Page Four THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, APRIL _3rd,- 1947 | Notes of the North "FAST FROZEN CLUB" Cochrane's Arctic Bathing Club whose member have nonchalant ly been accepting newspaper pub- licity for years as the inescapable accompaniment of fame, has now the slick paper maga- zines. The April issue of "New World" devotes a page of pictures and text to what it describes as reached "this Northern Ontario fast- frozen organization' -- "one of Canada's most exclusive clubs. Shown leaving the Finnish steam bath, and sporting in the ice hole are a quartet of members.--Coch- rane Northland Post. 0: EXTREME MEASURES The case against Rene Groulx, man on Kent avenue, who called the police and then refused to let them leave until they took him to the jail with them, was dismissed by Magistrate Atkinson after hearing evidence that the police had just been called by Groulx to settle a dispute between himself and his wife. After a quarrel with his w ife in which she threatened to leave Groulx. Groulx said he refused to let her leave in the middle ot the night and did not have the money to pay for a hotel roo1 for himself, so he called the po lice and insulted them so they would lock him up for the night --Porcupine Advance. we, See INDUSTRIES EXPECTED Six new industries are almost ure to move into Kirkland La NEW AUTO CARRIERS rned for s auto mobile car de A new Canadian Pacific ig eedier handling of the new models rolling off assemby lines was inspected recently at Place Viger freight yards by W.-M. eal, the chairman and president of the C 'P.R., accompanied by W. F. Tully, (at right). Lars wide loading -acific rollir ona yading general superintendent of the Quebec district 'er than former cars of this type, with extra 620 of these cars are being added to Can- stock this year with 204 received up to day delivery schedule, In the car can be arrangement which places one car above the best possible use of space doors adian I yesterda seen the the other to ma 'ke in the near future, Reeve Ann Northern Ontario's history, many Milk and Water Reports Bi Shipley told the annual gathering pioneer Hesigen te: o1 Timmins Are Both Satisfactory of the Kirkland Lake Board ot claim that the "big Sear csehete : Trade last night, Improved rail- 0} 1917 still ranks first in spring Tests made late last month of road accommodations ae id fly NLOE TUS: Aryans both milk and water supplies on heightened the township's "indu 5 aelhe storm struck Timmins on the community were all satisfac- trial attractivenes she said. March 23 of that year. It was a tory, according to Chief K. R These expected industries for Tuesday nd not until the follow- Watson, who handed the reports the most part will h« distributing ing Saturday did the wind abate to The Haileyburian on Monday. houses for mine equipment. There enough to allow roads and-rail Reports on the two dairies are is a possibility that some man: facturing might be done "How ever," said the reeve, "the mz Lin thine is to get the distributing houses here first.' -- Kirkland Lake Northern News --o SHOWER FOR TEACHER Blanche Harrison, who hasn't told friends the date sh« ampbell M« as yet will wed Rev. ( Lean was entertained at the home of Mrs. Edgar Shaw recently. It was a miscellaneous shoy ver and received about 35 grand gifts from her friends sas wert presnt. Games were played < ind later lunch was eas by the hostess and her daug Mar garet and Gwenyth. Blanche, the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Harrison, Wellingto1 street, teaches at the Haileybury public school. Her fiancee is the ' astor of Uno Park United church circuit --Temiskaming Speaker Se ee INCIDENT OF Blanche hters, STORM The Rouyn snow plowing crew had more than the snow to con- tend with last Wednesday night as they made their tortuous rounds of the drift-blocked streets of the town. An incident occurred which though it had its humorous side later, could have ben fatal at the time. - At one time the bulldozer brought up sharply when a passer-by call- ed out to them to stop. . When the driver clambered down he found that he had neatly shovel- led a man up onto the snow drift with the blade of his machine. The man, unidentified, had appar- ently fainted in the roadway be- fore the bulldozer came alohg.-- Rouyn-Noranda Press. was ee SCHOOL PUZZLE Students of Harvey street pub- lie school in North Bay had an unexpected holiday, all because someone turned on various water taps during the night, flooding the furnaces and bringing the schoolroom temperatures down to outside levels. Meanwhile there is one puzzle the school students won't be ask- ed to figure out--it already has stumped school board authorities and police. The puzzle is, who entered the building and perform- ed the playful stunt, and above all, how did he, she or it manage to go through a locked door to get into the building and again to leave it?--North Bay Nugget. peers WORSE IN 1917 Although the blizzard which struck the Porcupine district this week was one of the worst in fo lines to be cleared. eiven below, the figures indicat- Perhz aps the most -vivid recol- ine the "B) Coli Couppgeescand- lection of the storm is that of W. ard Plate Count!' and "per cent H. "Scotty" Wilson, 18 Middleton butter fat" in that order: avenue. Temiskaming Dairy--Milk, 1 "As I remember, it was the 6000, 3.6; cream, 5, 50,000, 419.5. worst Spring storm we ever had" Ideal Dairy--Miik, 20, 144,000 he says. "The wind continued for 3.6; cream, 0; 2,000, 19:5. All more than four days nd that samples were marked "A? denot- makes it one of the longest we've ing proper pasteurization. ever had too."--Timmins Press The water samples, taken from EME NS oth the public and separate schools Thea campaien for funds and the convent. and one from the by the Children's Aid Society wil' Constance Lake supply; all were open on Monday, April 14th lak i sed "A". you with all of them Financial Statements Tickets. all kind Booklets Business Cards Pamphlets Personal Cards Brochures Folders Wedding Stationery Funeral Stationery Fine Stationery Announcements Statement Forms Shipping Tags Intricate Rule Forms Posters Factory Forms Sale Bills / Business Record Forma Window Cards | Bill Heads Auction Sale Bill. Blotters Manifold Forms laterleaf Forms Fair Printing Cheques Receipts Prize Lists Stock Certificates Envelopes, all kinds Color Printing LET US HELP YOU: WITH PRINTED FORMS Printed forms save time and simplify many otherwise tedious tasks. Call us, enquire. You know the Number Phone 24 a Taylor Warehouse three warehouses in Timmins and Servicing the mines and cthér at Timmins is (SR. tees and bathe pusienses In he Porcupine dit Fj We Anil eta Bie ea senor viet were the numerous depart- Destroyed bv IV@ afice andeavatehotse space and ments, including the electrital drawn from the other branchesin automotive, industrial hardware Gii Bexrels and Paint the north" - mine chemicals, instruments anid Cans Add to Spectacle; Last year the firm had spent assay supplies departments. Crigin Noi Determined $00,000F in "moderitizine the Ins! phe records were am the vault The main warehouse of ~ the building. break in the service.» We have It had been all finished and were not destroyed. in flexboard with chronium trim. ~ 'ceorge Taylor Hardware in Tim-- = uins was destroyed early Tues- day morning in one of the most spectacular fires in the history of ithe mining town. Spectators watched oil barrels and_ paint cans hurling 100 feet in the ati Irom the estimated $600,000.06 blaze. 'The asbestos covered building was the largest and most modern warehouse in Timmins, and at the time of the fire held more than $450,000 worth of stbck. It was fully covered by insurance. First word of the fire to reach head office in New Lskeard was received by J. M. Beemans at 2 o'clock Tuesday morning. Jack Fulton, the Timmins branch man- ager, phoned Mr. Beemans at his home to tell him that the fire had Attention Ladies! There i is now a SINGER SEWING SEWING CENTRE near you to meet all your sewing needs SEWING CLASSES io start in a few days. Enroll Now! Electrié Singer Sewing Machines for all Makes of Sewing Machines. rent. Expert Repairs to Estimates FREE! Place Order Now SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 34 LANG ST., COBALT Phone 385 New Machines arriving scon. been discovered and at the time was out of control. It was still = smoldering at noon that day. "We have no idea where the fire originated and probably never will know,"' Mr. Beemans said in aninterview with The Haileybur- ian. "Mr. Fulton first noticed a volume of smoke coming from the part of the building where roofing and tar paper was stored. It quickly spread to the nearby oils and paints. The firemen could not -get near to fight the blaze because of the smoke and fumes. Mr. Fulton called me back about 6 o'clock to tell me that it was a total loss." Replacement cost is estimated between $500,000 and $600,001 but the real loss would be in the irreplacable stocks destroyed in the fire. "Our firm has always prided it- self on its supply of anything in hardware," Mr. Beemans and that loss of scarce materials is the hardest blow. It will mean said ¢ "FARE AND ONE-THIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP GO: Any time THURSDAY, ek 3,up . until 2 P.M, MONDAY, April 7. RETURN: Leave destination up to 12 midnight Tuesday, April 8. 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