i l ' 2: i, ae ¥ z = a 88 marks, ~ ESTABLISHED 1904 laileyburian-Coba Vol. 57 -- No. 10 ~ Haileybury will Vote On Sunday Movies The right to show Sunday movies in Haileybury will be decided in a plebiscite near the end of the month, it was decided at a meet- ing of town council on May 8. | Oniy a simple majority vote is needed for the acceptance of Sun- day entertainment. Responsibility then lies with the Haileybury Council to draw up _ restrictive times for shows. The request for the, plebiscite was brought to council by Robert Ashford, manager of the Strand Theatre -in Haileybury. According to provincial law the plebiscite must be advertised for three straight weeks before it is brought to a vote. Rev. C. Lapointe, Roman Catho- lic Parish Priest, and Rev. W. Churchill, Penticostal Minister, went on record as opposed to the) move. Rev. Lapointe objected to holding Sunday movies that might interfere with the afternoon mass. In addition he believes mid-night movies are a factor in demoraliz- ing youth. Police Chief Roy Feeley stated in a 'etter to Council that he | would have to spend too much time | in supervising theatre traffic. Ac- | cording to the policeman there | have been numerous complaints | from residents in the area about| noise after the last show. Monthly Meeting Of Cobalt Council Routine matters occupied most} of the Cobalt Council meeting on| Tuesday night. Councillor Duncan | Sopha expressed some concern about the location of the new sub- division. He is afraid that if too many houses are built ciose to Sass Lake, it may lead to pollution of the town's water supply. Mr. Sopha suggested that the town take a look at land close to the townsite: road area. The town of Latchford sent its cheque for $225 in payment of the volunteer fire department's work at the fire which destroyed Burns' motel at Latchford. The council agreed to pay the Community Center Board six month's rent in advance. The CP & T committee was granted permission to hold a tag day on May 27. The by-law increasing water rates by 20 per cent was passed. Haileybury, Ontario, Thursday, May 11, 1961 Should movies be voted in, Chief Feeley requested the performances he restricted to the months between September and May. He felt dur- ing this period, in winter, a Sun- day showing would be most appre- ciated. Mr. Churchill wanted the people to defeat Sunday movies with a liberal dosage of Christian spirit. Mr. Ashford announced he would be in favor of calling off ail but four or five midnight shows fall- ing on holidays, should the plebis- cite support Sunday films. Mayor Arthur H. Cooke em- phasized that council had power only to authorize the plebiscite for films. The 1,000 Haileybury adult voters must decide the outcome. Haileybury Council Meeting Haileybury Town Council held their regular meeting in the Coun- cil Chambers on Monday evening, May 8. A delegation of West Road tax- payers attended to present a re- quest for the installation of sew- ers on Browning Street. Following a discussion, Councillors B. H. Budgeon and Mr. Lavigne were ap- pointed to look into the matter and then call a meeting with the par- ties concerned. The Ontario Hydro Commission were authorized to install a num- ber of new street lights. A' by-law was passed to pro- vide for the holding of a vote on the question on Sunday movies in Haileybury. Authorization was given to the sale of Lot. 16, Plan M-13, Block 1, to Mrs. M. Cerk for the purpose of erecting a bowling alley on Main Street; also two lots to Mr. J. Hali and one to Mrs. J. Char- pentier, both for the purpose of erecting new residences. Accounts were passed in the fol- lowing: amounts: General account, $19,939.91; Water account, $1,617.- 68. The Cobalt ghost went through the ice on May 3, at 8:45 p.m. R. G. Thorburn of Deer Horn Mines won the prize donated by the Cobalt Kiwanis in its Sink The Ghost contest. His guess was May 3, 6:24 p.m. shores. Spring run-off is ruthless as it tears away weakened trees along district river banks and- lake Foster Rice Will Boss Census Foster Rice has been appointed Dominion census-taker in the New Liskeard, Haileybury, Cobalt and Latechford areas of the Temiskam- ing district for the June 1 census. Mr. Rice will set up his base from which all the census-takers under him will cover his district. In all six head census-takers have been appointed to date in Temis- kaming. : The other areas. are Kirkland Lake, under J. R. McDougall, P. Hodgson controls Englehart, Lard- er Lake and Virginiatown. Mathe- son is under the jurisdiction of Mrs. C. Weir and Jim Waterhouse covers Elk Lake, Matachewan and Gowganda. District President Installs Executive COBALT--Mrs. T. Leonard was hostess to the Silver Nugget W.I. for the regular meeting held re- cently, which was attended by nine members and three guests. One of the guests was Mrs. A. Mackey of New Liskeard, District President of the Women's Insti- tute, who was making her Official iVsit to the Silver Nugget W.1., and would also preside over the Installations. The President, Mrs. H. Cooper, called the. meeting to order and asked Mrs. Mackey to take the chair. The following officers were in- Kiwanis Festival Has Successful Year Wednesday's Session Contestants in the Temiskaming Festival of Music at New Lis- keard, which got under way Wed- nesday morning, welcomed two well-known adjudicators, Mr. John Hodgins and Mr. David Ouchter- lony, whose amazing sense of hum- our and kindly constructive com- ments give a sugar coating to any pill of criticism that they find it necessary to prescribe. Adjudication of the Special Piano : Class, any two part, Bach Inven- tion, gave the high score of 85 ~ marks to Mary Prentiss of New Liskeard, with 84 going to both Suzanne Bonhomme and Ciare Brisson of Haileybury. Colleen Mackie of North Bay topped the Canadian Composer Class, nine years and. under, with followed by Frances Whelan of Haileybury with 87 and Holly Hennessy of Haileybury. and Paulette Brazeau of North Bay, tieing for third place with 86. Piano solo, seven years and un- der, Patricia Rivard, Haileybury, 87; Johnny Kemp, New Liskeard, 86. Piano duet, seven years and under, Suzanne Brisson and Carole McLeod, Cobalt, 80; Norman Fry and Billie Mackie, North Bay, 78. Piano soio, nine years and un- der, Barbara Farlinger, New Lis- keard, and Mary Beth Richardson, Englehart, tied with 88 marks; Cathy-Jane Crandell, Haileybury, Mandy Taylor, New Liskeard, and Michele Morissette, Haileybury, tied with 86. Rythm Band, pre-school age (one entry) Holy Cross School, Haileybury, 84; Action Song (one entry) Holy Cross School, Hailey- bury, 86. Urban School Chorus, Grades one and two, New Liskeard Pub- lic School, 82; Hoiy Cross School, Haileybury, 81; Haileybury Pub- lie School, 80. Chorus in French, Grades one to four, Holy Cross School, Hailey- bury, 88; Sacred Heart School, New Liskeard, 82. Urban School Chorus, Grades three and four, New Liskeard Pub- lic School, 84; Holy Cross School, Haileybury, 82; Haileybury Public School, 80. i Urban Schooi Chorus, Grade five to eight (two part) MHaileybury Public School, 88; New Liskeard Public School, 85; Holy Cross School, Haileybury, 82; Cobalt Public School, 75. : Urban School chorus, three part, New Liskeard Public School, 85; Haileybury: Public School,. 75; -Co- balt Public Schooi, 70. Chorus in French, Grades five to eight, Holy Cross School, Hailey- bury, 88; Sacred Heart School, New Liskeard, 86. Sunday School Chorus (one en- try) St. Paul's. Presbyterian Sun- day School, Englehart, 85. Junior Church Choir, St. Paul's Presbyterian,- Englehart, 84; Christ Church, Anglican, Englehart; and St. Paul's United, New Liskeard, tied with 83. Church Chorus, under 16 years, Gregorian Chant, Holy Cross School, Haileybury, 86; St. Pat- rick's School, Cobalt, 78. The Chippewa Secondary School Dance Band from North Bay, de- lighted their audience on Wednes- day evening when the adjudicator gave them a mark of 85. In the small Vocal Ensemble Class, singing "'Holy is the Lord", by Schubert, the New Liskeard En- semble group were highly com- mended by the adjudicator for their rendition of a very difficult composition. They were awarded 84 marks. Singing in the group were Winnie MacDougal, Nola Ross, Elsie Fielder, Carmel Hoyle, Margaret Hawken, Sheila and Helen ITilingworth and Dor- othy. Weston. Vocal Solo, seven years and un- (Continued on Page Six) -- stalled: President, Mrs. H. Coop- er; Ist Vice-President, Mrs. A. St. Laurent; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. H. Beeson, Secretary.-- Treasurer, Mrs. L. Jennings; District Direc- tor, Mrs. P. Wink. Committee Conveners are: Ag- riculture and Canadian Industry, Mrs. G. Othmer; Citizenship and Education, Mrs. H. Beeson; Com- munity Activities and Public Re- lations, Mrs. A. St. Laurent; Bis- torical Research and Current Events, Mrs. J. Yanyk; Home Ec-: onomics and Health, Mrs. D. A, Cole; Auditors, Mrs. A. St. Laur- ent and Mrs. P. Audette Jr. Tickets are now being sold for the End Table and Lamp which are to be drawn for following the Bingo on Thursday, May 18. The auditors report, given by Mrs. St. Laurent, cessful and active 'year. Mrs. Wink and Mrs. St. Laurent were chosen as delegates to at- tend the District. Annuai in New Liskeard on, May 23, Birthday greetings were sung to Mrs. D. Cole and Mrs. F. Mar- cotte, and a cup and saucer was presented to each. "Mrs. G. Tasse donated the gift of the month which was won by Mrs. Cooper. The Weather Week ending May 9. Max. Min, Wednesday «set: ince 50 39 A irsdays resin an earls 54 33 rida tia. on eno aoe - 67 33 Saturday staicse. 2c see 67 33 US Una Vaio ea oes 58 47 MIONG AV oosgie ie ee 66 45 PESO aN. fan. cee ee te 57 48 shows a suc--