eet eas rE St ee eT THE HAJLEYBURIAN and COBALT WEEKLY POST _ Page Five THURS., OCTOBER 17th, 1957 Across the Kitchen Table ; By Mrs. Mac. aeeeoseeee nese Do you ever stop to consider our widening horizons? Fifty years ago, we saw and knew only our own little horizons family, the occasional neighbor and letters from relatives, out in "the front" as southern Ontaric was called. As the years passed on, the silent movies came, then the "talking pictures," ridiculed at times because the words and actions did not always match Railway travel superseded the famous old Meteor, then cars buses and airplanes. Phono- graphs came to provide music followed by radio, and now tele- vision brings music and people music this side of Heaven," or when I step into a car and in the course of six or seyen hours meet friends living several hun- dred miles away, then I am sure thing "«* progress is a wonderful . e ius , al that is called singing, the mono- 4% just ERG soc" tonous "thump, bang, pound," 3 ene that passes for music and Growing old can_ be such a "sends" so many people, (there wonderful thing if you don? are times when I could wish brood about it or keep saying that it would* send some of Oh, I'm getting too old to gx them much farther,) or watch- nee there, or do certain ing the pointless antics of some t™Ngs - ties of the performers, I sometimes Personally, I haven't time t wonder if it is really progress worry over getting old, there or if it is something that we are so many things I want to do would be much better off with- and seé while I'm still on earth out. Then again, listening now, to that program of sacred music called "Eventide," or to Bing Crosby singing "Holy Night," or "White Christmas," or in a gayer mood, to Don Mes- as | am that if I don't keep moving mighty fast I'll never get there If you are interested in life, and people, you don't realize that the years are passing by until ene day a grandson, whom you still imagine as running around in rompers, looks down from into our' living rooms. ser and his Islanders, or Guy ceyeral inches above your head Listening to the caterwauling Lombardo with the "sweetest and says, "Hi, Shorty". Then _ - ---- = when you see the love in his eyes, you realize just how lucky Abie Says... A-Hunting we will go! And if we are to go a. hunting, we must have clothes to suit the occasion, so come in and see our array of hunting wear. Ask for what you want, we'll have it. See our line of 1.--"Hunter" rubbers, reversible parkas in Khaki, lined with red as gay as any John Peel ever wore, reversible caps to match; wool shirts, gloves, heavy socks, etc., etc. 2--Only two months and one week till Christmas! Luggage from Langmuirs would make a nice gift for a special lady; new dresses for ladies have just arrived in wools, wool and cottons, dacrons, orlons and tweed mix- tures. 3.--Got a baby in your home. See our snowsuits for tiny tots, in "Nylorama" in soft rose, and in yellow with a flowered yoke; felt toys; children's French spun Zepher sweaters in shrimp and pale green; a little girl's pleated skirt with a jumper bib, in natural beige worn over a red sweater, ABRAHAM'S you are and you thank God that the years ARE passing by. And along these lines, I read a little article recently that sounded so good to me that 1 am going to pass it along for my readers, "What is more infuriating than the shapeless clothes sup- posed to be the thing for 'old ladies, is the patronizing way people talk about them. I simply can't stand this 'our old people' what are we going to do with our old folk?' kind of chatter, as it people over seventy were a different species. Everyone wil) be over seventy ii they live long enough. As for the over sixties nonsense, thousands of women between sixty and sixty-five are at their peak, either holding down a job, putting in about sixty hours a week on councils or committees or running a house with grandchildren runn- ing in and out--the heart and $29,000 REWARD The Royal Bank of Canada Branch at Blind River, Ontario, was entered October 9 and 'the Manager shot dead. The Royal Bank offers a reward of $25,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person orpersons responsible for the death of the Manager. The Bank reserves the right to approve or reject any claim to the reward, and if more than one claim is approved, to divide the reward between persons whose claims are ap- proved by it, in such proportions as it may decide. Claims for rewards must be in writing, and received by the General Manager of the Bank within one month after the conviction. center of their family....Many women only get the chance to enjoy themselves aiter they're seventy. They've always been fussing about other people en- joying themselves before." STORK SHOWER HELD FOR MRS. E. F. GECK Mrs. Stanley Miller and Mrs. Don White were co-hostesses at! a Stork Shower, held at Mrs. Miller's home, on Monday night in honor of Mrs, E, F. Geck. Bingo was the entertainment of the evening, and after the Bingo a pram which had pre- viously been decorated, was piled with gifts and wheeled in and presented to Mrs. Geck. She graciously thanked them al for their thoughtfulness and _ kind- ness to her and for the njce party. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. White then served a delicious lunch. Those present were Mrs. E, F. Ontario Northland Railway NOTICE CHANGE OF TIMETABLE EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1957 Change in Service will be as follows: Train No, 53--Ly. Noranda 6:00 p.m. Daily except Sat. Ar. Swastika 8:10 p.m. Daily excepf Sat. No. 153--Formerly operated Porquois to Cochrane Sunday only. This service now withdrawn Train Train-No, 155--Formerly operated Porquois to Timmins Saturday only. This service now withdrawn Train No, 156--Formerly operated-Timmins to Porquois Sunday only. This service now withdrawn. Ly. Cochrane 9:30 a.m. Mon., Wed., & Fri. Ar. Moosonee 4:10 p.m, Mon., Wed., & Fri. Ly, Moosonee 8:00 a.m. Tue., Thur., & Sat Ar. Cochrane 3:00 p.m. Tue., Thur. & Sat BUS SERVICE Bus Service between North Bay and Timmins will be ad- vanced one hour and will operate as follows. Train No. 221 Train No. 221- Geck, guest of honor Mrs, E. C. Geck, Mrs. H. Buckler and her mother Mrs. Hadley from Lon- don, England; Mrs. Jack Mat- hews, Mrs. Devon MacKay, Mrs. A. Menzie, Mrs. L. Othmer Mrs. Ted White Mrs, M. Ost- man and the hostesses Mrs S Miller and Mrs. D. White. MRS. M. TRESIDDER HEADS BONNIE DOON The meeting of the Daughters of Scotland Bonnie Doon Camp No. 20, was held Friday evenine i nthe 1.0:0.F. Hall at 8 p.m. Mrs. P. Wink chaired the meet-, ing. Eight past presidents were welcomed. Mrs. Cahill Recording secretary read the minutes. The financial reports were given by Mrs, L. Steele. A gift donated by Mrs, D vThorne was won by Mrs. Bol MacArthur. The election of Of- ficers were Mrs. Muriel Tresid- der President; Mrs. H. Smith Ist vice president; Mrs, S. Mal} as . net lett 2nd vice; Chaplain, Mrs Ly. North Bay--11:20 a.m. daily--Ar. Timmins 7:50 p.m. CAH Wieschei, Wied is Miele: : Daily Arthur; Mrs. R. Smallman; as- Ly, Timmins-- 7:40 a.m. daily--Ar. North Bay 3:23 p.m. sistant Marshall; Finincial sec Daily retary Mrs. H. Fleming; Trea- Bus Service between Cochrane and Timmins will be oper- surer Mrs. I. Tresidder. ated as follows: Recoding secretary is __ still Ly. Cochrane--10.00 a.m. daily--Ar. Timmins 12:50 p.m. Daily Ly. Cochrane-- 6:00 p.m, Sat only--Ar. Timmins 8:46 p.m. Sat. only Ly. Timmins--3:15 p.m. daily ex. Sat--Ar, Cochrane. wees 6:05 p.m. Daily ex. Sat. Ly. Timmins--2:45 p.m. Sat. only--Ar. Cochrane 5:30 p.m.. Sat. only Ly. Timmins--8:50 p.m. Sat only--Ar. Cochrane 11:35 p.m. Sat. only For further particuars, apply to your Local Agent R. P. C, McLeod H. H. Philips Traffic Manager Gen. Freight & Pass, Agent -32-1c open as also assistant recording secretary and outside Guard is still open. Inside Guard is Mrs M. Whorley Haileybury: These officers will be installed when the Grand Camp Officers come from Toronto on October 19. The banquet will be held at 6 p.m., fourteen of the Grand Camp Officers are expected to be here for this banquet. They will install at Timmins Kirkland Lake and Cobalt Camp The meeting closed in form and Mrs. S. Tresidder and her com- 1 mittee served lunch, LADIES HYDRO CLUB The Cobalt Hydro ladies club held their October meeting at the home of Mrs. G. Romano fourteen members and one visit- or Mrs. E. Carlin were wel- comed. Mrs, G. Romano chaired the meeting. It was decided to send letters to any new Hydro Ladies in this vicinity, inviting them to the meetings of the club. Mrs. Larocque substituted for the secretary Mrs. G. Lott who was unable to attend. Mrs. M. MacDougall treasurer gave het report. The ladies were remind- ed about the Bazaar and it is to be held at the next meeting. They were reminded "to bring articles or: make donations. Plans were discussed for the Children's Christmas party. A weiner roast will be held at the Notch on October 18, and all Hydro employees in the area will be welcome. The ladies worked on a quilt which they hope will be finished before the next meeting. They plan to have a draw for this at the bazaar. The club prize was won by Mrs. A. Strong, Mrs. K. Reidy Mrs. C. Budan and Mrs. B. Rice were on the refreshment com- mittee and they then served lunch, COBALT C.G.LT. PLAN SATURDAY HIKE The CGT. held their lar meeting at the back United church, October 10. regu of the The meeting opened with the Heather Cameron moved thaé C.G.I.T. punpose and Hymn. Mrs the meeting be adjourned. H. Todd leader of the group The girls then addressed en- read from the Bible. The min- velopes for Rev. Wipprecht. The utes were read by the secretary meeting closed with Taps and Sharon Menzie Roll Call was the Mizaph Benediction. responded to by seven members _--__ present. The treasurer then gave In 1956 there were 600 cases her report. of all types of poliomyelitis re4 It was reported that the girls ported in Canada, compared to had sent cards to Trinidad. Also 1,020 cases in and 8878 plans were made to have a hike cases in 1'53, the all-time high. on Saturday, leaving the church tT at 10.30 am., to go to the Ski Tow. 1955 Want Ads. Bring Results! cb Temiskaming Construction Limited ENGINEERS Design, Construction, Mine Development, Operation Electrical and Mechanical Installations a) HEAD OFFICE P.O. Box 459 Haileybury,Ont. Telephone 517 ONTARIO NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT Licensing District Number 14 TAKE NOTICE that the An nual. Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario for Licensing District Number 14 comprising the Districts of Nip- issing, Temiskaming and Coch- rane will be held at Municipal Buildings, in the Townsite oi Kirkland Lake in the District of Temiskaming on Friday the 15th day of November, 1957 commencing at the hour of I( o'clock in the forenoon at which time it will hear and determina applications for the renewal of licences in accordance with The Liquor Licence Act, and Regul ations thereunder. AND FURTHER NOTICE that any dent in the said licensing district objecting to any such apfplicat ion shall file his grounds of ob jection in writing with the De puty Registrar at least ten days before the meeting Bruce Williams, 0.( Deputy Registrar 62 Government Road West, Kirkland Lake Ontario 32-1 TAK ki person fesi TORONTO 2 hrs, 30 mins. MONTREAL 4 Hrs, VAL D"OR hr. 20 mins. Rouyn/Noranda 35 mins. OTTAWA 3 hrs. Connections in Toronto for U,S, Cities and Western Canada, Connections in Montreal Newfoundland for Maritimes © See your Travel Agent or call TCA Office, Phone Earlton 48. Earlton Airport =v For all your travel requirements, contact NIXON, BEGG & HUTCHINSON TRAVEL AGENTS Box 940 New Liskeard Phone 322 Lidia j Vp White Rose Service Station Limited Phone 404 Haileybury, Ont. Ferguson Ave.