Page Four THE HAIL&EYBURIAN THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1954 Social Notes Mrs, S. Robson and Jill spent the week-end in Timmins with iriends. Mrs. N. Gough of Toronto is visiting with her son, Leo Gough and family. Donald Dempster is in Noranda where he lias accepted a position for the summer months. Mrs: T. D. Cragg left' last week to join her husband in Mil- yerton for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. tom Conley oi Hamilton were recent guests of Mr- and Mrs. O, A. Hughes. Mrs. Percy Grozelle and Mrs. Dave McLaughlin have returned from a holiday trip to Toronto- Mr- and Mrs. George Lemay were in Toronto last week and attended the Metropolitan Opera. Miss Catherine Hennessy of Kimberley, b.C., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hen- nessy. Mrs. C. H. Byers of Oakville and Mrs. B. McMurdo of Toron- to were guests of Mr. and Mrs. |. S. Weir last week. Mrs. N. Blanchette was in town last week-end from North Bay, where she is now nursing at the North Bay Hospital. Mrs. A. D. Gorrie and her dau- ghter, Miss Nancy, spent a week- end with Mr. and ,Mrs- Douglas Gorrie and tamily in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs: James Dent left last week for the Gaspe, where they will reside' Mr. Dent is with a new mining concern operating there. Francis Joy of Port Arthur and a friend, Ted Dumbrell , were recent guests at the home of Mr. Joy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. joy. Rey. I. H. Helm has returned irom a months visit in London, Ont., where he was in charge of the Seventh Day Adventist Church there. Miss Betty Ann Bagshaw, who has been a student nurse at the Hospital for Sick Children for past three years, graduated on iuesday. Miss Kathleen Murphy, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs J. H. Mur- phy arrived home last week from Tucson, Arizona, where she isa student at St- Joseph's Academy. Miss Christina Fernholm and Mrs. C. Ta'llon have entertained at showers in honour of Miss Gladys Nelson, whose marriage takes place Saturday, June 5th: Mrs. Wm. Pritchard of Bos- ton and Miss F. Moss, who grad- uated from McGill University this spring were recent guests of their father, Mr- A.H. Mass and Mrs. Moss. Mr. and Mrs, J. Boudreau leave tomorrow for Hamilton to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Rene Pilon and family. They plan to attend the Canadian International Trade Fair in Toronto: Mrs. O: Saxton and son, Mr. C Saxton, were in Sudbury recently to attend the wedding of Mrs. Saxton's granddaughter, Miss Ruth Jane Teed to Mr. John Ed- wards of Sudbury. F/O Gordon Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart left on Thursday for Trenton for a two weeksi 'nstructor's course. He arrived home last month fron: Baden Socllingss. Germany. Mr and Mrs. fee Hughes arrived home on Saturday from Florida, where they spent the winter. Enroute home they stopped over in Toronto, where Mr. Hughes Had an, eye operation. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Caldwell drove pore with them for the week- end. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Thomp- son announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Ann, to Arthu: Gordon Slade, son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Slade _ of. Flin Flon, Manitoba, the mar- riage to take place quietly in the Haileybury United Church on Saturday, July bake at % o'clock, FOR ODD JOBS Cutting lawns, etc. Call 466W. 13-1-c FOR RENT -- Three roomed Apartment. Phone 520J 13-1-c FOR SALE--Two-storey Build- ing, 17x20; good condition. Wired, 12' wall. Call 80, Hail- _eybury. 13-1c WANTED >TO REN T--Six-room- ed House, Bungalow if possible or turnished house for the sum: mer; adults only. Apply vo Room 6, The Matabanick Hotel 13-2-* AVAILABLE--Service for week- ly washing» Phone 519, Mrs Art Smith, Rorke Ave. 13-2-* FOR SALE -- Singer Treadle Sewing Machine. Reverse stitch, round bobbin; almost new. Apply 102 Amwell St. 12-1-c FOR SALE--Fine large 8-room House with summer guest-cot- tage in rear, garage, beautiful- ly located on spacious grounds; Lake Shore Road. Main floor has two large living rooms with dining room with built-in sidc- fireplaces; large closed verandah; board; large ultra modern kit- chen with mechanical dishwasher, large pantry; comfortable den- like sewing-laundry room adjoins kitchen, has built-in Thor washer; washroom on main floor; second fioor has large bathroom, 3 bed- rooms, closed verandah. Good Coal stoker furnace for winter, built-in glass-heat units for spring -fall- summer heat. Bargain at $19,500. Phone 397, Haileybury. 13-1-* basement. FOR SALE--One Used Canadian Clipper Lawn Mower. Phone 3, Haileybury. 13-1-c WANIib--Man tor steady tra- vel among consumers in Tem- iskaming. Permanent connec- tion with large manufacturer Only reliable hustler consider- ed. Write Kawleigh's Dept. D- 444-151, Montreal. 4-l-c FORK SALE--Lake front lots; sand beach, summer cottages; Also to rent; Jumping Cari- bou Lake and Bass Lake. Cecil Belland, Box 396, Haileybury. 13-1-* FOR SALE--Three-1 piece 'Chest- erfield suite; good condition. Ap- ply Mrs. R. Fleury. Broadway St. Phone 466W 13-1-c HOUSE FOR SALE on Russell St. Fine large home, three bed- rooms; Dining- room, kitchen, living room; large basement, garage and nice garden lot. up-to-date Oil Furnace; Ho water heating Please cali Nixon, Begg & Hutchinson, Realtorsj, Phone 322, New Lis- keard. 13-2-c FOR SALE--One small desk or man's desk; one Studio couch. Phone 480. 13-1-c FOR SALE--Six room house (2) lots; available July 1st. Excel- lent condition. For particulars apply to A. E: Allard, Box 263; R.R. 1, Ottawa, Ont- 13- 1<c FOR SALE--Good Used Cloth- ing. New stock arrives 'every week; all clothes sterilized and clean; no objection to anyone visiting store to look around. sidewall; also fly net. Call at Bs Russell St- or Phone 32. 13-* ROOM AND BOARD. 337. 13-1-c HOUSE FOR SALE--4 rooms and bath. Call 540. Haileybury 12-tf-c FOR SALE--Seven room House Phone Excellent location; hot water heating system; Hardwood floors throughout. Reasonable terms. Phone 44. 10-ti-c FOR SALE--Walnut dining room table and six chairs, mahogany double be,d beauty rest mat- tress; small trunk; painted dresser, four drawers. Books. Se each. Phone 373. 12-tf-c HOUSE FOR SALE--3 rooms with bathroom: Cash $2,300.00. Available in August., Phone 395.. 12-2-* ATTRACTIVE House For Sale-- three bedrooms, large living room. glassed-in balcony and garage. Apply E. M. McCuaig, Realtor. Phone 135 12-tf-c TOURIST ACCOMMODATION in a home on Lake Shore Road. Fishing facilities close. Mod- erate daily and week-end rates. Telephone 371. 11-10-* FOR SALE--One . double ~ Bed, Maple, complete with Simmons mattress. Phone 340. 11-l-c ROOMS FOR RENT--Board op- tional. Phone 77, Mrs. J. Whe- lan, Blackwall St. 11-l-c TENT FOR SALE--7x9-2-foot Bungalow FOR SALE--$2,900.00 phone ring with news Apply to E. M. McCuaig. Real- tor, Phone 135. 12-ti-c FOR SALE--Johnson 25 h.p. Motor $300.00. Only run 40 hours, like new. Write P.O. Box 39, Haileybury. 9-2-c FOR SALE -- 14-ft. Sailboat, completely equipped $150.00. Phone 255 or 471. 9-1-c FOR SALE--10 h.p. Johnson Mo- tor; auxiliary tank. Fast cedar boat with step. Both used one season, Car top carrier includ- ed $475.00. Phone 255 or 471. Y-1-¢ HOUSE FOR SALE--Reasonable price. Seven rooms with bath- room; hot water heating sys- tem; large basement. Write tc Adrien Leclerc, CP 142, Dupar- quet, Abitibi, P.Q. 8-tf-* DIAMOND JUBILEE (Continued from Page 1) This is your Jubilee, your town and were trying hard to make it your paper, so let's hear the of your friends and old MHaileyburians who will be with us. The mining committee of A-D. Hellens, Mario de Bastiani and O. E. Walli met last week and are busy mapping out plans for their big day during the Jubilee. Plans call tor a window display, a tour of the Provincial Insti- tute of Mining and demonstra- tions of new types of mining equipment used in prospecting and ceveloping felds today. We've got some interesting history from away up on Latch- ford Street today. Who can beat forty-four years as a resi- dent there? Hector Villeneuve built his present home in 1922 and moved in in 1923 and prior to that he lived with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. N. Ville- neuve at the family home _be- tween Hardy and Latchford. Try Condensed Adve teat ake ate ce ae aie alte afin alle ofte alte afte afte site sitatfte.2iie..2fie site slte.aiie.2iesie STRA H \ rye Mice ° » cat q v 4, CLASSIC tied a CLAS SI WANTED TO RENT -- Large house in Haileybury or area with view to buying. Phone 132 11-tf-c FOR RENT--Two Apartments in Assaf Block. Adults only. Ap- ply M. Assaf, York Hotel, Lon- don, Ont. 11-tf-c BOAT FOR SALE---24-foot Ma- hogany Seabird; seats ten. Speed 27 miles; navy top. Com- pletely equipped; excellent con- dition; cradle sectional noat- house included. Consider trade FOR ALL Odd Jobs Phone Shel- Nearly New Shoppe, Broadway _ on anything useful. Phone 255 don O'Gorman -at 624. 13-1-c St. 13-1-c or 471, Haileybury. 10-1-c Re -sfte alta alee afin afb alin fn fin ot HAILEYBURY -- AFTER SUNDAY MIDNIGHT, MONDAY and TUESDAY JUNE 7, 8 A man unlike all others who mspired dread in the hearts of some-- but who endeared himself forever to one young boy! .. Adults 75c. . = wc COBALT -- WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY TWO SHOWING NIGHLY at 7:00 and 9:15 p.m. THERE NEVER WAS A MAN LIKE ALAN LADD: JEAN ARTHUR: VAN HEFLIN - GEORGE STEVENS' SHANE f co.stanniné BRANDON DE WILDE wim JACK PALANCE BEN JOHNSON EDGAR BUCHANAN JUNE 9th and 10th SCREENPLAY BY A B GUTHRIE, JR BASEO ON THE NOVEL BY JACK SCHAEFER 4 PARAMOUNT PICTURE Added Attractio Walt Dinsey's "Prowlers of the Everglades" Special Prices for This Engagement je Students 50c Children 25¢ ANO ADDITIONAL DIALOGUE BY JACK SHER ov GEORGE All Prices include Tax HAILEYBURY -- LAST TIM Added A (Color by Alan LADD COBALT -- FRIDAY and SATURDAY, 'A UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL PICTURE "Branded" Mona FREEMAN, Charles Bickford ES TODAY JUNE 4, 5 THE STRANGE ADVENTURES OF THE YANKEE WHO - RULED MOROCCO! et J. COBB + ware Ven DOREN MISS aise UNVERSE Beaties__ od ttraction Technicolor) COBALT--MONDAY and TU A THRILLER OF THE FIRST alate HAILEYBURY-- FRIDAY and SATURDAY, REAL AS FLES CANYON VIRGINIA hav De ROBERTSON i a i alin ali ll alla atl allt al JUNE 4, 5 JUNE 7th and 8th alia ESDAY, H = THRILLS! HOWARD HUGHES DEVILS JACK HAWKINS well comembared for hie performanee GEORGE COLE 2 JACK WARNER he » HAILEYBURY--WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, COBALT -- FRIDAY and SATURDAY, A SUPREME AD NTURE IN FURIOUS ACTION " THE HIGHLAND ROGUE sere RICHARD TODD + GLYNIS JOHNS Distributed by RKO Radio Pictures + Cop Wak Bane Proucns Added Attraction------_-- "The Square Ring" Veena A a ea ttt ay > = = e JUNE 9, 10 JUNE 11, 12 q@ His fight for tight blazeg o frail of ox. citement from the Highlands the heart of @ nation! ROBERT BEATTY