a. his is the submarine, now the USS Burrfish, SUBMARINE FOR THE RCN mS: which is to be commissioned into the Royal Canadian Navy at Groton, Conn., May 11 as HMCS Grilse. The submarine will commission with a Canadian crew of seven officers and 72 men and will be commanded by Lt.-Cdr.-Edmund G. Gigg, of North Bay, Ont., and Ottawa. The 1800-ton submarine has been loaned to the RCN under agree- ment between the governments of the United States and Canada. She will be used for training anti- submarine' ships and aircraft in, the Pacific Command. -- U.S. Navy Photo Fish & Game Assoc. Has Cobalt Meeting The low snowfall has created a hazardous_condition in the bush, and sportsmen are being asked to be extra careful this year. _ W. Clarke, District Forester from North Bay, made a plea for maxi- mum caution when he attended the 31st annual meeting of the Temis- kaming Fish and Game Protective Association, which was held in the Cobalt Community Hall last week. An election of officers was held, with Phil Hoffman, MPP, acting as returning officer. G. Short was re-elected as president. Others elected were A. Scully, 1st -vice- president; A.-Green, 2nd vice-pres- ident; C. Barlow, secretary-trea- surer. The executive will consist of W. Sutton, L. Othmer, W. Parcher, R. Carlson, L. Scully, N. Abraham, D. Rolando, C. Walton, A. Seed, Geo. Ninacs, W. MacBrayne, J. Neelands, S. Sullivan, J. Steele. The members of the fish man- agement committee will be M. 'Dufresne, D. Rolando, J. Steele, and A. Green. : J. Gage, fish and wildlife super- visor from North Bay gave a talk - on the fish planting and deer situa- tion in the area. A. Seed complimented the pres- ent game warden, E. Mantle, for the excellent job he is doing, and 'a-motion congratulating Mr. Man- tle was seconded by Mr. Hoffman. W. Fleming expressed the as- sociation's appreciation -of H. Grady, who has been a- valued member for 30 years. There was some _ discussion _ about the old Mission road, and it was agreed to contact the de- 5 : xx KXXXXKXKXAXKK, xX a aS xxx XXX a" x KKK K KKK HKHK KKH KKK KM KK KKK KKH XXXK XXX KAKK KK XK x xx x DON'T PASS UP ~THAT BARGAIN BUY YOUR BOAT NOW WITH A LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED XX XXX XXXX x OX XXX X x x x x x XXX XXX XXKX x THE BANK OF partment of highways to see if this can be kept open during next winter. A. Green reported on the Hunter safety training course held last fall, when 52 students passed their examination. He asked that some of the fathers attend the classes along with the youngsters to help manage them. Another hunter safety training course will be held next fall. A. Seully gave a report on the planting of wild rice in the area, and A. Green reported on the ac- tivities of the fish management committee. The president asked that mem- bers use the new entry forms when entering fish in the annual com- petition. ~ Haileybury Personals Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Doran is Mrs. Doran's mother, Mrs. E. K. Martin of South Porcupine. - Mrs. Hazel Blackman has re-" turned to Haileybury after spend- ing the winter months in Vancou- ver, Texas and Florida. Miss Katie Uren returned home last week-end after spending a three week holiday in Sacramento where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John R. McFarlane, al- so visiting San Francisco and other points. of interest. . The name of Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Adams daughter, Mrs. Nelson Dagenais of Bagotville, was inad- vertently omitted from the list of those who attended Mr. and Mrs. Adams' 50th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Dagenais was accompanied by her children, Chris; Patti and Cathy. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burton and daughter Brenda of Niagara Falls have returned home after visiting Mrs. Burton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bolan. 4 Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Beach, Blackwall St., during the week-end, were their son Robert and Mrs. Beach, their daughter, Mrs. Maurice , Philbert and son Peter, all of North Bay, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bush of New Liskeard. Mrs. John Todd has returned to her home in Burks Falls after spending the past month at the home of her son-in-law and daugh- nae 'NOVA SCOTIA ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hart. North Cobalt Mrs. William Craig of New Lis- keard visited on Sunday at the homes of her sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hunton and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fenton. Mr. and Mrs. Royce Holdsworth of New Liskeard visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Holdsworth's sister, Mrs. M. Connelly, and Mr. Connelly. Z Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perry, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Hu- bert Audette of Cobalt, spent Sun- day in Kirkland Lake visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jackson and family spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Jackson of Dack Town- ship. Mrs. Ray Netherly and son Wayne of North Bay spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. James Warren. Leslie Warren of Toronto spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. James Warren. 'those Thursday, April 27, 1961 R : | . The OVC's regional services are to be -extended by the opening on June 1 of two new veterinary lab- oratories at Brighton and New Liskeard. 'The new branches, together with already established. at Kemptville and Ridgetown,. plus |the facilities available at the OVC itself, will now provide 'animal. disease laboratory service at five widely separated points in On- tario. eae Officials say more regional lab- oratories have become necessary because of the increasing demand on the OVC's technical facilities .jand.the progress in scientific <agri- culture. Diagnoses are made -at the lab- oratories following examinations of specimens provided by local vet- erinarians and not from examina- tion of animals. These techniques cannot be undertaken in the field: Staffed by a veterinary surgeon, a laboratory technician. and sec- retary, regional laboratories are located in buildings housing other agricultural staff and facilities in- cluding soil chemistry labratory; Ontario Agriculture. Department Dairy inspector; agricultural en- gineering; demonstration farm superintendent; household econo- mics director and the two agri- cultural representatives. The Haileyburian Page 5 Extend Veterinary Services Dr. Francis C. Nelson, whe wilt head the New Liskeard. braneh jis no stranger here for he practiced in the community for 15 years aned- is well acquainted with the prob- lems of the livestock industry in the Northern area. A native of Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Dr. Nelson moved to Smithville when he was 14 and attended high school there. Following gradua- tion from the OVC in 1940 he spent a year with the Ontario Research Foundation in Toronto. Be During World War II he sere ed with the 63rd Battery, RCA (now the th . Field Regiment) and saw 'service in France, 'Bel gium, Helland and Germany. He started: practice at New Liskeard after demobilization: , Dr. Richard Julian, now servy- ing at Kemptville, has been ap pointed head of the Brighton branch laboratory. 1 The Film Service of the Cana- dian Red Cross provides. regular showings of current movies for hospitalized veterans in 41 hospi- tals and institutions. More than 100,000 women work as volunteers of the Women's Work Committee of the Canadian Red Cross Society. Orillia Haileybury, Ont. HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR FAMILY MONUMENT For your free copy of Rock of Ages' new fllustrated booklet "How To Choose Your Family Monument"' visit us today. AUTHORIZED DEALER SANDERSON MONUMENT CO. LTD. - Ont. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE T. G. TULLOCH Yaa - \QuES, Phons OSborne 2-5218 New Issue for this undertaking. Issued 2,200,000 shares n.p.v.--$550,000 Keeley-Frontier Mines Limited (Incorporated under the laws of Ontario) Capital Authorized-- 5,000,000 shares n.p.v. --1,255,010 shares n.p.v. Subscription Price--25¢ per share A Speculation in SILVER Keeley-Frontier Mines Limited proposes to undertake an immediate exploration programme in search for silver ores on its mining properties 16 miles south east of Cobalt. The block of 434 acres includes the lands of the former well known silver producers, the "Keeley Mine" and "Frontier Mine", the shaft and workings of which will be used as a means of furthering the underground exploration and development. The present offering is to provide initial funds The shares are being offered for sale in Ontario through Ross, Knowles & Co, Ltd., or any registered securities dealer, to whom the Company will pay a commission of 144¢ per share. The Company may close the offering at any time and may defer allotment of shares until the books are closed and reserves the right to accept or reject any application in whole or in part and in any case to allot a smaller number of shares than those applied for, Prospectus available on request from Ross, Knowles & Co. Ltd. 25 Adelaide St. West Toronto 1 _ or through your broker Chartered Trust Company '64 Wellington St. West Toronto 1