Page Four THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1955 Playground Activities MOLLIE MILLAR During the past two weeks Many notable activities have occured at our playground, In these very hot days the water- tront 1s strong competition 'lor the park but kiddies have been very faithful and have worked hard towards our projects. Wild West Week came to a grand tinale on Lhursday even- ing, the Zist oi july, witn a hike to che rocks lor the Cowboys and indians, Ugemaqua, our it- dian squaw opened the cere- mony with a poein, dedicated to all the tribes and ranch hands, then ui the tire. Al tins mom- ent our first catastrophe occurr ed - no flame! On turther inves- tigation we tound that a roll ol wet paper had been put in by mistake so we procecded to clear and rebuild, surrounded by dis- gusted braves who remarked girls can't build tires, things running again and we toasted marshimal- lows: had a sing song and started on a weary but happy trail home, The following week we began making plaster oi paris molds which were very popular, but the supply ran out too quickly. However we hope to get more plaster and molds soon. the week ot the Kotary Carn- ival meant hard work tor all ot us, Things had to be made lor display which took time and care and most important was to or- Soon were smoothly ganize the set for square dan- cing. Lhe set practiced hard every morning and alternoon for jour days and promenaded onto the stage 'Thursday night with buttertles in their tuin- mies. However they did very well and we were very proud ot their achievment, The names ot the children who made up the set are as follows: I*Yrances Car- on. Evelyn Seymore, Diane Lazaries, Lorrain Morrissette Bobby Grazelle, Lobby Gough Craig Cuddy and "Skip" Cuddy. Suzanne and | would like to thank all those who helped to make the square dancing a suc- cess and would especially men- tion Mr. Timmins. who so gen- erously gave us the use oi the loud speaker system at the hotel, wrt Mr. who helped to encourage the children to participate. We hope now to continue with the square dancing and also with the rhythm band. Mr. Vachon has very generously peryded us with a record player. We are very grateful to him for the use of it. : Railroads Broke? "Canadian railroads are dis- playing all the ominous sympt- oms of a business going broke,' says Fred Bodsworth in the cur- rent issue of Maclean's maga- zine. "Last year," he reports, "about fifteen out of Canada's thirty- one railway companies lost money. In the past quarter cen- ntain ag system of services that have igned railroading when transport business. railways worked- fine "Railway Bodsworth, all freight is quarter at a profit, twenty-five factured everything else the railways with any profit they derive." E The onyl serious freig ing competition as yet is from trucks finds, trucks are causing the railways is far out of proportion to the Gough, and the parents amount of G Spats "But it's the freight, and for that ten percent of the work they twenty-five tion's land The truckers insist the railways are doing better than they will admit. "The ing broke," < secretary of the Canadian Truck Ath 28 Se | aoa "This is what I get for not reading the small print in my contract!" vernment-regulated paying for railway ecome Oso . It is a system that was des- for the monopoly era of railways had competition in the land But now the competition, and that monopoly have treight rate during s has been knocked comple haywire..." structure economists,' says "Claim that half of carried at a quarter at below cost, and a Thus the top percent, most manu- must subsidize and also provide goods, ht-haul railways Bodsworth trouble the facing Even so the business they take away. The Maclean's article con- tinues : rying less combined road-rail freight traf- > says W.G. "Actually trucks are car- than ten percent of Scott, aa ition of be st- paying economist the Railway are pocketing percent of the na- freight revenues." railways aren't go- gues John Magee CNR Associations. "The makes a profit every year on it's actual ; they cause railway operations. But usually report a deficit be the profit isn't sufficient to pay the interest charges o their debt." : f : Magee insists the debt should- tury, twenty-one Canadian rail- 4% pe there. "It is composed roals have gone broke. Our big- mostly of debts that failing rail gest owned Canadian railway, the goverment- Nz ational syst nine million dollars in 1954; only twice in the past fifteen years has its deficit been bigger." Bodsworth quotes J. L. Mc- Dougall, Queen's University professor of commerce and anau- thority wohl transportatian. as re- marking; "We are trying to mai- C. J. HOVEY Repairs on All Makes of RADIOS 21 Lake Shore Road Phone 569 New Liskeard those ways brought with them into the CNR when CNR was formed in em, -ran up a deficit of twenty- 4993 [py normal business would have heen any debts BEANIES FOLKS AR LETTING HIN GO To THE | MOVES AN HE WANTS TOKNOW IF I CAN Gaul BUT LETS Face iT. A. S. JOHNSTON Hours--9,00 to 5.30 Evenings by Appointment Phone 45 Ferguson Ave., Haileybury Beanielll tellhig > folks the Same about, me. Always works / written down ptcy In the ing competition, through bankru proceedings..." fight to help offset ero says Bodsworth, the railways are fighting | 'ith with imp: 1 operating mies wherever they can in Two years ago, he repor Canadian railroads one quarter dieselized; _ tod dieselization of ment. were about locomoti¢ more than half completed, in another few years the engine will be a museum pie "All told, the two railways have forked-out close to one hun" dred million dollars to put their streamliners into service," the Maclean's writer continues, "and it looks like the gambl going to pay off,. for within few weeks of the maiden rm the new passenger trains booked up heavily with reserya- tions into late summer, in the biggest upsurge in tran tine- ntal eapiaetay Hitsine Siiice the war." But in spite of this: Bodsworth adds, "railway officials have no delusions about the streamliners being a cure-all for their encon- omic ills, They expect to keep right on losing money on pas- senger service." BY....- HELEN HALE M2422 your tuna salad crisp and crunchy withschopped celery and toasted almonds. Add enough mayonnaise to moisten, then serve with lettuce and halves of cling peaches to a really dressy garnish. Plump, cooked prunes, pitted and stuffed with bacon-cheese are won- derful go-togethers with any fruit or meat salad main dish. While you watch hungrily over what is cooking over charcoal, you and your guests will enjoy nib- bling on potato chips which have been dipped in tangy mashed ava- eado blended together with minced RECIPE OF THE WEEK Spiced Green Beans (Serves 4) 3 slices bacon 3 tablespoons bacon drippings 1 tablespoon chopped onion 3 tablespoons vinegar % to % teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 2% cups cooked or canned green } beans, drained Saute bacon in skillet; remove | and break into small pieces. Saute onion in drippings until |] tender. Add vinegar and season- |] ings; blend. Add bacon and | beans; mix together lightly and | | heat. ripe olives and a bit of lemon juice. Try a hot lima bean salad with franks on one of the warm days for an appetizing supper. To make it, toss the large, cooked limas with a hot bacon-vinegar dressing, top with chunks of frankfurters and bake in a moderate oven to heat the frankfurters a bit. A delicious dressing for chunks of lettuce uses soured cream mixed with some anchovy paste. Thin this a bit with vinegar and add salt and freshly ground pepper to taste Cottage checse mounded in' the center of a plate, surrounded with small slices or chunks of water- melon and clusters of dark cherries makes a Jove salad platt Farewell Party LEGION NOTES -€ ontinued and [ might add a more porsper- ; ous one than we have at present. iskaming on Saturday night July po attain this we want more of 30th. for Mr. and Mrs. O. M. our members present at meet- Hennessy who are leaving town ings to arrange the activity of to take up residence in Dryden. the branch. Another appreciable Mr. Hennessy leaves the first of addition is more members. We next week and Mrs. Hennessy haye the applications so let us will follow later. A gift was know about yourselyes and we'll A farewell Ais was held at the Eplett cottage on Lake Tem- presented to them from the bring one around for you to fill group. out. We would like as many ap- Those preesnt were Mr. and Plications as possible this month and the beginning of next month. Mrs. Wh. Inch Jr., Mr. and Mrs. : Don't let the date and time Jerry Samson, Sudbury, Mr. and Mrs. Stan- Roscoe, Hamilton, Of tiie_next meeting slip your Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mclen- Minds. It is at Eight P. M. on the nan, Mr. and Mrs. C. Thib, SECOND MONDAY OF SEP- Marg. Richards and Hugh Knox TEMBER, of New Likseard, Mr. and Mrs. Any veterans or eligible school Neil McAulay, Haileybury. The children who want to contact me following were unable to be can drop a line to: present, Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. R. Fleming, Secretary Fleming: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Branch No. 54, Frae, "Mr. and Mrs. Ron Moris- Canadian Legion, sette and Mr. and Mrs. C. Brear- Haileybury, Ontario. or 642. ley. See us for safe, dependable GOODFYEAR MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND We've got a complete line of Goodyear tires in a wide range of prices. Ask us about the famous All-Nylon Super- Cushion. HAILEYBURY GARAGE BERGUSON AVE. ants, wir SP Bee at oe ya ee Leonel jons, edsings/0 commer FR eee, Altar Lace 2 abet ah soir ern, to A Bias = Jp Needlework ciatlern soo, nat Station, New York 1 Oh now SPRING-SUMMER FASHION BOOK, with scores of additional styles 26¢ extras _ Needlework Guide 25¢ extra, esas cid ara neha dh ah St 9! reer 'let 'one extraordinary on PHONE: 3 ~ "CHEVROLET: --~ OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET. TRUCKS SALES & SERVICE Haileyburian Want -- a Ads _ Will ee Results True happiness springs from "3 wl : a Moderation -- GOETHE (1749 - 1832) INVITATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS RECEPTION CARDS THANK YOU CARDS Styled by INTER-MATIONAL-ARTCRAFTS ee Gootuciag PT ete y 'eT US ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR WEDDING PLANS -- +++ You may select your Wedding Invitations, A istend co Acknowledgments with complete confidence 2¢ to quality and correctness of foem. | HMB ALSO Mag PERSONALIZED WEDDING NAPKINS, MATCHES AMD Cie Boueg | Perea Phone =a We AR ie, coal A Yt ¥ ae) a ee bk