RPSL Nase Haileyburian-Cobalt Post ESTABLISHED 1904 Vol. 56 -- No. 18 Haileybury, Ontario, Thursday, July 7, 1960 5c. CORY Haileybury Beach Open to Swimmers The Haileybury Beach sponsor- ed by ithe Town of Haileybury and governed by the local Recreation Commission officially opened July the first. From this time until the last day in August the Beach will be supervised by one Red Cross instructress and two life guards holding their Red Cross senior swimmer and bronze medallion re- spectively. The hours of supervi- Sion will be from 9:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., seven days a week, Red --Cross swimming classes will be held for beginners, junior, intermediate and senior swimmers. Also, if desired, lessons will 'be taught to swimmers interested in obtaining Bronze 'Medallion or Award of Merit from the Royal Life Saving Society. Artificial respiration will be taught once a week on Wednesday evening from 7:30 :p.m. until 8:30 p.m. No child under 'six years of age will be allowed 'on the beach with- out a parent or someone compe- tent enough to he held responsible for the child's safety. If certain children below the age limit per- sist in coming ito ithe beach, the local police will be called in and the 'child 'taken home. Further, non-swimmers should not attend the beach without a person capable of taking care of them except at the time of their Swimming lesson, Lessons will not be taught to any child who is not six at the beginning of the month of July. Ail adults who are interested in learning to swim have only to Real Crazy As we went press to-day, the Club 66 marathon dance was still going on. Eight couples started dancing at eight o'clock Wednesday night and at ten o'clock this morn- ing two couples were still there. The marathon has resolved into a battie between Cobalt and Liskeard. Howard Evans and his partner Giselle Piette are carrying New Liskeard banner. Pat Slaght ( Junior that is) and Fay Bigelow are jitterbugging like mad for dear old Cobalt. That's right, they're still all jitterbugging, real crazy man, just crazy. contact Cathy Neelands at OS 2- 3238 or at the Beach and times will be arranged at which they may also dearn to swim. We urge all parents to co-oper- ate with us throughout the follow- ing two months of the swimming season. Post Script: Due to the present condition of the beach, swimming lessons will not -begin until a later date. The date will be advertised. Catherine Neelands, Red Cross Instructress North Chambers Planning Festival The Associated Northland Cham- bers of Commerce met in Hailey- bury Hotel on Tuesday evening and received a progress report on the five day Summer Carnival planned for the area at the end of this month. Representatives. were present from' Chambers in Temagami, Co- balt, Haileybury, New. Liskeard and Ville Marie. Elk Lake was not represented at the meeting, but forwarded word that their or- ganization planned to participate in the district Jamboree. Temagami and New Liskeard had advanced. planning for the project, and the other municipali- ties were not lagging far behind. Reports indicate that the program will include spots of interest for all ages and tastes. There will be swing bands for the teenagers, Go-carts and har- ness racing for the sporting types, and fishing for those who like to spend their time on the water. The program will also include the Water Carnival at Temagami, Cobalt's Bass Lake Annual, Elk Lake's Water sports, miners' sports at Cobalt, and a Sports Day at Haileybury. Ville Marie has not yet completed its planning, but the pretty little town on the other side of the lake is noted for its ability to produce a top quality carnival. The committee gave a green light to the erection of .a sign south of North Bay to advertise the district and its attractions. Members of the special com- mittee will meet again next week Two Timmins men were dragged out of this car when it rolled upside down against the wall in j the background. The accident occurred Tuesday evening at the splint factory on Highway 11 south of a Liskeard, N.O.D.A. Expands Many New Members Continued expansion Northeastern Ontario eee Association is predicted by Mayor W. Barr, who is president of the organization. Mr. Barr told the Speaker that fourteen new mem- bers, including seven municipali- ties that have never belonged to the association and seven that have re-joined, have indicated they will support the association this year. It is expected that total mem- bership will reach 49. Assessment fees based on seven cents per capi- ta have been received from 35 members to date. Mr. Barr said that the staff of the Northeastern Ontario Develop- ment Association will be increased by the addition of two men during the next two years. It is planned to engage the first assistant to the General Manager effective April Ist, 1961. The second man would be engaged during the year 1962. Recommendations of the Executive Committee for reorganization of the administrative setup of N.O.- D.A. were 'adopted by unanimous decision of the Board of Directors. In his statement, Mr. Barr stress- ed that the need for economic feas- ibility studies, market analyses and other similar work by the As- sociation, warrants {the 'addition of staff. Plans also call for the engagement of a writer or public relations man to produce feature articles on various aspects of the economy of the region and also (Continued On Page Three) Pro Golfer Dr. G. S. Wallace, chairman of the Nurses' Residence cam- paign announced today that Al Balding, top Canadian Profes- sional Golfer, will play at the Haileybury Golf Course in the_ near future. Proceeds from the exhibition will be used to help the Nurses' Residence Fund. The date of the game will be announced later. a, High School Promoted to Grade X Note (H)--Honours; tional. Black, Murray; Elomaa, Elaine; Hargrave, Lynn; Hough, Paul (H); Houghtling, Earle; Lavallee, Ar- thur; Macdonald, Sally (H); Mc- Carty, Dennis; Olson, Ronald (H)! Perry, Philip; Ross, Bob (H); Sauve, Darlene; Childs, Beverley; Culhane, George (C); Gilkes, Vicki; McFarlane, Sheila; Mahon, Briana (@)-=-Pernsy,. Johns butte Sandra; Kenty, Cheryl; Menzie, Margaret (C); Nielsen, Carl (C); Russell, Wayne (C). Promoted to Grade XI Camsell, Janet; Cranston, (C)--Condi- Fred; "What is probably the youngest group of students studying geology in the province are pictured here at their last session before the summer holidays.. The class comprise some 40 students in grade four of the Cobalt public school. Mining claim inspector Paul Her- miston of Cobalt is giving them basic instruction in geology, with the blessing of the Ontario department of mines. Above, the youngsters are gathered round an outcropping of conglomerates. Ten prizes have been donated by the department to encourage out- standing students. \ Promotions Girard, Michael; Groom, Emmer- son; Groom, Jack (H); Hennessy, Donna (H); Herbert, Dennis (H); Houghtling, Barbara; Jenkinson, Dwight; Lendt, Raymond (C); Macpherson, Karen; Neelands, Thomas; Plaunt, Marion; Thom- son, Ian; Visser, Robert (H); Westlake, Harvey; White, Betty; Wiseman, William (C). Promoted to Grade XII Black, David; Champagne, Pa- tricia; Doran, Rodney (French); Gibson, Judy; Grozelle, Robert (French); St. Cyr, Real; Mikkola, John (H); Humphreys, Barbara; Johnson, Ross; MelIntyre, James; Smallman, Sheila (French, Latin); Belanger, Fern (Physics); Cavan- agh, Anne; Carter, Freeman (His- tory); Todd, Herbert (Geometry); Willard, Gail (History). Secondary School Graduation Diploma 'Camsell, Barbara 5 options (Sci- ence, Maths, Latin, French, Mus- ic), Carlson, Carol 3 options (Latin, French, Science). Mahon,' George 3 options (Mathe- matics, Science, French). Olson, Anne 4 options (Mathema- tics, Science, French, Latin). Pelangio, Carolyn 4 _ options (Mathematics, Science, French, Latin). St. Louis, Erna 4 options (Mathe- matics, Science, French, Latin). Brown, Robert 4 options (Mathe- matics, Science, Latin, French). Grozelle, Lynda 3 options (Sci- ence, Latin, French). MacDiarmid, "Robert 3 options (Mathematics, Science French). Stevenson, ~ Judy 3 options (Mathematies, Science, French). Whitby, Sally (Honours) 4 op- tions (Mathematics, Science, French, Latin). Watson, Wayne 3 options (Mathe- matics, Science, French). (Abraham, Norma (History Il-- all other papers passed).