Ontario Community Newspapers

The Haileyburian & Cobalt Weekly Post (1957-1961), 26 Sep 1957, p. 5

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THURS., SEPT, 26th, 1957 THE HAILEYBURIAN ond COBALT WEEKLY POST Plan For Years Work COBALT BOWLING NEWS Ladies' League Schedule ne oh 5 - Page Five 29 Guides Attend Cobalt Meeting for nursing care. In August there were 254 visits and 66 of them for nursing care. Mrs. Duncan adjourned the meeting. Mrs. R. Clattenburg read an in- spiring poem. Lieut. Linder closed the meet- ing with prayer. A social hour | Friendship Circle First Session foltc ' : ollowed and featured a_ short icon, dept. loth--/.uy pm. -- Simpson-Sears vs. Diamond "W" j ; HOME LEAGUE MEETS farewell party for Mrs. E. i ip Ci 4 yWU p.m. -- Cobalt 'laxi ys. Lhelma's Salon The first Company of Girl Ss la a a The Friendship Circle of the Rees ee py EEE Se cenGe Cae PREP inet at the HS Sylvester, who is leaving shortly WnitedsGhurchyewhich was! form-- | Gaui Eh aire Fae Web citen ere THE RTOe 2 Hall = Bria he ne eed Mrs. John McAskill was host- to take up residence in Ban- erly the Evening Auxiliary Of, si Sept. 2Ist--/.uwv p.m. -- Hydro vs. Lapane's Seer ner Moe Te , Gi tl ess to the Salvation Army Home croft with her husband who has the Women's Association, start- y.WU pm, -- Buifams ys, Teenagers : et ae stale a8 jovanella Leagues meeting on Wednesday been there for the past year. ed_the Falls activities with a =, dept. 23rd--u pan. -- Jolly Sevens ys. St. Mary's Hospital a Re, assisted by Company evening. Lieut. Linder of the Mrs. Sylvester has-been a very Pei bree < Seat theaManse yUU p.m. -- Butiams vs. The Jens Leader Janet Brydges. Newaineheard. (GC 5 fs ae ae 2 ot Lucky Supper, ? iunurs., Sept. Zoth--/.vU p.m. -- Lapane's vs. Jolly Sevens ' Aer, P Sag NS EE Soe orps was wel- faithful member of the League. » dep p ) Jolly The organization of the Girl oft September 17. " WJ p.m. -- Simpson-Sears vs. Teenagers : Guide C. § aster comed as a guest, Lunch was served and Mrs. Syl- | The -programme _committee >«t, Sept. ee ome = Poe Le ee St Rie oe aa ee eee es Hymns were sung during the vester was presented with a | was Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. McGugan, Mon., Sept. 2Uin---/.UU p.m, -- Thelma's Salon vs. Legionettes hich court of h ill b worship service which was open- lovely iSoa of sheets and ie a | : t 's Sal w <a court of honor will be . se es ' ba SF 2 es Ae 8 and Mrs. Clattenburg. A new y.WU p.m, -- Silver City Grocery vs. Hydro held. The : 4 with © DY Prayer and the reading of pairs of bath towels for which member was welcomed Mrs. 'thurs. Oct. srd--/.W p.m. -- Deadeyes vs. Lapane's ee HR ates epee walt the 12lst Psalm by Mrs, F, she thanked all the members for Shirley Le Baron Mrs, C. Cam- 4.00 p.m. -- Legionettes vs- Teenagers a fame tollowed by registrations Clattenburg. Mrs. McAskill del- their kindness to her. | eron the president was in the dat., Oct. Sth--/.u0 p.m. -- Hydro vs. St. Mary's Hospi twenty-nine girls registered. ~ ivered the Pfewaare entitled noe ee chair and the committee con- rts ey cee Saar nets Sone ante Haro! leaders were chosen. «What are you doing with your From Hebrew wit the maxim NAS . wLon., Oct. 7th--7.00 p.m. Thelma's Salon vs. Jolly Sevens new camp songs learned dur mk j = : ' ducted a short worship service. . we p.m. -- Silver City Grocery vs. Simpson-Sears 1° 0) ° Leet Z eae life", Mrs. Dick Morin read an sprung "Though feet should slip, .uurs., ct. 10th--7.00 p.m, -- Cobalt Taxi vs. The Jens 3 7 ti OE i " er let the to eo Hymns MiSES Fue a ae 9.00 p.m. -- Thelmas Salon vs. Hydro song. Amusing skits were pre- aruel Ae ittle Things andy ee ': one ee prayers were of ered Yeas oaty Oct. 12th--7.00 p.m. -- Silver City Grocery vs. Buffams sented and a farewell song was Melon ea a ee Clattenburg. The Bible reading een 9.00 p.m. -- The Jens vs. Jolly Sevens sung for Miss Janet Brydges a was by Mrs. C, Dunn and Mrs. Mon., ct. 14th--/.U0 p.m. -- Simpson-Sears_vs. Lapane's GaeGord G aH " y * 9.00 p.m. -- Cobalt Taxi vs. Teenagers ise wide who left for McGugan gave a reading. Vhurs., Oct. 17th--7.00 p.m, -- Deadeyes vs. St. Mary's Hospital her new home in Toronto on < In the absence of the secretary 9.00 p.m. -- Diamond "W" ys. Legionettes Tuesday after the meeting. The Mrs. Menzie, Mrs. W. Fleming 5at., Oct. 19th--7.00 p.m. -- Legionettes ys. St. Mary's Hospital meeting closed with Taps. was asked to take her place for 9.00 p.m- -- Diamond "W" vs. Hydro | , = T Mon., Oct, 2lst--/.00 p.m. -- Thelma's Salon ys. Buffams | ee evening, 4 ee et "Call Boe 9.00 p.m. -- Silver City Grocery vs. Jolly Sevens 'Explorers Meet ers answere c 0. ail. --Lnurs., ct. 24th--7.00 p.m. -- Simpson-Sears vs. The' Jens ' : } The group decided to cater for 9.00 p.m. -- Cobalt Taxi vs. Lapane's ae sehen Ls ea | an October wedding. The trea- ~* Oct, 26t1--/00 p.m. -- Deadeyes vs. Teenagers Ie & nite urch on F M Math a h 9.0 p.m. -- Cobalt Taxi vs. Silver City Grocery Tuesday -- afternoon, Mrs. H. ee : as J. ant pet aes 5 © «sion, Ort egterene pte We Vs. sao Stanley is chief counsellor to inancial report which showed a 9.00 p. m, -- Legionettes vs. ~Lapane's this group and was in charge ood cash balance. The card sec- 'iurs. Oct, 3tsi- -7.00 p.m. -- Hydro vs, Teenagers 2 ~ : ge. Fa Mrs. Brown reported y.L0 p.m. -- Buffams vs. St. Mary's Hospital They elected a slate of officers | H h: db sick tl Nov. «nd--7.00 p.m. -- Diamond "W" ys. Jolly Sevens for the group as follows: Lynda | that cards had been sent to sic 9.00 pm. -- Simpson-Sears vs. Thelma's Salon Houston was named chief Ex- | members and bereaved people Mon, Noy, 4th--7.06 p.m. -- Diamond ae vs. ern agets pate eed plorer, Barbara Allingham As- | The visiting committee report- 9.00 p.m. -- Silver City Grocery ys. St. Mary's Hospital octont chief Expl 3k 1 5 le sera ae TaRevE. i xplorer;- keeper ed fea were ee sha OTE A a ae Pi eee eee Sane anaes of the log, Sharon Hayes, Mari- HAILEYBURY ARMOURIES ins and one visit to Mrs. Art Sat. Nov. 9th--7.00 p.m. -- Thelma's Salon vs. Lapane's lyn Mathews keepe hel | : A : D : Poe OT uals Wilcox who is at present in 9.00 p.m- -- The Jens vs. Hydro treasurer chest; the only change | Misericordia hospital. Mon. Nov. 11th--7.00 p.m. -- Deadeyes vs. yey Sevens from last year being that ayn | The committee suggested that thurs. Nov. Nate sta ea ae tea ae Gopal Taxi Houston replaces e Sue Ellen +] a | the members be divided into ; 9.00 Auth -- Legionettes vs. Hydro Jackson and Sue Ellen graduat- | groups of twelve to work on Sat. Nov me p.m. -- Deadeves vs. ene Salon ed into the C.G.LT. ie hist i i je .00 p.m. -- Buffams vs. Jolly Sevens : ¥ | Metre les Mrs. a Scully Mon. Nov. 18th--7.00 pm. -- Diamond "W" vs, Silver City Grocery ~ nar the holidays, F 3 FIRST TIME IN HAILEYBURY ; GAN fC eh selling 9.00 p.m. -- Teenagers vs. St. Mary's Hospital he first verse of the Ex- Christmas Cards, gifts, and Thurs. Nov. 2lst--7.00 p.m. -- Thelma's Salon vs. St. Mary's Hospital plorers Hymn "Children who wrappings for the Women's 9,00. p.m, --- Diamond "W" vs. Lapane's ~ walk in Jesus way" was sung. MAIN EVENT Missionary Society and she said Sat, Nov. epee oe er Bee oes coe even Judy Reise read from the Bible she would appreciate orders Mon., Nov. 25th--7.00 p.m, -- Silver City Grocery vs. Legionettes Mrs Stanley read a story "learn- from the members of the Friend 9.00 p.m. -- The Jens vs. Teenagers - ing not to covet". Take time to 6 Man I ag Match ship Circle o rany of the church Thurs., Noy. ga pm. -- SSUEESOR Dears a aisire be Holy was sung and the wor- 6 p.m, -- Legionettes vs. Buifams . é fe ag fe USTED HO peared them. Sat. Nov. J0th--7.00 p.m. -- Simpson-Sears vs. St. Mary's Hospital ship period closed with repeat- 3 AGAINST 3 Mrs. L. Cassidy announced 9,00 p.m, -- Thelma's Salon vs. Silver City Grocery 18 the Lord's prayer, The girls 60 MINUTES -- 2 OUT OF 3 FALLS that her group -would hold a Mon, Dec. Za 70) p.m. -- Lapane's_ vs, Teenagers ee the study period learning Rummage Sale in the old Post' 9.00 p.m. -- Cobalt- Taxi vs. Deadeyes the Explorers Motto, Purpose . Thurs, Dec. Sth--7, .m, -- . Joll yens 46 , ' Office on the square on Sept- _ ss ec 7-00 Pa. = Hydro vs Jolly Sevens ie and Prayer. he nee. closed GEORGEOUS GEORGE GRANT, ember 28, contributions may be Sat. Dec. 7th--7.00 p.m. -- Teenagers vs. Jolly Sevens with another verse of the Ex- Manager THOMAS CLARK & FERENZ SISKSAY placed in a~ container just out- "i A os 9.00 p.m, -- Tepes vs. ygro is é plorers Hymn. side. th rit on., ec. 9th--7.00 p.m. -- The Jens vs. St- Mary's Hospita ee eee ee S poe Oar Ale bs ; 9.00 p.m. -- Diamond "W" vs. Thelma's Salon V.0O.N. WELCOME NURSE Ys. ielie ce marten eee cee eer eg he Moae 5 Silver City Grocery, ve, Tapane's ; LEN ROSSI, ROBERT BOYER & JOHN WALKER 2 9.00 p.m. -- Simpson-Sears vs. Buffams : " Members were reminded- of Sat., Dec. 14th--7.00 p.m. -- Cobalt Taxi vs. Legionettes The Cobalt-Coleman Branch Bazaarand Produce Fable ah ; 9.00 p.m. -- Jolly Sevens vs. Cobalt Taxi of the V.O.N. held its regular aia NWerse Il hold j : Mon., Dec. 16th--7.00 p.m. -- Silver City Grocery vs. The Jens monthly meeting in the Public PRELIMINARIES } e W.A. will hold in the Com- 9.00 p.m. -- Cobalt Taxi vs. Hydro Schgol on Monday night, Mrs. T munity Hall October 25. Thurs-, Dec. 19th--7.00 p.m. -- Thelma's palon vs. Teenagers Duncan dighre ze Sat. Sia ease 20 MINUTES OR 1 FALL Ee wife Mrs. Whi- 9.00 pm. -- Diamond "W" vs. St. Mary's Hospital thel aie VON. ee : pprecht asked for volunteers to 'NEW YEAR'S RECESS Mari 5 ; «aly address envelopes for letters and Gag VE are. Wat officially GEORGEOUS GEORGE vs LEN ROSSI statements, that have to be sent Thurs» Jan. 2nd'-7.00 pm. -- Deadeyes vs. Legionettes hee cage, DONE oan THOMAS CLARK vs ROBERT BOYER Lg 2 at i p-m. -- Lapane"s vs. Butfams é ers. vs ne members of the Congregation sat. Jan. 4th--7.00 p.m. -- Simpson-Sears vs. Deadeyes The secretary Mrs. E. Geck rom time to time. Mrs. T. 9.00 p.m, -- Legionettes vs. Jolly Sevens * ges ; a Welch, Mrs. R. Patriquin, Mrs, Mon, Jan. 6th--7.00 pm. -- Diamond "W" vs. Cobalt Taxi read ae minutes, and the trea- FERENZ SISKSAY vs ROBERT BOYER T Dundee Nes ak Oe 'Si. Oden ciydroms Baran surer Mrs. M. Ostman gave the Sak Mite Sieritse fe ae Pies Thurs. Jan. $th--7.00 p.m. -- Silver City Grocery vs. Teenagers financial 'report. Miss Kossow- serviecgy my Ofleted tact aa tenet BS = petes St Mapys Hosptial ska teported 180 home visits | RINGSIDE $190 GENERAL 75 CHILDREN 3¢ < pat., an. asa mn. ---- 5 Bisa i ~ As a fund raising project a Oi) gam. Ge IRI eaTe, GR, Ree ee Os ae EAS STUDENTS 50c (Student must present card) "Penny Grab" will be conducted : 232 viet Lae total of 3 e "92 visits were made i J _ with Mrs. 5 os n_ june SPONSORED BY HAILEYBURY ROTARY CLUB Patriquin Seen. ae oe Men's League Schedule a pended nO for Health "a ctions 2 si 5 A optgs * a to es One team will _ First Session canes Sand 72 for nursing - Don't Miss This Star Studded Exhibition of Skill collect 1947 pennies and the paler -Th +s 5 " Tues., Sept. 17th--7.00 p.m. -- Legionaires 'vs. Lucky Seven ere were 245 visits j : other 1950 pennies and at the ; 9.60 p.m. -- Cobalt Con. ys. Portage Bay Lodge 181 for health eugteuction'| ae on of the year the money will Fri, -- Sep:. 20th--7.00 pan. -- Hadexbity caiee geo Back Mine ss an be given to the Treasurer. The 9.00 p.m. -- Canadians vs. Hydro Operators = = = See ee RET = 2 winning team will be entertain. Tues» Sept. 24th--7.00 p.m. -- Haileybury Garage vs. Hydro Operators ail ves a é ~ 9.00 p.m. -- O'Brien Mine vs. Canadians aa anquet ry the losers. Fri., Sept. 27th--7.00 p.m. -- Lucky Seven vs. Portage Bay Lodge ----_--_------------ eee aie Seer Ee closed with the 9.00 p.m. -- Legionaires vs. Cobalt Consolidated. | izpa enediction and re- Tues. Oct. Ist--7.00 p.m. -- Portage Bay Lodge vs. O'Brien Mine ae ° 4.00 p.m. -- Legionaires vs. Hydro Operators pecans: nat were left. over Fri., Oct. 4th--7.00 p.m. -- Cobalt Consolidated"vs. Canadians Si eee uck Serene were 9.00 p.m. -- Lucky Seven vs Hatley bac Caeee. ° | served wi a cup ot tea. Tues., Oct. &th--7-00 p.m. -- Cobalt Consolidated vs. Haileybury Garage ----_----_------. 1 : 9.00 p.m. -- Canadians vs- Lucky Seven DINNER PARTY Fri., Oct. 11th--7.00 p.m. -- Legionaires vs. O'Brien Mine ° | i : 9.00 p.m. -- Portage Bay Lodge vs. Hydro Operators 2 . *Tues., Oct. 15th--7.00 p.m. -- Legionaires vs. Canadians | i farewell dinner party was : 7.00 p.m. -- Cobalt Consolidated vs. Hydro Operators | held at the Haileybury Gofl Club Fri., Oct. 18th--9.00 p.m. -- Portage Bay Lodge vs Haileybury Garage || in honor of Mrs. James Parsons Roses a p.m. -- rey BeeD vs. gunn Aine : who is leavi . Tues., et. 22nd--7.00 p.m. -- Lucky Seven vs. Cobalt Consolidated | t wees js Sas hg end of this 9.00 p.m. -- O'Brien Mine vs. Hydro Operators | Bratinien er new residence in Fri., Gct. ea p.m. -- Tepisnaites be Portage Bay Lodge I id . .00 p.m, -- Haileybury Garage vs. Canadians {|| Mrs. A. J. Brown was hostess Tues. Oct. 29th--7.00 p.m. -- Portage Bay Lodge vs. Canadians Hi a totic aoe BCG andy lav loan = Tucks Sees US eee A "CORPORATION TAX" is not a tax on the i} eres eae Bp ae trees 9.00 p.m. -- O'Brien Mine vs. Cobalt Consolidated corporation, but is rather, a tax on the customers | 'Conroy, Mrs. T. Tresidder Wee Rea = who buy the goods or services it produces. \|| F. Richards, Mrs, ~C. - Larson, Mixed Jheaebes scene || ~ Mrs. C. Southall, Mrs. M. K. E First Session Taxes are a cost of doing business, They must be | Drew and the hostess Mrs. A. J. Wed. Sept. 18th--7.00 p.m. -- Hassetts vs. P. M, Fleming included in the price structure along with wages, | Brown. y.U0 p.m. -- Modern Hardware vs. T.B.S, ° j AA A | Sun., Sept. 22nd--1.00 p.m. ase Fuels as Dominion Stores and the costs of raw materials and_ supplies. | WATCH YOUR WORDS ' 3.00 p.m, -- ey Cats vs, Cobalt Taxi . = | i led sae DEB. asthe Leal Ee ie ee 4 An increase in corporation taxes, or in any other | The boneless tongue, so Sun, Sept: eee p.m, -- eee areesheayss 28 Be taxes, is an increase in costs which must ultimately be 3, .m. -- tts vs. - d i : Dee ESS ae : | nat ane he a oa and Wed, Ot, 2nd--7.00 aed B ifethert: mae 1 TBS. pyar reflected in prices. Hence, a decrease in corporation | wy declares the Greek. 9.00 p.m. -- Hassetts vs. Cobalt Taxi ~ or other taxes would ease the upward pressure on Hi = "The tongue destroys a great- Sun, Oct. 6th--1.00 p.m. -- Alley Cats vs. Modern Hardware : costs and prices. er_horde," the Turk asserts, than : 3.00 pm. -- P. M. Fleming vs. Dominion Stores 4 G Pp 7 . | does the sword." Wed, Oct: 9th--7.00 p.m. -- Modena Darewere Me Desoma Store 7] | # q ; p.m. -- ey Cats vs. P. M. Flemin Sis ae ee wisely Sun., Oct. Astle p.m. -- Hassetts vs. Herberts Fuels e | Wty nethy tongue, an 3.00 p.m. -- Cobalt Taxi vs. T.B.S. = pay death." Or sometimes Wed, Oct. ene pan. -- Alley Cats Ai meats THE takes this form instead: .00 pym, -- T-B.S. vs. Dominion Stores = Gpyreee be votre tongue CHESGEr Sun. --Oct- ae Bae _ eee acinar As wat Taxi STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA § 00 p.m. --_ ys. P. M. Fleming ee, Hea ge é Wed., Oct. poate pm. -- a a Pistning vs. Moderfi Hardware LIMITED e tongue can speak a wor "9.00 p.m. -- Cobalt Taxi vs. Herbert Fuels Bike' speci cae The Chinen Bing, ebg2hh--UWopat? "TB Sve ase - HONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO "outstrips the steed." ' 3.00 p.m. -- Dominion Stores vs, Alley Cats, 3 Whil tp steeds . Wed., Oct. 30th--7.00 p.m, -- T.B.S, vs. Alley Cats "Th e Arab sages this impart: = 9,00 pm, -- Dominion Stores ys. Hassetts : The tongues great storehouse Sun; Nov, 3rd--1.00 p.m, -- Cobalt Taxi vs, P, M. Fleming is the heart," 3,00 pm, -- Modern Hardware vs, Herbert Fuels -

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