Classified Ads Bring Results on or before the 30th day of June,. 6630. East Block, Parliament. Build-|. Annual Meeting of Ladies Curling Club The annual meeting of the Co- balt - Haileybury Ladies' Curling Club was held recently in the Ciub lounge. President Rita Dinesen presided at the meeting which was well attended. The reports of the various com- mittees all indicated a- very suc- cessful year. During the meeting a special vote of thanks was given to. Tess Austin. who handled' the raffle of the Scoteh doll dressed with money. This doll was raffled at the completion of the Inter- Town bonspiei and was won by Germaine Larocque of Haileybury. Misses Anne and Kay Keddie do- nated the doll and Miss Clare Mar- cella contributed to the tickets. The club members expressed -their appreciation for the generosity of thes2- members. The following slate of officers was presented for the coming year -- President, Betty Doran; First Vice-President, - Pearl. Knox; Sec- ond Vice-President, Mayme Cun- ningham; Secretary, -Pauline Huard; Treasurer, Ness McAuley; House Committee, Gwen Horn- castle, Ev. Harrison; Draw Com- mittee, Maud Cragg, H. Welch, Jean St. Louis, Jean - Peckover, Ruth. Speneer;.Kitchen Committee, Yolande Fleming, Mary Hicks, Helen Mailett;. Social and Enter- tainment, Anita' Jensen; Mae Ren- aud, Win Kelly, Ev Stewart, Rita Dinesen, A. Armstrong, Clare Mar- cella; Prize Committee, Pearl] Knox; Nominating, Adele Maloney, Leta Shouldice; News Reporter, Flora McFarlane. -Rapid-growing vines are useful for covering trellises, fences, ar- bours, pillars, poles, walls a-n-d tree _trunks,- advise: horticulturists of the Ontario Department of Ag- riculture. Thursday, May | 18, 1961 This year, Mother Nature grant- ed Haileybury High School a bright and sunny day for their Track Meet, and with Principal G. L. Cassidy directing the events from the top of the hill near the school, the Meet began at 1:00 p.m. Fri- day, May 12. The practices held | during the month of. April paid off for many of the students, with the folowing emerging as the first, second and third place winners: Junior Boys -- Hop-Step-Jump, John Horncastle, 34 feet, one inch; Ron Olson, Bill Oslund. ~Broad Jump -- Jack: Groom, 16 feet, 6 inches; John Horncastle, Murray jack. High» Jump -- John Horn- castle, 4 feet, 10 inches. Pole Vault -- John Horncastle, 7 feet; John Nielson.' Shot Put -- Gary Miller, 33 feet, 9 inches; Dave MacVeigh, Ian Thomson, Discus-- Dave MacVeigh, 84 feet,-1 inch; Murray Black, Ian Thomson. 100 yard Dash -- Rory MacDiarmid, Real Pilon, Mike Hammerstrom. 220 yard Dash -- Rory MacDiar- mid, Jack Groom. Junior Girls -- Hop-Step-Jump-- Carolyn Smallman, 25 feet, 7 inch- es; Elaine Edomaa, Sally Macdon- ald. Running Broad Jump -- Caro- lyn Smallman, 12 feet, 9 inches; Sophie Bosch, Elaine Elomaa. High Jump -- Gail McGrath, 4 feet; Joyce Lecky, Joyce Menzies. Sophie -Bosch, Carolyn Smallman. 100 yard Dash -- Saliy Macdonald, Sophie Bosch, Joyce Lecky and Carolyn Smallman, tied for third. Soft Ball Throw -- Carolyn Small- man, 118 feet, 7 inches; Sophie Bosch, Willa Mae Black. Relay Team -- Judy Ruddy, Pat Ward, Linda Cotton, Sally Macdonald. Intermediate Boys -- Hop-Step- Jump -- Robin Helmer, 34 feet, 5 in¢hes; Jack Groom, Denny Her- bert. High Jump -- Tom Neeiands, 5 feet, 3_inches; George Culhane, John Horncastle. Discus -- Chuck Fleming, 84 feet, 4 inches; Philip Perry, Tom Neelands. 100 yard Dash -- Robin Helmer, George Culhane, Dwight Jenkinson. 220 yard Dash -- George Culhane, Carl Neilson. 440 yard Dash -- Dwight Jenkinson, Dennis McCarty. 880 yard Dash -- Denny Herbert, Carl Neilson. Senior Boys -- Hop-Step-Jump, Fern Belanger, 32 feet, four inches; Bob Brown; Rod Doran. Broad Jump Fern Belanger, 16 feet, 2 inches; Dave' Black, -Rod- Doran' High Jump -- George Culhane, 5 feet, 7 inches; Fern Belanger, Ar- thur Lavailee. Pole Vault--- Chuck Fleming and Denny Her- bert, tied with 8 feet, 1.inch; Fern Belanger. Discus -- Dave Black, 106 feet, 3 inches; Philippe Perry, Bob Brown. Shot Put -- Dave Black, 36 feet; Philip Perry, Bob Brown. 100 yard Dash -- Robin Helmer, Dwight Jenkinson, Rod Doran. 220. yard Dash -- Rod Dor- an, Bill Brydge,. Ross Johnston. The Haileyburian 75 yard Dash -- Sally Macdonald, |; Page 3 Haileybury High School Holds a Track Meet 440 yard Dash -- Bob MacDiarmid, Rod Doran. 880 yard Dash -- Bob MacDiarmid, Bob Brown, Fred Cranston. Two mile Open -- Den- nis McCarty, Robert Visser. Senior Girls -- High Jump -- Ann: Cavanagh, 4 feet, 4 inches; Sheila Smallman, Sheila MacFar- lane. Hop-Step-Jump -- Sheila MacFariane, Ann Cavanagh, Broad' Jump' -- Ann Cavanagh, 12 feet, 9 inches; Sheila' Smallman, Sheila MacFarlane. Soft Ball Throw -- Barbara: Humphreys, 126 feet, 6 inches; Sheila MacFarlane, Karen' MacPherson. 75 yard Dash -- Sheila MacFarlane, Pat Cham- pagne, Betty* White, 100 yard Dash -- Sheila MacFarlane, Ann Ex- worth, Pat Champagne. Relay Race--Ann Exworth, Judy Pringle, Janet Camsell, Sophie Bosch. Due to 'ack of time it was im- possible to finish all the events. Those will be finished this week- end. Following last year's example, all participating students were di- vided into four teams, with points given. for each win. Team cap- tains were Bob Brown, whose team emerged the winner; Pat Champagne, Ann avanagh and ern Belanger. The Weather Week ending May 16, 1960. Max. Min, Wednesday. ov. ..te.e-- 59 30 PEN ULSRASL © oe ecnedtit eels hrs » 70 36 PC ey Heart oe 8 eae SS hs 88 29 SatunQayva. aie bai nec. « 85 60 Sundays. S20 cakes orate 50 45 VEOH EY tities cots ovete vlare 80 48 AWS (CECE Ni See Poe 43 33 Coming Events The Tri-Town Division of the Cana- dian Cancer Society are holding a Tea at the Golf Club on Sa- turday, May 27, from 3 to 5 p.m, All proceeds in aid of the Gift Cupbeard for JIocal patients. Everybody welcome. li Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy to be held at Hailey- bury Curling Club Lounge on the evening of May 26. Guest speaker, Mr. J. D. Cumming, Mining Engineer and Author. Re- freshments from 6 to 7 p.m. Ad- mission $2.50 per person. 11,12 Easter Lillies Horticulturists of the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture say that if the bloom is cut off Easter lil- ies after they flower, and the bulbs are planted outdoors when the dan= ger of frost is over, they may bloom again.in the fall and some- times even winter over, if pro- tected. The ice is pretty well off Lake Temiskaming, and airplane pilots are changing from skids to Above, Jack Murphy is shown working on his aircraft, assisted by Donat Morin. pontoons. | | | |