Page Two THE HAILEYBURIAN THURS., DECEMBER 16, 1943 Tur HAILEYBURIAN, LEISHMAN &% SUTHERLAND PUBLISHERS Issued Every Thursday From The Haileyburian Office Broadway Street, Haileybury SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In Canada--$2.00 per year in advance; In U.S.--$2.50 per year in advance Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assn ye i # Noted in Passing % : : The winter started in earnets on Fgiday last, with a big snow and wind} storm and rapidly fallng temperatures The wind continued throughout Satur- day and Sunday and later the calm weather brought a particularly hard frost for December, with the mercury touching 36 below on Tuesday morn- ihg at the government bureau and thermometers in different parts of the community registering as low as 40 below. provement, but it remained well below the zero mark throughout the day. KKEKE In spite. of the extreme cold, there wére few traffic accidents. nothing re- quiring police atention it was stated at provincial headquarters. Some motor- ists got into minor difficulties and it wds not uncommon to see the old crinks being put into use when engines refused to start by the usual means. The hills are somewhat slippery, but ont the whole conditions are not bad, and it was evident that care was being exercised by all drivers. END And a word of advice to the tardy Better not delay Many store keepers are working shorthanded, Christmas shoppers: tdo long in these troublous times many lines of merchandise are scarce arid there are many other reasons why! the shopping should not be put off un- til the last minute we can all be assured of the best pos- By spreading it out sitile service with the least possible arhount of hardship on the part of both Buyer and seller. There are only seven miore days, but even in that period we can exercise judgment to the general Ontario Hospital Monument « To Democratic Way of Life * 24 Hours a Day For 68 Years |°ver 60,427 visits were recorded. a SECOND £0 NONE The eerie shriek of the siren sank ee Becate the opereuin': coats of the Z anc Ospital are amion, e lowest in Soa oy zican, a) te puibulance North America foriinsttfaio of a braked to a quick stop beside the similar type, and because of the high crowd collected around the crumpled | quality of the services and medical heap by the roadside. Tender hands| assistance provided, the Hospital for li onto the stretcher what had|Sick Children is recognized in the been a happy care-free youngster hospital world as outstanding in but a few short minutes before The|€fficiency. There are over eighty doors closed and the car glided|Physicians and surgeons on the staff, swiftly away with its burden of paim,|all of them leading specialists in bound for the Hospital for Sick Chil-| Child ailments. These men give their dren--that splendid institution which | Services free to the public ward for 68 years has waged unceasing | Patients. Yesterday there was an im-| war ag, ease death READY FOR ANY EMERGENCY | The Hospital stands ready at all times to meet any emergency. Acci- dent cases are not the only ones | which must have prompt attention | Children with deformed backs and | limbs, defective eyesight, rare dis- eases and physical disabilities must | have prompt help too, Neglect may mean permanent disfigurement. de- formity or chronic disease. While fourteen days is the average each public ward patient is treated a large number are inmates for weeks. some for months and a few receive treatment over a period of years Many are problem cases. sent there because of the world-wide reputa- tion earned by the doctors who don- ate their time and talents without stint in the service of suffering little ones, CAUSE FOR PRIDE Though the Hospital for Sick Chil- dren is situated in the City of To- ronto, it belongs essentially to all the people of Ontario because it wel- comes children from every part of the Province who are in need of medical aid or hospital care. No exceptions are ever made There are no barriers of race or creed, Children of parents from every walk of life find sanctuary Those who can pay, do so gladly Those who cannot are never turned away. The people of Ontario may well fee! proud of this institution-- this living monument to our demo- cratic way of life ) | Some ic of the immense value | and wid ype of the Hospital's Wo be formed from the fact | th ast year alone, over | 9, d cr led children were give reat its public wards, | while in the Out-patient department st accident, sickness, dis- | NOT SELF SUPPORTING { The Hospital is not self supporting and the reason for this is not hard to |find. Less than 5% of the patients | are able to pay the full cost of their |care. The other 95% are the public ward cases who occupy 414 of the 432 beds in the Hospital at all times The cost of providing hospita! care for each public ward patient is about $1.50 per day more than the combin- ed income from the patient (or the patient's municipality) plus the government grant. As a result of this, each year the Hospital faces a deficit amounting to many thou- sands of dollars. This year this de- ficit is greater than ever before. mainly due to conditions created by the war. SYMPATHETIC PUBLIC LENDS A HAND | Were it not for the generosity of sympathetic and understanding peo- ple, business organizations, societies. clubs, ete., the scope and work of the Hospital could not be maintained on its present scale. Each year about this time a province-wide appeal is made for financial help to meet the annual deficit. 5 This year over $125,000 must be raised. Because of the fact that patients are admitted from every part of the province. the Hospital does not share in Toronto's United Welfare Fund. Therefore, it makes its own appeal. It does so. confident in the knowledge that a generous and understanding people will come to the aid of little children who de- pend on them for a chance for health--a chance to take their place [ia the years to come as members of a prosperous and industrious society. No canvassers are employed by the Hospital. so send vour sift direct to the Appeal Secreizry. The Hospital for Sick Children, 67 College Street, Toronto 2. 1944. The second phase of the present sale for taxes is scheduled for Decem- 27 advantage of the community. | ber 27 next when, if last year's experi- ONLY TWO PARCELS DISPOSED OF AT COLEMAN TAX SALE | (Continued from Page 1) sale docket prepared a year ago. This money, it was stated, represented taxes paid to keep in good standing sevefal | 'emall lots that had been put dp Yor safe plus funds fo rthe redemption of some ground that had been sold at the 1942 tax sale and now was being re- déemed. By a €oincidence, the date of this week's sale was only the final day for redeeming -properties sold last December. The two claims picked up by pur- chase on Monday were four acres of land in the Mud Lake area, west of the town, and 19 8-10 acres in the bed of Giroux Lake. in the eastern part of the township. In the case of the form- er, Robert Piche of Kirkland Lake bought the fraction, paying the taxes, interest and costs of $16.14, while he also assumes responsibility for the as- surance fee due to the Ontario govern- mént. The second deal was made with W. L. Forrest, whose address is given as Goderich, and who secured the claim under the lake on payment of outstand- ing obligationss to the municipality of $80.15. This water lot had been listed in the name of Mrs. T. A. Thornton of Chi- cayzo, and the Mud Lake four acres was stated to be owned by the Samuel ourke estate. There were two other properties listed as the property of Mrs. O'Rourke, who lives at Bos- ton Creek, and who, as Mrs. Crawford, was formerly a resident of West Co- balt. Both owners have the usual year and 2 day in which to redeem their respec- tive lands, in this case December 14, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In, the Matter of a Bulk Sale of certain 'fixtures, equipment and stock-in- trade, etc, of a retail store located on Roche Street at Matachewan, Ont. } TAKE .NOTICE that Thomas Con- tielly, executor to the estate of Donald Connelly, who died on or about the aise day of October, 1943, has made a gale of the business carried on by the Hate Donald Connelly at Matachewan, Ontario, and the undersigned has been 'appointed trustee under the Bulk Sales Act All persons claiming to rank as cre- ditors of the business of the said late Donald Connelly are required hereby to file their claims with the undersign- ted, duly certified by a statutory dec- aration. on or before the 3ist day of December, 1943. after which date the purchase price of the said business will be distributed amongst the creditors of the said Donald Connelly estate of whose claims, if any, the undersigned shail have received notice. DATED at Haileybury this 26th day of November, A.D. 1943. JOSEPH A. LEGRIS, 28 Georgina Avenue, Haileybury, Ontario, Trustee. 39-L-c jence is any guide, there may be a num- ber of bids received for claims scat- tered up and down the township li19 individual parcels up for taxes, and its pages include a number of proper- jties that formerly bore well-known |names in the camp's busier days. Some of them were in last year's list also, but | brought no bidders then, council in- cluding them in the current catalogue in an effort to clean up this business. \ notice posted on the wali of the chamber where the sale was held stated that all arrears, including interest; due subsequent to December 31, 1942, on | properties purchased when the redem- tion period expires, unless the ground has been redeemed by or for the own- er, during the redemption period. Fishing in the Great Lakes may be brought under government control to restore the depleted fisheries, if the recent recommendations of a joint American-Canadian commission are en- jacted into legislation by the two coun- tries. Adolph--Down to Witchcraft Worried Hitler, according to reports, spends hours with sorcerers, seeking to counteract the "mass spell" invoked by dabbles in witchcraft. An authority on Voodoo tells--in The American Week- ly with this Sunday's (Dec. 19) issue of |torist to travel over the The Detroit Sunday Times--why he thinks occult "Psychic Blitz" may be driving Adolph to a series of ruinous mistakes, NOTICE TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES TOWNSHIP OF COLEMAN District of Temiskaming To Wit: By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Coleman bearing date the tenth day of August, 1943, an Adjourned Sale of Lands in arrears for Taxes in the Township of Coleman will be held at the Council Chambers of the Corporation of the Township of Coleman at the hour of 19 o'clock in the forenoon, continuing until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. on the 27th day of December, 1943, offer- ing, unless the Taxes and. Costs are sooner paid. all those parcels of land remaining unsold after the closing of the Tax Sale of the' Corporation of the Township of Coleman held Decem- ber 13th, 1943. At this Adjourned Sale the Munici- pality reserves the right to bid the amount shown in purchase of all or any of the Parcels. Copies of the list of Lands to be sold may be had at my office Dated at Treasurer's Office, Cobalt Ontario, this 15th day of December, 1943. L. M .STARK, Treasurer, Altogether, the current list contains | Haileybury History | items from the Files of The Haileyburian of 15, 10 and 5 Years Ago Peta Twenty Years Ago ; Navigation on Lake Temiskaming was still open when The Haileyburian Was published on December 13th 1923, with the steamers Meteor and Temis- kaming making their final trips of a busy season. Both were to be laid up for the winter on December 15th. The local fire brigade had celebrated the opening of the hall with a card party; the G.W.V.A., meeting in one of the old street cars, had decided on the erection of a new club room; T. & N. O. engineers had made a preliminary report on the route of the branch from Cobalt to South Lorrain, and the first service had been held in the basement of what was to be the new United Church. ---- Fifteen Years Ago Local curlers had prepared schedules for the opening events 15 years ago this week, although the ice was not yet ready for play; Jos. A. Laurin, acting as court interpreter, was complimented on his efficiency by Mr. Justice Jeffrey at the fall assizes; the lake had frozen on December 8th; Wm. MacArthur had the distinction to be the last mo- Ferguson Highway before it was snowed up for the winter, and S. J. Mason wrote to the town council asking that daylight THE HAILEYBURIAN Broadway Street Phone 24 39-1-c Township of Coleman HAILEYBURY week by mines at Cobalt. Saving be considered for the ensuing| year. -- nt Ten Years Ago | Be t Ashley and Jack Nicholls were rportéd missing on a plane flight from Toronto to Fort Erie, in The Hailey- burian 10 years ago this week. The| town's fire loss for the year was just $17.50 as reported by Fire Chief Brad- ley; there were still hard times in the district from the depression and resi- dents were being asked to contribute to the Christmas Cheer fund; striking woodsmen in the Rouyn district were being transported by plane to Ville Marie jail, in relays as there were 76 of them; senior and junior hockey schedules were published that week and the rink was to be open the day after the paper was pritned; three cars of ore had been shipped during the t yo Five Years Ago Hogkey notes featured The Hailey- burian five years ago this week. with schedules for both junior and Inter- mediate teams billed to start immedi- ately after Christmas. Two tragic deaths were reported from Cobalt, a small girl being killed by a motor car and a man drowned in Clear Lake; local stores were planning for a "Box- ing Day' holiday; the fire brigade had donated $50 to the Christmas fund for the children at the Shelter, and there had been a "picture racket" in the dist- rict which was being investigated by Magistrate Atkinson in police court., THEATRE New Liskeard EMPIR FRIDAY - SATURDAY DECEMBER 17th and 18th WALT DISNEY FEATURE CARTOON SALUDOS AMIGOS Appointment in Berlin with GEORGE SAUNDERS, MARGUERITE CHAPMAN TUESDAY NIGHT ONLY DECEMBER 21st Immortal Sergeant HENRY FONDA MAUREEN O'HARA WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY DECEMBER 22nd and 23rd Flying Down to Rio with FRED ASTAIRE Hunchback of Notre Dame with CHARLES LAUGHTON, MAUREEN O'HARA INFANT WELFARE CONFERENCE In the Northwestern Classroom of the Public School. THURSDAYS. 2 to 4 p.m. This Conference is for Infants and pre-schoc] Children | Local Business and | | Professional Cards f 1S --------s Ss! C. Reediuer jer BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Bank of Nova Scono Buildiny HAILEYBURY, ONT. PHONE 36: * 4 Dr. W. R. Somerville DENTIST Bank of Nova Scotia Building Main % Ferguson Hatleybury | |] SSS --S==--SSS0----SSSSS ES] SSS Ss |\CANAPAR Cookery Parchment | Preserves all Vitamins and Mineral Salts | SAVES - Food Values, Fuel, Space, Dish i f washing. i KEEPS - Flavors in Food, Odors out of the 0 | House. | Use the same sheet again and again. 25c per Package The HAILEYBURIAN SSS =] = LSS SS SSS Sq Help stamp out tuberculosis-- BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS AY in, day out, your elec- trical appliances -- food-savers, labour-savers, time-savers -- are more valuable to you now than ever before! They work most efficiently, and at minimum cost, if kept in good condition. Give them the attention they deserve at the first sign of wear or trouble. Minor repairs can be quickly and easily made at home. Do not neglect repairs until the appliance is out of commission. For more serious trouble, call your repair man immediately. Give them the care they need and they will keep you singing through the days -- "Sunday, Monday and Every day". NORTHERN ONTARIO POWER COMPANY LIMITED