Ontario Community Newspapers

The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 21 Oct 1954, p. 1

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IE HAILEYBURIAN ~ HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2ist, 1954 Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year Vol. 50; No. 33 Community Clubs Behind Rotarians in Hoiiowe'en Pian Hallowe'en and all the fun that this day the first pumpkin. Soon. thtflick- ering candle flame will light the! funny faces in the window of the early dusk and oh to be a child again and dream upon a spooky films Film Council Becin Second Year of Community Service The Haileybury Film Council brings us just around reports that: it has completed its first year of service and is now srepared to begin a second year vith twenty excellent films avail- able each month. Last year, two hundred and ten were supplied to local costume to scare the dayligits groups; instruction was given to out of you and me. at the Schools' Auditorium on October 3ist,is the place where the biggest surprises of all are in store. either. What else can you ex- pect when the Rotary. the Haileybury Art Club. the Home and School and the 1[.0.D.E. all join hands in one magnificent community effort to give the kids a day of days The Art Club will do the decorating, the Home and School will see to the en- tertainment and the 1[.0.D.E. have made themselves respon- sible for overall assistance and specifically the food, The School Grades, six hund- red children all will be divided 21¢ Austr 7 Coronation of Her Queen Elizabeth II, Eye Witness three after- into groups which means different parties. In th noon, Pre-School and and JI will have their fun. In the evening from 8:30 to p-m., Grades 3, 4, 5 and take over. After that, Grades and 8, 9 and 10 will have their turn.. It's all going to add up to something different and some- thing new. Parents will also do their part as they have in the past. Rotar- ians will leave their boxes in convenient business places next week for the donations which go to make the parties 2 com- plete success. If everyone just gives what they can and no one passes by, Hallowe'en will be a happy day for everyone. Re. member. all these clubs are de- voting their time to help your town and you and it's nice for them to receive the same support in return, cally. Grades [Horizons of Quebec, ades 5 9:99 Rumplestilskin, Seven 6 wil] Sheet Metal \ sa 7 Trout Across Canada, Citizen Va- 'rek, Germany--Key To aoa Hold Back the Night, House of a drainage problem on Meridian Windsor, and Percussion Sailing in Can- to replace the ada, But over all those interested. in operation and care of projection equipment and four previews were held lo- The Executive headed by Mrs. C. R. Lowery feel that val- And wt're not fooling uable experience in this import- =. ant phase of the educational life of the communty has been gain- ed and they look forward to an- other successful year. The first block of twenty films is now ready for distribution and the Council hope that as many as possible will take advantage of this service. All interested par- ties are requested to call or write either Mrs. J. Shouldice, Secre- tary or Mrs, W. Hammerstrom, Film Librarian, Films available fer the month alia's Coral Wonderland Majecty Island of "sland, Pagodas Speckled Faith, Prince Edwaré Worker, Europe Point Pelee, Rhythm Stagecoach to the Stars, Story of Money, Youth in Town. Second Crop of Red Raspberries A whole branch of raspberries Vown grader was not suitable far Councillor Gardner registered a just ready to eat was the happy doing this work and that a con- decided vote against and levelled find of Fred Page on Tuesday morning and it has sent others scurrying to have a look to see ,»syitable machine, the timeand We are getting a lot of criti- Mr, Gilkes also re- ¢!sm. if a dessert awaits them ona cold ctober day, 2 NEW ALGONQUIN Major Wilbert Fischer, OB been appointed Officer Commanding ment. command of the Algonquins served for five years with the both in Canada and oversea.s headquarters of the Algonquins, now an armoured] regi- ment, will be moved to North Major Hischer, of North Bay, has been second in | Hurricane Hazel Lashes District at Journey's End --- 3y any comparison, the re- sults of an all-night's whipping by Hazel on Friday night were negligible. .In the face of the almost unbelievable horrors and the awful loss of life suffered by residents of Southern Ontario, ewe are tempted to not even mention our own slight discom- fort. From the Hydro we learn that although lights were out for one hour and twenty five minutes it was a matter of broken poles between New Liskeard and Co- balt. Two poles in town, one on.Albert and one an the West Road snapped but continued in service. One wire broke at J. Cunningham-Dunlop's on Latch ford Street. The Town Foreman reports that although he and his men were kept busy until the early dawn, particularly at west Main Street where the gulley next to Morissette's plant had filled and overflowed, they did not en- encounter too much _ difficulty. Roads in general took a beating fsom the excessive rainfal] with south Latchford and Florence COMMANDER i.,, of North Bay, who has The Algonquin Regi- for the past three yeaar, and regiment. during the war, It is expected that Battalion Bay in the near future. Heard citizen John Gilkes' re- ueqst for assistance in clearing up Mr. Gilkes said he had culvert at his home and he would like to see Avenue. Our the town tackle the rest of the advise problem. Councillor Poppleton pointed out that to do it properly "the road should be crowned from away back." The Town Foreman pointed out that the siderable amount of gravel would have to be put down if and when we could get some dry weather. the gravel. peated his annual request for a light and Councillor Mosher as- sured him that they were attend- ing to lights as the budget al- lowed and he would consider the would be sand ~ayailable "when bearing the brunt of it. needed, As far as gravel was In a wild sea timbers tore concerned they would continue loose from an already decadent to get it as best they could. The breakwater and much of it crash- Mayor and Councillor Mosher ed on private docks in front of referred to the urgent need of ©. Connelly's and W. E. Bag- gtavel at the Armouries corner Shaw's with slight damage. which will be given attention. On Marcella Street, the home of Verdun Cooke which was brac- Millar ed on posts for the construction : of a foundation was blown off that he felt the Hor- its moorings and settled over the ticultural Society were justified excavation. in their request for $300.00 grant At the Montreal River, Claude rather than the 100.00. which Alderson's main lodge was badly ees im the budget, apparently damaged by a heavy tree which through a _ misunderstanding. crashed right over the building. Listened to Councillor the accusation that "every time anybody asks for a dollar we give it. Taxes are going up and Mr. Millar had the unani- mous support of Cuncil n that the Horticultural Society were doing exceptionally fine work forth WEEK IN COURT Town. "I accept Mr. Gardner's criticism but in this Instance, we Recreation Pariey Says Competitive Sport Detrimental Two Main Issues Two issues came before 75 delegates at the Northern Ontarq Recreational Conference in New Liskeard last week-end. What is the effect of highly competitive sport on children 12 and under? Western's Director of Physical Health,, Dr. Zeigler, believes that it is definitely harmful, particu- larly too many games in a week before large crowds. Dr. F. Far- Inger of New Liskeard, however. forwarded the view that he did not believe that it was in any way harmful to either the emo- tional or physical development of the child. The discusssion arose out of a resolution passed at ORA's spring conference. The Northern Ontario delegates pass- ed a resolution 11-10 asking the ORA to re-consider even though it was felt the criticism was aim- ed at mercnants or other spon- sors who exploit the children for glory at the expense of their welfare. A heated discussion on the ac- ceptance of baptismal certificates for hockey players resulted in the decision that Quebec lads would be required to show proof-of-age cards signed by a Decreational Director to substantiate the bap- tismal certificate. The Sessions The sessions on Saturday cov- (Continued on Page 4) for breaking and entering the property of Floyd Aviatt of En- glehart and Mrs, A.. J Kruger Kirkland Lake. Jack Engel and Robert Wald- tiff of Englehart were fined for stealing gasoline. Having a gill net and carrying a firearm without licenses cost W. D. Paul of Elk Lake $20.00 and costs. T. Guilbeault of Cobalt and Nelson Vinkle of O'Brien failed to stop at a highway entrance and were fined $3.00 and costs. For travelling at 40 m.p.h., Charles Simons of New Liskeard paid $10.00 and costs. L. Peev- er of Tomstown went 45 m.p.h. and paid $15.00 and costs. | Calendar of Events Friday, Saturday, October 22nd and 23rd--C.W.L. Baaaar. Tues., October 26th -- Curling Club Bingo. Tue'., Oct. 26th -- Canadian Concert Series--the first in a series of four concerts in the High School Auditorium, New YOUR DONATION FOR THE ROTARY " HALLOWE'EN PARTY may be left at Liskeard. An 'a cappella" group with John Sidgwick, Director; Hugh Orr, Recorder; Janet Jame- son, Violin; Robert Spergel, Cel- lo; Josephine Harvey, Ted Rey- nolds, Mary Sidgwick and Carol Benallwiants Pack. Price of admission at the door, $1.00 for adult or 50c for Bank of Nova Scotia student. Season tickets may be i obtained from Miss Mary Ed- Edey's wards of the Public School staff, Hughes' Haileybury. Bites Fri., Oct. 29th--Kinsmen Stag. pat a Tues., Oct. 26th, 8:15 p.m.-- Good Food United Church W.A: Meeting at z Home of Mrs. A. Hurst hitby's Pharma: i gybicbyis , Uharmacy Fri., Oct, 29th--Mining School SSS | | psssstetisissssscsessete stesso css sscoi22/¢ BINGO! CURLING CLUB LOUNGE TUES., OCT. 26th 8:00 p.m. Sharp DOOR PRIZE $100.00 BLACKOUT Additional Cards 25c Admission: 50c for 20 Games EVERYBODY WELCOME" COBALT-HAILEYBURY CURLING CLUB matter. After Mr. Gilkes left, Should understand that the So- Councillor Poppleton pointed out ciety have not had any assis- that Mr. Gilkes had been advised tance for two years." The when he bought his property that chairman of Finance was out- he could not expect too much spoken and there was no dissent- out of service area. More disus- S Voice as he made it clear sion on culverts arising from a that he was fed up with esti- letter from Temiskaming Con- ™A@tes, that were out of line, : : "« es : , = struction requestng advice on the ects was no excuse," he said, proposed installation of a culvert "OF the Fire Department to at their Ethel Street property casually put in an estimate for a resulted in a motion "that the "¢W boiler at the Fire Hall which cost of all culverts for entrance WS So far out of line in the final to private lots, either new or ®Malysis that it was ridiculous. replacements will be borne as fol- ae Gardiner agreed and _ said lows: Cost of material by person we were in a commercial who requires the culvert; cost of SeEerge, we would be out of labor for insallation by the mu- AU SATUS: nicipality." ---~ Did not take up the Mayor's insistent plea to sell every lot we have in town regardless of whe- ther it was for building purposes or not. "A Town was never in- tended to be in the real estate business and every lot sold means After that, it Hea rd Mayor Day ask "exact- ly what provision has been made for gravel and sand?" Council- lor Mosher pointed out that his proposal in the spring whereby sand and gravel would be made, areas available from the quarry had ,"*°S COmins' In. Two Charged With Intoxication in a public place Impaired Driving cost C. Pryde of R.R. No. 3, For- ae est, A. Weatherston of Alton Neill of R.R. No. 1 $10.00 and'costs. R. Renaud of Walter Broderick Englehart paid $50.00 and costs were charged on second offence. Erres+ Des- Elwin Thornloe and of Brethour P.O. with impaired driving last week champ of Brethour and Jack in. Magistrate Atkinson's Court Engle of Englehart had liquor and paid fines of $75.00 and $50.00 unlawfully and were fined. Edward Juteau of Chamberlain Causing a disturbance in a Township was sent to the Kings- public place cost Armand Forcier ton Penitentiary for 2%4 years Of Cobalt $15.00 and costs. YT TY 2222 e ow SPECIAL Anniversary Services 5 dn tn. a ta tn tn tnt ett tnt nO tn te will be held in HAILEYBURY United Church e sunday, October 31st been flatly rejected but fellow a oa Rusiness ple mieDs Speaker--REV. A. P. ADDISON. First United Church Coucillors reminded him that it P&S, Sald Mayor Eby Cs Tinsaine > involved getting a crusher of their ger Gardiner did not fee] they oe own which was not possible. The °4 d sell - lot to F. Simpson hisssooe foreman assured them that there (Continued on Page 4) = -------- LVI III VV MINING STUDENTS' OPENING DANCE! sabe atten atthe afitie adie atte afiiie ad tenn alien atin atthe atte niin adie ad BLUE ROOM, HOTEL HAILEYBURY FRIDAY, OCT. 29th Dancing 9:00 p.m. to 1 a.m. PS OCSS SSCS SSCS CCS SCS SSS CSCC SECC STR COUNTRY CLUB ORCHESTRA Admission $1.00 per person $1.50 per couple-- aADADAAADA EVERYONE WELCOME - Fowvuuvvvuve PSCC CCTM CCT CC CCC CC CCC CGC CC CC CCC CCC CCC CCS KINSMEN STAG! AT THE LEGION HALL, HAILEYBURY Friday, Oct. 29th Door Prize $25.00

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