Ontario Community Newspapers

The Haileyburian & Cobalt Weekly Post (1957-1961), 7 Jul 1960, p. 3

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cs pga oo oy < KS to kick up-some dust on the race course last eat of the second race, but the co eS if S horses were Despite the flooded conditions at the beach, the sulkies and their high stepping horses managed Friday. This .action Shot was snapped during the first going too fast to get their names. 'Cobalt -Colenien PS. Graduation Exercises COBALT -- Cobailt-Coleman 'Graduation Exercises were heid at the Public School on Tuesday, June 28, 1960. 'Following the 'singing of 'O Can- ada', Bonnie Maillett played the accompaniment of soft background - music for a very lovely choral Bible reading of Psalm XLVI by Grades seven and eight. Doreen Draper ithen played for the singing of a group of songs selected to show pride in God, School, Town and Country. These were 'This is My Father's World', 'Our School Will Shine To-Night', 'The Cobalt Song', with the aud- fence joining in for 'the choruses and 'O Canada'. Principal D. McGugan introduc- ed H. A. Todd, representaitive of the School Board, who in his ad- dress to the Graduates stressed the importance of remaining in school and completing their edu- cation, thus building a firmer basis their future lives anda better understanding of their fellow mart. _ The presentation of trophies then took place. Laurel Birtch present- éd the-Legion Track and Field Trophy to Mr. McGugan and the School. The Softball Trophy awarded by the Tri-Town Drive- In Theatre was won by the Public School. This was presented to Mr. McGugan by John Reid. The Boy Championship Traek and Field Trophy was awarded ito Paul Sax- ton. « Religious Edu ciation Awards were received by Frances Parcher and Barbara Allingham. Reverend H. L. Witpprecht presented these. ' Marilyn Matthews, with 91%, was awarded the Lion's Club Jane Mathews Memorial Trophy for Grade 7 girls. Allan. McGugan re- ceived the Lion's Proficiency Shield for Grade 7 boys. 'The Fulton Purdy Trophy for the Best All Round Athlete in Boys sports was presented by Mr. Purdy to Laurel Birtch. One of the newer trophies, the R. J. Mil- ler Drophy for Proficiency in Eng- lish was presented by Mr. Miller %0 Doreen Draper who thad 100 in Grammar, 95 in both Spelling and English and 96 in Composition. In presenting his award,. Mr. Miller said that the motivation be- hind |this award is the importance of English.and that English is the keynote to success in life. : ; Cooper, representing the 7.0.0.F. made the presentation of the I.0.0.F. Scholarship and Tro- phy to Paul Saxton. Mrs. Carrie Birtch presented the Rebekah Scholarship and Trophy to Doreen Draper. { "dss Valedictorian Lynda Hous- thanked the Home and School } the encouragement given in . and ¢o-ordinating the work 6f parents and teachers; 'the School Board for building the lovely new school and arranging the educa- tional trips; 'and the parents for the care and patience given them during the school years. A 'special' thanks was given the teachers who through all the ; were always ready with their invaluable help and assur- ance, making this day possible. Lynda ended her address. with "May we never forget the school Motto--C.C.P.S., which stands for Courage; the courage to face the future with a clear mind; Courtesy; countesy in our manners towards |: the Stalff and others, Perseverence; perseverence to do that Math prob- lem over and over again until it is correct, following out the well- known proverb. "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again", and finally Sincerety; sincere in our efforts to do a good job to the eredit of eur school. R. J. Miller, Prineipal of the High School also gave a short ad- dress to the graduating class, be- ginning with a few nostalgic re- membrances of 1926 and this own graduation, going on to tell the graduates the importance of stay- ing in school. He also told them they should try the general course of study for a year or so before specializing. . Graduation certificates were awarded to Carol Pickard, Rennie Purdy, Barbara Allingham, (Hon- ours). Curtis Bwing, Doreen Dra- per, (Honours), James Wilson, John Reid, Paul Saxton, (Hon- ours), iyynda Houston, (Honours), William Ross, Linda Cooper, Latu- rel Birtch, William Pickard, Fran- ces Parcher, (Honours), and Wil- fred Giovanelia. ; Certificates were presented by Miss Lois Jewell, who eight years ago joined the Cobailt-Coleman Public School Staff and had most of this yearsi graduates as pupils, Mrs. Reid and Mr, MeGugan, -- In presenting her certificate to Doreen Draper, Mr. McGugan an- nounced thai Doreen's 97% wais the highest that he hiad ever pass- ed on tto High School. ; After the Graduates received their certificates, Mr. MeGugan gave a italk on 'How to Please A Teacher'. ; He said that the Grade Eight teacher usually takes tthe credit for the Graduates but that each student has a little bit of each teacher ingrained in him. or her. On Joehalf of the Grade Ligtit Students, gifts were presented to Mrs. Réid by William Parker, Mr. Gillan by Linda Cooper, Mrs. Me- Pherson by William Ross and Mer. McGugan by Carol Piekard. At the conchusion of the Gradua- tion Exercises, a buififet .supper was exitended ito the Graduates and Guests by the School Board; cater- ing was done by the Home ani School Association. The Home and School sponsored an evening party for the Grade Eight pupils. : The sable, whose beautiful fur is highly prized, is a marten. It is closely related to the pine marten and has much the same habits. It is found in the forests of north- ern Asia, especially in eastern Si- beria and in Kamehatka. It is about twenty inches long from nose to root of tail and the tail adds aonther seven inches. A single sable skin has-been known to cost more than $2,000. New Uniforms North Cobalt's volunteer Fire « Department took part in the July Ist tournament at Rouyn. Smartly attired in new uni- forms the volunteers put on a good show. Their uniforms were saved for them Wednesday, when an alert ONR employee, Ben Heaslip, rescued them in a heavy dewnpour at the Co- balt station. The bottom of the cardboard box fell out as the express was being unloaded, and the uni- forms were getting a thorough soaking when Mr.-Heaslip de- _ serted his telegraph key to effect a rescue. The volunteers' wives did a little pressing and cleaning, and the uniforms were .as sood as new. Luncheon At Golf Club _ The ladies' section of the Hailey- bury Golf Club are holding a lun- cheon at the Club House'on July 8, at_1 p.m. Following the luncheon -the Qualifying Reund for the Jackson Cup will be played. It is hoped that at least twenty of the playing members will enter this competi- tion. ' NODA Expands (Continued. From Page One) other publicity material to be us: ed in the continuous promotion of Northeastern Ontario through pub- lication of magazine and newspap- er -articles. In addition to undertaking their specific duties of economic stud: ies and publicity work, these two men wilt also be acuve in the or- ganization and administration- of the zones. It is anticipated that af- ter a familiarization period "in the association office one of the new men will live in the northern sec- tion of the region and the other will live inthe western. area. This would make possible a much closer liaison between the Association and its' many members. Thursday, July -7, 1960 Mr. and Mrs. Sam, Hughes, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Hughes and son Gordon, were in North Bay: on Sunday to attend the Air Show, Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Morissette are Mrs. Morissette's sister, Mrs. A. J. Rio- pelle, and daughters Mary-Jo and Betsy of Detroit. William Masales of Port Credit was a recent visitor in town. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Decker are their son Victor Decker of Toronto and their daughter, Mrs. James Bousquet of Virginiatown. Ray de Sousa left Tuesday night for Jamaica on receiving the news that his mother was seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. A, Kobus and children, Linda," Ronald and Snu- san will leave Friday to spend a holiday with relatives in Renfrew and camping at Silver Lake. William Ross of Englehart was a visitor in town on Monday, Mrs. -Y. Remillard has returned to her home in Latchford after being' a patient in Misericordia Hospital. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McDonald on July first were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon King, sons Peter and Roydon, daughter Elizabeth and Mrs. King's mother, Mrs. R. A. Cowell, all of Dunn- ville, Ontario. Mrs. Cowell, form- erly Miss Mabel Gracey, taught in the Ingram school, near Toms- town in the early 1920's. Other guests at the MacDonald home were their nephew, Ronald and. Mrs. Gibbins and children, Laurie, Robert, and Kenneth of Montreal. Misses Mary and Rose Labine, accompanied by their niece, Miss Rose Anne Venne, are leaving this week-end to spend a holiday in Pembroke. Also accompanying | them will be Mrs. Duncan Suth- jerland, who will visit her daugh- ter, Mrs: Don Fawcett and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. F.. Richardson are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Bert Fyfe and Mr. Fyfe, in South Porcupine;. Robert Vachon of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. William' Allan of | North Bay are holidaying with The - Haileyburian- Page 3 Haileybury Personals' Mrs. T. S. Woollings of Englenart and Misses Ruth-Ann and Janie Duncan of Burlington. Mr. Farmer who spent seven weeks in Sunny- brook Hospital undergoing sur- gery, is now convalescing at home. Mrs. Farmer spent a month in Toronte to be near him while he was in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. G. Cassidy On Euronean Tour Brigadier and Mrs. G. L. Cassidy ing 'and will sail from there July 8 for Great Britain. After spending some time with Mrs. they will return to London for sev- eral days before going on to the Continent. Following a short tour through France and Switzerland, they will go to Munich and Heidelberg, en- joy a boat trip down the Rhine to Cologne and then go to Le Havre where they will rent a car and re- trace the route followed by Brigi- dier Cassidy's regiment, The Al- gonquins, during the last war, g0- ing through Northern France, Hol- land, Belgium and Northern Ger- many, They will visit the grave of Mrs, Cassidy's brother, Pilot Officer George Vicary, at the British Cemetery at Cleve, Northern Ger- many, BUCK Special Purchase Mr. and Mrs. Connie Vachon, in Haileybury and at the summer cot- tage at Temagami. Miss Margaret Keith of Toronto is a guest at th home of Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Smith leave Friday for Toronto where they will attend the wedding of their daughter, Mary Suzanne to Mie. P2-Terry. Rev. and Mrs. C.. E. Peacock left Wednesday for a month's holi- day, part of which will be spent in Port Arthur and Heron Bay South. They will then return to Muskoka to visit their daughter; Mrs. George Lang. Rev. D. A. McKerragher was the guest of Mayor and Mrs. A, H. Cooke this week, while enroute to Cochrane to attend the 50th an- niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Kallies and children, Greg and Betty of Oakville are visiting with Mrs. Kallies' mother, Mrs. N. J. Me- Auley. : Mrs. Len Mallinson left last week to spend a holiday in Great Britain and the Continent, Tea hostesses at. the Golf Club for next week will be Mrs. E. W. Kenrick, Mrs. D. Palangio, Mrs. Frank McFarlane and Mrs. Ian MacDiarmid. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Farmer have been Mr. Farmer's sister, _ Tea and Bake Sale PARENTS' A mae re niche [ATION HOLY CROSS SCHOOL SATURDAY, JULY 16, 3 TO 5 P.M. at the home of MRS. D. PELANGIO 509 Georgina Avenue FLORAL ARRANGEMENT CONTEST ~~ 10 CUBIC FOOT Westinghouse REFRIGERATOR with the styling that fits in to look: built in! Doors open 90 degrees. with cabinet width. Full width freezer holds 50 Ibs. Meat. keeper holds 16 lbs. Full width crisper Extra storage on door 3S year protection plan reg. $319.95 -- $199. with trade No down payment Pay- $2.50 weekly 11 foot Westinghouse REFRIGERATOR with all deluxe features reg. $359.00 $239. with trade 22. cubic feet chest type DEEP FREEZER reg. $439.00 Special Purchase $329. BUCK Appliances G Furniture Cobalt" 4685 Haileybury OS 2-3161.. Wew Liskeard MI 7-4080 left for New York Tuesday even- ' Cassidy's | mother at Westward Ho in Devon, |

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