\s -Haileyburian-Cobalt Post ESTABLISHED 1904 -- Vol. 56 -- No. 32 Haileybury, Ontario, Thursday, October 13, 1960 COPY "Belle Vallee Brothers Killed in Car Accident Three young men were killed on Highway 11 near Thornloe in a spectacular crash early Tuesday morning. Dead are Francois Boucher, 20, and his brother Maurice, 17, both sons of Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Bou- cher of Belle Vallee. The third man killed was Ulric Gosselin, 19, of Judge. The three young men are re- ported to have been on their way hiome from a wedding reception at Thornloe. The 1950 model car was proceed- ing south down the highway and apparently sideswiped the rear dual wheels on a transport driven by John Richard of Bradford. It then spun directly into the path of another transport driven by James McKnight, 21, of Brad- ford. Both transports are owned by Mel's Express Ltd. of Bradford. McKnight's vehicle smashed in- to the front of the Boucher car, knocking the body off the frame, tearing out the engine and scat- tering debris for.several hundred feet along the highway. Beffer Reception From 30 Ton Tower A 525 foot superstructure now dwarfs the old 332 foot tower on the CFCL-TV property in Timmins. The riggers have completed the tower part of the installation and are now getting ready to accom- plish:a delicate operation, the mov- ing of the 6,000 lb. four-bay anten- nae. This' will be done with the help ofa miniature steel tower that sits atop the new giant one and the antennae will be lifted from one tower 'to. the ether. Mr. 'Ed. Tierney, representative of Microwave, said a few days ago that this would be a night-time operation in order that viewers would not miss any programming. The new tower and transmitter will radiate 100 Kilowatts video power and 50 Kilowatts Audio. It is felt that the signal being strong- er will assure viewers of a clear and more balanced picture. The total weight of the new tow- er with its antennae will exceed 30 tons. It is hoped the operation will be completed, within three weeks. The transport swerved to the right and ran off the highway, turning over on its side in a shal- low ditch. The driver was trapped for more than one hour inside the twisted wreckage before he could be released. The car's occupants were hurl- ed onto the highway, and were killed instantly from multiple in- juries. They were examined at the scene by Dr. G= Scott Wallace of New Liskeard. McKnight was taken to hospital at New Liskeard where he is be- ing treated for shock and minor injuries. = Multiple Crash Crash, bang, crunch, and kluk ... the kluk being when the car hit the boat after three other cars had crashed at the Bass Lake road intersection on highway 11 south of Cobalt last Friday. It all started when a car dri- ven by Gordon MacLaren of Wanaptei was waiting to make a left hand turn. Another car piled into the back of McLaren, forcing his car into the side of a car coming in the opposite direction. Then another car drove down the highway and smashed into the boat that was being towed by the car that hit McLaren. OPP Constable John Rundle and Corporal S: Daley are busy trying to figure it all out. This Heaton: trailer was involved ina Highway accident at the mineanioee -Highway 11 oreaeioaal in which three Temiskaming youths lost their lives. Driver of the transport, James McKnight, was trapped in the cab of this wreck for more than an hour while other transport drivers and garagemen worked to free him. At the hospital he was x-rayed and it was found he had no fractures, but was suffering from shock and a cut cheek. Dr. Scott Wallace attended the injured man. The Weather . Week ending October 11, 1960. Max. Min. Wednesday '42 )....22 ete Ge 45 WUNTESAAY 1 een ional era Ey) BIG ay, gestae Se eee 65 40 - Saturday wei see 63 40 und ayecice. ke tees 65 41 (Monday.n... 22 erp ie 70 36 PIeSd ayer tc eee eee oe ae Mass Murder by Ex-Cobalt Man A man who is well remem- bered in the Cobait area; Alex Ellis, killed his wife and four children, then hung himself last Monday. His eldest daughter, Shirley, 20, is in hospital at Kirkland Lake suffering from head injuries after being beat-~ en on the head with a hammer. Mr. Ellis and his family re- turned to Dane, near Kirkland Lake, last year. They lived for a time in West Cobalt, and then on Galena Street in Cobalt. A miner, Mr. Ellis sometimes used to work in the bar at the Fraser House Hotel. An unemployed miner, he had been commited to the On- tario Hospital at North Bay, just the day before the trag- edy. As it was a voluntary com- mittal, he was allowed to re- main with his family. : Police found his four child- , ren and his wife strangled to, death in the Ellis home at. Dane. Dead are two girls, Gol-- die and Beverley, both aged - six years, and reported to be twins, and two boys, Ricky, - aged two and Terry, aged three years. According to some 'people in Cobalt, the girl Bev--- erley was adopted shortly after 'the birth of Goldie, and there was a difference of one month in their age. Agnico Production To be Maintained As a result of a continuing heavy exploration and development pro- gram, -Agnieo Mines expects that silver - production this--year--willj approach 11959's record output of 2.1 million ozs., it is gathered from J. F,. Paxton, president. Output forthe first eight months of 1960 at this Cobalt area produc- er, totalled 1,152,323 ozs. as com- pared with 1,388,402 ozs. in the corresponding period of 1959. Mine operating profit totalled $195,659. compared to ~$268,087 in the first eight months of 1959. All production is coming from the Christopher and the O'Brien properties where ore developments are continuing favorable. At the Christopher, work is un- der way to establish a level at the 300-ft. horizon to explore the ore potential of the Nos. 14, 15, 16 and 17 vein systems which are producing excellent ore below the 300-ft. horizon, Mine Manager H. E. Cawley reports. A crosscut on ithe 300-ft. . level has been advanced through the Columbus Fault (main structural feature 'at the property) and a number of well fractured veins Chief Roy Feeley. Haileybury. has had its own 'police force since October 1 and last week took delivery of its new police car. Receiving the keys from Rod Armstrong of Armstrong- Motors is Mayor Arthur Cooke, flanked by, Town Clerk Frank Haskett and _ Hailey bury Police carrying interesting silver values have been encountered. The No. 7 vein, which is the main one on the Christopher is continuing to supply the bulk of mill tonnage or about 5,000 tons monthly (the mill handles 7,500 tons monthly). The No.7 is bemg mined mainly from the 400-ft. and 600-ft. levels. New high grade ore has been encountered in the driving of a raise from the 740-ft. or bottom level, to the 650-ft. level. Good- sections of mill grade ore (grade around 20 ozs. per ton or better) have also been obtained and stop- ing is now in progress. A new headframe has been com- pleted and a double drum electric hoist installed at the Christopher No. 2 shaft. This will raise hoist- ing capacity from 100 tons to 200 tons daily. The O'Brien property has been under a heavy exploration pro- (Continued On Page Five) gram for the past year with the result that new sources of ore have been found. Broken ore re- serves have been well maintained, Mr. Cawley reports. All mining at the O'Brien has been confined above the 400-ft. horizon, so far. The unexplored sections of the property are extensive and the ore possibilities of a number of these areas are considered favourable. No -work is being done at the Agaunico property on the shore of Lake Temiskaming. The work- ings however are being kept pump- ed while a re-assessment of the ore possibilities is being done. American Smelting and Refining has assured the Cobalt and Gow- ganda area producers that it would be willing to handle all silver con- centrates at its-East Helena plant in Montana. Potato Pack Of special interest to potato growers in Temiskaming is a general meeting to be held in Englehart Town Hall on Thurs- day, October 20, commencing at 8 p.m. M. P. Bailey, district inspec- tor will outline and discuss the new potato regulations as they apply to proper grading and packing. ' 3