se ~owf HE HAILEYBURIAN Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year se : : . FIGURE SKATING CLUB ' © \t> Hurricane Relief Important Business FIGURE SKAun SUL 78-Year-Old Man Fund Goes Over To Come Before MEETING THIs MoNTH ~ Safe After Ordeal $1,000 Mark C. of C. Meeting -- the _Haileybury Figure Skat- im West Road Bush HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Ith 1954 Vol. 50; No. 36 Accident Proves Fatai to Former Haiieybury Man Overcome by exhaust fumes from his car while he was work- ing on it in a closed garage on Sunday morning, Walter Edward Holmgren, 52, of the Prescott Highway died shortly afterwards of carbon monoxide - poisoning. Mr. Holmgren was well known ing Club met last Friday in the Donations {rom the citizens of The Chamber of Commerce aoe rereceaed ae pe i: Seventy-eight year old Alfred the Town of Haileybury-have sent have called their annual meeting 4S cls ulee BORE 2 ULE meet- Player of New Liskeard, missing to the for Tuesday, November 16th. has not been pubished far enough for two days in the bush west of Fund Several matters 'of vital impor- ™ advance, the committee plan here, was brought out by five to hold a second meeting this searchers, who found him at 4:00 month. Present at the first meet-pm. on Tuesday and stayed the total amount to go -- Ontario Hurricane Relief ! over the $1,000.00 mark this tance to the well-being of this week. community will come up for dis- $ : nee A Horde ee $883,00 cussion. Among them will be w ae ene a, came, Mrs. overnight with him. Pea ae ie the Haileybury waterfront, Pay- ¥: <: *\tnold, Mrs. J. B. Robin- ajfred EEneo. and Deed Employees Brewers' ed Streets, Sidewalks, the By- 5° Mrs: J. S- Ledwell, Mrs. J. Sharp of New Liskear? found in Haileybury, where with his Warehousing Co. ... 27.00 Beoeende che routeon the Newari fe Murphy and Mrs. R. Thomson the dazed and weary man who family, he had resided for ten CAN Gonos ak oe 10,00 enGas lane. This in itself is in- Meantime, through a telephone had been missing since Monday years while associated with Sul- Mrs: Ws E. Bagshaw. 200!" Gitative of the importance of the drive to all last years members, when he went on a hunting trip livan Machinery, later to become Finployeess Montssette meeting. Every business man it is evident that interest in the with Garry Frisby and George Joy-Sullivan. ote! MRS AMES McINTYRE Diamond Drilling Co. 47.00 and citizen interested in the pre- OPCrANOn of the Club for another Sedore. They left him close to in 1951, they went to Ottawa H a ue Mee a hae es ae aed 200 sent and future of Haileybury season is keen. ' _ the road while they went off to where he was Chief of the Otta- o ye, nee m grain s Shee pea a a : should be in the Hotel Hailey- The committee wishes to advise jook for deer and en their zeturn wa branch of the National Pro- her 99th birthday ay. North ¢ obalt Wo- bury at' 8:15 newcomers to town who desire coyld not locate him for he had duction Authority (Canadian Di- men's Institute 10.00 In a special message this week, further information to call the wandered off on his own. vision) of Sena: States De- ce ee settee 5.00 Mipredident Leo Gough saii that Teer re J. H. Murphy, One hundred volunteers joined partment of Commerce. upils of S.S: No. 5, 'St is the duty of all good citi- Ne 200, the 2-day search party. Aidin ; Mr. fe ae: aS ea vot Calendar of Events| rene Gf Bucke 700m eeneun™ join and a 7a eve -- ie the OPP in its oiniaaion wie ing in his yard in No getinss -H.S Students ber of Commerce, the voice of the D George Cardy and other members and bepress iouneren vee (Council qaeeeenee 33'65 citizens and taxpayers of any Cobait-Hailevbury of ie New Liskeard Rod and out at 11:00 a.m. to take ou Wy wa ee Stearierie . - community." . Gun Club. Planes piloted b car, she found him slumped un- Reel ae ahh ee Hail a $1,026.65 BB a ree eee Ladies Elect New Jerry Quinlan and Jack 'Tope conscious' over the fender. A ©&Y y 8 (United Church Donations also assisted in the search. Fri, Nov, 12--Midget Hockey ,.3-hed $155.00 this w eek), Road, Haileybury and paid $10 Curling Executive and costs. ; INVITATION TO David Vahey of Lorrain Valley The Cobalt-Haileybury Ladies FIGURE SKATERS fire department emergency squad ; gave the unconscious man oxy- Meeting. gen and rushed him to the Civic Sat., Nov. 13--Cobalt-Hailey- Hospital but he was dead Th arri- bury Curling Club Bingo. drove while his license was un- Curling Club elected a new slate Ss val. Coroner Dr. W. homas Sat, Nov. 13--St. Paul's Angli- der suspension and paid $25.00 of officers at their annual meet- A new class is under way in Kendall said that death was ac- cay Bazaar. and costs. ing on Tuesday night: New Liskeard this year for boys idental and no inquest will be « 4 3) xivi fals st $ "6 Ic 5 ' c 1 1 Sun., Nov. 14--at 3:00 pm., For giving false atements President--Irene O'Shaughnessy 6 years and over. From informa- held, ._ Hotel Haileybury -- Haileybury for the purpose of obtaining ,; Vice--Gert MacArthur. tion received from Stan Milbury I Mr. SRE or eo ae Group Committe.e eee ment eee 2nd Vice+Tess Austin, who will assist the skating in- ronwood, chigan, a- i . a "215 = : oie woairent "of <irklan ake An > wake ate a P 5 é adit de eMich. Sat., Nov. 27--United Chlrch x 'a > ee % : Secretary-- Glenna Speicher structress, Miss Pat Thompson, duate of the University of Mich W EER IN COURT was fined $15.00 and costs. Treasurer--Barbara Fleming. boys from six to ten years of age ae ee eon Bazaar. nae s : While here he was an active forlUnited Churea Sunday School Four Rees hae Aa ceaae Roe Paul Me ieod RogiaE Rita Dinesen, Mary Hicks and days from 4:00 p.m. to 5:45 p-m. director and member of the Hail. ~4t-, Nov, 27--Cobalt-Hailey- week aa ea a iene MOR aed Gucien Paquettecatl Fran Donegan. and those ten years and over peu, eolk Clu. : Sat. Dec. 4--IODE Christmas Perry Othmer of Cobalt $50.00 0f Matachewan, $10.00 and costs. In mi 729, in Paris, France, he Tea : and costs, John Brough of Hail- Andonea Pomerlea of Noranda Prize C L 7 married Elsie Nicholson. She o° Bake Sale andeybury $100.00 and costs, Robert Robert Rattu of New Liskeard Meee woe ode Weltmeraand eee gs a es , oat., Dec. 11th : Myrt Vact survives him, together with a> oie 3 Se) oy Senet ere 5 and Johnson McMahon of Little Mytt, Vachon. § Sale of Work, sponsored by Sal-Rattu of New Liskeard $50.00 Gacnt were fned $10.00 and Social Com.--Grace McDonough son, Roger of Ottawa; three ~*'S : S ar z a 2 ra Army tune Pe and costs and Ray Allaire of Co- k sae ' ation Army Young People. d costs Na} costs for having liquor illegally. and Mamie Cunningham. may participate in classes being held on Wednesday: from 4:15 to 5:45 p.m. and on Sundays from 2:00 p.m. until 5:45 p.m. bury Curling Club Bingo Court Draw, Com.--Ness_ McAulay Tess Austin, Astrid Dempster. The _first Canadian postage daughters, Misses Joan, nurse-in- ' alt $50.00 = Bei : Z P Ee a eran Wet os ipror-car dvs, tite toe cveeeding the opera __hnooe ogra veya" fea ade Ospital and Elizabeth, at home = Ab ju Seperated eOlsCat ada ya. Gad istri ren rs. C. E. Palmer é 5 WEE " WEATHE and Mrs. R. G. Doyle of Bonne total labour force is directly em- ee eeu See BS Dies in Toronto pe ee icens = Hogas thanked THE K'S R Terre, Mo, ployed sin} agriculure and) about eienacr: (jenirencess Meclenomiot oe, poocbaiedas ¢ eir era salt oS Bat hae ee cy canto Re ice igeploved Richiliew at 35 m.p.h., David "GYord has been received by her for the vse of SRE pe aie dessin cies BAA RA The Bee test Retin Pais stamps were Issue eo : Robertson of Toronto: 65 m.p.h, daughters, Mrs, Peter Gravelle the Hotel Haileybury. : Min. Max. Rien States as locaked Ane OT os eet cnn Rime _Lynn G, Thomas of North Bay, and Miss Fern Palmer of the Before the next meeting, Sun- Thursday .......... IB BG me Utah ae Baoan = ne see i a ' ss id st) ; eal 60 m.p.h., A. Dempster Jr. of death of their mother, Mrs. C. day, November 21st there Will ghnidayaees: ae Ze. 34 Ona, 25 ; S seating capacity S200 only [x9 in value. Haileybury 60. m.p.h., Bertrand E. Palmer at Mount Sinai Hos- be a pot luck supper -e the Clul Satturda pete 28 40 1s one diner. Even in the days of the Roman Thibodeau of Atikokan travelled pital, Toronto on Monday after- Rooms Verne anvo = fae Seeeel Bei ia a 37 45 ee pi nereneas foe oe pepe ooh eae So, Se aes at 37 m.p-h. and Roger Blanchard noon, _ The funeral service took jing: iG) EIT ae Wihiedd ta cone Nantts ie 1 SD) by. 201,000 in the secs RS ae aa pone Part'Y at 40 m|plh on the Lake Shorenlace in Toronto this afternoon Glenna Speicher or Barb Fle. Tuesday ©..:... Bs Sil x 201, in the -first sixin salt. That, incidentally, is 4 P ro arbara Fle Wed y ia > 48 ming. ednesd averse months- of 1954. Immigrationwhere we get our word "salary" in the period amounted to 85,765. (from the Latin "salarium'") VW vv VV WANTED Man or Woman for Assistant to Town Clerk. Bookkeeping experience desirable. THE ANNUAL MEETING --Of the - # CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Will be held on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16th At 8:15 p.m. Written applications will be received at Town Office until Noon, November 20th, 1954. C. C. D. PRINGLE, Clerk of the Town of Haileybury. : SUNDAY -CHORALE - = Every Sunday evening a quiet devotional progrm honssit- ing chiefly of hymns nad anthems may be heard on the Peaeearseaeecereeesaeeaatanss saat: CBC Trans-Canuada network. The program "Sunday Cho- Cobalt . Haileybury Curling Club tale" is the work of a group of Winnipeg choirsters (above) under the direction' of W. H. Anderson with Fil- mer Hubble at the organ. ae ee sea ae S I A G ! e 22 LLL LLLALLALALDALLOO 2 Od ry 9 0 The W. A. of St. Paul's Anglican Church = CURLING CLUB LOUNGE Invite You to Their IN THE HOTEL HAILEYBURY --in the-- SAT., NOV. 13th | ANNUAL BAZAAR "OY Serie ant eee 222 22OEDLADDDODLDDLODODLLDOOO265064 44 8:00 p.m. Sharp DOOR PRIZE $100.00 BLACKOUT | cay voy. iath Friday, Nov. 12th Admission: 50c for 20 Games Additional Cards 25¢ 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. DOOR PRIZE -- 17-JEWEL BULOVA WATCH EVERYBODY WELCOME FANCY WORK, HOME COOKING, White ELEPHANTS ; COBALT-HAILEYBURY CURLING 'CLUB CANDY TABLE; TEA TABLE Admission, 25c : ; Admission 25e (PPP POO FPS L LP SF FLL GP OP OG SPECS LFS FSF S SOPRA SOSA Bingo! "i Gion" att" TUE., NOV. 16th 20 Games for 50c 4 Special Games Grand Prize: $100.00 on 9 Numbers Starts at 8.30 p.m