Ontario Community Newspapers

The Haileyburian & Cobalt Weekly Post (1957-1961), 6 Apr 1961, p. 8

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Boe Ne NO AN BR 6 OY BDO) AD AAA AAD 40. Gh 19), OO. 28 Si Si Sh ky E Dy Li a ln ths Ga. a el a ae Ne a, ND ON > EE A aN all iil a a a Le a a al at a Si i ne eat oe eel rahe hi ahs la he TE Ne ea at ti i nl Nag ee ES ree a tte ate ne ae ah ae ee we la I a Ee ts ' . PPL APPA PRPAPLL PP PP PPP PP PPP EPP PO PERL RAR LIE AIA RAAB AAS PERL P LRA PPP PAI ADIL LAID ee ae ee Page 8 The Haileyburian Thursday, April 6, 1961 Car Buyers Ignore |Good Prices af Safely Features **Personally, I don't go for these so-called safety steering wheels. I haven't seen a bad crash yet where the deep-dish wheel hasn't buckled hopelessly." This surprising remark was Made by a driver of above-average intelligence. He led the laughter at his own expense when some one pointed out his "blind spot'. The modern steering wheel is specifi- cally designed to crumple in a crash: Thousands of drivers in a Collision have escaped with bruises ; because the wheel buckled, cush- ;ioning and distributing the force : of impact, when an unyielding or 1 brittle wheel would have inflicted ! severe chest injuries. A crumpled ' wheel in a crashed car is evidence ' of a piece of mechanism that did tits job well. automobile has many d and optional features that } t lly increase the protection | against injury. Literally millions of dollars have been spent by various. automobile manufacturers | in research into the cause of in- juries. And the information ob- tained has been freely exchanged between companies in the public interest, without regard to nor- ons of competition. s spent on safety re- been slow to return rage car owner would rather pay extra chrome, than for some- {hing that might save his life, or 'that of his passengers. ' The crash-with-in-a-crash is the 'main cause of bodily injury in a Bay Fur Sale NORTH BAY -- The March fur auction here by the Ontario Trap- pers' Association's Fur Sales Ser- vice saw sales of $51,252.30 and satisfactory prices generally of- ferred by eleven buyers from Lon- don, England, New York, Mont- real, Toronto, Winnipeg, Sudbury and Parry Sound. Under a new system, it was possible to send out cheques to participating trap- pers whithin two days of the sales according to officials of the On- tario Department of Lands and Forests, who assisted. Top prices paid for choice pelts were: Beaver (from the Nipissing area), $28.50; otter, $38.50; mar- ten, $8; mink, $12.75; muskrat, $1.60; fisher, $35; fox, $5; lynx, $18.50; raccoon, $3.75; weasel, $1.25; squirrel, 15 cents. Total sales included 112 otter, $3,065.25; 403 marten, $1,285.25; 419 mink, $2,359.50; 1,416 muskrat, $951.30; 70_ fisher, $413.75, as well as 63 lynx, 200 weasel; two wolves, 117 squirrels, 38 fox and 52 rac- coons, $1,032.12. The 3,323 beaver sold for $42,145.15. Earlier sales this season brought approximate- ly $83,000 and $133,000. . WANT ADS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Attractive low pric- ed, newly redecorated three bed- room home, in Haileybury. Lovely location, close to Lake and Golf Course. OS 2-3446, Haileybury. 2,3,4,5 FOR SALE -- Large modern house in Haileybury, gas, hot water heat- ed, two bathrooms, full basement with partly completed recreation room. Value $14,000. Selling at $8,500.00. Small down payment. OS 2-3508, Haileybury, or write Box 854, North Bay. 56p. FOR~> SALE -- Small, well built house on Brewster Street, Hailey- Easter visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. McKinnon were their son and daughter-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs, L. McKinnon and baby Lynn of Serpent River, their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brunette, Lee and Jackie Ham- ner and their son-in-law Allan Smith of Sudbury. Mr, Gary David of Orangeville spent Easter week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. David. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith and family and Miss Jackie Barratt of Ottawa visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Slaght and Mr. and Mrs. Ron 'Nickle over the Easter holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Addison Stevens, David and Ronda of Rolphton were Cobalt Personals Mrs. Richards also had their son- in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. H. Knox, Bruce and Blair of North Bay as holiday guests. Mr. A Svekers of Virginiatown was home to spend Easter with his family in 'Cobalt. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Light had as Easter visitors their son Douglas who is. Associate Professor at Queens University, Kingston, and Mrs. Light and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Light and daughters of Mon- treal. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mallett and family went to Ramore to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. McGrath. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Cunning- ham and family of Oshawa and Mr. to- in-car protection. The Ontario Safety League strongly recommends that -these devices should be given budget priority above whitewall tires, chrome strips and two-tone paint jobs. The League's only réservation is the warning that such safety accessor- ies merely help to prevent in- greatly lisions. The best all-round safety Collision. Safety steering wheels, seat belts, padded panels and sun 'visors, safety door locks, all add device is always... a good driver. jury -- they do not prevent col-{ 5043 between 5:00 p.m, and 9:00 p.m, 5p TO RENT TO RENT -- One small furnished apartment. Available now. Phone J. B. E. Proulx, OS 2-3128. tf MOVIES are BETTER THAN EVER Come by Bus to "The Empire" TO RENT -- Heated apartment, downtown Haileybury, equipped with electric stove and refrigera- tor. Apply OS 2-3080, or after hours, OS 2-3631. tf WANTED WANTED -- One 44-40 rifle. Must have good action. Call OS 2-3128. 5 TAKE THE 6:40 FROM COBALT HELP WANTED - FEMALE WANTED -- Girl to live in to NEW LISKEARD EMPIRE THEATRE MI 7-4102 THURS., FRi. & SAT, LAST CHANCE TO SEE! APRIL 6-7-8 Paramount's 2 SHOWS DAILY UNCUT -- INTACT AND AT REGULAR ADMISSION PRICES 'The Ten Commandments" Charlton Heston, Anne Baxter, Yul Brynner and a cast of thousands of other actors Thursday Matinee for School Children Technicolor 1 P.M. & 7:30 P.M. | MON., TUES. & WED. A COMEDY RIOT ERNIE KOVACS & DICK SHAWN "Wake Me When It's Over'. PLUS Adult Entertainment "Bluebeards 10 Honeymoons" George Sanders and Corrine Calvert PLUS A COLORED CARTOON APRIL 10-11-12 help with house work, two small children. OS 2-3690, Haileybury. I MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Sidney Gra- ham deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Sidney Gra- ham, late of the Town of Hailey- bury, in the District of Temiska- ming, Gentleman, who died on or about the 20th day of January, 1961, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the under- signed on or before the 27th day of April, 1961, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. jae this 22nd day of March, DALTON DEAN, Haileybury, Ontario, Executor. Coming Events The Women's Federation of St. Andrew's United Church will hold their Easter Thankoffering meeting on Wednesday, April 12, at 8 p.m. in the church. Mrs. J. Lytle of North Bay will speak and show slides of her trip to Treland. 5 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scalzo of Haileybury wish to announce the engagement of their - daughter, Shirley Ann, to Mr. Robert Bruce Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Clark of Waterloo, Ontario. The wedding to take place on Sat- urday, May 6, 1961, in Holy Cross Church, Haileybury. 5 bury. In excellent conditon, re-|holiday guests of their brother-in-|and Mrs. Len Cunningham and painted inside and out 1960. Oil/law and sister Mr. and Mrs. A,| family of Kirkland Lake were holi- hot water heating. New heavy | Svekers: day visitors with their parents. Mr. duty wiring. Overlooking Lake} Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bond and|and Mrs. M. J. Cunningham and Temiskaming. Early possession.|Stephen of Houghton, Mich., spent} with Mr. and Mrs. J. Damiani. Car space. P.O. Box 585, Hailey-| Easter week with Mrs. Bond's par- Miss Lynn Beeson of Elliot Lake bury or phone (day) OSborne 4-]ents Mr. and Mrs. F. Richards and|is spending the Easter holidays 6561, Sudbury. 45|Mr. Bond's parents Mr.-and Mrs,|} with her grandmother Mrs. E. FOR SALE--House in Haileybury. S. B. Bond in Haileybury. Mr. and| Benner at Mileage 104. Phone 4515, Cobalt. 1tf FOR SALE -- Four bedroom brick home in good condition. Phone OS 2-3058, Haileybury 47tf USED CARS FOR SALE -- '56 Monarch Riche- lieu, verona green, power steering, power brakes, automatic, radio, block heater, 5 new white wall tires. Owner leaving town. MI 7- TODAY, FRI. & SAT. APRIL 6-7-8 FOO «CEL. «ALEK FAONGEOT iy ta KEL: RTD «mn COMPANION FEATURE "MY SISTER EILEEN" TECHNICOLOR COMEDY HIT Starring: Jack Lemmon, Janet Leigh, Betty Garret CHARLES AUGHTON Sensational 665- day pursuit of the killere ship Atlantis: torpedoes across the screen} Se ~ ELEONORA MON., TUES., WED. MELASLO 81 CenTuRTs ox WHO KILLED G70 so starring BERNARD MILES STARTS SUNDAY MIDNIGHT AT 12:10 A.M. es "ADULT ENTERTAINMENT VE AND FAITH THAT MOVED RE ORED AND THE TREACH- ERY THAT ALMOST DESTROYED IT! NIGEL PATRICK-YVONNE MITCHELL MICHAEL CRAIG-PAUL MASSIE APRIL 10-11-12 STARRING ~ JOAN COLLINS RICHARD EGAN DENIS O'DEA é zh: CINEmaScoPE COLOR by DE LUXE COMPANION FEATURE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WHAT VERY PERSONAL SECRET MADE HER A TARGET FOR MURDER? No one will be seated during the last 10 minutes. See it from the beginning but don't tell the = ending. COMING SOON! WATCH FOR THE PLAYDATES! The Franz Lizst Story... "SONG WITHOUT END"

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