THURSDAY, MARCH 24. 1955 "STE Sra EYBU RIAN Page Five Penalty of Illegal Fishing on Sale at North Bay April 18-2U Fishing tackle, ranging all the way from a 25-cent bamboo polt to a $40 spinning outfit, seized for violations of fishing regula- tions, will go on sale to the highest bidders at six points across the Province next month. It is estimated that, in all, more than 400 rods and. about 130 miscellaneous articles will be offered, The Miscellaneus equip- ment includes dip nets, minnow and smelt seines, minnow pails, landing nets, axes, flashlights, etc Sales are scheduled for April 12, 13 and 14 at Port Arthur and April 18; 19 and 20 at North Bay, Ottawa, Peterborough, Hes- peler and Aylmer This will be the second sale under the decen- tralized plan of selling seized ar- ticles in districts instead of at head office of the Department of Lands and Forests in Toronto, Sales held at Sudbury, Kempt- ville and Lindsay last year have been moved this year to "North Bay, Ottawa and Peterborough for convenience and accommo- dation reasons. --Want Ads. Bring Results! Curling Notes iOSe attending the Ladies' Granite Invitdtion Bionspiel in Ovtawa last week which was put on by three of the Ottawa Curl- ing Clubs--the Glebe, Rideau and Ottawa Clubs -- reported having one of the best times anyone could have. ' There were 30 outside rinks invited, with a couple from the States*and the rest from the Ot- tawa Valley and Quebec. The rink from the local club was skipped by Ness McAulay with Kay Price, New Liskeard, as vice, Minnie O'Shaughnessy, second and Lila Dixon lead. Several of the rinks expressed the desire to attend our northern Ladies' Bonspiel next year, so are oping this can be arranged. PROPER WAYS ARE SHOWN TO MAKE TRAFFIC TURNS "Good Turns in Traffic' a new booklet published by the Motor Vehicles Branch of the High- kays Department gives a good presentation of an important. elements of sane, courteous driv- ing. 't graphically shows proper methods of making right and left hand turns from and into two-way and one-way streets. It also illustrates proper hand signals for both right and left turns as well as the slow or stop signal. ; This is in accordance with the Ontario Highway Traffic "Act which requires that, before slow- ing your vehicle or turning or moving from one traffic lane to another, one shall: (1) Make sure that the stop or turn can he made Safely; (2) Let other drivers and pedestrians know what he intends to do by giv- the proper signal; and (3) Make the turn from the proper road position. : Copies of the leaflet are avail- able from the Motor, Vehicles Branch, Department of High- ways, Parliament Buildings, To- ronto. GIRL GUIDE NOTES The weekly Guide meeting of Wednesday March 16th, ed with the company going into horseshoe formation. Following the recitation of the Guide prayer Captain Herbert gave a narra- tion on the life of St. Patrick. A rendition of Irish songs by the Company preceded a last effort on the learning of the semaphore. Mr. Terry Shorn was on hand to pass seven of the members on the signalling test. Nine mem- open- ------------------------ @ Phone OS 3-5702- Haileybu Sudbury, Ont: ' Temiskaming Construction Limited ENGINEERS Design, Construction, Mine Development, Operation Electrical and Mechanical Installations I ut BRANCH OFFICE HEAD OFFICE TORONTO OFFICE Phone 517 } ry, Ont. 2110--44 King St. W. Phone EM 6-9357 bers of the company were at the _ During the month of March the Canadian Red Cross is asking for your help. The absolute min- mum to carry in essential vices in 1955 is $5,494,100 Hotel Haileybury Is becoming more and more pop a® a rendezvous for businessmen and a place for Family Parties home of Mr. John Hope where they were given a test their ability as child nurses. on ser- The excellent food--accompanied by good service is provided in a quiet, friendly atmosphere in which Dining becomes a Real Pleasure DINNERS SERVED 12:00 to 1:30 : 5 6:00 to 8:00 Light Lunches Sérved-- 12:30 to 1:30 For Banquets and Large Parties we offer the exclusive use of THE BLUE ROOM A delightful place to hold your next Dance A Convenient, Comfortable Place to meet your friends is THE SILVER ROOM The Finest Lounge in Northern Ontario Bring your guests with confidence to HOTEL HAILEYBURY They Will Enjoy It! For Reservations TELEPHONE HAILEYBURY 100 ens t PLEASE INVITE ME -- AND ENJOY A TASTE DELIGHT ) IN EVERY SLICE Mothers, any meal is sure to be a success with wholesome Sunbeam Bread to perk up appetites. After you remove the happy new wrapper, you, and your family will find bread that is every bit unbeam Bread - AT YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD STORE NOW! A as good as little Miss Sunbeam is pretty! Here is a different bread, not only in its lasting freshness and smooth, toastable texture--but in nutritional value. Each loaf of Sunbeam Bread is enriched with vitamins and minerals for your family's health. Invite Sunbeam Bread to your home next time you shop. Look for Miss Sunbeam, the youngster with the sparkling blue eyes and golden curls. She smiles at you from every loaf of Sunbeam Bread. A Zz. 1 . i