THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1954 Page Two The HAILEY BURIAN Issued evecy | bureday from The Haileyburiaa Office, Broadway &t.. Hasleybury, Ont. D. E. SUTHERLAND, Publisher RULH G. GORDON, Editor SUBSCRIPIION RAIES: In Canadsa---$2.00 per year, in advance In Unicéd States--, 3.00 per year, ia advance Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assn Authorizd as Second-Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Leo Gough When an eaiwr writes an editorial he seeks Lust the tuin and then hopes to ieau the way promoting Wie VES Wuverests lor we entire com- muiuily. sie Cannoy always be right nor can he piease everyone. Me can only wy aud hope ior good results. lo-day is provably we lirst day we have ever written an editorial feeling conlident tat everyone 1n our town will be in full accord. We have eujoyed Live glorious days celevraung ftalieyburys Diamond Jubliee. Through a haze of services of worship giving thanks for so many good things, work and tun, triendly taces, yapping mutts, joyous child- ren, tHighiand music, a rainbow over Lake 'Lemiskaming, a spray of white water aud a menacing thunder cloud that never came, charging horses, skiers cutting through blue water, martial music--through all this haze there is a man. He is always there. Is il possibie lor one man to be so many Apparenuly it 1s. We step vack to-day and congrat- ulate Chairman Leo Gough. His en- thusiasm and his utter defiance of the phrase "it can't be done' are an example trom which many could benefit. We have disagreed with him in the past, we may disagree with him in the future -- but always places: we will admire him and be ready to try and match his enthusiasm to make Haileyoury a better town. He had a team of willing workers; no matter what the job, large or smal, they did it well. We men- tion oniy one - Miss Jean Grant, secretary, tor hers was a mighty task and she did it splendidly. To you, Mr. Gough, we say "well done." Warning Children will be children and adults will be adults but if the adults don't do some- thing about the antics of their child- ren, drastic action is going to be taken at the waterfront. This comes under the heading once again of teaching youngsters respect for the property of others. In this instance, it happens to be aeroplanes resting on the lake shore. Last year, a child seeking enter- tainment punched fourteen pencil holes in a shiny plane. "This sum- mer, anything goes. With parents parked in a car ten feet away, the little dears are crawling, leaping, pulling and punching at aircraft that have to be completely overhauled before taking to the air in safety. As the pilot said '"'What would be the reaction of the parents, if I were to saunter over and proceed to give the family car, the business?" Prize Winners R, Wilson of Noranda was the lucky winner of the boat and trailer raffled at the Jubilee and C. E. Cor- bett of Barrie took home the chest of silver, At the final night at the Armouries S were given to Mrs. S. Mac- yre, the oldest living resident, r. and Mrs. Jack Gauvreau with the largest family--seventeen child- ren--to Mrs. Christopher Tallon ffor the youngest baby. SCHEDULE OF GAMES 6--Town at N. Cobalt 9--Chemicals at Town 11--Town at West Rd. 13--West Rd. at Chemicals 15--Chemicals at N. Cobalt 17--West Road at Town Toss for Home Games in Fifth Round C. J. HOVEY Repairs on All Makes of RADIOS 21 Lake Shore Road Phone 509 New Liskeard FEY TORONTO 1:50 Hours $22.80 One way Phone Earlton 48 Afi Canadiax AIRLINES ¢ GONTINGNTR: 42 POINTS i CANADA CONRAD THIBAULT TO APPEAR IN SERIES OF COMMUNITY CONCERTS of Community Concerts Association for Tem- iskaming were delighted to receive definite notificat on of their concert series for the 1954- The directors 1955 season, The series begins witha piano concert by the Mauney Brothers on October 18th who will be fol- lowed on February 14th by De La Fuente and Stessin, noted violinist and pianist. But it is the April concert that will highlight the series for Conrad Thibault." world famous baritone will appear here for the first time, This achievement 1s due to the enthusiastic response to the sale of memberships this year and the directors look fol- ward to one of the best seasons ever. FORMER HAILEYBURY YOUNGSTER DROWNS Billie Corking, 11 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Corking, former residents of Haileybury who moved to Toronto two years ago, lost lis life last week in a drowning accident in the Severn River. The young lad who spent his youth here was visiting at a summer camp with his parents and younger sister Carolyn. To his parents in their tragic loss, we extend the sympathy of a com- munity shocked and saddened. Navigable Waters Protection Act R.S.C. 1952, Chapter 193 The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario hereby gives notice that it has, under Section 7 of the said Act, deposit- ed with the Minister of Public Work, at Ottawa, and in the Reg- istry Office for the Registry Divi- ion of the District of Temiska- mng, at Haileybury, Ontario, a description of the site and the plan of a wood pole electrical transmission line proposed to be constructed over the Montreal River from a point in the high water mark on the Western bank ofthe said River in Block "A" of the Water Power Reserve at the Townsite of Latchford, in the District of Temiskaming, in the Province of Ontario, to a point in the high water mark on the East- ern bank of the said Montreal River in Block '"'B" of the said Water Power Reserve. AND take notice that after ex- piration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice The Hydro-Electric Power Commission ot Untario will, under section 7 of the said Act, apply ito the Minister of Public Works, at his office in the City of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plan. DATED at Toronto, Ontario, this 29th day of July, A.D, 1954. The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario E. B. Easson, Secretary. MRS. BOUDREAU REPORTS HAPPY WEEK Mrs. J. Boudreau, Chairman of the Baking and Handicraft Exhibits in the Holy Cross basement last week reported in this morning with "'As far as I'm concerned, this part of the Jubilee was a total success and - I'm sure the whole Jubilee was too." Evidence of this is the fact that we cannot give you the winners for there were no less than twenty in the baking contest and ninety-eight in the Handicraft. The Chairman wishes to thank Mrs. John Renaud, Mrs. Rouse, Mrs. McGillivray, Mrs. H. Cooke and Mrs. Olive Childs. The St. Lawrence Power Project ceremony to be held on August 10 and broadeast over CBC will have the following distinguished guests participating: The Rt. Hon. Louis S. St. Laurent, Q. C., LL. D, Prime Minister of Canada; The Hon. Les- lie M. Frost, Q. C., LL.D., Prime Minister of.Ontario; The Hon. Thom- as E. Dewey, Governor of the State of New York; The Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe, Minister of Trade and Com- merce and Minister of Defence Production; The Hon. Lionel Chev- rier, President, St. Lawrence Sea- way Authority; Mr. Robert Moses, Chairman, Power Authority of the State of New York; Mr. Robert H. Saunders, C.B.E., Q.C., Chair- man, Ontario Hydro; The Hon. George H. Challies, Phm. B., M.L. A., First Vice-Chairman, Ontario Hydro; Mr. W. Ross Strike, Q. C. Sécond Vice-Chairman, Ontario Hydro. Where Will We Go For Milk? Mother had finished tucking Mary into bed and was tiptoeing from the room, when a_ smali voice stopped her. "Mummy, when T die will I go to heaven?" "Yes, dear? "When Fido dies, will he go to heaven?" "Yes, dear" said the mother, getting rather tired of it all. Similar questions about the cat andcanary were answered. But when the child asked about the cow, the exasperated mother said "No". She had just reached the door when the same voice said "Mum- my, will we have to go to Hell for our milk?" by this same caller. paper. HUNT, 4487, COBALT. COBALT $90. REWARD During the past few months, various persons in Cobalt, Haileybury and New Liskeard received telephone calls from a person or persons claiming to represent The Daily Nugget. ~ Bereaved parents have been notified of their | children's death in a heartless and callous manner by a person claiming to represent The Daily Nug- get. Old people have been disturbed late at night The policy of this newspaper is that any reporter making a telephone call shall give his own name as well as the name of this paper. The Daily Nugget will pay $50.00 reward for information leading fo the identification of any person falsely claiming to represent this news- In the event of receiving any similar call, the public is requested to call collect to JOHN The DAILY NUGGET North Bay have NEW LISKEARD CASTING COMPETITION HIGHLIGHT OF JUBILEE Over eighty casting enthusiasts provided .a major attraction at the totary Park on Wednesday evening and when Northern Ontario's cast- ing expert, Frank Rolph had finish- ed running off the contest, the win- ners were as follows: H. Haywood, New Liskeard, E. Soderstrom Hail- eybury, and Ralph Smerdon, New Liskeard in the five-eigth of an ounce accuracy casting. Winning ladies were Ruth Maddock, Marg Bowman and Mrs. G. Cardy. In the men's spinning contest, Ernest Walton, New Liskeard, Norm Abraham, Haileybury and George Cardy, New Liskeard were best. LEO'S TAXI Phone 311 Leo Deraiche, Prop. HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO ay ENGI BRANCH OFFICE HEAD 210 Cedar St. Sudbury, Ont. Temiskaming Construction Limited NEERS Design, Construction, Mine Development, Operation Electrical and Mechanical Installations O OFFICE TORONTO OFFICE Haileybury, Ont. 2110--44 King St. W. Phone 517 Phone EM 6-9357 Scenic Canadian Rockies travel is more enjoyable than ever aboard smooth Canadian Pacific Diesels. you experience a new high in travel comfort ... modern "picture window" coaches, choice of berths to drawing rooms, colourful diners featuring delicious meals and world famous Canadian Pacific service. BANPP laformation and reservations from any Ontario Northland or Canadian Pacific Agent or write: GEO. A. 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Whether you journey near or far, the bank helps you travel with an easy mind.